Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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Comparison of Macrobend Losses In Single Mode Fibre (SMF) And Multimode Fibre (MMF)[Full-Text ] D.Nhiwatiwa, K. Munjeri, E. Mashonjowa, M. Munyaradzi, B. M. NyamboThis paper presents a comparison of macrobend losses in Single Mode Fibre (SMF) and Multimode Fibre (MMF). The increased demand on information has seen optical fibres slowly replacing the use of copper coaxial cables for signal transmission, and this is largely due to the high bandwidth and speed of transmission, large carrying capacity and security offered by optical fibres. Signal attenuation however remains a limitation to efficient and quality signal transmission. Macrobending is one of the loss mechanisms that contribute to this signal attenuation. Appreciating the responses of the different optic fibres in use, to macrobending is therefore instrumental in ensuring macrobending contribution to overall attenuation in optic fibres is minimised. In this study the macrobend losses trends with bending diameter were investigated for the SMF and MMF in similar experimental setups. To do this, improvisions were done for a light source using 555 timer astable multivibrator powering a green light emitting diode (LED), a light detector using an LDR in a Wheatstone bridge circuit and optic fibre optic off-cuts. Optic power was measured at the input and output points of the optic fibres using the light detector in bend and straight conditions for determination of signal attenuation in each case. The experimental measurement results showed that macrobending losses are more pronounced in a SMF than in a MMF. Characteristic values for macrobending loss are 1268 dB/km for SMF compared to 1155 dB/km for MMF for bending diameter value 4.19 cm. The SMF macrobending loss trend showed an exponential variation which agrees with work done by other researchers. The contribution of macrobending loss in multimode fibre attenuation was however minimal and therefore difficult to quantify. Results also showed that MMF have a higher overall signal attenuation than SMF which justifies the use of SMF in long distance signal transmission. Research findings confirmed the significant contribution of macrobending to optic fibre signal attenuation hence the need for careful consideration in installations for optimal operation of optic fibres.
Role of Spirulina Platensis in the control of glycemia in DM2 rats[Full-Text ] Farouk K.El-Baz, Hanan F.Aly, El-Sayed, A.B, Amal A. MohamedIt is well documented that oxidative stress is a basic mechansim behind the development of diabetic state.
Research on Resistance Spot Welding of Stainless Steel - An Overview[Full-Text ] A. Subrammanian, D.B. JabarajResistance spot welding is an extensively used welding process for joining thin metal sheets in automobile, rail and aircraft industries. Research on resistance spot weldability of stainless steel attracts more and more attention with the increasing usage of various types of stainless steel in industries. In this paper, a review of research works done on resistance spot welding of stainless steel is presented .Most of the reported works on resistance spot welding of stainless steel have been on austenitic stainless steel, the most used variety of stainless steel. Though less, research works have been reported on other varieties of stainless steel also. The areas chosen for most of the works by researchers in the past have been found as process modelling and finite element analysis, dissimilar metal welding, failure mode analysis, parametric optimization and characterization of resistance spot welds. It is felt that the information presented in this report may definitely give the fresh researchers, a bird’s eye view of the research work done in the past, in this field, and is expected to provide them the right direction for the future research work, in this area. The influence of three major areas such as mechanical, electrical and thermal coupled with the ever growing demand for stainless steel as a manufacturing material provides ample scope for fresh researchers for in depth studies in this field.
The Influence of Perfect Symmetries on Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Dannamaneni PrashanthRecent advances in event-driven modalities and reliable theory offer a viable alternative to IPv4. Even though such a claim might seem counterintuitive, it is derived from known results. In this paper, we demonstrate the improvement of the Internet. Our focus here is not on whether courseware and replication are always incompatible, but rather on constructing an interactive tool for constructing 64 bit architectures(NAVE).
Parallel Peculiarities and Performance of GROMACS Package on HPC Platforms[Full-Text ] A.H. Poghosyan, H.V. Astsatryan, A.A. ShahinyanA series of benchmarks have been carried out to estimate the parallel performance of GROMACS package on the base of Bulgarian IBM BlueGene/P and fat-node HP cluster located in Szeged, Hungary. An optimal performance for the provided platforms has been found out using different complex systems (97K 100K, 625K and 2.5M atoms size) and parametric options. It is stated that in case of BlueGene/P, for relatively small systems the performance is better when using PP:PME=7:1 ratio, while for the large systems, it is recommended to manually adjust the PP:PME ratio in order to reach better performance. A formula providing the computational throughput depending on a number of cores is suggested. It is shown that the obtained data are in agreement with the suggested formula data.
