Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
Publication for Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 is in-process.
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The Distribution of the Average run Length (ARL) of the Cusum Control Charts for Binomial Parameters when Observation are Poisson Distributed[Full-Text ] Edokpa I.W., Osabuohien-Irabor Osa., Ogbeide E. MichaelIn this study, the average run lengths (ARL) of the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) charts for the binomial distribution when the underlying distribution is Poisson were obtained. It is observed that the parameters of the ARL changes considerably for a slight changes in the parameters o the underlying distribution.
Some Security Aspects at Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Irfan ShaqiriIn this paper we discuss some security threats, attacks, countermeasures and challenges faced by Wireless Sensor Networks. They have become a wide field of research and development because of the enormous number of applications that can highly profit from such systems and has led to the development of cheap, available and self-contained battery powered computers, known as sensor nodes or “motesâ€, which can accept input from an attached sensor, process this input data and transmit the results wirelessly to the transit network. Despite making such sensor networks possible, wireless nature of the sensors presents a number of security threats when deployed for certain applications like healthcare ,surveillances, military etc. The issue of security is as result of the wireless nature of the sensor networks and restricted nature of resources on the wireless sensor nodes, which means that security architectures used for traditional wireless networks are not applicable. Also, wireless sensor networks have an additional vulnerability because nodes are often located in enemy or dangerous environment where they are not physically protected by anyone.
A Review on Wearable – Textile Patch Antenna[Full-Text ] Sweety Purohit,Falguni RavalWireless communication technology increasing day by day because of rapid development of antenna. Wearable antenna is mainly used in medical field, mobile communication, navigation and military. Wearable antenna is device which used as man and machine interface device, which is part of smart clothing. Textile patch antenna used fabric material for substrate, patch and ground and it becomes part of wearable clothing.Fabric dielectric constant is low so it is used to reduce to surface wave losses and improve bandwidth.There is certain criteria for selection of fabric as substrate or patch and using different method it can fabricate.
An Efficient Representation of Shape for Object Recognition and Classification using Circular Shift Method[Full-Text ] G.Karuna, Dr.B.Sujatha, Dr.P.Chandrasekhar ReddyObject recognition/classification is a hugely researched domain in the areas of computer vision & image processing. The most valuable feature for object recognition is its shape, which is defined for 2D space. In which, a circular shift algorithm is used for finding the exact shape of the object. Finding an appropriate set of features is an essential problem in the design of object recognition system. Before going to recognize the object, first find the shape of the object then a K-nearest neighbor classifier is used for classification. The experimental result shows that the method for classification gives impressive results of above 96% when it was tested on Flavia dataset that contains 32 kinds of plant leaves. It means that the method gives better performance compared to the original work.
Color Based Segmentation Iris image for Secure Distributed Systems[Full-Text ] Ameer A. Mohammed Baqer, Hind Rostom MohammedCredit card fraud is one of the crimes especially when it is used for web-based transaction. In this paper, a technical solution using Efficient and fast Iris authentication technique is proposed for protecting identity theft in e-commerce transactions. Therefore, this research proposes a web-based architecture which uses a combination of Image Processing and secure transmission of customers’ Iris templates along with credit card details for decreasing credit card frauds over Internet. Iris image detection method based on color based segmentation and morphological operation is proposed. The color based segmentation takes in only two color spaces HSI and YCrCb, instead of three color spaces, followed by the morphological operations and a template matching. For each stage a novel algorithm which combines pixel and region based color segmentation techniques is used. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Quantify the Loss Reducion with Optimization of Capacitor Placement Using ICA Algorithm - A Case Study[Full-Text ] Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Moein Khosravi, Milad Askari Hashemabadi, Naser Amirtaheri, Mohammad Mozaffari LeghaIncreasing application of capacitor banks on distribution networks is the direct impact of development of technology and the energy disasters that the world is encountering
Dynamic key establishment and management to improve the scalability in heterogeneous sensor networks (HSN)[Full-Text ] Premamaydu B, Venkatarao K, Suresh varma PKey management is the most important in wireless sensor network to achieve secure data transmission between nodes in the wireless sensor networks. However, sensor nodes have most insufficient resources in terms of hardware, power, processing capacity, storage capacity. As a result, the key management and distribution of keys in the network could be an efficient in all aspects. This paper address the efficient key management method uses the dynamic key generation schemes for heterogeneous sensor networks (HSN). The proposed scheme preloads a one way collision-resistant hash function into the base station, cluster heads and sensor nodes. All the nodes in the network including cluster heads generate their key chains. The pairwise keys establish by cluster heads and cluster sensor nodes and group keys to provide the confidentiality over the data transmission in the network which are preloaded by the base station. This scheme addresses efficiency in number of keys, storage space required for sensor nodes, scalability and key revocation in the network.
