CITISI'2: Technology, Innovation & Information System

"CITISI-2018 Conference Papers "

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Management of sharps waste produced at private and public dental offices in the prov-inces of Rabat and Kenitra[ ]

Pungent and sharp waste (PSW) produced by dental practices is a reservoir of microorganisms that can infect hospital patients, staff and the general public. WHO estimates that, in 2010, unsafe injections resulted in 33,800 new HIV infections, 1.7 million cases of hepatitis B and 315,000 cases of hepatitis C. Health professionals, dentists should be aware of the safe disposal of sharps waste produced at their firms to minimize the risks to the environment and the health of the population. The objective of this study is to evaluate the current practices of the management of the DPT produced at the level of the dental offices, to sensitize the professionals of the health to the sorting of this type of waste and to emit proposals for a better management TPDs during the dentist's daily exercise.

The Contribution of Internal Audit to the Improvement of Corporate Governance[ ]

corporate governance has given, and still gives rise to numerous arguments regarding the definition, but also the purpose of establishing a governance system. Following the financial scandals that have affected several large global companies, internal audit has become an essential tool for a company’s governance system. The main objective of this research is to theoretically examine the contribution of internal audit in the improvement of corporate governance. The originality of this study lies in the provision of an integrated conceptual framework, concerning internal audit and corporate governance. The results of this documentary analysis prove that internal audit plays an essential role in the improvement of corporate governance, through evaluation of the internal control system, risk management and reduction of the information asymmetry between the different stakeholders of a company

Comparative study of Moroccan pension systems in terms of generosity[ ]

The pension system is based on the Bismarckian principle: it is compulsory, professional and contributory. Employees in the public sector and private companies are subject to the obligation of liability. Pensions are defined benefit, calculated on the basis of the number of years of contributions and a reference salary. The financing is done on a pay-as-you-go basis, the retirement pensions are paid by the contributions of the working population (at the expense of employers and employees). Some Moroccan pension funds implement a funded distribution: the purpose of the reserves is to allow the setting of contribution rates ensuring balance over the medium term. Morocco has four funds, two for the public (Caisse Marocaine des Retraites for holders, Régime Collectif d'Allocation de Retraite for contract employees) and two for the private sector (Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale for private employees and Caisse Interprofessionnelle Marocaine des Retraites). We have seen previously that one of the functions of retirement is redistribution as well as the Moroccan pension system is often described as generous, we will deal with this notion later, by studying different indicators to know which is the most generous fund.

A theoretical model for the evaluation of IT governance in Regional Education Academies and its impact on the performance of information systems[ ]

A theoretical model for the evaluation of IT governance in Regional Education Academies and its impact on the performance of information systems

Design of microstrip Hairpin-Resonator filter for C-Band Application[ ]

This paper proposes new development and design of microwave bandpass filter structure based on microstrip hairpin resonators. This filter has an operating frequency about 3.7 GHz. The design and implementation is based on micro-strip line technology, using epoxy material for high stability and low cost in the desired band. Good agreement of simulations has been obtained with low passband insertion loss and high return loss at the center frequency. Therefore the filter may be suitable for WiMAX and other wireless communication systems.

Study and Design of anAarray Meandering Dipole Antenna for RFID Applications[ ]

Radio-identification, more often referred to as RFID ("Radio Frequency Identification") is a method for remotely storing and retrieving data using markers called radio tags ("RFID Tag").The most used antennas for the RFID application are of the planar dipole type. To design the antenna, it’s must have an impedance value equal to the conjugate of the impedance of the integrated circuit CI.  To have a good adaptation allowing the maximum transfer of power, there are several techniques. In this work, in a first place, we are interested in the adaptation technique T-match which is based on the insertion of a second folded dipole in the center of the first dipole. This technique is modeled by an equivalent circuit to be able to calculate the size of the folded dipole to have a new input impedance of the antenna equal to the conjugate of the impedance of the IC. To decrease the physical length of an antenna without reducing its electrical length, we used the miniaturization technique. In a second place we designed an array planar dipole antennas meandering and adapted by T-match techniques. The results obtained by the Ansoft HFSS platform, allowed us to obtain almost uniform radiation diagrams and return loss that exceed -37 dB.

