INCETCSIT 2020- Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology

"INCETCSIT 2020 Conference Papers "

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Aspects of Cyber Security on Latest Technologies[ ]

cyber security is the protection of computer systems from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, it plays an important role in the field of information technology. Securing the information have become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. Whenever we think about the cyber security the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘cyber crimes’ which are increasing immensely day by day. This paper focuses on the role of cyber security for resolving cyber crimes.

Survey of MapReduce Scheduling Algorithm[ ]

Recent trends in big data have exposed that the amount of data continues to increase at an exponential rate. This trend has encouraged many researchers over the past few years to survey new research direction of studies related to several areas of big data.  Especially, enhancing resources and jobs scheduling are becoming critical since they fundamentally determine even if the applications can accomplish the performance goals in different use cases. Scheduling operate an important task in big data, mainly in compressing the cost of processing and execution time. This paper aims to survey the research undertaken in the field of scheduling in big data platforms.

The Role of Mathematics and Statistics in the Field of Data Science[ ]

Mathematics is the solid foundation of any contemporary discipline of science and also which  is the very important in the field of data science as concepts within mathematics aid in identifying patterns and assist in creating algorithms. Statistics and math are the very important in Data Science but only because of the concepts they surface and the tools they make possible. Beyond the basics of calculus, discrete mathematics and linear algebra there is a certain kind of mathematical thinking which is required to understand data. The understanding of various concepts of Statistics and Probability Theory are key for the implementation of such algorithms in data science. Almost all the techniques of modern data science, including machine learning, have a deep mathematical foundation. In this paper, the evidence to support our premise that math and statistics are the most important disciplines to provide tools and methods to find structure into data. The knowledge of math is very important for newcomers arriving at data science from other professions.


To develop a good quality software lot of experience and coding skills is required. Thus, beginner or inexperienced developers suffers lot. In this general rule to help in this important context paper have been highlighted. It presents the directions and good professional practices of developing good software regardless of software realm(whether for mobile, desktop, web or embedded), size and complexity. Good practices are organized in categories to ease the process of contemplate them while developing software. Also many recommendations are given in different categories which can be considered by software developers.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Busniess [ ]

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is propelling strategists to reshape their business models. This paper focuses on the impact of AI on businesses - from research, innovation, market deployment in business models. The triangle is based on innovation, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. The first dimension deals with research and innovation in AI w.r.t business. In the second dimension, we explore the impact of AI on the global market and the strategic objectives of the businesses and finally the third dimension inspect how AI is shaping business contexts.

Artificial World - A Stepping Stone of Human Intelligence[ ]

Intelligence can be a top-quality that is peculiar to the human mind that permits one to use info — achieved from existence, abstract concepts, several originate processes, and more, to manage one’s surroundings. Humans developed a machine that will, in a way ‘mimic’ this quality will build our lives way easier and economical, there comes the concept of AI were machines will work 24/7 while not getting tired. AI a simple terminology used in data models for problem-solving is now upgraded to artificial neural networks — a computational model based on the structure and functions of human biological neural networks. Big data, Machine learning, human learning are the building blocks of AI and the processing power of Quantum Computing enable future computers to process incredible amounts of big data. If robots and machines will be capable of doing our jobs in the future, in like manner we do them or even better, where do humans fit in the equation. What about the ethics and regulation the AI must follow ? The human race is on an imminent of AI sovereignty the question is “will humans and AI be friend or foe" .

Linux Cluster for Parallel Computing To Implement Data Mining Algorithm, K-Means with MPI[ ]

Data clustering is one of the most popular methods for exploratory analysis of data. It has a prevalent attention in many of the disciplines like data mining, pattern classification, image segmentation, bioinformatics, statistics etc. The most famous data mining clustering algorithm is K-means, so called of its simplicity, efficiency, easiness of implementation, effectiveness etc. Impressed with the advantage of K-means clustering algorithm we introduce the K-means with MPI called MK-means through this paper. The algorithm provide a wide area to solve how to compute the huge volume of data produced as a result of real world applications, which is the major challenging issue faced by the present world. For solving the computational issues a Linux parallel Cluster is setup on the basis of distributed sharing environment. The file sharing is performed using NFS (Network file system) and parallel computing using MPD (Multi-purpose Daemon). In addition, this paper introduce MPI (message passing interface) a programming model for message passing for communication among nodes that runs parallel programs on a distributed-memory system. It is a library of routines in C programs in open-source versions MPICH2 having performance, scalability and portability. Experimental analysis and implementation proved that MK-means provide efficiency and effectiveness in the field of parallel computing clustering algorithms. It is relatively stable, portable and less time consumption in processing huge volumes of data sets.

Security Issues In IoT[ ]

Internet of Things is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that has the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human or computer interaction. The Internet of Things (IoT) involves the rapid adoption of smart, adaptive and connected devices. IoT is rapidly being used in areas like health, utility, homes, transportation, industries etc. It brings benefits and reliability to consumers. The haste and its large scale connection however poses serious risks to consumers. These risks give rise to new attack vectors, new vulnerabilities and physical destruction through remote access. The IOT brings implications on cyber security as these devices are connected through the internet. In this paper, we review literature related to threats in the IoT and analyze the various models that could be used to overcome these threats.

