ICGPC-2014-International Conference On Green Technologies For Power Generation And Communication
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Green Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Ramesh K, Kannan VOne of the visions of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is autonomous long-term monitoring of the environment, and a key limiting factor is the ratio of energy consumption and delay. Most sensor net applications in outdoor environments run on battery, since it is easily accessible in off-the-grid environments and is relatively inexpensive. However, a battery-powered application is not suitable for a long-term deployment due to the finite capacity of the energy storage and the battery capacity to powerconsumptionratio. In order to address the nodes are put in to sleeping mode and limited-lifetime problem, delaying of data’s, many solutions have been proposed at the application level and networking level. These solutions lengthen the lifetime of a sensor network by using various techniquesto reduce power consumption and delay, such as aggregation, data compression, and radio duty cycling, though the improvement is only a constant factor and does not solve the limitedlifetimeproblem. We analyze the comparison among renewable energy sources, in this paper we discuss solar energy is the most promising for an outdoor wireless sensor net application. It has higher power density than other renewable energy sources, and this allows a sensor node to collect sufficient energy and it stores energy through super capacitor with a small form factor and minimum delay when all the time nodes are awakening.
Design and Simulation of Closed Loop Controlled Buck Converter FEDPMBLDC Drive System[Full-Text ] S.Prakash, R.DhanasekaranThis work deals with the design and simulation of buck converter inverter fed PMBLDC drive system. Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor (PMBLDC) is one of the best electrical drives that has increasing popularity due to their high efficiency, reliability, good dynamic response and very low maintenance. This develops the interest of preparing an ideal PMBLDC motor and its associated Drive System in a simple and lucid manner. In this paper the drive system is proposed with a buck converter topology. Where it has the advantages of reduced switching losses, low inductor power loss, reduced ripple by using a LC-filter, which in turn makes the DC link voltage stable. The design and simulation of the PMBLDC motor is done using the software package ‘matlab/simulink’. The operation principle of the buck converter fed drive system is analyzed and the simulation results are presented in this paper to verify the theoretical analysis.
An Efficient RRBN Size Communication Based Power Saving Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Malarkodi K, Kannan VSince battery technology has not progressed as rapidly as semiconductor technology, power efficiency has become increasingly important in wireless sensor networking, in addition to the traditional quality and performance measures, such as Band width, throughput, and fairness. Wireless sensor networks typically require low cost devices and low power applications. Hence, such networks usually employ radios with only simple modulation techniques such as ASK, OOK and FSK [9].We present in this paper, a energy efficient communication schemes for wireless sensor networks which are a redundant radix based number (RBN) representation i.e. RRBN Size Comm (Redundant Binary Number Silent through Zero digit Communication) scheme . We propose a transceiver design that uses a hybrid modulation scheme utilizing FSK the cost/complexity of the radio devices low. Considering an n-bit data representation and assuming that each of the 2n binary strings is equally likely occur, theoretically obtainable fraction of energy savings by using our proposed RRBN Size Comm transmission protocol is, on the average, Simulation results demonstrate that compared binary FSK, our proposed implementation can extend the batter life of devices from about 33% to 62% on an average in applications like healthcare and wireless Sensor networks for agriculture.
Adaptive Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO OFDM Systems[Full-Text ] S.A.Yuvaraj, K.Periyar Selvam, K.R.JayachitraIn this paper, normalized least mean (NLMS) square and recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive channel estimator are described for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. These CE methods uses adaptive estimator which are able to update parameters of the estimator continuously, so that the knowledge of channel and noise statistics are not necessary. This NLMS/RLS CE algorithm requires knowledge of the received signal only. Simulation results demonstrated that the RLS CE method has better performances compared NLMS CE method for MIMO OFDM systems. In addition, the utilizing of more multiple antennas at the transmitter and/or receiver provides a much higher performance compared with fewer antennas. Furthermore, the RLS CE algorithm provides faster convergence rate compared to NLMS CE method. Therefore, in order to combat the more channel dynamics, the RLS CE algorithm is better to use for MIMO OFDM systems.
Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey[Full-Text ] R. Ganesh Babu, Prof.Dr.V.AmudhaCognitive radio has emerged as one of the most promising candidate solution to improve spectrum utilization in next generation cellular networks. Spectrum sensing helps to detect the spectrum holes (underutilised bands of the spectrum) providing high spectral resolution capability. In this paper, literature surveys of cognitive radio sensing methods are compared. Also the challenges and techniques that are involved in spectrum sensing is discussed in detail.
Congestion Management Based On Active Power Rescheduling Of Generator units using Cuckoo Search Algorithm[Full-Text ] N. Chidambararaj, Dr. K. ChitraIn this paper, an efficient method has been proposed for transmission line over load alleviation in deregulated power system. Here the generators are selected based on their sensitivity to the congested line and the active power of the participating generators is rescheduled using Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm for relieving congestion. The algorithm is tested in IEEE 30-bus system and compared with the particle swarm optimization for its effectiveness and robustness in congestion management. It is observed that CS algorithm minimizes the cost effectively when compared to the particle swarm optimization (PSO).
A Solar Powered PV Based Induction Motor Drive in Water Pumping System Using Flc[Full-Text ] P.Abarnaa, Mrs.S.P.G.BhavaniThis project introduces a current fed converter for a photovoltaic water pumping system. The converter is designed to drive a three-phase squirrel induction motor directly from photovoltaic (PV) energy source. The use of three-phase induction motor presents a better solution to the commercial DC motor water pumping system. A Two Inductor Boost Converter (TIBC) for the first stage is along with a voltage doubler rectifier is modified into an Energy Storage Management (ESM) system to overcome the problem when there is less availability of solar energy. This converter has high voltage gain, in addition the input current having its current ripple amplitude halved and minimizes the oscillations at the module operation point. A Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is used as a speed control for Induction Motor. A three phase Induction motor connected to Voltage Source Inverter(VSI), which in turn runs the centrifugal pump. The whole system is controlled using Matlab Simulink environment. The dynamic performances of an Induction Motor(IM) drive is controlled in the presence of fuzzy logic controller, which increases the overall efficiency of the system. The effectiveness of fuzzy system and energy storage management in water pumping system are demonstrated and implemented.
Fossil Fuel Green Power Production and Cogeneration[Full-Text ] Arvind.AThe main aim of this technical paper on fossil fuel green power production and cogeneration, cogeneration is the combination of power (energy) and heat. Here in this technical paper the power production without harming the environment is discussed. Nowadays electricity is in demand. In order to full fill this we can get the electricity by means of fossil fuels, and we can also generate heat, emission of carbon dioxide is reduced. Cost Efficiency is low. It also talks about benefits application efficiency and cogeneration technology.
Design of Nanotube Based Sensor for Biomedical Application[Full-Text ] J.DevaPrasannam, D.JackulineMoniIn This Paper, A Nanotube Based Blood Pressure Monitoring Sensor Is Designed To Replace The Normal Blood Pressure Detector Which Is Used Externally. Main Aim Is To Design An Implantable Nanotube Sensor For Continuous Monitoring Of Blood Pressure. In This Design, Rectangular Topology Is Used For The Base And The Nanotube Is Placed On It. When The Pressure Is Increased It Gets Deflected From Its Original Position. It Is An Implantable Sensor So The Nanotube Is Placed In The Blood Vessels Of The Arteries In The Form Catheter To Monitor The Blood Pressure. Due To High Blood Flow The Nanotube Can Be Displaced And It Is Measured From Its Reference Value .It Varies In The Range of microscale or nanoscale to increase the sensitivity and the efficiency of the sensor. By using MEMS/NEMS technology, the design of the nanotube sensor has been done. For simulation, COMSOL Multiphysics is used to obtain better solution. The displacement of the nanotube increases as the pressure exerted on the boundaries.
PWM of Cascaded Five level Voltage Source Inverter using FPGA[Full-Text ] N. RajavinuMultilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. Various topologies of multilevel inverter provides several advantages including lower voltage stress, higher efficiency, lower electromagnetic interference. To obtain a quality output voltage with minimum amount of ripple content, they require high switching frequency along with advance pulse width modulation strategies. As a result, a multilevel power inverter structure has been introduced as an alternative in high power applications.This paper presents single phase cascaded five level inverter with separate dc sources. Cascaded multilevel inverter constructed by two full H-bridges. FPGA is chosen for the hardware implementation of switching strategy mainly due to its high computation speed that can ensure the accuracy of the instants that gating signals are generated. VHDL language is used to model the inverter switching strategies.
