Using GIS based morphometry estimation of flood hazard impacts on desert roads in South Sinai, Egypt [ ]

Flooding is one of the most common environmental weather-related natural hazards that can affect people's infrastructure and the natural environment. The major cause of flash flood is the occurrence of extremely heavy rainfalls over a short period, they are sudden and highly unpredictable and rapid snow melt and low water absorptive capacity of soil, etc. leading to an increased overland flow, despite the total fall rainfall amount relatively small in Sinai Peninsula,. This paper presents the based methodology on (GIS) to estimate flash flood risk levels in sub-basins within the Wadi Fran and Wadi El-Aawag and then estimate its impact on the road network through integrating geomorphological and geological data in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. In addition to, use remote sensing data. Where was calculated flash flood hazard degree on the highway Suez-Sharm El-Shaikh, which is passing in Al- Tour city, as well was calculated the risk degree of the flash flood on Fran–Katherine road using the morphometric analyses model, and also was produced a flood risk map based on the results of the morphometric analysis, These results are essential to define the more sections of roads, which will Exposed of flood hazard, Thus it is possible to help this study in taking appropriate measures to mitigate the probable hazards from floods in the area with prioritization.