Hand based recognition systems using local descriptors[ ]

The world knows an explosive growth of digital applications and transactions, the security of identity presents a real challenge today. It has become necessary to adopt new concepts, to ensure reliable and robust recognition mechanisms. Biometrics is presented as one of the most promoter concepts. This concept is an evolving technology which is used in various domains like security systems, forensics and secured areas. Various human physical characteristics like fingerprints, voice, face, iris and hand geometry show a distinctive features between persons. These features can be used to provide authentication schemes for security process like ATM, cellular phones, secure access.But, the most accepted recognition systems are still based on hand modalities. In this paper, we present a summary of our works. Theses works concern palmprint and finger knuckle print recognition systems with a recognition rates overcoming 97 %.

Online Stream Learning for Smartphone-based Human Activity Recognition: An Overview[ ]

Smartphone-based Human Activity Recognition (SHAR) applications better performs if implemented in an online manner on continuous data streams. The selection of learning approaches highly impacts the performance of SHAR applications regarding key cost criteria such as: energy, memory and time efficiency. Stream learning is performed to achieve multiple objectives which include enhancements of the internal structures of learning models and their processing behavior. SHAR application enhancements include concept drift detection, tackling class imbalance from uncertain data streams, model personalization and optimization. In this paper, our goal is to present an overview of data stream characteristics; baseline learning algorithms, as well as evaluation approaches and metrics that can be used for online stream learning in the context of SHAR. We also present existing applications that fulfill the stream learning requirements as well as the most popular open source frameworks.

he realization of a Lightweight RFID Middleware using NoSQL database[ ]

This paper presents various issues related to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Given current concerns, we address the general concepts and realization & implementation. In the general concepts, we give different definitions, Radio Frequency Identification components, operating principle, architecture and advantages. The second part of the work presents the realization of a RFID Middleware designed for collecting and filtering large amounts of data from objects carrying the RFID tags.

Detection Learner Style Throught Genetic Algorithm[ ]

Users in a class have different interactions in a particular situation in front of the machine. The tutor or face-to-face trainer has the ability to adapt his content according to the immediate feedback he can get from the learners. If one of the students gets bored, or stalls, the trainer can intervene to modify this behaviour, and improve the effectiveness of his training with this learner. However, users of e-learning platforms can easily lose their motivation and concentration. How to determine the learner style in e-learning platform, in real time? The objective of this work is to apply the research already done in the field in our FPL distance learning platform using evolutionary video processing by integrating Genetics Algorithms (GA) in order to detect learner style in a video sequence.

Critical success factors for ERP implementation in midsize and small organizations[ ]

many firms around the world have shifted their information technology (IT) strategy from developing information systems in-house to purchasing application software such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. IT managers responsible for managing their organization’s ERP implementation view ERP systems as their organizations’ most strategic computing platform. This paper presents a novel taxonomy of the critical success factors in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation process. ERP benefits cannot be fully realized unless a strong alignment and reconciliation mechanism is established between technical and organizational imperatives based on the principles of process orientation. It is suggested in the taxonomy that measurement takes place in a balanced perspective, and for providing useful information that can enable the decision-making process and, which can help deliver the corporate objectives and therefore lead the business competitively forward. Upon this premise, the taxonomy is based on a comprehensive analysis of ERP literature combining research studies and organizational experiences. The taxonomy reflects the essential features of ERP systems, as being built based on the principles of business process management. Furthermore, it illustrates that ERP benefits are realized when a tight link is established between implementation approach and business process performance measures.

Security of Distributed Information Systems Based on Component-Based Software Engineering[ ]

Distributed systems have the particularity of linking several machines that coexist in a heterogeneous and unreliable environment. Moreover, their proper functioning depends on the messages they share on the network. It was therefore essential to question the security measures adapted and deployed in this context. We will present in this article the most known security threats that these systems suffer then we will track the different mechanisms of securing distributed systems, then we will present the CBSE model as an appropriate solution to the requirements of modularity, dynamicity and security of this type of systems.