PWM of Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Inverter using FPGA[Full-Text ] RanjaniPulse Width Modulation has nowadays become an integral part of every electronics system. These techniques have been widely accepted and are researched extensively nowadays. It has found its application in large number of applications as a voltage controller. Its use in controlling output voltage of Inverter is the most frequently used application. There are basically two main techniques of PWM Generation- Analog technique and Digital Technique. This paper presents the development of Altium FPGA as a control circuit for generation of the digital pulse width modulation (DPWM) signal for the single-phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter.
A Battery-Balancing Nine-Level Inverter[Full-Text ] R. Dharmaprakash, P. Vetri velavanIn this paper, a nine-level inverter was designed and implemented to operate a battery balanced discharge system, which increases the ability of a stored energy utilization of a renewable energy sources. Also in this system a cascaded multilevel inverter with selective harmonic elimination and an algorithm to calculate the switching angles of a cascaded multilevel inverter minimizing the total harmonics distortion (THD) is proposed. The input of each level of cascaded multilevel inverter circuit is directly connected to a battery. Duty cycle of switch of each level is controlled to contain the ac output voltage with minimize total harmonic distortion. Additionally, the battery balanced discharged function is also achieved. Finally, an equivalent model block diagram of the proposed system to verify the feasibility and advantage by using Simulink software MATLAB. The stimulation results show that the proposed multilevel inverter with selective harmonic elimination and battery-balanced discharge function can eliminate harmonic and improve the cascaded battery-imbalanced problem effectively as we required.
Design of Low Power Mixcolumn in Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm[Full-Text ] M. Anitha Christy, S. Sridevi Sathya PriyaThe security data transmission algorithm in cryptography is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The operation mix column consumed more power in the algorithm. In this paper the power consumption of mix column is reduced in order to achive the total power consumption of AES. Using a simple exclusive OR gate that is XOR gate pass transistor logic, the power can be minimized when compare to the other methods of design the mixcolumn transformation. The design is implemented using the cadence Schematic Editor. The proposed methodology gives the low power as 3.996nW. The advantage of low power mixcolumn is playing an important role in today’s security needs like RFID tags, smart cards.
Three Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Ac Source[Full-Text ] J.Nandhagopal, V.Vignesh, J. Prasanth, R. Prasanth, A. RamkumarThis paper presents a multilevel inverter model working in H-bridge topology. The multilevel model comprises of several H-bridge models consisting of MOSFET/IGBT that are cascaded to get desired number of levels. The inverter is fed from existing AC supply which is rectified and fed to inverter. The inverter is controlled using PWM technique. This model is proposed for speed control of AC motors. Also the TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (THD) waveform is studied. In order to study the proposed topology and proposed system several simulation results are presented.
Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDMA Networks with Inter Cell Interference cancellation[Full-Text ] R. Priyanga, T. Monisha BirlinThis paper describes a resource allocation is an important issue in orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. Formulaically systems, the interference across different cells makes the optimization of resource allocation difficult. While inter cell interference(ICI) for the downlink of multicell systems in general and orthogonal frequency division multiple access networks, the uplink has received less attention.Inter cell interference coordination schemes can be viewed as a scheduling strategy used to limit the inter-cell interference such that cell edge users in different cells preferably are scheduled on complementary parts of the spectrumwhenneeded.The common theme of ICIC avoidance schemes is to apply restrictions to the usage of downlink resources such time/frequency and/or transmit power resources.Such coordination of restrictions will provide an opportunity to limit the interference generation in the area of cellular network.Accordingly,signal to interference and noise ratio(SINR) can be improved at the receivers in the coverage area, which will provide capability for increased(cell-edge) data rates over the coverage area,or increased coverage for given data rates.
