Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013 Edition
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Evaluation of Physio-chemical and Thermal properties of Soy Protein Concentrate and Different Binary Mixtures Based Graft Copolymers[Full-Text ] Jaspreet Kaur, Balbir Singh Kaith, Rajeev JindalPresent investigation deals with the modification of biopolymer to improve physio-chemical and thermal properties. In air synthesis of graft copolymers of soy protein concentrate (SPC) with vinyl monomer mixtures of ethylmethacrylate (EMA) with methylmethacrylate (MMA), methylacrylate (MA) and ethylacrylate (EA) was carried-out using ascorbic acid/ potassium persulphate (AAc/ KPS) redox initiator system. Graft copolymers formed were characterized using techniques like FTIR, SEM and XRD. Initial optimization of different reaction parameters was carried out for graft copolymerization of principal monomer EMA onto soy protein concentrate to get maximum graft yield (134.12%). The maximum graft yields with binary monomer mixtures; EMA+MMA, EMA+EA and EMA+MA were 120.54%, 142.38% and 293.58%, respectively. The graft copolymers were studied for thermal stability and were found to show high thermal stability. Modified protein was found to show improved chemical resistance toward acid and base. Moreover, grafted protein also showed enhanced moisture retardance.
Self power generated Ultra Low Power Microcontroller based Gait aided Functional Electrical Stimulator[Full-Text ] S.RamananThis paper proposes the design and implementation of the functional electrical stimulator using the ultra low power microcontroller MSP430 , which restores the functionality of paralyzed portion of human body due to spinal cord injury (SCI) that consumes the power supply generated by the body. FES stimulates muscles enough to make them contract. FES strengthens muscles, relaxes then and improves their function. This system removes the drawback of suppressing skin breakdown and itching and reduces power consumption. This device uses fully programmable symmetric biphasic pulses with inter-pulse interval for surface electrodes and it works in both modes: open loop as well as closed loop. A MSP430 microcontroller which operates at low power consumption is used for control of stimulation parameters such as stimulation frequency, pulse width, inter-pulse duration and pulse amplitude, provides higher currents used for gait analysis. EMG signals are recorded by sensors for closed loop operation and in open loop it operates by use of push buttons and LCD display. The power supply generated by the use of thermocouples that produces power supply from the body heat generation.
Analysis and Simulation of a Single Generator-Infinite Bus Power System under Linear Quadratic Regulator Control[Full-Text ] Ayokunle A. Awelewa, Ayoade F. Agbetuyi, Ishioma A. Odigwe, Isaac A. Samuel, Kenechukwu C. MbanisiThe thrust of this article is to develop elaborate educational material on linear quadratic regulator (LQR)-based power system control for electrical engineering students, especially senior undergraduate and fresh graduate students. The paper considers a comprehensive description of a power system, which is represented by a network of a single generator connected to an infinite bus, highlighting modeling, analysis, and simulation of the system. Graphical outputs for various combinations of system state and input weighting matrices are presented.
Performance Evaluation of Different SRAM Schemes in 16nm Predictive Technology[Full-Text ] Swati VijayvergiaHigh integration density, low power and fast performance are all critical parameters in designing of memory blocks. This paper explores the design and analysis of standard 6T Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs)’s variations, focusing on optimizing delay and dynamic power for writing mode. To achieve these objectives, the feature size of CMOS devices has been dramatically scaled to very small dimensions according to predictive 16nm process. Since short-circuits are responsible for much of the dynamic power loss, concept of virtual source transistors is used for removing direct connection between VDD and GND. The whole circuit verification is done on the Tanner tool, Schematic of the SRAM cell is designed on the S-Edit and net list simulation done by using T-spice and waveforms are analyzed through the W-edit.