Event Management Ticket Booking using BlockChain[ ]

Event management usually needs to undergo a middle man ticketing service, which facilitates the sale of tickets. Likewise, event attendees can only purchase tickets through this middleman, who takes roughly 5-10% of ticket revenues as commission. Another issue is ticketing fraud- tickets may be replicated, which aids unauthorised admissions and loss of revenue for hosts. A ticketing Distributed App using ethereum would resolve all the difficulties stated above. Any Event holders can sprightly sell their event tickets through the DistributedApp with easiness and Convenience. We are going to have a hard and fast number of tickets and every ticket will have the ownership of concert holders. When a customer had done the payment through ethereum wallet then the ownership of the tickets are changed to the customer. Once the ownership is modified there'll be no chance of fixing the ownership of tickets thereby ticket deception may be avoided. Once tickets are bought, the ownership of those tickets would be transferred to the buyers. Developing the DistributedApp can avoid ticket fraud furthermore and prevents external hacks to control the tickets.

ElectIt: A new indigenous way for online voting process[ ]

In traditional elections, a voter usually goes to the voting stations. After direct person-person verification with some IDs, the voter is allowed to vote. The voter is then given a ballot which allows a single vote. Once the ballot is used, it cannot be used again. However, this ballot must also be anonymous. The ballot must identify the voter as being permitted to vote, as it is the old technique it consumes a lot of time as well as energy. The current methods were the attacker can interact directly with the voting process to disrupt it. There is a greater chance of getting caught as there will be physical evidence in the traditional polling. the ballot box can be easily manipulated by the attacker. The Online voting system (OVS) also known as e-voting is a term encompassing several different types of voting embracing both electronic means of counting votes. Online voting is an electronic way of choosing leaders via a web driven application. The advantage of online voting over the common “queue method” is that the voters have the choice of voting at their own free time and there is reduced congestion. It also minimizes on errors of vote counting. This system is geared towards increasing the voting percentage in India; cases of false votes shall be reduced. With the “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM”, a voter can use his\her voting right online without any difficulty. He\She has to register as a voter first before being authorized to vote. The registration should be done prior to the voting date to enable data update in the database. However, not just anybody can vote. For one to participate in the elections, he/she must have the requirements. For instance, he/she must be a registered citizen i.e. must be 18 and above years old. As already stated, the project ‘Elect IT ' provides means for fast and convenient voting and Access to this system is limited only to registered voters. People are getting more used to work with computers to do all sorts of things, they allow people to vote far from where they usually live.

Predicting levels of depression from social network data using machine learning technique[ ]

One of the biggest differences in the lives of current teenagers and young adults, as compared to earlier generations, is that they spend much less time connecting directly with peoples and more time connecting electronically, principally through social media. Some experts see the rise in depression as evidence because social media users are less emotionally satisfied. Twitter become the most popular social media platform that allow people to share the information through small messages called tweets on a real time basis.The proposed method uses concepts like Natural Language Processing for text analysis. This system will analyze the sentiments as positive or negative using Textblob’s sentiment method based on that the system will detects the different levels of depression.

A novel machine learning approach for sentiment analysis[ ]

There is tremendous rise in the volume of textual data especially for the unstructured data generated from people who express opinion through various web and social media platform. We have choosen textual data in the form of hotel reviews for sentiment analysis with opinion mining from customer perspective. We are adding a pictures of hotel based on customer reviews .natural language processing and computation at linguistics are been used to automate the classification of sentiments generated  from reviews in this paper. we proposed a regional pie chart where we can get reviews of a particular hotel from a particular region. We are using naive bayes algorithms  a deep learning algorithm. After analysis of the algorithm we get a pie chart of regional reviews of the hotel our project helps people and travellers to find the best hotels focusing on positive, negative, sarcastic and duplicate reviews. So the main future work of our project is to detect fake reviews, which will have a positive impact for booking of hotels with high rating. And hence the results of hotel reviews will be represented in the form of star rating as well as pie chart.

Look 360: An android application using Google analytics and firebase with Mobile Cloud Computing.[ ]

Look 360 is an Android Mobile Application; the name “Look360” originates by keeping its features in mind and considering its capabilities of storing Events, Seminars, Trade Shows and Conferences all across India on the Basis of different categories which has high search index as well as interest of the Students and Educators. Since, Look 360 handles the storing Events, Seminars, Trade Shows and Conferences Nationwide; filtration plays an important role here. This Android Application is connected with Google Firebase which uses Real Time Database feature. Using Real-Time Database enables the system to make changes with respect to Names of events, Date and Time and Venue of events too as specified by the Organizing Team. In order to make a Fully Dynamic Native Android Application the static contents need to be connected with the Cloud, thus Firebase Remote Config comes in picture to make Text, Colour etc feel dynamic. Look 360 is integrated with Google Action which can be evoked by just saying, “Ok Google, Talk to Look 360” where users can Operates the Application based on Voice Command. Google Action used Artificial Intelligence to get output based on Human Interactions via Keyboard or Voice. This Dynamic Android Application not only have Interesting User Interface (UI) but also it built by keeping User Experience (UX) among top priorities. general, is the task of extracting implicit, before unknown, valid and potentially useful information from data. Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from Web documents and services for obtaining useful information.

Connecting Android App to MySQL Database using PHP[ ]

This Android application sends and receives data from the server. The server will store and fetch the data in a remote database like MySQL. In this paper, how one can store and retrieve data from a remote MySQL database using PHP 7.2 and how to access data in the Android Application is demonstrated. App demonstrates CRUD operations on a database. Server side programming is done using PHP and XAMP server is used to deploy web application.

