ICAIM 2018 - International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Management

"ICAIM 2018 Conference Papers "

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Study of Benefits of organic Food and Homoeopathic Medicines in Management of various Foods related Gastrointestinal Disorders[ ]

Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, acidity, malabsorption, worm infestation etc are due to faulty food habits. Organic food is beneficial for digestion and thus preventing the gastrointestinal disorders. Conventional medicine are habit forming and are mostly palliative whereas homoeopathy on the other hand has an holistic approach and can be taken for a period of time without any harmful effect. The selection of remedy in homoeopathy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. The aim of homoeopathy is not only to treat the disease but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Homeopathy has several well proved medicines which can be used in acute as well as in chronic cases. Homeopathy can stop the progress of the condition and hence can prevent complications.

Proxy Caching Algorithm And The Improvements To Be Made[ ]

With the growing number of World Wide Web users, the constant load on servers is rapidly increasing. It puts tremendous pressure on both network load and server load. The Caching Technique has gained massive popularity because it reduces both these loads by importing copies of files from server that the client usually accesses, thereby reducing traffic. It can either be done at the client’s system or in the network (by a proxy server or gateway). We assess the potential of proxy servers to cache documents retrieved with protocols like HTTP, GOPHER, FTP and WAIS World Wide Web browsers. This technique brings down the response time by fetching results comparatively faster. Proper utilization of time takes place wherein a subset of documents is selected for caching, so that a given performance metric is maximized. At the same time, the cache must ensure consistency of the cached documents. Cache consistency algorithms enforce appropriate guarantees about the staleness of the cached documents. An unified cache maintenance algorithm comes into play, namely LNC-R-WS-U, which integrates both cache replacement and consistency algorithms.

Sensor Based Drip Irrigation[ ]

Agriculture has always been the backbone of Indian economy. But in the recent years there has been a considerable drop in the farmer’s population. One of the most important factor to contribute to this problem is no transparency in agricultural marketing. Thus, by automating the activities involved in agricultural marketing (sending, exchange, forwarding, etc.), we thrive to give farmers a sense of security about their productions as well as the profit they deserve.

Research on Food Computer: New Step towards Technology Lead Farming[ ]

Food Computers are simply defined as infrastructures which are meant to grow food using information technologies. The Food Computer helps to create a controlled environment with the help of robotics control systems, actuated climate, energy, and plant sensing mechanisms. unlike climate-controlled data centres optimized for rows of servers, Food Computers are designed to optimize agricultural production by monitoring and actuating a desired climate inside of a growing sufficient sizes mall chamber. This paper deals with how food computers operate and works, what are its benefits and needs so that you can create your own food computers where users can share food recipes. For Instance, buying a pack of tomato seeds, and then downloading the instructions to grow them. Your dedicated and personal food computer would follow these instructions, and perhaps you could vary settings to customize the tomatoes to your tastes.

Overview of IOT Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System[ ]

Agribusiness Research have profited from joining of innovative advances fundamentally produced for different ventures. The modern age conveyed motorization and combined composts to farming. The innovation age offered hereditary building and mechanization. The data age brings the potential for coordinating the mechanical and modern advances into manageable horticulture creation framework.

Personalized Nutrition Information using Mobile Application[ ]

Traditionally, nutrition research has dealt with providing nutrients to nourish populations. Nowadays, it focuses on improving the health of individuals through diet. Modern molecular nutritional research is aiming at health promotion at performance improvement. Personalized nutrition is the concept of adapting food to individual needs. While it has become apparent that consumers respond differently to diet, depending on their genetic makeup, lifestyle and environment, the related knowledge and understanding remain fragmented. However, there is an increasing consumer awareness of understanding and assessing individual health status and nutritional needs. Responding to this changing consumer landscape, the nutrition business is developing products according to needs and desired benefits of specific consumer groups, be they healthy, at risk or diseased, such as sportive, elderly, diabetic, obese or allergic individuals.

