Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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Generalised Gaussian Quadrature over a Sphere[Full-Text ] K. T. ShivaramThis paper presents a Generalised Gaussian quadrature method for the evaluation of volume integral I=?_v¦?f(x,y,z)dx dy dz? , where f(x,y,z) is arbitrary function and v refers to the volume of spherical region bounded by {(x,y,z)/-a=x=a,-v(a^2-x^2 )=y=v(a^2-x^2 ),-v(a^2-x^2-y^2 )=z=v(a^2-x^2-y^2 ) }, volume integral is convert to surface integral by using Gauss divergence theorem then we have applied the Generalised Gaussian quadrature rules over a circle region to evaluate the typical volume integrals over the spherical region with various values of a. The efficacy of this method is finally shown by numerical examples.
Centralized Tariff collection system using RFID & GSM Technology[Full-Text ] Ambika R., Rashmi N., Paul N. S. Augustus, Muneeb U. ShariffIn this paper we aim to highlight the role of RFID and GSM technologies in obtaining and processing relevant information from public infrastructure systems in real time. The system that is described here is only the first step towards a practical method to ease the tariff collection process.
A cross platform of Wireless Sensor Network for monitoring the factors of geographical area[Full-Text ] Ummadi Janardhan Reddy, D.Nagabhushanam Suresh Babu Satukumati, Naresh Nelaturi, A.N LakshmipathiSoftware exploitation is necessitating new approaches and strategies to target and gather a large amount of user base by making use of intense practices of developers. Multi-level platform application development is one of the well known practices established by various environments. Such practices enable the deployment of programs on a variety of platforms available to users or as define by the users. The foremost goal of the present paper is to develop a cross platform based smart wireless sensor network for an environment. Wireless Sensor Networks have appeared as a growing research area where most study scholars and industrialists aim on. Wireless Sensor Networks can furthermore be characterized as a mesh of devices, which can sense the natural environment and communicate the data gathered from the monitored area through wireless communications. This paper investigates exploitation of cross platform based remote monitoring system through wireless sensor network. The ability to document and detail alterations in parameters of interest has become progressively valuable. Investigations were presented for an isolated monitoring system by utilizing Zigbee nodes. These nodes sends sensors information wirelessly to base station, which collects the information, allows it to be analyzed and displayed in various platform based environments as needed.
Design and Implementation of High Speed Data Transmission over Dual Independent Aurora Channels on One GTX dual tile usingVirtex-5 FPGA[Full-Text ] S.Venkata Kishore, M.Srilatha, Mr.Y.S.Chakrapani, Dr. M. Kamaraju, Mr. S.R.Pankaj KumarThis paper proposes a design and implementation of high speed data transmission over dual independent aurora channels on One GTX (Gigabit Transceivers) DUAL TILE by configuring multi-gigabit transceivers (MGT’s), which are present in the virtex-5 FPGA using aurora protocol. (Here GT means Gigabit transceivers (GT) and X indicates that these transceivers belong to Virtex-5 FXT platform. FXT platform supports High-performance embedded systems with advanced serial connectivity). Firstly, a 128 bit parallel data is to be generated using simulators, which are implemented using VHDL language. The asynchronous first-in first-out (AFIFO) takes this 128 bit data as input and produces an output of 16 bit parallel data. This data goes to the aurora module in parallel form as successive frames (i.e. 8 frames, each frame consists of 2 bytes). Finally, the 128 bit parallel data is transmitted to the receiver module serially over fiber optic cable at the rate of 3.125Gbps using architectural features of virtex5 FPGA. To achieve high speed, Multi-Gigabit Transceivers (MGT) are used. In virtex-5 FPGA, these Multi-Gigabit Transceivers are available as hard IPs which operates at the clock rate of 156.25 MHz (MGT clock). For configuring these MGT’s, Aurora protocol is used, which converts the parallel data into serial data and vice versa. Finally the data is transmitted on two independent aurora channels and further testing is carried out using chip scope pro analyzer to verify the integrity of data.