Software Release Time Determination: A Combination of Three Attributes[Full-Text ] Dr. Subhadra RajpootThe quality of the software system usually depends on how much time testing takes and what testing methodologies are used. More we spend on testing; more errors can be removed, which leads to more reliable software. However, the testing cost of the software will also increase during this process. On the other hand, if testing time is too short, the cost of the software could be reduced, but the customers may take higher risk of buying unreliable software. Therefore, it is important to determine when to stop testing, and release the software. In this paper, we propose a new method to estimate the optimal software release time by using Multi Attribute Utility Theory. More precisely, three significant attributes are used to determine the optimal release time. We apply a non-homogeneous Poisson process model to the formulation of software reliability, cost and behaviour of detection rate. It can be concluded throughout numerical examples that the existing optimal software release policy underestimates and overestimates the real optimal software release time.
Sociology and the Environment: A Theoretical Overview with Special Reference to Eco-Marxism[Full-Text ] Binu K and Maries VLEnvironmental sociology deals with social, cultural and ecological areas of human life. This area of research is very useful for the developments of environmental policies and the process of equitable development of a nation. It also helps to cultivate environmental awareness and a new sociological outlook to the learners and administrators. This study is an attempt to understand various epistemological views related to the interrelationships between sociology and environment but mainly focuses on the Eco-Marxism. As a new theoretical outlook Eco-Marxism explores the interaction between people and environment with the motive of maximization of profit and the intuition of exploitation of nature and natural resources. In modern times the effect of limitlessness in human motives and the crises of technological domination converts human in to more utilitarian towards nature. It reflects all sorts of envoi mental crises and ecological problems in the modern society. Eco-Marxism, as the central concern of this paper, highlights the inherent social division in the society on the basis of the possession of wealth and material, and how it leads to as the fundamental reason for ecological crisis and issues. Overexploitation of the nature and material resources for economic and developmental purposes results to the condition of the alienation of people from the harsh realities of life. This study also discusses the alienation of people within the framework of modern industrial and socio-cultural transactions.
Analysis of Staphylococcus using comparative genomics[Full-Text ] Sunil S. Thorat and Prashant V. ThakareThese Comparative genomics and genomic tools have been used to identify virulence factors and genes involved in environmental persistence of pathogens. However, a major stumbling block in the genomics revolution has been the large number of genes with unknown function that have been identified in every organism sequenced to date. Over 1740 bacterial genome sequences are currently available in public databases and over 5230 are in progress, representing hundreds of species as well as multiple strains of the same species. The study of these genomes by both computational and experimental approaches has significantly advanced our understanding of the physiology and pathogenicity of many microbes and provided insights into the mechanisms and history of genome evolution. Several ‘‘postgenomic’’ methods have been utilized to identify genes that are essential for bacterial growth or pathogenesis. Here we demonstrate the utility of several DNA and protein sequence comparison tools to interpret the information obtained from several genome projects. Comparisons are presented between closely related strains of Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis spp. The comparative genome analysis will generate a wealth of data to compare pathogenic strains with varying levels of pathogenicity, which in turn may reveal mechanisms by which the pathogen may adapt to a particular host.
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Indian Satellite Based Augmentation System (GAGAN)[Full-Text ] Jitu Sanwale, Dhan Jeet Singh, U G SalawadeThe Global Positioning System (GPS) has been used extensively for providing navigation, positioning and time information across the world for air vehicles, ships, missiles and Geographic Information System (GIS). The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) of Russia (GLONASS) is also getting momentum in terms of civilian and military applications. In the series of satellite constellation GALILEO is getting ready for full fledge deployment. The GNSS alone is not sufficient for high precision position applications such as approach and landing of air vehicles. Hence, to achieve the appropriate level of accuracy these constellations need to be augmented. This paper describes the various methods of augmentation along with detailed description of Indian Satellite based augmentation system. The GAGAN system is an Indian Satellite Based Navigation Augmentation System. The GAGAN will provide a civil aeronautical navigation signal consistent with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) as established by the GNSS Panel.
Experimental Test of Digital Automated System for Dobby Based Fabric Structure[Full-Text ] Yousif Elhadi Elsideeg Ahmed, Ali Mohamed Abdelrahman Agoub, Fadl Elmoula Abdallah IdrisThe ultimate goal of this research work is to provide an experimental test for a microcontroller based system to be embedded into weaving machine for monitoring and controlling the fabric design operation after the success of the simulation test. The proposed embedded system reads the design parameters entered by the designer using a keypad, calculates the color’s repeating insertions, generate the design in sequences of binary digits and apply the design on the machine with machine status consideration. The peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microcontroller, keypad, Liquid Cristal Display (LCD), relays, solenoids, sensors and power adapter are used for system design. In addition to that the MikroC editor is used for system programming in C language and uploaded to the internal memory of the microcontroller using the Wellon 490 universal programmer.
