ICTTC 2014-International conference on Trends in Technology for Convergence
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Performance and Emission Characteristics of Modified Jatropha oil Methyl Ester in a DI Diesel Engine[Full-Text ] Sairam K, Gopinath A, Velraj RAlternate fuel as a diesel substitute needs to be developed to fulfill the energy demands in the future for developing countries like India. Therefore, researchers show interests in developing the alternative fuel, based on the local available renewable sources. In this paper jatropha oil methyl ester (JOME) and coconut oil methyl ester (COME) taken for the study. The objective of the present research is to optimize the use of JOME in diesel engine. The present study analyzes the effect of biodiesel (COME and JOME) and modified biodiesel (blends of COME in JOME) on diesel engine. Experiments were conducted in a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine. The results indicate that COME shows good performance and reduced pollutants emission compared to JOME. The poor cold flow properties of COME resists its use at low ambient temperature. JOME has poor oxidation stability since it comprises of 70 % unsaturated fatty acid. Hence to use JOME effectively, COME was blended with JOME and the blend ratio was optimised based on engine performance, pollutants emissions, cold flow properties and oxidation stability. The 40 % COME blend fuel gives higher thermal efficiency with reduced oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions compared to other blends. It also shows better oxidation stability and possesses good cold flow properties. From the present investigation, it is concluded that 40 % COME blend with JOME is the optimum fuel for diesel engine application.
Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Biodiesel derived from Cottonseed oil (Gossypium hirsutum) on Environmental Emissions and Performance of a Stationary DI Diesel Engine[Full-Text ] Gopinath A, Sairam K, Velraj RBiodiesel fuels are becoming increasingly popular because of their lowest impact on environment and better potential as a green alternative fuel as well as renewable fuel source for diesel engines. The carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter emissions are lower with biodiesel as compared to diesel fuel. Due to inherent oxygen content and various fuel characteristics, biodiesel exhibits higher oxides of nitrogen emissions when compared to petro-diesel. Similarly, engines fueled with biodiesels show closer performance characteristics to that of diesel fuel. In the present work, experiments were conducted in a constant speed, stationary direct injection diesel engine fueled with diesel, cottonseed oil, and cottonseed biodiesel to investigate the performance and emission characteristics. The tests conducted with standard injection pressure and timing at different engine loads, i.e. 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the rated load. The performance of the engine was evaluated by brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, and exhaust gas temperature. Correspondingly, emissions were evaluated in terms of the oxides of nitrogen and smoke emissions. It was found from the investigation that the cotton biodiesel showed performance and emissions closer to petroleum diesel fuel.
Design of Narrowband PLC for Power Distribution System with Automated Billing Generation through GSM Network[Full-Text ] E.Porkodi, M.Vinoth kumarThe advancement of the Electricity Boards in the Metropolitan area, Such as implementing energy meter, current leakage sensing parameters and reached success in it, but still now a major advancement have not achieved in this department. Though, the monthly bill and usage of current units are noted by a person and later it entered into the Electricity Board. This paper proposes the most reliable and effective automated Bill generation using PLC Modem through GSM Network for each individual home or person, and to provide the facility to monitor and control the each and every household from the Electricity department Board.
Implementation of ARM Based Automated Voice MMS Alert System for Vehicle Collision Using TTS Module with GPS Positioning System and GSM Network
[Full-Text ] M.Lenin, J.GobinathIn recent intelligent transport system they are several advancement achieved, like GPS, ABS implemented for safe driving, This paper is about, after the collision happen how to intimate a information about that particular vehicle and its location to respective person or authority. In past automatic SMS based information system is there but, In this proposed paper the implementation of the automated voice generated MMS along with detail status about the vehicle number and exact location of where the collision occurred through GPS, In this proposed system we utilize a low cost GPS, along with engine locking system (ECU) to prevent from fire catch up in vehicle, and a transmitting module of GSM/GPRS all these control in this operation is interfaced with ARM processor LPC2148.
Ontology Based Data Integration with User Feedback[Full-Text ] Devini.K, M.S. HemaMany applications need to access multiple heterogeneous data sources. The integration of these data sources raises several semantic heterogeneity problems. In existing systems, it is difficult to provide the high quality result to the end users due to the heterogeneity, inaccuracy of the facts in data sources. This paper is proposed to resolve semantic heterogeneity problem in integration by using ontology and to provide the quality results to the end user and improve the quality of data sources of data integration system by using user feedback. Online e-shopping application is taken for experimentation. The experimentation results shows that the response time and precision of the data is improved.
Unit Commitment Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO)[Full-Text ] Divya Ananthan Prof.S.NishanthinivalliExisting unit commitment methods have the problem of stopping at local optimum and slow convergence. So it is replaced by a new method known as Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) which is a biological method based on particle swarming. It consists of a group of particles moving towards optimal solution. Feasible solutions are obtained as particles move in feasible solution space rather than infeasible ones. Thus the method reduces computational time. In this paper PSO is applied to IEEE 30 bus test system with six generators so that fuel cost of each generator is reduced using PSO
Multi-Privacy Collaborative Data publishing with Efficient Anonymization Techniques[Full-Text ] K.S.Gangatharan, M.S.ThanabalPrivacy-preserving in collaborative data publishing provides methods and tools for publishing the data while protecting the sensitive information in the data set. The success of data mining in privacy relies on the information sharing and quality of data in a distributed environment. Several anonymization techniques have been proposed such as bucketization, generalization which does not prevent membership disclosure and results in loss of information. Slicing used for high dimensional data and prevent membership disclosure but it takes place at only one column. The above techniques where each of them has taken the solution for creating a privacy when the microdata publishing. The system proposed in this paper tells the m-privacy and m-adversary technique with overlapping slicing concept which takes place more than two attribute column. M-privacy protects anonymized data from adversaries for a given privacy constraint. This technique shows the better utility and efficiency than the previous techniques.
Low Power Paradigm Featuring Dual Dynamic Node Pulsed Hybrid Flip-Flop With Dual Mode Logic and Clock Gating[Full-Text ] Surya Dharshini.R, Yamuna.JToday’s technologies make possible powerful computing devices with multi-media capabilities. Consumer’s attitudes are gearing towards better accessibility and mobility. In this paper, the objective is to develop a 4-b Johnson up-down counter that incorporates low power dual dynamic node pulsed hybrid flip-flop (DDFF), featuring dual mode logic (DML) and clock gating. The dual dynamic node hybrid flip-flop eliminates the large capacitance present at the pre-charge node of other designs by following a split dynamic node structure to separately drive the output pull-up and pull-down transistors. The dual mode logic allows a fly change between two operational modes at the gate level: static mode and dynamic mode. The power consumption is controlled further by clock gating. The analysis approach reveals the sources of performance and power consumption bottlenecks in different design styles. The performance improvements indicate that the proposed designs are well suited for modern high-performance designs where power dissipation and delay are of major concern. The simulation results are compared using T-Spice.
Enhancement of Power Quality for Distance Relays on Shunt-FACTS Compensated Transmission Lines[Full-Text ] Dr.K.S.Srikanth, Dr.L.V.Narasimha Rao, K.Naresh, Ch.Punya Sekhar, V.Ramesh, P.AnjappaIn transmission lines we come across different types of faults. Some are severe which LG faults (short circuit faults) are. These faults cause a great disturbance to the consumers. So there is a need to clear these type of disturbances. The technique used to correct these disturbances is using distance relays. By using these distance relays we can clear the disturbances under severe faults that occur. But the major disadvantage associated with this distance relay is during sub synchronous condition the relay may misoperate. In order to overcome this disadvantage here in this paper the shunt FACTS devices (SVC & STATCOM) are introduced which are connected in long transmission lines. These Shunt FACTS devices stabilize the system voltage and current under fault conditions. Here In order to give gate pulses to the thyristors present in these shunt FACTS devices, we use neural networks. By using these neural networks we can maintain the relay current stable under fault condition through which we can eliminate the sub synchronous condition.
Design approach for avoiding airplanes landing accident based on Embedded cockpit display[Full-Text ] Anandha Raja.AThis paper presents a new approach about avoiding airplanes landing related accident based on Embedded Electronics System (EES) display and installed in cockpit. This new automation or animation based cockpit display will develop to provide optimum guidance information’s to the pilot in a manner that is compatible with pilots and easily can control capabilities for safety landing. Main reason for landing accidents, when the Pilots are unable to see the runway or refer the information because of bad weather conditions, inaccuracy of runway distance information and speed of the airplanes.This all information’s are displayed in EES based cockpit display. In this EES based cockpit display has divided into four parts and it’s shown like Engine parameters, live status of airplanes movement in runway, control surfaces and important parameters related to landing operations.This achievement of displaying the parameters and commands are controlling by Microcontroller.Microcontrollers will get information from sensor sources and its give the landing related parameters information to pilot through cockpit display. Radio Frequency (RF) signal used to identify the airplanes Altitude and Longitude parameters. Based on the RF Received Signal Strength (RSS), the airplanes altitude and longitude will be detected and displays the aircraft movement in every meter like animations.EES display will show exact distance from one end of runway to other end of runway information and status of the airplanes. If this system is implemented, pilots are no need to refer the runway information from Air Traffic Control (ATC) and status of runway; through EES based cockpit display, pilots can easily land the airplanes at any environmental conditions.
Performance Characterization of Capacitance Modeling for Carbon Nanotube MOSFET[Full-Text ] P.Geetha, Dr.R.S.D.Wahida BanuNanostructures performs in a better way with its unique characteristics in the field of electronic devices. Carbon nanotube exhibits 1D electron transport with high mobility because of its density of states for scattering and propagation modes. With the cylindrical electrode structure it possesses good control over the conducting channel. In this paper, CNTMOSFET is modeled for its capacitance and simulated using the CNTMOS tool.
Implementation of WSN Based Transport
Information System through ZIGBEE Protocol[Full-Text ] M.Sudhagar, J.GobinathIn the present transportation system, getting information about bus arrival is very difficult now a days due to traffic and some external scenarios. In this paper we can monitor bus and get data from the administrators as well as to the travellers whether the bus is arriving on time, early or late and also this information is displayed on the different wireless displays in the bus station. In our project, once the user (traveller) wants to know about the detail and status of a particular bus, then he can able to get the details by giving the bus number and stopping name on the android application in mobile. It communicate to bus depot and start analyzing then Zigbee transceiver receives the signal that the vehicle has entered the zone in particular route specified, then automatically the unique id of the bus (Vehicle ID) will be read from the board (Zigbee MAC id) which has been attached to every vehicle and collects the distance and nearby stopping name and send to depot.
Feasibility Study on Thermal Cracking of Pongamia pinnata Oil for IC Engine Applications[Full-Text ] S.RAMKUMAR, DR.V.KIRUBAKARANDue to depletion of fossil liquid fuels, research in alternate engine fuel is emerging today. However the conventional route of ‘biodie-sel’ production is not economical as well as eco friendly. The byproduct like ‘glycerin’ doesn’t have any market value and hence disposal also leads lots of issues. Hence this paper aims in finding out feasibility of using pongamia pinnata oil to CI engines directly by catalytic cracking instead of going for transesterificaiton. Also TGA & DSC studies have been carried out with this oil showing encouraging results.
Packet Scheduling For Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous Network[Full-Text ] S. Gospel Ruben, B. Jesvin Veancy, P.YogeshIn heterogeneous network the deployment of pico cells is vital in offering higher data rates. Pico cell range extension is the feature of LTE-A where pico cell in a Het-net can increase the coverage area with an positive bias and neighboring macro cell can offload their users to pico cell to reduce load in them. Deployment of pico and macro will result in downlink interference for users in the range extension area. This leads to the multi-user downlink communication problem. The main task of low power cells deployed in a heterogeneous network is to allow the cell edge users benefit from the extra bandwidth that is introduced in the network. Scheduling of pico cell users can reduce the interference for the users in the cell range extension area of the Heterogeneous network. In this paper, downlink packet scheduling performance with Modified Largest Weighted Delay First has been analyzed.
Power Transformer Faults Identification using SFRA[Full-Text ] T.Mariprasath, Dr.V.KirubakaranPower transformer is one of the most imperative equipments in a high voltage electric power system. This dissertation aims at the Power transformer faults analysis using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA). SFRA is condition monitoring technique for expensive power equipment. It measures the frequency response of passive element (RLC) of the apparatus. In a power transformer it measures the fault current of the winding over a wide range of frequencies. The SFRA measurement is done using sweep frequency of 20Hz – 20MHz applied to transformer of 16MVA, 33KV/11KV under normal as well as faulty conditions.
Conventional load frequency control of an interconnected multi-area reheat thermal power systems using HVDC link[Full-Text ] K.Jagatheesan, S.Jeyanthi, Dr.B.AnandThis work presents Load Frequency Control (LFC) of multi -area interconnected thermal power systems incorporate with reheat turbine. Area 1, area 2 and area 3 are interconnected using normal HVAC tie line. In this investigation HVDC link is connected in parallel with HVAC tie line and performance of AC/DC tie line is compared with ordinary HVAC tie line. The dynamic performance of the system is observed with conventional PI controller. Optimal values of proportional and integral controller gain values are tuned using Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) performance indices technique. Time domain simulation is utilized to study the behavior of system with 1% of step load disturbance given in either area of the system. Finally, simulation result indicates that the system with HVDC link yield better controlled response in terms of settling time, overshoot and damping oscillations.
A Survey of Moving Cast Shadow Detection Methods
[Full-Text ] Kavitha N, Ruba Soundar KThis paper presents a survey of recent techniques for moving cast shadow detection. Cast shadows need careful consideration in the development of robust dynamic scene analysis systems. Cast shadow detection is critical for accurate object detection in video streams and their misclassification can cause errors in segmentation and tracking. The survey covers methods in a feature-based taxonomy comprised of 3 categories: chromacity, geometry and texture that are analysed either in a chronological manner or parallel manner. A number of moving cast shadow detection methods have been developed which has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Automatic Bidirectional Power Management Using Buck Boost Converter[Full-Text ] SASIKUMAR S, HARINANDAN LIn this paper, electric vehicle technology which is recharged in the combination of multi sources (when it is plugged in to a power source from the grid and also from renewable energies like solar). However the solar radiation never remains constant. It keeps on varying throughout the day. The need of the hour is to deliver a constant voltage to the grid irrespective of the variation in temperatures and solar insolation. We have designed a circuit such that it delivers constant and stepped up dc voltage to the load. At various insolation levels, the load is varied and the corresponding variation in the input voltage and current to the buck-boost converter is corrected and noted. These electric vehicles help to keep the environment clean by reducing the amount of toxins emitted from standard exhaust systems and lower operating cost than the conventional internal combustion engine based vehicle. The main objective of this project is used to improve battery performance/efficiency as well as life together using converter and also monitoring the system using PIC16F877A. The effectiveness of the system is verified through the simulations using Simulink/ MATLAB (R2013a) package.
