NCSC2D-2016-3rd National Conference on Sustainable Computing and Communication for Development of Nation
"NCSC2D 2016 Conference Papers "
A Review on a Semantic Recommender System for IT Professionals[Full-Text ]
Ms. Pranjali G. Sawarkar, Prof. Dr. M.A.PundThis paper provides us a review on a semantic recommender system for IT professionals. This proposed system will prove very advantageous for the pupils in college at the time of campus placement as well as all the IT professionals who are awaiting for a job in IT industry. This system will contain followimg six modules namely Admin Panel module, IT recruiters companies module, Trainers module, Students module, Students Interest Finder module and Missing Courses Recommender module. With cooperation of all these six modules, an intelligent system can be developed which will be beneficial to all the students to identify which type of job he/she will be able to do with more interest depending upon professional qualification, choices and interest of the student.
Review on Data Security using Honeypot System[Full-Text ]
Prof. Ms. Rutuja A. Gulhane, Prof. Ms. Pranita P. Deshmukh, Prof. Ms. Meghna A. Deshmukh, Prof. Ms. Rani LandeIn the area of computer and internet security a Honeypot is used. It is a resource used to trap attacks, records intrusion information about events of the hacking process, and avoids attacks outbound the compromised computer system. It can also be deployed to attract and divert an attacker from their real targets. The paper describes the classification and types of Honeypots and the possible solution use in a research as well as productive environment. Honeypot is an active defense system for network security. It traps attacks, records intrusion information about tools and activities of the hacking process. Located either in or outside the firewall, the Honeypot is used to learn about the technique of intruder as well as determine vulnerabilities in the real system.
K-Nearest Neighbor Categorization Problem over Semantically Protected Encrypted Relational Database[Full-Text ]
Ms. Radhika S. Morey, Prof. R.R.TutejaData Mining has so many uses in various fields as banking, medicine, scientific research and among government sector. Classification is a method used in data mining applications. For the last few years, because of increase in various privacy issues, different type of solutions to the classification problem have been proposed under different security models. Since the data on the cloud is in encrypted form, existing privacy preserving. Classification techniques are not applicable. We focus on solving the classification problem over encrypted data. In this, we suggest a secure k-NN classifier over encrypted data in the cloud. The proposed protocol protects the security of data, privacy of user input data, and hides the data access patterns.
An image encryption and decryption using AES algorithm[Full-Text ]
Priya DeshmukhThese In today’s world data security is the major problem which is to be face. In order to secure data during communication, data storage and transmission we use Advance encryption standard(AES). AES is a symmetric block cipher intended to replace DES for commercial uses 128-bit block size and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The AES algorithmis use to secure data from unauthorized user. The available AES algorithm is used for text data as well as for image data. In this paper an image is given as input to AES encryption algorithm which gives encrypted output. This encrypted output is given as input to AES decryption algorithm and original image is regained as output. The AES algorithm for image encryption and decryption which synthesizes and simulated with the help of MATLAB software
Review on Examination of Mobile User Behavior Using Data Mining Techniques on App Store Data[Full-Text ]
Neha S.Pawar, Prof S.S.DandgeMobile apps are software developed for use it on mobile phones and these apps are available in app stores. App stores are highly viable markets where app developers need to provide to a large number of users across multiple countries. There is large country differences present in mobile app user behavior. In proposed application one of the largest surveys will conduct to date of app users across the world, in order to examine the exact nature of those differences. The survey will examine user acceptance of the app store concept, needs, and basis for selecting or discarding an app. It will collect data from different countries. Proposing application will analyze user behavior for app download throughout multiple countries using data mining technique, so the results can be of many benefits for future app development. The results of survey that will release to the app developer and feedback received from the users that are very helpful Anticipate that the new challenges identified in this study can guide software engineering researchers towards the development of tools and techniques to improve market-driven software engineering for mobile apps.
