Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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Survey on Different Image Fusion Techniques[Full-Text ] Hari Om Shankar Mishra, Smriti BhatnagarThe term fusion means in general an approach to extraction of information acquired in several domains. The objective of Image fusion is to combine information from multiple images of the same scene in to a single image retaining the important and required features from each of the original image. The main task of image fusion is integrating complementry information from multiple images in to single image. The resultant fused image will be more informative and complete than any of the input image and is more suitable for human visual and machine perception. Certain algorithms can perform image fusion process. Image fusion techniques can improve the quality and increase the application of this image. The purpose of this paper to present an overview on different techniques of image fusion, such as primitive based fusion (averaging method, select maximum, select minimum), discrete wavelet transform based fusion, principal component analysis based fusion etc [1].
Some Aspects of Chess Game Relating to Knot Theory[Full-Text ] S. I. Nada & A. I. ElrokhIn this paper we present an analysis for the movement of chess pieces and explain how it relates to the theory of knots. We show that for each piece in the chess except pawns, one can form a sequence of steps to construct a specific knot.
L4-DMF: An Enhanced Self Adaptive Congestion Control Mechanism in Layer-4, a Simulation Validation[Full-Text ] Azubuogu A.C.O, Ochi Josiah .C, Ugwoke F.N, Okafor K.C, Udeze C.C.As part of an ongoing research, this work presents an enhanced self adaptive congestion control mechanism in layer-4, called Dynamic Modulation Feedback (DMF) which can fit into the network condition dynamically according to the parameters given by upper layer and the network layers These layers comprise of buffer windows, data rates, Average Queuing Length (AVQL), channel conditions or Packet Error Rate-PER. In this work, an optimization model for throughput maximization in Flow Aware-Wireless Local Area Network (FA-WLAN) was developed. A simulation was carried out with OPNET IT Guru to compare the congestion control mechanism of TCP- Tahoe, Reno, New Reno, Vegas and Sack (TCP-TRONVS) with a proposed layer-4 TCP-DMF. Performance metrics such as Latency, Throughput, Buffer Utilization, and Packet Loss Ratio, was used in the analysis while the measurement results from OPNET Modeler 9.1 was analysed. Consequently, this work showed that with the proposed layer-4 DMF congestion control mechanism, FA-WLANs will scale gracefully in this new era of High Performance Computing (HPC).
Synthesis Algorithm for Layer 4 Dynamic Modulation Feedback (L4-DMF) Protocol in FA-WLAN[Full-Text ] Okezie C.C, Ugwoke F. N, Okafor K.C, Udeze C.C, Ochi Josiah .C.This paper presents a TCP heuristic algorithm referred to as Layer 4 Dynamic Modulation Feedback (L4-DMF) for congestion control in Flow Aware Wireless Local Area Network (FA-WLAN). The algorithm enhances self adaptive congestion control through utilization of fuzzy logic controller for dynamic modulation feedback in Layer-4. TCP layer-4 dynamic modulation feedback uses fuzzy logic ability to adapt to the dynamic conditions over the classical inflexible thresholds in access point (AP) buffer state under realistic load condition. With Mamdani fuzzy inference structure for the system algorithm developed, the fuzzy plots were generated for L4-DMF. In this context, this paper developed a new Fuzzy-Logic Adaptive Queuing Controller (FLAQC) with implicit modulation feedback at the base station in order to tune the average queue length and the wireless packet error. The proposed algorithm seeks to maintain small buffer size space over a time-varying channel which may exhibit significant degradation in the network bandwidth estimation. By using this algorithm, a heuristic TCP performance can be evaluated over a time-varying channel under different conditions of user’s mobility.