Inflectoin s-shaped model: Order Statistics[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Satya Prasad, K. Prasada Rao and G. Krishna MohanSoftware Reliability is defined as the probability that the software will work without failure for a specified period of time. Software Reliability Growth Model (SRGM) is one of the most well-known theoretical models for estimating and predicting software reliability in development and maintenance. In SRGM, software reliability growth is defined by the mathematical relationship between the time span of program testing and the cumulative number of detected faults. SRGMs can estimate the total number of initial faults in the target software by applying the well-known SRGM described by non-homogeneous Poisson processes (NHPPs) to the bug data. In this paper we proposed a control mechanism based on order statistics of the cumulative quantity between observations of time domain failure data using mean value function of inflection S-shaped model, which is Non Homogenous Poisson Process (NHPP) based. The Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method is used to derive the point estimators of a two-parameter distribution.
Higher Data Transmission With Higher Channel Isolation And Low Channel Spacing In High Dense WDM System[Full-Text ] Mr. Manish saxena, Dr.Anubhuti Khare, Mr.Amit R.MahireTo transmit higher data 10 Gbits/s and above is possible by using of High Dense WDM System. When data is transmitting through such a systems there is possibility of interference of channel with each other so in this paper the we have used two fiber bragg grating as a filter connected back to back to each other in which first fBG uniform apodization profile and second FBG has three apodization profile i.e uniform apodization profile, guassian apodization profile, tanh (hyperbolic tangent) apodization profile to overcome channel interference problems and higher side lobe reduction to avoid distortion. The HDWDM system used here for 2.5 Gbits/s to 10.52 Gbits/s data with channel spacing of 50 Ghz,25 Ghz. We have used two simulation in first simulation we used 4 separate transmitter with passive power combiner to combine 4 signals and in second simulation we used 8 channel WDM transmitter with multiplexer. In which second simulation is best and there is higher data transmission i.e 10.52 Gbits/s and higher channel isolation with lower channel spacing of 25 Ghz.
Modification in Element of Power System to Improve its Efficiency[Full-Text ] Prashant KumarAs Electric Power System continues to grow in size and complexity, reducing losses can result in substantial savings. While losses in Distribution Lines are due to both Copper loss and Thermal Insulator. Similarly in Electric Machine losses occur due to both Copper loss and Core loss. I am going to present here how to design a highly efficient Power Cable, Motor and Generator. A power cable is an assembly of two or more electrical conductors, usually held together with number of sheath. These numbers of sheath can be replaced by a Polymer, namely Aerogel. Similarly, in Motor and Generator core losses can be nullified by using a very light weight disc type rotor made up of Polymer, namely Ultraconductor Polymer. In this way the total energy loss can be minimized and the overall efficiency of power sector can be maximized.
Modeling of a standalone Wind-PV Hybrid generation system using MATLAB/SIMULINK and its performance analysis[Full-Text ] Mohammed Aslam Husain, Abu TariqThis work focuses on the modeling and analysis of a Standalone wind-PV Hybrid generation system under different conditions in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The proposed system consists of two renewable sources i.e. wind and solar energy. Modeling of PV array and wind turbine is clearly explained. The wind subsystem is equipped of a direct driven permanent-magnet synchronous generator, a diode rectifier and a buck converter for the tracking of the maximum power point. In photovoltaic system the variable DC output voltage is controlled by another buck converter used for the MPPT. These two systems are combined to operate in parallel and the common DC bus collects the total energy from the wind and photovoltaic subsystems and uses it partly to charge the battery and partly to the DC load. This paper offers a useful wind-PV hybrid model which can be used for performance analysis of such systems.
Improve Energy Efficiency in AODV[Full-Text ] Ram Narayan Shukla, Rajesh Kumar ShuklaTo establish route between nodes, an efficient routing protocol is required to discover routes in a mobile adhoc network. Node energy is one of the important design criteria for adhoc networks due to dynamic topology of Ad Hoc Network. Mobile nodes have limited energy in their batteries. Power failure of a mobile node affects the node itself as well as decreases network performance also due to link failure. Much research efforts have been devoted to develop energy aware routing protocols. In this paper we propose an energy efficient routing algorithm that takes care about stability of network. A new route discovery process proposed in this paper that takes into account the distance between nodes and node battery power to improve energy efficiency in AODV. This will maximize the network lifetime by minimizing the power consumption and decrease the routing overhead. We will implement our proposed algorithm in AODV and performance will evaluate against the original AODV, finally we will study it through NS-2 simulator.