Cluster Structure Based Energy Efficient Improvement for MANET[Full-Text ] K.Prasanth, P.SivakumarMobile sinks (MSs) are very important in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications for efficient data gathering, restricted sensor reprogramming, and for characteristic and revoking compromised sensors so, This paper presents a secure and energy-efficient geocast forwarding for MANET based on a hierarchical clustered structure with reduction of packet dropping from the base station(BS) and access point(AP), all nodes placed in one or more geocast regions. Our protocol is composed of two major parts which are protects from attackers and allow overall energy savings. First of all the hierarchical formation based on cliques and a concept of data aggregation allows us to build a robust, fast and secure foundation for routing of information, Next geocast diffusion itself is simply provide data forwarding and reduced a research phase in the network that is a step of sending data(s). Our protocol performs better in terms of less broadcast rounds overhead than the one in [38]. For security a three-tier general framework is used, that permit utilize of any pair wise key predistribution plan as its indispensable component. To decrease the compensation caused by reproduction attacks we encompass strengthened the authentication device between the sensor nodes and the stationary access node (AP) in the planned framework. Through The analysis is done using network simulator 2 (NS2) it is a packet level simulator with trace level analysis.
Hybrid Approach for Effective Load Balancing of Distributed File Systems in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] A. Lalitha, P. Mahendrababu, Prof. T. RajendranLoad balancing plays an effective role on performance in cloud computing environment. Efficient load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and improves performance of the entire system. In our existing system achieves load balancing with the help of load rebalancing algorithm using DHT protocol.But the existing solutions are not efficient for load balancing so that the various methods have been developed to resolve new problems. In our proposed system introduces a partitioning method for storing static and dynamic files using partitioning method in various situations for efficient load balancing.AVL tree algorithmused along with a maze technique to improve the system performance and reduces the time complexity.
Simulation Based on Ion-Ion Plasma Techniques of Electric Propulsion in Mars Mission Using Chlorine Gas
[Full-Text ] C.Sathiyavel and Dr.A.kanni RajThe recently(Nov-5/2013) launched Mankalyan by the Indian space Research Organization (ISRO) to Mars orbit with Mankalyan contained by small liquid engine(MMH+N2O4).This will take long time to reach the Mars orbit that is around the 10 Months. Bi-Propellant rocket system has good thrust but low specific impulse and velocity. In future we need a rocket with good high specific impulse and high velocity of rocket system, to reduce the trip time to Mars. Electric propulsion rocket system is expected to become popular with the development of ion-ion pair techniques because this needs low propellant, Design thrust range is 2 N with high efficiency. An ion - ion pair of Electric propulsion rocket system is proposed in this work. Ion–Ion (positive ion- negative ion) Based Rocket system consists of three parts 1.The negative ionization stage with electro negative propellant 2. Ion-Ion plasma formation and ion accelerator 3.Exhaust of Nozzle. The Negative ions from electro negative gas are produced by adding up the gas, such as chlorine with electron emitted from an Electron gun ionization chamber. The formulate of large stable negative ion is achievable in chlorine gas with respect to electron affinity ( . When a neutral chlorine (chlorine act as Electro negativity gas) atom in the gaseous form picks up an electron to form a Cl- ion, it releases energy of 3.6eV. The negative ion density becomes several orders of magnitude larger than that of the electrons, hence forming ion-ion (positive ion – negative ion) plasma at the periphery of the discharge. The distance between ion- ions is important for the evaluate the rocket thrust and it also that the distance is determined by the exhaust velocity of the propellant. Accelerate the ion-ion plasma to a high velocity in the thrust vector direction via grids and the exhaust of ions through Nozzle. The simulation of the ion propulsion system has been carried out by MATLAB. By comparing the simulation results with the theoretical and previous results, we found that the proposed method is achieved of thrust value with high efficiency for simulating the ion propulsion rocket system.
A New Approach for Shape Recognition of Color Image Using PCA [Full-Text ] C.Senthilkumar, Dr.S.PannirselvamIn 2D shape, some simple approaches are used to recognize shape by using translation, rotation and scaling factors. These factors are used only for binary and gray scale images but it is difficult to use for a color image. Hence, it needs to extent another way of finding solutions for shape recognition. In two dimensional color shape without regard to their translation, rotation, scaling factors has been suggested. The input colour image is separated into various components such as red, green, blue etc. The covariance matrix is constructed directly from the original image matrix and its eigen vector are derived for the image features extraction. The first principal component may be calculated by their boundary points. The boundary points are divided into groups by projecting them onto principal component and each shape is partitioned into several blocks. These blocks are used to calculate the remaining features. Finally, the proposal efficiency matching algorithm compares two sets of features of all the three or more components of the two shapes to verify the similar or not.
Application of grey relation model in a supplier
selection process[Full-Text ] Dharun kumar.P,Mani bharathi.B,Karthikeyan.S,D.S BalajiSelecting a proper supplier to meet demand is a common problem that most manufacturing enterprises have to face. Normally, manufacturers conduct a performance evaluation on each supplier before a new product comes into mass production. The selection process is based on their previous performance records, so the ranking determines which supplier will get this supply contract. However, a survey on current evaluation methods shows that they are all less objective and lack accurate data processing. Traditionally used evaluation methods are based on various characteristics of a good supplier as measurement parameters. Nevertheless, whether the characteristics are quantitative or qualitative, the method uses a rating scale for each characteristic. The numeric score for each characteristic will be weighted by a factor, and then summing all scores together. As a result, achieving the highest score would imply the best supplier candidate. Therefore, this study will utilize the Grey relational analysis in the Grey theory (Deng, 1982) to establish a complete and accurate evaluation model for selecting suppliers. This methodology will significantly reduce the purchasing cost and increase the production efficiency and overall competitiveness.
Routing in Opportunistic Network based on Erasure codes with buffer management[Full-Text ] D. Malathi,K. Sabeetha,A. Vincent Antony Kumar Opportunistic Network is one type of challenged network where node contacts are occasional and routes are found dynamically while the message travels through the network. In such a network, there does not occur a complete path from source to destination for maximum time. In order to solve this routing issue many routing protocols such as epidemic routing and quota based routing protocols were employed. Such protocols manage relatively low network overhead but suffer from low delivery ratio. This paper confers erasure coding based routing in Opportunistic network. First our approach exploits buffer management to regulate buffer efficiently because of the lower node capacity. Second we calculate maximum communicable message size to avoid retransmission. This apprehension is exploited to make better forwarding decision. Third we apply erasure coding by adding redundancy to encode the original message and decode in the destination. Simulations demonstrate the benefit of our protocol and exhibit that our strategy provides prominent delivery ratio and inferior network overhead in comparison with a number of well known algorithms.
A Novel Software Reuse Method – An Ontological Approach[Full-Text ] R.Jayasudha, S.Subramanian, L.SivakumarSoftware Industries develop various projects in various domain and store it in the disk as archives. These resources are not used to its fullest for the future reuse because of unstructured storage and retrieval methods. In this paper the Ontology based Storage and retrieval is proposed. The developer uses domain based ontology for understanding the domain of the project and the relevant semantic based keyword is used for retrieving the needed reusable artifacts. The folder ontology is the index to the actual archives where the needed data is stored. The retrieved component is finally updated and integrated for successful reuse. By doing this process the time, manpower system resources and cost will be reduced in Software development
Design Space Exploration for Optimal Allocation of Systolic Array for n-D Nested Loop Algorithm[Full-Text ] Resmi R, B. Bala Tripura SundariSystolic architectures work like stream architectures and can be exploited to accelerate data and compute bound applications. Such applications are represented as multi-level nested loop algorithms. In other words, nested loop algorithms can be speeded up by exploiting the inherent parallelism, and by mapping the computational tasks of the algorithm using a suitable mapping methodology on to array architecture. In this paper the mapping methodology that identifies a lower dimensional sub-space in the n-D problem space wherein lies the axis of up-dating of the computational equation is validated by implementing the allocation algorithm in C programming as applied to higher dimensional - n-D nested loop algorithms where n is greater than 2. The algorithms under consideration here are the 3-D matrix-matrix multiplication, 2-D spatial filtering algorithm which is a 4-D nested loop algorithm and 6-D FSBM. The input to the allocation algorithm is the dependence graph (DG) representation of the considered n-D nested loop problem. Effectiveness and validity of the mapping methodology for the allocation of the processing element (PE) array to the computational sub-space is obtained by comparing the number of PEs, ports, data reuse registers and memory read with an allocation to a random sub-space of the n-D problem space. It is found that the allocation of the computational sub-space of the n-D problem space (that lie in the identified computational sub-space) to the PE array of the systolic array architecture results in the optimal allocation as shown by the output of our allocation algorithm.
Z-Set and Independent Fault Set based Fault Pair Collapsing for Fault List Reduction[Full-Text ] Chinju.G, J.P.AnitaIn fault pair collapsing, certain fault pairs are eliminated from the fault list, since those fault pairs are guaranteed to be distinguished by the remaining fault pairs in the fault list. Considering a fault pair is important in the case of diagnostic fault simulation and test generation. The concept of Z-set and independent fault set are used for fault pair formation. Z-set characteristics determine the numbers of fault pairs that are guaranteed to be distinguished by a given fault detection test set. So the remaining fault pairs are considered for further fault pair collapsing process. Independent fault pairs are formed from the collapsed fault list such that each fault in that pair cannot be covered by the tests derived for another fault. For fault pair collapsing process, a fault pair is selected which is not included in the independent fault set. Hence a reduction in the number of fault pairs is obtained. Again to further reduce the numbers of fault pairs, dominance relations between the faults are considered.
Enhance the Performance of Quality of Service in Mobile Adhoc Networks [Full-Text ] M.Arumugapriya, Mrs.R.Renugadevi, Dr.K.Ramasamy , Dr.K.VijayalakshmiNetwork coding, which exploits the broadcast nature of wireless medium, is an effective way to improve network performance in wireless multi-hop networks, but the first practical wireless network coding system COPE cannot actively detect a route with more coding opportunities and limit the coding structure within two-hop regions. An on-demand coding-aware routing scheme (ODCAR) for wireless Ad hoc networks is proposed to overcome the limitations specified above by actively detecting a route with more coding opportunities along the entire route rather than within two-hop regions. ODCAR achieves a tradeoff by adopting ETT as route metric in route discovery. Simulation results show that, compared with Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV), ODCAR can find more coding opportunities, thus effectively increase network throughput, reduce end to end delay and improve packet delivery ratio.
Hardware Implementation of Quasigroup Based Encryption[Full-Text ] Nikhil N A, D S Harish RamThis paper presents a Hardware implementation of Quasigroup based encryption. Unlike number system based approach it requires simple table lookup operations thereby enabling efficient hardware implementation. A hardware model of the encryption is proposed and synthesized to an FPGA library. Quasigroup based encryption is less affected by brute force attacks compared to the conventional methods this is because the number of quasigroups increases as the order increases in an astronomical fashion. The Verilog code is synthesized and implemented in Altera Cyclone II FPGA kit. The advantage of this method is that, it does not need to store the Quasigroup table and hence it require less memory.
Lean manufacturing through theory of constraints: An overview in literature arena[Full-Text ] S.Senthatty Ganesh Kumar, S.R.Devadasan, V.M.M.ThilakLean Manufacturing is the paradigm that stipulates the performance improvement through the elimination of wastes in organizations. Theory of Constraints (TOC) is the principle that facilitates the performance improvement through the removal of constraints in organizations. As the primary objective of both of these approaches is ‘performance improvement’, there is a need to integrate both. In order to theoretically examine this aspect, the literature survey conducted in this direction is being reported in this paper. The literature survey was conducted by reviewing the researches conducted for examining the implementation of lean manufacturing paradigm and TOC principles. The information gathered by conducting this literature survey are presented in this paper.
Comparison of Contrast Enhancement Technique with Partitioned Iterated Function System[Full-Text ] K.Nithya, Mr.K.Karthik, Dr.K.RamasamyContrast enhancement is essential in cases where substandard quality images are acquired.In many research fields such as remote sensing, medical image analysis etc., the acquisition of digital image with sufficient contrast and detail is a strong requirement.The ultimate aim of image enhancement is to improve the interpretability and perception of information in image for human viewers.The most popular methods for contrast enhancement includes histogram adjustment, unsharp-masking, homomorphic processing and adaptive modification of the local contrast and local luminance mean. Histogram adjustment and unsharp masking are conceptually and computationally simple technique, which can often provide significant improvement in image quality to the human observer. However these methods also enhance noise that is present within the image. On the other hand unsharp masking enhances strong edges of the image resulting in overshoot artifacts on the output image. Several approaches have been proposed for coping with aforementioned problems, including adaptive histogram equalization, adaptive unsharp masking, nonlinear unsharp masking, adaptive nonlinear filters etc.This project introduces a novel method for contrast enhancement based on the theory of partitioned iterated function systems. The objective of proposed algorithm is to provide strong contrast enhancement by increasing the mean contrast measurement of the enhanced image, and the obtained results are compared with four other contrast enhancement methods namely linear unsharp masking(Linear UM), histogram equalization(HE), contrast stretching(CS), and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization(CLAHE).