Review on Implementation of Efficient Method of Aggregate Key for Encrypted Cloud Data[Full-Text ]
Ms.Akanksha D. Kanse, Dr A.S.AlviPotential of selectively sharing encrypted data with various users with the help of public cloud storage may very much easiness security concerns over unintentional data leaks in the cloud. A key brave to designing such encryption schemes lies in the well-organized management of encryption keys. The preferred flexibility of sharing any group of selected documents with any group of users demands dissimilar encryption keys to be used for dissimilar documents. On the other hand, this also implies the necessity of robustly spreading to users a huge amount of keys for both encryption and search, and those users’ needs to confidentially store the keys received by them, and then submit a uniformly huge amount of keyword trapdoors to the cloud in order to complete search on the shared data. The implied need for secure communication, storage, and complexity precisely converts the approach impractical. In this paper, we deal with this practical problem, which is largely neglected in the previous studies, by proposing the key aggregate searchable encryption (KASE) concept and to initialize the concept through a concrete KASE scheme, in which a data vendor only needs to distribute a single key to a user for sharing a large amount of documents, and the user needs to submit only one trapdoor on the cloud for asking the shared documents. The security analysis and performance evaluation both verify that our proposed schemes are provably and practically well-organized.
Public Integrity Auditing through Trusted Third Party Auditor for Storage Security in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Prof. Nupoor M. Yawale , Prof. Nilima V. Pardakhe, Prof. Sushant A. PatingeCloud can provide service to access their applications and data from anywhere at any time and data should be fully secured as it is stored in encrypted form. Many users place their data on the cloud, so correctness of data and security is a prime concern. To ensure the correctness of data, we consider the task of allowing a third party auditor (TPA) for verifying the integrity of the data stored in the cloud. Data integrity checking is a decisive technology in cloudcomputing. TPA can save encrypted data on cloud and perform data integrity validation through challenge & challenge verification. Here, system supporting privacy-preserving public auditing and TPA to perform audit efficiently with Encryption Algorithm
Resource Management & Utilization of Virtualized Networks & Digital Services for Smart Future Cities[Full-Text ]
Arti V Tayde, Renuka S Deshpande, Anand A ChaudhariThese In Cloud Environment, the process of execution requires Resource Management due to the high process to the resource ratio. Resource Scheduling is a complicated task in cloud computing environment because there are many alternative computers with varying capacities. The goal of this paper is to propose a model for job-oriented resource scheduling in a cloud computing environment. Resource allocation task is scheduled for the Process which gives the available resources and user preferences. In this paper, we propose an architecture for cloud computing and HPC as a platform with virtualized networks to implement the smart city digital & Network services. The integration of information and communication systems into the various technical systems and infrastructures of a city are fundamental bases in smart cities. A smart city must combine legacy networks and new communication architectures; in order to configure existing communication networks to achieve compatibility and interoperability.The time parameters of three algorithms, viz. Round Robin, Pre-emptive Priority and Shortest Remaining Time First have been taken into consideration. From this, it has been computed that SRTF has the lowest time parameters in all respects and is the most efficient algorithm for resource scheduling.
Web Application Solution for Changing Needs in College Management[Full-Text ]
Sanchit Devikar, Suraj Oza, Anand A. ChaudhariOne of current need in changing requirements of information management and distribution in organization with large amount of data is to render a better management of such work by nullifying the tedious paper work which is prone to errors by a better technological system. This paper gives an insight on idea of using a technological solution of web application for fulfilling this need. This web application will be the single point of access for the information and content. Users will be provided with all the services available on web application only after login. They will be provided with features like academic schedules, notices, information, online notes and other helpful resources. It will reform the whole model of information delivery.
XML DOM Parsing Using Tree-Branch Symbiosis Algorithm[Full-Text ]
Ms. Ruchita A Kale, Ms.Yogita S. Alone, Mr.Gaurav J. Sawale, Ms.Archana B. PahurkarThe XML (extensible Markup Language) has become the de facto standard for information representation and interchange on the Internet. As extensible Markup Language (XML) becomes widespread it is critical for developers to understand the performance characteristics and operational of XML processing. The processing of extensible Markup Language (XML) documents has been regarded as the performance bottleneck in most systems and applications. XML parsing is performed a core operation on an XML document for it to be accessed and manipulated. Using the tree branch symbiosis algorithms XML documents are parsed the document and its elements are stored in a single table of database. It is not necessary to read the according to their hierarchical structure. In this paper, we proposed the hash function when applied on the database would speed up the access time hence improve the XML processing performance means accessing time is less.
A Survey Paper on Authentication System in Android Phones[Full-Text ]
Mr. Gaurav R. Chimote, Prof. N.M. TarbaniDevelopment and awareness of technology has lead to rapid increase in number of smartphone users around the world. These devices provide various facilities to us. These devices allow us to use internet including browsing and downloading, camera, play games, GPS tracking and many more. Smartphones also contains our personal stuff including photos, contacts, messages, personal information etc. Therefore security of smartphones is of utmost importance. Misuse of this information may result in privacy breaches and sensitive data leakage. The first line of defense is screen lock. Screen lock can be set by various methods. One such method is pin pattern. We have proposed a method that dynamically changes the pin pattern without user intervention.