Relationship of Attenuations at Ka and Ku Bands with Sea Surface Temperature of Pacific Ocean[Full-Text ] Himadri Chakrabarty, Dyuti Chatterjee and Anustup ChakrabortyRadiowave propagation can be attenuated by different atmospheric parameters like raindrops, suspended particles, aerosols and variation of temperatures in the atmosphere. Absorption and scattering through the propagating medium is highly influenced by the condition of the atmosphere. Sea Surface Temperature plays a vital role in the absorption of moisture in the several layers of the upper atmosphere from the surface level. Oceans are the major sources from where the atmosphere gets the moisture content. Thus aerosol particles content increases in the atmosphere and formation of rain drops occurs. The equivalent path length of the radiowave signal at higher frequencies gets affected by the raindrop sizes and suspended particles existing in the atmosphere. The wireless communication at present depends mostly on the higher frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ka and Ku bands belong to this higher frequency range. Our aim in the present paper is to study whether the attenuation of the radiowave at Ka and Ku bands has any relation with the monthly mean sea surface temperature of the Nino regions of Pacific Ocean.
Evaluation of Some Thiosemicarbazones as Potential Antileishmanial Agents[Full-Text ] Hassan M. F. Madkour, Ali Irshad, Y. Farina, Yasser M. S. A. Al-Kahraman, and Nizam BalochA series of thiosemicarbazones 1-6 derived from 2-benzoylthiophene, 2-furaldehyde, thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde, 4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde were prepared by condensation of ketones and / or aldehydes with thiosemicarbazide. The antileishmanial activities of these compounds were reported first time in vitro against the leishmania major. The results revealed that the thiosemicarbazones 3 has shown significant antileishmanial activity range (0.58 ±0.05 µg / mL) , towards leishmania major promastigotes.
Experimental study of performance of a single cyl-inder diesel Engine operated with diesel fuel blended with biodiesel of mustard oil[Full-Text ] Babul Saikia, D.K. MahantaIn this work, bio-diesel from mustard oil has been produced and tested in a compression ignition engine by blending with diesel. The objective of the work is to determine the performance parameters of the bio-fuel. The different properties like density, viscosity, heating value of the blending B10, B20, B30, B40 and B50 are determined. A single cylinder four stroke CI engine is tested with the all the blending fuels. The different parameters like brake horse power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiencies for the fuels are determined. It is found that bsfc for biodiesel increases for higher blending of biodiesel, because of the lower heating value of biodiesel as compared to diesel fuel. For using higher blending of biodiesel, the fuel must be preheated in order to reduce the density and viscosity of the fuel. Compared to diesel fuel, a little amount of power loss occurs for biodiesel blends.
Effects of Competition from the Invasive Cordgrass Spartina densiflora on Native Atriplex portulacoides[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Abbas, Enrique Figueroa, Alfonso de Cires, Alfredo E. Rubio-Casal, Jesús M. CastilloInvasion by the South American cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. in European salt marshes is causing concern about potential impacts to native plant communities., S. densiflora colonization of mid-marsh habitats may be slowed by native Atriplex portulacoides L., but the mechanism behind this negative interaction is not known. The aim of this work was to study the establishment and growth response of S. densiflora seedlings growing in a competitive environment with mature A. portulacoides plants in controlled greenhouse conditions. With this aim we measured establishment, growth, foliar nutrients, and photosynthetic pigments of S. densiflora plants grown with and without A. portulacoides. Results showed that S. densiflora seedlings readily established in mature stands of A. portulacoides. Every Spartina clump growing with Atriplex survived, producing fewer tillers with similar heights than when growing without competition, which was reflected on lower above-ground biomass. These results indicated that S. densiflora was affected at the above-ground level by the interspecific competition with Atriplex, but the invasive cordgrass was able to keep similar below-ground biomass with and without competition, resulting in a decrease of below-ground biomass of Atriplex when competing with Spartina. Our results in greenhouse controlled conditions were in agreement with our field observations where S. densiflora plants have been observed growing within A. portulacoides monospecific communities.