FOSS - A Solution to the Challenges faced by the Closed Source world[Full-Text ] Medha Chhillar and Neeraj Kr. ShuklaThe concept of open source and free sharing of technological information existed long before EDA or computers. FOSS (Free Open Source Software) or Open Source Software is easily available to the public. This in turn enables anyone and everyone to use it without paying royalties or fees. This paper discusses about the advantages of free and open source software over close source structures. It also discusses about the different types of open source EDA tools available on the internet; mainly focusing on the ICARUS Verilog simulator and its related problems.
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Intelligent Controller for a Differential Drive Mobile Robot[Full-Text ] Zeyad Yousif Abdoon Al-Shibaany, Nadia Abd Alzhra JassarThe paper proposes an intelligent kinematic controller to guide a differential drive mobile robot system, which is a nonholonomic differential drive mobile robot, to follow a predefined path. The controller has been designed and implemented by using a Multi-Layer Perceptron MLP neural network. The error back propagation algorithm has been used in order to train the neural network to identify the kinematic model of the differential drive mobile robot. The neural network based controller has been trained offline and then online in order to calculate the required linear and angular velocities to guide the robot throughout the predefined path. The controller has been implemented by using a real-time and FPGA based input/output board, which is fully compatible with LabVIEW2012 software, and then the controller is being deployed to the mobile robot platform to allow for autonomous navigation. The simulation and experimental results explained and proved that the proposed controller can successfully guide the robot along the required path.
Fuzzy control and performances amelioration of an electric vehicle drive train based on doubly fed induction machine[Full-Text ] Rabah Babouri, Kaci Ghedamsi, Djamal AouzellagThe aim of this paper is to show advantages of integration of doubly fed induction machine (DFIM) controlled by fuzzy logic algorithm in an electric vehicle drive train. So the DFIM is powered by two bidirectional converter, and a fuzzy logic controller is designed to control the speed of pulling unit. These give the possibility to operate the machine over wide range of speed variation, for both applications: engine and recovery, while addressing the non-linearity problems of the system. Consequently, the power of the machine can reach twice its rated power, thus the power density is doubled. The latter is an important factor, because in embedded systems, the reduction of weight is very required, especially in the electrics vehicles case. Simulation work is carried out on the software MATLAB/Simulink and the results showed goodness in performances of the fuzzy control algorithm and the feeding structure applied to the DFIM.
Stochastically bounded Solutions of stochastic integrodifferential equations modeling neural networks[Full-Text ] Zhenkun Huang, Honghua BinIn these paper, by using stochastic integral properties about solutions of homogeneous linear equations and fixed-point theorem, we investigate bounded dynamics of neural networks with stochastic effects and distributed delays. Some new criteria for the existence of a unique stochastic bounded solution of stochastic newworks are given.
An Android Phone Thermometer for biomedical temperature Measurement[Full-Text ] Shivaraman IlangoThis paper demonstrates the design and implementation of a portable and handy android phone thermometer that is used for continuous measurement of body temperature from infants to elderly people. It initiates an immediate alarm when the temperature becomes abnormal cases like fever, under heating and high temperature over a prolonged period of time. This system is integrated with an android smart phone which helps in monitoring the temperature conditions of a person even from remote places. This robust invention can be interfaced even with an PC or laptop for convenient use by doctors.
Wireless Power Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network- A solution to the power constraint[Full-Text ] Tanbir Ibne Anowar and Dr. Mohammad GhanbarisabaghOne of the major facts in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is its power constraint. In many critical cases, like sensors in hot oil pipe-lines may require urgent data from a selected node while the node is not waking up due to unhealthy battery life. Inductive coupling phenomena between two coils can easily solve it by wirelessly charging the previously placed coil inside that sensor. Wireless Power Transfer can be the solution on this concern. There are many alterable and unalterable factors that can govern the efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer. High Radio Frequency in lower coil radius with simple magnetic radiation mechanism can successfully transmit the power within a short distance at low cost. After pre-tuning resonant frequency, the optimum power transfer is possible through a constant efficiency in a short distance between nodes. Multi hop nodes can easily share the power from the source as well. A sensor can be placed anywhere when necessary, in that case the primary supply must be questionable and can be solved through the renewable energy.