Improved Fast Clustering-Based Feature For Similarity Function Dice coefficient Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data[Full-Text ]
Ms Ashwini Patil, Prof Priti V KaleFeature selection process is a identifying a subset of potential features that can be used to produce results similar to the set of original feature The feature selection should be characterized and viewed from the efficiency and effectiveness . Efficiency is a quality matter of time needed to find a subset of features where as effectiveness deals with the quality of features. These two factors are studied with the help of the fast clustering-based feature selection algorithm . In this paper, we have presented a novel clustering-based feature subset of selection algorithm for high dimensional data. The algorithm involves following steps Removing irrelevant features, Constructing a minimum spanning tree from relative ones, and partitioning and selecting representative features. In the proposed algorithm, a cluster consists of features. Each cluster is treat as a single feature and thus dimensionality and dynamically reduced. In Proposed System will be Implementation of FAST algorithm Using proposed Dice Coefficient to Measure to remove irrelevant and redundant features
Importance of Clustering in Data Mining[Full-Text ]
Prof. M. A. Deshmukh, Prof. R. A. GulhaneCluster analysis groups objects (observations, events) based on the information found in the data describing the objects or their relationships. The goal is that the objects in a group will be similar (or related) to one other and different from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups. The greater the similarity (or homogeneity) within a group, and the greater the difference between groups, the ?better? or more distinct the clustering. Data mining is the process of analysing data from different viewpoints and summerising it into useful information. Data mining is one of the top research areas in recent days. Cluster analysis in data mining is an important research field it has its own unique position in a large number of data analysis and processing.
Comprehensive Security on Big Data In Cloud Environment[Full-Text ]
R.A.Tijare, M.S.BurangeCloud computing is the long dreamed vision of computing as a utility, where users can remotely store their data into the cloud so as to enjoy the on-demand high quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources. By data outsourcing, users can be relieved from the burden of local data storage and maintenance. To manage the increasing need of large amount of data, big data is used. Big Data and cloud computing are two important issues in the recent years, enables computing resources to be provided services with high efficiency and effectiveness. We are focusing on these problems and discuss security issues for cloud computing, Big data, Map Reduce and Hadoop environment. The main focus is on security issues in cloud computing that are associated with big data. Big data applications are a great benefit to organizations, business, companies and many large scale and small scale industries.
Product Opinion based on Review taken from Internet using Sentiment Analysis[Full-Text ]
Swati M.Chandurkar, Dr.M.A.PundSentiment analysis is the type of text classification according to sentiments present in text. Sentiment analysis includes identification of how sentiments are expressed in texts and whether the expressions indicate positive or negative opinions toward the subject. An important part of our information-gathering behavior has always been to find out what other people think. Online shopping sites encourage users for posting review about product they purchase. Such reviews are advantageous for new user for taking the decision about product at the time of purchasing and also for manufacturers of that product to take decision about its production. Therefore sentiment analysis of product review is becoming popular in text mining and computational linguistic research. This paper focuses on the categorization of a plain input text to inform a Text-to-speech system about the most appropriate sentiment and also on taking the review of real time product using sentiment analysis.
A Review on Authentication Using Palmprint[Full-Text ]
Madhavi A.Gulhane, Dr.G.R.BamnotePalmprint has proved to be an important biometrics for personal authentication. Palmprint can be recognized using five steps palm image acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction, enrolment (database) and matching. Furthermost of the studies has been done in palmprint identification due to its substantiality, reliability and exclusivity. This paper elaborates about the number of research works introduced to capture the difficulties en-countered in each stage of palm print verification. Our study on palm print identification highlights on verifying the palm print in different types of schemesconvolved.
Data transmission security challenges in cloud computing as a SaaS Model[Full-Text ]
Ashish A. Patokar, Dr. V. M. PatilCloud computing is one of the developing technologies in the field of IT and Computer Science which is remotely sharing all the resources and the services that can be attached to it. This is the classic idea of attaching resources and services under the name of cloud computing that provide the services to the internet and client end side do not require any type of applications software to be installed in order to provide the services related to the cloud computing. According to studies of this field, one of the major challenges of this technology is the security and safety required for providing services and built trust in consumers to transfer their data into the cloud. In this paper propose discuss and focus and challenges regarding the security of data storage and transmission in cloud environment as a SaaS model.
