International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 7, July-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

QOP: Proposed Framework for Materialized View

Maintenance in Data Warehouse Evolution

Hemant Jain, Anjana Gosain

AbstractA data warehouse is generally applied to discover and integrate data from independent data source. In data warehouse large numbers of materialized views are stored in order to provide fast access to the integrated data. Maintenance of materialized views is one of the critical tasks in warehousing environment. They must be up to date to ensure accurate results and also to speed up the q uery processing significantly. Updating of materialized views is also important to ensure consistency because the source data usua lly change over time. In literature, few frameworks have been proposed for materialized view maintenance. Each of these framew orks has different characteristics, capabilities and complexities. But none of these f rameworks focus on query optimization. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework called QOP to support data warehouse view maintenance. The proposed framework imp roves the functionality of previously proposed frameworks by primarily focusing on changes in the maintenance phase. This framework also provides the ad ditional concept of query optimization in the maintenance phase.

Index TermsData warehouse, Data source, Incremental maintenance, Materialized view, Query optimization, Self maintenance, End



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Data warehouse act as a central repository that collect data from different autonomous, distributed and heterogeneous data sources. Traditionally, data warehouses have been used to provide storage and analysis of large amounts of historical data [20]. Due to the large amount of data in the data ware- house, the issue of maintaining a materialized view draw much attention. Materialized views are the derived relations, which are stored as relations in the database [15]. Materialized views can be used for reducing query response time. Material- ized views approach is quite promising in efficiently process- ing the queries because of the query intensive nature of data warehousing. To keep, a materialized view up-to date there is a need to propagate the changes from remote data source to the destined materialized view in the warehouse. Data ware- house contains many of materialized view to access data quickly and efficiently. In a data warehouse, the query expres- sions that define materialized views may be stored at different database sources residing at different sites. The sources may inform the data warehouse when an update occurs but they might not be able to determine what data is needed for updat- ing the views at the data warehouse [18]. To avoid accessing the original data sources and increase the efficiency of the queries posed to a DW, some intermediate results in the query processing are stored in the DW. These intermediate results stored in a DW are called materialized views [17].
Many algorithms relating to the maintenance of material- ized views have proposed in the literature. These algorithms may be divided into two categories i.e. incremental or self maintainable. In Incremental view maintenance approach,


Hemant Jain is currently pursuing M.Tech in computer science & engi- neering from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. E - mail:

Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana Gosian is working as reader in University School Of Information technology. She obtained her Ph.D. from GGSIP University, Delhi, India. E-mail:

only changes in the materialised views of the data warehouse are computed rather than recomputing every view from scratch [19].
On the other hand when a view together with a set of aux- iliary views can be maintained at the warehouse without ac- cessing base data, we say the views are self-maintainable [2].
For incremental maintenance materialized views is defined as select-project-join (SPJ) with N base relation (R1, R2,....Rn). The materialized view in the data warehouse is defined as:
V=Пprojcond(R1⋈R2.... ⋈Ri......⋈Rn)
Where proj is a set of attribute name and cond is a Boolean
expression, since R1,....Rn are separate relations.
Once the changes in the base relations are obtained, the
changes in the MV will be calculated. MV includes insert, de-
lete, and modification in the tuples. For the insert tuples ΔV is
incremental change. Then we increase tuple in MV; for the
delete tuple, if ΔR1 is removed from R2, then ΔR1= ΔR1⋈ΔR2
and then equivalent tuple is removed from the MV.
The changes in the base relation (R1, R2,... Rn) will affect the change in MV. The change in the MV can be achieved in ac-
cordance with (R1,R2,....Rn).
For example, V<R1,R2> show changes of MV which are considered by R1 and R2 changes.
Hence incremental maintenance can be written as
For self maintenance view V is defined over a set of base re-
lations R, i.e (R= R1, R2.....Rn). After the changes in ΔR is ob- tained to base relations in reaction to which view requests to
be maintained. If ΔV can be computed using only the MV in data warehouse and the set of changes in base relations ΔR, then the view is known as self maintainable otherwise we are involved a set of auxiliary view denoted by A. Defined on the same relation as view V. Therefore the set of views {V}UA is self maintainable.

