International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Recurrent Neural Prediction Model for
Digits Recognition
Tellez Paola
Abstract— There are three models of recurrent neural networks that can be used for speech recognition, but we do not know which one is the best suited for Spanish digits recognition. Each language uses different parts of the mouth to create sounds, so it is logical that we develop different parts of the brain to recognize these sounds. The best recurrent neural network to recognize Spanish digits is Jordan recurrent neural network. The next step is to improve the performance of Jordan recurrent neural network for Spanish recognition.
Index Terms— Recurrent neural network, speech recognition, optimization, prediction.
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panish is a romance language that is very different to the English. One difference is the way to pronounce the ten digits. It is not known which parts of the brain are used to recognize Spanish, and recurrent neural networks are models that try to simulate how it could be done. In this paper, the recurrent neural prediction model is used to predict the rec- ognition of each one of ten Spanish digits. This model is suita- ble by its dynamic performance that can model the speech
changing characteristics in the time.
Artificial neural networks are computational models with par- ticular properties such as the ability of learning, generalizing and organizing data. Its operation is based on parallel processing as an oversimplification of biological models.
One of the successful research about artificial neural networks is the Neural Prediction Model (NPM) [1]. This model pro- vides discriminant-based learning. Each network is trained to suppress incorrect classification as well to model each class separately. One of the NPM are the Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP). MLP can acquire pattern knowledge by learning, and can then recognize similar patterns to those presented in the learning set.
In the multilayer perceptron, the mapping between the net- work inputs and outputs is a static function. By this reason, it is necessary to make use of all the available input information up to the current time frame tc to predict the output [2]. For performing this task it is necessary to have an external memo- ry to make use of all information.
The processing time of back propagation plus an external memory in the NPM can be reduced with a new model: the recurrent neural prediction model (RNPM) [3]. This model is particularly suited for time sequences by its ability to keep an internal memory of the past. The training processing of RNPM only uses back propagation without dynamic programming, so it is a reduction of calculation time.
Recurrent neural prediction model is used for classification of patterns. There is one recurrent neural network to each pat- tern to recognize. The input of each network is a frame in the time (such as a word), and the output is the next frame in the time. The number of patterns to recognize is equal to the number of networks to train.
The recurrent neural model is created by the addition of recur- rent connections to a back propagation network. This will in- crease the computational capability because the network now becomes a dynamical system that has a temporal evaluation of states. There are several ways to do it: Jordan, Elman, VSRN+ recurrent neural networks.
2.1.1 Elman Model
The Elman network was introduced by Elman in 1990 [4]. El-
man’s network has connections from the hidden layer to a
context layer that also has connections as input to the hidden
layer, it is shown in the Error! Reference source not found..
The role of the context units is to provide dynamic memory so as to encode the information contained in the sequence of phonemes, necessary to the prediction. Yousef used it to rec- ognize the ten Arabic digits [5].
2.1.1 Jordan Model
Jordan developed a network model capable of computing time
series during run-time as the result of a dynamic process. Jor-
dan model emphasizes that processors do not need to store and to retrieve output vector sequences in lined lists or in any
other abstract data structure [6]. Jordan’s network has connec- tions, shown in the Error! Reference source not found., from the output layer to the context layer. This layer also has con- nections as input to the hidden layer.
IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011 2
ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 1. Simple Recurrent Network. Recurrent link between hidden and context layer.
Fig. 2. Jordan Recurrent Network. Recurrent link between output and context layer.
2.1.1 VSRN+ Model
The hidden layer is connected to its context layer, and the out-
put layer is connected to its context layer in this model. Both
context layers have input connections to the same layers that feed them. It is shown in the figure 3.
The training method for recurrent networks is similar to the back propagation learning rule, but now we must take also the input of the context layer in the rule. The training method will train the input signal close to output signal to minimize the
prediction error of output layer. This rule involves two phas- es:
(1) During the first phase the input is propagated for- ward through the network to compute the output values for each output layer. It is showed in the left side of the Fig. 2. This output is compared with its desired value, resulting in an error signal for each output layer.