Real World Automated Detection of Traffic Violation[Full-Text ]
Ms. Shruti D.Jawanjal, Prof. P.K. AgrawalThe system which can be detecting red-light and lane change Violation is very useful for the traffic management. This paper presents a novel method for the red-light violation Detection using vehicles moving in the region of it mix when there causes any problem or any unexpected things of multiple vehicles using mean square displacement (MSD) to determine when rule is broken it is given use of image processing only to detected traffic signal without help of another other system. The experiment result shows there is high accuracy to detect both of violation. All vehicle showing behaviors will be known and recorded by aforementioned concept, then using the condition of the red-light time it will find vehicles when it will not follow rule of traffic or change their lane in the forbidden area. The determine of light is completely done by using technology called image processing using the brightness. That the method used is high accuracy, easy to implement and suitable for real-time violation detection.
Implementation of Identity Authentication Model for Online Social Network[Full-Text ]
Ms. Snehal D. Rajgure, Dr.A.S.AlviIdentity authentication model is new security approach to verify users identity before performing any important operations When user wants to perform any operation regarding documents, change password, password recovery he have to go through identity authentication model. It consists of three approaches: 1.Trustee based social authentication system, 2. Knowledge-Based Social Authentication Systems, 3. 3d Security code Verification. Recently, authenticating users with the help of their friends (i.e., trustee-based social authentication) has been shown to be a promising backup authentication mechanism. A user in this system is associated with a few trustees that were selected from the user’s friends. When the user wants to regain access to the account, the service provider sends different verification codes to the user’s trustees. The user must obtain at least k (i.e., recovery threshold) verification codes from the trustees before being directed to reset his or her password.
Android based Network Monitoring and Administration using Wi-Fi , GPRS[Full-Text ]
Ashvini K. Chatule, Prof. S. V. PattalwarMobile devices are becoming essential for today's life. In developed countries, about half of the people have a Smartphone, resulting in millions of these electronic devices. Android is the most popular operating system for Smartphones and other electronic devices such as tablets. Hence, for network administrators, it is essential to start managing all the Android based devices. Network is formed by the collection or group of computers. While in office is an easy task to manage and control the activities of the network. A remote LAN network can be controlled by a user from anywhere using a mobile based application (running on ANDROID operating system). The necessity of such a system arises when the user is unavailable at the actual site of the network. In such a case, to monitor and control the various activities of the network, a wireless and user friendly interface needs to be created through which the user can execute different commands to control the various activities of the network.
Using classification Data Mining Techniques for Software Cost Estimation[Full-Text ]
Snehal A. Deshmukh, Prof. S. W. AhmadSoftware cost estimation is the forecasting about the amount of effort required to make a software system and its duration. It is one of the basic project management processes carried out to support efficiently resource allocation activities. So, a lot of attention has been allocated to cost estimation. In required cost estimation estimated size and cost of the project with high accuracy is still vast challenge for projects managers. The accuracy of the cost estimation of software projects is necessary for the software companies. For the forecasting of software cost, it is important to select the correct software cost estimation techniques. Inaccurate cost estimation can be risky to an IT industry’s economics.
Image noise removal using different median filtering techniques – A review[Full-Text ]
S.R. Chaware and Prof. N.H.KhandareToday is the epoch of modern technology and science, everyone in the globe focusing to the quality with minimum human interface, most of the organizations required most of the modern techniques so that they can able to rectify the quality concerns this may also influence the quality of digital images. Although technology is rapidly changing day by day, whatever so the tool required to maintain quality that must be an economical as well user friendly.
An Overview of security Scenario for 5G Network[Full-Text ]
Ms. Uma R. Patil, Dr. V. M. Patil5G Networks are the next generation in the evolution of mobile communication, related services and a fundamental enabler of the Networked Society. This development creates new security that force to create new security scenarios and requires new security solutions. Security is cornerstones for 5G to become a platform for the Networked Society. Cellular systems pioneered the creation of security solutions for public communication, providing a vast, trustworthy ecosystem 5G will drive new requirements due to new business and trust models, new service delivery models, an evolved threat landscape and an increased concern for privacy and security.
