Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 1
ISS N 2229-5518
The Gener al Theor y of Oscillation of All
Celestial Objects and Universe
A ni l K um ar Thanvi
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r om a long time many scientists ar e studying similar ities among celestial obj ects. Ther e ar e many common and similar ities among celestial obj ects that is our aim to search. These lar ge scales such similar ities indicate to a fundamental theory of universe and those similar ities among celestial obj ects cr eate such a theory which says the r ea l natur e of univer se. Fr om her e a new theme or r hythm r eveal befor e us. So in sear ching these common among celestial obj ects the space time war ping appear in complete natural form not only in univer se but fr om universe to a small celestial obj ect. So in descr ibing common similar ities among celestial obj ects her e w e ar e pr esenting a new theory of oscillation of univer e which is common among all celestial obj ects and univer se. The r esult of our thinking finally r eaches on this conclusion that no celestial obj ects and universe r otate on its axis. All celestial obj ects and univer se oscillate fr om confocal oblate spher oids (E) to concentr ic spher es (S) and fr om concentr ic spher es (S) to confocal oblate spher oids (E). W e call this oscillatory theory of all celestial obj ects and univer se as ESE oscillation theory. This theory of ESE oscillation is in very general form or in very ideal but in special case of natural satellite (Moons), planets, star s, galaxies, black holes and finally univer se the rate of oscillation and natur e of oscillation var y. So this ESE oscillation theory is a very ideal theory. This ESE oscillatory model of all celestial obj ects and universe is based on IDEAL GEOGRAPHICAL MODEL – IGM and Model of dar k matter
and dar k ener gy. This IGM will explain all type of geological similar ities among celestial obj ects and universe.
Her e w e first of all pr esenting model of dar k matter and dar k ener gy. We start with simple natur e of distribution of atomic and non-atomic matter in celestial obj ects. The distribution of atomic and non-atomic matter in the earth is not in zigzag manner and these ar e distr ibuted in concentr ic layers. In ear th solid lithospher e, asthenospher e and inner cor e ar e distr ibuted in concentr ic manner . Also all atmospher ic layer s ar e distr ibuted in concentric layer ed manner i.e. tr opospher e, stratospher e, ozone layer , mesospher e, thermospher e. So in ear th atomic and non-atomic matter ar e in layer ed distr ibution. Similar ly in other gas giants, planets and moons this atomic and non-atomic matter is distr ibuted in same patter n and in concentr ic layer ed str uctur e. This is also with our sun and all stars. W hole matter of sun and stars is distr ibuted in layer ed structur e geometry . That is the sun inter ior division of matter is cor e, radiative zone, conductive zone, photospher e, chromospher es and cor ona which ar e just like differ ent concentric layers j ust like planets. In the same patter n inter ior division of matter in a galaxy and black hole also j ust like differ ent layer ed structur e. So this is a common thing that division of visible and non-visible matter in all celestial obj ects of universe is in layer ed str uctur e i.e. in concentr ic geometry. Now just same manner the dar k matter and dar k ener gy in universe is not distributed in zigzag patter n. It is distr ibuted in some special geometr ical structur e patter n. This is distr ibuted in universe in differ ent concentr ic
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 2
ISS N 2229-5518
layer ed str uctur e. So the universe is made of concentr ic layer s of dar k matter and dar k ener gy. All celestial obj ects which ar e cr eated by universe have also the same pattern and the division or r elation of this dar k matter and dar k ener gy with all of celestial obj ects is also in j ust concentr ic layer ed structur e. Now w e know that the shape of every celestial obj ect is oblate spher oid and then division of matter in all of them should be also layer ed as oblate spheroid. Ther efor e the distr ibution of atomic and non-atomic matter is in confocal oblate spher oids layer ed structur e geometry not in concentr ic spher ical shape and hence the geometry of dar k matter and dar k ener gy with all celestial obj ects and also universe is
r un continuous variation in their shape so they have var iable oblateness. Solar physicists ar e observing changing shape of sun and its var iable oblateness. Many other astrophysicists ar e observing variation in oblateness of some star s. Also many planetary scientists ar e observing var iable oblateness of planets and moons in our solar system. The shape of moons, planets, stars, galaxies and black holes change with time and all have var iable oblateness. Now it is obser ved that all have celestial obj ects have periodically var iable oblateness and shape change in all celestial obj ects is a per iodic pr operty among them. So variable oblateness is common per iodic pr operty of all celestial obj ects . The univer se has also pr operty of var iable oblateness j ust like all celestial obj ects
Figur e 1 : The inter nal and outer complete structur e of dar k matter and dar k ener gy in all celestial obj ects and universe is j ust accor dingly to this figur e. Ther e ar e number of confocal oblate spher oids and confocal hyperboloids in such a geometr ical str uctur e. The change in shape of all celestial obj ects and universe r un in this manner so var iation in division of whole matter inside and outside is always accor dingin this geometr ical str uctur e.
confocal oblate spher oids not mer ely concentr ic spher es or concentr ic layer ed. Then model of dar k matter and dar k ener gy of celestial obj ects and univer se is confocal oblate spher oids. Ther efor e division of atomic and non-atomic matter , nuclear , nonnuclear , plasma, dar k matter and dar k ener gy i.e. whole matter is in confocal oblate spher oids or they ar e distr ibuted in all celestial obj ects galaxy, black hole, stars, planets, moons, comets and universe as confocal oblate spher oids.
The shape of all celestial obj ects is not constant. The meaning of this is that their oblate geometry is not constant and ther e
and its oblateness vary per iodically . Now scientists ar e thinking only this per iodically changes in oblateness not periodic var iation in confocal of this oblateness. If w e include confocal property w ith this per iodical var iable oblateness then the meaning of changing in shape w ould be r eal ly changes in inter nal and outer complete geometr ical structur e of a celestial obj ect. Ther efor e w e should think var iation in confocal oblateness in place of only var iation in oblateness. Then shape of every celestial obj ects and universe also is actually oscillat ing natur e and oscillate betw een two differ ent confocal oblate spher oids. What is mathematical meaning of such periodically var iation in confocal oblateness? The parametric equation of confocal oblate spheroids is as follow
x = a coshµ cosν cosφ
y = a coshµ cosν sinφ
z = a sinhµ sinν
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 3
ISS N 2229-5518
Wher e µ is a non negative r eal number and angle ν lies betw een ±90°. The azimuthal angle φ can fall anywher e on full circle between ±180°. For differ ent values of µ and ν ther e appear many confocal oblate spher oids and confocal hyperboloids. (Figur e 1)
r un in the style of some BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH but this is according to ESE oscillatory manner . So during lar ge number of cr eation pr ocess the war ping in space-time-matter of univer se is ESE geometr ical oscillatory natur e.