Enhanced Memory Reliability Using Parity Matrix Code[Full-Text ] S.Sabeen, N.Bharathi RajaNow a days to maintain good level of reliability, it is necessary to protect memory cells using protection codes, for this purpose, various error detection and correction methods are being used. The only drawback of the existing DMC is that more redundant bits are required to maintain higher reliability of memory. The proposed technique used parity matrix code to assure reliability in presence of multiple bit flip and reduce more redundant bit and its correct more error compare to existing system.
Comparison of Boost and Interleaved Boost Converters for Wind Energy System[Full-Text ] G. P. Ramesh, A. Jaffar Sadiq AliFrom the past literature survey, it is witnessed that there is remarkable growth in the Wind power capacity in the recent years. The advancement of converters used in wind power technologies led to maximum extraction of wind energy. In this paper, a comparison of Single Boost converter (SBC) with Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) used in small-scale wind turbine systems. It utilizes the AC-DC-AC power converter to deliver high power from PMSG to Load. The Performance of Boost Converter System is compared with that of Interleaved Boost Converter System in terms of the ripple content and THD parameters. The design and Simulation results with three phase Resistive load and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor are studied using MATLAB/ Simulink.
Screening Of Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Neuropathy Patients Using Flexi Force Sensor Platform[Full-Text ] S. Krishna Priya, A.N.Nithyaa, R.PremKumarIn this work, an experimental setup for effective screening of foot ulcer in diabetic neuropathy patients is described.Diabetes brings with it neurovascular complications, which results in development of increase in pressure among the foot regions. Patients with diabetic poly neuropathy often lose pain and temperature sensations in their feet, resulting in inadequate pressure under their feet, during walking or standing. This may cause injury in the feet; painless trauma develops and results in ulceration. So prevention of diabetic foot ulcer is needed. A circuit is proposed to measure the pressure on the foot with the help of force sensing resistor. The pressure on the foot is acquired by the sensor. For large scale data acquisition system, a graphical program environment like Lab VIEW is needed. According to the Normalized Peak Pressure (KPa) values Classification of normal and diabetic neuropathy patients was done. In this method diagnosis of foot ulceration is done in an earlier stage thereby the further ulceration is prevented.
Performance Analysis, Modeling and Power Optimization in Solar Powered Automated Drier[Full-Text ] Malaisamy S, Sabanayagam ADrying is an excellent way to preserve food and solar food dryers are appropriate food preservation technology for sustainable development. The main objective of this paper is to design a solar powered Automatic drier which has solar as well as electric heater for efficient and quality drying in an economical way. This work is split up into two stages, initially an efficient drier has to be designed and modelled and an basic PI controller and an intelligent control system has to be designed for maintaining temperature in the heating chambers for drying process and the efficient usage of solar energy and solar powered electrical energy for heating process has to be studied in detail.
Virtual Instrumentation based Non-Invasive Assessment of Arterial Stiffness Using Finger Photoplethysmographic Signal[Full-Text ] A.Ramsrinivas, Sikkandar Mohamed YacinCardiovascular disease (CVD) is currently the biggest single cause of mortality in the world; hence, the early detection of its onset is vital for effective prevention therapies. Arterial Stiffness (AS) has proved to be a direct indicator for CVD. In this study, a non-invasivemethod for assessing AS using Finger Photoplethysmographic (PPG) Signal is proposed. Virtual Instrumentation(VI) software was used for developing the front panel of the proposed system to estimate the clinical parameters of AS like Augmentation Index (AI), Arterial Stiffness Index (ASI) and pulse rate. AI is the measure of AS derived from the ascending Aortic waveform, ASI indicates degree of arterial elasticity and Pulse rate is the number of pulses per minute. All the 3 parameters are estimated by the proposed algorithm using LabVIEW. PPG signal data is collected for 10 adult volunteers and 15 aged volunteers using the proposed system. Further analysis was done using the developed virtual instrumentation front panel. The results show that the clinical parameters are estimated with good accuracy and repeatability.
Analysis of Switching Table Based Three Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter[Full-Text ] R.Dharmaprakash, Joseph HenryThis paper proposes a switching table based three level diode clamped multilevel inverter (DCMLI). The proposed control method determines the sector and the voltage vector are selected from switching table. It is used to generate gating signals for the inverter. The 2-level inverter and 3-level DCMLI are analysed. This can be extended to n-level inverter. The total harmonic distortion (THD) and fundamental voltages are computed and compared. The results show that the performance is improved. The significant feature of the proposed method is its simplicity. Simulations were performed for these two inverters using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results are presented. The relative advantages are highlighted.