Synergistic effects of 2,4-D and Cytokinins on callus culture establishment in rare medicinal plant- Gymnema sylvestre[Full-Text ] Sunita Khatak, Sonia Baches, Nitin Chauhan and Amandeep KaurGymnema sylvestre R.Br. belongs to Ascelpediaceae family and is a potent antidiabetic and diuretic medicinal plant. The vulnerability of species emphasizes the need to micropropagate pathogen free plants in a shorter time in small space. Field grown Gymnema axilary nodes, leaf and hypocotyls explants were aseptically cultured on MS basal medium fortified with different concentrations of 2,4-D alone or in combination with cytokinins (BAP, Kinetin) and auxins (NAA) along with sucrose and maltose as altered sugar source. 2,4-D proved outstanding in providing a stimulus to generate callus with different color and texture from leaf and hypocotyls on different media tested. However, 2,4-D alone generated green friable callus in almost 40 days which get shortened to 28 days when used in combination with kinetin. Further inclusion of BAP as cytokinin, the days to callus induction decreased to 20 days. The induced callus when subcultured on MS basal medium fortified with 2,4-D (1.0 mg/L, 3.0 mg/L and 5.0 mg/L) alone with maltose as altered sugar source resulted in friable fluorescent green color callus only in 5-10 days. BAP at variable concentration (0.25 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L and 2.5 mg/L) along with 2.5 mg/L NAA and 2,4-D at 0.5 mg/L at a constant concentration with dextrose as a sugar source resulted in lustrous green callus with embryogenic characteristics which turned brownish and harder with the passage of time. Being a plant of rare origin callus induction in shorter period of time is a prerequisite for mass propagation and our study establish this first step for Gymnema which is declared as vulnerable plant in red data book.
Integration of reliability in the design process, a case study of a submersible pump[Full-Text ] Alami Ayoub. Naciri oumaima. Herrou Brahim. El Hammoumi MohammedThe current context of increased competition in the industrial world has led it to change its view of the performance for now move towards a global vision of the entire life cycle of systems. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to cause changes in the methods of design maintenance to streamline its overall cost over the life of the system. This paper proposes an approach and tools that allow the designer to understand the mechanisms of failure components of the product in order to reduce their impact on the conduct of the latter, and finally to assess the probability of failure or operation. To demonstrate the value of our study, we conducted a case study on a submerged for the sake of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Moroccan.
The Impact of Liquidity on Islamic Bank’s Profitability[Full-Text ] Faiza MaqboolIslamic Banking is a key area in economies of all Muslim countries, where customers are willing to invest their money in banks which are in accordance to Shariah and Islamic laws. In Pakistan it is also a growing field and now customers are more aware of investments and products that are prohibited in Islam and demand those products and processes that are Halal. In Pakistan number of Islamic banking institutions has reached to 19, among which 5 are full-fledged Islamic private commercial banks and the rest are conventional banks with Islamic banking branches. These institutions are following all the requirements that are necessary to pursue a Halal transaction. This study is an attempt to find the profitability and liquidity relationship of full-fledged Islamic banks operating in Pakistan. Key variables used to identify the direction and strength of the relationship among profitability and liquidity are Return on Asset (ROA), cash to total assests, investment to total assets and net advances to total assets. This study has analyzed the panel data through simple regression analysis. Results show that liquidity has inverse relationship with Islamic banks profitability.
Novel Flowchart for Design of Concrete Rectangular Beams[Full-Text ] Abdul Kareem M.B. Al-ShammaFor flexural design of R/C rectangular section beams, there is a number of steps procedure and equations provided by ultimate strength design method according to ACI-code. The large number of equations and fork of solution steps causes a lot of confusion and boredom for student or designer. Checked the most common and authoritative textbooks that dealt with design of concrete structures according to (ACI-08). From long experience in teaching reinforced concrete material, show that the novel flowchart has more effect to give beginner engineering students speed to achieve design steps by less time and effort. This study focuses on flexural of straight beams due to the loads applied vertically, with single and double reinforcement, using SI units. Finally, I reached a simplified flowchart to track flexural design steps easily and conveniently.
A Survey on 64 Bit Floating Point Multiplier Based on Vedical Multiplication Techniques[Full-Text ] Pranal D. Kale, Prof.M. N. Thakre, Prof. Mrs. R. N. MandavganeFloating point number’s multiplication is the most important process in the area of graph theory, multidimentional graphics, and digital signal processing, high performance computing etc. However, computers use binary numbers and it would like more precision however, it was found that binary numbers should be precise enough for most scientific and engineering calculations. So it was decided to double the amount of memory allocated. The Binary Floating point numbers are represented in Single and Double formats. The Single consist of 32 bits and the Double consist of 64 bits. The formats are composed of 3 fields; Sign, Exponent and Mantissa. The performance of Mantissa calculation Unit dominates overall performance of the Floating Point Multiplier. Many researchers have investigated the design of multiplier with different approaches. In this paper, we present the overview of work done by various researchers in their literature towards the design of Floating Point Multiplier. The creation of floting point units under a collection of area, latency and throughput constraint is an importantant consideration for system designers.