Controlling In-Vehicle Features Using NFC and Voice Recognition[Full-Text ] Kanwar Sher Singh, Chandani AroraNew technology always tend to introduce products that help easing our daily routine. In vehicles nowadays, manufacturers put equal emphasis on improving in-car features as well. Connecting vehicle's entertainment system to owner cell phone for call and media purposes, is one of popular culture in today's scenario. But to use most of systems, driver may need to divert its focus from driving to find respective button for feature. That can cause driver to lose his sight from road. Completely automatic systems come in top brands and at high price. But almost all mid-range sedans lacks these systems, due to its high cost of implementation.
Correlating Spectral Variations of Malachite Green with Organic Co-Precursors in TEOS Silica Hybrid Glasses[Full-Text ] D. Bora, S. HazarikaMalachite Green (MG) doped inorganic-organic hybrid glasses are synthesized using monomers methyl methacrylate (MMA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and inorganic precursor tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) by sol-gel technique. Various spectral properties of MG in these hybrid matrices are evaluated and compared to those in silica glass to de-termine their utility as optical material. Inclusion of HEMA in matrix reduced fluorescence quantum yield and lifetime; presence of collisional quenching as dominant non-radiative process considered responsible for it, whereas presence of MMA in matrix improved fluorescence quantum yield, lifetime and non-radiative transition probability, which is attributed to reduction in free space and immobilization of dye molecules within rigid pores of silica matrix. Luminescent properties in the hybrid matrix with MMA and TEOS are comparable to those in silica matrix.
Structural Analysis of Existing Road Networks of Assam: A Transport Geographical Appraisal[Full-Text ] Bharati GogoiRoad has been described as the life-blood of human civilization. Social interaction and economic prosperity in space have been shaped by the road networks both at intra and inter regional levels. Consequently, it is regarded as one of the most important indices of economic, social and commercial progress of any region. According to IHDR (2011), the study area Assam ranked 16 (0.444) out of 23 states of India in human development indices in spite of its immense historical background, rich human resources and abundant mineral resources. The state does not have any remarkable industrial establishments with the population engaged in subsistence agriculture marked by low yield and productivity. An attempt has been made through the present study to explore the existing pattern and spatial variations of road networks of the study area with the help of structural measures of transportation network. Structural analysis of transport networks is getting utmost important in geographical studies because it involves the description of the disposition of nodes and their relationships and linkage of distribution. The study reveals that districts of Assam had minimum road density and most of the districts are characterized by minimum efficiency of road network in terms of connectivity. The efficiency of road network is very low and higher spatial imbalance.
Elimination of Rogue access point in Wireless Network[Full-Text ] Mr. Sandip Thite, Prof. Sandeep Vanjale, Prof. P. B. ManeNow a day’s in many public places like bus stations, restaurant, malls etc. provides Wi-Fi connectivity to the users with free of cost. These public places having a device like wireless access point through which they provide service to the end users. The growing acceptance of wireless local area network causes a risk of wireless security attacks. The attacker creates a rogue access point to attract the users and perform attacks on user devices through WLAN. Detection of a rogue access point (AP) is a big challenge for network administrator. Presence of rogue access points is serious threats which steal sensitive information from the network. Deploying access points and restricting the use of these access points to authorized users has been a challenge due to the weak authentication and encryption used in wireless standards. There are many techniques which provide a solution to this problem. Most of these solutions are automated and are dependent on a specific wireless technology. In this paper we have presented a survey on existing techniques with its merits and demerits.