Comparison of Three New Portable Magnetics and Miniperm Probes for Permeability Prediction[Full-Text ] Timothy Yakubu Woma, David K. Potter, Ayoola W. Fagbenro The use of magnetic susceptibility and minipermeameter probe measurements for core analysis are among the recently developed tech-niques in petroleum reservoir evaluation. Probe measurements are rapid, cheap and non destructive compared to other conventional methods of core analysis. Low sensitivity magnetic susceptibility probe, high sensitivity magnetic susceptibility probe and air minipermeameter probe measurements were carried out on 45feet of slabbed core obtained from a shoreface reservoir. The result from the measurements were analysed and compared. The magnetically derived illite content from both magnetic probes correlated with probe permeability. High illite content indicates low permeability and low illite content indicates high permeability. The low sensitivity magnetic probe was found to be better than the high sensitivity magnetic probe in terms of correlation of magnetically derived illite content with probe permeability. Carrying out two magnetic susceptibility measurements using probes with high and low sensitivity could be a possible way of detecting natural cemented zones.
Present Status of Installed Solar Energy for Generation of Electricity in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Nusrat Jahan, Md.Abir Hasan, Mohammad Tanvir Hossain, Nwomey SubayerElectricity is a basic need of our daily life. Our daily life depends on the amount of electricity usage. But in our country only 40 percent people has the access of the electricity.
Improvement of Direct torque control Performance by using Discrete SVM Techniques[Full-Text ] Abhilasha Parthan, Prince Asok ADirect torque is a control technique used in a AC drive systems to obtain high performance torque control.The low number of voltage vectors which can be applied to the machine using the basic DTC scheme may cause undesired torque and current ripple.In order to reduce the torque,flux, current and speed ripple a Discrete Space Vector Modulation(DSVM-DTC) implemented.DSVM-DTC,use a kind of space vector modulation to produce more voltage vectors than are available with the classical DTC.The performance of this control methods has been demonstrated by simulation with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Congestion control using upstream data dissemination in WSN[Full-Text ] Sharmila B. Kharat, Vivek S. DeshpandeA sensor network is an infrastructure comprised of sensing, computing, and communication elements that gives an administrator the ability to observe, and react to events and phenomena in a specified environment. The effects of congestion in WSN are very worse as it affect the overall throughput of the system. The Packet delivery decreases to the great extend .There will be large number of packets will be lost with this and the delay will increase as the number of retransmissions increase so we must control the congestion Here in the paper we propose modified UHCC protocol i.e. Upstream hop by hop protocol and additional rate control mechanism based on the hop number is introduced. With rate control proposed protocol also considers the bandwidth adjustment based on the hop number as the need of general applications of WSN.
An Overview of Taguchi Method: Evolution, Concept and Interdisciplinary Applications[Full-Text ] Samruddhi Rao, Pragati Samant, Athira Kadampatta, Reshma ShenoyThis paper presents an overview of Taguchi Method, encompassing all major features which include evolution, concept, design steps, vital considerations, analysis and its interdisciplinary applications. In our approach we trace the evolution of this method with time to identify the vital concepts that contributed to its present formulation, thereby stating the significance of this method over other conventional techniques. A detailed study of design steps and analysis is presented. It also focuses on the applications of this method in diverse fields and states the benefits provided due to its employment. An attempt is also made to analyze the effectiveness of this method in combination with other methods thus highlighting its usage in both isolated and synergistic approaches. It thus reinforces the vitality of this method as an efficient tool of Robust Design.