(2) The second phase is a backward pass through the network during which the error signal is passed to each layer in the network and appropriate weight changes are calculated. It is showed in the right side of the Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. VSRN+ Recurrent Network. Recurrent link between output and context layer, and between hidden and context layer.
Fig. 2. RNN Training. The arrows show the forward pass and
the backward pass in the training.
The digits classification in RNPM shown in Fig. 3, follows the next process:
(1) Each recurrent neural network was trained to recog- nize a Spanish digit. N time sequenced feature vectors of length T: a1,a2,….,aT are the input of each one of he recurrent neural networks,
(2) Each recurrent neural network gives a prediction val- ue for each one of the N input vectors: â1,â2,….,âT. The square difference between the prediction value and the real value gives un prediction error Ec,, in the equation 1 for each recurrent neural network.
(3) The recurrent neural network that has the smallest prediction error is used to classify the category of the input signal. In this case, the digit to be recognized
IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2011 3
ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 3. Evaluating method of digits recognition. The recurrent neural network with lowest prediction error gives the pattern to choose.
The speech of the ten spanish digits was recorded with voices from three woman and three men. Each one of them repeated each digit 4 times. The sampling frequency was 8 Khz, this is shown in the Table 1. The results of each recurrent neural network model are showed in the
Table 2, with different random number seeds.
Table 1. Voice analysis for digits.
It was proved that the neural prediction model provides less computation time with good results than normal dynamic programming. The Jordan recurrent neural network is a good model of the process of learning of neurons in the brain to rec- ognize Spanish language.
The authors wish to thank Conacyt by its support by a grant.
[1] Speaker-independent word recognition using a neural predic- tion model. Watanabe, Ken-ichi Iso and Takao. s.l. : IEEE Proc. ICASSP, 1990, Vol. 8, pp. 441-444.
[2] Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural netwok. A. Wai- bel, T. Hanazawa, G. Hinton and K. Shikano. s.l. : IEEE Transac- tions Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing., 1989, Vol. 37, pp.
[3] Recurrent Neural networks. Haruhisha, Takahashi. s.l. : SP93-
111, 1993.
[4] Finding structure in time. Elman, J.L. s.l. : Cognitive Science,
1990, Vol. 14, pp. 179-211.
[5] Spoken arabic digits recognizer using recurrent neural net- works. Ajami, Yousef. s.l. : Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Interna- tional Symposium, 2004, pp. 195-199.
[6] Jordan, M.I. Serial Order: a parallel distributed processing ap- proach. Institute for Cognitive Science, Report 8604. University of California, San Diego.
[7] Japanese digits recognition using recurrent neural prediction model. Uchiyama Toru, Takahashi Haruhisha. s.l. : Tech report of Universidad de Electrocomunicaciones , 1999, Vols. J82-D-II, pp. 1-7.
Sampling rate | 8 Khz |
Window | Blackman-Harris |
Window width | 5 ms |
Frame shift | 2.5 ms |
Analysis | 16th order LPC |
Auditory Scale | 17 ch Bark scale |
Table 2. Results for digits recognition
Seed | Jordan % | SRN % | VSRN+ % |
30 | 96.25 | 90.00 | 95.00 |
31 | 96.25 | 93.75 | 92.50 |
32 | 95.00 | 88.75 | 93.75 |
33 | 96.25 | 92.50 | 95.00 |
34 | 97.50 | 91.25 | 96.25 |
35 | 95.00 | 90.00 | 93.75 |
36 | 93.75 | 92.50 | 93.75 |
37 | 97.50 | 90.00 | 93.75 |
38 | 97.50 | 93.75 | 95.00 |
The performance of three recurrent neural networks for the 10
Spanish digits was watched. The best results were obtained with the Jordan model with a medium recognition of 96.11%.
IJSER © 2011