A Two Stage Converter Based Special Rectifier for Wind Energy Conversion System[Full-Text ] D. Saravanan,Dr.D.KirubakaranThis paper proposes a control strategy for maintaining and tracking a constant voltage and frequency across loads through stand alone variable speed wind energy conversion system. The system which consists of a variable speed wind turbine coupled to a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The output of ac supply is obtained from PWM inverter. By changing the modulation index of the PWM the inverter control can be achieved. Both the output of the rectifier and inverter are controlled through the proposed controller that follows the common control. Extracting as much wind energy as possible and feeding the load with high quality electricity are 2 main targets. Boosting DC-link voltage is enough level to realize the targets. In this paper, first studied about the topologies of 2-phase input uncontrolled rectifier are, a cost-effective, which is especially suitable for the wide range input voltage of wind generation system. To further boost DC-link voltage, by replacing some of the diodes with IGBTs and using fully the leakage inductance of specially designed PMSG, a boost- rectifier topology is presented. Both simulation and test results from a developed 10kW 2-phase wind turbine PMSG generation system well verify the presented topologies.
Power Loss Optimization Of Boost Convertor Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] P.Suresh, Dr.D.KirubakaranTraditional DC-DC Boost converters are used in high voltage applications, but they are not economical due to limited output voltage, large voltage ripples, current ripples and power losses. A closed loop control scheme for a simple DC-DC Boost converter in designed and the performance characteristics are studied using MATLAB simulink. The performance of the controller is also studied for various load and line disturbances. The designed converter gives satisfactory results. Usually it is very difficult to design the source inductance ( L) and the filter capacitance ( C ) of the converter for desired performance. i.e optimal switching losses, voltage ripples, and current ripples. Normally the L & C values of the converter are designed using trial and error method. In this paper, genetic algorithm is used to design the DC-DC boost converter for optimal switching losses, voltage ripples and current ripples. The results obtained using genetic algorithm are validated using the simulation results.
Hybrid Energy System in Hibrid Vehicle – State of Art[Full-Text ] B.Shanmugam, Dr. K. BalagrurunathanThis paper proposes the energy availability and cost for human utilization and explores the disadvantage associated with the large spread use of automobiles relates to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, global warming and pollution, The present state of development of automobile technology is explained. The need for curtailing use of fossil fuel in transportation and surveying other energy is to be adapted to transportation for reducing fuel use is also examined. How to increase efficiency of transport vehicle using present technological development is explored. It is concluded that it is ripe time to go for hybridization using other nonpolluting energies, energy storing devices like batteries, fuel cells and super capacitors to save the earth for life sustainability. Research study on the investigation of regenerative braking force in highbred electrical discussed. Then control strategies are discussed for recovery of regenerative brake energy and successful operation of HEVs
Operation And Control Of Hybrid Standalone System[Full-Text ] J.Jayaudhaya, P.Rangarajan, C.R. Nandhini, B. NandiniDue to the periodic nature of the wind and solar, the power from the wind turbine and the photovoltaic is not sufficient to satisfy the load demand. As a result energy storage systems are necessary to provide continuous and reliable operation. This paper proposes the control and the operation of hybrid standalone systems. The proposed system consists of wind-solar-battery system and load. This system is used to regulate the fluctuations in the power output and battery state of charge. The proposed system is implemented using MATLAB/ Simulink.
Minimization of Expected Security Cost Using Bacterial Swarming Algorithm[Full-Text ] R Raghunath, K Thanga SelviThis paper deals with the objective to minimize the expected security cost of operating the power system subjected to certain constraints. This expected cost includes the summation cost of operating in both normal and contingency states along with their probability of occurrence. In normal state maximizing social welfare is the main objective. Contingency state is considered since it can cause the system to be unstable. At that state, corrective as well as preventive measures have to be followed to relieve congestion. The new cost under post-contingency state is called the security cost which includes the cost of generation ramping along with social welfare maximization. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used in computing the optimal pre-contingency and for all credible post-contingency operating points by creating an optimal power flow (OPF) problem. Thus Expected Security Cost Optimal Power Flow (ESCOPF) problem has been proposed.