Consumer Load Prediction and Theft Detection on Distribution Network Using Autoregressive Model[Full-Text ] Ayodele Isqeel Abdullateef, Momoh-Jimoh Eyiomika Salami, Mohamud Ahmed Musse, Mobolaji Agbolade OnasanyaLoad prediction is essential for the planning and management of electric power system and this has been an area of research interest recently. Various load forecasting techniques have been proposed to predict consumer load which represents the activities of the consumer on the distribution network. Commonly, these techniques use cumulative energy consumption data of various consumers connected to the power system to predict consumer load. However, this data fails to reveal the activities of individual consumers as related to energy consumption and stealing of electricity. A new approach of predicting consumer load and detecting electricity theft based on autoregressive model technique is proposed in this paper. The objective is to evaluate the relationship between the consumer load consumption vis-a-vis the model coefficients and model order selection. Such evaluation will facilitate effective monitoring of the individual consumer behaviour, which will be indicated in the changes in model parameters and invariably lead to detection of electricity theft on the part of the consumer. The study used the data acquired from consumer load prototype which represents a typical individual consumer connected to the distribution network. Average energy consumption obtained over 24 hours was used for the modelling and 5-minute step ahead load prediction based on model order 20 of minimum description length criterion technique was achieved. Electricity theft activities were detected whenever there are disparities in the model coefficients and consumer load data.
Assessing Inorganic Pollution in Ground Waters within an Agricultural Area of Northeastern Algeria[Full-Text ] Labar Sofiane, Djidel Mohamed, Hamilton C. Mei-Ling, Benslimane Farida, Hani AzzedineEl-Tarf City, which situated in the north east of Algeria, has mostly focused its economic development on agricultural activities. The principal objective of this study is to assess in a particular context, the impact of inorganic pollution induced by ammonium (NH4+), nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and dissolved oxygen, on the quality of ground waters. The samples studied to that end are those taken in 2012 and 2013 from the groundwaters of the Bounamoussa basin in far north-east Algeria. Results shows that the degree of pollution varies by zone, as well as by month to month with contents often exceeding recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO). The protection of water quality and the reduction of the risk contamination are of great importance in the region to a reliable and sustainable water supply.
THE EFFECT OF CHANGE IN THE TEMPERATURE OF FUEL ON THE PERFORMANCE OF PEM FUEL CELL[Full-Text ] Sanjeev Doijode, B.P. Yadav, B Sudheer PremkumarProton exchange membrane fuel cells are getting great attention as energy source due to its high efficiency, low emission and high power density. The main objective of this paper is to study the performance of PEM fuel cell with variation in temperature of fuel. Initially the PEM fuel cell was tested with atmospheric condition & further it is tested with variation in fuel temp of 40 0 c & 600 etc. Accordingly the behavior of PEM fuel cell is studied and results are plotted on the graph.
ECG Signal Processing Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] S.Thulasi Prasad, Dr. S. VaradarajanThis work describes the implementation of wavelet-based de noising algorithm on electrocardiogram (ECG) signal and detection of important parameter such as heart rate, amplitude, timings of the ECG, etc. The algorithm is implemented in DSP based starter kit (DSK) with a two-electrode ECG preamplifier. The signal from the ECG preamplifier is acquired through the Codec input of the DSP starter kit. The acquired data is subjected to signal processing techniques such as removal of power line frequencies and high frequency component removal using wavelet-denoising technique. ECG component analysis such as QRS peak detection, heart rate calculation, etc is performed using nonlinear filter technique called first order derivative and moving average filter. The performance of the algorithm is studied in the DSP environment as well as MATLAB environment for comparison. The results of this study reveal the potentiality of the DSP system for routine clinical use.