Garbage Management in Smart Cities using Automatic Robot[ ]

The fourth generation defiance demands various advanced technologies and their interactions and incorporation in human world which definitely has moved from the era of sci-fiction and research & development towards reality. Smart cities are now acquiring, utilizing and are fully charged with impending technologies, gradually they have adopted various forms of technology in multiple areas of economic and social life sector. Robots are designed, deployed and utilized for human comfort, as robot is an emerging field in the smart city infrastructure and in its application. A garbage collecting robot can obtain information about its surrounding environment, work for more time mitigate human effort and cost. A Robot can move as per instructed by user or in an automated way which is interaction between machines and humans.


Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. It is a common disease for human body caused by metabolic disorder when the sugar level is high. It can cause many complications. According to growing morbidity by the year 2050, the world’s diabetic patients will reach 740 millions, which means that one of ten adults or children may suffer diabetes. Early prediction of such disease can save human life. To achieve this goal researchers are mainly working on this risk factor related to diabetes using machine learning techniques. With rapid development of machine learning, machine learning has been applied in many aspects of medical health. In this study, we are using some popular machine learning algorithms namely, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Logistic Regression to predict diabetes mellitus. In our experimental results it shows that Logistic Regression have achieved the highest accuracy compared to other machine learning techniques.

Current Potholes and Hump Detection Techniques: A Literature Review[ ]

India recorded that over 9,300 people had been killed and nearly 25,000 were injured in road accidents as a result of potholes. This is a serious concern over increasing accidents due to potholes on roads and these are much more than deaths due to terror attacks. It is unacceptable that such a large number of deaths take place on roads due to potholes and humps. A constant detection and repair in proper time can not only result in ensuring road surface quality but can also save many lives. Many Proposals are collected from the standard journals, and it is first reviewed chronologically to find out the contributions in potholes and hump detection techniques. After reviewing, the various challenges addressed in the road maintenance is discussed. The various approaches used in the detection of potholes and humps are discussed and reviewed. The approach such as a vibration based for automatic detection of potholes and speed breakers along with their coordinates, a stereo vision system which detects potholes during driving, an internet of things based road monitoring system (IoT-RMS) is proposed to identify the potholes and humps in the road, Ultrasonic sensors are used to identify potholes and humps and also to measure their depth and height respectively, Computer vision approaches are generally based on either 2D road image analysis or 3D road surface modeling. As the research outcome, case studies are taken and reviewed.

Low Cost Health Monitoring System[ ]

A busy lifestyle leaves people with very little for regular health check-ups or visits to the doctor. At the same time, people wish that they would be able to monitor their own as well as the health of children, dependents, old parents alone at home, with the help of some basic health parameters. Certain conditions such as Artrial fibrillation that involves an irregular heartbeat, many a times go unnoticed leading later on to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. The RELY-AF registry reported that amongst the AF patients, valvular heart disease was most common in India (46.7%) and Africa (32.6%) and much less common in Eastern Europe (10.7%) and Western Europe (8.8%). An increase in body temperature (fever) which tends to get ignored at times or in case of children alone at home, goes unnoticed could actually require timely intervention as it could be indicative of a minor or major infection that needs to be treated. This paper proposes an Embedded solution that includes a light weight, portable wearable device to check heart rate and body temperature. The wearable device would continuously collect this data and send it with the help of a mobile app to the parents / caretakers. It would help parents to immediately contact the doctor or even admit to the hospital, their children / old parents. The mobile app additionally can then be used to track the person’s heart rate and body temperature over a period of time.

A review for Motion planning using Autonomous Mobile Robots[ ]

In today world autonomous mobile robot is of the great importance as it is able to find path on its own. Motion planning is one of the most researched area when we design both the autonomous mobile robots and legged robots. The basic definition of motion planning is to plan a path from the initial desired point to the goal point including the obstacles in the given environment. Many techniques have been studied by researchers for the past thirty years in the case of mobile robots. This article presents a review to provide solution for motion planning using different nature inspired algorithm. It presents a comparison between the classic approaches and the nature-based approaches used to develop an optimized solution in the area of autonomous mobile robots. Thus, it can be easily implemented in real time obstacle avoidance especially in the uncertain environment. It improves the challenges in navigation also minimizes computation calculations. The performance of the algorithm is better in turns of the path optimization as compared to the other available approaches. The results of this paper will enhance how optimized path planning implemented to achieve real-time intelligent autonomous mobile robots.

E-Health Care Monitoring System[ ]

The E-health monitoring system is one amongst the main developments within the field of life science. An automatic wireless health monitoring system is employed to live patient's temperature, pressure, pulse etc. which are accustomed evaluate the health condition of the patient. Providing the collected information to the doctor and making proper decision on the information collected also notifying the patient is that the challenging task within the IOT. During this project, an IoT based E-health care monitoring system is proposed which is Non-Invasive in nature. Arduino is employed here to gather the desired parameters and evaluate the information obtained from the sensor devices. The system with Arduino also gives the notifications to patients regarding the measurement of the parameters mentioned within the proposed system. IoT with the mix of Arduino brings new light to the employment of Internet of Things in Health care Monitoring system. Arduino Uno board collects data from the sensors and transfer wirelessly to IoT website. The proposed E-health care system is evaluated for sure parameters like temperature, pressure and pulse, and also the decisions will be made supported the information obtained from IoT website.

Novel Technologies for Waste Management: A Literature Review[ ]

In the present situation, waste management has become a basic worry because of quick urbanization, social, monetary exercises and fast ascent in human population. The proportion of solid waste generated by the world is steadily increasing. The rise in environmental pollution caused by unmanaged solid waste management is terrifying and hence has become a matter of concern for the government. Improper handling of waste collection and inappropriate disposal of solid waste has resulted to become a source of water, land and air pollution. This ultimately creates risks and threats to human health and the environment. There is a need to implement suitable waste management techniques for a particular area and its waste situation. This paper highlights the literature review of current trending techniques for urban solid waste management. The study would upgrade the solid waste management reform; boost its management and efficiency to ensure the practical solutions for solid waste collection process, monitoring and management for green environment..

