Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013 Edition
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Study The Free Flow Over Compound Weir and Below Semi Circular Gate[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf, Hiba A. AbbasIn order to minimize the sedimentations , depositions and floating materials problems , weirs and gates can be combined together in one device , so that water could pass over the weir and below the gate simultaneously. The aim of this study is to investigate the coefficient of discharge for combined hydraulic measuring device consists of compound weir (have two rectangular notches with trapezoidal notch between them) and semi circular sluice gate , for this purpose fifteen models were constructed and manufactured of Plexiglas sheet of 3 mm thickness with beveled edges to 2 mm thickness. The results show that (Cd) increases as the hydraulic parameters (H/D , H1/D , H2/D , H3/D) increases , and (Cd) values increases as (W) increasing at constant (X) , also the (Cd) values decreasing at increasing the values of (Z & Y). The values of (Cd) range from (0.427 to 0.543) with an average value of (0.485). Semi empirical discharge formula was developed and the predictions from this formula agreed well with the experimental data.
Real Time Face Detection Based on FPGA using Adaboost Algorithm[Full-Text ] P. Vijaya, P. SreenivasuluThis paper presents an paper for face detection based system on adaboost and histogram equalization and it is implemented using haar features.We describe the image scaling, integral image generation, pipelined processing as well as classifier, and parallel processing multiple classifiers to accelerate the processing speed of the face detection system. The face detection system generates an integral image window to perform a Haar feature classification during one clock cycle. And then it performs classification operations in parallel using Haar classifiers to detect a face in the image sequence. The classifiers in the beginning of the cascade are simpler and consist of smaller numbers of features. However, as one proceeds in the cascade, the classifiers become more complex. A region is reported as detection only if it passes all the classifier stages in the cascade. If it is rejected at any stage, it is discarded and not processed further. If all stages are passed the face of a candidate is concluded to be recognized face. Its performance has been measured and compared with an equivalent software implementation.
Control of DC motor Using Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mohammad Rezaei, Javad Haddadnia, and Majid Baghaei-NejadWide amplitude, DC motor's speed and their facile control cause its great application in industries. Generally the DC motors gain speed by armature voltage control or field control. In this paper, by using a combination of Fuzzy Sliding Mode methods and Imperialist CompetitiveAlgorithms, The results of this simulation have been mentioned in the conclusion. It seems that the results be acceptable results.
A Finite Difference Technique for Singularly Perturbed Two-Point Boundary value Problem using Deviating Argument[Full-Text ] K. Phaneendra, K. Madhulatha, Y.N. ReddyIn this paper, we have presented a finite difference technique to solve singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problem using deviating argument. We have replaced the given second order boundary value problem by an asymptotically equivalent first order differential equation with deviating argument. We have applied a fourth order finite difference approximation for the first derivative and obtained a tridiagonal system. Then, we have solved this tridiagonal system efficiently by discrete invariant imbedding algorithm. This method is iterative on the deviating argument. We have presented numerical results of several model examples to support the proposed method.
A Novel, High Performance and Power Efficient Implementation of Decimal to BCD Converter using 90nm Hybrid PTL/CMOS Technique[Full-Text ] Navya Rajput, Manan Sethi, Karna Sharma,Paanshul Dobriyal,Geetanjali SharmaComputing and electronic systems today process data majorly in decimal format. Applications involving data processing in decimal format are proliferating day by day. The cornucopia of demands for decimal data processing have intern pressed the issue concerning the hardware requirements for the binary to BCD conversion which lays down the basics for decimal multipliers. This paper presents four different designs for a binary to BCD converter using two different concepts with each concept implemented using 90nm hybrid PTL/CMOS and 90nm CMOS technology. The power consumption of all four designs were evaluated on Tanner EDA tool 13.0. The power consumption was calculated for all the four designs at 100Mhz and 50Mhz for three voltages and at three different temperatures. The 90nm Hybrid PTL/CMOS implementation of proposed design outperforms other three implementations not only in terms of power consumption but also in terms of number of transistors used. The number of transistors used for 90nm Hybrid PTL/CMOS implementation of proposed design were reduced to 674 as compared to 90 nm CMOS implementation of conventional design which required 1880 transistors and it is 68.11% more power efficient as compared to conventional design.
An ARM Based Hardware Architecture for Image Processing[Full-Text ] Vikash Kumar SinghImage processing and Object detection applications are often associated with real-time performance constraints that stem from the embedded environment that they are often deployed in. The aim of the paper is to design and develop a hardware implementation using advanced features of ARM 9 architecture. The proposed embedded system uses ARM 32 bit RISC CPU. It has features of image/object detection and video processing by using various features and classification algorithms for object detection. Image processing is a form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. The used Algorithms and Hardware architecture overcomes the performance in terms of sensors and hardware cost is also low. So, our designed embedded system that detects partially visible human being faces just as they enter the camera view, with low false alarm rate and high speed.
Effect of different water levels on the yield of Corn with trickle irrigation method(t-tape) in Moghan[Full-Text ] Seyyed mahmood tabatabaei, Mohammad DadashiWater shortages have heightened the importance of water in agricultural production in the area and have triggered recent regulations affecting irrigation water use. Under these conditions, it is important to know how much yield can be expected from a given water allocation for each alternative crop, which is especially important for field corn (Zea mays L.), the most important irrigated crop in the region.The management of deficit irrigation is one of the savings strategies in water resources in agricultural sector. In the condition of deficit irrigation, the amount of product per unit area is less than the maximum production per unit of area, but the profit is increased. This research was conducted to study the effects of different levels of irrigation on grain and biological yield, yield components, and water use efficiency of grain corn (hybrid SC.704) in 2010 cropping season at Natural Resources and Agricultural Researches Center of moghan, north-west Iran.The study factorial split block experiment, Vertical strip irrigation factorial with three replications was conducted at Agricultural Research Center Moghan. Irrigation treatments included: full irrigation (I1), treatment is based on 50% water requirement (I2), treatment is based on 75% water requirement (I3), irrigation based on 120% water requirement (I4) (calculated for water based on Penman - mantis). The amount of water applied was determined by Class-A Pan evaporation every day. Required irrigation water was applied as 70 mm of evaporation of Class-A Pan. The total evaporation from Class-A Pan was measured with a manual limnimeter that has 0.1 mm accuracy. These measurements were checked with the readings from the water flow meters mounted in every plot. The results indicated that the effect of drought stress on grain and biological yields was significant at 1% probability level. The maximum grain yield of about 10.1 ton per hectare was obtained in 100% water requirement (I1). Step-wise regression analysis indicated that about 88% of grain yield variation was related to the grain number per ear. The investigation also indicated that because there is no significant difference in the grain yield between the water level of 100% and 120% water requirement, in conditions which we have to apply mild deficit irrigation, the irrigation treatment of 100% water requirement for corn is recommended.
