International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 451
ISSN 2229-5518
Stabilisation of Wind Farm Integrated Power
System by Using STATCOM/SMES
M. Amzad Hossain
Abstract— In this work, the STATCOM/SMES system with a voltage-source IGBT converter is modeled as a controllable energy source. The objective of the proposed STATCOM/SMES topology is to provide both active and reactive power, which can significantly decrease the voltage and power fluctuations of grid connected fixed speed wind farm. One major problem in wind generator output power smoothing is setting of the reference output power. Constant output power reference is not a good choice because there can be some cases where wind speed is very low and then sufficient power cannot be obtained. In that case, energy storage device can solve the problem but large energy storage capacity may be needed. Therefore, to generate output power reference STATCOM/SMES with wind power is modeled using a filter approach in which a Simple Moving Average (SMA) corresponds to the energy storage capacity. Thus the capacity of SMES can be small. Simulation results clearly show that the proposed STATCOM/SMES topology can smooth well the wind generator output power and also maintain the terminal voltage at rated level.
Index Terms— W ind Energy, Integrated Power, Fluctuations, Reference Power, SMA, STATCOM, SMES
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HE most important requirements during the operation of the electric power system is the operation security. This concept is related to the system capability of maintaining
its operation in case of an unexpected failure of some of its components (e.g.: lines, generators, transformers, etc.). Hereof, it is derived the necessity of having available enough “short- term generation reserve” in order to preserve acceptable secu- rity levels. This reserve must be appropriately activated by means of the frequency control in order to keep the system frequency above the acceptable minimum level during the transient. Otherwise, serious problems could occur in the utili- ty system. Nowadays, the new energy storage systems (ESS) are a feasible alternative to decrease the reserve power of gen- erators. By using proper energy storage devices, excess energy may be stored to substitute the power reserve of generators during the action of the primary frequency control. In this sense, research in this field has been lately extended with the aim of incorporating power electronics devices into electric power systems. The goal pursued is to control the operation of the power system, a fact that clearly affects the operation secu- rity. In bulk power transmission systems, power electronics- based controllers are frequently called Flexible AC Transmis- sion Systems (FACTS). Presently, these devices are a viable alternative as they allow to control voltages and currents of appropriate magnitude for electric power systems at an in- creasingly lower cost.
Voltage or current source inverter based FACTS devices such
• M. Amzad Hossain is currently pursuing masters degree program in de- partment of electrical and electronic Engineering in Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh. Presently he is working in de- partment of electrical and electronic engineering in Jessore University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, PH-+880171249844, E-mail: ma- His research interests in renewable energy and power system stability.
as static var compensator (SVC), static synchronous compen- sator (STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), solid state
transfer switch (SSTS) and unified power flow controller (UPFC) have been used for flexible power flow control, secure loading and damping of power system oscillation [1-3]. But FACTS/ESS, i.e., FACTS with energy storage system (ESS) have recently emerged as more promising devices for power system applications [4]. Of these superconducting magnetic energy storage systems (SMES), have received much attention among the researcher. The SMES is well known to be a system where energy is stored within a magnet that is capable of quickly releasing megawatt amounts of power. Thus SMES applications have been considered as new options to solve a variety of transmission, generation, and distribution system problems including improvement of voltage and angular sta- bility, increasing power transfer capability of existing grids, damping sub synchronous oscillations, damping inter-area oscillations, load leveling etc. [5-6]. Using SMES devices sub- stantially enhances the controllability and provides operation flexibility to a power system and is therefore a prospective option in building a FACTS.
The SMES system is combined with the voltage-source IGBT converter is capable of effectively controlling and near instantaneously injecting both active and reactive power into the power system. To evaluate the effectiveness of SMES sys- tems with respect to power applications, different techniques have been used and many variants of mathematical descrip- tion have been developed. In many papers, the eigen-value analysis, followed by digital simulation of the dynamics is applied. Usually, simplified device controls and small or mid- dle size power system are studied. However, in practical ap- plications it is necessary to evaluate the impact of SMES on electromechanical processes of large actual power system and to analyze the effectiveness of complex control schemes with their nonlinear elements and delays adequately represented. The current article proposes a model of a STATCOM/SMES and a control algorithm for this combined system to minimize voltage and power fluctuations of wind generator during ran- dom wind speed variations. Considering these viewpoints, the proposed control strategy is a very effective means of stabili-
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 452
ISSN 2229-5518
zation of wind generator as well as entire power system.
Figure 1 shows the model system where one synchronous generator (SG) is connected to infinite bus through transform- ers and a double circuit transmission lines. The line parame- ters are numerically shown in the form of R+jX. One wind farm (WF) is connected with the network via a transformer and a short transmission line. A capacitor bank has been used at each wind generator terminal for reactive power compensa- tion at steady state. The SMES unit is connected at the WF terminal bus. The AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) and GOV (Governor) control system models for the synchronous generator and the generator parameters are same as those used in [9].
impedance, and it can internally generate reactive (both capac- itive and inductive) power. Furthermore, it can exchange dy- namically active power with the AC system if it is coupled to an appropriate energy source that can supply or absorb this power. A functional model of a STATCOM integrated with energy storage is shown in Figure 2. The basic component of the STATCOM is the voltage-source inverter (VSI) with semi- conductors devices having turn-off capabilities (typically GTOs). It is also made up of a coupling step-up transformer, a DC capacitor, an interface device with the energy storage sys- tem and the control block of the STATCOM/SMES. This con- trol block produces the switching signals for the VSI thyristors and the interface with the SMES.
