ICEM-2014-Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Management
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Big Data Analytics in Oil & Gas Industry[Full-Text ] Nitika RawatThe Oil and Gas industry, known for its speedy acceptance and ability to acclimatize to the new technological developments of the modern era, has entered a new cohort of transformation with the introduction of big data analytics. With harder way in to assets yields and even harder forecasting shortcomings, it is crucial to collect and maintain data efficiently. The amount of data being generated is now growing by a large factor and it is being gathered and used as never before with today's technology.
Big Data Explosion: Insight For New Age Managers[Full-Text ] Abhinav Bansal, Dr. Anupriya Kaur, Ashish AggarwalThere is an evident shift in decision – making processes and we have evolved from the times of making crude estimates and judgments to painstakingly (time consuming) constructed models simulating reality to the data-driven real time decision-making in the form of “Big Data”. We are awash in a flood of data today. In a broad range of application areas, data is being collected at unprecedented scale. Such Big Data analysis now drives nearly every aspect of our modern society, including mobile services, retail, manufacturing, financial services, life sciences, and physical sciences. Thus, it is an area which interests academicians, researchers and practitioners alike. This paper is aimed to present a synoptic analysis on the potential and outreach of the Big Data technologies. Further, it focuses on the trends, opportunities and challenges associated with the same. The central theme of the paper is to provide the new age practitioners insights on the promising aspects of the Big Data technologies which can equip the organization with strategic advantages in operational efficiencies and augmenting their market offerings. Big Data has the potential to revolutionize not just research, but also education. It is widely believed that the use of information technology can reduce the cost of healthcare. Heterogeneity, scale, timeliness, complexity, and privacy problems with Big Data impede progress at all phases of the pipeline that can create value from data.
Cobalt Doped Nickel Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles - Xrd Analyses An Insight[Full-Text ] Rajinder Kumar, Ragini Raj Singh and P. B. BarmanProperties of Ferrites strongly depend on the chemical composition and the microstructure. Cobalt doped nickel zinc ferrite (Ni0.6-xZn0.4CoxFe2O4) (NZCF) (where x= 0, 0.011) is prepared by simple Sol-Gel technique and annealed at 700oC. The formation of inverse spinel ferrite is confirmed by XRD diffraction pattern. The crystallite size of prepared samples is calculated in nm range by XRD diffraction pattern, using Scherer formula. The influence of Co doping on the structural properties of Ni Zn ferrite is observed by calculating various parameters.
Comparative Protein-Structure Modelling of Bacteriocins[Full-Text ] Pranita Atri, Sachi Verma, Sadaf Ali and Gargi DeyStructural and functional characterizations of proteins have been one of the major problems in biological studies for a long time. The conventional methods of protein structure determination of NMR and X-Ray crystallography are though more accurate but at the same time are highly time consuming and tedious to carry out. Also, the instrumentation required is not that easily available. In the absence of proper structural information, like in the case of bacteriocins, which are anti-microbial proteins or protein complexes produced by lactic acid bacteria, comparative and homology modeling can be useful in predicting the structure based on the protein sequences and there alignment with one or more already known structures. The prediction process consists of fold assignment, target–template alignment, model building, and model evaluation. The number of protein sequences that can be modeled and the accuracy of the predictions are increasing steadily because of the growth in the number of known protein structures and because of the improvements in the modeling softwares.
Comparitive Study Of Effect Of Foating Columns On The Cost Analysis Of A Structure Designed On Stadd Pro V8i.[Full-Text ] Pratyush Malaviya , Saurav A column is supposed to be a vertical member starting from foundation level and transferring the load to the ground. The term floating column is also a vertical element which (due to architectural design/ site situation) at its lower level (termination Level) rests on a beam which is a horizontal member. The beams in turn transfer the load to other columns below it. There are many projects in which floating columns are adopted, especially above the ground floor, where transfer girders are employed, so that more open space is available in the ground floor. These open spaces may be required for assembly hall or parking purpose. The transfer girders have to be designed and detailed properly, especially in earth quake zones. The column is a concentrated load on the beam which supports it. As far as analysis is concerned, the column is often assumed pinned at the base and is therefore taken as a point load on the transfer beam. STAAD Pro V8I can be used to do the analysis of this type of structure. Floating columns are competent enough to carry gravity loading but transfer girder must be of adequate dimensions (Stiffness) with very minimal deflection.
Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of Tata and Aditya Birla Groups[Full-Text ] Dr. Tanu SharmaThe year 1990 is known for the dynamism it brought in the business world. This era of Globalization and liberalization forced the corporate sector) to take up its responsibility towards society, human rights and the environment. This role of corporate gave a new beginning to what we call now as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The principles of CSR are based on the fact that not only Government policy but corporate should be responsible towards social issues. This paper examines the CSR initiatives taken by Indian Corporates Tata and Aditya Birla Groups to serve the community.
Development of CdS, ZnS Quantum Dots and their Core/Shell Structures by wet chemical method[Full-Text ] Hitanshu Kumar, P. B. Barman and Ragini Raj SinghDue to the unique optical properties like size-tunable emission color, narrow emission peak, and high luminescence efficiency semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are emerging candidates for various applications. Size-controlled zinc sulfide (ZnS) and cadmium sulfide (CdS) quantum dots and their core/shell structures with varying concentration of capping agent were prepared using wet chemical methods. The obtained particles were characterized by XRD, UV/VIS, PL, FTIR and TEM. Corresponding broadening in XRD peaks reveals the reduction in particle size with uniform size distribution in the range particles of 2-10 nm. Optical absorption studies show that the absorption edge shifts due to quantum confinement towards the blue region as the capping agent concentration is increased indicating that effective band gap energy increases with decreasing particle size. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was used to study the luminescence enhancement on the basis of quantum confinement, composition and structure of QDs. The surface characterization of the quantum dots has been performed by FTIR spectroscopy. O-H, N-H and C-O groups were present on the surface of QDs which are functional groups that can easily attach with bio-molecules. Transmission electron microscopy has been performed as the best proof for the particle size and particle size distribution.
E-waste In India: An Overview[Full-Text ] Mudit Mishra, Arpit GoyalThis paper talks about the problem and hazard of the E-waste across India. The sale of electrical and electronic equipment has been growing up in the last two decades very drastically. The computers have become an integral part of everybody’s life but this necessity is not being recycled properly and before it is dismantled, it leaves a lot of harmful effects on human beings and environment. Laws and regulations are there management practices which are being applied and recycling is being done only to a very low extent. Though if recycling and reuse are done properly it will reduce the hazard very well. But the private and illegal practices are not letting it happen in developing countries like India.
Economical Placement Of Shear Walls In A Moment Resisting Frame For Earthquake Protection[Full-Text ] AnshulSud , Raghav Singh Shekhawat, PoonamDhiman Use of shear walls in RC buildings is one of the most commonly used strategies for earthquake mitigation. To avoid torsion in buildings, shear walls must be placed symmetrically in plan. In this paper, a five-storey RC building located in seismic zone-V is considered with four shear walls. Five different configurations of shear walls viz. bare frame, shear wall symmetrically placed at exterior bays (centrally), at core and adjacently placed in exterior of the building, were considered. These frames were analysed for seismic forces to assess performance in terms of base shear, storey drift, member forces and joint displacements. The frame with shear walls at core and centrally placed at exterior bays showed significant reduction of order 29% to 83% in lateral displacement. The reduction in bending moments was approximately 70% to 85% for interior and perimeter columns respectively. Shear and axial forces in columns have reduced by 86% and 45% respectively. Based on such results, the best placement of shear walls in building plan is suggested. Afterwards, frame with best shear wall configuration was chosen for further work. In order to reduce the cost of construction shear walls were curtailed first at the top one storey and top two storeys. The two frames were analysed for earthquake loads and their performances were compared in terms of bending moment, shear forces, storey drift and interstorey drift, etc. It was concluded that the best configuration is the one in which shear wall at the core is established till 2/3rd the height of the building. This configuration is found to be economical but not at the cost of protection against earthquake.
Effect of Damping on Shock Spectra of Impulse Loads[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar , Poonam, Ashok K GuptaIn the present paper, single degree of freedom systems have been considered for studying the effects of damping on various response quantities and shock spectra for three different impulse excitations?rectangular, half-sine and two-legged triangular force pulses. The Duhamel’s integral method based upon linear force variation over time step has been explained in this paper, which is also the methodology to estimate the response of the systems in this study. Numerical solution of the problem has been carried out. Responses of ten systems with different time periods have been plotted for different frequency ratios. Damping ratios considered for shock spectra are 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2. It has been observed that, as the duration of the impulse load approaches time period of the system, amplitude vibration becomes maximum. Further, the dynamic magnification factor (DMF) in the shock spectra is maximum for rectangular pulse followed by half-sine wave and triangular pulse, for a given magnitude. Similar trend is seen for damped systems.