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about QOP: Proposed Framework for Materialized View Maintenance in Data Warehouse Evolution 2

ISSN 2229-5518

The proposed framework expanded the WHIPS (Ware- housing Information Prototype System) [3] by introducing the concept of query optimization and combines both incremental
& self maintenance with proposed framework. It analyzes process between the sources and warehouse is made by using FIFO network.
The purpose of the query optimization is to optimize and reduce the complexity of the query while taking into account of present materialized view. In a relational database all in- formation can be found in a series of tables. A query therefore consists of operations on tables. The most common queries are Select-Project-Join queries [23]. For a given query, there are many of plans that a DBMS can follow to process it and pro- duce its answer. All plans are equivalent in terms of their final output but vary in their cost, i.e., the amount of time that they need to run. The area of query optimization is very large within the database field [24]. Materialized views mainly con- tained results of the queries.
The organization of the paper is as follows, literature re- view is discussed in section 2. In section 3, we discuss our proposed framework in detail. Section 4 presents the frame- work process discussed in previous section. And finally, we conclude in section 5.


The related work of various authors in context to incremental view maintenance [3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16] is presented be- low:
In [3] authors have described the architecture of the Whips prototype system, which collects, transforms, and integrates data for the warehouse. In [6] authors have proposed a new incremental approach to maintaining materialized views both in the data warehouse and in the data marts. In [7] authors have proposed a new compensation algorithm that is used in removing the anomalies, caused by interfering updates at the base relations. In [8] authors have proposed a maintenance algorithm that does not need the compensation step and ap- plies to general view expressions of the bag algebra. In [10] authors have proposed an incremental maintenance method for temporal views that allows improvements over the re- computation from scratch. In [11] authors have presented an incremental view maintenance approach based on schema transformation pathways. In [12] authors have tackled the problem of finding the most efficient batch incremental main- tenance strategy under a refresh response time constraint; that is, at any point in time. In [13] authors have developed the change-table technique for incrementally maintaining general view expressions involving relational and aggregate opera- tors. Incremental maintenance technique is adopted in this paper [16]. In this idea and strategy of minimum incremental maintenance is presented.
The related work of various authors in context to self main- tainable maintenance [1, 2. 4, 5, 9, 14] is presented below:
In [1] author has reported on some interesting new results for conjunctive-query views under insertion updates. In [2]
authors have showed that by using key and referential integ-
rity constraints, they often can maintain a select-project-join view without going to the data sources. In [4] authors have proposed an incremental technique for efficiently maintaining materialised views in these high performance applications by materialising additional relations which are derived from the intermediate results of the view computation. In [5] author has focused on the problem of determining view in the presence of functional dependencies. In [9] authors gave a preliminary result on self-maintainability of deletions of views over XML data. This paper [14] provided an online view self- maintenance method based on source view's increment to keep the materialized view consistent with the data source.
The above mentioned literatures have highlighted efforts related to incremental and self maintenance which is exercised in our proposed framework. The next section presents the proposed framework which has taken accounts the modifica- tion done at the maintenance level.



3.1 Framework Level & components

In this Framework, relational model is used to represent the warehouse data. In the relational model, views are defined and relation stored in the warehouse. The Framework is di- vided into four levels namely- Source level, Maintenance level, Warehouse level and User level. At the Source level, source data is converted in to the relational model by using the moni- tor and formatter and then sent it to the next higher level. In maintenance level, the maintenance process between the sources and warehouse is done by using FIFO network. In warehouse level, warehouse receives all view definitions and modifications to the specific syntax of the warehouse database; internal maintenance is also done in this level. In User level, users communicate to warehouse by using data query. Each level comprises of a number of components to manage par- ticular tasks.

IJSER © 2012

Internatio nal Jo urnal of Scientif ic & Engineering Resea rch Volume 3, Issue 7, July-2012 3

ISSN 222S-5518

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Fig 1. Architecture of QOP: Proposed Framework

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ISSN 2229-5518

Now, let us discuss the working of the above mentioned levels and their respective components in more details:


Source Level Components

1. Source Level



View Self


Commit group is used by view update manager to save the maintenance result
It is responsible for maintaining the
materialized views at the data warehouse
without access to the base relation.



It is used to feed data into the data warehouse. It can be of any format like plain text file, relational database, other
types of database etc.