Measuring Connectivity Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networds using Graph Theory Applications: A Fast Alogorithm[Full-Text ] Farbod Taymouri, Dr.Mohammad Reza KangavariWireless sensor networds today has been attracted many diverse areas in both academic and business domains because of their facility and applicability, low deployment cost and other factors.
Geospatial Response with Remote Sensing, GIS, OpenStreetMap and Ushahidi:The Haiti earthquake of 12th January, 2010[Full-Text ] Unabor, HGeospatial response technologies which incorporates fields of Remote sensing, GIS, Crowdsourcing and Crisis mapping have withnessed improvements in recent years due to their real-time interactive commitments in acquiring, processing, analysing, and disseminating spatially referenced information towards response phase of natural disasters. This post disaster research in its full course evaluate geospatial response with Remote Sensing, GIS, OpenStreetMap and Ushahidi to the unprecedented January 12th, 2010 Haiti Earthquake. Critical appraisals provided here involves evaluation from case studies, air and space borne deployments, pre and post disaster imagery analysis for damage detection, damage priortization, analysis of post disaster road network conditions, geospatial criteria for base camp establishment for internally displaced persons and finally OpenStreetMap's crowdsourcing and Ushahidi Crisis Mapping initiatives. As effectively evaluated through presenting major roles including geovisualizations and photo fecilitations, a true picture of result emerge. Techniques adopted from case studies employed here unifies itself to fill needed knowledge gap. In conclusion, main ideas justified prooves beyond doubt, that a cutting-edge in seismic disaster response provided by geospatial responders and their techniques employed have been reached due to abilities to make important verdicts central to geospatial science.
Growth Mechanism, Crystalline State and Photoelectrochemical Properties of ZnO Nanostructure for DSSC Application[Full-Text ] Moe Moe Aye , Than Than Win, Yin Maung Maung & Ko Ko Kyaw SoeZnO nanostructure film was fabricated by wet chemical deposition method in this research.. The effects of Zn2+ concentration on structural and morphology of ZnO films were firstly investigated in detail by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). After that ZnO nanorod films were studied to assess their suitability as photoelectrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Eucalyptus bark extract solution was used as natural dye sensitizer. The maximum photoelectric conversion efficiency 0.308% of DSSC was found to be 0.04M Zn2+ concentration. By investigation on growth characteristics of ZnO with different molarities, these kinds of structure were useful in solar cell application.
Improvements of Cloud Computing: Scenario of MDCs and LDCs[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ataur Rahman, Mohammad Masudur RahmanCloud computing is a captivating concept that has gained much importance in many countries over the past few years. Now most of the developed countries are trying to take the full advantage of cloud computing. On the other hand, underdeveloped countries are not gaining that much advantage like the developed countries. Salesforce, Amazon, Google and Microsoft are delivering various services of cloud to the users. These main cloud service providers have millions of customers and subscribers around the world where the number of customers and subscribers is increasing day by day. More developed countries (MDCs) are quickly adopting the benefits of cloud computing because of their improved infrastructure. The uses of cloud computing have affected the economy as well as the advancement of technology in MDCs positively. This paper is prepared to know the present condition of cloud computing in MDCs and LDCs with reasons behind their positions.
Economic Handheld Electronic Traffic Challan System[Full-Text ] Dinesh Nagar, Amit SharmaThese The Economic handheld Electronic Challan System is most suitable for traffic police to make Challan and store the rec-ords on EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). In this paper we have developed a system in which the details related to Challan is entered by keyboard , displayed on LCD and the thermal printer will print the Challan .This details will be stored in the memory and displayed on LCD(Liquid crystal display) . This system is based on P89V51RD2 microcontroller. Embedded C language is used for development of the system software. The real time date and time is taken by using RTC (Real Time Clock) and data is stored in EEPROM .I2C protocol used for communication between RTC and P89v51rd2. ORCAD schematic software is used for designing the circuit and PCB for this system.