Structural Analysis of Existing Road Networks of Assam: A Transport Geographical Appraisal[Full-Text ] Bharati GogoiRoad has been described as the life-blood of human civilization. Social interaction and economic prosperity in space have been shaped by the road networks both at intra and inter regional levels. Consequently, it is regarded as one of the most important indices of economic, social and commercial progress of any region. According to IHDR (2011), the study area Assam ranked 16 (0.444) out of 23 states of India in human development indices in spite of its immense historical background, rich human resources and abundant mineral resources. The state does not have any remarkable industrial establishments with the population engaged in subsistence agriculture marked by low yield and productivity. An attempt has been made through the present study to explore the existing pattern and spatial variations of road networks of the study area with the help of structural measures of transportation network. Structural analysis of transport networks is getting utmost important in geographical studies because it involves the description of the disposition of nodes and their relationships and linkage of distribution. The study reveals that districts of Assam had minimum road density and most of the districts are characterized by minimum efficiency of road network in terms of connectivity. The efficiency of road network is very low and higher spatial imbalance.
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 under Different Traffic Conditions[Full-Text ] Pooja Sahu, Mr. Anshul ShrotriyaIn any network the enhancement of QoS are major issue so as in wireless sensor network. The performance of wireless sensor network is severely affected by various factors and network traffic is one of them. For any network designer choosing appropriate parameters to achieve optimum value of QoS is a challenging issue. In our analysis, we are considering the effects of various traffic conditions on performance of Wireless sensor network with beacon enabled mode and non beacon enabled mode. We have evaluated the performance of wireless sensor network on the basis of various QoS parameters. The whole analysis is done using network simulator tool.
A comparative study for evaluation of power performance of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Application in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Suman Chowdhury, Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, Pritam Mitra, Utpal Kanti Das, Md. Abul BasharThis paper tries to investigate the power performance of the Building Integrated Photovoltaic Application taking comparison for various tilt angle variations keeping azimuth angle fixed considering climate condition of Bangladesh. From the analysis, it is observed that around 4.60% power improvement is occurred at the temperature level of 34°C when tilt/azimuth angle is varied from 1°/0° to 21°/0° whether it is 3.96% for the tilt/azimuth angle change of 90°/0° to 21°/0°.
AN FPGA IMPLEMENTATION BELIEF PROPAGATION DECODING ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] M. M. Jadhav, Chetna N. Kharkar, Dr. A. M. SapkalLow Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are one of the best error correcting codes that enable the future generations of wireless devices. In this paper we have presented an FPGA based self error checking & correction system with higher capability. We implemented the error correction algorithms such as belief propagation & bit flip algorithm. The number of error corrected is simulated using Xilinx High level Synthesis tool & Modelsim simulator. A complete self checking system is implemented on Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA & synthesis is done using ISE13.2. The decoded codeword of the decoder is displayed on PC HyperTerminal using serial Rs232 interface. The system is capable of correcting large & different size of codeword. Self error detection & correction capability of the system is compared & verified in presence of noise.
The Application of the “Near Analysis” and the “Conversion” ArcGIS tools in Determining Distance Variation and Accessibility to Doctors Surgeries in Cardiff United Kingdom.[Full-Text ] Eboigbe, M. A., Ugwuoti, A. I., Dr. Uzodinma V. N.Several approaches have been used to examine the accessibility and Distance variation of health facilities in GIS. Very common is the Buffer and Kernel density. This study, gives a different approach as it used the near analysis and the Conversion toolset to evaluate the closeness of the Doctors Surgeries to all the people living in Cardiff. The “Near” analysis tool functions better on point to point feature data hence the population map is first converted from polygon to raster and to point feature using the conversion tool. This enhances Location accuracy as compared to other methods previously used for facility location. From the attribute table, the computed distances were re-categorized into six (6) groups and these groups were again converted from point to raster and back to polygons. The outcome of this study is a clear and correct presentation of how the Doctors Surgeries’ are available both in magnitude and in proximity to the total population in Cardiff. The new map is correct, simple and easily interpreted by any user. Numerical accuracy and pictorial differentiation is therefore achieved.
