Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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A Parametric Study Of Solar And Wind Energy In Gaza Strip[Full-Text ] Juma Yousuf AlaydiThe integration of renewable such as solar and wind energy is becoming increasingly attractive and is being used widely, for substitution of oil-produced energy, and eventually to minimize atmospheric degradation. Hourly wind-speed data recorded at automatic solar radiation and meteorological monitoring station has been analyzed to determine monthly wind power and solar radiation. The wind power was compared with the monthly mean solar radiation energy. The site of Gaza city has the highest wind energy potential compared to the other sites with annual wind speed average of 4.2 m/s and with wind speed higher than 5.0 m/s for about 60% of the time. Typical Meteorological Year files (TMY) based on the direct solar beam component, and archived hourly data upon which they are based. The average annual direct beam total is 2196 kWh m-2 year-1. The annual maximum attainable wind power potential per unit area of the wind stream is 0.5 MWhr/m2/year and the annual solar potential per unit area of the earth surface is 2.03 MWhr/m2/year. The monthly average daily energy generated from the above hybrid system configuration has been presented. The deficit energy generated from the back-up diesel generator and the number of operational hours of the diesel system to meet a specific annual electrical energy demand. The study has investigated the performance of simulated hybrid systems consisting of 10 kW WECS, machines and 25 m2 of photovoltaic solar array panels supplemented with battery storage systems and diesel back-up. The monthly average daily energy generated from the above hybrid system configuration has been presented.
Higher Dimensional Dissipative Future Universe Without Big Rip[Full-Text ] H. R. Ghate, Arvind S. PatilHigher dimensional dissipative future universe without Big rip in the context of Ecart formalism has been studied. In this work, we have stud-ied the generalized Chaplygin gas characterized by equation of state as a model for dark energy. We have verified that in higher dimensions when the cosmic dark energy behaves simultaneously like a fluid with equation of state ; as well as Chaplygin gas then big rip does not arise and the scale factor is found to be regular for all time. The work of Yadav (2011) has been extended and studied in higher dimensions.
An Intelligent Call Admission Control Scheme for Quality of Service Provisioning in a Multi-traffic CDMA network[Full-Text ] D. E. Asuquo, E. E. Williams, E. O. Nwachukwu and U. G. InyangIn Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile cellular network, quality of service (QoS) provisioning of diverse user applications is a great challenge due to scarcity of wireless radio resources and the different QoS requirements demanded by the users. An effective call admission control (CAC) algorithm is needed for optimization of existing resources and better admission control to improve the overall performance of the cellular network system. Realizing that interference is caused by users in own-cell and other-cell which brings about the near-far effect causing some calls to be blocked/dropped, we set a signal-to-interference-noise ratio threshold (SINR) target for calls. For a multi-traffic wireless network, call blocking probability as a QoS metric should be reduced to the barest minimum. In this paper, an intelligent admission control model based on fuzzy logic is proposed to handle the imprecision and uncertainty surrounding the different classes of traffic for both real time and non-real time applications. Thus, the admission decision is expected to admit a higher number of service requests while at the same time guaranteeing the required QoS for every active connection. Three classes of traffic with different QoS requirements were considered in the proposed model. The accuracy of the model is validated through simulations in MATLAB and the results are satisfactory depicting the effectiveness of fuzzy logic in an intelligent call admission control scheme.
Evaluation of Usability Using Soft Computing Technique[Full-Text ] Aishwarya Singh and Sanjay Kumar DubeyIn the recent years, many factors have been recognised as an important contributor in evaluating software quality. Evaluating software is significant for managing, controlling and improving a software development life cycle. Quality of software cannot be measured easily, it depends on various factors. Usability is one of the chief quality factor and important aspect of software quality. This paper proposes a usability evaluation model using fuzzy multiple criteria weighted average approach. A case study is used to evaluate the usability of proposed model.