An Efficient Approach for Enhancing Web Search Results Delivery[Full-Text ]
Prof. N.V. Pardakhe, Prof. S. S. Dandge, Prof. N. M. YawaleIn today’s e-world search engines play an essential role in retrieving and organizing relevant data for various purposes. However, in the real ground relevance of results produced by search engines are still arguable because it returns much amount of irrelevant and redundant results. Providing relevant information to user is the primary goal of the website owner. Web mining is ample and powerful research area in which retrieval of relevant information from the web resources in a faster and better manner. Web content mining improves the searching process and provides relevant information by eliminating the redundant and irrelevant contents. However for a broad-topic and ambiguous query, different users may have different search goals when they submit it to a search engine. Web usage mining plays an important role in inferring user search goals as they can be very useful in improving search engine relevance and user experience. The paper focuses on two important issues: improving search-engine performance through dynamic caching of search results, and helping users to find interesting web pages.
Mr. D. R. Dhotre, Dr. G. R. Bamnote, Aparna R. Gadhiya, Gaurav R. PathakWith the growing computer technologies and the advance in speed of World Wide Web, there has been increase in the complexity of multimedia information. More users are attracted to text based search. This produces lot of garbage. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) system has been developed as an efficient image retrieval tool, whereby the user can provide their query to the system to allow it to retrieval the user's desired image from the database. CBIR system consists of feature extractor and the derived features are led to SVM. The disadvantage with this is that human perception is not fulfilled successfully. When looking at some image people are usually attracted by some particular objects within the image. Other subjects are uninteresting for them. Detecting these salient regions is called saliency detection. The proposed approach in this paper combines the feature extraction algorithm; SIFT with the Saliency Detection technique in order to provide relevant image output. The approach also considers texture/energy level of an image as a feature. The combination of these three concepts evaluates to refine the CBIR.
The Multi-media Content Aggregation and Preference Finding System: A Review[Full-Text ]
Ms. Shreya R. Gangane, Prof. SnehaU. BohraThis paper gives a brief review for the multimedia data that is focused on the proper collection of personalized multimedia contents based on the concept of Content-Aggregation (CA). As there is increase in the amount of multimedia data by the use of internet,our system aims to aggregate continuously the available multimedia contents in its providers and suggest efficiently to its endusers. Thus, the system will allow users to receive multimedia content that is automatically and specifically composed of the reach amount of information. Here, is the need to perform the specific aggregationof the contents based on the user's content profiles based on dynamic context parameters. By performing the literature study, all the proposed mechanisms for content aggregation are articulated in a flexible and robust architecture. There is the need for theproper aggregation mechanism to get useful content at proper time from large amount of multimedia information/data available with us. Here, we have given the brief description of the terms that properly satisfy the functionalities of the multimedia Contents and their Aggregation. We also studied some of the algorithms and techniques that are useful for multimedia content aggregation.
A Digital Locker for Scanned Documents by using Steganography and Visual Cryptography[Full-Text ]
Ms. Vaishnavi J. Deshmukh, Dr. M .A. PundThe primary objective is to cut back dependency on physical documents as most of our necessary documents area unit prevailing in physical kind leading to huge administrative overhead. to beat this challenge of submitting multiple physical copies of the documents Digital Locker system is projected by ,in which all documents of a personal are going to be keep in electronic format. Digital Locker is one in all the key initiatives beneath the Digital India Program. Digital Locker is geared toward eliminating the utilization of physical documents and permits sharing of verified electronic documents across government agencies. During this projected work we have a tendency to describe Digital Locker to a scanned pictures of a persons' documents by employing a methodology of desegregation along visual cryptography and steganography through image process. specially, we have a given the methodology to perform steganography and Visual Cryptography at identical time exploitation pictures as cowl objects for steganography and as keys for cryptography.
To Study The Role Of Data Mining And Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Tejaswini V. Ramekar, Ranu R. TutejaData Mining is nothing but a process of extracting potentially useful information from raw Data, so as to improve the quality of the information service. Data mining has been considered as an essential component in business domain. We have recently seen an increase in data mining techniques targeted to such applications as fraud detection, identifying criminal suspects, and prediction of potential terrorists. Cloud Computing has become a main source for the data processing, storage and distribution. The storage of the data is simple and free to use. In data mining the data which is used as data security in a parallel computing platform.