Effect Of Different Shear Wall Configurations On Seismic Response Of A Moment-resisting Frame[Full-Text ] Anshul Sud , Raghav Singh Shekhawat1, Poonam Dhiman Use of shear walls in RC buildings is one of the most commonly used strategies for earthquake mitigation. To avoid torsion in buildings, shear walls must be placed symmetrically in plan. In this paper, a five-storey RC building located in seismic zone-V is considered with four shear walls. Five different configurations of shear walls viz. bare frame, shear wall symmetrically placed at exterior bays (centrally), at core and adjacently placed in exterior of the building, are considered. These frames are analysed for seismic forces to assess performance in terms of base shear, storey drift, member forces and joint displacements. The frame with shear walls at core and centrally placed at exterior bays showed significant reduction of order 29% to 83% in lateral displacement. The reduction in bending moments is approximately 70% to 85% for interior and perimeter columns respectively. Shear and axial forces in columns have reduced by 86% and 45% respectively. Based on such results, the best placement of shear walls in building plan is suggested.
Expected Seismic Performance Of Buildings Located In Waknaghat And Kandaghat Area Of Solan, District[Full-Text ] Ankur Thakur , Dipali Sharma, Parveen Kumar, Nikita Gupta, Poonam DhimanThe Himalayan belt of India lies near the fault separating Indo-Australian and Eurasian plate. It is but natural that this area is seismically active and lies in zone IV. Despite this fact, most of non-engineered buildings in Himachal Pradesh have poor configurations and construction quality. In this paper, an effort is made to study structural irregularities and construction defects of buildings situated in Waknaghat and Kandaghat (district Solan, HP). Some of the factors which were included in the survey are : offsets, cantilever slab loaded above, setbacks, soft storey, unequal heights of the column , honeycombing, cantilevered slabs loaded above, open ground storey etc. Along with above mentioned defects, other factors like segregation, exposed bars, verticality of columns, poor bricks quality were also acknowledged. An effort has also been made to suggest some remedies for the above mentioned irregularities and defects.
Experimental study of strength relationship of concrete cube and concrete cylinder using ultrafine slag Alccofine[Full-Text ] Saurav, Ashok Kumar GuptaThis paper presents a comparison between cubical strength and cylindrical strength of normal concrete and with partial replacement of cement with ultra fine slag (Alccofine). Ultra fine slag materials are very much important for improving the durability and workability of concrete to sustain a longer life span and producing a greener and quality concrete. Incorporating ultra fine slag as a mineral admixture improves the workability and pump ability of fresh concrete. The ultra fine slag acts as filler thus also reduces permeability. In this paper mechanical strength development of high strength concrete (M50) with partial replacement of cement by ultra fine slag (alccofine) is carried out. Comparison is done between cubical strength and cylindrical strength of M50 grade concrete using ultra fine slag.
Geochemical Methods Of Petroleum Exploration[Full-Text ] Atharva Sharma, Deepak ChaturvediModern organic geochemistry has a firm place in petroleum industries. Its importance and usefulness for petroleum exploration is, however, still underestimated. Using as a basis earlier research concerned mainly with the problems of petroleum generation and migration, it is now possible, with the help of geochemical analyses, to characterize and correlate crude oils and to relate them in most cases to their source.
Good Governance: Needs And Challenges[Full-Text ] Neena JindalGood governance emerged as a powerful idea when multilateral and bilateral agencies like the World Bank, UNDP, OECD, ADB, etc. realized that it is a citizen-friendly, citizen caring and responsive administration. In absence of good governance, no development schemes can bring any improvement in the quality life of the citizens. On the other hand, if the power of the state, exercised in improper ways then the poor will suffer the most, as poor governance generates and reinforces corruption, poverty etc., so it is essential to strengthen the governance and it is also the precondition for to improve the lives of the poor.
High Performance Computing Cluster[Full-Text ] Deepak Chaturvedi, Kashish GuptaWhat is the limit of technology? It is impossible to judge where the technology will extend its feet in next span of time. In present times most of the technological utilities are functioning due to the IT inputs; which reduces the human efforts and is the backbone of the most of the modern technological systems. As the technology is getting upgraded so computerized systems must also be upgraded by the time and one way to achieve this, is by improving the networks in computing system and this can be done by bringing in use the HPCC networks.