Learning Framework using ICT in Educational Technology[ ]

The purpose of this paper is to present the modern Computer-Smartphone based Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in education. How useful for education to extends the capabilities of learners and therefore the instructor to place their idea more clearly and properly to the learner. ICT technology offers innovative techniques within the learning system. The expansion of those communication and Computer-Smartphone systems, their simple use, the supremacy and multiplicity of data transfer allow instructors and learners to possess access to a world beyond the classroom. It's the potential to rework the character and process of the training setting and foresee a replacement learning culture. Knowledge, diversity and any time support for learner and instructor is became ICT environment. ICT exposes opportunities for learners to access, extend, transform and share ideas and knowledge in multi-modal communication styles and format. It helps the learner to share learning resources and spaces, promote learner centered and collaborative learning principles and enhance critical thinking, ingenious thinking and problem solving skills. Knowledge is currently being improved by ICT, which consists of a combination of teaching methodologies and Computer-Smartphone based tools. This way, an effective and efficient improvement plan to enhance the efficient use of ICT resources in learning and to meet an adequate level of quality was established.

Android Based Attendance And Prediction System[ ]

Android based Attendance and Prediction System can be used by any business institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students or employees easily. The creation and the board of precise, forward-thinking data with respect to an understudies' scholastic vocation is fundamentally significant in the college just as schools. Android Based Attendance And Prediction System manages all sort of understudy subtleties, understudy results, expectation of understudies result, notes refreshed by staff, scholarly related reports, school subtleties, course subtleties, educational plan, group subtleties, position subtleties and other asset related subtleties as well. It will also have faculty details, batch execution details, students’ details in all aspects, the various academic notifications will be send to parents by the staff. It provides minimal error in report generation of a particular student’s attendance and prediction of students results. The main motive behind this software is to replace the traditional pen and register system. Prediction system is use to predict marks of students depending on their Unit Test Examination and Attendance monthly. This can also identify whether the student is slow learner or fast learner.

Android Application for Smart Shopping[ ]

We are basically developing an Android application that will be interfaced with the cart via a Bluetooth module. As the customer adds an item into the cart he will be required to scan the product first on the barcode scanner placed on the cart and the product will be added on the Android application as well. The customer can also remove the product from the cart by double scanning the product on the barcode scanner and the product will be removed from the Android application as well. Now if the customer removes the product from the Android application but forgets to remove it from the cart, a buzzer will go off. This buzzer is connected to ultrasonic sensors placed inside the cart and if the product is still in its range for 5 secs after being removed from the app, the buzzer will go off. This makes our project cost efficient, time saving and secure.

Billboard Marketing Management System Using IOT and Data mining[ ]

The system shows the implementation and design of an intelligent billboard marketing system which displays one or more Advertisements at a time in order to target a user or group of users. The system is developed using a Raspberry Pi. Sales data collected from the stores in the form of ‘.csv’, the file will be processed with the help of different algorithms such as MARKET BASKET, and prediction of the targeted users is done along with the various deals that will help to increase the sales. When selling a product, choosing the optimum price, to maximize profit is important. For that we have used a reinforcement ML technique known as Multi arm Bandit. It works on exploration and exploitation. Epsilon-greedy algorithm is used for exploration of prices for a particular product and Auer Deterministic algorithm are used to choose the price that yielded the highest profit according to the trials. Also, we have created a website for our system so that customers can post their advertisement and information related to it. This can be done by digital marketing by applying website optimization techniques. In addition to this, notification can be provided to the previously registered users who are present within the region of the billboard, so that they can be targeted effectively.

A Deep Learning Approach For Detecting Click Ad Frauds in Mobile Advertising [ ]

Click fraud: intentionally clicking on the advertisements with no personal interest in the ad but to increase illegal revenue for the application publishers. This pay per click model has an empty space for the rival companies to post false ads to effect the healthy growing companies. Due to click fraud attack advertiser has result to loss as they have to pay to the publisher for the number of clicks on the advertisement. In this paper we proposed a click fraud detection model, to classify fraudulent click based on the features provided using CNN algorithm - a deep learning algorithm. After analysis of the CNN algorithm we get a graph chart which gives us an idea on whether the click was fraudulent or not. Our project helps in industries who want to either design a system wherein they prevent the fraudulent clicks before it attacks the end users .We have gain an accuracy of about 99.7% and result will be represented in the form of graph.

Automated Cars Using Image Processing[ ]

In today’s world self driving cars are a must needed development in automobile sector that various companies are currently conducting their research on. In this paper we give a complete overview of the current scenario of the self driving car system, the issues faced and the solutions to these issues.

Secured Mobile Healthcare Social Network[ ]

The quick advancement of computerized information trade has constrained the information security to be of a lot of significant in information stockpiling and transmission. A lot of information is transmitted over a system, it is starter to verify a wide range of information before sending them. The issue with AES, most broadly utilized encryption is that it utilizes numerous multi variation conditions which are direct in nature. Hence it very well may be broken utilizing mathematical cryptanalysis. This gives a genuine risk as AES was considered to be unbreakable and along these lines it was utilized in numerous encryption frameworks. The present paper exhibits the plan and execution of a mixture based 128 piece key AES-DES calculation as a security

Implementation of Chatbot using NLP and IOT[ ]

In this paper we proposed that by using chatbot we can have access to the electrical appliances through the internet. The first important feature of chatbot is that by using chatbot alogorithm the user can text information to control the functioning of electrical appliance. The message that is sent using the chatbot is processed using Natural Language Processing technique. The Second important feature is that devices connected to the local area network within the house can be control using chabot. Another feature of chatbot is that it can be used to control the appliances based on programmed time-table, and can enable certain users to access the particular application.