Conversion of Destructive Acoustic Energy into Useful Energy for Aircraft Internal Lighting system[Full-Text ] A. Bharathi, M. Avadi AmmalThis paper deals with the conservation of the destructive waste energy like noise and vibration produced in an aircraft while in air by the use of piezo-electric materials are piezo-electric actuators along with some smart nano particles are used to generate electricity. These being crystalline, can also act as absorbers of sound and vibration .piezo-electric materials can convert the energy produced by sound and vibration by running of engine while in air. In this system piezo-electric materials will be installed in the wings, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, engine cowling where there is maximum noise and vibration and it will be connected to a circuit. The circuit consists of noise absorbing amplifier along with other components used to carry the sound waves directly on the piezo-electric material. The pressure is created by suppression of material because of noise and vibration produced by engine. Thus the sensors will be installed which will determine this energy and convert it into electrical energy which can be stored in cells or can provide continuous electricity to offset the energy need of passenger cabin lighting system. Our study is also dedicated to the maximization of acoustic absorption and efficient power generation, but we can also smart foams to minimize the radiation of vibrating structures
Regenerative Braking Using Switched Reluctance Generator[Full-Text ] Divya.G, Ramani KalpathiThis paper proposes an effective method of energy regeneration during braking for a dc motor or internal combustion(IC) engine. During the braking period, instead of dissipating the kinetic energy in the brake shoes and poles in the form of heat, this energy is recovered using a switched reluctance generator that is mechanically coupled to the shaft of prime mover. Here the DC motor or the IC engine acts as a prime mover for the switched reluctance generator (SRG) which can be considered the dual of the switched reluctance motor (SRM). In the SRG the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by properly synchronizing the phase currents with rotor position. During generation, the SRG produces negative torque that is trying to oppose rotation, thereby extracting energy from the prime mover. Hereby the kinetic energy from the prime mover is converted into the electrical energy and used for battery charging applications. SRG generates energy as directed by the power controller.
Design and Implementation of Digital Controller for DC-DC Buck Boost Converter[Full-Text ] S.Chithra, V.Devi MaheswaranSeveral techniques are available for implementing DCDC converters using digital controllers. Some of them are dspace, DSP, FPGA etc. Among these FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array based implementation provides various advantages in terms of speed, flexibility, low power usage, reduced equipment sizing and massive parallelism. The traditional methods allow fault diagnosis only after the final implementation which leads to extra cost and loss of design time. This paper proposes a smart method of FPGA based implementation of DC-DC Buck Boost converter control system using Matlab and ModelSim. The control algorithm and coding is done by means of VHDL code and implemented using Altera FPGA Board. The FPGA takes control of the entire system and decides whether to increase or decrease the voltage depending on the application. Load is applied and the efficiency is checked at variable load conditions. Also performance comparison is made between a DSP and FPGA to evaluate the effectiveness of both the systems at various operating conditions.
Design and implementation of DC-Bus Voltage Control with a Three-Phase Bidirectional Inverter for DC Distribution Systems[Full-Text ] R.Haridharan, Mr.RajselvanThis paper presents dc-bus voltage control with a three-phase bidirectional inverter for dc distribution systems. The bidirectional inverter can fulfill both grid connection and rectification modes with power factor correction. In this paper a dc-bus capacitance and control dc-bus voltage to track a linear relationship between the dc-bus voltage and inverter inductor current. This paper first presents determination of dc-bus capacitor size. The inverter tunes the dc-bus voltage every line cycle, which can reduce the frequency of operation-mode change and current distortion. This approach together can prevent dc-bus voltage from wide variation and improve the availability of the dc distribution systems without increasing dc-bus capacitance. Experimental results measured from a three-phase bidirectional inverter have verified the feasibility of the discussed control approaches.
Intelligent Of Voltage Stability Control In Oltc Operation[Full-Text ] M.BharaniIn modern power system the voltage/reactive power control becomes more and more important because of the growth in system demands and for many utilities, the difficulty of building new power plants. In this paper we proposed to maintain the voltage profile in power system using OLTC by fuzzy expert system method. Simulation results are found in MATLAB using real data’s.