Influence of N, P, K and moisture content on the population density of below ground fauna at Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur[Full-Text ] Mema Devi, WaikhomVariation in the average population density of Acarina and Collembola and Megafauna with NPK and moisture content have analysed by applying F-test and found significantly different (P<0.001) during the 12 months study period. P is found to have positive significant impact on population of Collembola by positive Coefficient, 0.14 with 95% CI: 0.03- 0.26 significant at (P< 0.05) level. The four independent factors have insignificant effects but explained 17% (R2 =0.167) of the total variation in the population density of Acarina during the study period. Similarly other fauna representing Megafauna, the four factors are explained 14% (R2= 0.144) of the population density during the same study period.
A Novel Method for Mitigation of Active,Reactive power loss and Overloading in a Deregulated Powersystem using TCSC[Full-Text ] N.SAMBASIVARAOThis paper presents a new method to mitigate Active,Reactive Power loss and Overloading in a Restructured Powersystem.The Increased power demand has forced the power system to operate very closer to its stability limits.So Transmission Overloading,Voltage instability and power loss problems are arise in the power system. These are very serious problems which cause damage to the power system.Overloading is a tough task in Deregulated power system.The above mentioned problems are reduced by incorporating Series Facts device in optimal location by Sensitivity analysis.The Simulation results were successfully tested on modified IEEE 5 bus system using Power world simulator 11.0.
Review on theories regarding material bending[Full-Text ] Adsul A. N., Chavan S. G.., Gore P. N.In the three roller bending machine the three roller rotates so consequently bending done to both sheet metal and bars of metal. For designing a three roller bending machine there is required to calculate the exact force for bending.The machine parameters & motor power is calculated based on this force.The various factor that should be consider while calculating this force are material properties, width, thickness, number of passes, bending radius, force developing mechanism and link.To analyse the force and power for motor the designer takes the help of analysis softwares. The cost of software for analysis is high, so there is requirement to find simple formula. In this paper the various theories regarding bending are reviewed as well as collected their formulae for force and power calculation and finaly take a case study for expressing the results of these formulae.
Secure Cloud System for Robust and Highly Scalable Storage, Retrieval and Forwarding with Cooperation[Full-Text ] B Sai Sindhuri, A Sandhya Rani, P.V.S. SrinivasCloud computing is a technology that facilitates the sharing of computing resources in pay per use fashion. Especially it can be used to store huge amount of data. The data of cloud users is stored in multiple servers at the service provider. The servers are considered untrusted. For this reason there are security concerns among the people for outsourcing their valuable business data to cloud. In existing system encryption techniques are used. However, they are proved to cause much overhead on cloud storage. Moreover encryption techniques cause many restrictions on data dynamics. Therefore there is a need for securing cloud data and also support data dynamics. Towards this many techniques came into existence. We proposed a scheme known as threshold proxy re-encryption along with erasure codes to solve the problem. They used security servers and key servers for storing data and keys respectively. This scheme is efficient is secure storage, retrieval and forwarding of data. However, assuming inconsistencies among servers, this paper proposes a timestamp based solution that extends the scheme for more robust security for cloud storage. The experimental results revealed that the proposed solution is effective and can be used in real clouds.
Handling Delayed and Out of Sequence Measurements in Chemical Plants using the Extended Kalman Filter based Data Fusion Technique[Full-Text ] Pezhman Azadegan, Hooshang Jazayeri-Rad, Seyed Hosseni MosaviSensor data can be fused with data acquired through laboratory analysis or from costly real time sensors which may offer data after a time delay. Because of these operations we may come across out of sequence measurement (OOSM) data. In this work, fixed point smoothing is used to deal with the OOSM problem. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) is utilized to fuse data. The developed algorithm is tested on a distillation column and a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR).
Optimum Identification of Induction Generator Parameters in Wind Energy System based on Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Dr. Kanaan A. Jalal & Hussain Kassim AhmadElectric power generation using non-traditional sources of energy such as wind energy became one of the techniques that attracted much attention worldwide. The induction generator is used in the exploitation of this energy and converts it into electrical energy because of the advantages that distinguish it from other types of generators. In this paper, an optimal identification of induction generator parameters is proposed. Particle Swarm Optimization technique (PSO) is used to identify the main parameters of the induction generator in cases of wind speed change, load change and fault cases. The simulation results obtained indicate that the particle swarm optimization is suitable for controlling and optimization the voltage, frequency and generated power. The simulation programming is implemented using MATLAB.
Performance Analysis of Mach-Zehnder Modulator Using Fuzzy Logic Generator[Full-Text ] Shivani, Neelkamal, Yogesh GargIn this paper, we analyze the impact of extinction ratio (Ron/off) of Mach-Zehnder (MZ) amplitude modulator using Fuzzy logic generator. The system performance has been analyzed by varying the value of extinction ratio (Ron/off) from 0 to 10 dB. It is found that the system gives optimum performance at extinction ratio value 9.965 dB. Further, the fuzzy model of the system is developed using ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) for varying extinction ratio of MZ modulator and performance is evaluated with fuzzy model. The performance of MZ modulator is evaluated by using simulation platform of Fuzzy Logic generator in MATLAB 7.0
X-ray Crystallographic studies of fungicide Chlorothalonil[Full-Text ] Dr Jyotsna Chauhan, Gargi bhattacharyaChlorothalonil (2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) is a polychlorinated aromatic mainly used as a broad spectrum, contact fungicide. The activity of fungicides is intimately related to its chemical structure. Knowledge about the chemical structure of a chemical is useful for the synthesis of new compounds with more specific actions and fewer adverse reactions, to increase/decrease the duration of action of the original drug or to get a more potent compound, to restrict the action to a specific system of the body and to reduce the adverse reactions, toxicity and other disadvantages associated. We can understand the basic chemical groups responsible for drug action1.Recently it has been observed that some of the fungicides are loosing their effects. if their structures are known. So analogous compounds(as a substitute.) can be designed .A rational approach to test these fungicides is to know the three dimensional structure of these compounds and macromolecular receptor sites as well as their molecular complex .The structures of these compounds can be obtained by X-ray diffraction method in crystalline form and they will invariably be similar to their structure in solutions. The composition of crystal Cholrothalonil is confirmed by comparing the infra-red spectra of two components. The unit cell parameters are a = 6.3354(5) Å b = 6.2233(4) Å ,c = 27.753(2) Å, a = 90 o , ß = 95.397(2) o0, ? = 90 o The Crystal system is Monoclinic, and space group P21/c
Image Compression Using Neural Nerwork[Full-Text ] Mandeep Kaur SangherData requires considerable storage capacity and transmission bandwidth especially in case of Uncompressed multimedia (graphics, audio and video). Despite rapid progress in mass-storage density, processor speeds, and digital communication system performance, demand for data storage capacity and data-transmission bandwidth continues to outstrip the capabilities of available technologies. The recent growth of data intensive multimedia-based web applications has not only sustained the need for more efficient ways to storage and communication technology. Images are forming an increasingly large part of modern communications, bringing the need for efficient and effective compression. Many techniques developed for this purpose include transform coding, vector quantization and neural networks. In this paper, a new neural network method is used to achieve image compression. This work extends the use of 2-layer neural networks to a combination of cascaded networks with one node in the hidden layer . The results show the performance superiority of cascaded neural networks compared to that of fixed architecture training paradigms especially at high compression ratios. The proposed new method is implemented in MATLAB. The results obtained, such as compression ratio and computing time of the compressed images, are presented.