Concentration of Radon and its Progeny Levels in water in District Moradabad of Western Uttar Pradesh[Full-Text ] Parag Mishra , R B S Rawat and V K SharmaRadon concentration in ground water from different loca-tions of Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh was measured during year–2012. Water samples were collected from the selected locations around Moradabad City from manually operated bore wells, open wells, lakes and running water. To estimate 226Ra activity, 20 liters of water was collected and pre-concentrated by chemical methods. The pre-concentrated sample of about 60 ml was then transferred to and evacuated radon bubbler. An evacuated scintillation cell was then connected to the bubbler and radon in the water was transferred to the cell. The cell was coupled to an alpha counter for analysis. The radon and radium concentration in water was determined by measuring the net alpha counts using a standard procedure . The graphs were plotted for radon concentration versus number of houses for different seasons. The resulting radon concentration level due to radon varied from 28.34 Bq/l to 40.98Bq/l . The observed radon concentration in ground water was found to be lower than the ICRP recommended value and thus are within safe limits.
INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF HIBISCUS SABDARIFFA CALYX EXTRACT ON SODIUM FLUORIDE INDUCED FLUOROSIS IN RATS[Full-Text ] N.Sanjeevaiah, D. Gangaraju, Dr.G.SandhyaraniFluorosis was induced by the oral administration of Sodium Fluoride (10mg/kg) for 30 days. On 30th day the Flurosis was confirmed by studying the level of fluorine in serum and urine. Treatment was started from 30th day to 60th day by ingesting Hibiscus Sabdariffa calyx ethanolic extract 200 mg/kg and 400mg/kg. The treatment was continued for 30 days on the 60th day serum calcium, alkaline Phosphopate, Urine calcium, magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluorine, SGOT, SGPT of serum, WBC Count, hemoglobin and PCV of Plasma were estimated. It was found that serum calcium, WBC, Hemoglobin, PCV were decreased in positive control rat. Decrease levels inclined in treatment group dose dependently. The level of serum ALP, Urinary calcium, Phosphates, magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluorine, SGOT, SGPT were increased in positive control group and enhanced parameters were declined in treatment group dose dependently. On 60th day rats of all groups were sacrificed and histopathological parameters of kidney and liver were studied where we found the improvement in epithelium which was damaged by sodium fluoride. Less damage was seen in the treatment group. Histopathological studies of bone confirmed the increase of young cells in treatment group thus by assessing all the parameters we concluded that Hibiscus Sabdariffa calyx ethanolic extract can be used to treat fluorosis dose dependently.
The Effect of Cow Manure Application on the Distribution Fractions of Heavy Metal Lead in Contaminated Soils[Full-Text ] Ghodsie Hoseinian Rostami, Ahmad Gholamalizade Ahangar, Amir LakzianThe accumulation of heavy metals in soil is a drastic environmental risk. It is well known that metals are present in soil in different chemical forms, which influence their reactivity and hence their mobility and bioavailability. A study, to determine the effect of Cow Manure on Lead availability and their redistribution amang soil fractions, pot experiments were conducted. Chemical properties such as pH, EC, CEC and Lime of concerned soils are also analyzed. Cow Manure (0, 1, 5%) was added to soil contaminated with different concentrations of Pb (0, 100, 200mg kg-1 soil, added as pb(NO3)2) at 60% field moisture. The amount of Pb was determined from the soil after 4 amounths of incubation time using sequential extraction procedure. Tessier method was exerted to decompose the metal content into exchangeable, acid extractable, reducible ,oxidizable fractions and Residual fraction was determined in aqua regia digest. Fractionation studies on soils amended by different amounts (1, 5%) of Cow Manure with single metal nitrate, showed that, after foure months, Pb were bound mostly to the acid-extractable, reducible and oxidisable fractions in amended soil (p<0.05). Also the application of Cow Manure (CM) levels significantly decline the exchangable and residual fractions (p<0.05). Whereas in control soil, pb was mainly occurred in the acid-extractable and residual fractions.