Agriculture Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning[ ]

The detection of diseases at earlier stage is important in agriculture for an efficient crop yield. The bacterial spot, late blight, septoria leaf spot and yellow curved leaf diseases affect the crop quality of agriculture plants. Due to automatic methods for classification of leaf diseases it helps in taking action after detecting the symptoms of leaf diseases. This paper presents a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based method for leaf disease detection and classification. The dataset contains 500 or more images of leaves with four symptoms of diseases. We have trained a CNN Model for automatic feature extraction and classification. In our model, based on RGB components the filters are applied to three channels .Color information is used for plant leaf disease researches

Survey Paper on Google’s Flutter SDK[ ]

Flutter is Google’s new UI toolkit for building attractive, natively compiled applications for mobile, web and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter uses Dart language for both UI Design and coding. Flutter’s engine is written in C++. It interfaces with platform specific SDK provided by Android OS and iOS. Flutter will be used to develop cross platform applications for android, ios and web, even for upcoming Google’s Fuchsia OS. Keywords: Flutter, SDK, Dart, Android, iOS, Fuchsia OS, Native

Survey paper on Google’s new Fuchsia OS[ ]

Fuchsia is a new operating system currently being developed by Google. It became known to the public when a form appeared on git in August 2016, but no official announcement was done. Considering Chrome OS and Android OS are based on Linux kernel, Fuchsia OS is based on a new microkernel called Zircon, named after the mineral. Fuchsia OS will target devices like smartphones, tablets, smart and IoT baseddevices.

The development of hybrid mobile applications with Apache Cordova[ ]

Native mobile applications are applications developed by using the SDK and programing language specific to the mobile platform. The key limitation of those mobile applications is that the inability to transfer applications to a different platform, without writing the applying from scratch. This situation has led to new requirements, like tools that enable generation of mobile applications with one codebase. This paper presents the simplest way of generating such applications using the Apache Cordova. It allows developers to implement applications on multiple platforms, employing a single codebase. Applications are executed in an exceedingly platform-specific native container.

Study on Data Security policy Based on cloud storage[ ]

Along with the growing popular of CloudComputing. Cloud storage technology has been paid more andmore attract as an issue network storage technology whichis extends and developed by cloud computing conception. Cloud computing environment depend on user services such as high-speed storage and retrieval provided by cloud computingSystems .interim data security is an important problem tosolve urgently for cloud storage technology. In recent years,There are more and more harmful attacks on cloud storageSystem, and cloud storage system of data leak out also frequentlyoccurred. Cloud storage security concerns the user's data security. The main purpose of this paper is to achieve data security ofcloud storage and to develop corresponding cloud storage security policy. Those were combined with the results of existingacademic research by analyze the security risks of user data incloud storage and approach a subject of the relevant security technology,which based on the structural characteristics of cloud storage system.


Biometrics is a practical way of studying and broadcasting that brings a host of supplying domains in an combination way to generate products that find different applications particularly in creating an individual's identity. Modelling biometric processes reveals a number of discussions in different fields, mainly in medicine and in the digital image processing field. These conversation range from the simulation levels of these models to those of application and concrete products that use biometric systems for identifying individuals. Indeed, over various biological parameters of an individual to be identifiable, there is the face that generates numerous information about the physical data of the individual. As per , particular studies, facial components merged according to different methods that ,can be used to design simulation models that come in support of generating closed-source and dedicated programs of biometric recognition (Das, 2018). This paper assign with a simulation model, through the mathematica 0.727035(Matlab) test-bench, of the facial recognition process. The model is generated at the proposal level for the subject field and gives the limits and guidance for improvements and further developments of this simulation method. The modelling methodology includes two parts; the first part is the mathematica 0.727035(Matlab) program that has been coded in such a way that it takes some images that represent the faces of different people advertised in the open source database on the Internet or Website; the second part is the formation of a database that retains these images to allow face identification when entering a new image program. The facial search and retrieval process are assemble through some built-in functions that the latest versions of mathematica 0.727035(Matlab) offer. Finally, the simulation model provides a new facial identification model that leaves room for further discussion and limits to the similarly small number of face images that can support the database in mathematica 0.727035(Matlab).

To Study Data Mining Classification Techniques.[ ]

A Classification is one of the most convenient and beneficial techniques. Classification techniques are convenient to handle large amount of data. Classification is used to estimate unreserved class labels. Classification models are used to classifying freshly available data into a class label. Classification is the process of detecting a model that describes and differentiate data classes or concepts. Classification methods can handle both scientific and unreserved attributes. Constructing fast and accurate classifiers for large model used for unknown assembling Testing data set data sets is an important task in data mining and knowledge discovery. Classification guess categorical class labels and classifies data based on the training set. Classification is two steps processes. In this paper we present a study of various data mining classification techniques like Decision Tree, K Nearest Neighbour, Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayesian Classifiers, and Neural Networks.