Comparative Analysis of Two-Channel QMF Bank Designed by new Class of Adjustable Window Functions[Full-Text ] Jyotsna v. Ogale, Alok JainThis paper proposes an efficient method for the design of Pseudo Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank. Parent filter of the filter bank is designed using new class of adjustable window functions. Filter coefficients are optimized by varying the cutoff frequency. A comparative analysis is included to confirm the validity of the proposed work.
Instrumentation of Tissue Impedance Measurement System and the Detection of Cancer Tissue based on Capacitance Spectra of the Prostate[Full-Text ] Naheed Hossain, Md. Taslim Reza, AdnanQuaium, Mohammad Rakibul Islam, Kazi Khairul IslamIt is very important to identify the malignant tissue in the early stage to prevent cancer. Tissue impedance variation is a significant characteristic to identify the malignant tissue from suspected cancer tissue. We analyze the impedance of a set of practically measured malignant and benign tissue, collected from prostate of a number of patients. A simple tissue equivalent circuit is proposed and also found that for the applied supply frequency from 300 kHz to 500 kHz, a considerable deviation of tissue capacitance is found. We also discuss about the tissue impedance measurement system and the electronics setup used for this kind of measurement.
Optimized secure routing protocol to prevent Sybil attack in wireless sensor networks[Full-Text ] Prameet Kaur and Dr. Sandeep Singh KangA wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. WSN’s are a latest type of networked systems, characterized by strictly limited computational and energy resources, and an ad hoc operational environment. Wireless sensor networks have been widely used in emergency operations, habitat monitoring, remote areas, military scenarios, sensing motion applications, agriculture solutions and natural disaster hitted areas. For explicit application, it requires strong authentication and security mechanism for more security. Wireless sensor network are easy vulnerable to attack one of which is Sybil attack. Sybil attack is harmful against routing protocol which can drop data randomly. Sybil attack is defined as a process in which one node copies other node identity and misbehaves in the network. In this paper, we propose a security based on LEACH routing protocol against Sybil attack. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Hierarchy) routing protocol is the conventional clustering communication protocol which is commonly used in Wireless Sensor Networks. Major issue with LEACH routing protocol is energy consumption. In order to balance the energy consumption of each node, the nodes are selected as cluster head randomly and circularly. The mechanism is set up to detect Sybil attack based on the distance and hop count between the nodes and the prevention is done using encryption technique which is based on unique identities of the nodes. The performance parameters energy consumption is calculated. Its values show the efficiency of the proposed protocol.
Ethnography on Skype[Full-Text ] Niladri Sekhar Hore, Durga Suryanarayanan , Fairuz Ali Rehim, Lakshan Migara Abeyawardena ,Shilfa Janardhanam, Zubaida AbdullahiThis report presents the findings gathered from ethnography studies conducted on six Skype users. After evaluating the data gathered from our observations, we were able to identify the general Skype work practices, issues and problems related to the application, and we were able to suggest improvements for redesigning of the application. The participants belonged to different countries and had a different level of understanding when using Skype. The Ethnography was conducted in The University of Nottingham and participants were observed taking field-notes, recoding video and snapshots which is a part of observation process conducted.
Effect of cylindricity and roundness on thinned- wall welded tube of low carbon steel.[Full-Text ] Mohi Uddin Ahmed, Shayan HussainThe present study deals with the Axis shift distortion of the tubes after welding. Two seamless asymmetrical thinned wall tubes with 1.45mm thickness having an outer diameter of 118 mm were welded together using GTAW process. Using a specially designed welding back-up tool, high quality weld with full penetration was obtained. The results of cylindricity and roundness with and without back-up tool and external alignment fit up was obtained and investigated. The effect of tacking on geometrical tolerences was also included in this study.