Privacy And Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Rasika S. Badre, Nilesh M. TarbaniCloud computing has powerful advantages and many enterprise applications and data are migrating to public or hybrid cloud. Currently, we have given rise to the success of cloud computing. By applying cloud computing in business application to the third party it causes some issues related to security and privacy it will become a critical. After complete study of cloud computing they get a new common goal to review of existing security and privacy problems. We have identified five most representative security and privacy attributes in cloud computing i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability and privacy-preservability.By using these attributes, we get the relationships among them, the weakness that may be exploited by attackers, the threat models, as well as existing defense strategies in a cloud environment.
A Survey on Discrimination Prevention Methods in Data Mining[Full-Text ]
Shruti A. Vagare, P.D. ThakareIn the database large amount of data is collected and that data is analyzed using various data mining techniques. In data mining various issue are there like potential discrimination and privacy invasion. Discrimination is a partial treatment of individual or group based on their actual or perceived membership in certain group or category. Discrimination can be done on attributes like religion, nationality, marital status and age. In data mining classification technique is used for decision making. If training dataset are biased against particular community or nationality then it can be generate discriminatory decision. Two types of discrimination are direct and indirect. Decision based on sensitive attribute called as direct discrimination and decision which is based on non sensitive attribute but highly correlated with sensitive ones. To prevent such types of discrimination , discrimination measurement and different data transformation methods used.
Virtualization Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment[Full-Text ]
Ku.Rupali D. WankhadeNowadays all are working with cloud Environment(cloud computing). The massive jumps in technology led to the expansion of Cloud computing as the most accepted medium for communication but it has also increased the scope of attacks. To providing a security in a Distributed system require user authentication password or digital certificates in data transmission.
Internet Through Balloons – A Study[Full-Text ]
Niketa V. Kadam, Anup G. Kadu, Shailesh S. DhokThe internet is like oxygen for every human being on this earth and still we do not have this internet for every human being. There are too many obstacles located on the earth. In most of the countries the cost of an Internet is not payable most of the peoples. So to solve this problem today we are uncovering latest moon shot from Google X: balloon-powered Internet access.
Miss Manisha A. Wherate, Dr. S. S. Sherekar, Dr. V. M. ThakareData security in Multimedia is most significant concern for the networking technology because of the ease of the duplication, manipulation and also distribution of the multimedia data. The digital watermarking is technique for information hiding which hide the decisive information in the original data for protection illegal duplication and distribution of multimedia digital data. This paper proposed a novel frame work consist of the DCT & DWT based image watermarking methods. Results are tested by using statistical parameters such as peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE). The analytical results demonstrate that the watermarks generated with the proposed algorithm are invisible and the quality of recovered image and the watermarked image are improved.
Secure Multi-owner data Sharing for dynamic group using “MONA” in the Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Miss Tejashri J. Madavi, Dr. S. S. Sherekar, Dr. V. M. ThakareThe cloud computing plays a key role for sharing group resource among their users. The aim of the cloud computing is secure data sharing in dynamic cloud computing. It implies that users in the group can securely share data with others by the untrusted cloud. Due to the frequent changes of membership maintaining multi owner data is becoming a complicated task and also sharing of data in an untrusted cloud is also a major challenge. For that reason we introduce the MONA for dynamic groups in the cloud and it supports for group signature and broadcast encryption techniques. Therefore any cloud user can share data with the others. Cloud computing provides an economical and efficient solution for sharing resource among cloud users. This method is able to the support dynamic groups capably; new granted users can directly decrypt data files uploaded before their participation without contacting with data owners.
A Survey on Approaches for Mining of High Utility Item sets[Full-Text ]
Nita B. Parmar, Asst. Prof. S. K. JaiswalWe have studied so many algorithms. In this paper we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this algorithm. At the end we have proposed an algorithm which will overcome the problems of previous algorithm. Our approach is finding the high utility pattern and frequent pattern for e commerce domain with the help of UP Growth++ algorithm and FP Growth algorithm we apply this approach on real time database system.
Predictive Analysis of Power Generation Loss for Performance Improvement[Full-Text ]
Mr. Mukesh H. Bele, Prof. S.V.Dhopte, Prof. S.N. SardaThese For predictive analysis of Power Generation loss the most important task is Preventive maintenance scheduling of generating units in a power plant. Also it plays major role in operation and planning of the system. The systems Engineers, controllers, grid operators and many other plant personnel take advantage of the Predictive analytic solutions to make real time decisions that have a significantly positive impact on performance and reliability. Advanced predictive analysis software helps power generation employees to work more effectively by providing early warning notification and give more lead time to plan necessary maintenance, it will ultimately avoiding potential equipment failure and improving performance. Predictive analytics software can allow power utilities to monitor critical issues for the purpose of identifying, diagnosing and prioritizing equipment problems in real time. Power generation and delivery utilities can transform their maintenance Strategies by power related data and predictive analytics solutions to spend less time.
