VESCOMM-14[Recent Trends in VLSI, Embedded System, Signal Processing and Communication]
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Companding Based PAPR Reduction Technique in OFDM Systems[Full-Text ] Dange M. N., Mali M. B.Mrs.M.V.MaratheOrthogonal Frequency Division Multi-plexing (OFDM) have been extensively applied in wireless communication systems. One of the main drawbacks of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is the high peak-to-average power ratio at the transmitter. The uniformly distributed nonlinear companding techniques reduce the high PAPR of OFDM signals. The uniformly distributed companding technique cannot satisfy the different performance requirement for the systems. In this paper proposed, a novel uniformly distributed companding scheme that transforms the OFDM signal into trapezium distribution. The uniformly distributed companding schemes efficiently reduce the PAPR and improve Bit Error Rate (BER) for OFDM systems. Finally, Simulation results consider a baseband OFDM system with Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and multipath channels show that the proposed scheme provides trade-off between the PAPR reduction and the BER.
A Highly Secured FPGA Based Crypto Processor[Full-Text ] Prathibha T, Ashwini K BThe impotance of security in electronic data transaction has acquired an essential relevance during the last few years. In this sense, cryptography techniques are especially applicable. In this paper, a field programmable gate array(FPGA) based approach is used three algorithms namely 128 bit advanced encryptionnstandard(AES), River-Shamir-Adleman(RSA) and secure Hash Algorithm(SHA-1). These crypto subsystems scramble data into unreadable text which can be only being decrypted by party those possesses the associated key which provides confidentiality. Along with this digital signature operation is performed which provides authentication and integrity.
Smart Home Using Different Wireless Connectivy’s[Full-Text ] Yugandhara Belgi, Anurag Shinde, Pravada DeshmukhDue to advancement in technology smart home system comes into picture using different wireless connectivity’s which ex-changes data wirelessly using short wavelength radio transmission, in this paper we introduced the different wireless connectivity’s like Bluetooth ,Wifi,GSM,Zigbee and infrared for controlling and commanding smart home appliances.
Implementation and Analysis of Efficient Lossless Image Compression Algorithm[Full-Text ] Megha S.Chaudhari and S.S.ShirganWe present a new method for lossless image compression that gives compression comparable to JPEG lossless mode with about five times the speed. Our method, called ELICS, is based on a novel use of two neighboring pixels for both prediction and error modeling. For coding we use single bits, adjusted binary codes, and Golomb Rice codes. For the latter we present and analyze a provably good method for estimating the single coding parameter. Efficient, lossless image compression system (ELICS) algorithm, which consists of simplified adjusted binary code and GolombRice code with storage-less k parameter selection, is proposed to provide the lossless compression method for high-throughput applications. The simplified adjusted binary code reduces the number of arithmetic operation and improves processing speed. According to theoretical analysis, the storage-less k parameter selection applies a fixed value in GolombRice code to remove data dependency and extra storage for cumulation table.
Transaction Management in Service-Oriented Systems: Implementation[Full-Text ] Mr.Bhanawase V.V, Mr. Mane S.M, Mr.Joshi A.SNew generation business models impose additional requirements on the IT support of business processes. In particular, quickly responding to new business requirements, continuously reducing IT cost, and dynamically integrating new business partners and customers are highly demanded. Recently, the trend in software development has shifted from developing software systems to developing service-oriented systems that are composed of ready to use services. The Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) architectural style has been widely adopted in industry thanks to its ability of providing seamless integration among software services Service-based applications are constructed by integrating heterogeneous services that are developed using various programming languages and running on different operating systems from a range of service providers. Services are loosely coupled entities, often designed under open-world assumptions, distributed across organizational boundaries, and executed remotely at their service providers’ environment. They require a smoother transition from development to operation than traditional applications. The objective of the paper is to look at the requirements of transaction management for Service oriented systems and the systematic requirements from the starting point for an analysis of current standards and technologies in the field of Web services
Design & Implementation of an Energy Control System for Zigbee Based Home Automation Networks[Full-Text ] Prof. Amol Jirage, Prof. Swapnil PujariIn order to save energy, several countries recently made laws related to standby power consumption. To success this exertion, we should consider not only power reduction of consumer electronics itself but also efficient automatic control in networked home environment. In this paper, a design approach and implementation result of control mechanism for standby power reduction is mentioned. Proposed mechanism has the Host-Agent based structure and uses the bluetooth protocol for communication and security between Host and Agents. This paper verifies reliability of proposed mechanism and reduction effect of standby power; also, implemented devices scenario which is similar to user living pattern. Experimental results demonstrate that in the proposed mechanism, standby power consumption of Agent which is connected to consumer electronics can be reduced by 203mW.