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Plays of the late to middle Oligocene Sediments in the “XY” Field, Onshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Samuel Okechukwu OnyekuruNigeria’s search for increased oil and gas reserves requires the discovery of additional petroleum plays using more accurate exploration techniques like sequence stratigraphy. Sequence stratigraphic technique was applied to sediments in the “XY” Field, onshore Niger Delta by integrating six well logs and biostratigraphic data to subdivide the field’s stratigraphic column into sequences, systems tracts and profitable plays. The analysis delineated seven complete (SEQs 1 to 7) and two incomplete 3rd order sequences. The key surfaces used for correlation across the sequences in Wells 002, 003, 005 and 001 were the 11.5Ma, 12.8Ma and 15.0Ma MFSs, while the link between these four wells and Wells 007 and 006 was the 15.9Ma MFS. The other constrained surfaces between Wells 007 and 006 were the 17.4Ma, 19.4Ma and 20.7Ma MFSs. These surfaces were delineated at varying depths in the wells, suggesting the existence of faults in the well field. The most laterally continuous sandstone unit, however, is the faulted prograding wedge complex (PGC) sands of SEQ 4 which represented the main petroleum plays in the field. Cyclic alternation of Transgressive Systems Tracts (TST), Highstand Systems Tracts (HST) and Lowstand Systems Tracts (LST) in the well field is suggestive of a union of the elements of a petroleum system which constitute favourable conditions for the generation, migration and structural and stratigraphic entrapment of hydrocarbons.
Shortest path algorithms on GIS dataset using geotools[Full-Text ] Richard Sonaliya, Dr. M.B. Potdar, Manoj Pandya, Rupesh Punjani, Neeraj Bhargava GIS or Geographic Information System has the ability to query and analyze geographic information in a variety of different contexts. .GIS is a technology which is ideally suited for analysis of the market values of properties, since such values are based upon spatial comparisons as well as individual property attributes. It is well known that computing shortest paths over a network is an important task in many network and transportation related analysis. Choosing an adequate algorithm from the numerous algorithms reported in the literature is a critical step in many applications involving real road networks. We are applying a shortest path algorithm on a graph generated from a shape-file's feature of road network with the distance as the weight-age of a graph node and displaying shortest path with its node information in this tool.
Development of Improved Minimal Medium for Acetoin Metabolism by B. subtilis Strains[Full-Text ] Pratibha Sharma Acetoin is an economical important compound, widely used as a flavoring agent. It is naturally produced by Bacillus subtilis (B. Subtilis). Besides, advantage using B.Subtilis is that, it can be grown on a variety of carbon sources. This property contributes in studying carbon regulation in the organism. Therefore, characterization of its growth, in lab conditions, on complete medium and minimal medium needs to be done. A comparative analysis of existing minimal media is performed to identify an improved minimal medium for acetoin accumulation to characterize its growth. The study identifies the importance of iron, magnesium and manganese for acetoin accumulation. Keeping objective in mind an improved minimal medium ( composition of improved medium TSM is: 0.5 % glucose, 40 mg/L tryptophane, 0.02 g MgSO4, 0.44 g K2HPO4, 2 g Na-glutamate, 0.004 g FeCl3.6H2O, 0.004 g, 0.05 M Tris Buffer) was developed. This minimal medium shown a 10 % enhancement in acetoin accumulation in comparison to existing minimal medium. The comparable biomass synthesis with complex medium (LB) was observed in TSM provided with glucose, glycerol and xylose as a sole carbon source. Furthermore, capability of 168?ldh and 168?acuA was compared with B. subtilis 168. Therefore, TSM can be used as a minimal medium for various studies requiring change of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus source.
Optimizing Time-multiplexing Raster Cellular Neural Network simulator using genetic algorithms with RK4(2),RK4(3) and RK 6(4)[Full-Text ] O.H. Abdelwahed, M. El-Sayed Wahed and O. Mohamed Eldaken This paper presents proper CNN templates for edge detection in image processing. Training of CNN is done by using genetic algorithm. In this research, a versatile algorithm for simulating CNN arrays and time multiplexing is implemented using numerical integration algorithms; RK4(2), RK4(3) and RK6(4). The approach, time-multiplexing simulation, plays a pivotal role in the area of simulating hardware models and testing hardware implementations of CNN. Owing to hardware limitations in practical sense, it is not possible to have a one-one mapping between the CNN hardware processors and all the pixels of the image. The simulator is capable of performing CNN simulations for any size of input image, thus a powerful tool for researchers investigating potential applications of CNN.