Countermeasure Detection in the Two-Color Pulsed Infrared seekers Using Pulse Number[Full-Text ] S. Y. Alchekh Yasin, A. R.Erfanian, M. R. Mosavi, A. MohammadiOne of the important parts of the infrared seeker is the counter countermeasure part. Seeking in a field of view with the existence of jammers is not simple and needs effective algorithms. In this paper, several methods of the detection in a crossed array trachers (CAT) seeker will be designed, simulated and evaluated. One of these methods, which is detecting the flare using the pulses number relatively to an adaptive threshold, is a novel one.
Analysis Of Safety Climate In Fireworks Industries In Tamilnadu[Full-Text ] Ravi A, Dr.Gandhinathan RFireworks industries are more dangerous when compared to any other industries. Fire and explosion are common causes of the accidents in fireworks industries. The aim of the study was to analyse the accidents and find out the causes and give remedial measures to prevent the accidents. One hundred and twenty seven persons were died and sixty nine persons were injured in fireworks industries accidents during the period from 2010 to 2012. The result of the analysis shows that the workers are unaware of the dangers in the chemicals they are handling. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions are the main reasons for the accidents.
Responding to the Challenges of Global Climate Change in Nigeria through GIS mapping of Carbon IV oxide gas emission[Full-Text ] Ugonna C. Nkwunonwo and Oluwasoye P. MafimisebiClimate change is a global phenomenon and arguably the biggest threat to nature and humanity in recent times. In the developing countries (DCs), such as Nigeria, rapid growth in urbanization and demography increases the vulnerabilities of human populations to climate change events, such as flooding, landslide and hurricane. Responding to the challenges of global climate change (GCC) is focused on mitigating risks associated with climate change events, and assisting human populations to adapt to them. However, lack of accurate data, also limited access to technology, has caused major bottlenecks in achieving such goals in the DCs. To overcome such constraints, advantage should be taken of freely available data and open source applications by means of information technology (IT) and the internet, both of which can be used to good effect. Carbon IV oxide gas (CO2) is a major greenhouse gas commonly emitted in a range of anthropogenic activities, such as cooking, lighting and solid waste disposal, but an important consideration while responding to the challenges of GCC has been how to reduce the emission of such a greenhouse gas. This paper discusses Geographic Information System (GIS) and IT as useful tools for responding to the challenges of GCC, and presents an assessment of CO2 emission across the States of Nigeria, utilizing demographic data, while considering cooking, lighting and solid waste disposal. From the results, high scale emission of CO2 is taking place in 14 states of Nigeria, accounting for more than half of the total CO2 emission across the country from those anthropogenic activities considered, with Kano and Lagos States emitting the most. A regression analysis of those anthropogenic activities with emitted CO2 shows that cooking contributes most to CO2 emission in the country. This can be attributed to extensive use of firewood and kerosine in many places as substitutes for more convenient cooking energy, such as gas and electricity cookers, both of which are becoming too expensive to be afforded by average Nigerians. It is however believed that the results of this study will widen the awareness of GCC in Nigeria, as well as inform the decision-making of key stake holders towards economic planning and environmental management in respect of reducing CO2 emission across the country.
Towards sustainable development. Relationship between HDI and GDP per capita in Albania[Full-Text ] Klodiana GORICA, Anita GUMENIGDP growth represents only economic growth, and does not necessarily represent development of a country and social welfare for its residents. Many researchers, in order to avoid this discordance, have tried to create an index that is multi-dimensional and can measure development and welfare, beside the economical element. Human Development Index is a complex index that tries to measure social wealfare in each country based on three criteria of human development: a long and healthy life, acces to knowledge and good living. This paper will analyze the relation that exists between Gross Domestic Product per capita and HDI in Albania. Pearson correlation coefficient is used to measure this relation. Linear regression is used to measure the association between Gross Domestic Product per capita and HDI in Albania. We conclude that economic growth is a necessary but not sufficient condition for achieving human development in a country. Critical role, in the development process, play the institutions that affect the design and implementation of the policies, and the creation of equal opportunities.
Band Pass Filter and Low Noise Amplifier Design using Advanced Design System (ADS)[Full-Text ] Vinay Divakar, Manasa KThe paper presents the design of a lumped model of Low pass Filter (LPF) for 4.8 GHz and High pass filter(HPF) for 4.6 GHz using software tool ADS and then finally cascading the LPF and HPF to develop a Band pass filter(BPF), for passing frequencies between 4.6 GHz to 4.8 GHz whose response is analyzed after simulation. It also describes the design of a HEMT based Low noise amplifier (LNA) using the software ADS, on which a stability check and performance analysis is made on the chosen model for the design of LNA. Once LNA design is ready, then it is cascaded with the BPF to produce an amplified output with the least minimum noise figure.
