Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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A Novel Approach for Univariate Outlier Detection[Full-Text ] S.M.A.Khaleelur Rahman, M.Mohamed Sathik, and K.Senthamarai KannanIn many applications outlier detection is an important task . In the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, isolation of outlying data is important. This isolation process improves the quality of data and reduces the impact of outlying data on the existing values. Numerous methods are available in the detection process of outliers in univariate data sets. Most of these methods handle one outlier at a time. In this paper, Grubb’s statistics, sigma rule and fence rules deal more than one outliers at a time. In general, when multiple outliers are present, presence of such outliers prevents us from detecting other outliers. Hence, as soon as outliers are found, removing outlier is an important task. Multiple outliers are evaluated on different data sets and proved that results are effective. Separate procedures are used for detecting outliers in continuous and discrete data. Experimental results show that our method works well for different data.
OPTIMAL LOT-SIZE DETERMINATION FOR A TWO WARE-HOUSE PROBLEM WITH DETERIORATION AND SHORTAGES USING NPV[Full-Text ] Indira RoutarayIn this paper, we develop a inventory model for deteriorating items with two warehouses (assuming deterioration rates in the two-warehouses to differ) by minimizing the net present value (NPV) of the total cost. We allow for shortages and complete backlogging and prove here that the optimal replenishment policy not only exists but also is conditionally unique. Further, the result reveals that the reorder interval based on the average total cost, if it exists, must be longer than that derived using NPV. Finally, using a numerical example we illustrate the model and conclude the article with suggestions for possible future re-search.
Data mining on social security and social welfare data[Full-Text ] Neethu Joseph,Aswathy WilsonData mining has attracted a great deal of attention in the information industry and in society as a whole in recent years, due to the wide availability of huge amounts of data and the immediate need for turning such data into useful information and knowledge. The government faces new and intense pressure to collect and use personal data.The need for a deep understanding of public and public-government interactions through advanced data analytics has been increasingly recognized by the community at large. Mining Social security/welfare data is challenging. The challenges arise from business, data, and the mining of the data.Social Security Data Mining (SSDM) seeks to discover interesting patterns and exceptions in social security and social welfare data. The SSDM framework including business and research issues, social security/welfare services and data, and the different methods for SSDM framework.
Transmission Performance Analysis of Three Different Channels in Optical Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Dr. Ali Mahdi Hammadi , Dr. Entidhar Mhawes ZghairIn this paper will have done comparative performance study for three different optical channels system, all the channels operated at the same optical transmitted with non return-to-zero (NRZ). Performance study is done for variable ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 km for the different channels. Single Mode Fiber, Free Space Optical (FSO) Channel and optical wireless communication Channel (OWC) is observed that at low bit rate (10Gb/s/ch) per channel multiplexed optical system shows the most performance signal power, maximum Q Factor, minimum BER and eye pattern degrades. Results reveal the ability of improving the optical communication characteristics by using these channel and the optimum effect concluded at (5km) length of optical rang by using the OWC channel i.e.the quality factor and signal power were increased to reach (1550.7 ) and (-1.08dBm) respectively and MIN. BER is zero.
The Application of Platforms to Prevent Child Pornog-raphy[Full-Text ] Gabriel Joseph Mukungu, Gwangyong GimThe advancement of information and communication technology specifically the Internet has used by many people especially young people to facilitate their daily life activities, for instance, e-learning. Through e-learning facility, some abuse it by involving into the business of pornography. This paper tries to explore the application of platforms, whether can prevent child pornography over the capturing end user technique, dilemma international child pornography law, imposing severe punishment, education and public awareness raising with respect to the Theory of Planned Behavioral (TPB). The survey shows that in the behavioral belief's factor scored low correlations. However, the education and public awareness raising, blocking and filtering platforms and harmonization of the dilemma international child pornography law showed a slight high scored value. This indicates that, not only blocking, filtering platforms, education, public awareness raising, and harmonization of the dilemma international child pornography law can prevent child pornography but also imposing severe punishment and capturing end user technique can prevent child pornography with the make use of Theory of Planned Behavioral (TPB).