Novel Corrosion Inhibiting Formulations Involving Amino Acids and Surfactants for Mild Steel in Acid Medium[Full-Text ] Mosarrat Parveen and Mohammad MobinThe researches on replacement of hazardous classical corrosion inhibitors by non toxic inhibitors have gained considerable attention during the last few years. This paper presents the results of studies carried out on inhibiting formulations consisting of amino acids and surfactants for mild steel corrosion in 0.1 M H2SO4 in the temperature range of 30-60 oC. The aim of the surfactants addition was to improve the inhibition efficiency of environment friendly but less effective amino acids as inhibitor for mild steel corrosion in acidic medium. The concentration of surfactants was fixed taking into account that environmental safety of inhibitive formulation is least compromised. The techniques used are weight loss measurements, potentiodynamic polarization measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Inhibition efficiency of selected amino acids is synergistically improved in presence of surfactants. Synergism between N-containing amino acid and surfactants is more pronounced than S-containing amino acids and surfactants.
GPS/GSM Based Bus Tracking System (BTS)[Full-Text ] Christeena Joseph ,A.D.Ayyappan , A.R.Aswini, B.Dhivya BharathyVehicle tracking systems are available vastly in market, but a good and effective product tends to be of more cost. This paper is proposed to design and develop a tracking system that is much cost effective than the systems available in the market. The tracking system here helps to know the location of the college bus through mobile phone when aSMS (Short Message Service) is sent to a specific number thus noticing the bus location via SMS. By incorporating a GPS(Global Positioning System) and GSM(Global System for Mobile communication) modem the location of the device by sending a SMS to the number specified. No external server or internet connection is used in knowing the location at user end which in return reduces the cost
A Novel approach on entropy production rate[Full-Text ] Behnaz Jalili, Cyrus Aghanajafi, Mohammad KhademiWe know diabatic distillation with heat exchangers in all trays increases the second law’s energy efficiency compared to an adiabatic distillation. In this paper, our main purpose will be describing the entropy production rate in an adiabatic experiment with Water or Ethanol in columns using thermodynamic approach and analysis. We will find out that the entropy production rate in the diabatic column is less than the entropy production in the adiabatic column. Further on, we will analyze the reflux ratio showing that this ratio can be replaced with heat exchangers without infecting the diabatic distillation operation specially in the diabatic column.
Advanced Trends in Wireless Electricity Transmission using Semiconductor Devices[Full-Text ] Sumit SharmaIn this paper, we describe the advance trends in the system of transmission of electric power without using the actual wires but with the help of conversion of electricity into waves and then transmitting it into the atmosphere with the speed of light i.e. 3 x 108 m/sec.The conversion efficiencies are more than 75% at the transmission distance of 300mm at lab. It is used to transmit electricity at a large distance of high frequency using electromagnetic waves such as microwaves. Such technology is used to transmit electric power from one place to other replacing the old interconnecting mediums called wires. The technology could be more developed by the use electronics that would be described in the paper. The low power could be transmitted using the special microwave or laser devices later on received by distant receivers containing rectenna providing an efficiency of more than 80% and convert back all microwave into electric power. The electronic devices and transducers could be useful in amplifying the power received and later on providing the correct frequency of transmission of 50 Hz in India and sent for domestic purposes. This system takes us to an era of low losses of the electric power by heat or by turbulence and donates an amount of good efficiency. We see the significant improvement in the efficiency and reliability of wireless transmission network. The same experiment is carried out using the present concepts at a ground level up to a few centimetres will be described in paper. The review will also discuss on advantages and short comings of the third generation power transmission system.
A novel text-based CAPTCHA accessible to individuals who face difficulties in reading[Full-Text ] Pavlos Hatzigiannakoglou, Athanasios KoutsoklenisCompletely Automatic Public Turing Test to Tell Computer and Human Apart (CAPTCHA) is a challenge response test which is a security method in web-related services aiming at distinguishing between human users and computers. Although nowadays the use of CAPTCHA is becoming a standard security method, this specific type of textual verification hinders accessibility to users with reading difficulties, such as individuals with dyslexia or low vision. In this paper, we present a novel text-based CAPTCHA which comprises several accessible components and adaptable settings in order to facilitate access to individuals who face reading difficulties.