Preserve Identity across distributed Server using Fedrated Identity Management System[Full-Text ]
Prof. Rahul R. Papalkar, Prof. Pravin R. Nerkar, Prof. N.S. Band, Prof. N.M ShivratriwarUsing Single Sign On (SSO) user authenticate only one time & access several secure services & resources without reauthentication. Accessing several resources from distributed server is a complex job, simple Identity management does’t preserve user identity across a distributed server, In this paper we mention the novel technique to preserve Identity across distributeted server using Fedrated Identity Management System. In this paper the proposed design allows user to use single set of credentials, even a user maintains with different kinds of cloud environments. We propose a solution with defacto standards of open authorization in which there is a trust party auditor which maintains all the credentials and cloud provider can uniquely distinguish one user from other. We also maintain secure channel for user in order to ensure the confidentiality.
An Overview of Data Hiding Techniques using Steganography[Full-Text ]
Ms. Roshani D. Ghodeswar, Dr. A. S. AlviIn today’s world internet is most popular medium as huge amount of data is transmitted over a network. Thus the confidentiality of the data is the most important issue for research in the field of internet security, steganography, cryptography. This paper introduces a ways of data hiding using a steganography. The confidential data send over internet should transmit securely to receiver. To achieve the security of data various data hiding techniques are used.
Patient–Centric Secure Data Sharing Frame-work for Systems[Full-Text ]
V. S. Sakharkar, K.S. Muzumdar, A.B. Pahurkar, P.P. KaduA personal Health Record (PHR) contains the information pertinent to a patient’s health. It allows a patient to make, handle, and organize his/her personal health data in one place through the web. Each patient has assured the full control of his/her personal health records. It is shared with wide range of users, such as healthcare providers, relatives or friends. Personal health information (PHI) is stored on a third-party server; the main concern is about the control of sharing of their personal information .On the one hand, although there exist healthcare regulations such as HIPAA which is recently amended to incorporate business associates [3], cloud providers are usually not covered entities [4]. A feasible and promising approach would be to encrypt the data before outsourcing. A PHR file is given to the users who possess corresponding decryption key, while remain confidential to the rest of users. Furthermore, the patient shall always retain the right to not only grant, but also revoke access privileges when they feel it is necessary [11].
Review of Key-aggregate Searchable Encryp-tion Technique for Group Data Shearing Lite-rature[Full-Text ]
M.K.Kurhdkar, Prof.Mrs.V.M.DeshmukhThe Ability of shearing encrypted data with group users via cloud network it concern over confidential data leak over network. Its challenge to developed encryption algorithm lies in efficient management of encrypted key.The desired flexibility of group of users demanding different keys for encryption for different documents. However, this also implies the necessity of distributing number of keys for decryption and search keys, and those users received the keys successfully send equal number of trapdoor keys to cloud to search documents over cloud . The implied the secularly sending group data to different users over network renders the approach impractical. It practicable by proposing literature on (KASE) Key Aggregation Searchable Encryption and instantiating the concept through a concrete KASE scheme, in data owner required only one key for encryption for group of documents and users required single trapdoor key for searching of different documents
A Survey on Security of Android devices over Cloud[Full-Text ]
Pankajkumar S Thakre, Dr.Vaishali M. DeshmukhThe growth of mobile phone users increasing in millions, as per as the user data and storage demands increases rapidly, the future of cloud need more attention to manage all the layers like network, service and whole infrastructure. The one of the important area where cloud need to focus is the security in all the layers. In this paper we have reviewed various issues related to security of data for mobile in cloud also discussed the various work ethics done for cloud to enhance the security.
IP Multicast E-Meetings through Multipurpose Internet Mail Web Gateway[Full-Text ]
Rupesh Hushangabade, Monika Shirbhate, Maithili Deshmukh, Abhishek GulhaneAs use of video conferencing and e-meeting systems are often on the Internet and in businesses it becomes immensely important to be able to play its role from any computer at any location. Often this is impossible, since these systems cannot run without special software that are not readily available everywhere or impossible to install for administrative reasons. Locations also lack the necessary network system configuration such as IP multicast. This paper presents a World Wide Web gateway system that allows users to enable its participation using only a standard web browser tools.