Non Linear Companding Transform for Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction in Ofdm System[Full-Text ] Deepender Gill, Garima SainiHigh Peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR) is a problem associated with OFDM systems. Various companding schemes are used to reduce the problem of PAPR in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing schemes. High PAPR drives the power amplifiers used at the transmitter’s side into non-linear region and leads to high power dissipation in hand held devices. Signal companding is one of the widely used techniques to reduce high PAPR.
Use of Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Fermentative Medium by Lipase Producing Bacteria[Full-Text ] IBEGBULAM-NJOKU, P.N, ACHI, O. K and CHIJIOKE –OSUJI, C.CThis work was carried out to evaluate palm oil mill effluent (POME) as a fermentative medium for lipase production at laboratory scale using two bacterial isolates (Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The physicochemical analysis of raw POME showed high organic load of COD (78750 mg/l), BOD (15050 mg/l), oil and grease (7645 mg/l), TS (4125 mg/l) and TSS (1650 mg/l).The extracellular lipase producing bacteria Bacillus cereus, Proteus vulgarius, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from palm oil mill industrial effluents. Optimization of physical and chemical factors was done to improve lipase production using the respective bacterial isolates. Percentage biomass improvement, Oil and grease (O&G) reduction and lipase activities were measured with varying pH (4-10), incubation temperature (20-55°C), incubation time (144hrs.), carbon source concentration, nitrogen source concentration, and various metal ions. Enhanced lipase activity for both isolates was observed at 35°C, pH 6&7 for Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa respectively, after 144hrs of incubation. Corn meal best supported the activities of Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at respective concentrations of 3.5wt/v and 2.5wt/v. Soy meal at concentration 2.5wt /v supported the lipase activities of both isolates while Ca2+ showed good lipase activity among the metal ions with both isolates. The present study showed increased lipase activities of both bacterial isolates and demonstrated POME as very good source of fermentation medium for production of extracellular lipases.
Design of Multilayered Stack Antenna for Wireless Communication[Full-Text ] Rahul Batra, Sonal Lambat, Supriya Patil, Sayali Sakhare, Sonam Undirwade, Rupali Ghangare, Shweta Kadukar. Recent advances in the wireless communication continues with the requirements of small, portable and low cost reconfigurable antenna that can be switched between different frequencies for different set of applications. In this paper a multilayered reconfigurable antenna employing two patches stacked one over the other is designed. In our proposed design, patch 1 is designed for 5.42 GHz targeting ISM band & patch 2 is for 10 GHz satellite applications. The proposed antenna is designed on two substrates, Roger RT duroid 5880 (er=2.2) and Teflon (er=2.1). The results show that the designed antenna can be used switched between the two frequencies of operation. We also have achieved good bandwidth of 400 MHz and 1100 MHz for patch 1 & patch 2 operations respectively.
The Open Monophonic Number of a Graph[Full-Text ] A.P. Santhakumaran, M. MahendranFor a connected graph G of order n, a subset S of vertices of G is a monophonic set of G if each vertex v in G lies on a x-y monophonic path for some elements x and y in S. The minimum cardinality of a monophonic set of G is defined as the monophonic number of G, denoted by m(G). A monophonic set of cardinality m(G) is called a m–set of G. A set S of vertices of a connected graph G is an open monophonic set of G if for each vertex v in G, either v is an extreme vertex of G and v Î S, or v is an internal vertex of a x-y monophonic path for some x, y Î S. An open monophonic set of minimum cardinality is a minimum open monophonic set and this cardinality is the open monophonic number, om(G). The open monophonic number of certain standard graphs are determined. For positive integers r, d and l ³ 2 with r £ d £ 2r, there exists a connected graph of radius r, diameter d and open monophonic number l. It is proved that for a tree T of order n and diameter d, om(T) = n – d + 1 if and only if T is a caterpillar. Also for integers n, d and k with 2 £ d < n, 2 £ k < n and n – d – k + 1 ³ 0, there exists a graph G of order n, diameter d and open monophonic number k. It is proved that om(G) – 2 £ om(G¢) £ om(G) + 1, where G¢ is the graph obtained from G by adding a pendant edge to G. Further, it is proved that if om(G¢) = om(G) + 1, then v does not belong to any minimum open monophonic set of G, where G¢ is a graph obtained from G by adding a pendant edge uv with v a vertex of G and u not a vertex of G.