Analysis and Design of Low Power High Speed Dynamic Latch Comparator using CMOS Process
[Full-Text ] A.Sathishkumar, S.SaravananThis paper presents the need for ultra low-power, area efficient and high speed analog-to-digital converters is pushing toward the use of dynamic regenerative comparators to maximize speed and power efficiency. In this paper, an analysis on the delay of the dynamic comparators will be presented and analytical expressions are derived. From the analytical expressions, designers can obtain an intuition about the main contributors to the comparator delay and fully explore the tradeoffs in dynamic comparator design. Based on the presented analysis, a new dynamic comparator is proposed, where the circuit of a conventional double tail comparator is modified for low-power and fast operation even in small supply voltages. Without complicating the design and by adding few transistors, the positive feedback during the regeneration is strengthened, which results in remarkably reduced delay time. Post-layout simulation results in a 0.18-μm CMOS technology confirm the analysis results. It is shown that in the proposed dynamic comparator both the power consumption and delay time are significantly reduced. The maximum clock frequency of the proposed comparator can be increased to 2.5 V and 1.1 GHz at supply voltages of 1.2 and 0.6 V, while consuming 1.4 mW and 153 μW, respectively.
FORMATION OF Cu-Al-Ni SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY WITH THE ADDITION OF ALLOYING ELEMENTS Mn AND Si[Full-Text ] R Rajeshkumar, Dr.T.Vigraman The Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy billets were prepared using powder metallurgy technique by varying composition of major alloying elements such as copper and aluminium, and minor alloying elements manganese, and silicon. The sintered billets of 20 mm in diameter were machined to 18 mm in size in a lathe. The machinability of the sintered powder compacts were good. The tensile strength of the Cu-Al-Ni alloy sample without any minor alloying elements was 308.36 MPa. The hardness assessment carried out on the specimens revealed a maximum hardness value of 64 in rockwell hardness ‘B’ scale for the alloy Cu-Al-Ni with ‘Mn’ and ‘Si’ in it. The optical micrographs revealed the presence of fine grains and intermetallic compounds.
Effect of Cu and Ni addition in Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy[Full-Text ] S Balasubramani, Dr.T.Vigraman The Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloys (SMA) produced by powder metallurgy technique for various compositions with the addition of alloying elements nickel and copper were tested for it’s tensile strength. A maximum tensile strength of 301 MPa was exhibited by the alloy having Fe-30%Mn-6%Si-1%Ni. It was compacted by applying a pressure of 560 MPa and sintered at a temperature of 1000 ℃. The SMA revealed a maximum hardness of 78 in Rockwell hardness ‘B’ scale. The effect of alloy additions on the microstructure and formation of various compounds of shape memory alloy were examined by Optical Microscopy. The shape memory effect and strain recovery of these alloys were studied by conducting bend test.
Semiconductor Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Assisted Sonocatalytic Process for the Degradation of an Organic Dye[Full-Text ] G.V. Aatral, R. Bhavani, A. SivasamyMetal oxide nanoparticles were prepared by precipitation method using ammonia as the precipitating agent. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by XRD and FT-IR techniques. Catalytic activity studied under ultrasonic irradiation for the degradation of a model pollutant orange G dye in an aqueous medium. Experiments on the effects of aqueous phase pH, dye concentration, catalyst dosage and oxidant concentration on dye degradation were carried out. Degradation kinetics of dye molecules with catalysts assisted by power ultrasound has also been investigated. The sonocatalytic reaction followed pseudo first order kinetics with the rate constant 1.163 to 0.126 x 10-2 min-1 and R2 value of 0.98. It was observed that the rate constants decreased with increasing concentration of dye molecules. The degradation of dye molecules were monitored by UV-Visible spectrophotometer and Chemical Oxygen demand analyses.
Congestion Control Based On Sliding Mode Control And Scheduling With Prioritized Queuing For Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] R.Keerthana, S.LavanyaIn this paper, the joint congestion control and scheduling problem is considered and is formulated using NUM problem. Incorporating dual decomposition enables the joint congestion control and scheduling problem to be considered separately. The communication among these two sub problems is given by the lagrangian price value. Based on the utility optimization of network, the congestion control can be improved using sliding mode based congestion controller. With QoS constraints imposed on the congestion control problem the per-next-hop queue is used for reducing the queuing overhead. Further improvisation of network performance can be made by combining the queuing structure of CBWFQ (Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing) and strict Priority so that the packets are classified into different classes and priorities are given to these classes, where the higher priority are given to delay sensitive packets and are scheduled effectively.
Location, Allocation and Routing Problem with a greener perspective[Full-Text ] L. Venkatesh, S.P. Anbuudayasankar, Himateja, M, D.Keshore, K.GaneshThe main concern of this paper is to model the location and the allocation of the warehouses to the demand points such that that the distance travelled by the transportation vehicle with higher load is reduced. Considering the greener perspective a novel approach is introduced by considering the carbon emissions from the transportation vehicles. In this paper, a model has been proposed for location and allocation of warehouses which is aimed at reducing the carbon emissions by proper location of the warehouses.
Dark Image Enhancement using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance[Full-Text ] A.Bhuvaneshwari and S.RajeswariIn this paper, contrast enhancement of dark image using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients is proposed. Then the contrast enhancement is obtained by applying Dynamic Stochastic Resonance (DSR).The goal of dark image enhancement is to clearly visualize the features of the image. Two different coefficients DCTand DWT are used for implementing contrast enhancement respectively. One is applying Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the other is applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) to the input image respectively. Initially DSR is applied to the DCT coefficients\DWT coefficients. Then the DCT coefficients/DWT coefficients are tuned to certain bistable system parameters and though this image is enhanced. In terms of contrast enhancement Factor(F), Color enhancement factor (CEF) and Perceptual quality metric (PQM), the proposed technique using DWT exhibits better performance than the other enhancement techniques such as conventional contrast enhancement techniques and the contrast enhancement technique using DCT.The important applications of dark image enhancement are fingerprint feature extraction and in satellite images.
Implementation of Full adder Using CMOS Logic Styles Based On Double Gate MOSFET[Full-Text ] A.Divyadharshini CMOS transistors are widely used in designing digital circuits. Transistor level design is an important aspect in any digital circuit designs essentially full adders. Full adder is the basic component in any of the arithmetic circuits and its applications include micro-processors, micro controllers, digital signal processing ICs etc. Scaling down the transistor sizes below 50nm lead to several disadvantages such as short channel effects, drain induced barrier leakage, variation in threshold voltage etc. These demerits are overcome by using double gate Mosfets. Also performance of double gate MOSFET is found to be better than single gate devices in terms of power and delay. In this paper, Pass transistor logic styles are implemented using double gate MOSFET and power characteristics has been compared and analyzed using HSPICE under varying conditions of capacitances and frequency.
Analysis and Control of Self-Excited Induction Generator with DC-AC Boost Converter
for Stand-Alone Applications[Full-Text ] Sudhasri.R, Karthigaivel.R, Selvakumaran.SThis paper proposed a control scheme of a Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction generator (SEIG) supplying single-phase and three-phase load for voltage regulation under variation of wind speed and load. This system contains single-phase and three-phase boost DC-AC inverter connected separately with three-phase induction generator, capacitor bank and three-phase diode bridge rectifier. This proposed scheme is used for island-mode applications where the grid connection is not feasible. This Boost inverter provides boosted AC output voltage from input DC voltage. This control scheme achieves robust, accurate, fast and highly immune to input voltage and output load variations.
Extraction of Dense Representation of the Motion Segmentation[Full-Text ] M.Malathi, R.Radhakrisnan, Dr. K.RamasamyIn this paper presents object oriented segmentation in a video sequence. In this project, it is aimed for a unified approach to segment video frames without over-segmentation. The existing method is to segment the videos that are formed by the coherent motion of frames and the proposed method is to make the segmentation possible for all motion models. The input video is converted in to frames. The tracking process of object depends on sample points in a scene or particles. The particles are clustered in spatio-temporal space as the object in the sequence changes with respect to time. To segment the object, the particles terminating in adjacent frame are extended in to current frame and they are linked, it finds the long range motion in a sequence. The linked particles are optimized, pruned to reduce false occlusions finally new particles are added to estimate the particle trajectory. The trajectories which intend to coherent motion need to be segmented by ensemble clustering of particles, then the obtained clusters are validated and filtered to reduce the outliers then dense segmentation extraction is done to determine the pixel assigned to each moving object, finally the object is segmented.
A Novel Approach For Damping Subsynchronous Resonance Oscillations In A Series Compensated Network Using Wind Turbine Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator[Full-Text ] Sathyanarayanan R, Dr. Kumar CThis paper investigates the potential of variable speed wind turbine driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in mitigating Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) in a series compensated transmission network. The need for such analysis is that to get a physical insight of the capability of Doubly Fed Induction Generator in providing damping to Subsynchronous oscillations caused by series compensated transmission network. The analysis could be used for the mode of control of wind generation in the interconnected network by taking into account security and reliability of the network. Also, the design and optimal tuning of controllers can be evolved using this analysis. The system under study is Modified Second Benchmark Model (SBM) for computer simulation of subsynchronous resonance. The effect of DFIG supplementary control adopted in Grid Side Converter Controller (GSCC) which uses voltage across the series capacitor as control signal in damping Sub-synchronous resonance oscillations that occurs following a cleared three phase fault in the study system is clearly analyzed. The Simulations are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK R2012b.
Active Contour Based Visual Tracking Using Levelsets[Full-Text ] R.Chitra ramya, V.SrirengaNachiyar, K.RamasamyIn this paper a framework for active contour based visual tracking using level sets. The main component of framework include contour-based tracking initialization, color based contour evolution, dynamic shape based contour evolution for periodic motions, adaptive shape based contour evolution for non periodic motions. For the initialization of contour based tracking, develop an optical flow based algorithm for automatically initializing contours at selected frame. For the color based contour evolution, markov random theory is used to measure correlations between values of neighboring pixels for posterior probability estimation. For dynamic shape based contour evolution, a shape mode transition matrix is used to adding noise in original image, to get more accurate contour tracking. For adaptive shape based contour evolution, two methods are used one is multiphase and singlephase method, used to tracking an accurate object.
OCR Based Speech Synthesis System Using Labview [Full-Text ] Kanchana V and Abdul Shabeer HThe Optical Character Recognition is a mobile application. It uses smart mobile phones of windows platform. This paper combines the functionality of Optical Character Recognition and speech synthesizer. The objective is to develop user friendly application which performs image to speech conversion system using android phones. The OCR takes image as the input, gets text from that image and then converts it into speech. This system can be useful in various applications like banking, legal industry, other industries, and home and office automation. It mainly designed for people who are unable to read any type of text documents. In this paper, the character recognition method is presented by using OCR technology and windows phone with higher quality camera.
Combined Approach on Analysis of Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma Diagnosis[Full-Text ] D.Jeyashree, Ms.G.Sharmila , Dr.K.RamasamyIn Developing countries, Most of the working age populace are affected from eye diseases. Retinal image analysis plays an important role in medical diagnosis. Most common eye Diseases are Diabetic Retinopathy , Glaucoma, Retinal Detachment, Retinal Disorder, Age Related macular degeneration etc are of much significance today. Around 90% of the people are affected by Diabetic Retinopathy. In this paper, a novel approach is provided for diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma. In Diabetic Retinopathy , retina gets damaged due to the results of diabetes. Finally Diabetic patients suffer from loss of vision and further causes blindness. For Diabetic patients, Blood vessels become swallow and starts to leak fluids in the retinal vessels. Exudates are detected and seen as yellow spots in the retinal layers. Glaucoma is one of the eye disease which affects the optic nerve. Glaucoma mainly affects the optic disc by increasing the cup to disc ratio. The blood vessels in optic disc region is detected by using component analysis method. The measuring of the blood vessels region in the optic disc, which is another parameter to detect glaucoma diagnosis. The better results obtained successfully with PSNR 32.9335 and ACCURACY 92.99%. A batches of Medical images are obtained from nearby Eye Hospital.
Flexible MKFCM Based Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] M.Rajalakshmi, Ms.A.Kalarani, Dr.K.RamasamyImage segmentation deals with partition of images in to separate constitutes. Here, Multiple Kernel Fuzzy C-Means (MKFCM) algorithm is proposed. MKFCM is an extension of Kernel Fuzzy C-Means (KFCM). In the framework, aside from the fact that the composite kernels are used in the kernel FCM (KFCM), a linear combination of multiple kernels is proposed and the updating rules for the linear coefficients of the composite kernel are derived. The MKFCM algorithm provides us a flexible vehicle to fuse different pixel information from different kernels which are combined in the kernel space to form a new kernel. Simulations on the segmentation of synthetic and medical images demonstrate the flexibility and advantages of MKFCM algorithm. Performance of the image is found by means of Segmentation Accuracy. Various types of noises are added to the input image and the corresponding Accuracy is found.
Preparation, Characterization and efficacy studies of thin layer nanocrystalline semiconductor photocatalyst on the oxidation of organic molecule under visible light irradiation[Full-Text ] S. O. Mathew, B. Dinesh Kumar, R. Saranya, A. Sivasamy, C. Lajapathirai, D. MuruganProcess industries are releasing large quantities of toxic effluents into different environmental compartments. Therefore, removal of toxic substances from water and wastewater is crucial from a sustainable and environment friendly standpoint. Many treatment methods are available to treat the effluents; however, they have their own merits and demerits. Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) using heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalyst is a widely applied alternative for the treatment of industrial wastewater. So, the present study was focused on the preparation and characterization of thin layer semiconductor metal oxide along with efficacy studies for the degradation of a model organic molecule for e.g. an azo dye Orange G, under visible light irradiation. The thin layer semiconductor was prepared on glass substrates which were coated using the sol gel dip-coating technique from a suitable metal oxide enriched sol gel. Synthesized nanocrystalline thin layer coating was characterized FTIR, UV-DRS and morphology by FESEM. The photocatalytic effect of thin layer coated catalyst was studied in a batch type visible photoreactor. Degradation efficiency was analyzed by UV-Visible spectrophotometer and COD analyses. The kinetics of photo degradation were also been studied in detail.
