Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2013 Edition
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Adsorption and inhibitive properties for corrosion of carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solution by some nicotinonitrile derivatives[Full-Text ] A.A. Al-Sarawy, M.A. Diab, A.M. El-Desoky, R.A. El-BindaryThe role of some nicotinonitrile derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for C- steel in 2 M HCl have been studied using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. Polarization studies were carried out at room temperature and showed that all the compounds studied are mixed type inhibitors. The effect of temperature on corrosion inhibition has been studied and the thermodynamic activation and adsorption parameters were calculated to elaborate the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. The morphology of inhibited C- steel was analysed by scanning electron microscope technology with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). Electrochemical impedance was used to investigate the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. The presence of these compounds in the solution decreases the double layer capacitance and increases the charge transfer resistance. The adsorption of the compounds on C-steel surface was found to obey Temkin’s adsorption isotherm. The mechanism of inhibition process was discussed.
Simplified Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive[Full-Text ] Vinod Battu, Grandhi RamuMatrix converter (MC) consists of an array of bidirectional switches, which are used to directly connect the power supply to the load without using any dc-link or large energy storage elements. These highly attractive characteristics are the reason for the tremendous interest in this topology. One of the biggest difficulties in the operation of this converter was the commutation of the bidirectional switches. This problem has been solved by introducing intelligent and soft commutation techniques, giving new momentum to research in this area. . The aim of this paper is to propose a scalar matrix converter modulation equivalent to the SVM ones in order to obtain the same electrical characteristics with a simple approach. Then, the proposed symmetrical carrier-based PWM, equivalent to the SVM, is applied to control the induction motor.
Assessment Risk Management Information Technology Systems[Full-Text ] Marzieh zare nazariEvery organization has a mission. In this digital era, as organizations use automated information technology (IT) systems1 to process their information for better support of their missions, risk management plays a critical role in protecting an organization’s information assets, and therefore its mission, from IT-related risk. Risk is the net negative impact of the exercise of a vulnerability, considering both the probability and the impact of occurrence. Risk management is the process of identifying risk, assessing risk, and taking steps to reduce risk to an acceptable level. This paper provides a foundation for the development of an effective risk management program, containing both the definitions and the practical guidance necessary for assessing and mitigating risks identified within IT systems. The ultimate goal is to help organizations to better manage IT-related mission risks.
Simulator-based Design of WCDMA Wireless Cellular Communication System Using Efficient Method[Full-Text ] Simon W. Pallam, Visa M. Ibrahim, Matthew LukaThe design of a third generation (3G) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) wireless cellular communication system needs a higher design and simulation scheme that will guarantee the system scalability and quality of service due to rapid growth in the number of wireless communication users around the globe. Some previous wireless communication systems, especially the second generation (2G) wireless cellular systems, were designed based on Traditional scheme of simulation. The 2G wireless communication systems had limited performance and quality of service as compared to the 3G wireless communication systems. In this work, a newer simulation scheme called the Efficient Scheme of modeling will be used to develop a 3G multi-user WCDMA wireless cellular communication system that is scalable. The Efficient scheme of design and simulation will be investigated and compared with the Traditional method in order to ascertain which one is better for the design of the 3G WCDMA wireless communication system. MATLAB simulation software will be used due to its availability, cost effectiveness and interactive features. The Physical layer of the 3G multi-user WCDMA wireless communication link will be developed using SIMULINK functions while the simulation scripts will be written using MATLAB-based S-functions.