Variants in Synchronized Pure Pattern Languages [Full-Text ] Sindhu J Kumaar, P. J. AbishaA language generative device, known as Synchronized Pure Pattern grammar, is considered. This serves to link the notions of Pure grammar and Pattern grammar that have been introduced and investigated in the literature with different motivations. Three different variants of synchronized Pure Pattern grammars which was introduced earlier is considered and resultant families of languages are compared for their generative power with certain well-known families of languages
Safety Versus Freedom: An Eternal Fallacy Unveiled in Modern America[Full-Text ] Kavi ShahAyn Rand, a famous Russian-American essayist known for her views on political philosophy, argued in the 1990s that the definition of freedom, in and of itself, was unique in that it was mutually exclusive of the basic fundamentals of security. This is evident today as the public seems to be aware of only two dichotomized mediums in public policy, freedom or safety. The following paper embarks on a chronological journey that analyzes the origins of this false dichotomy in Thomas Hobbes’, Leviathan, and later moves toward more contemporary issues that have been entrenched in this century-long debate, ultimately providing a conclusion that will hopefully resolve the enigma between safety and freedom.
Study Of Gravity-driven Film Flow With Variable Physical Properties Along An Inclined Wall[Full-Text ] Md.Asif Jalil,Md.Amzad Hossain,Md.Mussaddiq Reza, ASM Toufiq Imam, A.H.M Fazle ElahiThis paper deals with the gravity-driven Newtonian, laminar film flow along an inclined wall with variable physical properties. The similarity transformation inspired by Howarth-Dorodnitsyn transformation has been used here since Falkner-Skan type of similarity transformations is no longer applicable for variable physical properties. Variation of thermo -physical properties with temperature for water, air and engine oil has been observed. Some empirical correlations for the properties are used for the dependency of temperature on properties. Although typically this type of flow is solved as initial value problem with shooting technique, in this thesis, rather it is solved as a non-linear two point boundary value problem more easily. The ordinary differential equations are recast as a first order ordinary differential equations, and then solved by a function ‘bvp4c’ in MATLAB. Although, there exists variations of properties with temperature for air, water and engine oil, which clearly observed in the corresponding results, results are investigated only for water knowing that other fluids qualitatively will give similar behavior.
Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical Adaptations of the Avian Alimentary Canal to Their Food Habits: II- Elanus caeruleus[Full-Text ] Hamida Hamdi, Abdel-Wahab El-Ghareeb, Mostafa Zaher, Fathia AbuAmodThese This study was the second in a series of studies aiming at establishing a connection between the food habits of aves and the anatomical, histological and histochemical structures of their alimentary tract. In this study, the gross anatomy, histology and histochemistry of the digestive system of the black -winged kite, Elanus caeruleus, a carnivorous bird, have been investigated. This study has revealed that, the oesophagus was relatively long with poorly developed crop; the simple stomach is differentiated into a glandular proventriculus and a muscular ventritculus or gizzard. The small intestine is divided into duodenum, and ileum. The large intestine contains a very small pair of ceca called, lymphoid ceca and a short rectum. The internal mucous glands of the oesophagus keep the surface of the tube moist and slimy and thereby facilitate the passage of the food. The differences in the proventriculus structure may also be related to diet. The present study revealed that the alimentary tract shows the usual four laminae; serosa, musculosa, submucosa and mucosa. The oesophageal mucosa is thrown into numerous longitudinal folds. The mucosa of the oesophagus is lined with stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. The oesphageal glands were of the simple tubule alveolar type. The proventricular mucosa is thrown into numerous folds of different depths which are lined by simple columnar epithelium. The proventricular glands were simple tubular to simple branched tubular glands. A thin layer of gastric keratinoid material is found in the ventriculus. The goblet cells gradually increase in frequency from the duodenum to the rectum. The lamina propria contains diffuse lymphatic tissue and the muscularis mucosa is well developed, and extends into the stroma of the villi. Also, the histochemical studies revealed that PAS positive matter was found in the entire alimentary tract. The oesophageal glands have acid mucopolysaccharide secretions. While gastric glands of stomach, the thin koilin layer, the goblet cells and crypts of Lieberkühn have acid and neutral mucopolysaccharide secretions. Proteins and nucleic acid was observed in the different regions of the alimentary canal.
Selection of Suitable Composite Clay as Cap Liner in Landfill: Extensive Software[Full-Text ] Hasibul, M.H.*, Rafizul, I.M., and Ehsanul, K.M.Composite clay that is the mixture of clay, as the main body and aggregates which are floating within the clayey matrix is more economical and effective material in cap liner than other traditional materials such as, geotextile, geomembrane, and compacted clay etc. Composite clay is also effective in reducing crack formation, which is the main problem when only compacted clay is used in cap liner. Investigation of cracking behavior of composite clay as cap liner of local clay soils (soils near Rajbandh dumping site) is the main aim of this study. To reach these attempts, mixtures of clay soils at varying percentages of three suitable additives such as brick khoa, sandy and gravelly materials used as composite clay. Moreover, nineteen (19) numbers of cap liner specimens of size 30cm x 6cm x 8cm were prepared using this composite clay. Cracking parameters of each liner specimen were compared with other specimens and specimens made by using clay soil only (control specimens) which is another aim of this study. Here crack intensity factor (CIF), which is the ratio of the surface area of cracks to the total surface area of a soil and shrinkage on all four sides of specimen were considered as controlling cracking parameters. CIF was determined by digital image analysis technique in this study. From the study it was observed that overall values of CIF and shrinkage almost maximum for control specimens than other specimens. In contrary, maximum and minimum CIF obtained in the tests were 14.94% and 6.24% occurred in specimen 1 of 5% brick khoa and 40% gravelly materials as additives content. In addition, maximum and minimum shrinkage obtained in the tests were 2.4cm and 0.35cm in length direction and 0.82cm and 0.2cm in width direction occurred in control specimens 1 and 2 and 60% gravelly materials and specimens 2 of 15% brick khoa and 60% gravelly materials as additives contents respectively. Again by comparing cracking behavior of three type’s composite clay as top liner specimens made with various percentages of brick khoa, sandy and gravelly materials, it can be suggested that, 40 to 60% of gravelly materials is more suitable as a cap liner against of other counterparts.