Monitor It detects the modifications that are per- formed on its source data. These modifica-

tions are then sent to the maintenance level.

Wrapper It receives all view definitions and all adjustments to the view data in an internal format, and converts them to the specific

syntax of the warehouse database.


Maintenance Level Components

2. Maintenance Level



It is responsible to achieves relational

User Level Components


updates from data source by different

Timeline Module Temporal Counter



ways and affixes them to the relational update row.
It provides consistency of view main- tenance during parallel processing.
It is responsible for correct detection of concurrent updates.
It calculates the source updates and
handles the source updates and affixes
them in to the source update row.

Data Query & Analysis

Component Adminis- trator

4. User Level

It is responsible for communication be- tween users and data warehouse by using data queries, it also fulfilling the informa-
tion needs to specific end users. Views are defined at the view specifier
by an administrator.

Source Update Manager


Optimizer & Processor

Mainte- nance Man-


Ware- house Han-


View Update Manager

It is responsible for transferring the latest source updates to the view mainte- nance manager and managing each up-
date and its relational updates.
It handles optimization and execution
of declarative queries. After receive main-
tenance queries from the warehouse han-
dler, it processes the query and returns
the precise query result.
It is responsible for receiving the latest
Data source updates from source update
manager, generating view maintenance
tasks and affixes them to the source up-
date row.
It puts the final maintenance query re- sult into the query result row and informs
the view maintenance manager.
It uses the maintenance query results
to update the materialized views at the
data warehouse.


4.1 Source Level

This level represents the different data sources that feed data into the data warehouse. Each source may be completely in- dependent of the warehouse or it can be of any format and their functions are isolated from others. DWH is generally applied to explore and integrate data from several data sources, which can be seen as a set of materialized views. In this source data is converted into relational data by using the source monitor and wrapper. Each monitor detects the modifi- cations that are present into the data source. Then these modi- fications are sent to the maintenance level. Each wrapper is responsible for translating single source queries from the in- ternal relational representation used in the view tree to queries in the native language of its source [3].
Below shows the communication processes between source level and the warehouse level:
1. Data source will send out notification to the ware-
house after it finished a data updating at the source

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about QOP: Proposed Framework for Materialized View Maintenance in Data Warehouse Evolution 5

ISSN 2229-5518

2. Data source will send out view update notification when it plans to do materialize view update. It will wait for the acknowledgement from the data ware- house before executing the view update.
3. Warehouse receives the notification and sends back the query to the source level about the update.
After finishing the maintenance process warehouse will send out acknowledgement to data source level via maintenance level to notify it of the accomplishment of the maintenance of materialized view in data warehouse.

4.2 Maintenance Level

Processing of maintenance level:

Query Processing Algorithm Procedure Query Processing (QP) Input - Q(x) [i] as query

Output – QR(x) [i] as query result begin
Step-1 Send Q(x) [i] to data source (DS [i]); Step-2 Receive QR(x) [i] from DS [i];
Step-3 If (data update, DU(y) [i] exists in source update queue and x>y)
/* data updates happened concurrently*/
Step-4 QR(x) [i] = QO (Q(x) [i], DU(y) [i], QR(x) [i])
Step-5 End if
Step-6 Return QR(x) [i];
1. A timeline module provides consistency of view maintenance during parallel processing. It assigns a timestamp to each incoming message and query re- sult message. Temporal counter is used for correct de- tection of concurrent updates and also handling par- allel processing. In this, all the updates will be an- swered at the same time in parallel manner.
2. The source update detector achieves relational up- dates from data source by different ways and affixes them to the relational update row according to their committed sequence. Using this relational updates of a committed sequence and significant base relations, the source handler evaluates the equivalent source update based on the data source in the materialized view and affixes it in to the source update row.
3. The source update manager sends data source up- dates to the maintenance manager. The maintenance manager allocates a unique maintenance number for each received data source update and affixes them to the source update row. A task related to view main- tenance is concerned by the maintenance manager for each data source update in the source update row and the equivalent query arrangement is executed to the warehouse handler with the help of query optimizer
& processor.
Query optimizer & processor includes four parts, functionality of following parts is given below [24]:

Parser – It checks the validity of the query and then translates it in to an internal form, usually a relational calculus expression or something equivalent.