Impact Assessment Of Industrial Waste On Groundwater & Its Remediation: A Case Study Of Hexavalent Chromium Contamination Of Lohiya Nagar, Ghaziabad[Full-Text ] S.K.Singh, Dr. Gauhar Mahmood and Dr. Divya ChincheThis research paper deals with the management of groundwater contamination of lohia nagar Ghaziabad caused by hexavalent chromium. According to sources large amount of chromium is seeped into the groundwater and affected the water supply at many locations it is being noted that the quantity of chromium was six times the maximum acceptable limits as permissible in drinking water. The carcinogenic effects of hexavalent chromium are very well known by scientists and officials and which should be dealt with as early as possible. This study was conducted in area is located in Lohiya Nagar of Ghaziabad district. The area comprises of a number of the industries of various nature including plates, electroplating, various mechanical manufacturing units, etc. The same time the area has got residential pockets also. The impact of the groundwater contamination occurs in almost the entire part of the study area except few localized pockets. About 21 sounding stations and 20 water sampling stations have been chosen on the basis of hydrogeological spectrum of the area. A comprehensive study of the area is done in which qualitative and quantitative study of area is done i.e. groundwater resource potential etc is studied. It is found that contamination of chromium (Hexavalent) is highest in north-western part of the study area which is more than 1.3 mg/l and the permissible limit is 0.05. The analysis further shows that the 02 Trough in the area has been recorded which are as follows: First through in between Dewan Rubber and Muscat, Second through at Banke Bihari Temple. These troughs are converted into plumes of hexavalent chromium and the concentration level becomes high due to natural trough formation supported by low permeable and high porous strata. The cross sections of these plume areas further indicated that at about 190 – 200 feet the concentrations of the hexavalent chromium high to medium. However, the concentration level of this plumed chromium reduces with depth. Evidently, in the pumping station of the Lohiya Nagar Pump House, the concentration of the hexavalent chromium is within permissible limits. There are several mitigation measures adopted to remove the contamination of chromium from this are, out of several different techniques Bioremediation Technique is selected for the said process. Complete removal of hexavalent chromium will take several years.
MEMS based Capacitive Pressure Sensor Simulation for Healthcare and Biomedical Applications[Full-Text ] Shivam Kohli, Anish Saini, Ajesh.J.PillaiThis paper presents the design and characterization of a simulation of a capacitive blood pressure for healthcare and biomedical applications.
Optimization for autolysis assisted production of fish protein hydrolysate from underutilized fish Pellona ditchela[Full-Text ] Prabha.J, Akhila Narikimelli., Maria Infanshia Sajini., S.Vincent.Response surface methodology (RSM), based on Central composite design was used to optimize the hydrolyzing conditions, for the preparation of soluble protein hydrolysate from underutilized fish Pellona ditchela. Most favorable interfacing external factors, such as time, temperature and pH on Degree of hydrolysis were determined from the model equations of RSM. Hydrolyzing time of 90min, pH 5 and temperature of 50oC was found to be the ideal condition to attain higher DH of 40.2% in acidic condition. Proximate analysis revealed that protein hydrolysate had relatively high protein (74.0 ± 0.2 %) and low lipid (0.77±0.1%) content. The chemical score of the hydrolysate indicates that it fulfils adult human nutritional requirements. The amino acid composition of the protein hydrolysate verified to have the potential for application as an ingredient for poultry diet and adult human requirement. Protein hydrolysate from Pellona ditchela prepared, involving mild inorganic acid is cost effective and eco-friendly approach and the product obtained can potentially serve as a good source of desirable peptides and amino acids.
Quality Assessment of Multi-population Genetic Algorithms Performance[Full-Text ] Tania Pencheva, Maria Angelova, Krassimir AtanassovThe quality of performance of multi-population genetic algorithms (MpGA) has been assessed for the purposes of parameter identification of S. cerevisiae fed-batch cultivation. Intuitionistic fuzzy logic has been implemented aiming to derive intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of obtained model parameters. Three kinds of MpGA, differ from each other in the sequence of execution of main genetic operators, namely selection, crossover and mutation, have been assessed before and after the application of the recently developed procedure for purposeful model parameters genesis. Results obtained after the implementation of intuitionistic fuzzy logic for MpGA performances assessment have been compared and MpGA with a sequence selection and crossover after the procedure for purposeful model parameters genesis application has been distinguished as the fastest and quite reliable one.