Evaluation of the Influence of Technological Parameters on the cutoff frequency for the InP-based Single Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor[ ]

Communication and information systems have been developed, thanks to the use of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. These electronic devices are characterized by low noise and high speed.Afterwards, we examined the impact of two technological parameters which are the emitter length and the collector doping concentration on the electrical performance of the InP/InGaAs SHBT, and in particular in terms of the cutoff frequency . Finally, the obtained results led us understand how much these technological parameters can impact the cutoff frequency of the electronic device SHBT.

Attacks and Contermeasures in a Hadoop CLUSTER[ ]

The present study addresses the impact of insider attacks and security issues in a Hadoop cluster at five security levels using different scenarios, from low to high-impact attacks. We investigated potential security threats that can come from compromised nodes, malicious users, and network intruders.

Monitoring Paralytic Toxins in Shellfish of Morocain Mediterranean Coast by Assaying Their Toxicity Using The HPLC Method[ ]

Increasing the risk of consumer poisoning by digestion of bivalve molluscs contaminated with Saxitoxins and its analogues, requires both monitoring on the marine coasts and within the laboratory for the development of new methods to cope with this problem. Admittedly, the development of a method is always linked to its validation, as it requires the validation of the precolumn HPLC assay method for the identification and quantification of these toxins

Regional financial governance: a lever for change for advanced regionalization in Morocco[ ]

The adoption of the Advanced Regionalization project in 2015, is part of a new model of governance and territorial intelligence. Regional financial governance is a process that stems from the overflow of inherited formal institutional systems to a system where responsibilities are shared between the State and the regions. Growth, employment, cohesion and the reduction of regional disparities are all mentioned assets, which aims at empowering regional actors and giving them the capacity and resources to develop.


Common denominator used usually on the social life, legitimator of the economic, cultural and entrepreneurial activities. The concept of “human capital” conquered the planet. It roams indefatigably on all the waves and on all the feathers. Let us override the disillusioned interpretations which see only a latest fad there and let us wonder rather about what make its strength. If we can make the observation that it seems difficult to translate the conceptual contributions of human capital into real activities within the company, then in collective and individual acts, we can make on the contrary the report that is even more difficult to translate this economic theory into words. In spite of the abundant literature with concerns the human capital theory, we find until then no definition which makes the unanimity of all the authors. So what do we know about this concept? Is it suited to stimulate Man in a capital? This is what we try to land on this article.

Biological parameters of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) exploited in the Dakhla zone (South Atlantic Morocco)[ ]

The monthly sampling of the round sardinella, Sardinella aurita, were obtained from small-scale fisheries in the Dakhla area between January and December 2016. The annual sex ratio was 1.33 and in favor of females. It varied according to the size and seasons. The size at first sexual maturity was 26.73 and 27.89 cm respectively for males and females, and the difference between the sexes was not significant. The breeding period was spread over the entire period of study, it was between January and July and November-December. The breeding peak was occurred in the spring (April-May) during the period of high upwelling. The size frequency data were used to estimate von Bertalanffy growth parameters (L∞ = 39.39 cm, k = 0.50 yr-1 and t0 = 0.59 yr). The maximum age and growth performance index ɸ 'calculated were respectively 5 years and 2.90.

Internet-based assessment of what’s keeping adults awake? Pre-bedtime behaviors pattern and smartphone addiction[ ]

Introduction and objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the patterns and the association of technology-related behaviors (e.g. smartphone use) prior bedtime in a random sample. Few studies characterized behaviors related to sleep; this study (1) evaluate behaviors regarding one hour before sleep and test their association with sleep quantity parameters, (2) determine the degree to which each behavior is related to smartphone addiction use, and (3) assess smartphone addiction effect on sleep parameters. Materials and Methods: Study population included (N=126) participants with a mean age of 28.9 ± SD 8.8. Participants completed self-report measures on prebedtime behavior and smartphone addiction assessed respectively by the prebedtime behavior questionnaire (PBBQ) and the Smartphone addiction scale (SAS). Results and conclusions: Adults engaged in various behaviors prior bed. In particular, online chat / discussions, spending time with friends were associated with single marital status; whereas, having drinks that contain alcohol and pray or meditate were more prevalent among married participants. Online chat and social networking behaviors revealed significant association with smartphone use prior sleep time (r=.32**, p=.001; r=.43**, p=.000; respectively), while sport and exercise showed significant negative association and could be a probable protective factor from smartphone addiction. Technology and media use relevant to prebedtime behaviors were more prevalent among single participants and were significantly linked to smartphone use prior bedtime.

