Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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Adaptive Coupling of Heterogeneous Mobile Communications Networks[Full-Text ] Anwar MousaAdaptive coupling is a new proposed integration mechanism that adaptively changes coupling level from loose to tight and to very tight according to networks’ load status and delay constraints. Test results show that the adaptive coupling algorithm mitigates the problem of increased packet loss rate- due to load congestion- for the cases of tight and very tight coupling. In the same time it alleviates the problems of long delay and high dropping probability during vertical handover in the case of loose coupling.
Exergy and Efficiency Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plant[Full-Text ] Padma Dhar Garg, Satender Dehiya, Ankit Barasiya, Aditya Rahangdale, Vijay Shankar KumawatCombined cycle power plants with a gas turbine topping cycle and steam turbine bottoming cycle are widely used due to their high energy efficiencies. Combined cycle cogeneration has the possibility to produce power and process heat more efficiently, leading to higher performance and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the performance of a combined cycle cogeneration configuration based on energy and exergy analyses approaches. The effect of operating conditions on combined cycle efficiency, combined cycle cogeneration efficiency, power outputs and exergy destruction are investigated. The operating conditions investigated include gas turbine pressure ratio, gas turbine inlet temperature, process heat load and ambient conditions. It is demonstrated that a combined cycle cogeneration unit, operates more efficiently and produces less carbon dioxide than two separate, power production and process heat systems. The exergy analysis identifies the sources of irreversibility in the system and aids in the evaluation of losses and outputs by examining their quality. Exergy analysis of the combined Brayton/Rankine power cycle of NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) Dadri India is done. Theoretical exergy analysis is carried out for different combined cycle power plant which consists of a gas turbine unit, heat recovery steam generator without extra fuel consumption and steam turbine unit. The results pinpoint that more exergy losses occurred in the gas turbine combustion chamber reaching 35% of the total exergy losses, while the exergy losses in the other plant components are between 7% and 21% of the total exergy losses at 1400°C turbine inlet temperature and pressure ratio 10. The paper also considered the effect of the pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, pressure drop in combustion chamber and heat recovery steam generator on the exergy losses in the plant. Significant exergy loss is observed on changing pressure ratio and inlet temperature.
UMRT based Adaptive Block Size Transform Coder for Images Using Quad-tree partitioning[Full-Text ] M S Anish Kumar, Preetha Basu, R GopikakumariVariable block size (VBS) transform coding techniques have been proven to be capable of enhancing performance of a fixed size transform coding system. However, the criterion of determining the block size used still remains to be devised. In this paper, a new criterion for quad-tree partitioning of images based on UMRT and a new UMRT based adaptive block size transform coder are proposed. The new criterion determines the block size suitable for coding a particular area of an image. The purpose of the algorithm is to take advantage of large uniform regions that can be coded as a single large unit instead of smaller units and to use smaller units to code fine details. It is shown that the variable block size UMRT based transform coding system using the proposed UMRT based decision criterion offers better performance for all images tested.
Trade Liberalization in Nigeria: An Examination of Impact and Policy Strategies[Full-Text ] Ijeoma, N. B.This study examined the impact and policy strategies of trade liberalization in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to determine the level of implementation of trade instruments and strategies, and to ascertain if the policy direction for foreign trade has been vigorously pursued over the years in Nigeria. The method of data collection used in this study was field survey method involving the use of questionnaire. A sample of 95 questionnaires was administered to a cross section of importers and exporters, top banks management staff and members of the legislative house in Nigeria. The statistical tool used in analyzing the data was the Chi-square test statistic. From the result of the analysis, it was found that majority of the respondents believed that the implementation of trade instrument and strategies has been very low since the option “very low” recorded the highest column total. Also, the null hypothesis was rejected since the chi-square test statistic value obtained was 45.088 and a p-value of 0.006, which fall on the rejection region (p-value= 0.006 ). Hence, the implementation of trade instrument and strategy in Nigeria has been low over the years. Also, it was observed that majority of the respondents claim that policy direction for foreign trade has been low since the option “low” recorded the highest column total. Also, the null hypothesis was accepted since the chi-square test statistic value obtained was 21.614 and a p-value of 0.602, which fall on the acceptance region (p-value= 0.602 ). This result implies that policy direction for foreign trade has not been vigorously pursued. From the stand point of the findings, we recommend that the government should make effort to drastically reduce the uncertainty and unpredictability of the trade policy regime, as this serves as disincentive to investment in Nigerian economy.