FPGA Based Vehicle Tracking and Accident Warning using GPS[Full-Text ] Prof.Mrs.Bhagya Lakshmi V, Prof.Savitha Hiremath, Prof.Sanjeev MhamaneIn highly populated Countries like India, during accidents, people lose their lives due to unavailability of proper medical facilities at the right time. This project senses any accident in the vehicle and intimates pre-programmed numbers like the owner of the vehicle, ambulance,police etc. The GSM technology is used to send the position of the vehicle as a SMS to thosenumbers. And also the position of the vehicle can be obtained by the owner of the vehicle oranyone with proper permission by sending an SMS to a number. Most of the companies wants tokeep track of their vehicles, with this equipment we can keep track of the vehicle by periodicallysending SMS and the position of the vehicle is sent by the GSM modem as a SMS to the user.To know the position of the vehicle, the owner sends a request through a SMS. This isreceived by a GSM modem in the device and processed by the Spartan processor and theprocessor sends command to a GPS module in the device. The GPS module responds with coordinates position of the vehicle. This position is sent to the user as a SMS to the user with date,time, latitude and longitude positions. When there is an accident, the accelerometer sensor detects the change in position and sends a signal to the processor. The processor analyses the signal and finds there is an accident. It immediately sends the position of the vehicle and also the information that there is an accident,to pre-programmed numbers such as the owner of the vehicle, police, ambulance etc. So the ambulance arrives in time and the police can arrive in time to clear the traffic. This reduces the time taken by ambulance to arrive and also traffic can be cleared easily.
DVB Enhancement by using MIMO-OFDM[Full-Text ] Mr.Chandane.E.R, Mrs. M M PawarMultiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) technology offers tremendous performance gains for wireless LANs (WLANs) at relatively low cost. Any system with multiple inputs into the receiver and multiple outputs to the transmitter is a MIMO system, but implementing such a system involves several distinctly different radio techniques. Some of these techniques are beneficial and fully compatible with today’s standard WLAN equipment, while others do not improve performance when used with existing equipment. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is becoming the chosenmodulation technique for wireless communications. OFDM can provide large datarates with sufficient robustness to radio channel impairments. Many research centersin the world have specialized teams working in the optimization of OFDM forcountless applications. The basic processinginvolved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a physicalchannel and to provide a description of each of the steps involved. For this purpose, we use, as an example, one of the proposed OFDM signals of the DigitalVideo Broadcasting (DVB) standard for the European terrestrial digital television(DTV) service.
Efficient and Optimal Storage Placement in Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Mr.Sagar M Mane, Mr.Vishal V Bhanwase, Mr.Avadhoot S JoshiIn sensor network a large amount of data need to be collected for future information retrieval. The data centric storage has become an important issue in sensor network. Storage nodes are used in this paper to store and process the collected data. This paper considers the storage node placement problem aiming to place unlimited storage nodes in sensor network to minimize the total energy cost for collecting the raw data and replying queries at the storage nodes. In this paper a strong data access model for placing storage nodes in sensor network is presented. We consider an application in which sensor networks provide real time data services to user. The main aim of this paper is to reduce the cost for raw data transfer, query diffusion, query reply by defining the best location of storage nodes in sensor network.
A FPGA implementation for high speed OFDM trans-reciver system using high performance FFT algorithm[Full-Text ] Prathibha T, Ashwini K B, Anand SIncreasing the performance is the best criterion for developing any communication system. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and its inverse (IFFT) are important algorithms in signal processing and the most promising modulation technique i.e. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). So when zero valued inputs/outputs outnumber nonzero inputs/outputs, then general IFFT/FFT algorithm for OFDM is no longer efficient. This paper presents a high performance FFT/IFFT for OFDM transceiver which performs its operation in a single clock cycle by input zero traced FFT pruning (IZTFFTP) algorithm and pipelined architecture. The design has been coded in VHDL and targeted into Xilinx Spartan3 FPGAs.
The Activity Analysis of Online Social Network for Enhancing User Trust[Full-Text ] Pawade Abhijeet, Pawade Amit,N Warad,S KamreddiOnline social networking is one of the largest Internet activities, with almost one third of all daily Internet users visiting these websites. We have created a modern experimental educational online social network for the purpose of the study of network structures and communication phenomena in these websites. Characteristics of this environment are issues relating to trust, user privacy and anonymity. Service providers are focused primarily on acquiring users and little attention is given to the effective management of these users within the social networking environment. In order to examine this problem, user trust and its enhancement is discussed.Patterns of activity usage such as friends,private messages,forum,blog,photogallery,comment wall are also discussed in this paper.