Presence the marine waste on the natural coast: Aouchtam, Morocco[ ]

The natural coastline is exposed to the accumulation of marine waste on the beach although of not exist human activities, but there are other factors. In this study on beach Aouchtam the results showed the high percentage of waste plastic 86% Glass comes in second place 5% ( 318,5 g ) and then lumber ( 192,8 g) and paper ( 215,9 g) 3%, metal 2% ( 161,7 g) and finally the Cloth 1% (103,2 g ) of total marine waste which collected in the year 2015. The high quantitive for the marine waste it was the session 4 (October - December). The micro waste it was less on beach Aouchtam, there is the high percentage of the gravel in the soil this may result in the loss of a lot of small waste due to the washing process of the wave’s movement by Tidal. There are significant Variations of Macro debris in Aouchtam beach between four seasons; the variation of the studied variables shows the existence of the variations according to the seasons of sampling.

Islamic finance as an alternative solution for companies in a post-crisis context: An exploratory study among Tunisian or Algerian SME managers or anywhere in the world[ ]

in a context of post-crisis, the present financial system (capitalism) seeks to highlight its capacity for adaptation and integration of other financial systems that, until the 2000s, were sidelined. This sudden change brings us back to the question about the real reason for the change towards alternative models such as the Islamic finance. The latter was seen as a solution for better risk sharing and integration of a large part of the population in the banking system that refused to be part of conventional finance.Until now, Islamic finance was focusing on replacing conventional products (mortgages and personal loans); described by some authors as "the lowest level" of the Islamic finance. SMEs must be at the heart of reflection, except that the operating financial means of exploitation still a problem. How Moroccan SMEs can meet its need for working capital in the absence of the overdraft facility, commercial paper discount and factoring? How can we study the behavior of institutional consumers (SMEs and their leaders) with the imminent arrival of Islamic bankers?

Intangible assets: what is the true value of your business?[ ]

The true value of a business can only be valued if the intangible assets are understood and well recognized, this is especially due to the huge difference they bring to the business. From an intense research about the huge impact that the intangible assets add to the true value of the business, it therefore forms the fundamental of this paper, which outlines in details the value it brings to the business. The paper clearly differentiates between the intangible assets and the tangible assets, the various methods of evaluating the intangible assets, the intangible assets evaluation that can be done through comparative analysis, elimination method, scenario analysis and converting them to money. The intangible assets are measured using various methods like cost model and the evaluation model. The paper also outlines the performance of the intangible assets within the business. For instance, the artificial intelligence will help in making sure that the business is performing well by being more competitive and so much more; therefore, there is a great opportunity behind the value of intangible assets in determining the true value of your business.

For a Model of Territorial Intelligence: What Integration of Atlantic Free Zone within the Region of Kénitra, Morocco[ ]

This article is bringing out the challenging integration of Free Zones in Morocco from a territorial intelligence perspective. The main objective of our ongoing study is to address the problematic of a disconnection between the Free Zone as a closed system and the territory hosting it as an open eco-system. The study and strategic modeling are taking place in Kénitra which is a transitioning territory towards specialization in automotive industry. This is an excellent opportunity for us to extend academic research towards an ongoing regional development issue. The problematic is centered around the weak correlation between business development opportunities at the Atlantic Free Zone and the region within which it operates. This research action has been triggered by two events that were organized in May 2018: A seminar that took place in the Province of Kenitra to discuss Atlantic Free Zone and the second was the industry meeting day that took place in Casablanca to assess the impact of industrial investment over regional development while Morocco is undergoing the industrial acceleration plan. In this article, we address the issue of assessing territorial human capital with a focus on improving youth employability in the offshore business which is a main growth concern in the area. The objective is to unlock the Free Zone and open up communication channels and professional flaw conduits to promote an internal cohesion within the same territory instead of maintaining the current status of two isolated entities. We address the concept of internal cohesion as a means to benefit the companies operating massively in the Free zone on one hand as well as to boost employment quality and integration on the other hand. It will also address innovative ways of how to appreciate and improve local profiles, improve professional training, attract new talents and spread initiatives of entrepreneurship and networking within an inclusive and sustainable development framework. This work is adopting Geographic Information Systems as a strategic tool to build a territorial portal integrating key stake holders within the subject territory through the application of co-development and co-design approaches with one common objective of solving a human capital inconsistency. The process will generate a more cohesive economic and social development aligning both the Free Zone and its host territory as permanent local partners, enhanced by a digital Human Capital observatory portal that will be a digital relay and a virtual meeting point of territorial actors. The portal will also be used as a monitoring tool measuring the integration degree of the free zone within the host territorial ecosystem. We believe that this portal is a prerequisite to any type of durable joint development that might be replicated and tested in similar regions.