Prioritized Emergency Messaging of a Car Accident in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network[Full-Text ] Monica.R, Gokulakrishnan.PThis paper is focused on Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) in which the wireless Collision Avoidance (CA) system issues warning message to drivers before they reach a dangerous zone on the road. The Priority-based Emergency Message broadcasting protocol (PBEMB) is used for broadcasting the Warning Message (WM) to all the vehicles connected in Region of Interest (RoI). The proposed protocol has a wireless Collision Avoidance system in all the vehicles. The purpose of Warning Collision Avoidance System is for priority based emergency message generation. The WM in the form of signal will avoid the rear-end collision between two vehicles that travels in the same direction. By using the distance tracking method, the message is delivered rapidly while comparing with hop by hop message transmission, thus reducing the delay in EM delivery.
Fuzzy Logic with ISF Based Controller for Intravenous Insulin Delivery System[Full-Text ] S. Harini, Dr. S. Nirmala DeviThis paper aims at design of a fuzzy logic with Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF) based controller to maintain blood glucose level in type 1 diabetic patient. Special emphasis is on maintaining blood glucose level for bed side patients where insulin is injected intravenously. Two major challenges common during diabetic treatment: 1. Hypoglycemia 2. Patient dependent insulin sensitivity, are addressed. This consists of a non invasive optical sensor that measures the patient blood glucose concentration. The insulin sensitivity factor that depends on patient’s internal condition is determined which helps in estimating the amount of insulin to be infused. A control algorithm based on mamdani-type fuzzy logic is used to determine the rate of infusion. Fuzzy logic controller is less sensitive to patient parameters. The controller determines the amount of insulin to be infused. The controller also maintains constant flow irrespective of changes in volume of insulin to be infused. The system has mixed implementation of hardware and software. Since the amount of insulin to be infused is predetermined, this system eliminates the need for waiting to find the patient’s post injection response for insulin and then tuning the controller accordingly, thus making it more reliable. This active step towards artificial pancreas will help diabetic patients to have better glycated hemoglobin levels and lower hypoglycemia.
An Effective Approach for the Detection of Soft Errors in FIFO Buffers Using Parity Registers[Full-Text ] P. Beautlin Push, Dr. T. LathaThe data word that is written in first also comes out first when the memory is read in a First In First Out buffer. First In First Out buffer gets involved in many system operations and they should be protected properly for ensuring reliable operation. This work describes a column parity based fault detection technique for FIFO buffers in single clock domain FIFO. Column parity based fault detection is a low cost technique that involves updation of a parity register to detect faults. This technique is based on the fact that the faults can be detected only if the FIFO gets empty. The requirement to wait for the FIFO to get empty increases the detection latency. The proposed work is based on detecting the fault immediately after the data is read rather than waiting for the FIFO to get empty thus reducing the detection latency and improving the detection rate.
Computational Flow Analysis Of Hypersonic Reentry Blunt Body Using Fluent And Gambit[Full-Text ] N. S. Harshavardhan .R ; Sanjana .K ; Sai Sharan .K ; Srinivas .G In the modern years space vehicle like rockets, reentry vehicles irrespective their unique designs needed control surfaces at hypersonic speeds. This paper explores the problem of determining the aerodynamics of cone and its effects on drag, model geometry, reentry heating, and type of flow, inlet temperature, aerodynamic heating and thermal protection systems. Taking these parameters as the motivation to find on the different body conditions at varying the Mach number the shape of this paper started after conducting enough literature survey by finding the research gap. There is no much work carried out from Numerical analysis side comparing with the Experimental work. So, to carry out the Numerical analysis initial stage from the public domain literature cone shape obtained its geometry, for accurate measurements it will then be plotted on graphs to obtain millimeter scale coordinate points. Then the geometry is created in the GAMBIT and suitable mesh element will be chosen to analyze the body external flow analysis. After successful conducting the grid independence suitable boundary conditions will be applied to run the simulation till it get converges the solution. Once the solution is converging analysis will be taking place to best suitable values expecting from Aero-mechanical features to develop the shape of the body by validating with experimental work.
A Comparitive Study Of Energy Savings In Buildings Using Two Different Phase Change Materials[Full-Text ] P.Vigneshwaran,T.Raja JayasinghPhase change materials possess the property to absorb heat energy and convert their phase to semi solid form and by doing this,it absorbs more and more amount of heat.By this phenomenal change we are able to maintain the temperature of the system in a comfort range.These phase change materials are used in many systems.So a numerical study is done by using the phase change materials in building by incorporating it near the concrete layer. By doing this the thermal comfort of the building can be increased. Three different types of orientations are modelled with the PCM at different sections and the best orientation is studied. This is done for two different climatic conditions
Low Quiescent Current High Performance Capacitor-free LDO Regulator with Optimal Power using CMOS Multi-threshold Transistors[Full-Text ] Sivasundar M, Krithiga SThe main objective of the project is to design an output capacitor-free Low-Dropout Regulator (LDO) using a class-AB operational amplifier and an Assistant Push-Pull Output Stage (APPOS) circuit with multi-threshold transistors. This is done to enable fast-transient response with ultra-low power dissipation. The APPOS circuit will be designed to deliver an extra current that is directly proportional to the output current of the class-AB operational amplifier. This results in the complete separate optimization of the small-signal and large-signal responses of LDO. Thus, without the utilization of area-consuming on-chip capacitors, transient response of LDO can be improved performance wise. The proposed LDO regulator will be designed to use adaptive biasing circuit to provide better transient response compared to the existing LDO regulator. The proposed LDO will be implemented in 90nm CMOS technology with multi threshold devices to improve the slew rate and low power consumption with tradeoff.
Hybrid Differential Evolution Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] K. Naresh, CH. Punya Sekhar Giridhar, Balakrishna R, Vaddi.Ramesh P, Yoganada ReddyIn an alternating current system, if the system is resistive i.e. voltage and current are in phase only real power is transmitted and if there is a time shift between voltage and current both active and reactive power are transmitted. When the average with respect to time is calculated, the average active power exists causing a net flow of energy from one point to another, whereas average reactive power is zero, irrespective of the network or state of the system. In the case of reactive power, the amount of energy flowing in one direction is equal to the amount of energy flowing in the opposite direction (or different parts -capacitors, inductors, etc- of a network, exchange the reactive power). That means reactive power is neither produced nor consumed. The reactive power optimization problem has a significant influence on secure and economic operation of power systems. Reactive power optimization is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem where meta-heuristics techniques have proven suitable for providing optimal solutions. In this project, swarm and evolutionary algorithm have been applied for reactive power optimization. A hybrid differential evolution particle swarm optimization algorithm is developed to solve the reactive power optimization problem.
Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are population-based optimization algorithms. Due to their excellent convergence characteristics and few control parameters, DE and PSO have been applied to obtain optimal solutions to some real valued problems efficiently. However, because of its no use of global information about the search space, DE may be trapped in local optima. Basic PSO has drawbacks slow search speed and low convergence accuracy. Inspired by advantages and disadvantages of DE and PSO respectively, a hybrid of DE and PSO gives a new method of optimization called Hybrid Differential Evolution Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (DEPSO). DEPSO takes the most CPU execution time among the three algorithms under the same iterations but the active power loss is drastically reduced and the solution by PSOPDE is converged to high quality solutions at the early iterations. The proposed DEPSO is applied for reactive power optimization on the IEEE 10-bus systems in MATLAB 7.0 language. This project presents and compares three algorithms based on swarm intelligence and evolutionary techniques for solving the reactive power optimization problem Case studies on the IEEE 10-bus,34-bus systems illustrate the effectiveness of these algorithms in terms of the quality of the solutions found and their convergence characteristics. The results proved that the proposed DEPSO algorithm provides higher-quality solution with smaller iterations than the other two methods. DEPSO indeed outperforms DE or basic PSO method on this problem when comparing power loss reduction and number of iterations required for achieving convergence.
Ocular Disease Diagnosis Based On LBP and Gabor filter[Full-Text ] D.M.D Preethi, Dr.VE.JayanthiThe earlier generation biometric security included writing and hand geometry, these methods are slowly becoming obsolete since they can be altered and manipulated. Various biometric features such as facial shape, hand shape fingerprint, sound characteristics and iris recognition have been proposed for human identification. Iris recognition is one of the most advanced technologies today than figure print recognition. This paper examines the effect of eye pathology on iris recognition and in particular whether eye disease could cause iris recognition systems to fail. LBP and Gabor filter Feature extraction technique are applied to extract unique features. This proposed iris recognition should be used to solve the potential problems that could cause in key biometric technology and medical diagnosis.
Performance Analysis of Non-Binary Joint Network Channel Coding Scheme for Multiple Access Relay Channels[Full-Text ] A.Valliammal, K.Vijayalakshmi, N.VenkateswaranWe propose to use Non-Binary Joint Network Channel Coding scheme (NB-JNCC) for multiple access relay channel with relay selection scheme. In Non-Binary Joint Network Channel Coding (NB-JNCC) the effect of fading in wireless channels are successfully battled because of joining both the channel coding and network coding. Here we use low density parity check (LDPC) channel coding and random linear network coding with iterative joint decoding. Such joining of channel coding and network coding can be used to take advantage of both the spatial diversity and redundancy resides in channel codes and network codes. This paper also investigate the relay selection (RS) problem in the system with two source and two relay network, the relays used here is based on Decode-Forward (DF) relay protocol. Our RS scheme is to maximizes the minimum end-to-end receive signal-to-noise (SNR) of all the users involved in the system. Even through a single relay transmits with increased number of cooperating relays the reimbursement of cooperative diversity are increased. In the course of analysis and simulation, here we are going to shown the significant performance improvement in NB-JNCC that is reduced error rate and increased throughput with relay selection than without relay selection.
Design of E-Nose for Allergic Determinations Using SNN for SOC Implementation[Full-Text ] S.Mohan babu, M.KumarRecognizing there is still a long journey ahead until a truly artificial nose is designed to refine and enhance current detection capabilities by integrating an interferent filter and a gas chromatograph to eliminate interference effects. Gas sensors used in electronic noses are based on broad selectivity profiles that mimicks the responses of olfactory receptors in the biological olfactory system. The basic building blocks of a generic electronic-nose systems include sample delivery, sensor chamber, signal transduction and acquisition, data pre-processing, feature extraction and feature classification. In conventional systems, the processing module is a personal computer separated from the remaining parts of the system. In this context, our work involves sensors connected to ADC system which converts received analog signals from sensors to digital signals. These digital signals then sent to CPU in which Signal processing is done. The output results from CPU send to digital display system to show the results.
Replicating And Searching Popular Videos In P2P Video On Demand System[Full-Text ] C.Srigurulakshmi, G.Sivakumar Online social networks have popular video sharing sites, but the experience of user watching videos is still unsatisfactory because of service overload. The client request the videos continuously, the sever overhead is high, and good quality video require high bandwidth. In P2P VoD systems, each peer acts like a client as well as the server. In this P2P, the system overhead and access latency is less compare to the client-server model. The main principle of Caching and Replication techniques is to retrieve the video contents from the source before it is requested by the user. Caching techniques perform various algorithms to find and store the frequently used videos. And Replication techniques used to make the duplicate videos in popularity based. Caching and Replication techniques are used to reduce or eliminate the potential load among server and decrease the service delay. In existing Random with Load Balancing technique, there is a problem of maintain limited cache capacity of storing videos, Replicating the videos based on popularity is very challenging task in video streaming process, Each peer contribute more storage to replicate the videos, and poor searching speed. In proposed, the Popularity Based Load balancing technique is introduced in order to improve the cache space, to increase searching efficiency, and to reduce the overload among peers.
Secured Energy Efficient Mechanism for MANET[Full-Text ] A.Suganya, Mr.G.Sivakumar, Dr.K.RamasamyIn Modern year a hasty development and extensive application of mobile ad hoc networks bear from security attacks and privacy issues which radically hamper their applications. To deal with the attacks, a huge selection of intrusion detection techniques such as authorization, authentication, key management schemes and cryptographic protocols have been developed. Clustering methods allow quick connection, topology management and enhanced routing of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). This project introduces a new mechanism to divide the MANET into a set of clusters where each node belongs to not less than one cluster. The nodes in each cluster elect a leader node (cluster head) to serve for the whole cluster. To equilibrium the resource consumption weight based leader election model is used, which elects an optimal collection of leaders to minimize the overall resource consumption and obtaining secure communication using Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. In addition this paper also deals with LZW Compression to increase the lifetime of nodes by sending data quickly.
Pipeline Thread Construction Using VLSI[Full-Text ] R.Mahalakshmi, Mr.C.Mukuntharaj, Dr.K.RamasamyThis paper describes the design of reconfigurable architecture that is to be used for image processing, multimedia processing and wireless communication application. This reconfigurable architecture provides high computing power, flexibility and scalability through processing level pipe-lining and improved functionality. The main aim of this paper is to perform many processing with in a small number of clock cycles and thus increasing the pipelining speed.
Satellite Image Restoration Using Shearlet Transform[Full-Text ] P.Suganthi, A.Gokila , Dr.K.RamasamyA satellite image restoration method that avoids ringing artifacts at the image boundary and retains oriented features. The method combines periodic plus smooth image decomposition with complex wavelet packet transforms. The framework first decomposes a degraded satellite image into the sum of a “periodic component” and a “smooth component”. The Bayesian method is then used to estimate the modulation transfer function degradation parameters and the noise. Using complex wavelet packet transform the periodic component is deconvoluted and the result of the periodic component is combined with the smooth component to get the final recovered result. And also using shearlet transform the periodic component is deconvoluted composed with the smooth component to get recovered result is better than other methods. This test effectively avoids ringing artifacts and discontinuities while preserving local image details (especially direcional textures) without amplifying the noise.
Design of CPW-Fed UWB Monopole Antenna
with Extended Ground Plane Stubs
[Full-Text ] R.Mahalakshmi, Mrs.V.Dhanam, Dr.K.Ramasamy A compact coplanar-waveguide-fed (CPW) single-layer printed UWB monopole antenna is achieved. A combination of ultrawideband (UWB) rectangular monopole radiator etched with a half-elliptical slot with two symmetrical open-circuit stubs are extended from the ground plane to jointly achieve an ultrawideband impedance match with a compact size. The antenna size is 24 x 20mm2.The ultrawide operating frequency range from 3.9 to 11 GHz with a quasi-omnidirectional gain from 2.0 to 6.2 dBi. The value of VSWR is less than 2. The compact size, improved voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and monolayer configuration without any back ground plane make it suitable for a wide range of UWB applications.