Evaluation of Rain Degraded Digital Satellite Television Reception in Tropical Regions[Full-Text ] Obiyemi, O.O, Afullo T.J.O and Ibiyemi, T.SThe loss of digital satellite television content to the prevailing impact of rain is still a major concern to satellite operators, television content providers and subscribers as well. In this paper, impairment resulting from rain, in the form of signal attenuation is quantified on 148 satellite-earth links over 37 different locations using four geostationary satellites with footprints extending well over the tropical landmass of Nigeria. Initial result from experimental campaign effort in Akure, South-West, Nigeria is compared with predictions using the ITU-R global model. The distribution of the rain attenuation quantified on NIGCOMSAT 1-R, EUTELSAT 36B, INTELSAT 20 and NSS7 downlinks reveals the spatial variability of rainfall effect on the links from the South-South to the North-Eastern part of Nigeria. The link performance is evaluated using the energy per bit to spectral noise ratio (Eb/N0) and result indicates that 99.99 – 99% availability is possible over the selected links across Nigeria, while links characterized with lower elevation angles are found to be much more susceptible to the loss of the digital television signal. Results from the measurement campaign reveal an abrupt squelching of received signal, resulting into complete loss of the digital television content around 64 mm/h, while the point rain rate (R0.01) estimated over the observation period is 100 mm/h. Observation from comparison however indicates that the typical user experience on the impairing effects of rain on digital satellite television reception is completely different from predictions.
Performance Comparism Of Finite Fields Arithmetic In Elliptic Curve Based Cryptographic Schemes[Full-Text ] Aliyu Danladi HinaFinite fields are well studied discrete structures with a vast array of useful properties and are indispensable in the theory and application of cryptography. Arithmetic in finite field is an integral part of many public key algorithms. The performance of elliptic curve based schemes depends on the efficient arithmetic in the underlying field. ; Cryptography is one of the most prominent application areas of finite field arithmetic. Most of public-key cryptographic algorithms including the recent algorithms such as elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptography rely heavily on finite field arithmetic, which needs to be performed efficiently to meet the execution speed and design space constraints. These objectives constitute massive challenges that necessitate research efforts that will render the best algorithms, architectures, implementations, and design practices. This paper aims to provide a concise perspective for efficient finite field arithmetic in the most widely used finite field for usage in cryptography, The Optimal Extension Field.
Economical Structural Lightweight Concrete made with Natural Palm Kernel Shell Aggregates[Full-Text ] Francis Achampong, Reginald Adjetey Anum, Fred Boadu. Raymond Asom AttehPalm kernel shell (PKS) is a solid waste and a by- product from processing palm nuts to produce palm oils. Palm kernel shell is non toxic, inert, bio -renewable, abundantly available, strong, stiff, lightweight and corrosion resistant. Most coarse aggregates are from quarries which are expensive to produce. The quarry operations also affect the environment negatively. The major objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of palm kernel shells as a light weight aggregate in concrete. The study assessed the workability, strength and production cost of light weight concrete using palm kernel shell as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate.
Chittagong-A hub of eco-tourism - Some possibilities and proposals[Full-Text ] Panini Amin ChowdhuryBangladesh is a darling child of Mother Nature. Very few countries of the world have such natural beauties like Bangladesh. Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh and is the hub of these natural attractions. It is a division where you can find sea, hill, river, dighi(a large and deep tank or pond)what not! Moreover, Chittagong has archaeological, natural, ecological, cultural and other tourism products to attract tourists [1]. Tourism has considered as the world’s largest and rapid growing industry of modern business world. It can play a vital influence on economic development of the country. However, this industry, in our country, fails to reach its destination due to inadequate marketing practices. This paper is about the problem, strength, constraint and possibilities of the Chittagong city and its surrounding area to become an eco-tourist hub and also provides some ideas to develop the present state of the city to convert it into an eco-tourist hub of Bangladesh [2]. For this the potentiality of this city of being a tourist hub is at first analyzed following the standard given by UN and after that through SWOT analysis the present state of Chittagong is analyzed. Finally, some proposals comprising the tourism development of Chittagong with a proposed outline of an individual development plan is provided.