A novel Integrated Full-Bridge- both directional DC–DC Converter for a Residential Microgrid Application[Full-Text ] S.Vasanthakumar, D.BaskarA novel integrated dc-dc converter technology for interfacing between the energy storing system and the dc bus for a housing Microgrid application is present. The proposed combined residential Microgrid system is used to efficiently utilize the dispersed generation sources like solar and wind generation. It has some additional features such as to provide supply to ac and dc loads and it has energy storage system to meet the peak power demands. In proposed system we are using DAB dc-dc converter which has more compared to the converters usually applied to similar applications, low input and output current ripple, high voltage conversion ratio, bidirectional power flow, and galvanic isolation. This converter is approached in detail in this paper, including different energy sources which are analyzed and compared. The structures, principle of operation, analysis, design methodology, simulation results of the proposed topology are presented.
Design and Implementation of Multi-Terminal VSC -HVDC Transmission Systems for Offshore Wind Power Plant[Full-Text ] Gnanaprakash.V, Gopikrishnan.MThis paper discusses a multi-terminal VSC HVDC system proposed for integration of deep sea wind farms and offshore thermal and nuclear platforms in to the grid onshore. An equivalent circuit of the VSC in synchronous d-q reference frame has been established and decoupled control of active and reactive power was developed. A three terminal VSC-HVDC was modeled and simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Voltage margin method has been used for reliable operation of the HVDC system without the need of communication. Simulation results show that the proposed multi-terminal VSC-HVDC was able to maintain constant DC voltage operation during load switching, step changes in power demand and was able to secure power to passive loads during loss of a DC voltage regulating VSC-HVDC terminal without the use of communication between terminals.
Optimum Location of Shunt Fact Devices for Transmission Line Compensation[Full-Text ] P. Sivaramakrishnan, S. PrakashPower flow control, in a current long transmission line, plays an energetic role in Power System area. This paper employs the shunt connected compensation (STATCOM) founded FACTS device for the control of voltage and the power flow in long distance transmission line. The future device is used in different positions such as sending end of the transmission line, middle and receiving end of the transmission line. The PWM control strategy is used to generate the firing pulses of the controller circuit. Simulations were carried out using MATLAB Simulink atmosphere. The suitable location and the recital of the planned typical were examined. Based on a voltage-sourced converter, the STATCOM regulates system voltage by absorbing or generating reactive power. Contrary to a thyristor-based Static Var Compensator (SVC), STATCOM output current (inductive or capacitive) can be skillful independent of the AC system voltage. The simulation consequences discloses that the reactive power generated is improved at the middle of the transmission line when compared with the other ends of the transmission line and also the voltage is controlled at the middle of the line.Henceforth the place of STATCOM is optimum when connected at the middle of the line.
The Case of the Energy Solution to the Eco-tourism Model for Sustainable Development using PV/T Technology[Full-Text ] Aravind CV, Mushtak Al-Atabi, Arasan, Ramesh GPEco-tourism derives its nature towards sustainable development. Energy conservation is a way approach towards sustainability. Malaysia enjoys majority of the tourist from different parts of the world through the year. To derive an energy management for sustainable energy usage the peak demand analysis is highly critical. A model infrastructure of Taylor’s University is taken as sample energy audit structure as it encloses a hotel aiming towards use of natural resources. A initial analysis on the power demand requirement is studied. From the analysis it is inferred that the average peak demand is about 3000kW and if through appropriate management of proper kilowatt sustainability could be implied. The analysis pertaining to the computations of power analysis to stabilise the load requirement, equally the economics of the system is improvised by about 7.33%. A model PVT schematic is proposed and the initial results are presented.