Homology Modeling of Bacteriocins: From sequence alignments to structural models[Full-Text ] Pranita Atri, Dipankar Sengupta, Sachi Verma, Sadaf Ali and Gargi DeyStructural and functional characterizations of proteins have been one of the major problems in biological studies for a long time. The con-ventional methods of protein structure determination of NMR and X-Ray crystallography, though more accurate, are highly time consuming and tedious to carry out. Also, the instrumentation required is not that easily available. In the absence of proper structural information, like in the case of bacteriocins, which are anti-microbial proteins or protein complexes produced by lactic acid bacteria, comparative and homology modeling can be useful in predicting the structure based on the protein sequences and their alignment with one or more already known structures. The prediction process consists of fold assignment, target–template alignment, model building, and model evaluation. The present study focuses on the comparative protein-structure modelling of bacteriocins produced by five food starter cultures viz., Pediococcus acidilactici, Leuconostoc mesenteroids, Enterococcus mundtii, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus sakei. The structures were modelled using MOE software and accuracy was evaluated based on the “errat” score. All the bacteriocins belonged to Class IIA subclass with same structural motif. The results of the present study will find its application in the develepoment of synthetic bacteriocins especially in the absence of structural information of such proteins.
Hydrocarbon Prospects In Deccan Traps[Full-Text ] YASH RASTOGI, ABHISHEK SHARMA,ASHISH SAHUDeccan traps have been defined as the greatest volcanic formation of the Indian subcontinent that consists of congealed lava flows covering an area of 400,000 square kilometers, with a thickness estimated at about 3000 meters. The Mesozoic sediments contribute around 54 % of oil and 44% of the gas reserves of the world. These basins are mostly overlain by Deccan traps of late cretaceous age and are least explored .It is considered that requisite heat generation due to Deccan trap volcanism soon after the cretaceous sedimentation may have acted as a catalyst in hydrocarbon generation .Surface geochemical prospecting surveys along carbon isotopic studies have been used to access hydrocarbon generation potential of this part of the basin .In the present work results of land sat , outcrop , core , laboratory , electrolog ,production logging(pelt),production performance and seismic studies have been integrated to explain hydrocarbon distribution pattern within the trap .Surface geochemical studies indicate the generation of light gaseous hydrocarbons C1 and S C2+ in the range of 3 to 1187ppb and 1 to 1449ppb respectively .The carbon isotopic signatures of selected soil gas samples(?C13 in the range of 24 to -39.4% PDB) suggest the thermogenic origin.
Leadership and Conflict Management Style among Indian Managers[Full-Text ] Anil Sehrawat and Tanu SharmaLeadership style of a manager may have an influence on the choice of conflict management strategy. It has been reflected in the literature but no significant effort has been put to examine this issue in Indian context. The present study explores the relationship between the six styles of leadership: pioneering, strategic, management/administration, and team, pastoral and encouraging styles and five styles of conflict management: problem solving, asserting, avoiding, compromising and accommodating. The findings support the claim of positive impact of leadership on conflict management.
Penicillin G Acylase, a biocatalyst and its potential application[Full-Text ] Vikas Singh, Srashti Gopal GoyalThe PGA enzyme belongs to the family of N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolases. The enzyme Penicillin G Acylase (PGA) mainly produced from Penicillium chrysogenum, E.coli. The synthesis of PGA enzyme is depends on the physico-chemical parameters like carbon source, pH, temperature and media were optimized for higher production of enzyme. There are different methods of purification of PGA enzyme like as ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by Dialysis and Ion-Exchange Chromatography, and TLC. For the industrial application Expression of Escherichia coli PGA is usually modulated by several factors, such as growth temperature, phenylacetic acid, oxygen levels, strain variations, and glucose in both wild-type and recombinant E. coli . studies showed that cloning of gene and site directed mutagenesis give high expression and production of PGA enzyme compare to direct extraction and purification of PGA enzyme.PGA enzyme has potential applications like as industrial production of semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins, protection in peptide synthesise and production of Amoxicillin (antibiotic) etc.
Public Private Partnership In Road Sector[Full-Text ] Vijay Pal Singh GillIndia has 2nd highest road network in world (4.6 million km in 2013).Earlier, Government was major financing source for development of road network but by passage of time, Demands of other sector increases which lead to low financial conditions of Government, by which government was unable to meet the demands of road sector. So, for overcoming from this situation, Government of India preferred PPP-Public Private Partnerships route for the development of road sector especially national highways. BOT (Toll) and BOT (Annuity) are two models of PPP which are offered by government for the development of national highways.