Preparation of Papers for International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research[ ]

Cloud computing security is becoming a basic necessity. This work proposes a new cloud infrastructure architecture, which combines IDS and firewall to detect attacks. We also treated the automatic update of IDS knowledge base and their impact on our system

A brief Survey on Named Entity Recognition in Amazighe language[ ]

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a core subtask of Information Extraction (IE), the main idea is to extract named entities from a given text and classify them into a set of named entity classes such as person names, locations and organizations, etc. It is an essential part in many applications, such as Machine Translation (MT) and Question Answering System (QA). Amazighe NER has gained considerable attention in the past few years, however, the peculiarities of Amazighe arise the challenges of this task. In this paper, a survey regarding the recent progress made in Amazighe NER research using different techniques is presented.

An Automatic Speech Recognition Solution For Home Automation[ ]

This research work analyses the various Automatic Speech Recognition frameworks linked to home automation. In order to achieve this, a detailed investigation of the engineering speech recognition framework was carried out. The aim is select a speech recognition program capable of working in remote speech regions as well as in over populated regions. An ASR toolbox known as Kaldi is the ASR toolbox used, which is corresponds with the OPC client developed in C++ and implemented in home automated framework. The OPC acts as a sever.

Design and development of an e-Learning project management system:Analysis of the situation[ ]

The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a major component of globalization, which inevitably marks our era. All human activities are affected including education (teaching / learning). To this end, these ICTs induce important changes in pedagogical practices by transforming the methods of communication, work and training. In this thread of ideas, several researchers in this field claim that the integration of ICT in teaching involves changes in teachers' practices and touches on their representations of learning and their methods of collaboration and evaluation (1), (2).The use of ICTs has made it possible to set up a new mode of teaching, that of distance learning called E-training, E-Learning or online training. This type of training can be defined in relation to face-to-face training, as being a formation that is characterized by spatio-temporal relocation. Learners are not obliged to be present in the same places and at the same time. Distance learning is reinforced by the advent of networks and technologies based on the Internet (synchronous and asynchronous communication tools, Web, etc.).

Pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning entrepreneurship education in the Polydisciplinary Faculty of LARACH[ ]

This article explains what is the pedagogical approach to entrepreneurship education in the world. In the beginning it explains the different types of models and theories which have shaped the entrepreneurship structure up till now. Later, the different methods of study that include the traditional lecture based methods and the innovative methods that are more passive then the former are explained in the form of comparison and their pros and cons are discussed. A composite strategy of both these methods can be a practical approach toward effective academic entrepreneurship. Later this article explains the future challenges of this course in the Moroccan universities which have led to the slow development of this field. Risk dilemma, dilution effect, maturity trap, research and publication dilemmas and other challenges are discussed. In the conclusion the solution to the above-mentioned limiting factors is a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods of teaching to make the new entrepreneurs readier for the risky world.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Small Private Online Course (SPOC)[ ]

Let us start by reminding you that the term MOOC applies to all courses that can be accessed by the general public through online platforms “Small private online course.” Following a similar model by means of their online dimension, SPOCs varies in terms of their target audience: Not everybody can access it, making it accessible only to 60 members.

Comparative study of Moroccan pension systems in terms of equity[ ]

The Moroccan pension system, the subject of much current debate, is designed on the basis of a pay-as-you-go system, the pensions paid to current retirees are financed by the working population of the same period. Such an operation is likely to disrupt the distribution of income of the same generation, as among future generations, due to the generosity of certain schemes on the one hand and unfairness on the other. However, there are several pension systems around the world, each based on a different philosophy and calculation bases. The aim of this work is to analyse the intergenerational and intragenerational equity of the pension system in force in Morocco, initially through indicators and in particular from standard cases, then we will be able to establish a comparison between what a pensioner receives compared to what he has contributed during his period of activity for a better visibility on the system.