Generation Rules to Deconvert UNL Expressions to Bangla Sentences[Full-Text ] Mohammad Zakir Hossain Sarker, Md Nawab Yousuf Ali, Jugal Krishna DasThis paper discusses the design and implementation of Generation Rules for deconverting Universal Networking Language or UNL expressions to the Bangla Language. The Universal Networking Language (UNL) facilitates translation between Natural Languages across the world. The paper also focuses on the linguistic aspects of Bangla required for the deconversion process. We have developed a set of generation rules for converting UNL expression to Bangla sentences. Our experiment shows that these rules successfully generate correct Bangla sentences from UNL expressions. These rules can currently produce simple Bangla sentences. It is being enhanced to handle more types of sentences. The present system is a small achievement towards attaining a complete translation facility for the Bangla language.
Modelling and Simulation Analysis of Position Control of Electromechanical Actuator[Full-Text ] Priyanka C P, Sija GopinathanThis paper presents the position control of an Electromechanical actuator. The electrical part of the actuator is a three phase Brushless DC Motor. The mechanical part consist of a ball screw. The mathematical modelling of three phase BLDC motor and ball screw are done. The phase voltage is supplied by the inverter to drive BLDC motor. The commutation logic senses rotor position and gives gating pulses for the switches in the inverter circuit. Hall sensor are used for sensing the position. Bipolar switching is used for generating the triggering pulses for switches in the inverter. The position control is designed using PI controller and Cohen Coon tuning is done. The results of simulation are also presented.
Two Algorithms Based on Shooting Method for Solution of Falkner-Skan Equation[Full-Text ] Dr. Gunindra Chandra Sarma, Mr. Dhrubajyoti SarmaTwo algorithms based on shooting method have been developed, one for the solution of the Falkner-Skan [1] equation representing boundary layer flow past a wedge of angle ß Ã— p and the other for estimating the parameter ß occurring in the governing equation. The numerical results agree upto 3 decimal places with the results obtained by previous authors using other numerical methods for the particular values ß=0,1/2,1 and numerical results for ß=-0.1988 are presented in table.
Review: Ensemble Neural Network and KNN Classifiers for Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] Shalinee Chaurasia ,Prof. Anurag JainIn this paper; we represent the ensemble algorithm to improve the intrusion detection precision. Intrusion detection system monitors system activities for malicious supervise and produces reports to a management system. Intrusion system is a software application to update represents a new Ensemble Technique. Security is becoming a major problem for all networks, the main reason for using Data Mining Classification Methods for Intrusion Detection Systems due to the huge amount of existing and newly appearing network data that needs analysis. This paper proposes a combining classification approach for intrusion detection. In this paper we are using a neural network model; K- Nearest Neighbors method .These data mining classification Intrusion detection has proven to be useful for a variety of knowledge gathering. Work , implemented in two phases with the first phase of the neural network for better results and improve the KNN classifiers and we both bagging using it for the second stage of the well is to find a class of classification systems.
A Novel Series of Biologically Active Quinazolinones through Ring Transformation of 2-(5-Nitrofuran-2-yl)-4H-benzo[d][1,3]oxazin-4-one[Full-Text ] Maher A. El-Hashash, Mohammad E. Azab and Jehan M.MorsyCompound 2 was subjected to reaction with NH2NH2.H2O, formamide, NH2OH.HCl to give the quinazolinones 3-5, respectively. When benzoxazinone 2 was subjected to the reaction with1, 2-phenylene diamine or thiosemicarbazide under different conditions ,it produced the quinazolinone derivatives 6-9, respectively. Reaction of the aminoquinazolinone 3 with acetyl chloride, benzoyl chloride, benzenesulphonyl chloride , ethyl chloroacetate or ethyl anthranilate, furnished the quinazolinone derivatives 10a,b-13, respectively. On the other hand, reaction of 3 with CS2 / NaOH gave the salt 14, which upon treatment with dimethyl sulphate furnished the thioester 15, which underwent reactions with primary and secondry amines to give the thioamides 16a-c. Finally, the hydroxyquinazolinone 4 was treated with Ac2O or ethyl chloroacetate to afford the acetoxy compound 17 and the ester 18, respectively.The later reacted with NH2NH2.H2O to produce the hydrazide19.