Figur e 2 : All celestial obj ects and universe in very ideal form oscillate in this manner . This is ESE oscillation geometrical structur e of all celestial obj ects and universe. So these all ar e twisting-squeezing in this geometr ical str uctur e.
The space-time geometr ical str uctur e of universe is like a confocal oblate spher oids and its curvatur e vary in oscillatory natur e from confocal oblate spher oids (E) to concentr ic spher es (S) and fr om concentr ic spher es (S) to confocal oblate spher oids (E) that is ESE oscillation (Figur e 2). Then the gravity of univer se is not constant and oscillates between confocal oblate spher oids and concentr ic spher es geometr ies. The dar k matter and dar k ener gy is distr ibuted in univer se not in zigzag manner but space-time-matter str uctur e of such a dar k matter and dar k ener gy oscillate and vary between confocal oblate spher oids and concentr ic spher es geometr ies. The space-time-matter of universe is churning like oscillating manner betw een confocal oblate spher oids and concentr ic spher es geometries. So dar k matter and dar k ener gy is churning in oscillating manner between confocal oblate spher oids and concentric spher es as ESE oscillations. This lar ge scale chur ning pr ocess in dar k matter and dar k ener gy not mer ely oscillate as ESE oscillation geometr ies but in such a pr ocess ther e is a cr eation of lar ge number of celestial obj ects. When in this ESE oscillatory churning pr ocess the dar k matter and dar k ener gy dr agged toward the center of universe then at the center of universe ther e highly incr ease of density of such collected matter in ESE geometr ical structur e. The fir st ESE oscillation chur ning pr ocess makes a first giant massive black hole with giant galaxy at the center of univer se. In such an oscillatory chur ning pr ocess cr eation
The universe does not expand to infinite and do not contract to point mass. It expands and contract to a limit. When it expands and contract then var iation in geometry of univer se is not simple spher e to spher e or ellipsoid to ellipsoid but its geometry varies accor ding to ESE oscillation. So its geometry varies to cr eate a giant galaxy w ith a giant massive black hole at the center of univer se. Then r ed and blue shift is accor ding to expansion and contraction of univer se as ESE oscillation geometry. So when the univer se expand then dar k matter and dar k ener gy also dr agged outward of universe and when universe contr act dar k matter and dar k ener gy dragged inwar d of universe according to ESE oscillation of space- time-matter . The expansion and contraction of dar k matter and dar k ener gy of univer se is r un as ESE oscillatory geometr ical structur e. So the str uctur e of space-time-matter war ping of dar k matter and dar k ener gy in the universe is
j ust accor ding to ESE oscillatory geometry. When it contract the dar k matter and dar k ener gy is tighten fr om concentr ic spher es (S) to confocal oblate spher oids (E) and dragged towar d the center to cr eate a massive giant black hole with a giant galaxy. And when this same dar k matter and dar k ener gy loosen fr om confocal oblate sph er oids (E) to concentr ic spher es (S) and again dr agging outward fr om
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 4
ISS N 2229-5518
Figur e 3 : After cr eation of a black hole it convert in other celestial obj ects and its gravity dow nfall accor ding to ESE geometr ical str uctur e.
BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH. Then it is
center to r emove such cr eated black hole fr om center in spiral path. This type of expansion and contraction of dar k matter and dar k ener gy accor ding to ESE str uctur e in univer se make possible many many giant massive black holes w ith giant galaxy to a long time (but not infinite). In such ESE oscillation changes of universe ther e run continuous cr eation of a lar ge number s of giant massive black holes with giant galaxy. The first expansion and contraction accor ding to geometry of ESE oscillation make fir st giant massive black hole with giant galaxy and after first again in second, thir d, fourth....... ESE oscillations ther e consequently cr eation of a lar ge numb er of giant massive black holes with giant galaxies. All these r emove fr om in spiral path as universe contract and expand by ESE oscillations. So in expansion and contraction these galaxies move toward and outwar d the center with spiral path. This make pos sible for galaxies going towar d and outward fr om the center of univer se which w e obser ve as r ed and blue shift. This is r eal pr ocess of expansion and contraction of universe according to ESE oscillation geometr ical str uctur e and w e can say this r estr icted type of
clear that ESE oscillation geometr ical str uctur e of univer se is a good type of
expansion and contraction in dar k matter and dar k ener gy and this make cr eation on lar ge scale. And as w e have clear alr eady that dar k matter and dar k ener gy is distr ibuted in universe in ESE oscillation geometr ical structur e. So this is also r elation of dar k matter and dar k ener gy in such cr eated black hole and galaxy is in ESE str uctur e j ust same as with universe.
By contr action and expansion of matter (w e will say the dar k matter and dar k ener gy only matter in next) of univer se according to ESE oscillation geometr ical str uctur e now w e explain this by a spr ing. When w e tight a spr ing in opposite dir ections on the both end the ener gy is mor e concentrated in middle of this spr ing. The matter of celestial obj ects and universe tight and loose in ESE oscillatory geometr ical structur e just like a spr ing. Then in time of contraction of universe this ESE structur e drag matter towar d the center and collect w ith tr emendous pr essur e as a very lar ge cloud of matter at the center as ESE geometry. This lar ge cloud is
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 5
ISS N 2229-5518
actually a very massive black hole w ith highly compr essed form of dense matter in ESE str uctur e. Now the matter state with this black hole which is in the center of a galaxy is in differ ent state r elative to matter of universe and state of matter now some in dense state w ith such black hole. The contraction and expansion of matter is r eally a tighten and loosing of matter of all celestial obj ects and universe that run according to ESE geometr ical str uctur e. This pr ocess of ESE oscillation is very gener al and all pervasive. So all celest ial obj ects and univer se ar e twisting in norther n and souther n hemispher es clockwise and anti-clockwise in opposite dir ections and squeezing or pr essing on poles and this whole pr ocess r un as oscillating manner in ESE geometr ical structur e. Then how the internal str uctur e of ESE geometry changes in the time of such tw isting and squeezing pr ocess? W e her e explain this with some detail. The meaning of oscillation of ESE geometry is oscillation betw een concentr ic spher es and confocal oblate spheroids and also with this at the same time oscillation between con centr ic cylinder s and confocal hyperboloids. So in the time of twisting-squeezing pr ocess of ESE oscillatory geometry ther e ar e clockwise and counter-clockwise cyclones in norther n and souther n hemispher es of dar k matter and dar k ener gy which form spiral arms in celestial obj ects and univer se. Then r eason of spiral ar m of a galaxy or a j et in a black hole is inter nal structur e by hyperboloids and oblate spher oids in ESE geometry. The internal structur e of ESE geometry is shown in figur e 1 and 2 by complete interchange of confocal oblate spher oids, confocal hyperboloids, concentr ic cylinder s and concentr ic spher es.