Precision Agriculture – A Modern Approach To Smart Farming[ ]

In this paper we delve into the concept of Precision Agriculture. This paper describes the need for precision agriculture, associated technologies, the approach towards achieving it, the obstacles faced in the process and possible solutions that can contribute towards gaining actual momentum in the field of precision agriculture. This paper takes into consideration several research papers generated in last decade and summarizes a detailed understanding of the concept and future direction requiring further research. It provides a starting point for anyone interested in understanding or researching precision agriculture.

Data Mining In Agriculture[ ]

Agriculture in today's life isn't like as our forefather done. The robust environmental condition changes due to several reasons like global warming cause difficulty to grasp weather conditions. therefore the farmers unable to grasp that crop to pick out by that the production can improve. By understanding soil and climate conditions by using these data mining system farmers are going to be able to take right crop at right place which can improve yields. therefore it's straightforward for farmers to come to a decision that crop to require in unpredictable climate conditions.

Study on Recent Trends in Online Shopping in India[ ]

Online Shopping or internet shopping consists primarily of the distribution, buying, selling, marketing, advertising and servicing of products with the help of internet and other computer networks. India is witnessing the tremendous growth in online shopping. This paper studies about recent scenario, recent trends in online shopping in India. For example, the interested categories of product, preferred way to pay online. Today’s online shopping platforms provide many offers to consumers which attracts the consumers and drives their business. Along with that there are also problems in online shopping like quality, security etc. India’s online shopping market is constantly growing at good phase.

Various Soil Moisture Sensors Used in Agriculture: An Overview[ ]

Water is a very precious resource and a driving force in irrigation. Optimal use of water is a need of the hour. Efficient irrigation watering helps in saving water, getting better plant yields, reduce dependency on fertilizers and improve crop quality. Various methods, both laboratory and field including remote sensing are available to measure soil moisture content, but the quickest and better one is with the use of soil moisture sensor electronic devices. For successful irrigation, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture content continuously in the irrigation fields. The selection of soil moisture probes is an important criterion in measuring soil moisture as different soil moisture sensors have their own advantages and disadvantages. The soil moisture sensors are used intensively at present because it gives real time readings. An attempt is made in this article to review some of the sensors available, their specifications, properties, applicability, advantages and disadvantages so that an informed decision on selection of appropriate sensor can be made for a particular application.

Soil Monitoring Robot to Detect Level of Carbon, Hydrogren and Nutrition Inside the Soil[ ]

The research aims to find the extent of use ofSoil monitoring Robot in farming to get good quality of crops and do farming with the help of organic fertilizer. The main objective is to provide better healthcare by using the organic fertilizer in the farming. Soil related data is retrieved from the robot and is used to get analysis of the parameters of the nutrients in the soil. It is important to understand the current extent and use of IT in the agriculture.

Enhancing average Indian Farmer’s Income: An IT Approach[ ]

The Union Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley while presenting the General Budget 2017 announced that NDA Government intends to go beyond Food Security and give back a sense of income security to Indian farmers. Thus, the Government of India intends to double the farmers’ income by 2022. So, we need to find what all steps can be implemented by the Government which may help us to achieve the vision of Doubling the Income of Indian Farmers. This Research Paper contains brief analysis of the factors which will help in attaining the desired goal.

A Study on the reasons behind the Farmers committing Suicide in India[ ]

This paper discusses the important reasons because of which farmers commit suicide. Many technological advances have come up which has led to development of new tools and equipment’s that majorly focuses on agriculture. But, we have mostly concentrated on Farmers rather than on farming. According to a survey done the majority of suicides are due to bankruptcy, they cannot repay the loan provided to them on time. The demands of farmers are: a) They need better price for their produce b) Need better agricultural pension c) Loan waiver Through a detailed survey, we have identified possible gaps in Agriculture and have provided recommendations on the suicide rate of farmers are decreased.

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