Arm Based Efficiency Monitoring With Protection Technique In Induction Motors[Full-Text ] Mr. S. Kaliappan, K. RajshreeThis paper deals with protection of an electrical machine against over voltage, over current and over temperature along with which efficien-cy of the motor is also estimated and monitored through a wireless medium. The electrical signal from motor is acquired by the controller and efficiency is obtained. Thus in an ARM based technique the values are calculated and the efficiency is transmitted. The communication between the controller and personal computer is carried out through the wireless module zigbee. The reliability of the system is highly improved in several aspects of maintenance and preventing motor from failures. The transmission of the collected data to a personal computer improves several applications in different fields.
Sustainability analysis of public debt in Albania[Full-Text ] Ditjona KULE PhD student, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Doriana MATRAKU (Dervishi)One of the most delicate and the most debated argument recently in Albania is public debt which has reached its maximum level in this moment. The aim problem is the current debt crisis that the Euro zone countries are experiencing. The importance of debt is great not only because it supports economic growth, but it creates vulnerabilities could lead to the destruction of public finance balances. The objective of debt sustainability analysis is to evaluate the ability of a country to finance its political agenda and to serve subsequent debt without major adjustments, which may affect macroeconomic stability. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight whether the high level of debt is serving to boost economic growth or has already become a burden on the economy.
Mathematical Modeling and Control System Design of Tiltrotor UAV[Full-Text ] Shlok Agarwal, Apoorva Mohan, Kamlesh KumarRotorcraft is always a challenging field among the researchers due to critical application in aerospace. There has been much advancement in the field of UAVs and UAV telemetry. Scientists have increasingly started to focus on VTOL (vertical take - off and landing) aircrafts and are exploring different types of control systems to increase the stability of the UAV and make it autonomous. The tiltrotor UAV discussed in this paper is a kind of a helicopter having two main propellers instead of one and no tail fin. All three important motion of the aircraft i.e. roll, pitch, yaw are controlled by thrust vectoring by tilting the rotors using servo motors and changing the magnitude of thrust using electronics speed controllers. There is a camera fixed on the model and the VTOL makes it fit for effective video surveillance. The paper discusses the mathematical model and control system of a Tiltrotor UAV.
New Approach for Analysis and Prediction of Genetic Beta-Thalassemia Mutations Based On Bioinformatics Bioedit Tools. [Full-Text ] Anar Auda AblahadBeta-thalassemia is one of the most common single gene disorders affecting almost all the countries. It is a blood disorder that reduces the production of hemoglobin and commonley caused by inherited gene mutations of HBB gene copies from father and mother. Predicting the gene healthy plays essential role in saving human life. A new approach for the detection of beta-thalassemia mutations via checking and testing the gene healthy and find if the gene hold mutation will be apply based on bioinformatics tools via bioedit package. This method allows genotyping of the HBB gene of patient’s DNA. The system provides a bases for speed (2 seconds only), rapid, simple, and reliable detection of the numerous known beta-thalassemia gene mutations.
Conspicuous Consumption of Luxury Goods: Literature Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidences[Full-Text ] Armando MEMUSHIDeveloping countries may have relatively higher levels of conspicuous consumption, because of extreme income inequalities. In spite of the massive volume of “foreign” research, the exact nature of conspicuous consumption has not been fully investigated. Drawing upon existing relevant literature, this paper briefly discusses several aspects of the phenomenon. Changes in conspicuous consumption (and its definition) during time are presented. Some of the reasons behind conspicuous consumption and motivations that lead consumers toward it are explained, drawing upon relevant analyses made by researchers coming from economics, marketing, sociology and psychology. Identifying which factors may have an impact on the level of conspicuous consumption of a household, is maybe the main and the most difficult of the problems discussed below.