USING MINIMAL PATH ALGORITHM FOR MEASUREMENT OF NETWORK RELIABILITY[Full-Text ] Kunjali Bhardwaj,Dr.Neerja jindalThe mathematical theory of reliability has grown out of the demand of modern technology and particularly out of the experience with complex military equipment and systems. The early Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA) network, the forerunner of today’s Internet and World Wide Web, motivated this. Although, the problem of computing the probability that distinguished nodes in a network would remain connected is an NP-hard problem, the area has continued to catch the attention of researchers all over the globe to explore and develop efficient algorithms. The main objective is to enhance the ability of such complex network systems. For this research, reliability is an important consideration. Ideally, we design the network models and algorithms and take as input and produce as output of network design model. Minimal Paths and Minimal Cuts are the most popular connectivity methods and many researchers address many network design problems. This work proposes an algorithm to generate all the minimal paths of the general flow network, which is a novel approach and it is based on the principle of backtracking; we can further evaluate the network reliability using any existing SDP based approach.
A Review on Inspection of welding defects using Segmentation Techniques[Full-Text ] A.Nirmala , V.SrideviThe inspection of welds plays a crucial role in world wide industrialized markets. It is needed for assuring safety and consistency in several industrial sectors. The special types of vision inspection systems are used to defeat the crisis such as inaccuracy in images, non-uniformed illumination, noise and deficient contrast, confusion of defects in same spot at surface. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a technique used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material without causing harm. This review addresses the comparative study of snake model with GVF and level set method of the segmentation techniques used in inspection of welding defects.
Train Ticketing and Business-Detail Sharing Using Near Field Communication[Full-Text ] Priyal Raut, Vanthana Sachdev, Chirag Shah, Raj VishariaWith increasing popularity of smart-phones, economically available technology and use of cell-phones for day-to-day activities like using them as a simple alarm clock to controlling appliances at home with implementing the GSM technology, smart-phones are an integral part of almost every human beings life. Moving towards the future, we intend to use the existing devices in a more effective way like the purchase and verification of train tickets, paying our canteen and sharing our business cards just by bringing the phone in close proximity with the tag. All these tasks can be implemented using the NFC technology which gives a whole new perspective on wireless communication. NFC (Near Field Communication) is a technology that uses RFID (radio frequency identification) which is a wireless non-contact use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data to identify and track tags attached to objects. Communication is initiated by tapping the device or bringing two similar devices in close proximity with each other. In this paper, we highlight the working and two applications of NFC in day-to-day life, that is its use for Train Ticketing and for sharing of Business Cards.
SURFACE ORIENTATIONS AND ENERGY POLICY FOR SOLAR MODULE APPLICATIONS IN DHAKA, BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Debazit Datta, Saadia Binte Alam, Utpal Kanti Das, Arijit SenIncident solar irradiation of photovoltaic collector is affected by tilt and azimuth angles. This study introduces a new mathematical model for calculating the optimum tilt and azimuth angles for Solar Collector Applications in Bangladesh using the second derivative test to find the maxima of a single variable on yearly, seasonal and monthly bases. The result shows optimum tilt angles for solar applications. This study finds that optimum tilt angle is 30 degree in Dhaka, greater than the local latitude of f=23.7 degree for grid connected PV system to obtain maximum yearly energy generation where energy increment rate is 8.72% than horizontal radiation and 0.21% than latitude oriented radiation. Seasonal optimum tilt is found as 47 degree for months October-February and 10 degree for months March-September, energy produced is 4.36% more than that of annual optimum tilt. Also monthly optimum tilt energy is 5.04% more than annual fixed tilt.