In this study, the well-known cascade control scheme with
11/66 KV
0.69/66 KV
66/0.69 KV
independent control of the active and reactive current was developed as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The aim of the control is to maintain the magnitude of voltage at the wind farm terminal to be at the desired level, under abnormal con- dition. The DC link voltage (Vdc ) is also kept constant at the rated value. Finally, the three-phase reference signals are compared with the triangular carrier wave signal in order to generate the switching signals for the IGBT-switched VSC. High switching frequencies can be used to improve the effi- ciency of the converter, without incurring significant switch-
C j1.0
j1.0 C
ing losses. In the simulation, the switching frequency is chosen
1000 Hz. The DC link voltage is 2 kV. The SMES is coupled to
0.69/66 KV
66/0.69 KV
the 66 kV line by a single step-down transformer (66/1.2 kV) with 0.2 pu leakage reactance (100 MVA Base). The DC link capacitor value is 50 mF [7].
0.69/66 KV
66/1.2 KV
j1.0 C
Reference value of transmission line power PL is determined by using Simple Moving Average (SMA). The n period SMA
C j1.0
50 HZ, 100 MVA BASE
2-level VSC
for period d is computed by SMAd . If ten measurements, M1
through M10 are available, the successive 4 period simple moving average, for example, are as follows:
Fig. 1. Power system model with STATCOM/SMES
In principle, a Static Synchronous Compensator or STATCOM is a shunt-connected device which injects reactive current into the AC system. This leading or lagging current, which can be controlled independently of the AC system voltage, is sup- plied through a power electronics-based variable voltage source. The STATCOM does not employ capacitor or reactor
SMA4 =(M4 +M3 +M2 +M1 )/4 (2) SMA5 =( M5 +M4 +M3 +M2 )/4 (3) SMA10 =( M10 +M9 +M8 +M7 )/4 (4)
It is not possible to compute a 4 period moving average until 4
periods data are available. That’s why the first moving aver-
age in the above example is SMA4 .
Va, Vb, Vc Ia, Ib ,Ic VSC
banks to produce reactive power as the Static Var Compensa- tors (SVC) do. In the STATCOM, the capacitor is used to main- tain a constant DC voltage in order to allow the operation of the voltage-source converter. A STATCOM controller with SMES is similar to an ideal synchronous machine which gen- erates a balanced set of (three) sinusoidal voltages at the fun- damental frequency, with controllable amplitude and phase angle. This ideal machine has no inertia, its response is practi- cally instantaneous, it does not significantly alter the system
abc/dq PWM
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Fig 2. Control system of the VSC
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 453
ISSN 2229-5518
Wind Farm terminal bus
rated speed [8]. It is seen that the conventional pitch controller cannot smooth well the wind generator output power and terminal voltage of induction generator.
Conventional pitch controller reference power
IG real power
Id Iq
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
VSC Internal Con- trol
Voltage Source Inverter
Fig. 5. Real power of IG with conventional pitch controller
Vdc C D
With only conventional pitch controller
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
Fig. 3. Configuration of STATCOM/SMES topology
Real wind speed data shown in Figure 4, which was obtained in Hokkaido Island, Japan, is used in the simulation. The time step and simulation time have been chosen 0.00001sec and
600sec respectively. The simulations have been done by using
Fig. 6. Terminal voltage of IG with only conventional pitch controller
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
13 Time [sec]
Fig. 7. Blade pitch angle of wind turbine
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
Fig. 4. Profile of real wind data
In this case, the conventional pitch controller is used to control the IG output power at rated level when the wind speed is above the rated speed. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the real power and terminal voltage responses of induction generator with using only the conventional pitch controller. The conven- tional pitch controller works only when wind speed is over the
In this case, the effectiveness of the control strategy of STAT- COM/SMES is demonstrated. Figure 8 shows the responses of IG real power and reference line power with STAT- COM/SMES Figure 9 shows the line power and SMES real power. It is clear that STATCOM/SMES can smooth the line power well according to the reference line power. In Figure 10, the terminal voltage response of induction generator is pre- sented when STATCOM/ SMES is used. The STAT- COM/SMES can provide necessary reactive power to main- tain the constant voltage at wind generator terminal as shown
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 454
ISSN 2229-5518
in Figure 10.
30 IG real power
Reference line power, Pline_ref
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
Fig. 8. Responses of IG real power and reference line power with STATCOM/SMES
25 IG line power
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Real power of SMES
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Time [sec]
Fig. 10. Response of IG terminal voltage
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In this study, the control scheme of STATCOM/SMES topology for wind power application is presented. As wind is fluctuating in nature, the output power and terminal voltage of wind generator also fluctuate randomly. The proposed control system can smooth the wind generator output power. Moreover, it can also maintain constant voltage magnitude at wind farm.
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