Modeling NPA Time Series Data in Selected Public Sector Banks in India with Semi Parametric Approach[Full-Text ] Gour BandyopadhyayThe research paper, entitled, ‘Modeling NPA Time Series Data in Selected Public Sector Banks in India with Semi Parametric Approach’ is devoted to an analytical study to reveal the movement of the financial parameter, GNPA over time. Diagnostic tool like Residuals vs Predictor Plot, Quantile Comparison Plots of the Residuals and and QQ Plot have been employed to examine appropriateness of Penalized Spline (Semi Parametric Curve Fit) model, to check the presence of outliers, and to detect departures from normality in the residual distribution for our data respectively. It is observed that Penalized Spline (Semi Parametric Curve Fit) model fits well with the given dataset. It is also observed that there exist very few outliers in some of the selected banks and residuals follow approximately normal distribution for the sample dataset. Penalized Spline (Semi Parametric Curve Fit) Model, establishes curve linearity in the given data. Goodness of fit statistics represented by R2, Sig of F statistics establishes high precision of the model and excellent fit for dataset in respect of the parameter GNPA. Finally, the Penalized Spline (Semi Parametric Curve Fit) model is extended to get the forecasted values for the respective data-set. Forecasted Values of GNPA for three years (2013, 2014 and 2015) of all the selected PSBs clearly demonstrates future upward trend in respect of the financial parameter GNPA for all the selected PSBs, which puts question mark on the wisdom and integrity of the top management in PSBs in India in handling credit portfolio. Such a situation undoubtedly deserves immediate and serious attention on the part of the regulators to relook into the practices of credit appraisal and monitoring of credit in PSBs in India.
Automatic Evaluation Of Computer Science thesis Using Domain Ontology[Full-Text ] Mohammed Muzaffar Hussain, Dr. S.K. SrivatsaBecause of advanced in word process technologies, spell checking and grammar checks have become instant. Nonetheless, checking abstract errors from any given text has received little attention from similar researches. An example for abstract error is falsehood. The detection of abstract errors on any plain text is a challenging task for computers. Two of the major challenges are the unstructured nature of text documents and the lack of representation of common sense and domain specific knowledge in machine understandable format. Researches show that thousands of people are submitted thesis per annum in which many conceptual error due to technical errors. Technical errors are mainly caused by the omission of facts about the domain or subject. This paper analyses sample computer Science Thesis notes to find patterns that could be explored towards using information encoded in plain computer notes for the detection of conceptual errors. The paper proposes an ontology based architecture for a conceptual error detection system on computer notes.
Determination of Ground Water Potential in Mirpur AJ&K Pakistan; using Geoelectric Methods (vertical electrical sounding)[Full-Text ] Abrar Niaz, Rustam Khan, Fahad Hameed, Aamir Asghar, Sohail MustafaA resistivity survey was carried out in Mirpur AJ&K to study ground water potential such as depth, thickness, resistivity and sediments in which water can be obtained. The geo-electrical methods used in the survey are Vertical Electrical Sounding, with the aim of determining groundwater potential. Twenty seven Vertical Electrical Soundings were conducted using the Schlumberger configuration covering the entire area. Thus VES data were subjected to an iteration software (IPIwin2) which showed that the area is composed of top soil, clay, sandy clay and sand. The apparent resistivity, longitudinal conductance and aquifer thickness maps were also prepared. Favorable resistivity and thickness was found in areas with sand and sandy clay, along the traverse with resistivity ranging between 53Om to 143Om.
Thermal Stability and Degradation of Poly N-(4-Methoxy-2-methylphenyl)acrylamide Homopolymer and Copolymer of N-(4-Methoxy-2-methylphenyl)acrylamide with Methyl Methacrylate[Full-Text ] A.Z. El-Sonbati, M.A. Diab, A.A. El-Bindary and H.M. Abd El-GhanyDifferent concentrations of copolymer of N-(4-methoxy-2-methylphenyl)acrylamide(MA) with methyl methacrylate (MMA) were prepared and the reactivity ratio values of copolymerization were calculated using Microanalysis technique. Thermal analysis of the copolymers showed that the thermal stability are intermediate between poly(N-(4-methoxy-2-methylphenyl)acrylamide) (PMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) homopolymers. Thermal degradation products of the PMA were identified by GC-MS techniques. It seems that the mechanism of degradation of PMA homopolymer is characterized by free radical formation followed by recombination along the backbone chain. The activation energies of the thermal degradation of the copolymers were calculated using Arrhenius relationship.
Constant Accelerated Life Testing with Geometric Process for Marshall-Olkin Lomax Distribution[Full-Text ] Sana Shahab, Arif-Ul-IslamWe introduce the geometric process for the analysis of accelerated life testing with Marshall-Olkin Lomax distribution for constant stress. By using geometric process one deals with the original parameters of the life distribution in accelerated life testing while in other cases the log linear function between life and stress is used which is a re-parameterization of the original parameter. The maximum likelihood procedure is used for parameter estimation of the model. Simulation-study bootstrapped confidence interval is also evaluated using the R-software. Variation of parameters is also shown.