Performance of Screen Wall Openings Shape on Energy Dissipation[Full-Text ] Shaker A. Jalil, Mahdi Salih Yaseen, Herman Abdulgadir MahmoudHydraulic jump is important phenomena for dissipating energy in open channels. Screen walls are proposed to be used as an energy disperser in small hydraulic structures. An experimental study in a laboratory ?ume is carried out to study the effect of holes shape in the screen wall on the efficiency of the energy dissipation. Three holes of different shapes were used in screen walls, circular, square and hexagonal of two different dimensions for each model, with a fixed porosity of 40%. The screen walls were anchored at a distance of 80 and 120 times the gate opening for each model. The basic principles of conservation and statistical analysis are employed to correlate between hydraulic and dimensionless parameters of relative distance and shape openings with percentage of energy dissipated. Different relationship models with acceptable significance are suggested. It was found that the major parameter effecting significantly on energy dissipated is FrG while the other dimensionless parameters (X/D, L/yG, h/yG, d1/yG) have less significance. The energy dissipated by all shapes opening is more than classical hydraulic jump and the performance decreases with increase of Froude number. Within the limitations of the present experimental work a simple general linear equation for predicting the percentage of energy dissipation is proposed different discharge equations were predicted with R2 of 0.932.
Reduction In Response Time For DAIRKF Target Tracking Algorithm Using Global MSE Optimization[Full-Text ] Ajay Barapatre, Brij Bihari SoniThis paper presents a new approach for reducing the response time in multiple target tracking DAIRKF algorithm .This method is based on to find out global optimality of mean square error (MSE) for multi target tracking. This is of utmost importance for high-performance real-time applications. In this paper we discuss designing of Multi Target Tracking (MTT) algorithm which is based on Kalman filter and to develop an algorithm for multi target tracking such that it will reduce Mean Square Error (MSE) globally. The DAIRKF algorithm is simple in computation while PDA, JPDA algorithms provide exponential terms which increases computational complexity. The idea of this paper is to integrate all targets and measurements . and applied random coefficient matrices Kalman filtering to this integrated dynamic with global MSE optimization algorithm . The VHDL simulation results confirm the validity of this concept. The simulated result shows that the proposed algorithm is better and faster than all previous algorithms (PDA, JPDA, and DAIRKF).
Dynamic analysis of circular water tank and study of relevant codal provision[Full-Text ] Harshal Nikhade, Ajay Dandge, Anshul NikhadeSeismic force on water tank is calculated by IS 1893-1984 code. The new draft code is widely circulated but it is not yet adopted. The procedures defined in these codes vary to large extent. There are many parameters common in both the codes while the draft codes needs calculations of horizontal shear force, shear moment, sloshing wave height, time period etc. in impulsive & convective modes in addition to other parameters. In this paper provisions of existing codes are compared with the draft code. Some of the findings of the comparison are also presented. The draft code considers various parameters like convective and impulsive loadings, it is found to be covering many facets related to seismic loading.
Novel Guitar Pickups[Full-Text ] Vinitha T U, Varun TTo produce sound, an electric guitar senses the vibrations of the strings electronically and routes an electronic signal to an amplifier and speaker. The sensing occurs in a magnetic pickup mounted under the strings on the guitar's body. This pickup consists of a bar magnet wrapped with as many as 7,000 turns of fine wire. Magnetic pickups have gotten a bad reputation over the years. They tend to have a warm full low end sound but are sometimes overly bright and loud, on the 1st and 2nd strings. There's a simple explanation. A magnetic pickup senses, or reads, the steel in a guitar string. The part of the guitar string that is steel in a wound acoustic guitar string is the core. Even though the overall size of a wound string is bigger than a plain string, the steel part of the wound string is smaller. So you end up with an unbalanced sound. There have also been a case in which a guitars top was cracked by the weight of the pickup when an airplane dropped from turbulence .To overcome this trouble the bar magnet used could be replaced by graphene in the form of thin layers which will reduce the size of pickup considerably and also increases the balance of sounds at various parts of the steel string.