Minimum Energy Conservation Routing Protocol for MANET [Full-Text ] R.Vidhya, N.R.Sathis Kumar , Dr.K.RamasamyIn early years energy consumption is the most important problem in Mobile Adhoc Network. This paper also proposes an attempt to obtain maximum Energy efficiency in MANET nodes using all the three possible approaches namely Energy efficient routing, Power save protocol and Transmission power control. By doing so the advantages of each of these layers add together to result in a more efficient way. Our work in this is to modify the protocols in each of these layers, so that they are compatible with each other and can work in synchronization. There are several techniques such as power save method, power control method and minimum energy routing. The simulation results are shown by using NS-2 simulator where the energy consumption per node and the lifetime of the network is increased.
Optimization of network based on Node mobility and Topology change[Full-Text ] T.Gnanapraba, G.Viji, Dr.K.RamasamyEfficient use of the limited energy resources of wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes is critically important to support these advances, and application of topology control methods will have a profound impact on energy efficiency and hence battery lifetime. In this survey, we focus on the energy efficiency issue and present a comprehensive study of topology control techniques for extending the lifetime of battery powered WSNs. Finally, compared the performance of protocols like DMP and LEACH.LEACH provides better result than DMP in terms of delay, throughput, and energy.
Sizing of Permanent Magnets in Improvingthe design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Motor[Full-Text ] D.Vimalakeerthy, Dr.S.Thangavel, N.SridharA During the past few decades, AC motor drives have gradually replaced the DC drives because of high performance and low cost in variable speed applications. Induction motor is not an ideal machine for many applications due to its relatively low efficiency and difficulties associated with controlling torque. In particular, modern field oriented control of such machines requires the use of a position sensor in the torque loop. In recent year synchronous reluctance motor, have become much popular and are used as standard industrial drive. Permanent magnet (PM) motor is generally accepted as the ideal motor in that, the machine has the highest efficiency, easier controllability and the smallest frame size of all AC motors. An improved design of permanent magnet synchronous reluctance motor is presented and the effect of sizing of permanent magnet in the improved design is analyzed.
Modelling and Simulation of Austenitic Stainless Steel Claddings deposited by GMAW[Full-Text ] B. Senthilkumar, P. Birundha and T. KannanThis paper presents the development of mathematical models for austenitic stainless steel (316 L) cladding deposited by gas metal arc welding (GMAW).The weld quality depends on the welding process parameters like welding voltage, welding current, welding speed, bead offset, etc. The heat input to the cladding process influences bead geometry, composition, ferrite content, microstructure and corrosion properties. The bead geometry influences the number of welding passes required to deposit the given surface area. The percentage of offset influences the dilution of filler metal and thickness of the deposited layer. Dilution reduces the alloy content of the deposited later and degrades corrosion resistance properties. The simulation results shows that the parameters wire feed rate and welding speed has significant impact on the bead width and height of reinforcement.
Optimal Riser Design in Sand Casting Process Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Manikanda Prasath KCasting design which includes the gating and riser system design has a direct influence on the quality of cast components. The design should provide a minimum volume of gating and riser system but warranting the quality of the casting. Due to the lack of fixed theoretical procedures, the gating and riser system design is carried out on a trial-and-error basis that results in a feasible solution but not always an optimum one. In simulation software the initial riser design has to be fed manually. In this work the optimal riser system design is considered. Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the riser system design. The fitness function in GA is to minimize the volume of the riser under constrains, that ensures no defect appears in the casting. GA method gives an optimized riser which is 8.13 % lesser in volume, than the riser that is traditionally designed by using modulus method.
Intelligent Toco-tonometry with Real Time Respiration Monitoring[Full-Text ] Priya A, Karthik Raj VAiming at the enhancement of monitoring system for pregnant patients, an appropriate device is needed to monitor the maternal health dur-ing labour. A new method for non-invasive monitoring of respiration and uterine contraction activity of pregnant woman is described in this paper. A prolonged inspiration or shortness of breath occurs during initiation of labour associated with elevated uterine contraction is used as an objective for this project. The system is light weight, portable and smaller in size. It can be used safely by the pregnant women to monitor the foetus condition, abnormal uterine contraction activity and its associated respiration when she is not in hospital. When the uterine contraction (UC) monitors and respiration monitor detects any abnormal activities, it can activate the appropriate alarm to alert the pregnant woman to go to hospital as soon as possible. The output from both the monitors has been given to PIC16F877A microcontroller and then it is interfaced with LABVIEW software. The corresponding output has been viewed and recorded using VI LABVIEW INTERFACE. This device can also be used in small hospitals and government hospitals because of its cost effectiveness.
An Evolutionary Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization for Mining Association Rules[Full-Text ] K. Indira, S. Kanmani, R. Jagan, G. Balaji, F. Milton JosephIn data mining, association rule mining is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases, which are meaningful to the users and can generate strong rules on the basis of these frequent patterns, which are helpful in decision support system. Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) is one of the several methods for mining association rules. It combines the aspects of traditional PSO philosophy and quantum mechanics. However, preventing the occurrence of local optima and improving the convergence speed is still a tedious task. In this paper, an Evolutionary Quantum behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (EQPSO) is presented with improved computational efficiency and has proper convergence. The proposed work introduces local search techniques into QPSO using Modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (MSFLA) and depicts a systematic parameter adaptation by developing an Evolutionary State Estimation (ESE) and an Elitist Learning Strategy (ELS). The EQPSO implementation has comprehensively been evaluated on 5 different datasets taken up from the UCI Irvine repository. The performance of EQPSO is compared with Basic QPSO and the experimental results shows that the proposed system outperforms the existing algorithm quite significantly.
Real Time Safe Spacing and Collision Avoidance System Using VANET[Full-Text ] S.Uma, R.KeerthanaS.JanardhanaprabhuVANET has some predictable status for tracking the intelligent vehicle technology and the communication protocols between two vehicles by using safe spacing algorithm. A series of vehicle tracking technologies keeping a safe spacing and also maintaining its speed in need to track the vehicle which is supposed to be the target. A very important category is driver assistance and car safety, brake warning sent from preceding car, tollgate and collision warning, information about road condition. The proposed method collision avoidance (CA) system issues warnings to drivers before they reach a potentially dangerous zone on the road and evaluating the performance of emergency messaging via wireless CA systems.
Design of High-throughput and Area efficient hardware using AES Algorithm[Full-Text ] Rajalakshmi A and Ashok kumar AThe Advanced Encryption Standard is a replacement for Data Encryption Standard, which is not only has comparable security strength, but also achieves significant improvement of energy efficiency for both software and hardware implementation. In encryption process, the AES accepts a plaintext input, which is limited to 128 bits and a key that can be specified to be 128 bits to generate the Cipher text and in similar manner of decryption process. The AES can be implemented in different granularities and task parallelism as a onetime one Processor (OTOP), Small Encryption, Parallel Mixed Column and Full Parallelism. We map these implementations using Modelsim. The proposed design occupies less area and small delay by reducing the number of cores and also achieves the higher throughput performance per chip area.
Design and implementation of FFT algorithm for MB-OFDM with parallel architecture[Full-Text ] Venkatesan.S, Hariharan.JOrthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. OFDM timing synchronization accuracy is evaluated for each system at different signal-to-noise ratios. This can be used in digital television, audio broadcasting, DSL Broadband internet access, wireless networks and 4G mobile communications. For OFDM design the existing system consists of radix-2 Based FFT algorithm architecture that can be capable of working in Single band multi carrier frequency, in order to change that architecture we prefer a new algorithm with new radix architecture. The proposed method is to develop a mixed Radix Based FFT Algorithm for the analysis of Multiband OFDM and their FPGA parameters calculation, in order to reduce the complexity for the efficient operation of MB- OFDM. Mixed radix FFT algorithm and the SFO, CFO, Channel equalizer blocks which can provide an efficient operation for OFDM system. SFO and CFO blocks are used to improve the performance of the system.
Automated And Enhanced Multisensor Arrangement In Broad Gauge Railway System[Full-Text ] M.Chakaravarthi, B.R.Shyamala Devi,S.Linnet SowmiyaOn current railway systems, it is becoming ever more necessary to install safety elements to avoid accidents.The railway bridges are striking due to weather conditions ,floods ,earthquakes, cyclone etc.If the track or bridge is damaged, the proposed system will immediately notify and inform to the corresponding train without any delay.One of the causes that can provoke serious accidents is the existence of obstacles on the tracks.In this paper, a multisensory system that can inform the monitoring system about the existence of obstacles is proposed. The system for obstacle detection consists of two emitting and receiving barriers, which are placed on opposing sides of the railway and use infrared proximity and ultrasonic sensors, thus establishing different optical and acoustic links between them.The detection is based on the lack of radiation in the detectors. Since the minimum size of an object for which an alarm is required to be generated is 50 × 50 × 50 cm, in some situations, several links are interrupted; however, alarms should not be generated. To avoid alarm activation in such situations, this paper proposes the combined use of diverse techniques of data fusion, based on fuzzy logic and the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence.
FPGA Based Efficient Control Stratergy For Multi-mode Power Flow Management In Solar Pv System [Full-Text ] S.S.Tharanidevi, T.R.SumithraThe growing concern of energy usage is augmented by victimization semiconductor diode street lights, fluorescent lamps, inverter-fed drives, etc. Hence, the load from the electrical grid is undergoing is notable changes as device from the DC load. Electrical phenomenon (PV) Being a significant energy supply, the same masses are often connected on to the DC bus. A grid connected (PV), stand alone PV sources; and thence; an influence flow management system is needed to balance the facility flow among the sources. It’s developed by the two-way convertor by sensing the battery standing. Within which the standards of battery are maintained by multi mode to get the stand alone system. In this, the low-voltage-rated MOSFETs are often adopted for reductions of conductivity losses and price. Potency is often improved by reducing change loss and run loss. The management strategy digitally enforced on Field Programmable Gate Array board, and is verified for various modes of operation by varying the load and by battery level. Experimental results square measure conferred to bring out the quality of the management strategy.
Analysis of Seismological Signal Through Flaglet Transform[Full-Text ] RajaRajan k, Anitha K Dr.Dharmishtan.K.VarugheseSpherical wavelets are used in seismology such as earthquakes and calculating geo potential and denoising .we develop an exact wavelet transform on the three dimensional ball (i.e. On the solid sphere) which we name Flaglet transform. For this purpose we first construct exact transform on the radial line using damped lauguerre polynomial. Combined with the spherical harmonic transform this approach leads to a sampling theorem on the ball a novel decomposition we call the Fourier Lauguerre transform (Flaglet transform). With the multiresolution analysis, we capture all information at each wavelet scale with the minimum number of samples on the ball.
Monitoring of Physiological Parameters and Waveforms using Wireless Body Sensors and GSM Technology[Full-Text ] U.VIJAYAPREETHY,VARSHINI KARTHIKThis paper presents a wireless sensor network system that has the capability to monitor physiological parameters from single patient bodies. The system can be used by elderly or the person at risk or even by a normal person for the monitoring of physiological parameters.This system proposes expert doctors to monitor vital parameters like body temperature, heart rate, ECG of patients in remote areas hospital the sensor nodes and a remote central control unit(CCU) that behaves as a base station are placed on the human body. The CCU communicates with another network standard (Mobile network) for a long distance data transfer. Mobile phone transfers the measured parameters as SMS to clinicians for further analysis and diagnosis. Also data can be sent to several doctors incase a doctor fails to respond urgently. The developed system has been optimized for power consumption. The complete system will help to monitor the person during day and night and will be suitable to elderly population living alone at home.
Hand gesture recognition and voice conversion system for dumb people [Full-Text ] V.Padmanabhan, M.SornalathaIn our country around 2.78% of peoples are not able to speak (dumb). Their communications with others are only using the motion of their hands and expressions. We proposed a new technique called artificial speaking mouth for dumb people. It will be very helpful to them for conveying their thoughts to others. Some peoples are easily able to get the information from their motions. The remaining is not able to understand their way of conveying the message. In order to overcome the complexity the artificial mouth is introduced for the dumb peoples. This system is based on the motion sensor. According to dumb people, for every motion they have a meaning. That message is kept in a database. Likewise all templates are kept in the database. In the real time the template database is fed into a microcontroller and the motion sensor is fixed in their hand. For every action the motion sensors get accelerated and give the signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller matches the motion with the database and produces the speech signal. The output of the system is using the speaker. By properly updating the database the dumb will speak like a normal person using the artificial mouth. The system also includes a text to speech conversion (TTS) block that interprets the matched gestures.
Layout Planning in a Pump Manufacturing Industry Using ARENA[Full-Text ] Manivel Muralidaran V, Sandeep DPlant layout study helps much in improvement in the existing layout. The production efficiency depends on how well the various production facilities, employee’s amenities and, machines are located in a plant. Most layouts are designed properly for the initial conditions of the business, although as long as the company grows and has to be adapted to internal and external change, a re-layout is necessary. There should be an optimum relationship among the output, floor area and manufacturing process. This study is based on the analysis of existing layout in a Pump manufacturing industry. The arrangement of machines is to be simulated using the software and efficiency of each machine has to be analyzed. The layout design generally depends on the product’s variety and production volumes. The objective of factory simulation that will be developed in this project is to analyze the factory layout of manufacturing system. An attempt is to be made to simulate the existing layout of the industry using the ARENA software. The aim of this project is to find out most efficient arrangement of machines in the machine shop that will improve the efficiency of workflow in the shop floor allowing workers and equipment being more productive. This paper tries to illustrate how the plant layout problem can be solved using simulation technique. It also helps to modify the plant layout so as to improve the efficiency.
Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmia by Extracting ECG Features[Full-Text ] Bharati M. Deokar, Yoginath R. KalshettyDisturbance in the regular rhythmic activity of the heart called arrhythmia. Cardiac arrhythmia is causes by irregular firing patterns from SA node, abnormal activity from other parts of the heart. These types of abnormalities of heart may cause damage of heart. Electrocardiogram (ECG) feature extraction system is based on wavelet transform. ECG feature extraction plays a vital role in detecting most of the heart diseases. In an ECG signal one cardiac cycle is made up of P-QRS-T waves. In this feature extraction scheme we determines the amplitudes & intervals of the P-QRS-T segment for determine functioning of the heart.ECG signal is de-noised by removing the coefficients at higher scales. Then, QRS complexes are found & each complex is used to place the peaks of the individual waves, R-R intervals are there in one cardiac cycle and estimate the algorithm Pan-Tompkins algorithm.