Development of Optimal Path Plan for Wireless Electronic Perceptible Assistant System In Known And Unknown Terrain[Full-Text ] Akella S Narasimha Raju, S N Ali Ansari, Ch KarunakarA description of EPAS system which is for independent navigating for visually impaired person in identified and unidentified environments has been presented in this paper. This system incorporates the GPS receiver to access the spatial data of local environment by the server to the user. According to available spatial maps of the environment the user can freely move around the map. For this system, the implementation of optimal path planning using D*lite algorithm, estimate the direction and orientation of the user moves has been discussed. Time to time new environment map is stored in the spatial database. The database gives the fast information response to users using this D*lite algorithm when the path is revisited. In addition to this, the system has been established the ZigBee nodes for the home environment. According to ZigBee nodes, user can aware of the home environment using the server. The system gives the position, location and orientation of information to the server. Observations can be recorded for each and every movement of the user by sitting behind the server and monitoring the user’s movement by using specialized software which was already incorporated in the system, and user can also perceive the above mentioned information through audio signals. The head height vision sensor and foot level proximity sensors, perceive the information of the obstacle through the audio cues.
A survey on Business Intelligence Application to Evaluate the Software Quality From End User Point of view[Full-Text ] Nedal M. Elsaid, Ahmed E.Okasha, Abdalla A. AbdeghalyInformation technology supports all major business processes and business functions. Software plays a very important role in the industry and society. So as the role of software in the industry and the society becomes vital, It becomes very crucial to develop high quality and easy to use software. This article deals with the software evaluation and it afford survey contains various models and metrics for measuring the of software from the end users prospective. There are several software quality models that evaluates how easily users can use the software to carry out their required task. the article is also measured in terms of its capability to provide the user satisfaction and ability to fulfill the needs of the users by providing the user friendly interfaces.
An Interactive System for Arabic Software Requirements Elicitation[Full-Text ] Hanan ElazharyEliciting user requirements is one of the most critical stages in requirements engineering. Due to human factors, this is an error-prone task that affects later stages. This calls for developing automated tools to help in the elicitation process. Most research studies focus on developing automated tools for eliciting English software requirements. The problem of eliciting requirements in other languages has been greatly overlooked in the literature. This is particularly a critical problem since translating elicited requirements to English introduces additional imprecision. Thus, this paper proposes an interactive Arabic software Requirements Elicitation Assistance System (AREAS) in an attempt to tackle this problem. The system would be of a great help to billion of stakeholders in the middle east.
Design and Implimentation of Embedded Linux on ARM Platform[Full-Text ] Mr. Amol R.Wagh, Prof.Vijay S.PatilIn this paper we explains the Embedded Linux, generic architecture of Embedded Linux and different types of host/target development set up. In this paper we also explain design procedure of Embedded Linux for target architecture ARM. Building of x-loader; u-boot and root file system is required for porting of designed Embedded Linux on ARM processor. To port designed Embedded Linux on ARM platform required SD-card partitioning also described. Kernel source code is modified according to requirement and modified source code ported on OMAP3530 processor based on ARM Cortex-A8 as its core.
Influence of Socio Economic Status On Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students Of Lucknow City[Full-Text ] Ritu Chandra and Prof. (Dr. ) Shaikh AzimuddinSocio Economic Status has always influenced the Academic Achievement of students. Academic Achievement varies for children from different social backgrounds. Their academic performance is an outcome of their social status. Previous studies have shown that Parent’s Socio Economic Status is strongly associated with students’ academic performance. The present study examines the influence of different categories of SES of students on their academic achievement. The study also examines the relationship between SES and Academic achievement of 14 Secondary school students of Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh (India) The age range varies from 13years to 17 years. The sample of the study comprised of 614 students (358 males and 256 females) from classes IX and X. The Socio Economic Status scale developed by Dr. Meenakshi (2004) is used for collection of data. The board results of class IX and X are used for assessment of academic achievement. The statistical measures like t-test and Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used. The result of the study reveals the difference between high, average and low SES groups and their academic achievement. A positive correlation is observed between SES and Academic achievement. Based on these findings some recommendations are given for practice and further studies.