Assessment of Food Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status of Pre-school Children in a Rural Nigerian Population[Full-Text ] Henry-Unaeze, H.N.This study investigated the food consumption pattern and nutritional status of three hundred (300) pre-school children in the rural area of Ikwuano Abia State, Nigeria. Availability (80.0%) determines the type of foods consumed. Frequency of meals was more than 3times for 70%. The commonly (92.9%) skipped meal was breakfast. All subjects snack. The subjects had moderate consumption of rice, biscuits, meat, beans, yam, cassava, cocoyam, potatoes, plantain, banana, garden egg, spinach (Telferia) leaves and palm oil but low consumptions of milk and milk products. The mean (SD) of anthropometric indices were height 1.0 (1.8)m, weight 18.4 (4.2)kg, Bicep 9.2 (1.6)mm, Triceps 9.2 (1.6)mm; MUAC 7.4(1.9)mm. Low percentages (0.7%) were severely under-weight, 25% were severely stunted and 6% were severely wasted. The BMI of subjects revealed that 35% was obese, 6.7% overweight and 10.7% were at risk of overweight. Nutrition education is advocated for both parents and children.
THD Minimization in Single Phase Symmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Programmed PWM Technique[Full-Text ] M.Mythili, N.KayalvizhiHarmonic minimization in multilevel inverters is a complex optimization problem that involves nonlinear transcendental equations having multiple local minima. The non linear equations are obtained from the programmed PWM technique which characterizes the low order harmonics to be eliminated. The main challenge of programmed PWM or Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM technique is to solve the equations whose solutions produce improved harmonic reduction. In this paper, optimization algorithm based on natural selection is proposed to solve the non linear equations which are more effective and time consuming than the conventional algorithm. This paper implements constrained genetic algorithm to seven-level cascaded multilevel inverter using MATLAB software and the results are presented.
Sliding Mode Control of a Doubly- fed Induction Generator(DFIG) for Wind Energy Conversion System[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Zadehbagheri , Rahim Ildarabadi , Majid Baghaei NejadThe wind energy usage is one of the most important renewable energy with economic justification in the world. Due to the growing needs to the electrical energy, increased environmental pollutions and limitation in the fossils power resources, using of this energy in the power industry is necessary and inevitable. The broad use of wind Turbines in the power systems have caused that this Turbines have a decisive rule in these systems. So because of the better power quality of the Variable speed wind turbines, they are more applicable than the constant speed Turbines. Nowadays Speed control in doubly fed Induction Generator (DFIG) because of the advantages such as: good quality control, high efficiency, Improving power quality, no need to the capacitor banks and cost affectivity are used to have more. This paper presents a speed control of one doubly fed Induction Generator according to the sliding mode controller with the use of simulation in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and the simulation gained results demonstrate the ability of the proposed control strategy.
Preparation of Performance of SME financing of commercial bank in Bangladesh- A Study on Eastern Bank Limited[Full-Text ] Md. Ariful Islam, Proshenjit Ghosh, Md. Rayhan Islam, Luthful KarimThe new buzzword in the banking industry, donor agencies, and even the government has been SME. Almost every bank in Bangladesh has an SME cell and new products and initiatives aimed at SMEs are a common feature in the business page of the newspapers. It would seem that financing these SMEs is guaranteed to pave the way for economic development in Bangladesh. Small & Medium enterprise development is a precondition for sustainable economic upliftment of a country like Bangladesh. It plays a dominant role for industrial development & provides employment facilities for work force. In light of its importance, Banks & other financial institution introduces SME finance in trading manufacturing & service industry to serve the entrepreneurs. Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Bangladesh contributed 25% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 85% of the industrial jobs and 25 percent of the total labor force of Bangladesh in 2007 even though the prospective sector gets negligible facilitation from different support service providers. According to ADB, the country's estimated 6 million SMEs and micro enterprises firms of less than 100 employees have a significant role in generating growth and jobs. This is a sector that has its own distinct needs and requires specialized focus.
Image Segmentation by Construction of Shortest Spanning Tree Using Prim’s Algorithm[Full-Text ] S Sibi, Swarna Priya R.M., Pranov Kumar, Raghavendra Singh, Anitha BaskarThe paper aims at segmenting an image. The goal of image segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and simpler to analyze. In this paper we consider segmenting the image using the shortest spanning tree. To find the shortest spanning tree the image is first mapped into a graph. There have already been research conducted in this region of image processing where the segmentation of an image is performed using the shortest spanning tree. In the previous research papers the shortest spanning tree is found using the Kruskal’s algorithm. In this paper we will find the shortest spanning tree using the Prims algorithm and compare the changes in the end results of the two researches conducted .Within the scope of this paper we will be proposing the use of prims algorithm for solving image segmentation.