Review of Mobile Cloud Computing Framework and Authentication Problems[Full-Text ] Ms. Sangita Rase, Prof. Srinu DharavathNow days there are many innovations coming every day in the mobile applications in order to serve end users in best possible ways as well as use of cloud computing is an also increase with mobile applications which is called as mobile cloud computing. The mobile cloud computing is uses the services of cloud into environment of mobile applications for overcoming the many issues such as bandwidth, battery life, most importantly storage, security etc. For the mobile security cloud, computing is well-suited approach. The use of cloud computing overcomes all the existing mobile handset issues like power limitations, storage limitations etc. As this is our review paper, during this paper we present first survey over the mobile cloud computing systems. In that, we discuss the architecture of mobile cloud computing at first. In addition to this, various applications of the same as discussed. In addition, the process of user authentication on mobile computing presented. This review paper is prepared by considering out future research approach in which the work will do over authentication of queries.
Distribution of trace elements and heavy metals in liver, lung, meat, heart and kidney of cattle, sheep, camel and equine slaughtered in Casablanca city-Morocco[Full-Text ] ChafiK Abdelbasset, Eddoha Rabia, Bagri Abdallah, Nasser Boubker and Essamadi AbdelKhalidThe aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of trace elements (copper and zinc) and heavy metals (cadmium and lead) in the different organs of animals slaughtered in municipal slaughterhouse of Casablanca, which is the main source of meat consumption in the study area. Samples of liver, lung, meat, heart and kidney of cattle, sheep, camel and equine were collected. All the samples were digested, mineralized and analyzed for copper, zinc, cadmium and lead using an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. The concentrations of trace elements and heavy metals in the liver, lung, meat, heart and kidney of cattle, sheep, camel and equine ranged from 0.78±0.09 to 22±7.07 mg/kg for copper; 0.27±0.27 to 10.88±1.73 mg/kg for zinc; 0±0 to 0.86±0.14 mg/kg for cadmium; and 0.23±0.006 to 1.33±0.29 mg/kg for lead. Concerning concentrations of trace elements, cattle accumulate in their organs the highest concentrations of copper compared to other species. The highest concentrations of copper were observed in liver. The organs of cattle and camel are the richest in zinc in comparison with sheep and equine. However, zinc accumulated mainly in liver and meat. With regards to concentrations of heavy metals, camel and equine were deemed contaminated with cadmium compared to cattle and sheep. Cadmium concentrations in kidney and liver were higher than that observed in other organs. Cattle, sheep and camel were deemed the most contaminated by lead with the highest concentrations observed in liver.
Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Electroplating Wastewater Using Watermelon Peel Activated Carbon: Kinetics and Isotherm Studies[Full-Text ] Gin, W.A., Jimoh, A., Abdulkareem, A.S., Giwa, A.This work has been carried out to study the kinetics and the isotherms of adsorptions of some heavy metals (zinc, copper, and iron) ions from electroplating wastewater using watermelon peel activated carbon (WPAC) which is a cost-effective adsorbent. In order to achieve these, factors, such as agitation time, adsorbent dosage, pH, and agitation speed, which have effects on the removal of these heavy metals were investigated. The pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models were used to fit the kinetic data of the adsorption process. Also, the experimental equilibrium data were applied to Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Radushkevich and Temkin isotherm models and their equilibrium parameters were as well estimated. From the results obtained, using regression coefficient as a yardstick, it was discovered that the pseudo-first-order model was able to fit the generated adsorption data from the heavy metals considered in this work better than the pseudo-second-order model. In addition, most of the isotherm models considered were found to describe the equilibrium data of the process very well because the square of correlation coefficients of most of them were very high.
Epistemological and ontological aspects of quantum mechanics[Full-Text ] Karim .Salehi, Suzan Khalid Hashim, Wafaa Ahmed AzeezWe want to stady two important class of the interpretation in quantum mechanics, Epistemological and Ontological interpretation.
Preliminary study on irrigational quality of some ground water sources of Kashmir, India[Full-Text ] Rifat Ara Wani, Aabid Hussain Mir, Aasimah Tanveer, Arshid Jehangir, A. R. YousufIn order to assess the groundwater quality for irrigational purposes, samples from seven stations were collected on monthly basis from June to November 2011. The samples were chemically analyzed for physico-chemical parameters including; pH, Conductivity, total solids, total dissolved and soluble salts, Alkalinity (CO32-, HCO3-, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium and to determine irrigational status Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), Percent sodium, Residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Kelley’s ratio (KR), Permeability index (PI) and Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) were calculated. Chemically water was found to be mineralized, fresh and alkaline. Based on SAR, RSC, MAR, PI and KR all the samples fall within permissible irrigational range. The correlation between sodium-adsorption ratio and electrical conductivity showed 43% of samples fall under C2S1 (medium salinity and low alkali hazard) and 57% C3S1 (high salinity) category. While plotting %Na against electrical conductivity on Wilcox’s diagram it was found that 43% samples had water quality varying from excellent to good while others (57%) had water quality varying from good to permissible. The overall values indicated that the ground water in the study area can be applied for irrigation purpose without any alkali or bicarbonate and magnesium hazard.