21st Century Skills and the Engineer: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Teamwork at METI, University of Port Harcourt[Full-Text ] Gordon Monday Bubou, Emmanuel Emeka Ejim-Eze, Festa Ndutimi OkgriweThis paper reports on postgraduate engineering students’ perceptions of teamwork in Nigeria. Using a mix methodology (both quantitative and qualitative techniques), findings, like previous studies, were indicative of the fact that postgraduate students too can acquire certain generic skills [informational skills, problem solving skills, collaborative (people) skills] required of the modern day scientist and engineer to function effectively both in the work place and outside the work environment. This is besides deriving academic benefits (better comprehension and improved performance) and social benefits from teamwork. Participants expressed their desire to participate in future teamwork. As society and employers continuous to place premium on 21st century skills, it is advocated that educators should devise pedagogical tools to facilitate the development of teaming skills. Further research is suggested to cover a cross-section of faculties and multiple universities.
A Portable Wireless Human Computer Interface For Physically Challenged People[Full-Text ] V.Prabhakaran, S.Pavithra, Dr.P.ShankarIn recent years the development of Human-Computer Interface (HCI), methods have been developed to help these people for communication. Unlike traditional HCIs (a keyboard, or a mouse, etc.), modern HCIs have played an important role in the area of rehabilitation. However, the disabled with severe paralysis have only few ways to control and work with the applications. For these people, methods based on eye movement or blinking and voice can be selected. In this project, we focus on implementing an IR Sensors for EOG based HCI and voice to text processor which is cheap, portable and non-invasive.
Bilinear z-transformation and Pascal’s triangle[Full-Text ] Phuoc Si NguyenBilinear z-transformation is the most common method for converting the transfer function H(s) of the analog filter to the transfer function H (z) of the digital filter and vice versa. In this work, introducing the relationship between the digital coefficients and the analog coefficients in the matrix equation definitely involves the Pascal’s triangle.
Fiscal policy reaction to public indebtness dynamic in Albania[Full-Text ] Areta Dymleku (Allamani)Albania economy has undergone differenet turbulances from the time it introduced market economy and entered transition. Debt sustainability and financial performance of governments are debated and overlooked indicators today, given the fact that unsustainable public debt drove many economies into recession or buncraptcy.At the verge of financial crisies that emerged in 2008, Albanian economy was experiencing a fats growth (growth rate of around 9%) and faced no difficulties in ensuring a sustainable debt to GDP ratio. This study aims to examine the sensitivity of fiscal policy to public debt dynamics by estimating the fiscal reaction function. The long and short term reaction of government budget balance (fiscal policy) to public indebtness is examined through a VEC model, given that primary balance and public debt are co-integrated time series of the same order. The analyses are based on the quarterly time series (1995-2012) of budget balance, debt to GDP ration, inflation and dummy variables to track the political events influence on the fiscal policies.
Determination of the Thermodynamic Parameters, Characterizing the Adsorption and Inhibitive Properties of some 3-phenyl-2-thioxo- 4-thiazolidinone Derivatives[Full-Text ] S.A. Abd El-Meksoud, A.M. El-Desoky, A.Z. El-Sonbati, A.A.M. Belal, R.A. El-BozThe corrosion inhibition of C-steel in 1 M H2SO4 solution by five newly synthesized 3-phenyl-2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinone derivatives has been investigated using (weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy , EIS) techniques. Potentiodynamic polarization showed that these derivatives are mixed-type inhibitors. The percentage inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increasing the concentration of inhibitor and with decreasing temperature. The Frumkin isotherm was found to provide an accurate description of adsorption behavior of the 3-phenyl-2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinone derivatives. Some thermodynamic parameters were computed and discussed. The variation in inhibition efficiency depends on the type of functional group substituted in benzene ring. It was found that the presence of donating group (such as OCH3) better facilitates the adsorption of molecules on the surface than in the case with withdrawing groups (such as Cl and NO2). The data obtained from the three different methods are in good agreement.
MULTIPHASE INDUCTION GENERATOR (MODELING, ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION) AND POWER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT[Full-Text ] Mithilesh Singh, Shubhrata Gupta, K.B.YadavThe deregulation of the power industry means power delivery services have a greater obligation to provide a high-grade service. “In the new deregulated environment customers will demand higher levels of power quality to ensure proper and continued operation of sensitive equipment and processes”. Thus there is a definite need for enhanced power quality and electricity suppliers have to resolve this problem. Here complete modeling the Multi phase Induction Generator shown and so power quality improves.
Renewable Energy Generation Systems[Full-Text ] Hassan NattoA discussion and comparison of renewable energy generation systems as well as identifying, analyzing and describing the related ethical and societal issues. Power generation using solar collectors and wind turbines are discussed. A hybrid system combining solar, wind and in some cases a diesel generator is compared to stand alone solar collector systems and wind turbine generation systems.