Key Pre-Distribution Methods of Wireless Sensor Networks - A Survey[Full-Text ] S.Sibi, Thamizarasi A RWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consists of numerous small nodes which observe the environment that they are deployed in and transmit information like temperature, sound, movement etc. The security of this information is of top priority. There are many security mechanisms that are available and many researches being conducted on improvising these mechanisms. Various studies imply that the key management is one of the most efficient methods in providing a better security against various types of attacks. In this paper, the major key pre-distribution methods are discussed along with their advantages and disadvantages and how each method is different between other methods.
Modified Color Image Watermarking Scheme using DWT and DCT Coefficients of R, G and B Color Channels[Full-Text ] M.Vara Lakshmi and P.Krishna prasadThe rapid growth of networked multimedia systems has created an urgent need for copyright enforcement technologies that can protect copyright ownership of multimedia objects. Digital image watermarking is one such technology that has been developed to protect digital images from illegal manipulations. In particular, digital image watermarking algorithms which are based on the discrete wavelet transform have been widely recognized to be more prevalent than others. This is due to the wavelets' excellent spatial localization, frequency spread, and multi-resolution characteristics, which are similar to the theoretical models of the human visual system. This paper presents a new scheme of how watermark bits are embedding into R,G and B color channels based on DWT-DCT coefficients. In this scheme color image is decomposed into R, G and B color channels. Later 2 level DWT is applied B channel and after that divide that image into 4X4 blocks then DCT is applied on the each block. Then select the middle frequency coefficients to embed the watermark bits. Performance evaluation results show that combining the two transforms improved the performance of the watermarking algorithms that are based solely on the DWT transform.
Automatic Image Arranging System Based on the Semantic Analysis of the Surrounding Text Retrieved from the World Wide Web[Full-Text ] Akash, Ashish Chaudhary, Namrita PanditaImage retrieval has become an important part of the day to day search for any internet user. Users general-ly type in certain keywords for image search, as the search engines are unaware of the context of the search they end up displaying some random images. This paper presents a system through which the user can specify the context of his search using an ontology file, thereby enabling the search engine to come up with much more relevant search results. Us-ing this technique the search engine not only searches the images on web but also scans for keywords, provided in the on-tology file, in the text surrounding the images. Thereafter it arranges the result according to relevance of images. This pa-per presents examples of the usage and performance of such a system, specifically focusing on image searches related to domain “football”. The results of the idea proposed in this paper filters the image search so as to display the images which are more related to the domain “football” before the ones less related. In addition to analyzing the efficiency of this technique this paper also presents some limitations and proposes few future developments which could improve its effi-ciency furthermore.
Seismic Performance Analysis of Mud House in the Context of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mahmudur Rahman, Md. Raquibul Hassan, Md. Tariq HossainEarthquake is a sudden natural disaster that happens unlike other natural disasters without any proven pre-warning system. This phenome-non makes earthquake most devastative and unpredictable natural calamity. In recent years, some earthquakes having their magnitude from 4.0 to 6.9 Richter scale (light - strong) jolted Bangladesh and its neighboring countries, which substantiate the prediction that Bangladesh is in high risk of major earthquake in near future. It is necessary to take preventive measures for covering the risks associated with earthquake hazards. In Bangladesh most of the people lives in village and mud houses are very common in the rural areas. In quantity, fatalities in earthquake are mostly due to structural collapse of weak masonry building i.e. adobe, rammed earth construction etc. In the current paper, computer modeling and seismic analysis of two models of mud houses with reinforcement have been performed using the finite element software STAAD.Pro-2006 and compared with seismic test performed in the laboratory. From the comparison it was observed that finite element analysis can be an alternative of laboratory based seismic tests. Shaking table test is very costly and rarely available. Computer modeling to simulate seismic test involve less budget, labor and time and can be considered as influence from practical consideration. This paper also includes parametric study (height and thickness of wall, opening size, shape and location) and identi-fication of critical location of failure using finite element analysis. The study is expected to give guidelines for design, construction and strengthening of mud houses to mitigate the earthquake hazards in the rural area.