The r esult of such a tighten-loosing, contr action-
expansion and twisting-squeezing chur ning pr ocess in the dir ection of ESE oscillation ar e lar ge scale development of universe and continuous cr eation of a lar ge number of giant massive black holes with giant galaxy. All these black holes
with galaxy ar e dragged towar d and outwar d the center of universe just according to ESE str uctur e and pr ove the existence of r ed and blue shifts which now make a new definition of BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH of univer se. But the aim of this cr eation ESE oscillatory pr ocess is not to pr oduce a lar ge number of black holes. The w hole pr ocess r uns in accelerating manner . Such black holes gr ow old with time accor ding their sequence of cr eation and what happen with time it’s a big question.
W e have descr ibed cr eation of a black hole by churning of matter in ESE oscillatory structur e. Now w e her e explain the cr eation of a lar ge number of black holes by this same pr ocess in detail. In figur e 4 w e show by (i) the cr eation of first black hole. W hen the first ESE pr ocess star t the matter dr ag towar d the center in ESE structur e and univer se go on contr acting. This dragged matter incr ease its density at center and collected at center as highly dense cloud of nuclear- nonnuclear particles cluster in center slowly as ESE pr ocess which go on pr ogr ess and after complete tight in ESE structur e ther e appear a giant massive black hole w ith a giant galaxy. In figur e 4(i) this is first black by first cycle of churning of matter in ESE structur e after contraction. Aft er some time this universe begin to loose in ESE str uctur e in r ever se dir ection. In duration of this cycle churning of matter pr oceed to complete after the density at the center again decr ease. After the complete of first ESE cycle now matter again go on loose and the univer se going to open decr easing density fr om center . This cr eated fir st black hole now r emove fr om center of univer se after it slowly open by ESE structur e and this black hole go outwar d in spiral path by ESE structur e as now the univer se going to expand. When such a contraction and expansion accor ding to first ESE cycle completed then ther e again start second same ESE cycle. The universe start to contract and second ESE cycle begin. Matter again dragged towar d center w ith a new churning of matter in ESE structur e. Again with same pr ocedur e dur ing like fir st cr eation of a black hole density of univer se incr ease at the center tighten matter in ESE str uctur e. Now in the figur e 4(ii) the pr evious black hole is orbiting the center of universe and going toward the center in spir al path w ith a contracting universe. Again density goes on incr easing to make second black hole with same ESE str uctur e pr ocess. This new black is taking existence at the center j ust like a gas giant cloud of nuclear-nonnuclear par ticles with very systematic pr essur e made by geometr y of ESE str uctur e. The newly bor n black hole with a giant galaxy complete just same pr evious pr ocess and in betw een this the pr evious black hole aging fast. When the pr ocess of making second black hole completed then ther e elapsed a long interval of time. So w ith same pr ocedur e making of second black hole in figur e 4(ii) completed and again in center-clockwise dir ection the universe begin to expand with r emoving in spiral path fr om center . In figur e
4(iii) now ther e is a system of tw o galaxies w ith their black
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 6
ISS N 2229-5518
Figur e 4 : Cr eation of a lar ge number of black holes w ith their galaxy or development of universe.
holes. The same r epeating pr ocedur e goes on and in next ESE oscillations ther e again cr eation begins w ith same pr ocedur e of a lar ge number of black holes. Ther e is continuous cr eation of a lar ge number of galaxy systems with black hole at center in universe. Fr om figur e 4(iv) to 4(x) ther e is a lar ge scale development of univer se making lar ge number of galaxies with giant massive black hole at the center . This is the pr ocess of cr eation by ESE oscillating geometr ical structur e which goes on in long time and time interval between two cr eations is very very lar ge. The velocity of this cr eation pr ocess is ver y slow taking thousand thousands of year s. Again the contraction-expansion, inwar d-outward dragging of matter , twisting-squeezing churning of matter and tight en-loosen all these r un according to ESE oscillatory geometrical structur e.
What is the natur e of such cr eated black hole, how they behave and what is their futur e. What is a black hole and what is the natur e of their internal and outer matter ? Ther e ar e many questions about such cr eated black holes. The gravitational str uctur e of such a black hole is just accor ding to ESE str uctur e. The dragging, sucking and ej ecting of space, time and matter in a black hole (also in other celestial obj ects and universe) is not in zigzag manner but very systematic ESE geometrical structur e. Space, time and matter in unified form have ESE geometry and in such a space, time and matter the gr avitational field continuously oscillate as ESE structur e. A black hole ej ect and suck matter , r adiation and sound in the geometrical structur e of ESE oscillation and it
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 7
ISS N 2229-5518
Figur e 5 : With cr eation of fir st black hole and then each time this is pr ocess of nucleosynth esis inside a celestial obj ects continuously r un fr om initial state to end of a celestial obj ect.
dow nfall of such gravity
has highest str ong gravity in the form of ESE str uctur e and it pulls everything inside accor ding to geometry of ESE structur e also ej ect outwar d j ust accordingly ESE geometry. So a black hole which bor n in a universe of ESE geometr ical structur e totally behave as the ESE oscillation geometr ical structur e. The meaning of a black hole is matter with highest pr essur e in ESE str uctur e. And meaning of galaxy is matter in form of ESE str uctur e and in such a n ESE str uctur e galaxy matter is distributed in such a manner that going fr om outer part to central part the density of complete is distributed in ESE structur e. So going toward center ther e incr ease of density so much that in center ther e is highest pr essur e and the r esult of this matter convert in j ust like a black hole. The state of matter in such a black hole with a galaxy is differ ent and much dense r elative to the matter in universe. Then matter of black hole is like highly dense quar k-gluon particles and the galaxy w ith this is matter which covers a limit of ar ea in ESE structur e. So this is the r eal meaning of a giant massive black hole w ith giant galaxy in ESE geometr ical str uctur e.