Tuning & Recommended Related Evolution Approaches for Distributed Databases[Full-Text ] S Markandeyulu, Dr. M Ashok, A. RavikumarToday’s databases are complex databases with duplicates. Due to complexity database we introduce the tuning and recommendation techniques. Tuning and recommendation process is important task in data integration task. Different existing system techniques like record matching, record linkage detects the same entities in single database. De-duplication removes the duplicates in single database. These techniques are completely related data cleaning mechanisms. These techniques are not gives the significant accuracy results.
Sliding Mode Control of Wide input Wide output DC-DC Boost Converter[Full-Text ] Narendra Bavisetti, G.Naresh, V.SatyanarayanaCoupled inductor based DC-DC converters are used into achieve high step up(or)step down voltage gains. Most of these converters use fixed frequency pulse width modulation technique for controlling the output voltage. Many configurations are available for step up and step down DC-DC conversion operation, out of the available converter configurations the model proposed in [1] is considered for analysis purpose for which a control circuit based on sliding mode controller is proposed for implementation. This sliding mode controllers are non-linear controllers and found to be suitable for switching operations and references are provides sufficient literature about the stable operation of converter circuits. The performance of this converter is studied for different loads with indirect sliding mode controller. And case studies verified with the help of MATLAB SIMULINK software.
Grid computing: An Emerging technology[Full-Text ] G.S. RohitInternet is the networking infrastructure which helps in connecting many users through interconnected networks through which users can communicate to each other. The World Wide Web is build on top of the internet to share information. The grid is again a service that is built on top of internet but is able to share computational power, databases, disk storage and software applications. This paper mainly focuses on significance Grid computing, its architecture, the grid middleware Globus toolkit and facts of wireless grid computing.
Synthesis, Characterization and Using of Nanosize Anatase Phase TiO2 for Water Treatment[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Abd Elrady, Hassan M. A. Salman and Ahmed M. KamalNanosize anatase phase TiO2 was prepared by the precipitation method through calcination of the resulting precipitate at 3 temperatures 450, 650 and 750 °C. The resulting TiO2 samples characterized and used for the inactivation of fecal coliform bacteria and the removal of formic acid from water. UV-visible spectroscopy, XRD, EDX, TEM and FTIR analyses are used for the characterization of TiO2 samples. Anatase phase was produced at all calcination temperatures. The band gab was calculated to be 3.3 eV for TiO2 calcined 450°C and the average particle size was calculated to be 6 and 22 nm for TiO2 calcined at 450°C and 750 °C, respectively. The prepared TiO2 showed high efficiency for the inactivation of fecal coliform bacteria and the removal of formic acid from water.
Performance Analysis of Various Recommendation Algorithms Using Apache Hadoop and Mahout[Full-Text ] Dr. Senthil Kumar Thangavel, Neetha Susan Thampi , Johnpaul C IRecommendations are becoming personnel assistance to customers to find out the best item out of most used ones or the best item which has maximum popularity. Most of the recommendations are based on the machine learning algorithms which will perform learning using the datasets and standard set of programs which uses the underlined dataset for further prediction. It also utilizes knowledge discovery techniques to the problem of making personalized product recommendations during a live customer interaction. The tremendous growth of customers and products in recent years poses some key challenges for recommender systems. They include producing high quality recommendations and performing many recommendations per second for millions of customers and products. For building recommender systems many of them use Collaborative Filtering technique. It predicts the utility of an item for a particular user based on the user’s previous interests and takes the opinions from other users. When the data set becomes larger, the processing time and recommendations will have latency. It is a greatest challenge to provide recommendation for large-scale problems to produce high quality recommendations. There are various libraries have been released for the development of the recommender system. This paper focuses on comparing the various similarity measurement algorithms and classification accuracy metrics on Hadoop and non-Hadoop environment using Apache Mahout and item-based collaborative filtering. The whole work is done on the Movielens dataset.
Statistical Analysis of the Variables Affecting the Determine the Total Volume of Deposits[Full-Text ] Maie M. KamelThe research aims to study the effect of influencing variables determine the size and direction of deposits in the banking system. On the basis that the deposit is the main source to give a strong batch of the National Investment and filling the financing gap in the national economy. The search period thirty-one year since 1980 to 2010, a period filled with lots of economic changes. This research is based on the standard statistical method and quantitative economic analysis.