Comments on "Passive and Impulsive Synchronization of a New Four-Dimensional Chaotic System"[Nonlinear Analysis, doi:10.1016/j.na.2010.09.051][Full-Text ] Emad E. MahmoudThe aim of this letter is to point out some comments on the article "Nonlinear Analysis 74 (2011) 1146-1154, doi:10.1016/j.na.2010.09.051". We hope to improve the results, published in the[1]. Based on the passivity theory the controllers are designed to synchronize two identical chaotic Qi systems with known parameters. We prove the error system between the two identical chaotic Qi systems with the controller is minimum phase. The analytical results of the controllers, which have been calculated, are tested numerically and good agreement is obtained.
Integrated Check Strap For Car Door[Full-Text ] Rahul H. Aghav, Prof. R.S. TajaneA conventional door check functions to stop the door at in between positions as well as at end position i.e. at full open condition. Door check in modern days comprises of a strip of metal or plastic with indentations. This strip moves in a case as door is opened or closed. The case comprises of rollers and rubber springs which make sure that roller always contact the strip. When roller is in between two indentations it results in door stop. The check strap is the device which has been installed in car doors it allows the car door to stop and hold it at specified interval while opening the door. It is useful for passenger ingress and egress. As all of us know that need is mother of invention, this invention project of check strap is result of need .In this project need was to provide check strap function in car but at the same time target of low cost target has been kept in front of us.
A Novel Charge Controller For Off Grid Small Wind Machine Using Pwm Technique[Full-Text ] Ms.Priyanka P. Alawekar, Prof. U.L.Bombale, Prof. N.N.ShindeWind is the most promising renewable source. However its erratic behavior hampers the output especially when the energy generated is to be stored safely and used as per demands. The paper revel the charging battery with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) considering battery safety. The main task of wind power charge controller is to control the flow of charge to and from the battery and protect it from over charging and deep discharging. It regulates flow of charge by monitoring the battery voltage and wind variations continuously. The charge controller developed takes care of ,weak winds while battery charging and improves the efficiency. Upon fully charging the charge controller disconnects the battery from wind panel to avoid excess charging thus the battery life is increased. Further the performance of the wind charge controller is evaluated
Wavelet Transform use for P300 Signal Clustering by Self-Organizing Map[Full-Text ] Mandeep Kaur, P. Ahmed, A.K. Soni , M. Qasim RafiqThe Event-Relational Potential (ERP) signals are non-stationary in nature. To extract the informative features from P300 signals, the wavelet analysis is the best analysis tool. This paper investigates development phases, merits and demerits of various existing P300 based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system. It appraises limitations of wavelet based BCI systems and compares the various wavelet methods for P300 signals. Some of the limitations motivated us to propose a novel method for discovering knowledge embedded in P300 signals using Self-Organizing Maps. The self-organizing feature utilizes to model the data and produce ‘clusters’ vectors. The discovered knowledge can be used to classify an unknown signal into a signal class. This work aims to interpret EEG signals and utilize it as a device control signal.
Numerical Solution of Nth- Order Fuzzy Differential Equations by STHWS Method[Full-Text ] S. Sekar and S. SenthilkumarIn this paper, we have introduced and studied a new technique namely single term Haar wavelet series (STHWS) for getting the solution of Nth - order fuzzy differential equations based on Seikkala derivative with initial value problem [6]. The obtained discrete solutions were compared with exact solutions and Runge-Kutta method based on Centroidal Mean (RKCeM). Error graphs are presented to highlight the efficiency of the STHWS.