Now ESE str uctur e gravity of a black hole does not r emain constant and with t ime ther e is continuous systematic
structur e. In universe ther e run a continuous chain of cr eation under the geometry of ESE cycle
and all such cr eated black hole aging fast. Due to tr emendous pr essur e and high density in central ar ea the continuous churning in ESE structur e the inter nal matter of black hole convert slowly in big size nuclear-nonnuclear particles. Hubble images, Chandr a and by other sour ces ther e ar e strong pr oof of ESE str uctur e of black hole. So such cr eated black hole does not r emain stable and it br eath in such special ESE str uctur e. It ej ects radiations, matter and sound of special fr equency . The continuous ej ection of radiations, matter and sound according to ESE oscillations in fut ur e it does not r emain a black hole and it is shown by figur e 3 the next stages of a black hole. Slow ly it convert in differ ent star s, then in gas giants, then in planets, then in moons, then in aster oids and finally it dissolve in universe. The churning of matter in inter nal chemical r eaction convert blue star in a white star continuously goes on j ust like a black hole. So in center the high dense cloud of nuclear -nonnuclear particles have a ver y high fusion chur ning r eaction by pr essur e of ES E oscillation geometry. This fusion start at the time of birth of a black hole among particles of dar k matter and continuous r eaction make big nuclear-nonnuclear particles. Figur e 5 show a pr imor dial nucleosyntesis chain r eaction in univer se
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 8
ISS N 2229-5518
which become active each time during cr eation of black hole in the center of universe. The fusion chain r eaction start inside a black hole and complete until last stage of a celestial obj ect as in figur e 3 these ar e Moon, Comet and Aster oid. So actually the nucleosynthesis start at each time of cr eation of a black hole and continuously run fr om black hole to end of this as shown in figur e 3. The continuous downfall of a black hole go on accor ding to this nucleosyntesis chain r eaction and due to ej ection of radiation, matter and sound until the last stage of a celestial obj ect come and it dissolve in matter of universe. Inside a black hole the pr ogr ess of this nucleosynthesis go on during conver sion of celestial obj ect in the next and final stage come as complex molecules and heavy elements. Then accor ding to figur e 5 of nucleosynthesis and also figur e 3 the r esult of fusion make possible continuous downfall by ej ection of radiations, matter and sound in ESE str uctur e and time come w hen a black hole convert in next stages of celestial obj ects accor ding to figur e 3. Her e we also want to say that after coming in the state of a stars and in futur e in sun of black hole it now begin to ej ect (also pull inside or sucking inside) light, r adiation, matter and sound as Cor onal Mass Ej ection-CME type of er uption. Chur ning of matter by ESE str uctur e make possible this stage when in star s fir st type of atomic matter light elements hydr ogen and helium come in existence and in next stage slowly heavier elements take existence during Sun, Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus... and in planets. This r unning nucleosynthesis continuous go on next stages making slow ly light atomic matter to heavier fr om blue star , white star , yellow white star , orange yellow star , r ed star , Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus... as shown in figur e 3 until the final dissolve of a black hole in the dar k matter and dar k ener gy of universe. This is the r eal pr ocess of cr eation and destr uction of all celestial obj ects in univer se by ESE structur e. So the histor y and futur e of each celestial obj ect is j ust accor ding to figur e 3 and the r esult of long chur ning of matter in time of convert of a black hole in star , planet, moon, comet and aster oid by long fusion r eaction continuous go on until final heavy elements and complex molecules ar e cr eated shown in figur e 5.
W e have explained the lar ge scale cr eation and destruction of celestial obj ects in universe and their natur e by ESE oscillation. Now it is clear that all celestial obj ects an d universe do not r otate and also their shape does not r emain constant with time. All celestial obj ects and univer se oscillate betw een two shapes. Their r otating behavior and changing shape have been observed. The r esult of such a n ESE
geometr ical oscillat ion of space, time and dar k matter and dar k ener gy of celestial obj ects and univer se come befor e us as r ever sal of gravitation field in all of them. So in all celestial obj ects and univer se gr avitation field do not r emain constant with time and it r everse and also damp as a dynamo natur e with time. The time period of ESE oscillation for universe and differ ent celestial obj ects is differ ent i.e. rate of ESE oscillation is differ ent for each and natur e of ESE oscillation also change with differ ent obj ects and universe. So for all celestial obj ects and univer se the natur e of ESE oscillatory structur e is not same but fr om universe and black hole it continuously decr eases because this ESE oscillatory geometr ical model is highly ideal. For particular obj ect and universe it behave some differ ent. This is actually then a type of gravitational dynamo and for celestial obj ects and univer se basically the theme is ESE but it vary with time and its natur e is continuously slowing down as damping oscillation. Then ESE oscillatory geometr ical str uctur e is actually a highly ideal gravitational dynamo for all celestial obj ects. So all celestial obj ects and univer se do not completely oscillate as ESE geometry but it changes natur e fr om upper state to low er state of celestial obj ects. A black hole oscillates between tw o differ ent confocal oblate spher oids and it does not completely as ideal ESE geometry. Just same way star s, planets and moons also do not completely follow this ideal geometry of ES E oscillation and oscillate between tw o differ ent confocal oblate spheroids. In figur e 3 this dynamo continuously damped and slowing down with conver sion of black hole in another star s, planets, moons, comets and aster oids and finally due to this damped ESE gr avity dynamo ther e is complete destr uction of a celestial obj ects. For our universe as a estimate the r ate of oscillation of this ESE dynamo 75%, for a black hole it slow down to rate 30%, for stars it damped mor e up to rate 20% and for planets it mor e damped to rate 10% and for moons it slow to r ate 3% finally for comets its value decr ease to rate 0.01% and then it go on dissolve. Then w e can think it as damping rate of ESE oscillatory gravitational dynamo. So this ESE gr avitational dynamo damped continuously fr om black hole to last st age of a celestial obj ect.