An Improved Medical Image coding technique based on Seam Identification and SPIHT[Full-Text ] M.Moorthi, Dr.R.AmuthaThis paper proposes an improved medical image compression based on seam identification using integer wavelet transform and near loss-less encoding techniques, image retargeting is generally required at the user end of the mobile multimedia communications. This work ad-dresses the increasing demand of visual signal delivery to terminals with arbitrary resolutions, without heavy computational burden to the receiving end. The block based seam energy map is generated in the pixel domain for each input image and the integer wavelet transform (IWT) is performed on the retargeted image. IWT coefficients here are grouped and encoded according to the resultant seam energy map using SPIHT followed by arithmetic coding. At the decoder side, the end user has the ultimate choice for the spatial scalability without the need to examine the visual content; the received images with an arbitrary resolution preserve important content while achieving high coding efficiency for transmission.
Pigovian Tax And Rethinking the Role of State[Full-Text ] Ruchira Boss, Dikshita BaidA Pigovian tax is a tax applied to a market activity that generates negative externalities. The tax is intended to correct the market outcome. In the presence of negative externalities, the social cost of a market activity is not covered by the private cost of the activity. In such a case, the market outcome is not efficient and may lead to over-consumption of the product. A Pigovian tax equal to the negative externality is thought to correct the market outcome back to efficiency. Most of the criticism of the Pigovian tax relate to the determination of the tax and the implementation. There are various factors that can complicate the implementation of Pigovian Tax such as social cost cannot be measured, the tax amount should be fixed or political factors etc.
Ontology Based Framework for Web Page Information Extraction[Full-Text ] Naveen Gupta, Amit Sinhal.Nature of Web information is dynamic and irregular that’s why it is difficult to search and integrate information from the Web. The biggest task in making WWW data accessible to users/agents is extracting the data from Web pages. We take advantage of information in existing Web pages to creating structured data semi-automatically. Extraction of information from semi-structured or unstructured documents, such as Web pages, is a useful yet complex task. Research has demonstrated that ontology may be used to achieve a high degree of accuracy in data extraction while maintaining resiliency in the face of document changes. . This paper proposes an ontology-based information extraction system and its application to online book store domain. Testing result shows that this algorithm doesn’t rely on the page structure and it can increase the recall and precision of information extraction.
Investigation of the Major HCV Genotype in Asymptomatic Patients in Iraq by the Use of Reverse- transcription PCR[Full-Text ] GhanimA.Al-mola,HashimR.Tarish, Karar M. Abdulsada, Rafah Hady Lateef Globally, asymptomatic patients represent approximately 80% of total hepatitis C virus patients as indicated by Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) based viral genotyping. The present study was conducted to detect HCV genotypes and their prevalence among the asymptomatic populations from five Iraqi governorates (Najaf, Babylon, Qadisyia, Karbala and Baghdad governorates), as the asymptomatic patients globally represent about 80% from total HCV patients by using of viral genotyping through RT-PCR analysis. A875 samples were collected from different study groups. The total asymptomatic HCV positive cases by RT-PCR test were 103 out of 875, the genotype 4 was the predominant genotype that appeared in 89.4% of the pa-tients followed by genotypes 1b, 2b, 3a and 6a which had been found in 6.79%, 2.91%, 2.91% and 1.94% of the asymptomatic patients, respectively. The current study provide the first information in Iraq at least in the study areas about the presence of HCV genotypes 2b and 6a
Integrative Approach of Nanotechnology[Full-Text ] Akash Pardeshi, Nilanshu RamtekeNanotechnology is engineering and manufacturing at the molecular scale, thereby taking advantage of the unique properties that exist at that scale. Nanotechnology offers unprecedented opportunities for progress—defeating poverty, starvation, and disease, opening up outer space, and expanding human capacities. This paper explains exponential general-purpose molecular manufacturing, the basic concepts behind it, and inters disciplinary approach of Nanotechnology. This paper reviews the study of the different aspects of Nanotechnology such as Nanomedicine in curing the different type of diseases, Nanoelectronics offers a new approach for the electronic industry in the form of new circuit material, processors and storage devices, Environmental Nanotech includes cleaning up existing pollution and making alternatives energy sources more cost effective, Energy applications of Nanotechnology presents a way to replace fossil fuels with cheap sustainable energy. This paper reveals the fact that Nanotechnology has a positive economic impact on society.