Solid Waste Management and Characteristics in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] Rahul Charles Francis, L.P.Singh, Earnest Vinay PrakashIncreasing population levels, rapid economic growth and rise in community living standard accelerates the generation rate of muni-cipal solid waste (MSW) in Indian cities. Improper management of SW (Solid Waste) causes hazards to inhabitants. The objectives of the study areto determine the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of SW along with basic information and to create GIS maps for Lucknow city. The samples have been randomly collected from various locations and analyzed to determine the characteristics of SW. A ques-tionnaire survey has been carried out to collect data from inhabitants including SW quantity, collection frequency, satisfaction level,etc. The Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used to analyze existing maps and data, to digitize the existing sanitary ward boundaries and to enter the data about the wards and disposal sites. The total quantity of MSW has been reported as 800 ton/day, and the average generation rate of MSW has been estimated at 0.65 kg/capita/day. The generated Arc GIS maps give efficient information concerning static and dynamic parameters of the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) problem such as the generation rate of MSW in different wards, collection point locations, MSW transport means and their routes, and the number of disposal sites and their attributes.
Comparative Analysis of Gender Disparity among the six geo-political zones and FCT Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr Okoronka Augustine Ugwumba _ P.I. Dalatu _ Asabe Ibrahim (Mrs)This meta-analysis study is a comparative analysis of gender disparity among the six geo-political zones and FCT primary and secondary school teachers. it made use of secondary data of registered teachers from 2003-2007 as documented by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS, 2008). The data were subjected to various gender statistics indexes analysis which included; absolute gap, gender ratio and relative gap. The results indicated that; (i) the highest absolute gap occurred in SW in favor of females at primary level while NW recorded highest absolute gap at secondary school level. (ii) the percentage females registered in primary and secondary was highest for the SE. (iii) the NW has the highest gender ratio while the lowest was recorded in the SW. (iv) the highest relative gap occurred in the NW. It was recommended that government policy thrusts in the different zones towards achieving gender equality in education should be geared towards realistic approaches that adopt these gender statistics indexes.
Energy Efficient Adaptive Algorithms For Wireless Sensor Netwoks[Full-Text ] POORNIMA G, K SURESH BABU, K B RAJA, K R VENUGOPAL, L M PATNAIKIn Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as sensor nodes are generally battery-powered devices, the critical aspects to face concern are how to reduce the energy depletion of nodes, so that the network lifespan can be prolonged for a reasonable period. Thus Energy conservation techniques for sensor networks typically rely on the assumption that data sensing and processing consume considerable less energy than communication but this assumption does not hold in all practical application scenarios. In this paper a new improved adaptive algorithm is presented that reduces the energy consumption at node level for data acquisition and communication subsystems of a wireless sensor node. The developed algorithm uses persistent measurements of the signal frequency content as the basis for altering the sampling rate. It is validated that the method eases a substantial decrease in the energy spent in data acquisition and communication, with only marginal loss in signal fidelity.
Design and Simulation of Three Phase Variable Frequency Drive using Atmega16[Full-Text ] Engr. Affifa Adeeb, Muhammad Ali, M Tayyab KhanThis research paper is basically focus on power converter i.e AC-DC and DC-DC then further DC-AC. The last AC is with adjustable frequency. Actually in this paper we have implement single phase supply which is further converted into Three Phase AC supply, for three phase induction motor drive. The three phase inverter is made by thyristor with 120° conduction mode with microcontroller Atmega16, its c-code is written in Atmel studio. By varying the microcontroller input port their respective frequency is generated and fed to thyristor’s gate. From three phase inverter legs after proper filtering we will able to produce sinusoidal waves at the output with required frequencies and further fed to inductive load i.e. three phase induction machine.