Ther e ar e many upper state univer ses fr om our
universe. Our universe is under contr ol of a higher univer se with other similar universes which also have higher rate of ESE oscillation. This higher universe with similar universes to itself is under contr ol of ESE structur e whose ESE r ate is mor e than low er universes. So going fr om low er to higher and higher univer ses this r ate of oscillation of ESE
geometr ical str uctur e incr eases. Eventually the super universe has highest 100% rate of ESE oscillation and has complete ideal state of ESE geometr ical str uctur e. Then r ate of ESE oscillation decr eases fr om upper to lower univer se
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 9
ISS N 2229-5518
and it also along w ith this damping slowly modify to oscillation betw een tw o differ ent confocal oblate spher oids. The super universe cr eates low er universes by same pr ocess as our univer se cr eates giant massive black holes with giant galaxy. The state of dar k matter and dar k ener gy also go on higher to higher accor dingly higher universes. Her e we ar e using ESE oscillatory geometrical structur e term only for convenience but actual rate of this and natur e change with conver sion of celestial obj ects in next state.
Scientists ar e trying to find out fr om a long time what is basically or igin of a magnetic field and why it r ever ses in celestial obj ects. Ther e come many r esult of lar ge scale churning of matter in ESE str uctur al gravity. W ith cr eation of atomic and non-atomic matter by chur ning of long chemical r eaction of dar k matter and dar k ener gy ther e also comes violent induced effect of ESE oscillation geometry and cr eation of plasma ther e comes existence of another field inside celestial obj ects fr om black hole. So ESE gravitational damping dynamo due to internal plasma state in star s, planets and moons ther e also come existence of an another dynamo induced by such a ESE oscillation that we say magnetic field. Just like ESE str uctur e of gr avity the violent induced effect cr eate a magnetic field of same ESE str uctur e. Then j ust like r ever sal of gravity accor ding to ESE structur e this slowly cr eation of magnetic field in star s, planets, moons and comets also r everse in definite time in all of these and magnetic field r eversal dynamo w or k just accor dingly by violent induced effect of gravity dynamo in celestial obj ects . But actually magnetic field is affected by inter nal chemical r eactions in celestial obj ects that itself is under contr ol by ESE geometry of dar k matter and dar k ener gy.
Slow ly the natur e of ej ection or er uption of r adiation, matter and sound appear visually much clear after a black hole convert in a star and we can see now light also with this ej ection of radiations, matter and sound which begin to come out fr om this new state of stars and sun. In the state of star s and sun due to also er uption of light with radiations, matter and sound now we see the natur e of ESE oscillatory geometr ical str uctur e visually very clear . But as visually this effect of ESE oscillatory geometrical str uctur e was not so much possible in state of a black hole and it slowly appear after beginning er uption of light in the state of stars. With this ej ection or eruption of light w e can now see many symptoms or pr oofs of this ESE oscillatory geometr ical structur e fr om state of stars and also in next state as planets
and moons. Now a celestial obj ect begins to show visually very clear the pr ocess of twisting-squeezing, expansion- contraction and tighten-loosing of chur ning of matter in form of ESE geometry. With such appear ing of light after a long dar kness now in univer se w e see evidences of ESE oscillatory geometry str uctur e in much clear effect and now next state of celestial obj ects after a black hole state. First of all we see Cor onal Mass Ej ection-CME in very clear visual form of ESE oscillation in stars and sun. Fr om state of stars, planets and moons the next evidences of ESE oscillation that now appear as visually ar e change in shape as variable oblateness. And then differ ential r otation, effect of Cor iolis for ce, length of day, earthquake, volcano eruption, Chandler w obble, pole wander ing and many other symptoms of ESE oscillation appear in the atmospher e of celestial obj ects. So now we can see deformation in the atmospher e in stars, planets and moons due to lar ge scale effect of this oscillatory ESE geometry str uctur e.
The dar k matter and dar k ener gy is filled in fr ee
space of every celestial obj ect and univer se fr om center in
ESE structur e. Also in center par t of celestial obj ects atomic and non-atomic complete matter is distr ibuted accor ding to geometry of ESE str uctur e. So galaxies ar e orbiting the center of universe just accor ding to ESE geometry, stars ar e orbiting
the center of a galaxy or black hole according to ESE, planets ar e orbiting a star accor ding to ESE and finally moons ar e orbiting a planets accor ding to geometry of ESE str uctur e. So the orbital motion is neither simply an elliptical nor cir cular but main cause of orbiting is a special type of floating in gravity cr eated by the ESE geometry of dar k matter and dar k ener gy.
Then actual cause of or bital motion of a celestial obj ect is that gravity which is cr eated by ESE geometry. The meaning of orbiting accor ding to such gravity is completely differ ent. Orbiting accor ding to ESE gr avity is this that in
northern and southern hemispher es of a celestial obj ect is clockwise and counter-clockwise in opposite dir ections. Also orbital motion in one side of a hemispher e is not continuous but up and down according to ESE geometry. So over all meaning of orbital motion is completely differ ent. Universe is twisting-squeezing by ESE geometry then some galaxies orbit clockwise and some counter-clockwise in r everse dir ections in both hemispher es in fr ee space cr eated by dar k matter and dar k ener gy . Applying this tw isting-squeezing ESE geometry dar k matter and dar k ener gy same way w e say just in similar patter n stars, planets and moons also for ced to orbit clockwise and counter-clockwise in both hemispher es. What w e ar e talking is r etrograde orbiting of celestial obj ects. All celestial obj ects and univer se ar e tw isting clockwise and counter-clockwise in northern and southern hemispher es in opposite dir ections and pr essing or squeezing on poles by
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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 10
ISS N 2229-5518
dar k matter and dar k ener gy accor ding to ESE geometry. This cr eates many differ ent r esults in celestial obj ects and universe and this forced to orbit all obj ects clockwise and counter-clockwise in space of dar k matter and dar k ener gy. W e can apply this orbital natur e gr avity theme cr eated by dar k matter and dar k ener gy fr om internal to outer par t of every celestial obj ect. The r esult of such a twisting-squeezing ESE gr avity theme not only affect r etr ograde orbiting but w e also see its r esult on atmospher e as Cor iolis force which tur n air in opposite dir ections in both hemispher es. Another r esult is differ ential r otation in star s and planets. Then the natur e of whole system of universe and also the whole system of celestial obj ects which all ar e tw isting-squeezing in ESE geometry change in a new look and w e observe all r esult of this by a new gravity as ESE geometry . In such a new look w e see r etr ograde orbit, Cor iolis force, curvatur e in space- time, shear ing for ce in universe and celestial obj ects, differ ential r otation, deformation in atmospher e, earthquake, plate tectonic, continental dr ift all these appear when w e apply this new ESE theme completely fr om center to edge of dar k matter and dar k ener gy. So the whole dynamics of celestial obj ects and univer se is in a new looking of ESE geometr ical gravity str uctur e.