DWT based Algorithmic Approach for Digital Watermarking[Full-Text ] Shelly Gahlawat, Gaurav AnandWatermarking is the technique to discourage illegal duplication and to hide information within the image which provides authentication and copyright protection. In this paper we present an algorithm which is based on DWT in which “haar” wavelet is used which provide both hiding information inside the image and also detecting information from the image and the analysed results are shown using MATLAB.
Effectiveness of Software Products Development in Nigeria[Full-Text ] G.O. Binuyo, T.O. Oyebisi, A. Olayinkaka and B.S AfolabiThis paper evaluate the effectiveness of software development in Nigeria. The constraint of the effectiveness were examined, the level of acceptability of the locally developed software products were evaluated and Shewa’s model was developed to implement the effectiveness of indigenous software developed to compete with their globally counterpart. The ICT firms that specialized in software development, educational institutions and other major stakeholders, including users of software packages were also covered.
Comparing rate of happiness, life satisfaction, self-concept between volunteers of cosmetic surgeries and ordinary people[Full-Text ] Bahareh Ghalyaee, Ghorban Fathiaghdam, Jaffar PouyamaneshMental image of body is one of the most important dimensions of self-appearance and self-evaluation during adolescence age. The dimensions can be mostly defined in form of a degree of satisfaction of physical appearance, which is important in adolescence, since can affect all concepts of “self” significantly in this age. In this regard, based on Galon’s studies, people with high level of satisfaction of their mental image of their body include high mental health (lack of depression and anxiety). The main objective of the present study is Comparing rate of happiness, life satisfaction, self-concept between volunteers of cosmetic surgeries and ordinary people. The present study is a comparative-causal research. Statistical population of the study includes all volunteers of cosmetics surgery and all ordinary people. Sample includes 100 persons with 2 50-person groups of volunteers of surgery and ordinary people. Volunteers of cosmetic surgery would be selected through referring medical centers of cosmetic surgeries and hospitals. Ordinary group would be also selected in access and cloning. In order to collect required data, questionnaire of life satisfaction would be applied, which is based on study of Mozafari (2003). Cronbach alpha for the test would be equal to 85%; validity of retest with 6wees interval would be equal to 84%; Oxford Questionnaire of happiness would be valid with correlation of 1% and 40%. Self-concept questionnaire of Rogers with correlation coefficient of 25% and significance level of 1% and validity of 40% would be also applied. Obtained data from questionnaire would be then analyzed through SPSS software.
Two-Sided a-derivations on Left Nearrings[Full-Text ] Dr.D.Bharathi and K.SreenivasuluH.E.Bell and G.Mason[1] proved that if D is a derivation on left near ring N satisfying D(N) ? Z or [D(x),D(y)]=0 for all x,y ? N then (N,+) is abelian. In [2], Bell and kappe proved that if d is a derivation of semiprime ring R which is either an endomorphism or anti-endomorphism then d=0. Argafi genaralized this result for a semiprime near ring in [3]. In this paper, we prove that (N,+) is abelian if d(x+y-x-y)=0 and if d+d is additive on I
IDENTIFYING AND HANDLING OF FALSE ALARM IN SELFISH REPLICA[Full-Text ] S.Prabhavathi, Ms.R.BharathiA MANET is a multi hop mobile wireless network that has neither a fixed infrastructure nor a central server. Each node in a MANET acts as a router, and communicates with each other. A selfish node is one that tries to utilize the network using its limited resource only for its own benefit, since each node in a MANET has resource constraints, such as battery and storage limitations, it would like to enjoy the benefits provided by the resources of other nodes, but it may not make its own resource available to help others. Such selfish behavior can potentially lead to a wide range of problems for a MANET. Consequently, data accessibility in ad hoc networks is lower than that in the conventional fixed networks. There are several data replication techniques are involved to minimize the performance degradation. Due to selfishness and mobility of the node, they decide to cooperate partially or not at all, along with other nodes for resource sharing. In this paper, the leader is elected to avoid the false alarm in identifying the selfish nodes for selfish node detection algorithm that considers partial selfishness and novel replica allocation techniques to properly cope with selfish replica allocation. In turn it increases the data accessibility and reduces average query delay.