A Survey of Video Streaming in Mobile Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Ms. Ruchita D.Londhe Dr. Swati S. Sherekar Dr. V. M. ThakareCloud computing is gaining power as a promising technology to transform IT industry and many reputed enterprises are developing their own cloud infrastructures. Clouds are responsible for storage and computing demanding tasks, and mobile devices collocating with each other share bandwidth and cooperatively stream media content to distribute the load of mobile devices. But Mobile multimedia still poses many challenges in efficient video streaming due to the form of mobile devices. In mobile cloud video rendering and encoding is performed on cloud servers, with the resulting video streamed over wireless networks to mobile devices. For providing higher user experience in mobile devices higher bit rate is required to improve video quality and response time in video. This paper is briefly described & analyzed the role of cloud computing in mobile devices.
Review: Web Semantics in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ]
Rupali A. Meshram, Komal R. Hole, Pranita P. Deshmukh, Roshan A. karwaThis paper shows how cloud computing on the background of Semantic Web is going to important. Cloud computing has become interesting area both in academia and industry. Semantic Web has been an important research area in academic and industrial researchers. Many applications will need to work with large amounts of data, one particular application would certainly not exist without the capability of accessing and processing arbitrary amounts of metadata: search engines that locate the data and services that other applications need. To solve this problem, semantic web services used with cloud computing. In this paper we present the use of well established semantic technologies in Cloud computing. The purpose of this report is to give an overview of semantic web services and semantic web technologies in cloud computing.
A Survey on Applications of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic in Caching[Full-Text ]
Mr. S. N. Sarda, Mr. M. R. Dhande, Mr. R. A. Tiwari, Mr. S. P. ThakareTo reduce penalty occur due to page fault and to optimize performance of Caching. Designer of system are always looking for a novel approach for page replacement policies. This paper, discuss the various neural approaches that were designed based on creatures and fuzzy logic to optimize the performance of caching .The proposed system we discussed here is more effective in solving the problems than a systems used earlier in this problem domain.
A Novel approach for Information Retrieval of Text Documents[Full-Text ]
Miss.K.S.Hantodkar Dr.S.S.Sherekar Dr.V.M.ThakareText mining is gaining attention because of its automatically discovering technique of knowledge assets buried in unstructured text. In text mining techniques, the frequency of a word or phrase is observed to gain the importance of the term in the document. The similarity between documents is also measured by one of several similarity measures by text mining that are based on such a feature vector. This paper, discusses briefly five methods i.e Concept-based mining model, Text-driven D-matrix method, Ontology based Text Mining Method, PPSGEN method and VarifocalReader method.
Survey on Enabling Document Annotation using Content and Querying Value[Full-Text ]
Ruchika R. Tated, Prof. P.D. ThakareApplication domains such as scientific networks, blogs, and groups share information in a large amount is usually in unstructured data text documents. Document annotation is one of the popular methods, where metadata present in document is used to search documents from a large text documents database. Annotations can be comments, important notes, explanation about data or other types of related information or remarks that can be attached to document or to a specific part of a document. Attribute-value pair annotations use either content or querying value of attributes or both for annotation. Using content and querying value together increases the visibility of documents more efficiently than using them individually. Various methods like information extraction and query forms have been used for this purpose, but they are expensive and inaccurate. We present an alternative approach, which will provide relevant attributes for annotation, having high content and querying value.
An Energy Aware GAF protocol for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ]
Payal P. Khatri, Prof.V.M.ThakareIn the design of protocols and algorithms energy awareness for computation and protocol management is becoming a crucial factor. On the other hand, to support node mobility many scalable routing strategies have been designed. These protocols try to consider the path duration with respect to some QoS constraints and to reduce the route discovery procedures. In this paper, a novel routing strategy is introduced called Energy Aware Geographic Adaptive Fidelity protocol, which uses nodes’ location information, instead of links’ information for routing of data packets. This protocol makes use of nodes which are not active into sleeping state over a period of time making cooperative network more energy efficient. When compared to a similar non-energy aware routing protocol such as GPSR, energy aware GAF not only reduces the energy consumption for the route setup, but also performs better than GPSR in terms of packet delivery ratio. This novel protocol minimizes the unnecessary channel access contention and thereby improves the packet drop rate without compromising the event detection latency. This is in contrast to the energy- latency tradeoffs that has been the main focus of many energy efficient in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).