A study of the locus of the erosion and sedimentation in Sistan River using HEC-RAS model[Full-Text ] Mahdi Motallebian, Farzad HassanpourRecognizing the flow and sediment situation as well as hydraulic parameters of the flow and sediments under different conditions is the basis for the analysis of the river behavior and decision making about the engineering measures affecting them. Accordingly, this study seeks to spot the areas exposed to sedimentation and erosion, and determine some of sedimentation parameters in Sistan River using HEC-RAS model, which is used to simulate the sedimentation. In this regard, an area of 47 km from Sistan River was studied. The model was first calibrated for the flow and sediment, and then it was used for the simulation the sediment. The transverse and longitudinal profile changes of the river, shear stress changes, sediment transport capacity and the mass of inflow and outflow sediment at different levels were examined. The results showed that of 88 sections, 42 were erodible and 46 were depositional. The maximum sedimentation was between Nyatak spillway and Zahak Dam, with the maximum erosion occurring in the flood gates of Zahak Dam. The erosion was especially significant in areas with large longitudinal slope and tight transverse sections, while sedimentation was more likely to happen in low longitudinal and wide transverse sections, particularly the structured parts.
Active Suspension Control of a Vehicle System Using Intelligent Fuzzy Technique[Full-Text ] Ayman A. Aly, A. Al-Marakeby, Kamel A. ShoushIn this paper, four degrees of freedom half body vehicle suspension system is shown and the road roughness intensity is modeled as a filtered white noise stochastic process. PID and Fuzzy logic techniques are used to control the suspension system. The desired objective is proposed as minimization of sprung mass acceleration, pitching acceleration, suspension travel and dynamic loads. The simulation results show that active suspension Fuzzy control with the body vertical acceleration and suspension dynamic deflection as comprehensive feedback parameters compared with PID control suspension can improve the ride comfort and driving stability in random excitation.
An efficient Support Vector Machine based classi-fier for multiclass clustering[Full-Text ] Aditi Mehto, Prof. Sandeep Kumar, Prof. Prashant SharmaClustering is a technique of grouping the similar items and dissimilar items so that the analysis of any data can be done efficiently and effectively. Although there are various clustering techniques implemented for the analysis of data but the clustering technique used here is based on fuzzy based clusters. Here in this paper an efficient clustering is proposed using fuzzy based SVM. The technique implemented here is efficient in terms of error rate and time and also the clustering implemented here is for the multiple numbers of classes.
Effect Of Kanbans In The Performance of Conwip, KCS and EKCS[Full-Text ] G.G Sastry, Dr. Mukesh Saxena, Dr. Rajnish GargThe manufacturing station, input and output buffers are the logical areas, which respond to kanban to change its status to distinct areas in the flow line manufacturing system. The paper is focused to study the effect of number of kanbans in each manufacturing stage, for Constant work in process (CONWIP), Kanban Control system (KCS) and Extended Kanban Control system (EKCS) for the performance analysis using single flow line manufacturing systems. The configuration of the single flow line is considered to have three manufacturing stages. The Single flow line manufacturing system is modeled as network diagram using technical computing software MATLAB SIMULINK. Simulation studies were performed to determine the optimum number of kanbans per stage. The optimal selection of number of kanbans is based on high values of production and low values of work in process (WIP) and average waiting time (AWT). The customer demand mean time, 20, 25 and 30 minutes, and the processing mean time of 20 minutes for the three manufacturing stages are considered for the study respectively. The performance results obtained by single flow line are compared, analyzed for CONWIP, KCS and EKCS to determine the optimal number of kanbans per stage.
Free Radical Production In Relation To Regular Different Types of Exercise[Full-Text ] Dr. Tirtha Mondal, Dr. Malabika Biswas and Dr. Samiran MondalThiobarbuturic acid reactive substance (TBARS) is an effective indirect measurement for free radicals in the human body. Inconclusive results were observed in the effect of different types of exercise and TBARS. Aim- To investigate the effect of different types of exercise on plasma TBARS. Methods- Total 15 male age, height, weight body mass index (BMI) matched football, athletics, weight training, yogasana and control subjects, (three from each group) were volunteered in this study. All the exercise groups engaged 1-4 hours/day, 6 days/week a controlled regular training programme under qualified supervision for university competition. TBARS assay were made to evaluate free radicals level. Results- plasma TBARS level was found in football group 4.89+/-0.06nmol/mg; athletics group 5.5+/-0.5nmol/mg; yogasana group 4.31+/- 0.2 nmol/mg; weight training group 4.33+/-0.3nmol/mg; and control group4.48+/-nmol/mg. Conclusion: weight training and yogasana group were observed lower TBARS level than the football and athletics groups.
Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimize Nitrate Removal from Wastewater by Electrocoagulation[Full-Text ] Ghanim, A.NThis study concerns with electrochemical process so called electrocoagulation used to treat a high nitrate wastewater whereby sacrificial carbon steel anodes. Response Surface Methodology was applied in the development of statistical analyzing, modeling and interpreting the resulted treatment data of nitrate wastewater by electrocoagulation. In addition, the response, residual, probability, surface and contour plots were achieved. Fractional factorial design has been applied for the simultaneous study of the effects of operation time and the current density on nitrate removal response. The effectiveness of the considered design parameters was well examined to find the optimum experiment condition. Model to perform simulated regression with nitrate removal response gives the best fitted equation of second-order functions of two factor variables that has been obtained to find optimum removal. At initial pH of 8, the optimum condition for predicted maximum nitrate removal of 92.25% were found to be 74.7 min. operation time and 12.7 mA/cm2 current density.
Mathematical Science and Transient Simulation of 1-D Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Dr. Sandeep MalhotraTransient simulation of heat exchanger is required to obtain the dynamic performance of the heat exchanger system. For prediction of the transient performance of heat exchanger a homogeneous model with vapor liquid two phase flow inside is used. To obtain the numerical solution of the model without solving a large set of non-linear equations simultaneously an efficient finite difference method is proposed. The method is capable of predicting the refrigerant temperature distribution, velocity of refrigerant, tube wall temperature as a function of position and time. A single tube heat exchanger with refrigerant R22 as working fluid was chosen as a sample and some tests were carried out to determine its transient response. The examination of results indicates that the theoretical model provides a reasonable prediction of dynamic response which is useful in designing a controllable compressor to reduce power consumption. Transient behavior of refrigerant has been obtained using MATLAB programs.
Grameen Bank’s Contribution To The Income Generation Of Its Household Borrowers[Full-Text ] Md. Ariful Islam, Proshenjit GhoshThis topic aims at the nature and extent of the income generation of the borrowers of the Grameen Bank (GB). Here an attempt has been made to measure the socio-economic changes of household borrowers and to disentangle the contribution of the GB credit from the contribution of other factors of income generation available to the household borrowers. This study is based primary survey data and both qualitative and quantitative tools have been used to measure and express the findings. Although the proponents of GB has shown tremendous success in their early studies; the contribution of GB loan in the total income generated by the household borrowers are found totally insignificant.