Unconventional Modeling and Stress Analysis of Femur Bone under Different Boundary Condition[Full-Text ] Muhammad Shahzad MasoodBiomechanics deals with the application of mechanics laws to living organism. Conventionally CAD models of complex biological shapes are prepared through Medical imaging software while in this paper an unconventional approach is employed for modeling of complicated geometry of human femur bone to make realistic investigations. Two orthogonal views are employed for modeling of complex femur bone with the help of 3D animated open source software Blender 2.63a. Pro/ENGINEER translated Blender prepared polygonal model into CAD model that is imported to ANSYS for analysis under different boundary condition. Results of stress analysis for heterogeneous bone structure vary with individuals that are beneficial for orthopedic surgeons.
Review for Calculating Trust of a Particular System[Full-Text ] Apoorva Shah, Amish DesaiMulti agent systems are made up of multiple interacting intelligent agents - computational entities to some degree autonomous and able to cooperate, compete, communicate, act flexibly, and exercise control over their behavior within the frame of their objectives. Trust is important in Multi Agent System for an agent, using which agents can communicate with each other. In this paper, we present a systematic study on different models for calculating trust and reputation of an agent. Here we have given comparative study of Bayesian network, FIRE model, and Secured Trust model for calculating a trust of a particular system.
A New Mobile Application for Encrypting SMS / Multimedia Messages on Android[Full-Text ] Hazem M. El Bakry, Ali E. Taki_El_Deen, Ahmed Hussein Ali El TengyMobile Communication devices have become popular tools for communicating among people. This paper is a launcher for sending/receiving secured SMS/Multimedia files using Blowfish algorithm. A smart mobile application on android platform is introduced as an application that helps the user to encrypt the message (SMS/Multimedia files) before it is transmitted over the mobile network.
Improvement of Manufacturing Processes Utilizing Value Stream Mapping Technique: Cement Sacks Factory as an Industrial Case Study[Full-Text ] Mahmoud A. El-ShariefLean manufacturing is a production system, which was first developed by Toyota Production Systems (TPSs) to reduce wastes while improving the operational and environmental performance of manufacturing and industrial businesses. While the global industrial market suffers from gnarled competition, lean manufacturing philosophy is providing an effective methodology to reduce cost and maximize profit. In addition, the market no longer accepts waste caused by out of control production or inefficient processes. A commitment to quality and lean operations will result in quality improvement, waste elimination and reduction in time and costs.
Design and Analysis of Automatic Fuse Circuit Model Based on Simulation[Full-Text ] C.Maruthi Ratna KishoreThis paper deals with a newly proposed fuse circuit namely “Automatic Fuse Circuit” and its working is mainly based on thermal property of current carrying conductor. This may be a better electrical fuse circuit than the rewirable, resettable fuses which are used in domestic and industrial loads at present. The fuse circuit model is built in National Instruments Multisim 11.0 software and the parameters of the fuse circuit are as user interface. Also this paper indicates several advantages of the automatic fuse and compared with that of the rewirable fuses used mainly in domestic and industrial loads.
Multi Level Inverters based control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine[Full-Text ] PRATYUSHA KADIYALA, GRANDHI RAMUMultilevel inversion is a power conversion strategy in which the output voltage is obtained in steps thus bringing the output closer to a sine wave and reduces the Total Harmonic Distortion. Multilevel inverter structures have been developed to overcome shortcomings in solid-state switching device ratings so that they can be applied to higher voltage systems. In recent years, the multilevel inverters have drawn tremendous interest in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. Three different topologies have been proposed for multilevel inverters like Diode-Clamped Inverter, Capacitor Clamped Inverter and Cascaded Multi cell Inverter. In addition, several modulation and control strategies have been developed or adopted for multilevel inverters including the following multilevel Sinusoidal Modified SVPWM is applied for Three-Level Inverter and Five-Level Inverter. The best modulation techniques are extended to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.