A survey on Cloud computing in E-commerce[ ]

The rapid development of technologies in the past few decades is bringing changes in many aspects of our life- how we connect to people, how we search for a particular information or how we buy or purchase a particular thing. In spite of the fact that shop-based retailing and purchasing is still liked by many, e-commerce has gained popularity. Meanwhile cloud computing which is a new technology and a high tech product, has played a major role in providing different services to companies. Cloud computing is known for its robust and strong support for data storage. It is also a dependable platform for a safe and secure data transfer at a low cost and with high security. An area which is hugely benefitting from cloud computing is e-commerce. E-commerce in India is one of the fastest growing sectors. The exceptional growth of e-commerce is accompanied by certain challenges such as security, shortage of manpower, absence of e-commerce laws and analyzing customer details. Cloud based e-commerce overcomes these challenges. Cloud computing in e-commerce enables the business to look large virtually and operate extensively. Cloud is impacting the growth of the e-commerce sector with its features such as scalability, speed, cost reduction, security and redundancy. This paper gives an overview of cloud computing and its service models, brief explanation of e-commerce, how both are related to each other and highlighting the benefits and challenges for applying cloud computing in e-commerce.

Application of security in cloud computing[ ]

In today’s world, cloud computing has become a prime part of any small and large scale industry. Nowadays, cloud computing is taken into account as a service just like water or electricity is considered as service. A cloud consumer uses different resources such as storage, application, network, etc whenever they need it, without being concerned about the underlying architecture. And users only pay for the resources they need and scale those resources as per their demand. Though cloud provides flexibility in on demand resource availability, it faces some problems in security. And within the future, these problems raised can lead to companies not taking advantage of the cloud-based solutions. This paper provides a literature review on implementing security in cloud environment.


The term Cloud refers to a Network or Internet. In other words, we are able to say that Cloud are some things, which is present at remote location. Cloud can provide services over public and personal networks, i.e., WAN, LAN or VPN. Applications like e-mail, web conferencing, customer relationship management (CRM) execute on cloud. Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the hardware and software resources remotely. It offers online data storage, infrastructure, and application. Deployment models define the kind of access to the cloud, i.e., how the cloud is located? Cloud can have any of the four varieties of access: Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community. The public cloud allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the final public. Public cloud is also less secure due to its openness. The private cloud allows systems and services to be accessible within a corporation. it's more secured due to its private nature. The community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a bunch of organizations. The hybrid cloud may be a mixture of public and personal cloud, during which the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.


Here, the big data is stored on the internet called as cloud. With usage of cloud storage users can store their data on the internet. Cloud computing provides various services to the users. Data storage is one of them. But it is observed that there is very big problem of data to move somewhere secretly and quietly through the internet. More is the problem of data leaking & attack on the data on cloud. The intention of this paper is to accomplish data security of cloud storage and to put together equivalent cloud storage security strategy. These strategies are combined with the outcomes of existent data by considering the security risk & user data on cloud storage & move towards the appropriate security technique, which is based on properties of cloud storage system. The paper will go in to subtitle elements of information assurance strategy and methodologies utilized all through the world to guaranty most extreme information insurance by decrease dangers and dangers. Accessibility of information in the cloud is helpful for some applications yet it postures hazards by presenting information to application which may as of now have security provisos in them. Also, utilization of virtualization for distributed computing may chance information when a visitor OS is keep running over a hypervisor without knowing the level quality of the visitor OS which may have asecurity provision in it. The paper will likewise give a knowledge on information security perspectives for Data-in-Transit and Data-at-Rest.

Security Aspects of Virtualization in Cloud Computing [ ]

In Cloud computing, virtualization is that the basis of deliveringInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that separates data, network, applications and machines from hardware constraints. Although Cloud computing has been a focused area of research within the last decade, research on Cloud virtualization security has not been extensive. During this paper, different aspects of Cloud virtualization security are explored. Specifically, we've got identified: i) security requirements for virtualization in  Cloud computing which might be used as a step towards securing virtual infrastructure of Cloud, ii) attacks that may be launched on Cloud virtual infrastructure.

A Survey on Virtualization and Hypervisor-based Technology in Cloud Computing Environment [ ]

Virtualization could be a technology that mixes or divides computing resources to gift one many in operation environments victimisation methodologies like hardware and package partitioning or aggregation, partial or complete machine simulation, emulation, time-sharing, and others. Virtualization technologies notice vital applications over a good vary of areas like server consolidation, secure computing platforms, supporting multiple in operation systems, kernel debugging and development, system migration, etc, leading to widespread usage. Most of them present similar in operation environments to the top user; but, they have an inclination to vary wide in their levels of abstraction they operate at and also the underlying design. This paper surveys a wide vary of virtualization technologies, analyzes their design and implementation and proposes taxonomy to categorise them on the premise of their abstraction levels. The paper identifies the subsequent abstraction levels: instruction set level; hardware abstraction layer (HAL) level, OS level, library level and application level virtual machines. It studies examples from every of the classes and provides relative comparisons. It additionally provides a broader perspective of the virtualization technologies and offers Associate in nursing insight that may be extended to accommodate future virtualization technologies underneath this taxonomy. The paper proposes the thought of an especially light-weight technology, that we tend to decision as Feather weight Virtual Machine(FVM),that may be wont to”try out”untrusted programs in a very realistic setting without inflicting any permanent injury to the system.

Road Accident Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques[ ]

Road accident analysis plays a crucial role within the installation. This paper shows a survey of road accident analysis methods in data processing. within the data processing there's no. of techniques available for clustering and classification, from those techniques k-mean,Apriori algorithm,Naive Bayes classifiers, K Means algorithm. In our existence there aren't any. of accident increases and it's a big problem for us because no. of individuals' death and injuries to improve the road installation is required. During this survey, we then apply Apriori, Naïve-Bayes and K-Means to seek out relationships among the attributes and also the patterns. Naive Bayesian classifier supported Bayes rule is employed to induce the severity.Decision tree classifier is another classifier, which supplies good result for accident severity calculation. Finally K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier is employed for severity calculation.The accuracy of the algorithms are compared and it's found that KNN performs better than the opposite two algorithms employed. It'll help to enhance analysis accuracy.