Cement Kiln Dust Chemical Stabilization of Nile Silt Soil Exposed Along Nile Banks at Taramsa Village, Qena Region, Egypt[Full-Text ] Hesham A.H. IsmaielThis work dealt with a chemical stabilization of the Nile silt soil exposed at Taramsa village using cement kiln dust (CKD) and cement kiln dust with lime (L) to improve its geotechnical properties. Several specimens of the studied soil were collected from two sections at the studied area. Chemical analysis of the cement kiln dust and the lime was conducted. Microstructural changes were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and after the chemical stabilization of the Nile silt. Geotechnical properties including plasticity, compaction parameters, unconfined compressive strength (qu), ultrasonic velocities and free swelling of the Nile silt were measured before and after the stabilization. An optimum content of the cement kiln dust was 14 % (CKD). The optimum content of the cement kiln dust with the lime was 12 % (CKD) with 1 % (L) according to pH-test. The results showed that the addition of the cement kiln dust and the cement kiln dust with the lime led to a decrease in a maximum dry density and an increase in an optimum water content. Unconfined compressive strength values were increased using the cement kiln dust and the cement kiln dust with the lime at 7 days curing time. Ultrasonic longitudinal (Vp) and shear (Vs) velocities values were also increased by the addition of the cement kiln dust and the cement kiln dust with the lime at 7 days curing time. Increment of the curing time from 7 to 28 days led to an increase in both the unconfined compressive strength and the ultrasonic velocities values. Free swelling percent of the studied soil was reduced from 50.00 to 0.00 % after the stabilization.
Synthesis and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of some new heterocyclic compounds using succinic acid dihydrazide as a precursor[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Abo-BakrUtility of succinic acid dihydrazide for the synthesis of some new heterocyclic compounds, containing bis-1,3,4-oxadiazole, bis-4-thiazolidinone, bis-5-amino-3-pyrazolone and bis-1,3-dioxo-isoindole. The chemical structures of the prepared compounds have been confirmed by their elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H NMR and Mass spectra. Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of the compounds was done by the paper disc technique. Some of the tested compounds showed the most favorable antimicrobial activity.
Annulus with Spiral Slits Map and its Inverse of Bounded Multiply Connected Regions[Full-Text ] Ali W. Kareem Sangawi, Ali H.M. MuridThis paper presents a boundary integral equation method for computing numerical conformal mapping of bounded multiply connected region onto an annulus with spiral slits region and its inverse. The method is an extension of the author’s method for computing the Annulus with circular slits map of bounded multiply connected regions (see [Sangawi, A. W. K., Murid, A. H. M., Nasser, M. M. S.: Annulus with circular slit map of bounded multiply connected regions via integral equation method. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 35, no. 4, 945-959 (2012)]). Several numerical examples are given to prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Compact Via Loaded 30 Degree Sectoral Structure for GPS & Wireless Applications[Full-Text ] Manuj Mohan Khanra, Shatarupa RahutAn optimized dual frequency microstrip patch antenna structure is proposed. The design is based on conical via loading and slit loading technique. In this paper, details of the antenna are discussed along with the simulated result. The simulation is based on method of moment method, using IE3D software. It is also observed that by cutting a slit in the non-radiating edge and varying the conical via location we can reconfigure the antenna resonating frequency. This antenna can operate at Bluetooth frequency and also this antenna is applied for WLAN application. An optimized dual frequency sectoral PIFA antenna has been proposed. The design is based on conical via loading technique. In this paper, details of the sectoral antenna are discussed along with the simulated result. The simulation is based on method of moment method, using IE3D software. It is also observed that by slit loading and varying in the horizontal direction and we can reconfigure the antenna resonating frequency.
Studies on phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of Artocarpus heterophyllus fruit latex against selected pathogenic microorganisms[Full-Text ] Y. MADHAVI, K. V. RAGAHAVA RAO, CH. RAVI KIRAN, AND T. RAGHAVA RAO The latex is widely used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food industry as in paper, textile and petroleum industries also. The present study was carried out to assess the potential antimicrobial activity of methanolic, ethanolic and chloroform extracts of fruit latex of Artocarpus heterophyllus against different pathogenic bacteria and fungus. All three extracts were found to show good to moderated activity against bacteria namely Gram +ve (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtillis and Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram -ve(Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeurignosa) and fungal strains namely Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In methanolic extract major activity was perceived on bacteria Bacillus subtillis and among fungi Aspergillus flavus. In ethanolic extract maximum activity perceived on bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and amongst fungi Aspergillus flavus. In chloroform extract determined activity was observed on bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and between fungus Aspergillus flavus. Maximum activity was observed on bacterial strains compared with fungal strains. In all three extracts Minimum inhibitory concentrations were in the range of 12.5-25 mg/ml. In addition, quantitative phytochemical and Biochemical analysis estimations of assured active compounds like Total phenolics, flavonoids, tannins, proteins, carbohydrates, glycosides, and alkaloids were found to be in considerable quantities.
Effect of Environmental Condition and Drying Parameters on Paddy Processing[Full-Text ] Shekhar F.Lilhare, Dr. N.G.BawaneParboiling of the paddy is the hydrothermal retreatment process. It improves the paddy milling characteristics and head rice yield, without affecting chemical composition and nutritional value of the rice. The moisture content of the raw paddy is normally less than 33 %( db), and attend the high level of the moisture after parboiling up to 60%. The high moisture removal of paddy needs delicate drying operation. Rice kernel is sensitive to the thermal treatment. Proper drying of paddy achieves the sufficient mechanical strength for milling with low breakages of kernels. Whole rice and whiteness are most important qualities of the rice which gives more commercial value than the broken and partial yellow. The drying air temperature, relative humidity, drying air velocity, and variety of grain affect drying process .These parameters are studied and optimized for maximizing the head rice yield and whiteness.
Review methods of MPEG-4 AAC-ELD[Full-Text ] Ms. S.G. Dighe, Prof. S. S. GundalMPEG’s low-delay audio codecs AAC-LD and AAC-ELD are capable of providing natural audio in perceptually high quality with an algorithmic system delay1 in the range from 20 to 46.9 mS. The AAC-ELD scheme, in particular, which is basically formed out of AAC-LD and SBR, produces high-quality wideband audio at bit rates between 24 kbps and 48 kbps maintaining a relatively low algorithmic delay of 31.3 ms, where 1.3 ms are due to SBR, at 48 kHz sampling rate. These are three crucial factors for AAC-ELD to conquer the telecommunications sector.
A New Scientific Theory Of Geo-magnetism[Full-Text ] S. K. SrivastavaThere is role of Sun in developing gravitational and magnetic fields of the Earth. A number of charged particles emitted by Sun move all around above and below to the earth’s surface. Those charged particles which exist in the ionosphere form convection current and they are the source of developing magnetic field. The dynamics of different radiating fields have been followed through a new scientific theory of author based on order and disorder concepts. Very interesting results about Geo- magnetism have been found.