Occurrence of Arctostrea: Existence of high energy Paleoenvironment in Cauvery basin, India during Late Cretaceous.[Full-Text ] Riffin T.SajeevThe distribution of ammonites in Arogyapuram/Dalmiapuram, Ariyalur and Senthurai areas show a maximum abundance at Ariyalur and a decrease in its abundance from Ariyalur around 30-35 Km. An uplift which caused marine regression throughout Cauvery basin was proposed by earlier workers. In the present study author propose a terrain style at Cauvery basin with respect to Senthurai, Ariyalur and Dalmiapuram in early Cretaceous and after uplift in late Cretaceous. The Rastellum (Arcostrea) genus in cavery basin may have originated in late Jurassic with adaptive modifications like high toothed commissure. The reason for such adaptation is the existence of high energy environment with heavy sedimentation. Arcostrea, comprising strongly elongated, slender, arcuate forms with high zigzag commissure were dominant during this time.
Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Four Stroke Engine with Nanosized Copper Coated Catalytic Converter[Full-Text ] Mukesh Thakur, Dr. N.K. SaikhedkarThis paper basically deals with behavioural modeling and analysis of a four stroke engine including a prepared model of catalytic converter. The modeling can be very helpful to analyse the mathematical nature of the process of exhaust emission reduction through catalytic converter and analysis gives pollutant concentration. The basic idea of behavioral modeling starts from analyzing the practical behavior of four stroke engine and designed catalytic convertor and then approximating obtained behavior in terms of mathematical equations. These obtained equations actually represent behavior of concern system. AVL-422 gas analyzer was used for measurement and comparison for CO and unburnt hydrocarbon in the exhaust of the engine at various speeds and loads. In the present work, some modifications have been designed to provide more time for its oxidation and thereby to reduce harmful emissions.
A new MIMC protocol to reduce message overhead in WLAN mesh networks[Full-Text ] Chitender Kaur and Dr. Sandeep Singh KangWireless mesh networks provides a new area of technology set to play an important role in the next generation wireless mobile networks. With the increase of usage of wireless networks where the nodes are either stationary or minimally mobile, focus is on increasing the network capacity of wireless networks. WLAN mesh networks have been widely used for military scenarios, residential areas, campus/public access and remote areas. 802.11s is the standard of WLAN mesh network and it uses various channel and interfaces for fulfilling the requirement of users. Particularly, we have single interface, single channel (SISC) for communication. Moreover, multi interface, multi channel (MIMC) also provides huge resources now days. Using multi-interfaces and multi-channels (MIMC) is essential in increasing capacity and performance of emerging wireless mesh networks. In selecting path in mesh network, channel diversity is the prime factor for the better throughput of the path. Path selection algorithm basically utilizes the same path discovery mechanism of the HWMP. Channel diversity has been considered the prime factor in path selection as explained in related study. In this paper, we proposed a new MIMC routing protocol which is fully compatible with HWMP protocol and analyze the misbehavior of current SISC environment in the path selection process. Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP) defined in 802.11s is a default path selection protocol for a wireless mesh network. In the simulation study, we will focus on the reduction of control message overhead by providing timely arranged intervals and we will control the flow of the communication with experimentation of Single Channel Single Interface and Multi Interface Multi Channel Schemes.
Secure and Shortest Path by Modifying RREP Packet of AODV Protocol[Full-Text ] Harjot Kaur Buttar, Shakti Raj ChopraThe mobile Ad hoc networks are the self configuring type of network in which the mobile nodes can move freely in the environment, even when they are communicating with the other mobile nodes.
Comparison of Analytical Solutions of DGLAP Evolution Equations[Full-Text ] R. RajkhowaWe explain particular, unique, approximate solutions of the Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) evolution equations and also solutions of DGLAP evolution equations by using regge behaviour of structure functions and method of characteristic for t and x-evolutions of singlet and non-singlet structure functions in leading order (LO) and next-to-leading order (NLO). Hence t-evolution of deuteron, proton, neutron and difference of proton and neutron and x-evolution of deuteron, proton and neutron structure functions in LO and NLO at low-x from DGLAP evolution equations. The results of t and x-evolutions are compared with experimental data and global parameterization in different kinematics region. We also compare the solutions of DGLAP evolution equations among themselves.