The complete geometr ical str uctur e of this universe (also higher univer ses and super univer se) and all celestial obj ects that ar e cr eated by this is ESE oscillatory in natur e. So the fundamental particles of dar k matter of such univer se and celestial obj ects should be also just like ESE geometry. The inter nal structur e of each particle of dar k matter is ESE geometry. During the cr eation of a black hole such particles of dar k matter r eact chemically in high pr essur e and convert in big particles which ar e molecules of dar k matter . These cr eated molecules of dar k matter also have ESE str uctur e. Under high pr essur e these molecules of dar k matter convert in nuclear and nonnuclear particles like quar k and gluon plasma. After this when continuous development of celestial obj ects goes on gr adually big particles also come in existence of the same ESE geometry. Finally at a time when ther e comes existence of light to heavy atoms then inter nal structur e of atom of every element due to str uctur e of universe and celestial obj ects is also ESE geometrical in natur e. The r eal cause of chemical activeness of dar k matter particles, nuclear nonnuclear particles and then also all type of atoms is continuous oscillatory natur e in ESE geometry . So this is the main r eason in universe and every celestial obj ect
due to induced effect of ESE geometry par ticles in every state r emains active. The model of atom and each particle of matter is r eally then ESE oscillatory geometrical str uctur e. Hence the w hole geometry of space, time and matter is j ust in ESE oscillatory geometr ical str uctur e.
Scientists fr om a long time trying to answ er of the maj or question that what was befor e super continents PANGAEA or RODINIA or COLUMBIA or any and they have no appropr iate answ er of this question. Ther e was no state of super continents PANGAEA (or any like PANGAEA) on ear th. Continents w er e never in j oint state like PANGAEA. Then how these continents w er e for med or how they come in existence? Also how oceans come in existence? The story of cr eation of continents and oceans is actually r esulting of very special, long and differ ent type of chur ning ESE pr ocess in the earth which not only happen with earth but also happens with every celestial obj ect. The history of this special ESE churning process in univer se is very long. So we have such question. What is this very common churning pr ocess among all celestial obj ects and who is contr oller of this pr ocess? Nobody knows what w as befor e PANGAEA and why continents wer e separ ated in such method? What is natur e of that for ce which was applying continuously to separ ate lands in such a manner ? Basically ther e is no explanation of this state of super continent state like PANGAEA. The explanation of PANGAEA theory ar e very limited and it can explain only some of few causes of geology of earth and also very few in solar system. So ther e was no such dr ift among continents in history and also today ther e does not exist any such type of dr ift among continents. The r eality of PLATE TECTONIC is differ ent and what is that r eal cause of PLATE TECTONIC w e ar e trying to explain her e by a lar ge scale universal cause. Then what is cause of such shape of continents and how they come in existence? The logic given by Alfr ed W egner that continents shapes like a jigsaw puzzle indicate that at a time they w er e fit in a single land PANGAEA and then a long separation pr ocess go on that is completely wr ong because it can explain only some few r esults and at lar ge scale it give wr ong r esults. The successes of this Alfr ed Wegner hypothesis ar e very few and in long time r esults it totally fails. Mainly the continents and oceans come in existence due to systematic twisting of complete ear th globe (that was filled at a time with gases & liquids) in very very long time in northern and souther n hemispher es in opposite dir ections i.e. clockwise and anti-clockw ise and at the same time pr essing or squeezing of complete globe of ear th on poles. Due to this type of twisting-squeezing slow ly and long chur ning pr ocess the matter fr om inner part of earth come out r egular ly on sur face and dry up in differ ent plates.
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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 11
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So the very long such twisting-squeezing churning pr ocess separ ate gases, liquids and solids in very special manner . These dry matter plates take the form of continents and wher e the land get stuck into or sink ther e oceans w er e cr eated. This is the main idea and also r eality of or igin of continents and oceans pr oving that ther e was no PANGAEA. Then what is cause of such jigsaw puzzle shape of continents in norther n and souther n hemispher e i.e. why shape of South Amer ica, South Afr ica, India, North America ar e like a jigsaw puzzle.
Again the earth is twisting in norther n and souther n
hemispher es in opposite dir ections i.e. clockwise and anti-
clockwise and at the same time squeezing on poles (Figur e 4).