“Analysis of Road Accidents using Apriori, Naive-Bayes and K-Means”[ ]

Road accidents are the main cause of death as well as serious injuries in the world. India is among the emerging countries where the rate at which traffic accidents occur is more than the critical limit. As a human being, everyone wants to avoid traffic accidents and stay safe. In order to stay safe, careful analysis of roadway traffic accident data is important to find out factors that are related to fatal, grievous injury, minor injuries, and non-injury. The relationship between critical rate and other attributes include combining weather conditions, road type, sunlight conditions, speed limit, drunk driver and so on are considered. Here, data mining algorithms are applied on critical accident dataset to address this problem and predict the accident severity. Apriori Algorithm is used for finding an association between attributes. Naive based approach is used for classifying how attributes are conditionally independent. K-means are used to form clusters and analyze them based on attributes. Comparison based on parameters is done to prove the efficiency of the various road accident detection techniques and approaches. The comparison result shows the best road accident detection method. By using these statistics, government/private agencies can take decisions in developing new roads and taking additional safety measures for the general public and awakening a sense of responsibility of road users.


In the information era, enormous quantity of data have become present on hand to decision makers. Big data mention to datasets that are not only big, but also high in variation and speed, which makes them hard to handle using conventional tools and techniques. Due to the speedy growth of such data, solutions need to be studied and provided in order to handle and extract value and knowledge from these datasets. Further, decision makers need to be able to gain valuable insights from such diverse and fast changing data, ranging from daily deal to customer interactions and social network data. Such value can be provided using big data analytics, which is the application of developed analytics techniques on big data. This paper aims to analyze some of the different analytics methods and tools which can be applied to big data, as well as the chance provided by the application of big data analytics in various conclusion domains.

Wireless Network Security Fundamentals and Technologies[ ]

In markets where devices are more widely used, there'll be attacks on the devices themselves but quickly are going to be focused on transactions. As devices networks.develop more capabilities, the threats and attacks are expected to grow more serious and frequent. With increasing deployment of wireless networks, IT enterprises are working to implement security mechanisms that are appreciated by those existing today for wire-based networks. With the growing reliance on e-commerce, wireless network based services and therefore the internet; enterprises are faced with an ever increasing responsibility to shield their systems from attack. During this paper we will discuss few of the protection technologies developed to produce security for wireless networks.


Cloud computing could be a new computational model which is based totally on grid computing. Cloud computing are often outlined as a computing surroundings wherever computing wants by one party are often outsourced to a special party and once would really like be arise to use the computing power or resources like information or emails, they'll access them via web. This paper is for anyone who will have recently detected regarding cloud computing and desires to understand lots of regarding cloud computing. In this paper, we discussed Cloud Computing, Architecture of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud Computing, and different Services and Deployment model of Cloud Computing.


Home security field deals with vibrant subjects, audio processing, image detection, geolocation purpose, and cyber attack detection. Audio processing and video surveillance area are significant for the security of public places and land border area. However, the massive threat for Office of independent agency is cyber attacks. Cyber terror attacks and cyber crime attacks may give practical networks and strength get every home. Nowadays, we consider the Office of independent agency field however we set the cyber attack detection area the most effective priority in our research. This document introduces the summary of the state of the skill in cyber attack detection strategies


In Stock Market Prediction, the aim is to predict the longer term value of the financial stocks of a corporation. The current running trend available stock market prediction technology is that the operation of ML (machine learning) which makes predictions supported the values of current stock market indices by training on their previous values. In the finance world stock trading is one among the leading important activities. Stock market prediction is an act of trying to work out the longer term value of a stock other financial appliance traded on a financial exchange. Stock market prediction is that the high level of correctness and accuracy is the key factor in predicting a stock market.In, this paper we are going to present and review a more feasible method to predict the stock association with higher accuracy. The first thing we have taken into account is the dataset of the stock market prices from preceding year. For real analysis the dataset was pre-processed and tuned up. Hence, our paper will also focus on data pre-processing of the raw dataset. Secondly, after pre-processing the data, we will review the use of random forest, support vector machine on the dataset and the outcomes it generates. In this paper we survey of well-known efficient regression approach to predict the stock exchange price from stock exchange data based. In future the results of multiple correlation approach might be improved using more number of variables.


Nowadays, cloud computing is rising field in information technology, next generation of computing. It provides large scale measure of computing and storage Service gave to users through the online which follows pay-as-you-go model. In cloud computing, the applications and services are provided over the online. the numerous users send requests for accessing resources and applications. Such sizable amount of requests increase the load on the cloud. For balancing the load, an Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA) has been introduced during this paper for allocating the user’s tasks to the virtual machines (VMs). The algorithm thrives to balance the load of the cloud infrastructure at the same time as trying minimizing the make interval of a given tasks set. The proposed load balancing approach has been simulated using the CloudAnalyst simulator. Si-mulation results for a classic sample application shows that the proposed algorithm outperformed the prevail-ing approaches like First Come First Serve (FCFS), Round Robing (RR) and a part search algorithm Stochastic Hill Climbing (SHC).