Iris Localization Using Segmentation & Hough Transform Method[Full-Text ] Mr. Shaikh. I. J ,Mr. Shaikh .A .H.A.RA biometric system provides automatic identification of an individual based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Iris recognition is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. In Iris recognition the system captures an image of an individual’s eye, the iris in the image is then meant for the further segmentation and normalization for extracting its feature. Segmentation is used for the localization of the correct iris region in the particular portion of an eye and it should be done accurately and correctly to remove the eyelids, eyelashes, reflection and pupil noises present in iris region. In this paper, we are using simple Canny Edge Detection scheme and Circular Hough Transform, to detect the iris’ boundaries in the eye’s image .Iris images are selected from the CASIA Database. The segmented iris region was normalized to minimize the dimensional inconsistencies between iris regions by using Daugman’s Rubber Sheet Model.
Asynchronous Nano - Electronics[Full-Text ] Prof. Katke Sharda P., Prof. Rangdal Sachin M.This paper is an implementation of asynchronous QDI logic in molecular nano-electronics. The main building blocks of QDI logic can be successfully implemented; we have illustrated the approach with the layout of an adder stage. The proposed techniques is to improve the reliability of QDI by applying nano-CMOS.
Neural Network based finger counting technique[Full-Text ] Prof.Ms.M.N.Bansode, Prof.S.D.Jambhale Dr. S. K. DixitA primary goal of hand gesture recognition research is to create a system which can identify specific human hand gestures and use them to convey information or for device control. Gestures are physical positions or movements of a person's fingers, hands, arms or body used to convey information. Gesture recognition is the process by which gestures formed by a user are made known to the system. There are different methods of Gesture Recognition. Here we are using Neural Network for hand Gesture recognition. When speaking about image recognition or sign classification, the most widespread solution is the neural network. A program can be developed in MATLAB for neural network for recognizing the number of the fingers in front of web camera. It’s a highly efficient method that has been proven able to distinguish and classify with an amazing rate of performances. Then, it will be possible to train the network with a full set of examples and finally to use in real time conditions.
FPGA Based Point Kinetic Equation Simulator[Full-Text ] Savita.CHiremath, Bhagyalakshmi, Jasmine.TThis paper presents the PKE Simulator system design and implementation project based on FPGA. In Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear Reactors are essential to generate the energy through, the heat generating process called fission. The point kinetic equation(PKE) describes, the time dependent behaviour of the nuclear reactor. The computational solution of this equation provides ,the neutron population during withdrawal and insertion of the control rods in the nuclear reactor. Since the PKE simulator system is designed for purposes of optimizing the performance and regulating the safety of a nuclear reactor. The Nuclear Reactor run at a critical state. The Preserving of the critical state is vital both for the maximum power output of the nuclear reactor and minimizing radiation (heat) given out by the reactor. Cyclone-III operates more efficiently in thermally challenged environments. Hence the Cyclone-III FPGA is utilized for de- signing the PKE Simulator system. The PKE Simulator system is designed using HDL and implemented on Altera Cair board. The system is designed in such a way that, the user enters the initial parameters through the membrane Keypad and simulated results will be displayed on LCD.
Containment of Worms in packet Dispersion Technique[Full-Text ] Rohitkumar Rudrappa Wagdarikar, Manik A. RaichurakarSelf-propagating codes, called worms. Network worms have the potential to infect many vulnerable hosts on the network before human countermeasures take place. In real growing world, Network Security is very necessary. To provide a secure, reliable network system, we are going to develop such an application which provides a high security in network. The dispersion technique is very useful to provide high security in Network. Packet Dispersion provides facility to hide data from hacker and this is possible by dispersion of packet. In dispersion technique at the source end packet are divided into to the chunks and these chunks are then distributed over the network. While distributing these chunks of the packets there will be possibilities of worms those infects these chunks of packets The aggressive scanning traffic generated by the infected hosts has caused network congestion, equipment failure, and blocking of physical facilities. Once these chunks will get infected then there is a possibility, is that the whole system will get shutdown. So in this technique specifically, for scanning of worms, we are able to provide a precise condition that determines whether the worm spread will eventually stop and to obtain the distribution of the total number of hosts that the worm infects. We then extend our results to contain preference scanning worms.