Deterring Gang Street: A Study on Logistic Analysis[Full-Text ] Gabriel Joseph Mukungu, Gwangyong Gim The adolescence and early adulthood period are crucial time in an individual’s life. This is a time when many young people become grown up in skills, and subsequently, they start to face new challenges in their lives. In the midst of these challenges, many adolescence most likely becomes involved in gang activities. This paper, employed the logistic analysis model as an investigation tool for Tanzanian police force to overcome the emerging gang street. The study collected 200 data of adolescence, which consisted with gang street (criminals) and non criminals from the Tanzania police force database of which 140 were taken as the gang streets (criminal) and non criminals were 60.
Optimization of a Search Engine for an Organized and Effective Browsing[Full-Text ] K.Kalaivani,K.LavanyaIn web search applications, queries are submitted to search engines to represent the information needs of users. Discovering the number of diverse user search goals for a query and depicting each goal with some keywords automatically. In the existing work propose a novel approach to infer user search goals by analyzing search engine query logs. First propose a novel approach to infer user search goals for a query by clustering our proposed feedback sessions. Second we propose a novel optimization method to map feedback sessions to pseudo-documents which can efficiently reflect user information needs. In the end, we cluster these pseudo documents to infer user search goals and depict them with some keywords. In proposed system k means clustering algorithm is computationally difficult, in order to overcome the k means clustering problem, enhancement a Fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) algorithm to group the pseudo documents and it also measure the similarity between the pseudo terms in the documents, it improves the feedback sessions results than the normal pseudo documents. The FCM algorithm divides pseudo documents data for dissimilar size cluster by using fuzzy systems. FCM choosing cluster size and central point depend on fuzzy model. The FCM clustering algorithm it congregate quickly to a local optimum or grouping of the pseudo documents in well-organized wayAnnotation of the search results of the database we proposed a annotation based results. We used Automatic annotation approach that first aligns the data units on a result page into different groups such that the data in the same group have the same semantic results. Finally measures the clustering results classified average precision (CAP) to evaluate the performance of the restructured web search results.
Testing of RTV-Silicone based thick magnetorheological elastomers under harmonic loading conditions[Full-Text ] Sriharsha Hegde, K.V. GangadharanMagnetorheological elastomers (MRE) are a type of smart materials whose properties can be enhanced under the influence of a strong magnetic field.MREs consits of an elastomers matrix dispersed with ferromagnetic powders. In the present work, room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicone based isotropic MREs were prepared by varying the percentage volume concentration of carbonyl iron particle ingredients.The sample microstructures were studied under confocal microscope. The dynamic damping charecteristics were investigated under varying magnetic fields by applying harmonic loading conditions using electrodynamic shaker. Transmissibility ratio plots were employed to calculate the damping ratio of the samples.Test results showed that damping ratio of the samples improved under higher magnetic fields. Stress-strain graphs were plotted and these graphs revealed the hysteretic nature of the damping of the prepared samples.