Improved Data Security System Using Hybrid Cryptosystem[ ]

Cloud As information is send and receive through the planet Wide Web, it becomes subject to inspection and access by unauthorized parties from different a part of the planet since it contains vital and personal content which will be use for fraudulent purpose. As a result, data privacy requires more attention so as to scale back data loss and pilfering. Cryptography is one amongst the favored means of protecting information so as to realize data integrity, authentication, confidentiality, accountability, accuracy and digital signatures. Symmetric & Asymmetric are the 2 main categories of cryptography algorithms wont to protect data using the required key. Asymmetric algorithms are analysed by researchers to be stronger compared to Symmetric algorithms but has higher time complexity. Previous research shows that the loophole of a specific method or algorithm will be solved or minimized by another method or algorithm. Therefore, this paper proposes a technique to enhance data security and reduce the encryption and decryption speed of El-gamal algorithm for giant volume of knowledge using hybridization of El-gamal and Blowfish algorithm. The expected outcome of the proposed method is to realize a safer encryption technique to guard vital documents with faster encryption and decryption speed compare to El-Gamal algorithm.

Cryptography in Cloud Computing: A Approach to Ensure Security in Cloud[ ]

Cloud computing is the on-demand opportunity of computer system resources, mostly data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is mainly used to describe data centres available to many users over the internet. Big clouds, main today, repeatedly have functions allocate over multiple locations from central’s servers. If the connection to the user is relatively close, it may be desig- nated an edge servers. Cloud computing is an Internet-based computing model which give some resources through Cloud Service Provider(CSP)to cloud users(CU)on demand basis without buy the underlying infra- structure and follows pay-per-use basis.


Nowadays many software applications are developed as web-based application that runs directly via Internet connectivity & testing has becomes a very important activity in Software Development Process & Software Industry. It is very difficult to test such huge and complex web-based applications. Automation testing uses automation tools to reduce human intervention and avoid repeatable tasks. In software testing, automation testing plays a very important & key role for improving quality of software prod- uct. Sometimes manual testing may not be effective due to its lack of coverage, none repeating in nature & in- consistency. To overcome this Automation is used in software industry. The importance of improving & control- ling the quality of web-based applications will increase its economic relevance. Automation testing increases work efficiency decreases the cost to deliver a high quality & stable product at the end. Automated testing is process through which fast & effective testing can be achieved successfully. This quality of automated testing has made it an essential part of software development process. In this paper we will discuss about Test Automa- tion Advantages, pre-requisites, reason to use automation testing, Automated Testing Process, Selenium over- view, features, limitations etc.


Artificial intelligence has significantly aided the process of the automation of different software process. Artifi- cial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in our life and touch base most of our surrounding applications and systems. Software testing is an important process that guarantees customer satisfaction within an application and helps in safeguard- ing against potential failures that may prove to be detrimental down the line. It is a planned process where the application is assessed and analyzed under certain conditions to understand the overall threshold and risks involved in its implementa- tion. There is no other choice than to test smarter and not harder in this day and age. The usage of AI techniques not only reduces the cost but it also guarantees better quality as well as thorough testing. Testing helps to safeguard and an application against potential application fail-overs which may turn out being harmful to the application and the organization later on. Software debugging completed, once an application thoroughly tested. Testing, however, is slowly transitioning to more automation to ensure maximum accuracy in the journey towards Digital Transformation. A more complex software appli- cations have been built, time is becoming a critical factor to release applications that must be fully tested and comply with Business Requirements.


Web Applications are widely called the building blocks of typical service oriented applications. Per- formance of such an application system is principally dependent upon the components of web applications. the standard of web application comes under non-functional testing. There are many quality attributes like perfor- mance, scalability, reliability, usability, accessibility and security. Among these attributes, PSR is that the fore- most significant and commonly used attributes considered in practice. However, there are just some empirical studies conducted on these three attributes.


Cloud computing is a fresh technology that increase application potentialities in terms of function- ing, flexible resource management and collaborative execution approach. The fundamental part of cloud com- puting is virtualization which enables industry or academic IT resources through on demand allocation active- ly. The resources have special forms such as network, server, storage, application and client. This paper focus as on how virtualization helps to improve flexibility of the resources in cloud computing context. In extension to, this paper gives a detailed review on open source virtualization techniques, challenges and future research direction.


So as to boost the protection of steganography system, this paper presents a scheme of steganography based on fractal images. This method makes use of fine properties of creation of fractal images, like easy generation, sensitive dependence on their initial condition, information are embedded during creating fractal images by secret information and initial parameters. The receiver can extract secret information by comparing the difference between Stego-Images and Cover-Images recovered with the identical initial parameters. The attackers can’t recover the Cover-Images without initial parameters, then don’t get secret information. On the opposite hand, the embedding and extracting are unsymmetrical, therefore the scheme has higher security and do well in resisting different steganalysis. Experiments show that the scheme has good imperceptibility and undetectability. The results of this paper have practical significance in extending the study of steganography.

Survey on System Application Product (SAP)[ ]

After the awake of globalization the business dimensions are very rapidly changing. The country specific challenges are added with the world economic conditions. No a part of business no matter the dimensions of operations remained unaffected by the world situations. This has compelled Indian Automotive component manufacturing Industry to vary the way of winding up business drastically. that they had to leverage on the globe class systems to be competitive, sustain in Global market and win in future. Process integration and a seamless flow of knowledge and data between various functions became the key to performance. A right choice of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application was required to deal with this need. There are multiple enterprise resource planning (ERP) Applications are available within the market viz. Oracle applications, SAP, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Microsoft etc. SAP may be a proven and widely used ERP application which is capable of integrating multiple business modules, with each module representing a selected business function. Various modules in SAP application update and process transactions in real time mode. it's the flexibility to be configured to fulfill the numerous needs of the business..

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