AN EFFICIENT DATA REPLICATION METHOD FOR DATA ACCESS APPLICATIONS IN VEHICULAR AD-HOC NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Saranya S, Mis.R.BackiyalakshmiDue to the high vehicle mobility, the topology of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) dynamically changes, and disconnections may frequently occur. When two vehicles are disconnected, they are not able to access data from each other. Data replication has been widely used to reduce the effect of intermittent connectivity and improve data access performance in distributed systems. However, many nodes in VANET may only have limited storage space, and thus cannot replicate all the data such as large music files or video clips. To address this problem, we propose an efficient data replication method for data access applications in VANETs. In this method the vehicles are grouped into a platoon and they contribute part of their buffers to replicate data for others in the same platoon and share data with them. When a vehicle leaves the platoon, it prefetches interested data and transfers its buffered data to other vehicles in advance so that they can still access the data after it leaves. We implement this algorithm in NS-2 and GrooveNet Simulators. The GrooveNet Simulator is used to generate the vehicle mobility trace file, which is used in the ns-2 simulations. Extensive simulation results show that this method provides high data availability, low data access overhead, and low false alarm rate.
Optimization of MS media for Callus and Suspension Culture of Costus pictus[Full-Text ] S.J.Wani, I.A.Kagdi, P. S. Tamboli,V.S.Nirmalkar, S.N.Patil & A. K. SidhuCostus pictus is vulnerable species in India and threatened to extinction due to its indiscriminate collection. Tissue culture seems to be the way to preserve, protect and multiply this rare species for large scale multiplication. In the present study, protocol for callus culture was standardized using various concentrations of hormones (2, 4-D, Kinetin, IAA, BAP), MS medium (full strength, half strength, one-fourth strength), pH (4.5 – 7) and carbon sources (sucrose, fructose, glucose, galactose, sorbitol, mannitol at 3% and 6% concentration). The highest callus growth was observed on half strength MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D/ Kin (1/0.5 mg/L) and IAA/BAP (1 mg/L).Maximum callus growth was observed with glucose (3% and 6%) and the pH value5.5. This is the first report of successful callus culture of Costus pictus leaves and also its suspension culture. The growth pattern of cell suspension culture was examined over a period of 10 days.
Problem and Prospectus of SME sectors in India & China with special reference to Chemical, Pharma and Textile Industries[Full-Text ] Jaimin Vasa, Dr. Akshai Aggarwal, Prof. Dr. Miroslav RebernikThe SMEs are playing a strategic role in economic growth and development of the country through their contribution to the creation of wealth, employment and income generation. The Chemical, Pharma and Textile Industries are the leading segment in the SME sector.
How Telecom Original Equipment Manufacturer’s marketing helps in driving the business and generating the revenue.[Full-Text ] Ankit.International Telecommunications Union declared in 2013 that global telecommunications industry revenues touched US$4.83 trillion. This number is expected to rise further rapidly. Conceivably, no other business touches as many technology-related business sectors as telecommunications. Merger & acquisition exercise is rooted deeply within the telecommunications industry and jurisdiction guideline predominates, introducing a number of supplementary challenges for sales and marketing teams in their struggle to continue ahead of the bow and the competition. Telecommunications as a manufacturing business always struggle to stay on the preeminent outline of technology. Fundamental technologies progress at distort rates, requiring steady flow. As end users turned progressively athirst with communication hold-times for voice and data platforms (now fractions of seconds) Telecommunication companies targets on innovation on all applications to maintain pace and balance with rising clientele demands.