A novel Noise estimation by histogram equalization and optimal filtering for robust speech enhancement[Full-Text ] M.Shravani, P.Chandra Sekhar, Ch. Ganapathy ReddyGenerally, Speech enhancement aims to improve speech quality by using various algorithms. The objective of enhancement is improvement in overall perceptual quality of degraded speech signal using audio signal processing techniques. In earlier, there are so many algorithms proposed for speech enhancement. But they are not able to enhance the speech effectively by reducing the noise components. Recently a new mathematical algorithm called Empirical mode decomposition (EMDF) method was proposed. Though this algorithm enhances the speech effectively the time taken to process this enhancement is too high. Mainly this is because of the IMF evaluations for the complete speech samples. To overcome this issue this paper proposes a Histogram based speech enhancement technique. The histogram proposed in this work estimates the noise components contaminated with the clean speech samples, an optimal filtering is proposed to filter those estimated noise samples.
A Survey on Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Sandeep SharmaNow-a-days energy-efficient routing in wireless sensor network is an important research issue. Due to limited battery-power sensor nodes are highly energy constrained. So to enhance the lifetime of sensor network we need energy-efficient routing protocol. According to network topology, routing protocol can be divided into flat and hierarchical routing protocol. This paper surveys different energy-efficient routing protocols and compares their performance. Moreover, the drawbacks of existing routing protocols are also discussed. The paper concludes with open research issues.
CDS Annotation in cDNA Sequence of Caenorhabditis_elegans: Relevance to Atherosclerosis[Full-Text ] Pramod W Ramteke, Amit Dubey, Satendra SinghTo interpret the effects of genetic variation and phenotypic changes between individuals is still very complex in human. We are developing various strategies for Predicting and understanding the downstream effects of genetic variation using computational methods are becoming increasingly important for the identification of novel genes codons and their target and impact over protein-coding genes which is also known as coding sequences (CDS) and their prediction is an beneficial step over functional annotation of genes. CDS prediction for human genes from genomic sequence is convoluted by the vast affluence of intergenic sequence in the genome, and delivers little information about how contrasting parts of potential CDS regions are expressed. In contrast, Caenorhabditis_elegans gene CDS prediction from cDNA sequence offers obvious advantages, yet confrontation a different set of intricacy when observed on high-throughput cDNA sequences, are an increasingly relevant tool for genetic and biomedical research. Bioinformaticians have become superior at functional assumption methods derived from functional and structural genomics. Examination of CDS that change a rarely used codon in to a frequently used one or vice versa may help in predicting their phenotypic effect on the individual carrying the change. The code is not either overlapping or punctuated, but has mRNA sequences read in successive triplet codons till to reaching a stop codon. The perfect genetic code uses triplet bases for every amino acid. The efficiency of the genetic code can be significantly increased if the requirement for a fixed codon length is discarded so that the more common amino acids have briefer codon lengths and rare amino acids have expanded codon lengths. It would be more challenging for the system of transcription to deal with a variable codon length. This study also provide signi?cant insights over new approaches to reveal and understand chymase inhibitors through systems-based approach to analyzing conversion of Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II or for inactivating bradykinin and miRNA which provides application to evaluate diverse expansion of atherosclerosis vulnerabilities which is the basis of new medical informatics approaches in terms of their further drug development.
Design and Characterization of Koggestone, Sparse Koggestone, Spanning tree and Brentkung Adders[Full-Text ] V. Krishna Kumari, Y. Sri Chakrapani, Dr. M. KamarajuIn various VLSI designs, the adders are frequently used. The most commonly used adder is the Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), which can be implemented by using half adders and full adders.This RCA is a serial adder which is used to perform any number of additions, but it has propagation delay problem due to carry propagation from stage to stage which leads to more delay. To overcome this delay, parallel adders (parallel prefix adders) are preferred as they pre-compute the carry. The parallel prefix adders are KS adder (kogge-stone), SKS adder (sparse kogge-stone), Spanning tree and Brentkung adders. These adders are designed and compared by using power and delay constraints. Simulation and Synthesis process is performed on these adders using by Model sim6.4b, Xilinx ISE9.2i.
Phytochemical Analysis and TLC Profile of Madhuca indica Inner Bark Plant Extract[Full-Text ] Rajendra Prasad Gujjeti and Estari MamidalaMadhuca indica is a plant of Indian origin having tremendous therapeutic potential but is not fully utilized. The present study, primarily aims to carry out a preliminary phytochemical screening so as to detect the major class of compounds present in M. indica inner bark and to perform thin layer chromatography (TLC) profiling of all sequential extracts. Phytochemical analysis was performed by various qualitative methods and TLC profiling was carried out using various extracts of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol. Thesolvent system of varying polarity, hexane, ethyl acetate, and acetic acid respectively. Qualitative phytochemical analysis reflects the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, phenolic compounds, amino acids, and carbohydrates in the plant extract. TLC profiling of the M. indica was constituted different coloured phytochemical compounds with different Rf values. The ethyl acetate and acetone extracts in the drug is carried out to establish the biomarker compound. The present study provides evidence that solvent extract of M. indica contains medicinally important bioactive compounds and this justifies the use of plant species as traditional medicine for treatment of various diseases.
Analysis of effect of noise removal filters on noisy remote sensing images[Full-Text ] Narayan P. Bhosale, Ramesh R. ManzaIn this work, we have applied various filters on remote sensing images for denoising them. The fundamental key challenge to noise reduction is to reduce or eliminate the noise without failing other aspects of the image. RS (Remote Sensing) Image denoising involves the manipulation of the image data to produce a visually high quality image. There are many kinds of noise that affect on remote sensing images but we have selected only impulsive noise i.e. Gaussian noise and Salt & Pepper Noise. In a simulation we took remote sensing images and analyzed it with an Average filter, Median filter, unsharp filter and Wiener Filter and using statistical quality measures. The analysis of effect of noise removal technique is given in this paper.
Qualitative Assessment of the Sham Tseng San Tsuen Landslide in Hong Kong[Full-Text ] Aminu Abdullahi IsyakuLandslide risk assessment methods in Hong Kong have been well documented. The choice of the method of investigation into reported slope failures depend on the slope aspect to be emphasised. Insights have been gained into the role of geomorphology as an important factor in performing a qualitative risk assessment review of the Sham Tseng San Tsuen Landslide event. The geology, hydrogeology and geotechnical aspects of the slope materials have been presented. The implications of the hazards and associated risks as well as the risk management aspects of the landslide event have also been presented. Some suggestions with respect to improving slope management in Hong Kong are made.
An Experimental Study on the Accuracy Issue of Automatic User Verification Based on a Single Fingerprint Image[Full-Text ] Qinghai GaoIn crime scene investigation, it is often the case that a single fingerprint image is found. In fingerprint authentication system it is common that a single fingerprint image is captured and applied during the verification stage. However, two questions can be asked: (1) How reliable is it to identify an individual based on a single image? (2) Does short-time interval have any effect on matching? In this paper we carry out experiments with individual fingerprint images and report our findings.