Implementation of a Tree Based Multicast Routing Protocol in MANET[Full-Text ] G.Brindha, Mr.S.Jebakumar Gomer Rajadurai, Dr.K.RamasamyThe Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is formed by mobile stations inside a restricted area which communicate without the need of access point. In an ad hoc network the mobile nodes agree to serve as both routers and hosts. One of the main challenges of MANET is the design of robust routing algorithms that adapt to the frequent and randomly changing the position of the node. Many type of on demand routing protocols has been proposed and several have been extensively simulated. We proposed Multicast Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol. MAODV allows each node in the network to send out multicast data packets and the multicast data packets are broadcast when propagating along the multicast group tree. Our main objective is to implement and analyze the MAODV protocol in terms of the latency and the packet delivery ratio (PDR).
Secured Authentication using 3D Password by Applying Ultimate Planar Algorithm[Full-Text ] P.K.Dhanya, M.Keerthiga, S.DinakarProviding Authentication to any system leads to provide more security to that system. There are many authentication techniques are available, Such as textual password, Graphical password, etc. but each of this individually having some limitations & drawbacks. To overcome the drawbacks of previously existing authentication technique, A new improved authentication technique is used, This authentication Scheme is called as 3D password. The 3D password is multi-password & multi-factor authentication system as it uses a various authentication techniques such As textual password, Graphical password etc.In this paper we have introduced our contribution towards 3D Password to become more secure & more user friendly to users of all categories. This paper also explaining about what is 3D password?, working of 3D password scheme, some mathematical concept related to 3D password, applications of scheme etc. all these concepts are briefly introduced & explained in this paper as per sectionwise.Indexterms–Authentication, Multipassword ,Ultimate Planar algorithm, Textual Passwords,3-D Password, 3-D Virtual Environment.
A Study on Reusable Components using Stability Based Component Clustering[Full-Text ] R.Kamalraj,N.M.R.Prashila,K.Kokilavani,S.Muthu BavithraSoftware Engineering needs tools and concepts support to produce the systems with good quality. The tasks can be improved in system development the ‘Reuse’ concept can be applied. The existing patterns can be reused or program elements such as components those should be organized in awell designed manner to reduce the time and stress for finding suitable ‘Reusable Element’ to integrate in the new system development. The proposed concept ‘Stability Based Clustering’ method is focusing on ‘Stability’ metric of Component(s) and ‘Clustering Analysis’ of Data Mining. The stable component(s) can be organized as ‘Reusable Components’ and with exterior details in ‘Reuse Repository’. The time for finding a Reusuable Component may be reduced to some extent and reduce stress on People.
VLSI Implementation of Image Scaling Algorithm-research Directions[Full-Text ] Arul jothi.S, Dr.N.Santhiya Kumari, M,Ramkumar rajaThe growing interest in image scaling is mainly due to the availability of the digital imaging devices such as digital video cameras, high definition monitors etc. Scaling a digital image is a demanding and very important issue in image processing. The literature on digital image scaling is quite rich involving many methods with each approach providing tradeoffs between various factors. This paper investigates mainly on the various types of image scaling algorithms that are existing and putting it all together for a literature survey. Scope of this study focuses on the different available image scaling algorithms with their performance results.
Single Phase Thirteen Level Inverter using BI Directional Switches and reduced Switch Count for PV Systems[Full-Text ] S.RAMKUMARRenewable energies have advantages of zero fuel cost and reduced environmental impacts. This paper proposes an Asymmetrical Thirteen level H-Bridge inverter circuit. Two inputs from solar PV panels are given to the converter and maximum power is extracted by using maximum power point tracking method. Integrated converter is DC to DC Boost converter. The output is given to H- inverter which converts dc to ac and the thirteen level output voltage is applied to load. Operational analysis and simulation results are given for the proposed circuit.
An Efficient Monitoring Of Recovering The Packets In Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] John J P. Mamatha C M. Prasanna Lakshmi G SWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are widely used in many application such as environmental monitoring, military , smart home , green computing , etc. WSN consists of numerous tiny nodes powered by very small batteries that are normally non – rechargeable. Recovering of packets in wireless sensor networks have been a challenging issue. Many demonstrations have been implemented to recover the data packet at the receivers end. However due to many number of transmission of packets or retransmissions, few packets may be lost completely or partially. And these packets are not only difficult to retrieve but also critical to recover it.This paper proposes an idea, to implement stop and wait ARQ at the receivers end. The technology of stop and wait ARQ is that, when a packet is sent to the nodes (receiver), the nodes in turn sends an ACK (acknowledgement) to the sender and then the sender on receiving the ACK frame sends another packet. We also deal in this paper to completely recover the data packets which has been lost instead of recovering a part of it.
Hybrid Clustering Framework Using Concurrences and Constraints[Full-Text ] Dr.L.Jegatha Deborah, S.Dhivya Lakshmi, A.Bharathi.Traditionally, the web search engines return thousands of pages in response to a broad query,making it difficult for users to browse or to identify relevant information.For the purpose of quick access to the relevant information, clustering method is a better choice and can be used to automatically group the retrieved and relevant documents of the target domain.In this paper, a new method which combines the techniques of constrained and coclustering methods has been proposed. This combined approach achieves two goals: First, it combines information theoretic coclustering and constrained clustering to improve the clustering performance. Second, additionallythe unsupervised constraints are incorporated into the proposed method to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. To achieve this goal, a two-sided hidden Markov random field (HMRF) model is developed to represent both document and word constraints.The results of our evaluation over benchmark data sets exhibit that the proposed algorithm is superior compared to other existing approaches.
Rectifying Asymmetrical Grid Faults in Wind Farms by Using FACTS Devices[Full-Text ] A.Suganya,Dr.R.PrakashIn a wind farm generation is most popular reliable source in world . But the power distribution side affects severe power quality problems. Small power quality can be rectified by using capacitor bank in generation side. In larger power system capacitor bank cannot be used. Larger problem can be rectified by using FACTS controller. STATCOM can be control the voltage dip in grid side. But it performs shunt compensation only, that is reactive power compensator. But the voltage dip is severe means it cannot provide sufficient current capability to compensate voltage components. Severe problem can be control by using UPFC device. It had two VSC’s connected between the capacitor bank. It operates real and reactive power compensator. Hence, the UPFC device provide higher capability for improving the system’s dynamic performances. It compensates real and reactive power through the generation side to grid.
Performance Analysis of Autonomous Microgrid Subsequent to Line - Ground fault Triggered Condition
[Full-Text ] N. Chitra, A. Senthil Kumar, K.M. ShobanaWith the emergent expansion of micro grid, the performances of microgrid subsequent to the various fault conditions have become an attractive area to be examined. This paper investigates the dynamic performance of the microgrid during (i) addition of non-linear load and (ii) fault triggered events. The microgrid consists of two DGs which are interfaced through a PE converter. The interface converters are equipped with P-F and Q-V droop control. The impacts of the droop control on the microgrid stability has been analysed in this work. The performance of the controllers in MATLAB/SIMULINK platform is also presented.
Fault Current Interruption by Custom Power Devices[Full-Text ] G.Sripriya, Dr R.PrakashNowadays Power quality is the one of the major concerns. It has become important, with the introduction of facts devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the supply power. Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a result nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that failures. The voltage sag is the major power quality problem. To solve that type of problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is the Dual Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and effective modern custom power device used in power distribution line. It includes reduces the cost, compact size, and its fast dynamic response to the disturbance. The modeling, analysis and simulation of a Dual Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) using MATLAB.
Design and Analysis of a Coconut Harvesting Maneuver[Full-Text ] A.P.Mohanraj, Raghul Krishna.S, S.S.Kannan, M.Rajkumar, A.Elango, This paper describes the design parameters and analysis phase of a coconut harvesting maneuver. Our primary objective is to harvest the tender coconuts from the coconut tree efficiently through a remote control with maximum work volume covered. The design is made in such a way that the machine fits in various sizes and shapes of the coconut tree. The robotic arm will cut the coconut in more precise manner than any other machine do. It is controlled by an RF remote controller. The machine can be manually controlled under any required circumstances as per the necessity. The model has been designed and a prototype has been proposed.
Design And Performance Analysis On Movement Of Square, Triangular And Octagonal Structured Omnidirectional Mobile Robot[Full-Text ] A.P.Mohanraj, A.Elango, S.Karthick Karuppiah, M.Dinesh Babu, P.Manikanda PrabhuThis paper addresses the issue of development of a three wheel, four wheels and eight wheel Omni directional mobile robot. The Omni directional wheel is used in this research consists of 8 rollers made from synthetic rubber coated polypropylene rollers. All Omni wheel are independently powered using 3, 4 and 8 units of precision gear DC motors and the wheel/ motors assemblies where mounted directly to the robot chassis made using an aluminum frame. Basic mobility algorithm was developed to test the basic mobility capability and test the qualitative view of the systems and mobility performance. An experiment was setup to analysis the motion characteristics of the mobile robot motion in y-axis, x-axis and rotary motion. Data from the experiment will be used for mathematically model for mobile robot platform and speed controller modeling and design. The combination of mechanical design on the wheel and chassis, motion control allow the exploration of large number of control algorithm and software to be implemented to the robot for practical applications.
Design of a Kogge Stone Adder
Using CNTFETs[Full-Text ] P. Gokul, J. HariRajKumarFaster operation and lower power are the most critical parameters in the electronic chip design and is the need of the present-day technologies as well. The addition operation is the most basic arithmetic operation in almost all the digital signal-processing applications. Therefore, an adder should consume only a small fraction of processor’s time to be efficient. In this paper, a high speed 16 bit Kogge Stone Adder is designed based on 32nm CNTFET technology using HSPICE. In order to reduce area issues that are usually associated with the high-performance adder designs, CNTFET is chosen.
A Survey of Fuzzy Based ARM Clustering on Crime Pattern Discovery[Full-Text ] J. Mohana Sundaram, Dr. T. Karthikeyan, R. Karthik RajFuzzy set theory is an excellent mathematical tool to handle the uncertainty. Fuzzy set theory exhibits immense potential for effective solving of the uncertainty in the problem. A systematic process of gathering, classifying, investigating, and publicizing timely, exact, and useful evidence that describes crime patterns, crime trends, and potential suspects. The randomness, non-linear nature, and seeming disorder of criminal activity often makes it difficult to employ traditional prediction tools such as geographic information systems (GIS). Fuzzy is flexible which will randomly initialized parameters, this make them particularly appropriate for criminal activity forecasting. ARM algorithm is used to save time which make execution progress faster and quickly. Cluster is grouping of a number of similar things into single. It is collection of data objects.
A Numerical Investigation on the role of Oil Saturations on Performance of In-Situ Combustion in Porous Media[Full-Text ] D. Srinivasa Reddy, G. Suresh KumarIn-Situ Combustion (ISC) is an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method to increase oil recoveries of heavy oil reservoirs by utilizing heat energy generated by combustion of crude oil inside the porous reservoir. In ISC process a fraction of the Oil Originally In Place (OOIP) is converted into carbon rich residue, also known as coke by thermal cracking and distillation processes. This coke acts as a fuel for sustaining combustion. In flow through porous medium the oil in place are expressed in terms of its saturation (oil saturation), which play an important role in performance of ISC both as primary and/or tertiary recovery method. A numerical model based on block centered finite difference methods is developed to analyze the effect of the initial oil saturation on ISC performance. The numerical results indicate the role of initial oil saturation on critical parameters of ISC: fuel depositions, average peak temperatures, combustion front propagation and oil production rates. Especially at high oil saturations an oil bank forms ahead of combustion front with almost negligible gas permeability causing significant fluctuations in reservoir pressure. This oil blockage further decreases the mobility of oil and combustion front velocity, causing a drastic increase in the production timings. The combustion front velocity is reduced from 0.28 m/day at 30% to 0.18m/day at 60% initial oil saturation. The average peak temperatures are found to increase by 36 K, when the oil saturation is increased from 50% to 60%.
Visualizing the Navigational Patterns from Web Log Files using Web Mining Applications[Full-Text ] R. Gobinath, M. HemalathaWeb Usage Mining is the application of Data Mining process used for understanding the behavioural patterns of the web user. The web usage patterns are stored in web server and inthe form of web access log files. These web access log files carries full blue print of the usage data of the web pages. The web usage mining researchers uses this web log files to analysis the behaviour of the web user. The extracted patterns from the web log files are clustered for analyzing using proposed PSO-K-Harmonic technique. The clustered navigational patterns are analyzed with proposed negative association rules and pruned with negative selection algorithm.
An Adaptable Authentication Logic for Cloud Bursting in Cloud to Grid Infrastructure [Full-Text ] Kisshor Kumar Sethuraman, Hemalatha ThangarajThe Cloud is an emerging technology derived from distributed computing of past, which holds grid as its infrastructure. Trust in service delivery through multi-level authentication over the cloud is a tedious task faced by both end users and cloud providers of today. Usage of Public Key Infrastructure PKI and Kerberos authentication are the existing authentication mechanisms in cloud. When the Service Level Agreement (SLA) could not be matched with the resources in the private cloud, it is necessary to do cloud bursting. Cloud bursting is a challenging issue, since when a job is being migrated from private cloud to public cloud; the heterogeneity with respect to authentication must be masked from the end user. We proposed a multi policy authentication scheme that acts as a delegator in migrating jobs from end user to hybrid cloud by bridging and managing SLA violations. The negotiations made between the delegator and third party authentication service and the complexity involved in multi-level authentication is hidden.
Modeling of Fiber Microbuckling in Composite Materials[Full-Text ] Takeaki Nadabe, Nobuo TakedaIn this study, a model of fiber microbuckling in composite materials is proposed for the purpose of material strength analysis. Firstly the fiber microbuckling is numerically simulated using finite element method in order to understand how this deformation phenomenon appears in the material. Then the equations expressing deformation of composite materials are compiled, and the correspondence between the equations and the actual deformation phenomenon in composite materials are considered. It is indicated that onset of arbitrariness in solution of equations expressing the deformation of composite materials is closely related with the initiation of the fiber microbuckling in composite materials and thus the material strength of composite materials.