MODIFIED ACO ALGORITHM FOR RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN CLOUD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT[Full-Text ] V. Sathya, Prof. R. Madhumathi, Dr. R. RadhakrishnanIn Cloud computing, private cloud is a model where resource sharing is becoming more popular now-a-days. The importance of resource sharing has lead to the development of many algorithms. The existing works in the field of resource sharing used many optimization techniques. The two techniques namely Service Composition Optimal Selection (SCOS) and Optimal Allocation of Computing Resources (OACR) are combined and named as Dual Scheduling of Cloud Services and Computing Resources (DS-CSCR). This dual scheduling is not suitable for large scale problems and hence, a new Ranking Chaos Optimization (RCO) was introduced. RCO executes with low time consumption. But the design of heuristic function is complex and hence, a Modified Adaptive Chaos Optimization (MACO) technique with Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS) is used for allocating tasks to the resources. Finally the comparison of the proposed work with the existing RCO proves that, the resource allocation can be made with low time consumption and the stability of the virtual machine increases.
ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND BIODEGRADATION ASSAY OF GLYPHOSATE UTILIZING BACTERIA FROM EXPOSED RICE FARM[Full-Text ] Dibua Uju Marie-Esther, Mkpuma, Victor Okorie, Enemuo, SimeonTwo bacterial species capable of utilizing glyphosate were isolated from the long term glyphosate exposed rice farm and tested for their abilities to utilize glyphosate at different concentrations. The two bacterial isolates were identified by standard bacteriological methods as Pseudomonas sp and Bacillus subtilis using their morphological, biochemical and growth characteristics. The utilization of glyphosate by the isolates was studied by monitoring their biomass production in basal medium containing glyphosate as phosphorus source at 660nm wavelength using the spectrophotometer. The growth of the isolates in the medium with inorganic phosphate as phosphorus source and the effect of different concentrations of glyphosate on the growth and utilization of glyphosate were also studied by assessing the turbidity in the medium at 660nm wavelength. The isolates showed a significant growth in the basal medium containing glyphosate as phosphorus source (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the test organisms showed a better growth rate in the medium with inorganic phosphate as phosphorus source. The effect of different concentrations showed that Pseudomonas sp grew significantly at concentrations of 7.2 mg/ml to 40 mg/ml while B. subtilis showed a reduction in growth with corresponding increase in glyphosate concentration. The results of this study nonetheless underscored the efficacy of the test bacterial isolates in glyphosate utilization, hence their potential as candidates for bioremediation of glyphosate contaminated farmland in poor resource settings.
Toxic Hazard Evaluation and Cleaning up of Groundwater Regime at the East of Euphrates River[Full-Text ] Najah Mahdi. Lateef. Al Maimuri, Adnan Mohammed ShihabA 3D groundwater model is developed, for the protection and remediation of any environmental contamination problem that may be occurred in the east of Euphrates River. The groundwater flow pattern is found from the northern-west toward sothern-east; therefore it is found there are no threats of any groundwater contamination coming from the East on the most densified populated area that located between the Euphrates and Al Hillah Rivers. Experimental test results of the chemical analysis for groundwater dissoluble minerals in the area which is located between Euphrates and Al Hillah Rivers show that their values are fallen within the allowable limits of the World Health Organization (WHO) except that for total dissolved salt (TDS) and acidity and reversely they are exceeded for groundwater in the areas to the east of Al Hillah River. In this mathematical modeling process, for any environmental pollution problem may be occurred between Euphrates and Al Hillah Rivers, it is found that an extraction a discharge of 3L/S of groundwater storage from the center of the polluted area is pumped by a temporary pipeline to be transferred across Al Hillah River and to get rid of by either disposing it directly in the Third River or injecting it in the groundwater to the east of Al Hillah River by a temporary injecting well. These are found the possible hydrogeologic alternative solutions to such environment problem for the protection of the most populated area within the region and consequently, there are no threads for drinking water.