Impact of power thefts and Power system quality standards in Indian scenario:-Survey[Full-Text ] Dharmendra kumar SinghThe basic cause of deteriorating quality of power supply in India is widening gap between demand and supply. Frequent power cuts, inadequate transmission and distribution system, regular breakdowns and load shedding, theft of power, lack of service culture, low and high frequency regime in the power grid for about 60% of the time during the year, 220 kV system voltage goes to 165 kV and 400 V system goes below 300 V, harmonic levels touch 22% THD are responsible for loss, mal operation or damage to consumer equipment [1]. The World Economic Forum carried out power supply survey of various countries. As per their 'the Global Competitiveness Report 1996’, the rating point of 1 to 6 for poor to excellent position of power supply to meet business needs of consumer India stands lowest in the power supply rating However, Central Electricity Authority, under the Govt. of India prepared power development plans [2]. In the Indian scenario, power quality issues are of increasing importance these days due to the enhanced use of sensitive equipment .such as adjustable speed drives, medical electronic systems and switched mode power supplies. In India, essentially IEEE standards are referred as guidelines in electricity sector and in manufacturing sector normally IEC standards are complied to meet global market demands. The theft of power overloads the distribution system and causes low voltage, voltage dips problem and generate heavy harmonics in power system.
A Comparison of the Levels of Nitrate, Nitrite and Phosphate in Homemade brews, Spirits, in Water and Raw Materials in Nairobi County Using UV-Visible spectroscopy[Full-Text ] Masime Jeremiah O, Wanjau Ruth, Murungi Jane, Onindo CharlesThis study was carried out to determine the levels of nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus in homemade brews, spirits and the raw materials used using the UV-Visible spectroscopy. Nitrate and nitrite were analyzed using a SHADZU (Model No. UV-2550), phosphate was analyzed using and a Philips, Scientific equipment, UP-8700 Series UV-Visible spectrophotometer, measurements were based on ISO Method (N0.6635). This was done by reducing the nitrate to nitrite in the presence of Zn/NaCl. Nitrite produced was subsequently diazotized with sulphonilic acid then coupled with anthranilate to form an azo dye which was then measured at 493 nm. Orthophosphate and molybdate ions condense in acidic solution to form molybophosphoric acid (phosphomolybdic acid). Upon selective reduction with hydrazinium sulphate, a blue color is produced due to molybdenum blue of uncertain composition. The intensity of the blue colour is proportional to the amount of the heteropoly acid at 830 nm. One hundred and thirty two (132) home - made alcoholic beverages, and eighteen (18) raw materials (maize, millet, for sorghum, honey, jaggery and muratina) samples obtained from various parts of Nairobi County were analyzed. Some samples contained high levels of nitrate though slightly lower than the limits. The concentrations of nitrate varied from non detectable (ND) to 46.3 ± 1.404 mg/l, the levels of nitrite ranged from 0.93m/l to 2.82mg/l and phosphorous from 0.14 ± 0.008 to 4.16 ± 0.62 mg/l. The recommended maximum contamination levels set by Kenya Bureau of Standards/World Health Organization is 50 mg/l; Nitrate, 0.03 mg/l; nitrite and 2.2 mg/l; phosphate. Most of the homemade brews and spirits analyzed for nitrate in this study had values slightly lower than the levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Levels of nitrite and phosphorus were found to be generally higher than the MCL in the brews/spirits and the raw materials used. These raw materials may also have contributed in elevating the levels of these nutrients in the homemade brews. The results indicate that the UV-Visible spectroscopy method is suitable for analyzing the presently studied samples. This is a reliable and cheap method for routine analysis of a large number of homemade brews/spirits samples.