The Rights of Minorities in Greece[Full-Text ] Ebrar IBRAIMIIn contemporary times, the European Union gives the advance to its integration process by the including the political structure alongside of its economical structure and it become most important supranational organization with the principle that it adopted as the human rights, rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, etc. This paper aims to explain the process of "Europeanization" by using the minority issue and cultural rights concept and analyze how the states integrate themselves to the "Europeanization" process by a comparison of Greece.
Polynomial Time Algorithm (PTA) to generate a survivable ring virtual topology for Optical WDM based on the Hamiltonian Circuit Detection Heuristics(HCDH)[Full-Text ] Sajal Kanta DasThe Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem is known to be NP-hard for general Physical Topology (PT) in optical networks. We have analyzed the survivability of the optical network under Survivable Routing and Shared Path Protection (SPP) for various topologies and suggested two survivable RWA algorithms which are shown to perform better under certain performance matrix by simulation. Genetic Algorithms (GA) also provide an attractive approach to solving the challenging problem of RWA in optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks, because they usually achieve a significantly low blocking probability. Available GA-based dynamic RWA algorithms were designed mainly for WDM networks with a wavelength continuity constraint, and they cannot be applied directly to WDM networks with wavelength conversion capability. The polynomial time wavelength assignment algorithm that maximizes one-hop traffic in a special type of topology called Line Network for multiple wavelengths per link. Since Ring Topology is an important extension to Line Network, we design another algorithm using the previous algorithm, to optimally assign wavelengths in WDM Ring Networks for multiple wavelengths and design Survivable Routing in optical networks.
Iris Recognition System based on Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Dr. Sanjay R. Ganorkar, Mirza Shujaur RahmanOur main aim is to develop a secure biometric method to identify individual person other than physical or behavioral characteristics. One such method is iris recognition which is one of the most secure and unique feature of any person. God has created every individual with a unique iris pattern on this earth. It is found that this method for Iris Recognition design offers good class discriminacy. The iris recognition technique consists of iris localization, normalization, feature extraction and matching. Their unique feature are extracted and given to the neural network tool for matching. The match results show that the individual is identified accurately.
FLEXURAL BEHAVIOUR OF SELF COMPACTING AND SELF CURING CONCRETE BEAMS[Full-Text ] B.VIDIVELLI, T.KATHIRAVAN, and T.GOBIThe objective of this study is comparing the flexure behaviour of self compacting concrete beams. This research is proposed to replace the constituent materials by mineral Admixtures and adding chemical admixtures. Also it is proposed to use self curing compound instead of conventional water curing. Many researchers studied about the self compacting concrete only and not for self compacting and self curing concrete, but this study proposed a methodology for self compacting and curing concrete beams. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of concrete have been found out and compared with controlled beams, self compacting concrete beams, self curing concrete beams and admixture beams. Beams in size of 125mm×250mm×1000mm were cast and tested to analyze the behaviour. The ANN modelling has compared the flexural behaviour of beams at various stages such as yield load, ultimate load and deflection.
Ultra Low Power Electrophysiological Monitoring System based on Android Platform[Full-Text ] Jithin Krishnan, Niranjan D. Khambete (Dr), Antony Rajan, Biju BenjaminDevelopment of in vivo electronic devices has been the top priority of medical device development for the past few years. In the context, diagnosis of the bio potential system of human body before and after the treatment plays a lead role. This paper is about a low ultra low power electrophysiological monitoring system which has its primary application in as front end circuitry for patient monitoring systems such as polysomnography, ICU monitoring etc. the system has its key features as low power operation, durability, battery based operation, high noise rejection capabilities, support for wireless integration, small size etc. The Data Acquisition part contains sensors for picking up the vital signs from the patients, signal conditioning circuits and a Bluetooth transceiver to transmit data wirelessly to the display device. The Display Device then displays the data received from the transmitter in a readable form and also logs the data into a excel form so that it can be taken out digitally and analyzed.
Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Carmona retusa (Vahl.) Masam[Full-Text ] C.P. Chandrappa, M. Govindappa, N.V.Anil Kumar, R. Channabasava, N. Chandrasekar and T.UmashankarOxidants contribute to more than one hundred disorders in humans. The ethanol extract of Carmona retusa was screened for antioxidant activity using 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picryl Hydroxyl (DPPH) scavenging, Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP), hydrogen peroxide scavenging capacity (H2O2), reducing power assay and determination of the total antioxidant capacity by phosphomolybdenum method. The ethanol extract exhibited maximum antioxidant activity in DPPH, hydrogen peroxide. The reducing power and FRAP increased with increasing concentration of the sample. The scavenging activity of Carmona retusa found maximum in the DPPH, FRAP, hydrogen peroxide scavenging and reducing power assay of 95.35%, 9.296%, 78.539% and 82.9% respectively at 400µg/mL concentration with IC50 values of 93.35, 3.36, 12.62 and 20.79 µg/ml respectively. Percentage of antioxidant capacity with respect to one gram of dried plant extract in phosphomolybdenum method was found to be 8.875. The antioxidant activity of the sample was comparable with that of the standard ascorbic acid. This is the primary and preliminary work in Carmona retusa.
Optimal Reactive Power Insertion & Allocation To The Iraqi Super Grid 400 Kv Network Applying Genetic Algorithm Technology[Full-Text ] Assist. Prof. Mohammed Sabri A. RaheemThe aim of this paper is to find the optimal location and the reactive power needed to be inserted in the 400 Kv super grid Iraqi network , so as to reduce the losses in the network and reaching the optimum power flow . A Genetic Algorithm calculation method is applied and the Optimum Power Flow program is applied to calculate and find the power flow distribution in the network . A comparison can be set to find the change in the network parameters before and after allocation of the reactive power injection nodes , also noticing the improvement in the power factor of the power flows in the T.L's .
In vitro anti-inflammatory activities of Loranthus micranthus (Linn.) parasitic on Azadirachta indica[Full-Text ] Channabasava and Govindappa MThe present work was aimed to evaluate the in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of crude extract of Loranthus micranthus and their phytochemical analysis. We have used four different solvents for extraction; the methanol extract was yielded all the potent phytochemicals at high percentage except saponins and athraquinones. The methanol extract possesses enough potential to reduce inflammation by in vitro and directs the importance of further research and development of novel anti-inflammatory activity.
COPING STYLES AMONG THE SPOUSES OF PATIENTS WITH PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS[Full-Text ] Iram Abbas, Dr. Khalid MahmoodThe present study was conducted to assess the types of coping styles among the spouses of patients with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder and schizoaffective disorder. One hundred and sixteen (116 out of which 58 male and 58 female) spouses of diagnosed patients as per the DSM IV TR criteria with psychotic disorders were selected through purposive sampling. The Coping Responses Inventory (CRI) by Moos (2002) (urdu version) translated by Mahmood and Sheraz (2012) was administered on each participant to measure the type of coping styles. t- test was used to find out statistical significance of data. The results showed that male spouses used more avoidance coping styles than female spouses as p<0.01, female spouses used more approach coping styles than male spouses of as p<0.01and highly educated spouses used more approach coping styles than less educated spouses as p<0.01.
Complexation of Some Transition Metal Ions With Benzooxazole Sulfamethazine: A Potentiometric and Thermodynamic Studies in Aqueous Solution.[Full-Text ] A. R. El-Shobaky and A. A. El-BindaryThe interaction of Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, La3+, Ce3+, UO22+ and Th4+ ions with benzooxazole sulfamethazine (BOSM) have been studied in aqueous solution. The proton-ligand dissociation constant of benzooxazole sulfamethazine and metal-ligand stability constants of its complexes with metal ions (Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, La3+, Ce3+, UO22+ and Th4+) have been determined potentiometrically in 0.1 mol dm-3 KCl and 40 % (by volume) DMF–water mixture and at (298, 308 and 318) K. The stability constants of the formed complexes increases in the order Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, La3+, Ce3+, UO22+ and Th4+. The effect of temperature was studied and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters (DG, DH and DS) were derived and discussed. The dissociation process is non-spontaneous, endothermic and entropically unfavourable. The fotmation of the metal complexes has been found to be spontaneous, exothermic and entropically favourable.
Applying Knowledge Management as an Instrument for Improved Community Development[Full-Text ] Lebogang M. Seoketsa, Prof. Kabelo Boikutso MoetiThis paper is about community development. Community development is a broad term applied to the practice and academic disciplines of civic leaders, activists, involved citizens and professionals to improve various aspects of local communities. Community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of people by providing these groups with skills they need to effect change in their own communities. These skills are often concentrated around building political power through the formation of large social groups working for a common agenda. Community developers must understand both how to work with individuals and how to affect communities’ positions within the context of larger social institutions.