An Efficient Cache Consistency Scheme In Mobile Networks[Full-Text ] T.Chindrella Priyadharshini, S.Neelakandan, M.SwarnalathaIn this paper we proposes a cache consistency scheme based on a previously proposed architecture for caching database data in MANETs. The original scheme for data caching stores the queries that are submitted by requesting nodes in special nodes, called query directories (QDs), and uses these queries to locate the data (responses) that are stored in the nodes that requested them, called caching nodes (CNs). The consistency scheme is server-based in which control mechanisms are implemented to adapt the process of caching a data item and updating it by the server to its popularity and its data update rate at the server. The system implements methods to handle disconnections of QD and CN nodes from the network and to control how the cache of each node is updated or discarded when it returns to the network. Estimates for the average response time of node requests and the average node bandwidth utilization are derived in order to determine the gains (or costs) of employing our scheme in the MANET. Moreover, ns2 simulations were performed to measure several parameters, like the average data request response time, cache update delay, hit ratio, and bandwidth utilization. The results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed scheme over existing systems.
Dual Head Cluster: A Single Cluster Environment for Large-scale Mobile Ad-hoc Networks [Full-Text ] Julius Olushola Jejeniwa, R. Annie UthraIn addition to this, these techniques are also beneficial in extending the network life time. Clustering protocols proposed in existing literature uses a single Cluster Head (CH) for a group of nodes (Cluster). In these protocols, the CH performs a number of activities, such as data gathering, data aggregation and data forwarding. As a result, the CH depletes its energy quickly as compared to its member nodes. Hence, re-clustering is required frequently, which consumes considerable energy. This paper proposes a novel concept of a Dual Head Cluster Algorithm (DHCA) for MANETs. It uses a primary cluster head and a secondary cluster head for route management, inter and intra cluster communication, cluster maintenance and data aggregation, namely Cluster Head (CH) and Aggregator Head (AH) respectively. The introduction of these two heads reduces the frequency of re-clustering and end-to-end latency. Simulation results show that the DHCA outperforms conventional clustering protocols in terms of energy conservation, network life time and end- to- end latency.
Facial Expression Recognition Using PCA & Distance Classifier[Full-Text ] AlpeshKumar Dauda,Nilamani BhoiFace recognition has the most relevance in real life issues of security, criminal investigation, and verification intention. Thus it has a broad range of applications. Three issues in the field of face recognition are: illumination variation , pose variation and more importantly expression variation which is the main focus of this paper. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used technology about dimensional reduction. Recently, the PCA has been extensively employed for face recognition algorithms. It is one of the most popular representation methods for a face image. It not only reduces the dimensionality of the image, but also retains some of the variations in the image data. The proposed method has been evaluated using the Feedtum database. Experimental results show that the proposed method has encouraging recognition performance.
Load Estimation for Vehicles[Full-Text ] SIVARANJANI.T,MOHAN BAPU.T,GAYATHRI.P.GThe main objective is to monitor and control the load. By load management, it is meant to capture or enable the distribution of loads or to aid in the installation of load cells for the distribution of loads. To achieve this in the first phase of the problem the load recognition process involving the weight sensors (load cells) for installing or used in the load distribution of loads. The methods of interface have included wirelesses transfer through GSM & GPRS available in driver's cabin, and a remote control terminal able until to receive and process the information from the load cells. The system tries to provide an effective approach in the developing of an effective load distribution and for load balancing. This framework identifies the challenges and benefits to implement interface with the consideration towards both individual and fleets of vehicles. The load cells characteristics of low cost, lightweight, small volume and high accuracy are evaluated. Repeatability, sources of error, weight accuracy and calibration values are discussed. The experimental results of the framework support the feasibility of its part in the smart transport systems. It helps to buid a successful framework in Smart Transport System.
Analysis of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Interconnects &Comparison with Copper Interconnects at Different Technology Nodes[Full-Text ] Prashant Gupta, Gagnesh KumarThis paper investigates the performance of the bundle of Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) for low-power and high-speed interconnects for future VLSI applications. The power dissipation and delay of SWCNT bundle interconnects are examined and compared with that of the Cu interconnects at the different technology (16nm, 22nm, 32nm & 45nm) nodes for both intermediate and global interconnects. The results show that SWCNTs bundle consume less power and also faster than Cu for intermediate and global interconnects. It is concluded that the Metallic SWCNT has been regarded as a viable candidate for intermediate and global interconnects in future technologies.
Switching Based Cognitive Data Transmission Using Wi-Fi and ZigBee[Full-Text ] Nalluri Sravani, P.Vijaya KumarThe project focuses on the development of wireless communication network providing more than one wireless interface with the help of wireless devices. As a primary wireless interface Wi-Fi module is used and ZigBee module as secondary wireless interface. This system is implemented using Arduino Ethernet Microcontroller with the help of Arduino platform. Co-existence of both Wi-Fi and ZigBee technologies in the same device is determined and developed and the switching mechanism is implemented between Wi-Fi and ZigBee modules in order to improve the communication performance and also to improve the quality of transmission by avoiding loss of connections and to achieve significantly high reliability and robustness than the communication network with only one wireless interface.
Evolutionary High Level Synthesis with Predictive Models[Full-Text ] Nidhin. A, D.S Harish RamIn modern day chip design, the pressure for time to market is increasing and recovery time for investment is decreasing. So design times have to be shortened. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based predictive model for power to speed-up the cost function evaluation during High Level Synthesis (HLS) is presented here. Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been used successfully to solve HLS problems. Our proposed predictive model can be easily integrated with this evolutionary framework. The accuracy of this predictive model is tested with DFG benchmark circuits.
Bilateral Analysis of Mammograms for False Positive Reduction Using Eigen ROI Approach[Full-Text ] Shilpa Gopalakrishnan, Lavanya RMammogram is the widely accepted imaging method used for screening breast cancer. Computer aided detection (CAD) systems intend to provide assistance to the radiologists in detecting breast cancer. However the detection of masses by CAD system is prone to a high rate of false positives. Radiologists often use bilateral analysis ie, symmetry between left and right breast to improve detection performance. In this work, a computer aided bilateral image analysis based on eigen region of interest (ROI) approach is used in order to reduce the false positive rate. It has been found that the proposed method outperforms the conventional false positive reduction techniques.
Design and analysis of high performance Arithmetic and Logic unit for RISC processor in 32nm CMOS Technology[Full-Text ] Felcy Jeba Malar.MThe advancements taking place in this modern epoch of digital world looks forward to optimize the available technologies to bring about efficient architectures that pave way for greater transformation in the field of electronics. In correspondence to the above issue, this paper portrays the low power technique used in an arithmetic and logic unit found in digital RISC processors to show high performance. Since there is large power dissipation taking place due to the internal operation of an arithmetic and logic unit, this paper aims to apply modified low power techniques at the transistor level to the processor simulated using HSPICE tool. Hence a new technique to design the control unit is provided to the processor to activate the internal components depending upon the requirement. This way the new architecture in 32nm CMOS technology performs it’s processing with high speed thereby enhancing the processors’ speed by cutting down the average power consumed along with the leakage power.
Extraction of Prosodic Features for Speaker Recognition Technology and Voice Spectrum Analysis[Full-Text ] Nilu Singh , R. A. KhanThe objective of this paper is to provide information and overview of prosodic features and spectral analysis of a speech signal. Speaker Recognition System is the make use of a machine to recognize the people from a spoken words. The majority in progress the highest level of development in the Automatic Speaker recognition System, done by using short term spectral information this approach disregard long-term selective information that can transmit supra segmental information such as prosodic and speaking style. We discussed in detail that what is prosody and its feature extraction technique including their mechanism and functionality. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of prosodic feature extraction technique which helps people in Speaker Recognition Area. There are several characteristic in human speech prosody such as intonation, rhythm and stress, using these characteristic Speaker recognition can be done.
Artificial Bee Colony based Feature Selection for Effective Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis[Full-Text ] Subanya B, R.R. RajalaxmiMachine learning has been an effective support system in medical diagnosis which involve large amount of data. Analyzing such data consumes more time in terms of execution and resources. All data features do not support for the end results. Hence it is very important to identify the features that contribute more in identifying the diseases. Those with less contribution can be eliminated. The need of feature selection arises when we need to reduce the massive medical data to reduced number of features. The objective of this paper is to design an effective algorithm that can remove irrelevant dimensions from large data and to predict more accurately the presence of disease. Artificial Bee Colony based feature selection is incorporated and a wrapper classifier is used for classification. A Binary Artificial Bee Colony (BABC) algorithm is used to find the best features in the disease identification. The fitness of BABC is evaluated using Naive Bayesian method. Results are validated using Cleveland Heart disease dataset taken from the UCI machine learning repository. The results indicate that, BABC–Naive Bayesian outperform the other methods.
An investigation of temperature rise based on process parameters on AL7075-T6 using RSM and FEA in orthogonal machining[Full-Text ] M.Subramanian, M.P.Siva, M.Sakthivel The finite element method is used to simulate and analyze the orthogonal metal cutting process. Determination of the maximum temperature and temperature distribution of the cutting tool is important because of its controlling influence on tool life, as well as, the quality of the machined part. The present work deals with modelling and analysis to predict the temperature rise in terms of geometrical parameters such as nose radius of cutting tool insert and machining parameters such as cutting speed and cutting feed rate for machining AL7075-T6, using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The temperature rise during orthogonal machining was measured by DEFORM-2D FEA software. The second order mathematical model in terms of process parameters was developed for predicting a temperature rise. The direct and interaction effect was graphically plotted which helps to study the significance of these parameters with temperature rise
Robust Rician Noise Estimation and Filtering for Magnetic Resonance Imaging[Full-Text ] Hareni Jagadeesan, Sasirekha.NThis paper proposes a novel method for Rician noise in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Noise in MRI is predominantly is Rician, which is signal dependent and it severely affects the contrast of the image. Pixelwise S estimate is highly effective for asymmetric distributions which are often encountered in the regions containing edges. UDWT provides effective representation of noisy coefficients. Pixelwise S estimate based wavelet transform combined with Thresholding and Bilateral Filtering provides efficient feature based preservation. The performance metrics both quantitative and qualitative, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in Rician denoising.
DC Link Faults Detection in a 3 phase VSI fed Induction Motor Drive using Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] K. Mohanraj, S. Paramasivam, Subhranshu Sekhar DashThe aim of this study is to employ the wavelet technique for the diagnosis of open-circuit and short circuit faults in the dc link of induction motor drive. The symlet wavelet is selected as the wavelet base to perform stator current analysis during faults. In this method, the stator currents are used as an input to the system. The MATLAB software is used to process discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of the signals. The stator current is used for the detection of the fault. When an open-circuit fault or a short circuit fault appears, the signal fault information is included in each frequency region. The time of the spikes in the DWT is correlated with the time of fault. As a result of time & frequency domain studies, a faulty system can be easily discriminated from the healthy system.
An Efficient Approach to prevent Data Breaches in Cloud[Full-Text ] Nina Pearl Doe, Mensah Sitti, V. SuganyaCloud Computing is a computing paradigm shift where computing is moved away from personal computers or an individual server to a cloud of computers. Its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and dynamically re-allocation of resources as per demand make it desirable. At an unprecedented pace, cloud computing has simultaneously transformed business and government, and created new security challenges such as data breaches, data loss, account hijacking and denial of service. Paramount among these security threats is data breaches. The proposed work is to prevent data breaching threat by way of providing user authentication through one-time password system and challenge response, risk assessment to identify and prevent possible risks, encryption using enhanced elliptic curve cryptography where a cryptographically secure random number generation is used to make the number unpredictable, data integrity using MD5 technique, and key management. Also a secure disposal of information and secure transmission of files between clouds are ensured. The platform for deployment of the application is Google App Engine.
Design and Implementation of Testable Reversible Sequential Circuits and Garbage Output[Full-Text ] Manikandan.B,Chinnadurai.GThe conservative reversible gates are used to designed reversible sequential circuits. The sequential circuits are flip flops and latches. The conservative logic gates are Feynman, Toffoli, and Fredkin. the design of two vectors testable sequential circuits based on conservative logic gates. All sequential circuit based on conservative logic gates can be tested for classical unidirectional stuck-at faults using only two test vectors. The two test vectors are all 1s, and all 0s. The designs of two vectors testable latches, master-slave flip-flops and double edge triggered (DET) flip-flops are presented. We also showed the application of the proposed approach toward 100% fault coverage for single missing/additional cell defect in the quantum- dot cellular automata (QCA) layout of the Fredkin gate. The conservative logic gates are in terms of complexity, speed and area.
A New Inquisitive Technique for Lessening Leakage in Domino Logic Circuits[Full-Text ] K.Suhanandini, S.LakshmiNarayanan, ReebaKorahThe hasty technology scaling in the advancement of portable device designs, always has a tradeoff between power and performance. With respect to the various power dissipations static leakage started sharing its space equally with dynamic power in a progressive manner. The need for trimming down of leakage power in the diminutive devices for the performance up gradation is rising day by day. The approach accorded here is the introduction ofleakage reduction techniques for reducing the leakage power in Domino Logic circuits. Comparative study of leakage power in the Conventional AND circuit, Footed and Footerless Domino circuits is done. All these circuits are implemented with the introduction of Leakage controlled transistors. Analysis is also done with and without Adiabatic Logic separately. The Simulation is done in the Tanner tool and the results are studied based on the leakage Power.
ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TRIVIAL DELAY BASED ADDERS[Full-Text ] G.Priyadarshini,J.Robert Theivadas,Ranganathan VijayaraghavanIn present-day, all digital devices are designed to be portable in which IC’s are much compressed. When IC’s turn into compacted ones, downsides in power and area get increased. Adders are requisite component for every contemporary
Digital IC. A non-heuristic method for the analysis and optimization of adders with the intention of reducing delay is proposed here. Implementation with 20 different Boolean Expressions is done, which are constructed using CMOS logic and the performance is analyzed in terms of delay and area. This work is done with the Tanner EDA tool - 250nm technology. From this exploration the optimized equation is chosen to construct a full adder circuit in terms of multiplexer. These adders are incorporated in existing adder based circuits like BCD Adder, Array Multiplier, Booth multiplier, etc., and its performance is evaluated in terms of maximum combinational path delay and power.