Partial characterization of pectinase produced by Aspergillus niger grown on wheat bran[Full-Text ] Motwani D.R, Meshram V.G, Jambhulkar V.SFour filamentous fungi isolated from soil, were found to depolymerise pectin.Best pectinolytic activity ,as indicated by the diameter of clear ,hydrolyzed zones on the medium containing commercial citrus pectin as sole carbon sources,was obtained with Aspergillus niger. Aspergillus niger also produce pectinase with different agrowastes(rice bran,sugarcane bagasse,lemon peel and banana peel) as sole carbon source.The highest pectinase activity was produced with wheat bran as sole carbon source.The optimum pectinase activity of 368u/ml was obtained by solid state fermentation(SSF) at 4th day by Aspergillus niger.The isolated strain of Aspergillus niger have good prospect for pectinase production. Wheat bran is a good low cost fermentation substrate for pectinase production by investigated fungi. The specific activity went up to 35.72 U/mg protein with a purification fold 6 and 68.64% recovery. The enzyme showed a molecular weight of 35.022 kDa by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis..The pectinase was found to be stable at pH4.5 and temperature 47°C respectively.
A Comparison of Mamdani and Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems based on Block Cipher Evaluation[Full-Text ] Sirwan A.Mohammed, Sattar b.SadkhanModels based on fuzzy inference systems (FISs) for evaluating performance of block cipher algorithms based on three metrics are present. Two types of FIS models, Mamdani FIS model and Sugeno FIS model are used for this evaluation. Fuzzy inference systems are developed for block cipher algorithms use two types fuzzy models. The results of the two type performances of fuzzy inference systems (FIS) are compared
An innovative approach to biotransformation of benzaldehyde to L-PAC via free cells of Saccharomyces cerevisae in the presence of ß-Cyclodextrin[Full-Text ] T. F. Adepoju, S.K. Layokun, Ojediran, J. O, Charles, OResponse surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize L-Phenylacetylcarbinol (L-PAC) production form biotransformation of benzaldehyde via free cell of Saccharomyces cerevisae presence Beta-Cyclodextrin in this work. Specifically, response surface methodology was applied, and the effect of five variables, viz. cell weight, incubation time, acetaldehyde conc., benzaldehyde conc. and ß-CD level and their reciprocal were determined. Central composite rotatable design was used to generate 50 individual experiments, which was designed to study the effects of these factors during biotransformation of benzaldehyde to L-PAC. A statistical model predicted the highest biotransformation yield of L-PAC to be 586.938 (mg/100 ml) at the following optimized variables conditions: cell weight of 5.17 g (wet. wt.), incubation time of 74.82 min, acetaldehyde conc. of 1594.05 (µg/100 ml), benzaldehyde conc. of 1300 (mg/100 ml) and ß-CD level of 3.20 %. Using these variables under experimental condition in three independent replicates, an actual L-PAC yield of 587.00 (mg/100 ml) was obtained. The physical properties of the produced L-PAC suggested that its could serve as a key intermediate for the synthesis of L-ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norephedrine, nor-pseudoephedrine as well as adrenaline, amphetamine, methamphetamine, phenylpropanolamine and phenylamine.
Personality traits, Infidelity and Marital Satisfaction among Married men and women[Full-Text ] Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Zara NajeebThe present study was conducted to assess the relationship between personality traits, infidelity and marital satisfaction among married men and women. Ninety (N=90) equally distributed married men and women each (i.e. N=45) were selected through purposive sampling. Big Five Inventory by John and Srivastava (1999), Infidelity Scale by Whatley (2006) and adapted version of Comprehensive Marital Satisfaction Scale (CMSS) by Khan (2006) were administered to measure personality traits, infidelity and marital satisfaction respectively. The Pearson’s product moment correlation and t-test were used to figure out statistical significance of the data. The level of infidelity was high among men than women as p<0.05 while the level of marital satisfaction among women was higher than men as p<0.01. Moreover, infidelity is negetively correlated to agreeableness personality trait where as non-significant with other personality traits as p<0.05, secondly significant positive relationship between personality traits of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness with marital satisfaction as p<0.01 and no significant relationship between neurotism and marital satisfaction was seen while there was significant negetive correlation between infidelity and marital satisfaction as p<0.01.
On Almost Strongly Θ-b-continuous Functions[Full-Text ] HAKEEM A. OTHMAN, AND ALI TAANIWe introduce a new class of functions called almost strongly Θ-b-continuous function which is a generalization of strongly Θ-continuous functions and strongly Θ-b- continuous functions. Some characterizations and several properties concerning almost strongly Θ-b-continuous function are obtained.