Improvisation of CSMA in multi-hop wireless network using Markov chain model[Full-Text ] VivekanandThe first contribution in this paper is to introduce a distributed adaptive carrier sense multiple access (DCSMA) algorithm for a general interference model. It is inspired by CSMA, but maybe applied to more general resource sharing problems (i.e., not limited to wireless networks). We show that if packet collisions are ignored (as in some of the mentioned references), the algorithm can achieve maximal throughput by using Markov chain model which is used for scheduling the path for data transmission. The contribution is to combine the proposed scheduling algorithm with congestion control using a novel technique to achieve fairness among competing flows as well as maximal throughput.
Comparison of Image Preprocessing Techniques on Fundus Images for Early Diagnosis of Glaucoma[Full-Text ] Mrs.S.Rathinam, Dr.S.SelvarajanThese Glaucoma is one of the major causes of blindness. Glaucoma is a group of conditions, in which high pressure inside the eye damages the optic nerve of the eye. Glaucoma usually affects both the eyes. It commonly occurs in adults above 40 years of age, but can even occur in newborn babies. The vision lost due to glaucoma is irreversible and can not be regained. Hence it is very important to detect this disease as early as possible and treat early to preserve vision. Preprocessing of eye fundus image is a crucial initial step before further analysis is performed. Many preprocessing techniques are available in the literature. In this paper, the performance of five preprocessing techniques are compared namely Contrast adjustment, Adaptive Histogram equalization,Median filtering, Average filtering and Homomorphic filtering. The performance of these techniques are evaluated using Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR).
Study of vertical distribution of tropospheric Aerosol Number Density[Full-Text ] Pratibha B. ManeAtmospheric aerosols are the suspension of fine particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. Aerosol measurements have been carried out at Kolhapur (16°42'N, 74°14'E) by using newly designed Semiautomatic Twilight Photometer. Some noticeable features of the semiautomatic twilight photometer are improvement in efficiency of the system, signal to noise ratio, height resolution, low level intensity measurement, duration of operation of the system, rate of sampling, accuracy in storing the data etc. The twilight scattering method yields a reasonable qualitative picture of the day-to-day variability of the vertical distribution of the aerosol number density per cm3 (AND) (Here after aerosol number density per cm3 is called as AND) from about 6 km to a maximum of 350 km. The tropospheric aerosol loading showed monthly and seasonal variations also. The monthly variations were in good agreements with Hindu lunar months. More sets of observations are essential to arrive at definite conclusion. The aerosol loading at 6-7 Km showed well agreement between morning and evening aerosol loading, (exceptions of cloudy period). The Lower middle tropospheric aerosol loading (at 6-7 Km) was ~10 times and ~15 times higher than that of middle and higher tropospheric aerosol loading respectively.
A Framework of Service Architecture of a University Consortium Information System[Full-Text ] Wasefer Zaman, Pramatha Nath BasuIn this paper, a design of service architecture of an information system for a University Consortium is discussed. It foresees a situation where a consortium is to be formed by a number of universities from diverse geographical locations. The consortium will thrive for the conservation of resources by avoiding unnecessary duplication and by allowing healthy competition among member institutions. The information system is a conglomeration of service architecture and functional model. During design of the functional model e-learning standards have been taken into consideration. Service architecture of university consortium information system has been designed using web services. Functional model consists of SCORM compliant LMS for tracking students’ activity and LCMS for managing the process of assembling and delivery of learning content and credit calculation and credit transfer. In the service architecture, web services have been incorporated for the communication between consortium and member universities to maintain the interoperability of the systems. In the proposed framework of University Consortium Information System both quality of education and quality of the system functioning are taken into consideration.
ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTING OF CIPROFLOXACIN & CEFEPIME AGAINST STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS & ESCHERICHIA COLI[Full-Text ] Tuba Siddiqui, Baqir S.Naqvi, Nausheen Alam, Lubna Bashir, Shazia Naz, Ghazala Naqvi, Mirza Taswar Baig, Sabiha TasleemExcessive and Discriminate usage of antibiotics is the major cause of microbal resistance to the majority of antimicrobial agents is a serious and global problem On the other hand high prevalence of drug resistance bacteria in the indigenous focal flora, lack of education poor standards of sanitation and prevalaence of malnutrition are the other contributing factors. This problem is at its extreme in developing countries like Pakistan. Therefore the development of the survilance program at National level is one of the most effective ways to control antibiotic resistance .To accomplish this task fifty clinical isolates of each of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were collected from different hospitals and pathological laboratories in Karachi. These isolates were evaluated against Ciprotloxacin and Cefepime to investigate their susceptibility. The anti bacterial activity of Ciprofloxacin and Cefepime was carried out by disc diffusion method. Ciprofloxacin is 74 % and 68% sensitive to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and shows 26% and 32% resistance respectively. Cefepime is 92% and 78% sensitive to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and shows 8% and 22% resistance respectively. Hence it has been evaluated that all these clinical isolates have developed resistance to Ciprofloxacin and Cefepime. So that present study reinforce the adherenc to antibiotic control policy and regular susceptibility testing to tackle the problem of anti-micobial resistance.
Modular Design and Control of Humanoid Robot Arm[Full-Text ] Kapse S.S., Kapse S.K.Humanoid robots are used to mimic the human movement in human oriented environment. They are designed and built to work autonomously with no harm to human. In this paper design, and control of humanoid robot arm is concentrated. Modular design of humanoid robot arm extended more flexibility and variety in use of arm.The modular arm resembles actual human arm in movement and appearance, is built using PMDC motors, gear trams, breaks and motor drives. The modular design of humanoid arm is having 7-Dof similar to human arm. The mechanical modular design made it sufficiently small and compact compared to currently available Humanoid robot arm. The developed arm is controlled using the PIC 18F4580 microcontroller. The multi finger gripper is capable of grasping any shape object very precisely. For getting the amount of force applied on object while grasping, flexi force sensor strip is attached to each finger in contrast to previously used pressure pads. The developed modular arm is more suitable for human interactive task. Arm is composed of links and modular joints so that arm can handle 3kg payload even with full arm extension.
Analyzing 3D IC PDNs Using Multiple Clock Domains to Obtain Worst-Case Power Supply Noise and Temperature Variations[Full-Text ] Mallikarjun.P.Y, Dr.Y.S.Kumarswamy This work presents power and thermal integrity issues obtained from multiple clock domains in 3D IC Power Delivery Network [PDN]. First, we introduce how power supply noise is distributed on each tier and how it derives to worst case noise. Second, we examine the performance of thermal analysis in each tier. Finally, we present how heat is distributed among multiple clock domains. Experiment results show that the amount of noise and heat transfer in each tier is mainly contributed from TSVs. SPICE simulation is used to obtain the worst-case power supply noise and temperature Variations on 3D IC PDNs.
MEASURING RELIABILITY OF n-CASCADE SYSTEM UNDER RANDOM STRESS ATTENTION[Full-Text ] DIGVIJAY SINGHIn this paper the author has considered the system reliability of n-cascade system with stress following normal distribution and strength following exponential distribution. They concluded that even for fewer values of stress and strength parameter a high reliability could be high degree of reliability.
AVAILABILITY ANALYSIS OF A TWO-UNIT STANDBY SYSTEM WITH DELAYED REPLACEMENT UNDER PERFECT SWITCHING[Full-Text ] VIRESH SHARMA, DIGVIJAY SINGHIn this paper, the author has initiated the study of availability of the system which consists of two identical cold standby units with constant failure rates. Initially, one unit is operative while other remains as standby. Each of the units of the system has three modes, i.e., normal, degraded and total failure. The system fails when both the units fail totally and may also fail due to common cause failure. The time taken in replacement of a failed unit by a standby unit is not negligible but is a random variable.