Basic Emotions and Computer Systems Extraction[ ]

This examination proposes a framework that can perceive human emotional state from biosignal. The innovation is given to enhance the cooperation amongst people and PCs to accomplish an effective human– machine that is skilled for intelligent interaction. The suggested technique can perceive six emotional states, for example, joy, happiness, fear, outrage, depression, and trouble. These arrangements of emotional states are generally utilized for emotion acknowledgment purposes. The outcome demonstrates that the proposed strategy can recognize one emotion contrasted with all other conceivable emotional states. The technique is made out of two stages: 1) multimodal bio-signal assessment and 2) emotion recognition utilizing artificial neural network. In the initial step, we show a strategy to break down and settle human affectability utilizing physiological signals, including electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, photoplethysmogram, respiration, and galvanic skin reaction. The trial examination demonstrates that the proposed technique has great exactness execution and could be connected on numerous human– PC collaboration gadgets for emotion detection

User Profiling for Big Social Media Data[ ]

Online Social Networks (OSNs) have of late been the subject of various investigations that have tried to create helpful strategies for the classification and analysis of big content. A few of the key strategies of this research to current logical understanding has to do with identifying the basic subjects within content (posts and messages

The link between the 'Occupational Safety and Health of Work' OSH and the insurance of work[ ]

Competitiveness and productivity is improved by employees when they find themselves in good and secured work environment. Every year, billions of dollars are lost owing to poor working conditions, not to mention of the number of human lives and wellbeing lost. All over the world, occupational safety and health (OSH) are understood to cover the wellbeing of employees’ safety and health at work as well as the terms of employment, productivity of the cooperation, mental wellbeing, the functioning of management and the organization, productivity and co-determination [1]. This research work therefore, integrates the link between the Occupational Safety and Health of Work (OSH) and the insurance of work with the purpose of identifying the economic aspects of management with regards to the various factors affecting work related accidents and the management of occupational safety and health in work environment.The purpose of this study is to provide a link between the Occupational Safety and Health of Work (OSH) and the insurance of work with the requirements arising from work-related accidents. It offers a picture of the researcher’s analysis, which represents the baseline of economic strategic planning process, which subsequently includes an immense research on factors influencing the costs of work-related accidents, direct and indirect cost of accidents, economic assessments in OSH, as well as the link between improving OSH and corporate branding. The study also takes a look at ways of investing in risk prevention to ensure a safe and healthy work-place.

An Improved Resolution for a Constrained Recruitment Problem using Genetic Immigration Approach[ ]

In this paper, we propose a new genetic approach to improve the solution of a constrained recruitment problem of humun resources. This problem is an extension of a Multiple Knapsack Approach for Assignment Problem of Human Resources that is a NP-hard combinatorial problem. In the previous work [1], we have formulated this problem and solved it using the last proposed genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal assignment of qualified employees that ensures the maximization the specific profits, but we have noticed that the phenomenon of stagnation of this algorithm persists although increases in the number of iterations lead to a significant consumption of computing time and memory space. To remedy this problem, we propose in this paper to integrate new genetic methods, such as Standard Immigration Genetic (SIG) [2], able of improving the convergence towards the optimum. This process is based on the insertion of a percentage of best individuals from previous generations in the genetic population to improve the diversity of the population and to bias the search direction for obtaining the best solution. The results are being evaluated and compared with other results obtained using the last proposed genetic approach.

Literature Review: Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis of the Exchange Rate[ ]

This research paper presents a review of the literature on exchange rate forecasting methods for comparing the economic and the psychological approach of the exchange rate, and proposes a theoretical basis for the method of technical analysis.


For organizations and companies to be competitive in a globalized market, they need to move their products and services around the globe so as to meet customer demands and needs. In the light of this, competitiveness cannot be delinked from efficient infrastructure chief of which a competitive logistics transport system is crucial. Thus, the importance of efficient logistics and transport system to economic development cannot be over flogged if countries and organizations want to attain economic prosperity in a now globalized world.