Synthesis and characterization of some new dinuclear complexes of Ni(II) , Pd(II) and Pt(II) with bulky substituted thioether ligands[Full-Text ] N. H. Buttrus and A.M. AmeenA series of new multidentate ligands (L1-L4) , 1,1,2,2-tetrakis [2-(benzylthio)ethylthio]ethylene(L1),1,1,2,2-tetrakis [2-(o-tolylthio) ethylthio]) ethylene (L2) , 1,1,2,2-tetrakis [3-(p-chlorophenylthio) ethylthio] ethylene (L3) and 1,1,2,2-tetrakis [2-(o-aminophenylthio) ethylthio] ethyene (L4) were prepared from the reaction of equimolamar amount of (4-mercapto-2-thia-1-butyl benzene or o-methyl-4-mercapto-1-thia-1-butyl benzene or p-chloro-4-mercapto-1-thia-1-butyl benzene or o-amino-4-mercapto -1-thia-1-butyl benzene and KOH) with tetrachloroethylene in (4:4:1) molar ratio . Reaction of the above ligands with nickel (II) , palladium (II) and platinum (II) chloride salts gave the complexes of the general formulas : [M2(L)Cl4] and [Ni2(L)Cl2]Cl2 M=Ni(II) , Pd(II) and Pt(II) , L=L1-L4 . The synthesized ligands have been characterized on the basis of their elemental analysis , FTIR, 1H ,13C NMR , and their complexes were characterized by elemental analysis metal content, UV-Vis . spectroscopic technique ,conductivity measurements and magnetic measurements.
Building Strong Partnership with the Media: A Study of How Print Media in Nigeria Cover Environmental Issues[Full-Text ] Dayo Alao, Oguchi Uwom O., Oluwafisayo AlaoThis study examined how two newspapers- the Punch and the Guardian portrayed environmental issues from October 1, 2011 to February 29, 2012. The objective of the study was to find out the extent to which the print media is raising public awareness and to find out the extent of coverage of environmental issues in Nigeria. Content analysis was adopted as the methodology while coding sheet-comprising variables in the research was used to gather data from the newspapers. A total of 304 issues, 152 for the Punch and 152 for the Guardian newspapers were studied.
Effects of Heuristic Method of Teaching on Students’ Achievement in Algebra[Full-Text ] Okechukwu Sunday Abonyi and Virginia Ogochukwu UmehThis study investigated the effects of heuristic method of teaching on students’ achievement in algebra. The study employed a non equivalent control group quasi experimental design. The study was carried out in Anambra State of Nigeria. Two schools were used for the study. The treatment group was taught topics in theory of indices using heuristic method while control group was taught the same topics using Conventional Approach. At the onset of the experiment pre-test (Algebra Achievement Test ) was administered to the students in the two groups while at the end of the treatment session that lasted eight weeks the same Algebra Achievement Test was administered to the students as post-test.. Three research questions and three Null hypotheses guided the study. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the Null hypotheses were tested at an alpha level of 0.05 using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The Results of the study show that the heuristic approach is superior to the conventional approach in fostering students’ achievement in linear algebra. The study further revealed that male students taught linear algebra using the heuristic method performed better than their female counterparts and that there is no interaction between method and gender on students achievement in linear algebra.
Human Resource Management Practices and Employee retention in Nigeria’s Manufacturing industries[Full-Text ] Amaeshi U.FThe main objective of this study is to assess the predicting role of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee retention. Four dimensions of HRM practices examined in this study are training and development, career development, compensation and benefits, and performance appraisal. A survey was conducted among employees in manufacturing companies in the Southern Region of Nigeria. A total of 184 questionnaires were returned and used for data analysis. Based on the statistical tests conducted, the findings showed that only compensation and benefits had a positive impact on respondents’ employee retention. Discussions elaborated on the importance of compensation and benefits in promoting employee retention among respondents. In assessing the strategic role of all HRM functions, we suggest that the aforesaid factors deserve a higher level of scrutiny in organizations
Protocol for Secure Iris Authentication Framework using Cryptography[Full-Text ] Mrs.Swati A. JadhavData encryption is the key role in current and future technologies. Many public key cryptography algorithms were presented depending on a specific mathematical problem. It is desired to communicate data with high security over insecure network. Due to sensor technology biometrics has lead to rising concerns about the network security, privacy, trust issues and accuracy. Hence, securing biometric template in public network is great challenge. Because once it is compromised or stolen it cannot be revoked. In order to provide remote biometric authentication these systems incorporated with cryptography and primarily focused on template security, revocability, privacy, accuracy. The system is secure in the sense that the biometric are going to use is encrypted using Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Proposed system is based on client server architecture in that server is secure. Experimental result shows encryption time using ECC 256-bit key size for iris authentication.
PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS OF A TWO NON-IDENTICAL UNIT STANDBY SYSTEM WITH MULTI-COMPONENT, REPAIR, INSPECTION AND POST REPAIR OF A UNIT.[Full-Text ] Rakesh Gupta and Swati KujalThe paper analyses in respect of reliability, MTSF and cost benefit a two non-identical unit cold standby system in which one of the unit is known as priority unit and the other as non-priority unit. The priority unit is made of a number of components so that functioning of each unit is necessary for its operation. The ordinary unit has only single component. After repair the priority unit goes for inspection and then it is sent for post repair if repair is not found perfect while second unit on repair works as good as new. The jobs of repair, inspection and post repair are performed by a single repairman. The analysis is performed by supplementary variable technique.
Rate Limiting Against Mitigating Attacks[Full-Text ] P.Saranya, A.V.Shanthini,Dr.S.UmaMost routing protocols in disruption tolerant networks use redundant transmissions to explore the diversities in routing paths in order to reduce data transmission delay. However mobile nodes in DTN usually have limited energy and may prefer fewer transmissions for longer lifetime. Hence, it is vital to carefully balance the tradeoff between data transmission delay and the amount of transmissions among mobile nodes. We consider the problem to route a batch of data packets in DTN. By making an analogy between the routing protocol and lower density erasure codes, we investigate the information-theoretical optimal number of transmission in delivering data. With extensive theoretical analysis and simulations, we show that network coding facilities a better tradeoff between resource usage and protocol performance, and that protocol offers unique advantages over replication-based protocols.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Sy drome (OHSS) in Pregnancy- Case Report[Full-Text ] Hemant G Deshpande, Shankar B Burute, Karuna Ratwani, Chandrakant S Madkar, Sumit JethaniINTRODUCTION: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome caused by injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) presented with wide spectrum of clinical and laboratory signs and symptoms ,ovarian enlargement and fluid shift from intravascular space to third space. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 25 yr female G2P1L0 came with complaints of pain in abdomen ,burning micturition, abdominal disten-sion, nausea and vomiting. She came with weak urine pregnancy test (UPT) positive .No other history of irregular menses, hirsutism or any other complaints.Ultrasound (USG) (24/4/13) s/o single intrauterine gestation sac with true decidual reaction large complex cyst in left ovary(13.8 X 6.0 X7.7cms) and large right ovarian cyst (9.8 X 7.5 X 6.7cms).On examination soft, left side lump formed around 7X7 cms, mobile mass, palpable mild tenderness present more on left side on per abdomen. On pv examination left sided adnexal mass around 7X7 cms ,mobile mass,not seperated from uterus,tenderness present ,right fornix lump palpable of 5X5 cms .Laboratory findings were unremarkable. Management consisted of plenty of fluids , abdominal girth monitoring & input output monitoring and analgesic for pain.
DATA MINING USING AGGLOMERATIVE MEAN SHIFT CLUSTERING WITH EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE[Full-Text ] Suraj s. Damre,prof.L.M.R.J. LoboAgglomerative clustering is a non parametric clustering technique. In the present paper an approach agglomerative mean shift clustering applied to a text document using a query compression technique Clustering is presented. Here a distance based technique is developed. Two types of distances one for document and one for Query are made use of. Euclidean distance is used for finding query distance between two terms. The results achieved are comparable to other distance methods showing better time and distance accuracy than the existing system.