Voltage regulation of wind farm connected to distribution network using fuzzy supervisory control[Full-Text ] Aouchenni Ounissa, Aouzellag Djamal and Lahaçani Aouzellag NarimenHigh penetration of wind energy into the networks may introduce stability and power quality problems due to the fluctuating nature of the wind and the increasing complexity of the power system. This paper describes a novel approach to voltage control for radial electrical distribution networks with connected wind farm using fuzzy supervisory control (FSC). A control strategy of the inverter coupling a wind farm with the electrical network will be carried out, this inverter will be used as a static compensator (STATCOM). Through the example of 14 nodes distribution network, this study proves that the method is feasible. The results also show that this control is suitable for regulate the desired power flows in a power network and to provide the best voltage profile in the system as well as to minimize the system transmission losses when inserting the wind farm in the electrical network.
Optimization of Benzyl Alcohol production via biotransformation of benzaldehyde using free cell of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in presence the ß-Cyclodextrin[Full-Text ] Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju, S.K. Layokun, Ojediran, J. OIn this work, Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the production of benzyl alcohol (BA) via the biotransformation of benzaldehyde using free cell of Saccharomyces cerevisiae presence ß -Cyclodextrin. Specifically, response surface methodology was applied, and the effect of five variables, viz. cell weight, incubation time, acetaldehyde conc., benzaldehyde conc. and ß-CD level and their reciprocal were determined. Central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to generate 50 individual experiments, which were designed to study the effects of these factors during the process. A statistical model predicted the highest biotransformation yield of BA to be 327.259 (mg/100 ml) at the following ooptimized variables conditions: cell weight of 6.00 g (wet. wt), incubation time of 80 min, acetaldehyde conc. of 400.00 (µg/100 ml), benzaldehyde conc. of 500.00 (mg/100 ml) and ß-CD level of 3.20 %. Using these variables under experimental condition in three independent replicates, an actual BA yield of 326.00 (mg/100 ml) was obtained. The physical properties of produced BA suggests that its could be used effectively in health care as well as in industries.
Breast Cancer detection System based on Comprehensive Wavelet Features of Mammogram Images and Neural Network[Full-Text ] Sardar P.YabaPhD.The diagnosis system of mammogram images of breast cancer mainly consists of image preprocessing which includes image enhancement and image deionizing feature extraction, and classification. The feature extraction plays a very important role in breast cancer classification system. This paper is presented the comprehensive statistical texture feature extraction method uses Haar DWT. The proposed algorithm calculates max and min medians as well as the standard deviation and average of detail images obtained from wavelet filters, then comes by feature vectors and attempts to classify the given mammogram using a probabilistic neural network with a single hidden layer. In this study along with the proposal of using median of optimum points as the basic feature and its comparison with the rest of the statistical features in the wavelet field, the relational advantages of Haar wavelet is investigated. This method has been experimented on a number of malignant and benign mammogram. The experimentation shows that proposed method improves the performance. Amongst the other advantages, high speed and low calculating load are prominent because it’s not involve image segmentation, hence reduce computational complexity.
Synchronizer Performance Malfunction In Manual Gearboxes – An Overview[Full-Text ] UMESH WAZIRSpeed changes in manual transmissions are made by shifting toothed cone clutches rather than individual gears as the gears are always in mesh. Today, synchronizers are used in all manual transmissions including trucks and commercial vehicles. Most synchronizing systems are patented or covered under copyright act. Little technical information is available in public domain.This paper is offered as a guide to acquaint and familiarize the engineer with various gear synchronizing mechanisms used in today’s ve-hicles. A review giving application, features and limitations of the current level of technology is presented
An Ad-Hock Methodology for Optimal Placement/Area of PZT for Flutter Damping[Full-Text ] Sallam ahmed kouritem, Mohamed Mostafa Y. B. Elshabasy, Hassan Anwar El-GamalA coupled structural-electrical finite element model of aluminum panel with embedded piezoelectric actuators is subjected to supersonic flow. The von Karman large –deflection strain-displacement relations and the first order shear deformation theory for laminated panels are utilized. Quasi steady first-order piston theory aerodynamics for aerodynamic loading and the linear piezoelectricity constitutive relations are used. Nonlinear equations of motion are obtained using the four node Bogner Fox-Schmit (BFS) rectangular plate element. Besides, electrical degree of freedom is presented to model piezoelectric actuator. The modal transformation is used to decrease the time consumed in solving system of nonlinear equations. The output feedback controller using a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) full state feedback is designed to obtain the gain factors. The optimal size and location of piezoelectric actuators to improve the flutter suppression are determined using an ad-hock iterative method. The results show that the proposed method gives better results than those obtained by the norm of the optimal feedback control gain (NFCG). A modal participation and optimal number of modes is presented.