GIS Involved Automation of Agriculture Land, Punjab Province, Pakistan[Full-Text ] S. M.Mehdi, A. Ashraf, S.Butt, A. A. Sheikh, M. I. Ashraf, O. Jamil, Z. A. Ali and A. A. RahiAgriculture for centuries is the mainstay of many countries especially in South Asia region. But with the passage of time, efficiency of soil decreases, resulting in the low production of crop or diminution of quality exceedingly. Spatial distribution and variation characteristics of soil fertility by application of geographical information systems (GIS) provide the better understanding about the soil through visualization. In developing countries like Pakistan population is increasing as stone rolling from a steep hill, the major task of recent era is to feed them. It is the hour of need to add latest technologies and techniques to estimate and enhance the power of yield. So, current scenario involves information technology to resolve our issues and better decision making on higher and farmer level. This paper represents the revolutionary step taken by the government of Punjab, Pakistan under the organization SFRI (Soil Fertility Research Institute) through a project named as “DDPLA" (Development of Digitized Profile of Land for Agriculture in the Punjab Province) which includes the soil surveying, sampling techniques and spatial database development for Punjab Province Pakistan. Efforts are made to computerized legacy system data to ensure durability and long lasting results of soil analysis to benefit particularly farmers and also educational institutes, government departments, Agriculture Organizations, researchers and any other personnel who is interested in agriculture. Chief tasks of the paper are spatially identification of focused area (Punjab Province, Pakistan) at tehsil level, collection of soil samples, their laboratory analysis, and analytical process on the resultant data and finally the storage of gathered data in well designed spatial database for Web Application. Three by three square kilometer grid is formed for the collection of soil samples all over the Punjab at tehsil level and at least four samples were collected from each grid for the interpretation of soil physical and chemical properties. Database development is the hub for all agriculture stakeholders, decision makers and scientists for improvement of agriculture yield. Without proper data stored in compatible database one cannot prepare a sustainable desktop or Web application. Hence special attention is given to spatial database which will lead to successful data fetching on web.
A Probe into the Power Motivation among tribal college Students of Assam[Full-Text ] Dr Manidipa BaruahThe current research study investigates the motivational pattern viz Power motivation among the tribal students of Assam. The sample consisted of 240 college students (120 tribal and 120 non-tribal) ranging from18-24 years, 60 males and 60 females for both tribal’s and non-tribal’s. Attempts were made to include all the prominent tribes of Assam viz. Bodo Kachari, karbi, Miris, Lalung, Dimasa Kachari and Rabhas, Thematic Apperception Test, Power motive Scale and a semi structured interview schedule were used to gather information about their family types, parental deprivation, parental relations, social and political belongingness. Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test were the statistical measures adopted in this 2x2 factorial design study. In addition to this discriminant analysis has been worked out to strengthen the predictive validity of the obtained data. TAT scores reveal significant difference between the tribal’s and non-tribal on power motivation. However results obtained on gender difference indicates similar scores among both the cultures. Cross validation of the TAT results was done by using the power motive scale by T.S.Dapola which confirms the results on need for power through TAT scores. Power motivation has been studied in three directions i.e. coercion, inducement and restraint. An interesting finding is that on coercion tribal’s score high showing significant difference whereas in inducement or seduction the non-tribal’s scored high showing significant difference. On the other hand on restraint no difference exists between both cultures. Discriminant analysis has been worked out between the variables n-power, coercion, inducement and restraint. Results indicated that inducement or seduction (.502) is the dependent measure which has the most discriminating power between these two cultures.
An Efficient Security Scheme for Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) based on Password Randomization and DES Algorithm[Full-Text ] Priyanka Yadav, Deepa ChaurseThere is the need of fast advancement and pervasive deployment in wireless communication technologies. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are expected to develop in the above advancement with the pervasive development. Unfortunately, VANETs have faced various security threats and privacy concerns, which is a challenging issue in the current research area. So, addressing security and privacy issues is a prerequisite for a VANET. There are several studies in the direction of security concern, but there is still need of proper security in VANET. In this paper we survey security aspects of Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) and also proposed an efficient hybrid framework which is an efficient way of securing data gathering and sharing in VANET environment. Our proposed framework will be developed in java net beans environment. We also show the result analysis of our framework which is better in terms of attack detection time.
On Finding an Alternative Method of Harnessing Solar Energy Directly Into AC[Full-Text ] Shobhan KulshreshthaThis paper presents an alternative mechanism to the conventional method of harnessing solar energy via solar cells and panels. The proposed mechanism directly produces alternate current in contrast to the solar cells, which first convert solar energy into DC. This DC has to be subsequently converted into AC for transmission purposes, a process marked by the loss of energy and production of noise. The proposed mechanism can solve the energy loss problem by directly converting solar energy into alternate current.
