IJSER Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2011 Edition
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1. A Dynamic Construction Algorithm and Verification of the Grafcet Marcellin Nkenlifack, Emmanuel Tanyi and Janvier Nzeutchap…………………….………....1-10
2. An Agent-Based Approach for Supporting Ubiquitous Learning Luiz Cláudio N. da Silva, Francisco M. Mendes Neto, Luiz J. Júnior..…………….……...…..11-18
3. Automatic Reordering Rule Generation Based On Parallel Tagged Aligned Corpus for Myanmar-English Machine Translation Thinn Thinn Wai, Tin Myat Htwe, Ni Lar Thein………………….........................….………....19-25
4. A Word Sense Disambiguation System Using Naïve Bayesian Algorithm for Myanmar Language Nyein Thwet Thwet Aung, Khin Mar Soe, Ni Lar Thein…………….............……….………..26-32
5. Building Bilingual Corpus based on Hybrid Approach for Myanmar-English Machine Translation Khin Thandar Nwet, Khin Mar Soe, Ni Lar Thein……………........................……….………..33-38
6. Analysis of Ammonia-Water (NH3-H2O) Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System based on First Law of Thermodynamics Satish Raghuvanshi, Govind Maheshwari……......................................……………….………..39-45
7. A New Scientific Approach of Intelligent Artificial Neural Network Engineering for Predicting Shelf Life of Milky White Dessert Jeweled Sumit Goyal and Gyanendra Kumar Goyal…...................................………………….………..46-49
8. Antagonistic activity evaluation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis essential oil in control of algae and associated microorganisms Ali M. Najem, Abdul Latif M. Jawad and Ayyad W. Raof……...........……………….………..50-57
9. Assessing of Groundwater Contamination by Toxic Elements through Multivariate Statistics and Spatial Interpolation, Wadi Fatimah, Western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia Mohammed Amin M. Sharaf and Ali M. Subyani……….........................…………….………..58-71
10. A Study Of Web Navigation Pattern Using Clustering Algorithm In Web Log Files Mrs.V.Sujatha, Dr.Punithavalli………….........................................................………….………..72-76
11. Comparison of women's self -esteem, self- concept and locus of control between the sexual and none-sexual delinquent women in Prisons of Guilan province Dr. Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi, Dr. Javad Khalatbari, Leila Jamshidi…………………….…..77-81
12. Cost-Based Query Optimization with Heuristics Saurabh Kumar,Gaurav Khandelwal,Arjun Varshney,Mukul Arora…………………….…..82-87
13. Design of Control unit for Low Power ALU Using Reversible Logic Ravish Aradhya H V, Praveen Kumar B V, Muralidhara K N……....……………….………..88-94
14. Determine the uptake of lead in Chlorella vulgaris isolated from Tigris River in Baghdad city A.S. Dwaish, D.Y. Mohammed, A.M. Jawad and A.A.AL-kubaicy....……………….………95-103
15. Effect of Serifeed a feed supplement enriched feed of silkworm Bombyx mori L. on its nutritional and economic parameters M. D. Ananda Kumar and Ann Sandhya Michael……….........................……….………......104-109
16. Effect on Strength of Involute Spur Gear by Changing the Fillet Radius Using FEA Ashwini Joshi, Vijay Kumar Karma……….............................................…………….………..110-114
17. Effects of Process Parameters on Depth of Cut in Abrasive Waterjet Cutting of Cast Iron M.Chithirai Pon Selvan, Dr.N.Mohana Sundara Raju, Dr.R.Rajavel…………....……...…..115-119
18. Embedding Soft processor based USB device driver on FPGA Prof. Shashank Pujari……………….....................................................................…….………..120-125
19. Enhancing the signal strength using Novel approach with Directional Antenna in Integrated Mobile Adhoc Network Ashish Bagwari, Sourabh Bisht…....................................................………………….………..126-129
20. Implementation of Generic Algorithm Using VHDL on FPGA Prashant Sen, Priyanka Pateriya……………...................................................……….………..130-133
21. Improving Waiting Line Characteristics in Sales Points Using Computer Simulation: A Case Study Said Ali Hassan El-Quliti……...................................................................…………….………..134-141
22. Interference Reduction in CDMA using SIC Sukrita Swarnkar, Nipun Mishra, Mohan Awasthy….................………………….………..142-145
23. Low Temperature Magnetotransport in 2D GaN Quantum Wells Arindam Biswas, Aniruddha Ghosal, Hasanujjaman, Sahnawaj Khan………..........……..146-149
24. Medical Image Compression Using Multiwavelets for Telemedicine Applications R.Sumalatha, M.V.Subramanyam………................................................…………….………..150-153
25. Ontology Based Text Categorization - Telugu Documents Mrs.A.Kanaka Durga, Dr.A.Govardhan……….....................................…………….………..154-157
26. Optimal Thinning Algorithm for detection of FCD in MRI Images Dr.P.Subashini, S.Jansi……...................................................................……………….………..158-164
