IICT 2014-National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies
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Privacy Perserving And Enhanced Dynamic Auditing Protocol In Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] AARTHI.T, Mrs.RATHI.GIn cloud computing, data owners host their data on cloud data servers and users can access the data from cloud servers. Due to the data outsourcing, however, this new paradigm of the data hosting service also introduces new security challenges for the data, which requires an independent data auditing service to check the data integrity in the cloud. In existing system is desired to convince data owners that the data are correctly stored in the cloud. In that system there is no security is provided when outsourcing data from TPA to server and does not concern is how to ensure the integrity of the outsourced data. So our proposed system is mainly concentrated on provide security between TPA to server and also user extend our system to check the integrity of failure in that file using Erasure Code technique. The original auditing protocol is vulnerable to the attack from an active adversary since it does not provide authentication of the response, so the user suggest employing a secure digital signature scheme to prevent the proof from being modified. The system present a novel family of erasure codes that are efficiently repairable and offer higher reliability. The proposed design allows users to audit the cloud storage with very lightweight communication and computation cost. The data auditing result not only ensures strong cloud data storage correctness , but also simultaneously achieves fast data error localization, that is the identification of misbehaving server.
Improving Link Stability and Energy Saving in Mobile Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] S. Divya, J.SelvaKumarA mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless. In the mobile adhoc networks the mobile nodes are move randomly in the network so that design of stable and efficient routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks is an important concern. So, in order to overcome this problem, we use a novel technique called a stability considered density adaptive routing protocol not only to support the stable routing, but to guarantee the efficiency of routing process[1] in order to reduce the overhead caused by control messages generated in the routing process.
Maximize the Lifetime of WSN Using New Backbone Scheduling Based Algorithm[Full-Text ] S.Alagumuthukrishnan, Dr.K.GeethaIn this paper, a new algorithm called New Backbone Scheduling (NBS) was proposed which enables sleep scheduling at random amount of time.NBS schedules multiple overlapped backbones at random time so that the network energy usage is evenly distributed among all sensor nodes. In this way, the energy of the entire sensor nodes in the network is fully utilized which in turn increases the network lifetime. Wireless Sensor Networks are key for various applications such as military for battlefield surveillance and many other industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring etc. In these applications, sensor nodes use batteries as the only energy source. Therefore, energy efficiency becomes vital. So NBS is designed for WSNs has redundant sensor nodes. NBS forms multiple overlapped backbones which work alternatively to increase the network lifetime. In NBS, traffic is only forwarded by backbone sensor nodes, and the rest of the sensor nodes turn off their radios to save energy. The rotation of multiple backbones makes sure that the energy consumption of all sensor nodes is balanced, which fully utilizes the energy and achieves a longer network lifetime compared to the existing techniques. The simulation result achieves higher packet delivery ratio and low end to end delay and thus increases the network lifetime.
Minimizing Energy Consumption and Collision by using Cluster-based Energy-efficient Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Karthika K.P.R.C, Mr.T.M.ThiyaguA wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. In the sensor network (WSN), the connected dominating set (CDS) concept has recently emerged as a promising approach to the area coverage but there is more energy consumption. So, to make a good trade-off between the network connectivity, coverage, and lifetime, a proper number of sensors must be activated. We use a technique called a degree-cons trained minimum-weight extension of the CDS problem called DCDS to model the area coverage in WSNs[1]. The proper choice of the degree-constraint of DCDS balances the network load on the active sensors and significantly improves the network coverage and lifetime. A learning automata-based heuristic named as LAEEC is proposed for finding a near optimal solution to the proxy equivalent DCDS problem in WSN. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm to find an optimal solution of the area coverage problem is approximated. By using this method, achieves control message overhead, percentage of covered area, residual energy, number of active nodes (CDS size), and network lifetime. But in this method there is communication collisions and redundant messages in the wireless sensor network. So, in order to overcome this problem, we introduce a cluster-based efficient-energy coverage scheme called CSA_VS (Cluster-based Scheduling Algorithm�Virtual Sensor) to ensure the full coverage of a monitored area while saving energy. CSA_VS uses a novel sensor-scheduling scheme based on the k-density and the remaining energy of each sensor to determine the state of all the deployed sensors to be either active or sleep as well as the state durations. So that provides better performance in terms of the number and the percentage of active sensors to guarantee the area coverage. So, by using this method we achieve efficient network coverage with less energy consumption and avoid communication collisions and redundant messages in a sensor network.