Roof-top Rain Water Harvesting: Prospects For Shimla[Full-Text ] ABHINAV BANSAL, MUDIT MISHRAThis paper talks about the possibilities of rain water harvesting for a city like Shimla where rainfall has seen a drastic change in the past 109 years. Now it is a well known fact that during summers there is scarcity of water in this region so the efforts have been made to design a roof top rain water harvesting system to meet the demand in this period. Two dimensionless less quantities storage fraction and demand fraction have been taken to find some alternative. The results clearly show that if we can store the rain water not only in the summers but round the year then a huge quantity of water will be stored without any significant loses. The demand of water for toilet flush for four persons living in a family can be fulfilled for two months with the storage of rain water of even one month only. The design of the houses will not be altered much because the roofs are already sloped and we have to find ways for the efficient storage. The non-dimensional design can be applied for the metropolitan cities and those places also where scarcity of water is always there.
Some Aspects of Sustainable Buildings for Hilly Regions[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar, Poonam, Ashok K. GuptaToday, there is a great need to save environment. Construction industry is responsible for appreciable contribution to environmental impacts after energy production and automobiles. Sustainable buildings can be seen as a good solution towards minimising this problem. Their construction and operation are environmental friendly. Here, various materials which have been used for sustainable construction in hilly regions are discussed. Problems faced by builders and contractors in construction of buildings in hilly regions regarding labour availability, transportation, random soil strata, time lapse in construction process, safety and health are certain factors that may lead to adaptation of sustainable construction practices. Emphasis is needed on fast and lightweight construction by using latest building materials and methods. Light weight steel superstructure, CAD software, drywalls, fibre cement boards, gypsum boards, thermocrete, etc. are required to earn more LEED credit points.
State Of Art Review-Base Isolation for Structures[Full-Text ] Nikita Gupta, Dipali sharma, PoonamBase isolation is a system that decouples the superstructure from substructure by reducing the horizontal components of ground motions. It is achieved by interposing structural elements like elastomeric rubber bearings or friction pendulum bearings between the structure and the foundation. The mechanism of the base isolation increases the natural period of the overall structure and decreases its acceleration response. Both the floor accelerations and the interstory drift are considerably and simultaneously reduced. The earthquake forces do not get directly transferred to the super structure as in case of Fixed Base structures. This technique has been incorporated for the retrofitting of the existing structures and monuments and also for the newly constructed low to medium rise buildings. In this paper, an attempt is made to present an overview of concept and dynamics of base isolation. The different types of isolators are also briefly explained. The various applications of base isolation used in different parts of the world are highlighted in this paper. Further, latest developments in this field are also mentioned.
The Geopolitics of Energy: From Security to Survival[Full-Text ] Vivek Goyal, Anjali Gupta, Lakshminarayan R, Anusha ThakurThe political nature of energy, linked to the sources of supply and demand comes to public attention in moments of crisis, particularly when unstable oil markets drive up prices and politicians hear their constituency protests. Access to energy is critical to sustaining growth in India not only to lift India out of poverty, but to keep pace with burgeoning populations. Countries can be affected politically and economically by the stability of energy-exporting nations and hence understanding the complexities of energy exporters is important in a globalized, interdependent world. In additions to governments, other entities, including multinational firms and non-governments organizations must recognize the ever changing landscape of international energy politics. India will be a very much a part of global energy geopolitics in the coming years. But ironically India both the east and west has tried to suppress India. The Myanmar-Bangladesh-India natural gas pipeline took a 180 degree phase shift and now is instead China-Myanmar pipeline, the pipeline that India lost because of the economic might of the giant China. For TAPI pipeline also history seems to be repeating itself as Chinese are very aggressive in securing their energy security needs of the central region and they never leave a single stone unturned to show their dominance in the sector unless India goes around pushing its way through. Even though a pigmy when compared to India, Pakistan plays a crucial role in global energy geopolitics because of its geographical location. Pakistan act as a bridge connecting energy hunger East-Asia and energy rich Central Asia due to which it gets many economic and political benefits. And this is where the India relation to its neighbors and regional politics cost us. Even though a lot is at stake the recently commissioned 5 MMTPA terminal of Petro net LNG is working at less than 10% initial capacity due to myriad reasons one being pipeline infrastructure. In a nut shell this paper tries to throw some light on geopolitics as well as regional politics due to which India had lost some golden opportunities in past and how we overcome on them.