Design and Implementation of SMR Based Bidirectional Laptop Adapter[Full-Text ] Gowrinathan.M, DeviMaheswaran.VRechargeable batteries are now widely used in many applications. The bidirectional adapter having the function of charging and discharging provides 230V/50Hz emergency output from the battery embedded in the laptop computer, and other possible appliances. The bidirectional adapter possesses the grid to battery and battery to emergency need capabilities. The two power stages are implemented using Intelligent Power Module. In discharging mode, a front end DC/DC converter is equipped to establish boosted DC-link voltage from battery. This DC is inverted in to emergency source for critical appliances using H-Bridge converter. The output AC sinusoidal voltage obtained with inverter circuit. Conversely in charging mode, a Switch Mode Rectifier (SMR) based charger is formed using Intelligent Power Module. This Intelligent Power Module consists of one converter module and inverter module.In the proposed power module, the design and implementation of switch mode rectifier (SMR) based bidirectional laptop adapter is being simulated and the result are being presented.
Harmonic Signal Seperation in Domestic Loads through Blind Source Technique[Full-Text ] Aravind CV, K.Pirapaharan, Tan YC, Ramesh GPThe harmonic signals measured at the main power supply that contains various unknown original independent harmonics are analysed using an enhanced Fast ICA algorithm using Blind Source Separation Technique. Using the FastICA the harmonics signals are separated by the differentiating factor of the power loads and are analyzed. The mixed signal is measured with a current sensor and goes through the existing FastICA unction and cross-correlation of signals that are developed to separate and identify multiple unknown type of appliance.
Securing Pub/Sub System Using Signcryption with Enhanced Energy Efficiency[Full-Text ] U. Selvi, R. Karthika, B.Vidhya, K. SriswathikaThe basic security of content based pub/sub system provides authentication and confidentiality in publisher and subscriber. Due to loose coupling, its difficult to achieve the authentication of publisher and subscriber. As like, confidentiality of events and subscriptions conflicts with content-based routing. Here we are going to provide authentication and confidentiality in broker-less pub/sub systems, by using the paring based cryptographic mechanism, the authentication and confidentiality of publisher and subscriber of events is assured. This paper provides the signcryption which is a powerful primitive that offers both confidentiality and authenticity to important Messages. Signcryption performs simultaneously both digital signature and encryption.Honey Bee Behavior Inspired Particle Swarm Optimization Technique has been adapted for Resource Allocation and attain Energy Efficiency.
Integration of Renewable Sources of Energy[Full-Text ] Vikas Sharma, Gurinder singh, Maninder pal singh, Harvinderpal singhThe concept of grid connected system is that grid-connected system allows us to power our home or small business with renewable energy during those periods (daily as well as seasonally) when the sun is shining, the water is running, or the wind is blowing. Any excess electricity we produce is fed back into the grid. When renewable resources are unavailable, electricity from the grid supplies our needs, eliminating the expense of electricity storage devices like batteries. In addition, power providers (i.e., electric utilities) in most states allow net metering, an arrangement where the excess electricity generated by grid-connected renewable energy systems "turns back" your electricity meter as it is fed back into the grid. If we use more electricity than our system feeds into the grid during a given month, we pay our power provider only for the difference between what we used and what we produced.
Design Analysis and Development of Reluctance Machine for Low Power Applications[Full-Text ] Aravind CV, Jagadeeswaran A, Ramesh GPThis research work focuses on the design and development of reluctance drive to low power applications. The major drawback as cited in literature is the adherent ripples generated during the operation. To identify the root cause and to pave for further research in this area a reluctance machine of low horse power is developed and tested under ideal conditions (with lighter load/without load) Attempts to solve the problem of torque ripple through geometrical variation of the physical structure of the stator and rotor is performed. The research also simplified the control process by making the controller and the converter physically distinct. The initial research is performed by modelling and simulating the reluctance drive using finite element analysis (FEA) software to estimate the inductance and torque produced in the motor. The static torque developed using the FEA tool is verified using analytical calculations. Based on the results the optimal dimensions are arrived and the motor is indigenously fabricated. The testing on the machine mechanical (like stress compatibility, ruggedness), electrical (short circuit, open circuit) and thermal (measurement of heat with load) are performed individually and are assembled. The coil dimensions are derived analytically and are would and tested for electrical insulation and isolation between the pole surfaces. The driver and the controller are developed and the research project bed is proposed for further investigations under dynamic conditions. The converter and the controller are designed to maximize efficiency and at the same time deliver rated power. The controller algorithm is design to provide adaptive current control. This allows the driver circuit to adjust the power delivered to the load if more current is needed without reducing the efficiency of the system