The research paper published by IJSER journal is about The Registrar Information and Management System in Department of University Management 1
ISSN 2229-5518
The Registrar Information and Management
System in Department of University Management
Abstract-The Office of the Registrar is here to assist students as they journey along their chosen educational path and to accurately and securely maintain educational records. Related to the registration process, this office seeks to provide timely and accurate course listings for students to use in planning their educational goals; provide a user friendly registration experience; and assist students in a petitioning process for special circumstances
Index Terms-MIS, Administrations, Information security, Authority, Dept’s courses and faculties
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Iii-It is difficult to keep detail of heavy record.
he Registrar’s Office distributes student records data to
the campus and hosts several Web applications. It also
offers training and support for proper use of student data, the day to day administration and most of the University procedures are carried out online. The University Management System an online portal of University, is one such innovative step of the University to provide vital information regarding academics and other University logistics for assisting the University students, The UMS allows universities to create a more structured organization, increase the transaction handling capacity and improves the system of internal control, including the following Key Components:
• Fully Web Based
• Stable Platform
• Robust Processing
• Scalable
• Fully Customizable
• Centralized Information
• Search Capability
• Integration with Banks, Accounting
and other Remote Systems
• Email Notifications
The objective of the project is to resolve the problem occurring in the manual system and providing the computerized solution. There are a lot of discrepancies in the existing system of this problem was felt in the maintain educational records. The problem produced a need of these shortcomings are being discussed below-
I-Manual work is tedious and slow.
Ii-Manual work is more prone to error.
IV-Any task may require lot of manual intervention,
which results in big loss of time.
V-Paper record also required huge space to share them
Vi-Main problem is related to security that is record are not secured.
Due to less time only given the basic functionality for the Registrar office management but in future I’ll expand it according to fulfill all the students’ requirement and their problem.
There are two major future scope of to handle the process as well as-
[A] Search Details of students: In which member/student can search and learn full details of the each students.
[B] Modification & Updating: Through in the registrar management system, they can be modify and updating each students Roll no. and also updating the details.
Software Maintenance is a very broad activity that includes error corrections, enhancements of
IJSER © 2012
The research paper published by IJSER journal is about The Registrar Information and Management System in Department of University Management 2
ISSN 2229-5518
capabilities, deletion of obsolete capabilities and optimization.
Categories of Maintenance:
1- Corrective maintenance:
This refers to modifications initiated by defects in the software.
2-Adaptive maintenance:
It includes modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment.
3- Perfective maintenance:
It means improving processing efficiency or performance, or restructuring the software to improve changeability. This may include enhancement of existing system functionality, improvement in computational efficiency etc.
Software Maintenance Process
,information’s and preparing reports of the management.
When we use this project or any other project to do something we have to designs and after processing its input and provide the output. There are some principles that must be followed at the time of input designe.These are following as a-
1-Enter only variable data
2-Care for the input data element
3-Don’t input that data which can’t be calculated
4-Review the input requirements
5-Decide how the input data will be implemented
6-Design the offline input screen
7-If necessary, convert the user oriented layouts into the programmer oriented layout.
And in output of the software any system output is the most
important and direct source of information to the user. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the system relationship with the user and help in decision making. A major form of the output is a hard copy from the printer. Printouts should be designed around the output requirement of the user.
In the University management the output is
designed on the computer screen and there is no need to understand the output for the various users. Only administrator can use the details of the output.
1-Each output gives a specific name and title.
2-Provide the specific area in file handling concept and space between two items in list wise.
3-Specified the procedure for providing the accuracy of the
output data. For e.g.-
IJSER © 2012
The research paper published by IJSER journal is about The Registrar Information and Management System in Department of University Management 3
ISSN 2229-5518
College code
College name
Course code
Course name
4-Authentication performs only basis of User Name &
The Office of the Registrar is here to assist students as they journey along their chosen educational
path and to accurately and securely maintain educational
Affiliation date
Related to the registration process, this office seeks
to provide timely and accurate course listings for students to use in planning their educational goals; provide a user friendly registration experience; and assist students in a petitioning process for special circumstances.
Staff id
E-R Diagram Of University
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3-The internal access of system has only for administrator.
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about The Registrar Information and Management System in Department of University Management 4
ISSN 2229-5518
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Mr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi
Assistant Professor Dept. of CS, Centre for
Management Technology Greater Noida, India E-mail:-
Mr.Saurabh Upadhyay
Lecturer in Dept. of CS, S.M.S Varanasi affiliated to U.P.Technical
University Lucknow, INDIA
Mr.Sachin Kumar Dhar Dwivedi,
Assistant Engineer, NIELIT Aizawl, Ministry of CO & IT Govt of India. E-mail:-
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