Palmprint Identification Based on Fusion of KWT and DWT at Matching Score Level[Full-Text ] K. P. Shashikala and K. B. RajaPalmprint is a physiological biometric trait and is efficient in identifying a person. In this paper we propose Palmprint Identification based on fusion of KWT and DWT at matching Score level (PIFKDM). The palmprint image is preprocessed to generate histogram equalized ROI. The KWT and DWT are applied on preprocessed image. The KWT coefficients and LL band of DWT are considered as features. The EER and TSR values are computed using KWT and DWT features. The EER and TSR values of KWT and DWT are fused using Log Transformation to get better performance. It is observed that the values of performance parameters are better in the case of proposed algorithm compared to existing algorithms.
A Survey on Spatial Association Rule Mining Technique and Algorithms for mining spatial data[Full-Text ] Banalata Sarangi, (Prof.) Dr. Laxman SahooSpatial association rule mining is an important technique of spatial data mining. Mining spatial association rule is one of the most important branches in the field of spatial data, spatial data mining can extract the spatial patterns and characteristics, general relations of spatial and non spatial data and other data features in common that hidden in spatial database. This paper describes and explains various spatial association rule mining algorithms and methods. Here we try to give a detailed survey of the existing spatial association rule mining technique based on Buffer analysis, Maximum frequent item sets based on Boolean matrix, concept lattice.
Overview of Nonlinear Distortion in OFDM Systems[Full-Text ] Lokesh C, Dr. Nataraj K. R, Dr. Rekha K. R, Mamatha C. G.OFDM is to be a very effective technique for high speed digital communications in environments affected by high interference and multipath propagation. However, the principle of OFDM that brings this advantage (the use of several sub-carriers resulting in a proportionally longer symbol period in each sub-carrier) brings also one of the major drawbacks of this technique. As the number of sub-carriers Nc increase, the OFDM signal dynamic becomes larger. This happens because for each sub-carrier there is a signal with random phase and amplitude. In other words, OFDM signals have a large Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) [1]. This characteristic makes the OFDM system very sensitive to non-linear distortions.
SIMULATION & EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF PARTIAL DISCHARGE IN INSULATING MATERIALS FOR HIGH VOLTAGE POWER EQUIPMENTS[Full-Text ] Nidhi Singh, Subhra Debdas, Rajeev ChauhanInsulators are the integral part of the high voltage power equipments, several types of insulators are used in high voltage electrical power system to protect the power equipments. For the purpose of safety and better efficiency, it is necessary to keep the insulators in a healthy condition during its operation. As the insulators are always in impure form due to presence of air bubbles (void) /other impurities inside the insulators, the local electrical breakdown is so called partial discharge (PD) takes place due to the high voltage stresses. Due to this, PD occurs and property of insulators deteriorates enormously. Therefore, detection of PD is the one of the important task for electrical engineers to keep the high voltage power equipment in healthy condition. In this paper an experimental and simulation model study of both solid and liquid insulators has been done. Perspex as a solid insulator and oil as a liquid insulator are taken for realization of actual PD activity inside the insulators with the application of high voltages. Electrical equivalent model of the insulators has been developed using MATLAB Simulink environment with a cubical void (air bubble) as an impurity is taken inside the insulator. In this study, the maximum amplitude of PD, partial discharge pulses at different applied voltages, and amplitude of PD breakdown voltages with frequency are studied for the analysis of partial discharge characteristics in the insulating materials.
TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE HEALTH CARE DELIVERY: A CASE STUDY OF DELSUTH, OGHARA, NIGERIA.[Full-Text ] Okene David Ese, Sogbaike Oluwasegun, Obotor FelixAs medical science advances and the applications of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to healthcare operations diffuse more and more, data and information begin to permeate healthcare databases and repositories. However, given the voluminous nature of these disparate data assets, it is no longer possible for healthcare providers to process these data without the aid of sophisticated tools and technologies. It is against this backdrop, that persistent calls have been made for the application of knowledge management within the context of hospital management in order to help hospitals achieve sustainable competitive advantage. From interviews, it was found for instance, that a specific clinical care problem may be attributed to the patient’s personal condition, disease specifics, disease history, family background, treatment history, medication history, or other factors. The complexity of clinical care knowledge, in other words, often derives from a great number of factors, and, in making a treatment decision; one must consider the subtle relationships among these many factors. The ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant factors and to identify the relationships among them is a core competence of true experts. It was also found that, although theoretical knowledge gained from books and journals is valuable in developing medical expertise, it is practical experience in dealing with specific cases that truly builds a medical doctor’s professional expertise and the hospital’s knowledge repository.