So its r otation natur e is very special which say that or iginally it does not r otate and have var iable r otation a nd var iable length of day. Due to this type of tw isting-squeezing slow ly and long churning pr ocess matter fr om inner part of earth come out fr om equator ial part r egular ly on sur face and dry up in differ ent plates. The actual cause of such j igsaw puzzle shape of continents is due to the ver y very long such twisting-squeezing churning pr ocess that w e have mentioned. So when this very long such continuous twisting- squeezing churning pr ocess make possible the shape of continents like this jigsaw puzzle then we have many many r esults and also questions. Matter fr om inner part continuously come on sur face and dry in plates but befor e dry the continuous for ce, which some time go forward and some time go backwar d cr eating differ ential r otation, of such a tw isting-squeezing churning pr ocess move these plates in northern and southern hemispher es betw een east and w est in opposite dir ections. So In such a twisting-squeezing chur ning pr ocess sur face matter feels a moving oscillating type of for ce betw een east and w est in opposite dir ections. Then all dry plates move some time forward and some time backwar d betw een east and w est i.e. in opposite dir ections in norther n and souther n hemispher es. Due to oscillating for ce this continuous movement of dry matter in plates of lith ospher e and asthenospher e fr om east to west and w est to east make the shapes j ust like a j igsaw puzzle. Also at the same time differ ential r otation r unning in Jupiter , Satur n, Ur anus and Neptune explained by ESE churning is main cause of plate tectonic and continental drift which give such special shape to solid part of earth and main cause of earthquake is this differ ential r otation cr eated by ESE churning. So ther e was no such state of super continent on ear th and such a continent drift idea is a very illogical idea by Alfr ed W egner . Hence the shape of continents in norther n and souther n hemispher es ar e not a r esult of PANGAEA and ther e do not exist such a continental drift but actually the earth is twisting as oscillating manner in northern and souther n h emispher es in opposite dir ections i.e. clockwise and anti-clockw ise and at
the same time squeezing of complete globe of earth on poles. Due to this type of twisting-squeezing slowly and long churning pr ocess matter fr om inner part of earth come out r egularly on sur face as volcano eruption and dry up in differ ent plates. And this is also the main cause of a new type of CONTINENTIAL DRIFTS and r eality of movement in plates that w e say PLATE TECTONICES. So w e have a new and differ ent type of CONTINENTIAL DRIFTS THEORY and r eality of movement in plates that w e say PLATE TECTONICES THEORY. Why w e need such a theory of oscillation because the so called CONTINENTIAL DRIFTS and PLATE TECTONICES THEORIES ar e not universal and these theor ies can explain only some few natur e of planets & moon’s. On lar ge scale universe stages these cannot b e apply and totally fail. So ther e become an essential such theory of CONTINENTIAL DRIFTS and PLATE TECTONICES which can be apply on all celestial obj ects and also on univer se. Now accor ding to our theory of oscillation i.e. such this type of tw isting-squeezing pr ocess is not only with our home planet earth but it is in whole universe and with all celestial obj ects of universe.
The evidence which gave rise to the theory of
continental drift mor e corr ectly called plate tectonics includes
the following:
(1) The coasts of the continents surrounding the Atlantic Ocean could, if the continents w er e moved closer , fit together like a j igsaw puzzle.
(2) Living animals in widely separated lands ar e similar . For example India and Madagascar have similar mammals, which ar e quite differ ent fr om those in Afr ica, even though it is now near to Madagascar .
(3) Fossil plants in India, South Afr ica, Australia, Antar ctica and South Amer ica ar e similar to each other . This so-called Glossopteris flora is quite differ ent fr om plants found in other parts of the w or ld at the same time.
(4) The same applies to fossil animals.
(5) Ther e ar e numer ous geological similar ities between
eastern South Amer ica and w estern Africa. Appar ent Polar Wander ing Paleomagnetism tells us how far fr om the poles r ocks w er e when they formed, by looking at the angle of their magnetic field. The story told by differ ent continents is contradictory, and can only be explained if w e assu me the continents have moved over time.
(6) Ther e ar e r idges in the floors of the main oceans.
But these evidences ar e only for some planets and
moons whose geology is similar to earth. In gener al case the plate tectonic cannot be apply on all planets (like gas giants),
stars, galaxies, black holes i.e. on all celestial obj ects and finally on univer se. So we need a general theory that can explain with good sequence of geology of all celestial obj ects and also then univer se.
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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 12
ISS N 2229-5518
The continuous churning in ESE oscillatory geometr ical structur e go on fr om univer se to black holes, stars, gas giants and this finally appear in state of a planet s
j ust like earth w ith damping rate. After all gr adually this
appears as a very special type of chur ning of dar k matter and dar k ener gy, atomic and non-atomic matter as solid- lithospher e and asthenospher e, liquid-ocean water and gases-atmospher e gases in frame of ESE geometr ical structur e. So j ust like universe, black holes and star s all planets ar e also not r otating on its axis and twisting and squeezing in the geometr ical str uctur e of ES E. Then our home planet the earth is twisting in northern and souther n hemispher es clockwise and counter-clockwise in opposite
dir ections and also at the same time it is pr essing or squeezing on poles in very low rate of ESE geometry. But fr om univer se to black holes, star s and gas giants this r ate of ideal value of ESE geometr ical oscillation continuously decr ease as a damping manner and w e see mor e r otation but very minute pulse of ESE oscillation. So this universal ESE oscillation does not r emain now in very ideal state after slowly r eaching in the state of planets, moons and comets. Then how w e can observe the r emnants of such pulses of ESE in a planet like earth? Ther e is r egular shock of ESE pulse in solid part of ear th which appears as earthquake, volcano er uption, var iation in length of day , Chandler W obble, pole wander ing etc. Then the earth fr om long j our ney of its primor dial state of a black hole due to this churning in ESE structur e has a very special natur e. This is that it is actually not completely r otating on its axis . Fr om a long j ourney of such a churning under geometry of ESE oscillation after all appear in earth and due to such twisting-squeezing, tighten- loosing, expansion and contr action process it appear as cr eation of continents in a new and differ ent form. The histor y and futur e of such a n ESE oscillatory geometr ical structur e clearly indicate that ther e was no super continent on earth like PANGAEA, Rodinia or Columbia or any type. The cr eation of continents and oceans is due to a long churning ESE pr ocess which is running in earth in fr om its primor dial state of black hole. Ther e r un continuous ej ection of matter , radiation, light and sound in ESE geometry and the ej ected matter dry in differ ent plates on one to another . So due to t his long period of ej ection of matter fr om inner part matter come out and dry in differ ent plates and this make possible such cr eation of continents. The long pr ocess of ej ection of matter , r adiation, light and sound finally r each in such a state that gradually continents and oceans come in existence in such form in state of earth. W e can see this slow forming of continents and oceans in our own solar system. If w e not e car efully accor ding to figur e 3 of futur e of a black hole then ther e is a very good and clear sequence. Fr om Sun to Jupiter and Saturn and then next Uranus and Neptune and
then our ear th the ej ected matter continuously is taking form of continents and oceans w e should note this very car efully. Because formation of lithospher e, asthenospher e and inner cor e pr ocess is very long r esult of ESE and appear s as such shape of continents specially r eaching slow ly fr om a sequence of Sun, Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus and Neptune after all it completed in state of ear th. So we should note r esult of long ESE oscillation chur ning very specially in the geological sequence of Uranus, Neptune and earth because continents and oceans take such appear ance as formation of lithospher e, asthenospher e and inner cor e after r eaching in such state. Then continents and oceans do not come suddenly in only geological state of earth but these ar e very long slow by slow r esult of geological pr ocess that continuously run fr om sequence of Sun then Jupiter then Saturn then Ura nus then Neptune and finally the earth.