BAYESIAN PROCEDURE IN PHENOLOGICAL STUDY USING INFORMATIVE PRIOR UNDER CONSTANT TIME SERIES MODEL[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar PandeyAt the present time the climate change is the recent topic of discussion to all of us. The statistical methods are necessary to consider the effect of climate change concerned to human being. Here we will develop a Bayesian Methodology in Phenology using informative prior in Constant Time Series Model. Here we will adopt non- parametric estimation.
A NOVEL TEXTILE DYE DECOLOURISING BACTERIA- A REPORT[Full-Text ] Mabel Joshaline.C, Subathra.M, Shyamala.M and Padma.SA Novel bacterial sp namely Kurthia were isolated from textile dye effluent. The ability of isolated Kurthia sp to decolorize the three triphenyl methane dyes namely Crystal violet, Melachite green, Brillant green, Triarylmethane dyes, Bromothymol blue, Basic fuchsin, phenol red were observed with lower and higher concentration of dyes. The decolourization studies were performed on hourly basis and daily basis and Dissolved Oxygen values were estimated for Kurthi sp and they are treated and untreated synthetic dye solutions. It was observed that complete decolourization occurred within 48 hours with 10ppm and 20ppm of the three dyes. 0ppm and 40 ppm of Crystal violet was degraded upto 98% and 94%, respectively in 72 hours. 30ppm of Malachite green and Brilliant green were degraded 100% within 48 hrs. 40ppm of Malachite green and Brilliant green were decolorized by 98% and 96% respectively in 48 hrs. It was observed that 100% decolourization of Crystal violet of 1ppm, 2ppm, 3ppm and 4 ppm concentration occurred with 45, 90, 135, and 180 minutes, respectively. Complete decolourization was noted in Malachite green and Brilliant green for concentration within time interval of 45 to 225 min. 6ppm of both Malachite green and Brilliant green was decolorized by 98% within 270 minutes. The Dissolved Oxygen values of Malachite green and Crystal violet controls were 5.6ppm, 5.4ppm, 5.5ppm respectively. The Dissolved Oxygen levels of corresponding Kurthia treated cell free filtrate were 7.3ppm, 7.4ppm and 7.3ppm.
An Analysis of Performace of Conatiner Video Encryptions[Full-Text ] Dinesh Goyal, Shivam Sharma, Dr. Naveen HemrajaniThe video containers are the basic formats of video, developed to satisfy the requirements of different applications for various purposes, better picture quality, and more error robustness. AVI, MOV, MTS, DAT are some of such formats. In this paper, the various video encryption techniques are attempted on AVI, DAT & MTS formats and their performance is analyzed by encrypting them using chaotic map selective encryption. The parameter of analysis is size of video before and after encryption and time taken to encrypt the video file.
STUDIES ON THE RENATURATION KINETICS OF DNA ON ADDITION OF CINNAMON EXTRACT.[Full-Text ] ZEHRA FATIMA & BATUL SHABBIRContinuity of species from one generation to other is mainly due to stability of genetic material that is DNA, DNA is a complex self replicating molecule were mistakes during replication may occur or it may be damaged by some intrinsic or extrinsic factors
SYNTHESIS OF TRANS-4-CYCLOHEXYL-L-PROLINE BY HYDROGENATION OF TRANS-4-PHENYL-L-PROLINE USING RUTHENIUM[Full-Text ] V. Pandu Ranga Rao,N. Senthil Kumar, Y. S. Somannavar Shankar B. Redd Aminul Islam, and B .Hari BabuHydrogenation of phenyl moiety of (trans)-4-phenyl-L-proline (13) in the presence of catalyst 5%w/w ruthenium on carbon gave (trans)-4-cyclohexyl-L-proline (7) in good yield and high purity. Ruthenium on carbon is safe and suitable for hydrogenation of phenyl moiety of compound 13, in larger scale synthesis of (trans)-4-cyclohexyl-L-proline (7). Catalyst effect on hydrogenation of phenyl moiety of (trans)-4-phenyl-L-proline (13) is described.