A Comparison in Colored Text Enhancement[Full-Text ] Dr. Fatin E. M. Al-Obaidi, Ali Jassim Mohamed AliText data present in images contain useful information for automatic explanation, indexing, and structuring for images. Extracting information involves detection, localization, tracking, extraction, enhancement, and recognition of the text from a given image. However variations of text due to differences in color as an example make the problem of automatic text enhancement extremely challenging in the computer vision research area especially when we deal with image's color component. A comparison between seven different filters has been executed upon colored text image by processing each image's color component individually. MSE, SNR, and PSNR for each filter's application have been analyzed to determine the success and limitations of each approach. Among the seven different filters that have been adopted and in spite of its changeable effect in luminance, one can use the New-Equalization filter that has been suggested in this research as a good enhanced filter for such type of text.
A Comparative Analysis of Experimental and Simulation Based network to enhance the performance and reliably of Wireless network[Full-Text ] Rajiv MahajanIn wireless networking performance is one of the most important factor but it is very difficult to estimate the performance of the system because it require a lot of time cost and equipment specially in case of the large network, So in order to estimate the more accurate figure or data before implementation simulation results play a vital role. In this paper we compare the result of the experimental and simulation setup for packet size, throughput, packet loss and round trip delay with different communication protocol and it is find that result variation between experimental and simulators lies between 10-20%. Further we find that UDP perform well as compared to TCP which is a guidelines to setup a wireless network to improve the performance of the Academic network with slight modification of the existing parameters
The Rights of Minorities in International Area[Full-Text ] Ebrar IBRAIMIIn a general background of the international development of today’s minority understanding will be given. Being derived from the term ‘minor’ in Latin, the term ‘minority’ was concurrently born with the rise of ‘nation-state’ formation in the 16th century. The study will be focusing on how the cohesion ideology of a particular era affects the term’s definition with a particular reference to the progression of ‘nation-state’ system. Next, related documents beginning from the 16th century onwards will be slightly touched upon in order to see the legal development. The 20th century will be separated into mainly two parts. Firstly, international understanding of minorities issue will be analyzed between two World Wars, and the era of the League of Nations. Then, secondly, legal and political background of the issue after 1950s-including the era of the United Nations, the Cold War, the collapse of Soviet Bloc and integrationist perspective of International Law - will be examined. Here, a particular reference to the Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights will be given in order to represent the ‘core’ of any regional or supra-regional legal understanding.
MANAGEMENT OF HIGH RSC WATER IN SALT AFFECTED CONDITIONS UNDER RICE-WHEAT CROPPING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] S. M. Mehdi, M. Sarfraz, M. Amjad Qureshi, H. U. Rafa, M. Ilyas, Qaisar Javed and M. RizwanUse of saline sodic / sodic water for amelioration of salt affected soil or to irrigate the water requirement of crops has become vital for crop production. More area may be cultivated by irrigating with saline sodic or sodic water in semi arid to arid regions after proper management. Poor quality water can be used for crop production on a variety of soil after following the management practices like amendments and cultivation of salt tolerant crops. The deteriorated physical properties (bulk density, porosity, permeability, infiltration and hydraulic conductivity) due to such unfit water might be improved by proper management. Field studies were carried out at farmer field (Shirbagha) to assess the effect of brackish water on rice-wheat rotation with different management practices. Results revealed that the highest biomass and grains / paddy yield was obtained with canal water with 100% GR of soil followed by brackish water + 100 % GR of soil + GR of irrigation water on the basis of RSC. Results regarding pHs, ECe and SAR of soil at both soil depths (0-15) and (15-30 cm) showed that these parameters were reduced with (canal water + 100 % GR of soil) followed by (brackish water + 100 % GR of soil + GR on the basis of RSC of irrigation water and (Brackish water + 100 % GR of soil) and least reduction in pHs, ECe and SAR of soil was observed in control treatment.