The lar ge scale violent induced effect of such a oscillatory model eventually appear as churning of chemical r eaction among or ganic molecules in leadership of ESE geometry and appear as origin of life. So the very systematic long j our ney fr om universe to differ ent celestial obj ects of an oscillation in ESE geometry str uctur e effect after all appear s as a lar ge r esult of evolution in state of earth. This geometry of ESE churning pr ocess now enter in all type of animals, bacteria, virus, human body and also in plants and appear as emer ging in every part of life after long chemical r eaction of or ganic compound in very special type str uctur e by ESE leadership. A. I. Opar in discover the chemical theory of evolution and Staneley Miller pr ove it practically but simple or ganic molecules chemically r eact and convert in complex molecules by violent induced effect of such a universal ESE oscillatory geometry structur e. Because fr om univer se to smallest particle of matter everything is in violent effect of such ESE geometry so this same ESE oper ator also after all enter or emer ge in the geometry of living or ganism and appear gr adually to make pr imary cells fr om simple to complex or ganic molecules. So the beginning of life on earth was in violent effect of this geometry of ESE. Because each particle of matter , atomic, non-atomic, nuclear and nonnuclear , all celestial obj ect and finally have ESE oscillatory geometr ical str uctur e then in ear ly history of earth the chemical r eaction among or ganic molecules also affected by this same geometry of ESE. Gradually this geometr y enter in or ganic compounds appear in simple cell to all type of plants, virus, bacter ia, animals. These symptoms of ESE geometry begin to appear fr om inside of a cell as special double helix shape of DNA. Then with formation of or gans it appears as common geometry or similar ities in skeleton and in differ ent or gans. In plants as branching of leaves and
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 13
ISS N 2229-5518
stems, phyllotaxy, inflor escence, ra cemose, special shapes of fr uits and vegetables these ar e induced effects of this universal geometry . Some botanists have discover ed that some plants turn clockwise and anti-clockwise in norther n and souther n hemispher es . These all ar e evidences cr eated by violent induced effect of a universal common geometry as ESE structur e.
Ther e ar e many common and similar things among celestial obj ects and univer se. The earth is deformed and r emnant of ideal geographical state and not a good example of ideal geology. What ar e these commons and similar ities? These commons ar e r ever sal of magnetic field, var iable oblateness, differ ential r otation, Cor iolis Effect etc. On the base of commons among celestial obj ects w e r each on this conclusion that the universe is a highly ideal state of geography. It cr eate black hole in each oscillation and such cr eated black holes ar e most good version of IGM among other stars, planets. Star s ar e low er version of IGM r elative to black holes but ar e higher version of IGM among planets, moons and comets. Planets ar e low er ver sion of IGM r elative to black holes and stars but ar e higher ver sion of IGM r elative to moons and comets. Moons ar e low er version of IGM r elative to black holes, stars and planets and higher version of comets r elative to comets. Finally comets ar e low est ver sion of IGM among all celestial obj ects. Eventually this IGM end after r eaching of a celestial obj ect in state of an aster oid. So the idealness of geography continuously destr uct fr om upper to low er with each state of celestial obj ects that ar e black hole, star , planet, moon, comet and aster oid. But the univer se is a super model ver sion of IGM. This is complete meaning of IDEAL
[1] Mantle convection in the Earth and Planets, Gerald
Schuber t, Donald L. Tur cotte and Peter Olson.
[2] Cosmological Models with shear and r otation Dr .
Sw etabh Singh
[3] Magnetic Field r eversal and Geodynamo, Gary A.
Glatzmaier and P. H. Roberts
[4] Galaxy r otation pr oblem , Ver a Rubin
[5] 3-dimensional Magneto-hydr odynamic simulation of Matter flow to a r otating star with a dipole magnetic field, M. M. Romanova, G. V. Ustyugova, A. V. Koldoba.
[6] WASP-17b : An ultra low density planet in a pr obable r etr ogr ade orbit , D. R. Ander son, C. Hellier , M. Gillon, A. H. M. J. Tr iaud, B. Smalley, L. Hebb, A. Collier Camer on, P. F. L. Maxted, D. Quiloz, R. G. W est
[7] Var iations in the Earth’s ob lateness dur ing the past 28
year s, Minkang Cheng, Byr on D. Tapeley
GEOGRAPHICAL MODEL-IGM of celestial obj ects and universe.
We have her e pr esented a new and differ ent theory of oscillatory celestial obj ects and univer se and we can say this is a theory of everything. Everything is under effect of ESE oscillation geometry. Because w e have pr esented this on the base of common or similar ity among all celestial obj ects and universe on very lar ge scale by a new idea of oscillation so it is very necessary to apply the complete theme of these oscillations among all celestial obj ects and univer se. This new oscillatory theory is also an effort of unification of all practical, theor etical and mathematical r esults in differ ent part of science in a single model of oscillation. The futur e of such an idea of oscillation clearly is br ight because all obser vation, practical, theor etical and mathematical r esults ar e going to concentrate in a single theory and they ar e clearly proved not mer ely a hypothesis. So w e r each on this conclusion that these ESE oscillation theory, Ideal geographical model-IGM and model of dar k and dar k ener gy ar e applicable to everywher e in science. Fr om above it is much essential to develop a mathematical model of ESE geometr ical str uctur e, IGM and model of dar k matter and dar k ener gy on lar ge scale. Also it is very essential to explain the complete ESE oscillation pr ocess as visually by animation and simulation.
[8] A New Pr ocess of Oscillation of all celestial obj ects and universe, IJSER, Nov. 2011, Anil Kumar Thanvi
[9] Earth’s ob lateness and its tempor al var iation, Benj amin
Fong Chao
[10] Convection in planets with oblate geometry, M. Evonuk
[11] A changing solar shape, M. Emilio, R. I. Bush, J. Kuhn, and P. Scherr er
[12] Is the solar oblateness variable? Measur ements of 1985, R. H. Dicke, J. R. Kuhn, K. G. Libbr echt
[13] When a day is not a day, Jane Beitler
[14] The Vital Vastness, The Similar ities in planets and in all other celestial obj ects, Richar d Pasichnyk.
[15] Kinematic pr operties of stellar dynamic discs and spher oids, N. W . Evans
IJSER © 201 2
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 14
ISS N 2229-5518
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