Effective Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection Using Clustering Method[Full-Text ] S.Prasanth, Mr. B.Saravana BalajiThe contribution of this work relates to the modeling of writing style. We use a model for writing style quantification, for finding significant deviations in a document�s writing style, these differing segments could have been plagiarized, and are probably useful as a starting point to search for possible source candidates. But in this work, one important issue is if more than one author had written the document then the existing method will indicate as the plagiarized content. To overcome this problem we introduce a clustering method. In this technique we first Select the 50 most frequent words from the file and Determine frequency by paragraph for these 50 words. Extract the nouns from the 50 most frequent words (excluding stop words). For the highest frequency noun, create a cluster and remove from consideration all other nouns enclosed by this � i.e. occurring in the same paragraphs. Repeat this step to produce new clusters from the remaining nouns. Based on this clustering approach we can obtain the accuracy result in the plagiarism detection. Experimental results is shown that the proposed system is very effective than the existing system.
Dynamic Potential Field Modeling Of Smart Beamforming[Full-Text ] Santhiya.P, Sasi.AMobile communication equipment is configured to allow authentic communication with a lot of petrified services with low-priced among multiple users. Due to bounded absolute frequency spectrum and infrastructure, mobile communication demands much maturation just in case of both setting up communication and sustainment in service quality. To accomplish these essentials, 5G versatile communication comprised to offer superior choice reliable communication and quality of service, by applying beamforming pattern. As the curve of future propagation mobile communication, 3D directional transmission embodies to give increased coverage pattern and reusability of frequency. Phase arrayed aerial is applied in this beamforming pattern to give orthogonal communication among users. In this paper, afresh patterning of beamforming is employed to establish a new property by looking at elevation with potential domain scheme. Here phase ranged aerial is substituted by 3-D intelligent aerial to improve the functioning of 5G mobile communications. Performance evaluation results 3D beamforming heads 2D beamforming in terms of communication time lag, and uplink downlink throughput.
Emergency Alert Systems over Cellular Text Messaging Services in Android Mobile Phones[Full-Text ] S.Sathiya, J.AnjanaCellular text messaging services are increasingly being relied upon to disseminate critical information during emergencies. Accordingly, a wide range of organizations including colleges and universities now partner with third-party providers that promise to improve physical security by rapidly delivering such messages. In recent days accident happens very common due to heavy traffic and increase in vehicle level and bad drivers, hence it requires a software to inform the service center for instant help to save life of the people. The Most of the people are stressed out and overstrained after accidents even if no one is hurt. Consequently, they may face some difficulty in reporting the accident to the police and civil defense, or they may provide them with inaccurate information about the location of the accident.
Best Merge Region Growing for Color Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] N.M.Shalini, D.JeyakumariImage segmentation is a first step in the analysis of high spatial images using object based image analysis. The segmentation quality is important in the analysis of images. Hierarchical image segmentation (HSeg) is a hybrid of region growing and spectral clustering that produces a hierarchical set of image segmentations. Processing time of HSeg is high because of the intercomparisons of each region to every other regions. It can be reduced by recursive version of HSeg (RHSeg). RHSeg is difficult to process the moderately sized images. So the proposed method, refined version of HSeg is introduced to reduce the computing time. The main purpose of this paper is reducing the processing time and increases the segmentation quality. The computing time is reduced by limiting the region object aggregation to regions containing a dynamically varied minimum number of pixels. In the proposed method the similarity calculation was based on probabilistic method. Using Bayesian probabilistic method the regions are merged and output is obtained. This method is better than previous method and the quality also increases.