Application of SRA for selection of correct mode for registering complaint to Municipal Council for execution of maintenance work[Full-Text ] Chandra Shekhar Nagendra, Prof. Santosh Kumar Sharma, Prof. Rajesh KumarThis work is for the identification of the problems occurring in the Warehouse of the Municipal Council, Jamul (C.G.) and solving the same, so as to find the right order picking system i.e. to find the right materials at the right time from the right place and to minimize the transportation lead time and cost of Warehousing operations. This work gives the solution for the upcoming problems in the Warehouse of the Municipal Council, Jamul C.G. (INDIA) by the application of the Shortest Route Algorithm. The warehousing operation starts as soon as the complaint is registered in the Municipal Office. There were three modes of registering the complaint in the Municipal Office. This research work finds the best way by which the upcoming problems are solved in the best possible way with proper data and survey work with the presence and absence of order picking system, thus minimizing the lead time and increasing the efficiency of work.
Distributed Mobility Management Scheme using Lightweight Fast Handover[Full-Text ] Taj Elsir H. Suliman, Eltayeb Salih AbuelyamanDistributed Mobility Management solutions are aimed at addressing limitations of their centralized counterparts. Among these limitations, the identification of the location of a target node during handover and the corresponding data delivery are critical. Many distributed mobility management schemes have been proposed to address these limitations. However, the resulting solutions are not scalable to large coverage areas. As such, this paper addresses the scalability issue by reducing both handover latency and packet losses. To that end, a Lightweight fast handover technique is proposed. The technique piggy bags routing information in the option-field of the header of an IPv6 packet. Superiority of the proposed scheme over two of the leading solutions is demonstrated in two areas: the handover latency and packet losses.
Compression Study Between ‘ezw’, spiht, stw, wdr, aswdr and spiht_3d[Full-Text ] Tarun kumar, Deepak ChaudharySix different Wavelet based Image Compression techniques are analyzed. The techniques involved in the comparison process are Embedded Zero tree Wavelet (ezw) , Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees (Spiht), Spatial-orientation Tree Wavelet (stw), Wavelet Difference Reduction (wdr), Adaptively Scanned Wavelet Difference Reduction (aswdr) and Spiht_3d. Here, there are six types of Wavelet transforms are applied on the images before compression, from the compressed image decompressed image can be retrieved and then the quality of the decompressed images is deliberate with six performance parameters i.e. Mean Square Error, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Normalized Cross-Correlation, Average Difference, Structural Content, Maximum Difference, Normalized Absolute Error and examine which technique is better for image compression.
A Virtual Instrumentation System with Nonlinear Functional Capabilities for Studying Expansion Characteristics of Vascular Stents[Full-Text ] Ashmi.M, Muraleedharan.C.VStents are tubular devices employed for providing structural support for blood vessels that are partially occluded due to atherosclerosis or other diseases. Vascular stents are used to scaffold the artery walls to preserve the vessel lumen and prevent its collapse. These stents need to be characterized to ensure appropriate performance in the patient. Tubular stents are normally crimped onto balloon catheters, which are threaded through the blood vessels to take them to the site of interest and then deployed by expanding the balloons creating a permanent plastic deformation on the metallic stent. Some of the characteristics of stent include stent expansion, radial strength and recoil. Usually the stent system is expanded up to a burst pressure of 15atm. As a part of the design verification, it is essential to characterize the expansion characteristics of the stent by applying suitable pressure of 6atm. A standard pressure / volume controller is used to generate the required pressure and the diameters would be measured using non contact laser micrometers. The instruments along with associated accessories were integrated to a personal computer using LabVIEW 8.0 development system. The system has capabilities for simulating nonlinear driving functions using piece wise linearization approach. The data acquisition and control system designed greatly reduces manual intervention while stent testing and data capturing.