Optimizer – It examines all algebraic expressions that are equivalent to the given query and chooses the one that is estimated to be the cheapest.

Interpreter – The Code Generator or the Inter- preter transforms the access plan generated by the optimizer into calls to the query processor.

Query Processor – It actually executes the query.

Fig2. Algorithm for Query Processing

Query Optimization Algorithm Procedure Query Optimization (QO) Input – SQL Query

Output – Execution Plan
Step-1 SQL query contain many of relations, access each re-
lation in the query by all possible manners. Step-2 Generate a query tree for the sql query.
Step-3 Selection of plans to process each node in query trees and ordering the nodes for execution.
Step-4 Obtained the estimation cost of each plans & reserved the cheapest plan for further consideration.
Step-5The cheapest plan is final output of the optimizer to be used to process the query.

Fig3. Algorithm for Query Optimization

4. The query optimizer & processor queries related data source according to the query arrangement. After re- ceiving the maintenance query from the warehouse handler, the source handler processes it through the compensation of source relations and returns the spe- cific query answer. Then the warehouse handler at- taches the final maintenance query answer into the query result row and informs the view maintenance manager.
5. After completion of maintenance query related to a data source update, the maintenance manager re- moves this data source update from the source up- date row and also source update manager removes the data source update and its relational updates from the related queues upon receiving its completion in- dication.
6. The view update manager will save the maintenance results in the commit group temporarily for efficient updating of materialized view in the DWH. Material- ized view at the data warehouse is updated by view update manager using the final maintenance query result in the query result row and then removes the query results.

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about QOP: Proposed Framework for Materialized View Maintenance in Data Warehouse Evolution 6

ISSN 2229-5518

7. Self maintenance can be processed to maintain the af- fected view. The affected view can be maintained by use of the auxiliary view existed in the maintenance level.
8. Metadata is used to maintain the materialized views.
It can be obtained by manually or through automated
processes. Metadata module maintains catalogue in-
formation about the source and how to contact them,
the relations stored at each source and the schema of
each relation. The metadata module also keeps track
of all view definition [3].

4.3 Warehouse Level

In this, materialized view is used to store aggregate, re- computed and summarized data. The Data Warehouse is a group of one or more materialized views of the data source. There are many of maintenance policies residing that enables the system to maintain only the necessary data in the data warehouse instead of maintaining the whole data warehouse. Base relations in the data warehouse are used to store a layer of self-maintainable relation. They are also materialized views and can be thought of as the cleaned and filtered source data required in the data warehouse. Internal maintenance in the data warehouse provides session consistency and also de- scribes the process of maintaining the pre aggregations in the DWH. Internal Maintenance is started by the system accord [21].
In [21] authors describe the complete process of internal maintenance to maintain materialized view in the DWH. Modification in the materialized views is stored in the delta tables and it is also used to provide separation between main- tenance level and warehouse level.
In this level, Metadata provides variety of information stored in metadata repositories such as information related to contents, structure and location of the warehouse, information of different issues like security, authentication etc.

4.4 User Level

This level of framework describes the user requirements & tasks they need to perform with the help of data warehouse. User requirements must be collected from people who will actually use and work with the data warehouse system [22]. After the maintenance process, data in the data warehouse is readily accessible to end user applications for querying and analysis purpose. Firstly, end users starts to make simple que- ries, after that they tend to comes with more complex forms of data analysis.


View maintenance is one of the major jobs in data warehousing environment. Due to improper view maintenance, required re- sults are practically impossible to achieve from a data warehouse. In this paper we have proposed a novel framework for data warehouse view maintenance that is primarily driven by changes in the materialized view maintenance process of the data ware- house. Our proposed frame work has been divided into various levels namely: Source level, Maintenance level, Warehouse level,
user level. The source level converted source data in to the rela- tional model. The maintenance level performs maintenance proc- ess between the sources and warehouse is done by using FIFO network. The warehouse level receives all view definitions and modifications to the specific syntax of the warehouse database; internal maintenance is also done in this level. The user level pro- vides communication between users and warehouse by using data query. The concept of query optimization is also providing in maintenance level to reduce the query cost and to speed up the query processing task.


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