Fitted Modified Upwind Difference Scheme for Solving Singularly Perturbed Differential- Difference Equations with negative shift[Full-Text ] Lakshmi Sirisha and Y. N. ReddyIn this paper an exponentially fitted modified upwind difference scheme is presented for solving differential-difference equations of convection-diffusion type with small delay parameter of o( , whose solution exhibits boundary layer behavior. First, the singularly perturbed differential-difference equation is replaced by an asymptotically equivalent singular perturbation problem. Then, fitted modified upwind scheme is developed and a three term recurrence relation is obtained. The resulted tri-diagonal system is solved by Discrete Invariant Imbedding Algorithm. The method is demonstrated by implementing on several model examples by taking various values for the delay parameter and the perturbation parameter.
Security Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Pejman NiksazWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been recognized for their utility in a variety of different fields including military sensing and tracking, environmental monitoring, patient monitoring and tracking smart environments. The more scientists try to develop further cost and energy efficient computing devices and algorithms for WSNs, the more challenging it becomes to fit the security of WSNs into such a constrained environment. Thus, familiarity with the security aspects of WSNs is essential before designing WSN systems. In order to provide effective integrity, confidentiality, and authentication during communication, the need for additional security measures in WSNs emerges. In this paper, we review some security mechanisms used to overcome these attacks.
Development Of Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Based Network Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] NITIN S. KHACHANE, PROF.DEEPAK SINGH TOMAR, PROF. AMIT SINHAL Intruders' computers, who are spread across the Internet, have become a major threat in our world. Many researchers proposed a number of techniques such as (firewall, encryption) to prevent such penetration and protect the infrastructure of computers as well as information, but with this, the intruders managed to penetrate the computers. IDS which are increasingly a key part of system defense are used to identify abnormal activities in a computer system. So IDS has taken much of the attention of researchers, IDS monitors the resources computer and sends a report on the activities strange patterns the proposed system. We are going to design Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy based system for effectively identifying the intrusion activities within a network. The proposed Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference based system will be able to detect an intrusion behavior of the networks. The experiments and evaluations of the proposed network intrusion detection system will be performed with the NSL-KDD dataset.
Characterization of Exopolysaccharide from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BPRGS for its Bioflocculant Activity[Full-Text ] B.Prasad Rao, K. Sudharsan, Reshma .C.H Sekaran.G.and A.B.MandalExtracellular polymeric substances, also known as exopolysaccharide, or EPS, are high-molecular weight macromolecular compounds secreted by microorganisms into their environment. These extracellular polysaccharides have distinguished properties like cell adhesion, floc formation and stability. In this work, different microbial communities producing extracellular polysaccharide were isolated from marine slimy sediments from Kovalam beach, Chennai- India. The microorganisms were screened for their optimal EPS production. Among the consortia, maximum EPS producing organism was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BPRGS .The organism was confirmed by microscopic, biochemical and DNA sequence analysis. The effect of medium components (carbon and nitrogen sources) and environmental factors (initial pH and temperature) for biomass growth and exopolysaccharide (EPS) production in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BPRGS was investigated. Among the tested carbon and nitrogen source Sucrose and Yeast extract have produced maximum EPS yields. The optimal pH and temperature was found to be at pH 9.0 and at 37°C for 72 hours. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BPRGS EPS showed a high flocculation activity at 96% in kaolin suspension with EPS concentration 8 mg/100 ml. The Thermo gravimetric analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry results confirm that the EPS shows high thermal stability.
An Efficient Cryptographic Approach For Preserving Privacy In Data Mining[Full-Text ] T.Sujitha, V.Saravanakumar, C.SaravanabhavanData mining techniques have been developed in many applications. The goal of data mining process is to extract the information from a large data set and transform it into an understandable format. Data mining is used by many companies with a customer focus on the financial, communication and marketing organization. The privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) is used to extract the relevant knowledge from large amount of data while protecting at the same time sensitive information. In the existing system considered the private property of the corporate data, the data owner transforms the data and ships it into the server for privacy. But there is enough privacy is not found and lacking of computational resources can outsource its mining needs to third party service provider. In this paper, we propose the efficient cryptography techniques are used to protect the privacy to the data owner. By using these techniques, the third parties cannot able to attack the real transaction database. The clustering techniques are used to group the sensitive data from the dataset.
5A Novel Ultrasound Assisted Advanced Oxidation Process for Water Pollution Abatement by Using Transition Metal Oxides[Full-Text ] S. Sivasankaran, Ankur Pandey, Piyush RanjanDyes and its derivatives contribute significantly to environmental hazards due to their toxicity as well as improper disposal methods. Cavitation can be used for the degradation of dyes[1][2]. A main finding of the work and generally accepted fact is that cavitation alone cannot be an economical technique for water pollution abatement. The present work throws light on the different ways in which the cavitation phenomenon can be intensified by using additives and/or combining cavitation with other oxidation processes. Hybrid methods like ultrasound+ (NiO/Pd, Pd/C, Pd + NiO/C), Hydrogen peroxide etc., on the degradation of Congo red has been discussed and compared. Some guidelines for the future work required to facilitate the optimization of the processes have also been proposed.
Ethics In Ethical Hacking[Full-Text ] IDIMADAKALA NAGARAJUThis paper explores the ethics behind ethical hacking and the problems that lie with this emerging field of network security. Since ethical hacking has been a controversial subject over the past few years, the question remains of the true intentions of ethical hackers. The paper also looks at ways in which future research could be looked into to help in keeping ethical hacking, ethical.
Safe and secure browser using ubuntu application development tools[Full-Text ] V. Subhamkari, D. Mohan Ranga Rao, T. NiharikaThe main aim of developing Ubuntu is that maximum softwares can be downloaded for free and even the programming is easy when compared to others. Any kind of the template can be created easily which runs only in LINUX.in Ubuntu 13.04 the editing options becomes easier than earlier versions. By developing Ubuntu browser security can be increased than google chrome as history option cannot be found. As such in other browsers inspect element option Cannot be found in Ubuntu browser application which extends passwords safety.
Minimization Of Torque Ripples In Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor-overview[Full-Text ] R.SUJA, P.MELBA MARYThis paper deals with torque ripples, Permanent magnet synchronous motors are widely used in high performance applications.This paper reviews a controller based design techniques. Controller based techniques for minimizing torque ripples involve the use of algorithms. Finally, successful suppression of pulsating torque relies on the systems approach to all aspects of the PMSM.
Alternative Energy Sources[Full-Text ] Abdulelah Mohammed AlnasserEnergy is the main source of force and power is the ultimate source of power and influence (Baizhan, Meng, & Keith, 2006). People work with the energy and need energy to perform their routine tasks. Energy is the ultimate source of power; it is the force, power and the medium of performing the tasks. Although energy is not created, it changes the form and it is converted from one source to another. Humans have identified many sources of energy, and the types of energy, which are used for various purposes (Daniels P. L., 2005).