Abundance and distribution of soil Acarina in natural and degraded forest ecosystem at Pathalipam, Lakhimpur, Assam[Full-Text ] MINATI BORAH and L.N. KAKATIAbundance and distribution of soil Acarina in two contrasting forest ecosystem was studied for one year at Pathalipam, Lakhimpur, Assam (26°48´- 27°53´ N latitude and 93°42´- 94°20´E longitude, altitude 101 m amsl). Population densities of soil Acarina were more in natural forest site (396.94 x 102m-2 ) than degraded forest (226.32 x 102m-2) contributing 39.26% and 37.51% respectively to the total soil microarthropods. Percentage contribution of Acarina to total soil microarthropods in different depth layers also exhibited similar trend which is reflected as 40.91%, 40.47% and 33.81% in 0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm layers respectively. Acarina constituted 44.03%, 31.21% and 25.23% at 0-10cm, 10-20cm and 20-30cm soil layers respectively to the total soil microarthropods. In degraded site, acarine population is comparatively less than the natural forest. Among the sub-orders of Acarina, Cryptostigmata (42.28%) was found to be the most dominant group followed by Mesostigmata (36.62%), Prostigmata (11.58%) and Astigmata (9.53%) in natural forest, while in degraded forest contribution to total Acarina population was shared by Cryptostigmata (65.29%) and Mesostigmata (34.71%,) having no record of the latter two groups. Cryptostigmata, Mesostigmata, Prostigmata and Astigmata were recorded in all soil layers in decreasing order in natural and degraded forest having no record of Prostigmata and Astigmata in degraded forest. While significant correlationship of Acarina with different physical factors were established, but ihe relationship with chemical factors was not found to be significant except for soil potassium in both natural and degraded forest ecosystems.
MEMS based Viscometric Biosensor to continuously detect Glucose level of a diabetic patient[Full-Text ] Abhishek Mallik, Diptyajit Das, Soumyajit Routh, Satyajit Bhowmick, Anik Karan, Sauvik Das GuptaIn this paper a MEMS viscometric sensor is produced for glucose monitoring. Glucose sensing mechanism is based on affinity binding principles using solution of dextran residues on the nanospheres and Concanavalin-A (Con A). The sensing is based on the vibration measurement of the micro cantilever placed in the microchamber. The microchamber is filled with the proposed Glyconanospheres which is used for higher affinitytowards glucose. The sensor design, sensing mechanism, fabrication process is reported. Sensor design using L-EDIT is shown.
Oxidation of urea in human urine using flow-by porous graphite electrode[Full-Text ] Nabil M. Abdel-Monem, Omar E. Abdel-Salam, Ahmed F. Nassar, Mahmoud H. MahmoudIn this study, experiments were carried out using a bench-scale electrochemical cell incorporating flow-by porous graphite electrodes for oxidation of human urine was collected from a mosque during baths on urea were analyzed and found that the concentration ranges of of urea between 50 to 100 ppm. The effect of anodic current density, and influent feed flow rate, on basic process indices, the removal rate of urea, and current efficiency, and energy consumptions, were investigated. The experimental results showed that, the removal rates of urea increased with increasing the current density; at the same time, the energy power consumption increased, and the current efficiency decreased. At human urine concentration of 100 ppm, the maximum current efficiency is 27, the maximum removal rate is 0.33 g/h, and minimum energy consumption is 196 kWh/kg.