Smart Power Flow Control Through Distribution Systems Utilizing Advanced Technique[Full-Text ] Smart electrical power flow control in distribution systems is targeted in this paper. Optimal electrical power continuity through energy management, self healing, high reliability and real-time pricing is one of the main aims of the researches. In this paper, a smart electrical power grid is represented to save the power flow continuity with minimum power losses in case of any abnormal condition. The optimum power continuity is achieved utilizing a developed Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. This technique is programmed to fulfill two main tasks. The first task is finding all the possible alternative paths for supplying the loads, in case of fault occur or abnormal condition. The second task is modifying the angles of the buses' voltages of the electrical power system to determine the optimal path with minimum power loss. The optimal determined path could have less power losses than that of the path already obtained by the initial power flow analysis. The buses' voltages angles can be modified using static VAR compensators, capacitor banks, or Flexible AC Transmission System devices (FACTs) technology. The performance of the developed technique is tested on a standard IEEE 14-bus system and the results are satisfied.
The Efficacy Of Elaadi Choorna In Tamaka Shwasa[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Sudhir L. LadIn this clinical study the efficacy of Elaadi choorna in tamak shwas. We have studied patients of different age groups from 16-60 years of age and of both sex i.e. male and female. Also we have studied the socio-economical status of the patients & it is observed this disease is present in all economical groups. It is found in more patients which are working in highly polluted areas & living in wet and cool areas. The patients of this disease are found in both married and unmarried peoples. Family history is also one of the important factor. This disease is found in patients having both type of diet. We have studied this disease with various signs and symptoms with elaadi choorna and conducted double blind controlled study and results are satisfactory. Many symptoms are mark ably reduced and it is found that the drus elaadi choorna is effective in tamak shwasa.
Depiction of new mutations in the rpoB gene associated with rifampin resistance in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.[Full-Text ] Muhammad Mumtaz Khan, Maria Silvana Alves, Sajid Ali, Sherwani Sikandar Khan , Mirza Adnan Baig, Afaq Ahmad Siddiqui, Mustafa KamalTuberculosis (TB) is an alarming infectious disease well spread in the world. This serious illness is responsible for millions of deaths every year in many countries. The Pakistan position in the ranking of TB cases is 8th among the 22 high burden countries, whereas average multiple drug resistance is 15%. Resistant strains to rifampin are commonly found worldwide, especially in developing countries, and this phenotype is associated with more than one mutation in the rpoB gene, which encodes the bacterial RNA polymerase ß-subunit. The aim of the present study was to detect the probable cause of resistance against rifampin through the sequencing of the rpoB gene in a well-established bacterial collection obtained from Pakistani MDR-MTB patients. After culture procedures and a drug resistance investigation, we selected samples, isolated and sequenced the DNA from all rifampin resistant strains. To better understanding of this event, we made multiple alignments to clarify the correlation between the sequenced M. tuberculosis isolates and the M. tuberculosis reference strain H37Rv. Based on our results, consecutive mutations in amino acid of different codons in specific and highly sensitive regions of the rpoB gene were observed. The following new mutations detected here were earlier not reported from Pakistani clinical isolates: codons 509, 511, 513, 518, 519, 521, 522 and 526.
Ancient Egypt Is Dravida NAD?!...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaBy the grace of God we had opportunity to visit Holy Land Jerusalem, Egypt, Jordan on 9 days tour from 16th October to 24th October 2013. The total strength of team is 19 including our Keralite friends. On the way to CAIRO City we had a break at Kuwait Airport. Along the Lobby of Airport there is a prayer room for men on one side and prayer room for women on the opposite side. After roaming here and there for toilet somebody guided and told that “Prayer room is meant for Toilet”. Very good Concept!... It is understood that after the prayer one should leave away the earthly waste. When we are in Cairo City (Egypt) we had opportunity to visit great pyramids at Giza and famous Egypt Museum.