A novel Intelligence Approach to Design a Semantic Description Framework for Semantic Grid Resources.[Full-Text ] T. A. Farrag, M. T. FaheemSemantic web services (SWSs) represent the backbone of machine-to-machine interaction in Semantic Grid. The use of the semantic data model makes the information about grid resources not only machine-readable (like the current grid systems) but also machine-understandable. The problem of discovering and selecting the most suitable web service represents a challenge for SWSs to be widely used. Ongoing to test the efficiency of our new proposed Semantic Description Framework for Semantic Grid Resources, a new intelligent approach is introduced in this paper to classify the SWSs. This approach depends on the semantic relations among the different concepts to measure the relative importance value of each concept using a new proposed concepts ranking algorithm (CRA). To apply this approach, a new automatic SWSs classifier (ASWSC) is introduced. ASWSC is a pure semantic based classifier, which does not use the traditional classification techniques (such as text mining, neural, genetic and rough sets). ASWSC is evaluated using experiments which show a high percentage of accuracy and precision that remarks the proposed algorithm over some other non-semantic classifier.
Some Physical Properties of Moringa oleifera Seeds[Full-Text ] ADESINA, B. S., ASIRU, W.B., OMOTADE, S.A. AND ADESome physical properties of Moringa oleifera seeds were investigated in this study. Properties such as length, width, thickness, geometric and arithmetic mean diameter dimensions, sphericity ,surface area, mass, volume, solid and bulk density, specific gravity and porosity. At moisture content of 8.33% wet basis., the average length, width, thickness and mass were: 9.223mm, 8.423mm, 7.424mm and 0.258g respectively. The geometric and arithmetic mean diameters are respectively 9.144mm and 8.320mm. The surface area, volume, sphericity and aspect ratio are 0.297mm2, 1.39cm3, 90.37% and 0.914% respectively. The solid density, bulk density, porosity and specific gravity were: 4.77g/cm3, 8.42g/cm3, 7.420% and 0.28 respectively. These properties are necessary for the design of equipment for harvesting, processing, transporting, separating, packaging and storage processes.
Application of Numerical Model for Drainage Improvement of Dhaka-Narayanganj-Demra (DND) Area of Dhaka city, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Shamim Shams, Parvez Sarwar HossainAfter 1971 independence of Bangladesh DND area of Dhaka megacity has become victim of unplanned development due to proximity of central business district of Dhaka and Narayanganj district. Land use of DND area has been transformed from the originally agricultural land to residential, industrial plots and roads. The generated runoff has been increased more than design runoffs which effects existing drainage system. Consequently, the existing pump drainage system was unable to drain out storm water along with the excess domestic wastewater. Besides, drainage canals have been badly diminished due to unauthorized encroachment of canals. To mitigate drainage congestion in DND area and to find an improved solution a numerical model studies have been initially undertaken during 2010 by Bangladesh Water Development Board with the association of DDC, Ltd. which would lead up-to set design parameters for building of future drainage infrastructure of DND area. The required data-set used by popular numerical modeling tool named MIKE11of DHI Water and Environment was collected from various sources. From numerical studies it has been examined by multiple options based drainage system on the basis of flood depth inundation for 2 days consecutive heavy rainfall of 5 year return period. Flooding extent for different options in terms of flood depth-level and drainage path length for different interventions has also been assessed. After rigorous analysis a feasible and cost-effective 97% flood free with improved drainage system of DND area has been idealized from the numerical analysis output for future implementation.
PSPICE Simulations For Performance Testing Of Signal Conditioning Circuit For Temperature Sensor[Full-Text ] A. V. MANCHARKARThis paper addresses performance of signal conditioning circuit for temperature sensor viz. J-type thermocouple, as an example. In reality the circuit has to simulate over the specified operation range. The output voltages are up to 3-digits decimal point by experimenting several input voltage values in the test circuit. The various input voltage values are used in performing DC analysis. The low cost, fast simulation techniques for the linearity and an accuracy of the circuit performance and reliability is reported by using the PSpice test tools. The results are explored with browsing output data facility and run probe analysis.
Intelligent Universal Sensor Interface Development Using Microcontroller[Full-Text ] A. V. MANCHARKARIntelligent sensor interface is a rapidly expanding area of research, which will inevitably bring extraordinary changes in the current real life problems. It is implemented with a number of high-performance front-end circuits for various types of sensors. Sensing elements can be directly connected without the need for extra circuits. The commercially available sensor interface allows a limited 4 to 5 sensors at input and only 2 or 3 types of outputs. The present paper describes development and typical features of a low-cost, high-performance interface.
Comparative Study Of Various Circuit Simulation Softwares[Full-Text ] A. V. MANCHARKARTraditionally, electronic circuit design was verified by building prototypes, subjecting the circuit to various stimuli and then measuring its response using appropriate laboratory equipments. Prototype building is somewhat time consuming, but it produces practical experience from which judge the manufacturability of the design. Computer programs that simulate the performance of an electronic circuit provide a simple, cost-effective means of confirming the intended operation prior to circuit construction and of verifying new ideas that could lead to improved circuit performance. Such computer programs have revolutionized the electronics industry, leading to the development of today’s high-density monolithic circuit schemes such as VLSI. The use of computer-aided design tools has proven to be invaluable in the development of new technologies and circuit design. Computer simulations have emerged as a very elegant way to aid device, circuit and system design engineers. Proposed work gives emphasis on comparative aspects of commercially available electronic circuit simulation softwares that would be useful for selecting the best software depending on the area of application.
Environmental Effects On Electronic Circuits-A Simulation Study Performed Using MULTISIM[Full-Text ] A. V. MANCHARKARElectronics is encountered in every day life in the form of telephones, radio, televisions, audio equipments, for industrial control and automation. Electronic product reliability is very important to both user and manufacturer. Designing products to survive harsh environments is expensive in time and money. An optimum design is one of that meets its requirements at minimum cost. Different factors such as humidity, radiations, EMI, vibrations, shock, water leakage, fungal growth, chemical attack, damage due to abuse & many others would also play as distracter. In the industrial processes temperature is a main factor. Many of these factor factors will put constraints on the mechanical & electronic design. Electronic circuit design was verified by building prototypes, subjecting the circuit to various stimuli (such as input signals, temperature changes) & then measuring its performance by appropriate laboratory equipments.
Security issues in cloud computing and its counter measures[Full-Text ] Pavan MuralidharaCloud computing is a technology of delivering resources such as hardware, software (virtual too) and bandwidth over the network to the consumers worldwide. All the services are requested and accessed through a web browser or web service. The main advantage that cloud is provided to the nation worldwide is that it is not so easily affordable to one and all. Multi-conglomerate companies invest a lot of money on the cloud and let people access it for a smaller cost and even free at the lowest level of the consumer chain. In this paper we address to the problems that the cloud technology faces and how it can be overcome.
PSPICE Simulations For Performance Testing of Signal Conditioning Circuit For LDR[Full-Text ] A.V. MancharkarThis paper addresses performance of signal conditioning circuit for LDR as an example. In reality the circuit has to simulate over the specified operation ranges. The circuit simulations are performed by experimenting various resistance values in the test circuit. The circuit output voltage performance is measured up to 3-decimal point accurately. The low cost, fast simulation techniques for the linearity and an accuracy of the circuit performance and reliability is reported by using the Pspice test tools. The results are explored with browsing output data facility and run probe analysis.