Improving Performance in Manets by Optimizing Contention Window in IEEE 802.11 [Full-Text ] GnanaPrakasi O.S,R.Srinisha,N.Sasi,M.Deepa,Dr.Varalakshmi.PIn MANETS, it has been observed that channels suffer from poor bandwidth utilization and extreme unfairness in IEEE 802.11 has been questioned. Existing MAC layer protocols do not cope well with this high level of change fairly. Unlike the existing schemes, the main objective of our proposed approach is to increase the fairness by allowing each node to adapt its transmission rate and contention window. The channel quality is determined based on probability of successful transmission from competing nodes in a particular channel. We validate the proposed modified_MAC using ns2.34 recording the probability to access the channel at regular intervals and comparing throughput, delay with original MAC.
HANDLING MISSING DATA IN IPSILATERAL MAMMOGRAMS FOR COMPUTER AIDED BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS[Full-Text ] N. Kalimatha, G.Vinutna, B. Namrata, A. Abinaya, Y. Anjana, R. LavanyaBreast cancer is the most fatal among the cancers detected in women. Mammography is the most common and efficient tool for early detection of breast cancer. In mammography images of breast are captured in two standard views namely Mediolateral oblique (MLO) view and Craniocaudal (CC) view. Radiologists generally analyze both the views during diagnosis. In recent years as the number of cases to be diagnosed is increasing significantly, computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems were developed. In the datasets used by these systems, often there is a chance for the presence of missing values (MVs) in any one of mammographic views due to various reasons. Some of these include obscuration of mass by a dense breast tissue, region of interest being out of frame during the image acquisition etc. This results in the use of data from single view alone for diagnosis. But the diagnostic performance of CAD systems is better when multi-view data is used. In this paper the use of Iterative Singular Value Decomposition (ISVD) imputation is proposed to handle missing values in order to preserve the advantage of using multi-view data during the diagnosis. Classification accuracy and Kappa statistics are the metrics used to assess the performance of ISVD scheme for different percentages of MVs ranging from 1-15%. Experimental results demonstrated that diagnosis using multi-view following ISVD performed at least as well as and most of the time better than the systems using single view.
Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) Using Two Leg Inverter for Split-Phase Induction Motor[Full-Text ] VADDI RAMESH, P.ANJAPPA, K. REDDY SWATHI, R.LOKESWAR REDDY, B.SAMBASIVARAO In this paper the space-vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technique for two-phase inverters is proposed. The pro-posed SVPWM technique is applicable to the two-phase induction motor drives. A reference voltage vector located in the square locus is realized by adjusting the four space vectors. The switching sequence for the is proposed SVPWM technique in order to minimize the ripple content of the output current. The two phase inverter using the proposed SVPWM technique can generate only four space voltage vectors, but cannot generate zero vectors.. The circuit has been simulated in MATLAB Simulink with two phase Induction Motor load. The voltage for two phase induction motor and Rotor currents, Stator currents and Electromagnetic torque and induction motor speed are obtained
Electrical Distribution System Planning Using Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] D PRASAD, MENDA EBRAHEEMThis paper presents distribution system planning using particle swarm optimization technique. First shortest path using 2 different ways is obtained. One is using particle decoding and the other method is obtaining the shortest path from all possible combinations. After getting the shortest path PSO is used for optimizing the current tapping values between maximum and minimum values. Then the reliability of the mesh network has been evaluated by reliability index CLLI. Distribution System planning is an optimization process to obtain a no. of design variables such as : (i) no. of feeders and their routes (ii) no. of sectionalizing switches (iii) radial or mesh network structure. In this work, distribution system planning has been done by using Particle decoding-PSO method and Number Of Combinations-PSO method and the results are compared.
A Novel Power Reduction Technique in 6T SRAM using IGSVL and SGSVL FinFET[Full-Text ] G.Annalakshmi, S.LakshmiNarayanan, ReebaKovahPower optimization is one of the most significant concerns in impending portable integrated circuits. The major problem in recent days is the increase in leakage current of the VLSI circuits due to the continuous flow of current. Leakage reduction is achieved by shrinking the threshold voltage, without heart rending the other design goals. Low power circuit operation is becoming an increasingly important metric for future integrated circuits. With existing technology scaling FinFET seem to resemble more likely an alternative for bulk CMOS. Compared to conventional CMOS, FinFET is said to be advantageous as the latter one is double gated. Simultaneous driven and Independent driven are the two different methodologies of working with the Double gates which assist in the power reduction. The approach in this work is the implementation of FinFET in various SRAM cells in 45nm technology using T-Spice for the reduction of leakage in the circuits.
Enhancing PIN distribution Techniques by using Amalgam Encryption in M-commerce[Full-Text ] K.Shanmugam, Dr.B.Vanathi, K.GanesanIn last few years, Mobile commerce had seen extreme growth. But to be focused the lot of privacy, security and integrity challenges. This paper proposes, to send the user Pin number and payment details in secure way. Pin number is encrypted by Amalgam encryption. Amalgam encryption means, Encrypt the pin number by using combination of Triple data Encryption standard (3-DES) and RC4 algorithm. Amalgam encryption is does not used for secure transaction in Mobile commerce so current system will be used in this encryption process. User Pin number is divided into two halves(pin1 and pin2).The two halves of the pin are encrypted by using amalgam encryption to be separately. By using amalgam encryption, to provide the more security and increasing the encryption secrecy value.
Improvised Web Search through Web Services on Ontology Based Semantics[Full-Text ] P. Nandhakumar,M. HemalathaThe internet plays a major role in transforming huge amount of information day by day in World Wide Web. Search engine is the important tool source to interact user for information retrieval. The traditional way of finding answers to the search queries provide irrelevant result for the searched quires. Web 3.0 collaborates with semantic web gives better result for searched queries. The main focus of this paper is to give a framework using semantic web services constructed with service oriented architecture (SOA) for improving searching capacity. The proposed methodology uses depth first search algorithm for semantic search services. The semantic search uses RDF data set and work with responses constructed with Ontologies. The proposed study not only improves response time, it also provides ranking schemes based ontology relevant score of the responses observed.
Secure group communication over MANET using hybrid Key Management [Full-Text ] S.Fiona abishag, Dr.P.DeepalakshmiIn many newly emerging network there is a need to provide secure transmission within the network.MANET is one such network which requires secure group communication.The key concept in security is key management.In the existing key management systems third party is fully trusted for key generation.Hence the trustworthiness of third party is more important to provide secure communication.Here we propose a hybrid approach which combines group key agreement and broadcast based encryption techniques.The major advantage is that it avoids the need to rely fully on a trusted third party.Here we use a provable secure protocol which provides resistance against blackhole attack such that secure and efficient routes will be provided to reach the destination.Thus the new paradigm facilitates a fast and secure transmission to remote groups.
HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS OF POOL BOILING IN STAINLESS STEEL FLAT PLATE HEATER WITH WATER[Full-Text ] M.HARIHARAN, R.KATHIRAVAN, S.SENTHIL KUMAR, M.ARUNPRASATHThe purpose of this experiment is to study to analysis heat transfer characteristics of water through pool boiling over a flat stainless steel plate heater. The present experimental data of water is in good agreement with Stephen and Abdelsalam correlation (1980) with the given heat flux range 30-1000 kW/m2. Without any modification in the Stephen and Abdelsalam correlation (1980), it is observed that the experimental data of water are within an error band of ± 20 percent, this is because of the Stephen and Abdelsalam correlation (1980) predicts their own data in an error band of 11.3 percent. In order to minimize the error band, the pool boiling experimental data of water have been analyzed by regression analysis using Stephen and Abdelsalam correlation (1980) and the powers and coefficient of the terms in the correlation are modified and the optimum values of the power index and coefficient which gives the minimum error band of ± 10 is obtained.
Analysis of Mesh -Type Split Ring Resonator as Parasitic Radiator for Back Radiation Suppression in a Mobile Handset[Full-Text ] Sarada Prasan Rout, Amlan Datta As of late there has been tremendous advancement cellular technology, which has generated a hot spot in antenna design to create an improved antenna to be utilized in cellular systems. Antenna with minimum radiation towards the user's head is major task to accomplish. Our objective is to dam non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation emanating from handset and grant the antenna to radiate its energy in all other directions, while we attempt to uphold antenna performance at its peak. The performance of different specifications of the proposed antenna has been evaluated through simulations in free space as well as in the vicinity of the human head phantom model. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is also computed for this antenna and the way antenna interacts with the human body has also been ascertained. All simulations are performed using the CST Microwave Studio. The results of elaborated antenna design with a Mesh-type parasitic radiator that have reduced radiation towards the user’s head are conferred in this paper.
A New Enhanced TCP-CRAHN: Transmission Control Protocol in Cognitive Radio AdHoc Networks[Full-Text ] C.Vidhyapriya, M.C.SavithriCognitive Radio (CR) networks allow users to opportunistically transmit in the licensed spectrum bands, as long as the performance of the Primary Users (PUs) of the band is not degraded. Consequently, variation in spectrum availability with time andperiodic spectrum sensing undertaken by the CR users has a pronounced effect on the higher layer protocol performance, such as at the transport layer. This paper investigates the limitations of TCP CRAHN in a CR ad hoc network environment, and proposes TCP rate adapting protocol. Our approach incorporates service interruption losses as a secondary user try to handoff the channel to the primary user. Transport layer protocol’s performance of an SU could be degraded significantly as it tries to handoff channel due to the arrival of PU. This paper presents a study of the challenges of spectrum handoff as PUs in CR networks appears in the course of an on-going transmission by the SUs. A TCP rate freezing algorithm that ensures seamless spectrum handoff as PUs appear is proposed.
Image Enhancement Using Multilevel Contrast Stretching and Noise Smoothening Technique for CT Images[Full-Text ] N. Mohanapriya, Dr. B. KalaavathiImage enhancement is the process of improving the visual quality of an image. This paper proposes a new algorithm called Multilevel Contrast Stretching and a Noise smoothening technique for enhancement of medical images. The scanned images or X-ray images are possibly affected by illumination, sharpness, contrast and noises, due to this degradation, and as result the diagnosis of disease becomes difficult. The proposed algorithm works effectively for medical applications. The initial step is transforming the medical image using Discrete Wavelet Transformation, the second step consists of enhancing the image by using multilevel contrast stretching algorithm. The Multilevel Contrast Stretching algorithm identifies the regions featuring homogeneous intensity and bearing contrast to their adjacent neighbors. The image split into two sub images, namely object-approximation image selected by using inter object level and object-error image chosen by intra object level. Then the final step involves eliminate the noise by using the median filter. The Proposed enhancement method is implemented in MATLAB and more medical images of different parts of the body are used for evaluating the performance. The resultant image is enhanced, sharpened and edges preserved, increasing the quality without distorting the images.
Unequal Clustering with Layer based Data Collection for Prolonging WSNs Lifetime[Full-Text ] L.Malathi, R.K.Gnanamurthy, A.ThamaraiselviMany Applications of wireless sensor networks require periodical data collection from the sensor nodes. Most im-portant issue in periodical data collection applications is to increase the network life time by efficiently utilizing the sensor node energy. Recent researchers proved that as compared to flat routing cluster based routing algorithms will be better suited for those applications. Cluster based routing has three phases: cluster Setup, intra-cluster communication, inter-cluster communication. Already many solu-tions have been put on such as LEACH, LEACH-C, TL-LEACH, HEED, DWEHC, EECS, EEUC, TEEN and CHIRON. But the problem with the existing solutions are, increased overhead due to cluster head election after each round of data transmission, poor network life-time because of the single hop inter-cluster communication ie the direct communication between cluster head and the sink. The energy hole problem due to equal size cluster and tree structured or chain based multi hop inter cluster communication. To overcome these prob-lems we propose a data collection frame work using unequal clustering with layer based inter-cluster communication. In this work, we divide the network in to unequal size cluster based on the distance from sink to cluster. The CHs are elected based on the residual ener-gy, distance between node and cluster boundary and the distance between node and the data forwarder node. The clusters are main-tained for several rounds to reduce the clustering over head. To improve the network life time, multiple smaller chains with heads at each cluster are formed for inter-clustering communication.
Improvement In 3-weighted Pattern Generation[Full-Text ] Priya, Dr.H.Abdul ShabeerWeighted pseudorandom built-in self test (BIST) schemes have been utilized in order to drive down the number of vectors to achieve complete fault coverage in BIST applications. Weighted sets comprising three weights, namely 0, 1, and 0.5 have been successfully utilized so far for test pattern generation, since they result in both less testing time and less consumed power. In this paper an accumulator-based 3-weight test pattern generation scheme is presented; the proposed scheme generates set of patterns with weights 0, 0.5, and 1. Since accumulators are commonly found in current VLSI chips, this scheme can be efficiently utilized to drive down the hardware of BIST pattern generation, as well. Comparisons with previously presented schemes indicate that the proposed scheme compares favourably with respect to the required hardware.
Improved Priority Based Parallel Workloads using Multi Attribute Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud[Full-Text ] C.S.Banupriya, Dr.R.SasikalaThere are many stragies which has been considered for cloud computing but most parameter which affects the performance of cloud computing in scheduling and time complexity measures. Generally,scheduling mechanism for paralel processing which involves high priority and non –trival solution to reduce the workload of cloud computing.Existing system consolidate the parallel workloads in the cloud using priority based approach.on analyzing the existing system,which use virtualization techniques,in order to improve the performance of cloud computing, new scheduling approach is proposed.Ths new approach considers various attributes to schedule the workloads.the proposed method computes the multi attribute weigt for each job submitted.for Example there are many jobs submitted but each has to access to different resources,and the importance is availability of resource and utilization.the job weight represent the priority of jobs submitted and scheduling is performed according to computed weight.The proposed method has produce more scheduling performance and low time complixity.