27. Performance Investigations on DWDM-OADM Optical Ring Network for CRZ Data Format at Different Fiber Length Sarbjit Singh, Love Kumar………............................................................…………….………..165-172
28. Privacy Anxiety and Challenges in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks and its Solution Krishan Kant Lavania, G. L. Saini, Kothari Rooshabh H., Yagnik Harshraj A…..….....…..173-177
29. Process Mining in Dyeing Unit Using Performance Perspective: A Case Study Saravanan. M.S, Rama Sree. R.J…....................................................………………….………..178-183
30. Profitability analysis at regional level of the economic entities listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Iulia JIANU, Cristina Venera GEAMBASU, Ionel JIANU……............…….............………..184-190
31. Relationship between Internet Using Mental health of Internet Users Dr. Hossain Jenaabadi, Mohammad Mojtaba.................................……...........…….………..191-195
32. Route Failure Management Technique for Ant Based Routing in MANET S.B.Wankhade, M.S.Ali……………..................................................................……….………..196-200
33. Scalable ZigBee-Based Smart Authentication and Access Control System Design Using XMOS Programmable Chips Wael Hosny Fouad Aly, Haytham Aboulabbas M., Moustafa H. Aly…………........…......201-209
34. Six Sigma an Excellent Tool for Process Improvement - A Case Study Sushil Kumar, P.S. Satsangi and D.R. Prajapati…….............................……….........………..210-219
35. Skew Detection Technique for Various Scripts Loveleen Kaur, Simpel Jindal….......................................................………………….………..220-222
36. Some Aspects of Performance Improvement of Pelton Wheel Turbine with Reengineered Blade and Auxiliary Attachments Suraj Yadav……………......................................................................................……….………..223-226
37. Study of the Adverse Effect of Aircraft Noise in Nigeria & Discovered Solutions Engr. C. O. Osueke, Engr. I. O. Ofondu…………......................................………….………..227-230
38. The Cultural Sociology of Sanai's age and its impact on Sanai's thinking and Mysticism Dr.Ahmad Reza Keikhay Farzaneh…….................................................…………….………..231-234
39. Variability in the Geotechnical properties of some residual clay soils from southwestern Nigeria I. A. Oyediran and H. F. Durojaiye……………………...............................................………..235-240
40. Verification of document with social values using watermark exclusion Mukesh Kumar…………...............................................................................………….………..241-243
41. Wheat disease identification using Classification rules A.Nithya, Dr.V.Sundaram………….............................................................………….………..244-248
42. Relevance of Branding in Insurance Sector Prof. Deepali Singh, Rahul Priyadarshi ,Snehal . Kannaujia, Puneet Kumar…….........…..249-259
43. Recent geomorphological changes in Ebrié lagoon, Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa Monde Sylvain, Toure Mamadou, N'guessan Yao Mathieu…………....………….………..260-266
44. Studies on preparation and characterizations of CaO-Na2O-SiO2-P2O5 bioglass ceramics substituted with Li2O, K2O, ZnO, MgO, and B2O3 M.R. Majhi, Ram Pyare, S.P.Singh……………................................................……….………..267-275
45. Comparison of Variational Iteration Decomposition Method with Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic of 12th Order Boundary Value Problems Mukesh Grover, Dr. Arun Kumar Tomer……...................................……………….………..276-280
46. Design of cooling fan for noise reduction using cfd G.V.R. seshagiri rao, Dr.V.V.subba rao…………….......................................……….………..281-285
47. Automated Learning in Medical Sensor System Ayoni Mukherjee, Sanjit Setua…………......................................................………….………..286-290
48. Developing University Ontology using protégé OWL Tool: Process and Reasoning Naveen Malviya, Nishchol Mishra, Santosh Sahu……………….....................…….………..291-298
49. Heat Transfer In Unsteady Axisymmetric Rotational Flow Of Oldroyd Liquid A. Mishra, G. S. Ray, S. Biswal…………......................................................………….………..299-312
50. WiMax and Wi-Fi in Current World Vikas Solomon Abel, Rodney Rambally…….....................................……………….………..313-316
51. Application level load balancing in a web switch or security oriented filtering based on the content signatures for deep packet inspection and delayed input DFA Madhuri Katabathuni, Suman Maloji, Rajasekhar Rao Kurra….....……........…….………..317-319
52. Wireless power transmission "a novel idea" Vikash choudhary, Abdul kadir, Satendar pal Singh……...............……………….………..320-326
53. Managing Human-Leopard Conflicts in Pauri Garhwal, Uttaranchal, India using Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing Manoj Agarwal, Devendra S. Chauhan, S. P. Goyal and Qamar Qureshi……………........327-334
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