International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Author: Kiran Sreedhar R
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The phenomenon explains the presence of alternate versions of reality. "KIRAN EFFECT" has been derived by KIRAN SREEDHAR R. This can serve as a bridge between Quantum physics and Relativity thereby being a gift to the modern physics in reaching it's goal of the great UNIFICATION theory. It is a complete mathematical model. It is obtained by taking a third frame of reference inside the second frame such that there is no relative motion between the first and the third frame. This gives a complete mathematical proof that there exist alternate versions of reality at the macro level apart from quantum level.
Author: Kiran Sreedhar R {5th sem est er Btech student in Electronics and Communication Engineering, University College of Engineering, Karyavattom, } Postal address: VRI NDAVANAM, PRA-10, POOMALLIYOORKONAM, PERURKADA (P.O), TRIVANDRUM, KERALA, INDIA , PIN:695005, Ph:+918590234143, em ail
KIRAN EFFECT states that when three frames of reference A, B and C are considered in such a way that the reference frame C is inside the frame B and B is inside the frame A and the three frames are moving at relativistic velocities (velocity tends to speed of light) with respect to adjacent ones but the relative velocity between frame A and frame C is maintained zero, then the three frames will enter three different versions of reality.
Consider three frames of reference (see figure 1) in an isolated system:
1. Frame A
2. Frame B
3. Frame C
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 2
ISSN 2229-5518
Consider figure1
Consider figure 2:
Frame C is inside Frame B and Frame B is inside
Frame A (consider figure 2). AT TIME T=0:
{Frames A, B and C are at rest with respect to each other.}
{Frame B starts from rest, with respect to frame A, and accelerates in positive X direction.
Frame C starts from rest, with respect to frame B, and accelerates in negative X direction.
Both (1) and (2) starts at the same instant.
The rate of change of speed should be same in both the cases (1) and (2) at all situations.
Frame B is moving towards the positive X
direction and reaches a speed tending to the speed of light, say V, with respect to Frame A;
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 3
ISSN 2229-5518
Frame C is moving in the negative X direction and reaches the same speed V with respect to Frame B.
From (3) and (4), we get,
Velocity of frame B with respect to frame A is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the velocity of frame C with respect to frame B.
So, relative motion between frame A and frame B is V
km/s and relative motion between frame B and frame
C is also V km/s. (V tends to the speed of light)
c. take u’=-250000km/s, v=250000km/s, we get u=0 d. take u’=-290000km/s, v=290000km/s, we get u=0 e. take u’=-299000km/s, v=299000km/s, we get u=0 f. take u’=-299999km/s, v=299999km/s, we get u=0 g. take u’=-300000km/s, v=300000km/s, which is
considered as the velocity of light, we get u=0/0, which
is undetermined according to Einstein’s equation, but other than “300000km/s” value, we get relative velocity zero, so we infer that relative velocity at u’=-
300000km/s, v=300000km/s is zero.
SITUATION ‘g’ is not relevant in this theory, so
even if we don’t infer that “relative velocity at u’=-
Applying Einstein’s Relativistic velocity addition,
If an object moves with a velocity u’ in S’ frame, which itself is moving with a velocity v, then the relativistic velocity of the object, relative to S frame is:
(consider the speed of light ‘C’ to be 3,00,000 km/s) Here,
the object is the frame C S’ frame is the frame B
u’=velocity of frame C with respect to frame B, v=velocity of frame B with respect to frame A, u=velocity of frame C with respect to frame A. From (5),
we have v=-u’;
and we have the velocity of light=300000km/s,
a. take u’=-150000km/s, v=150000km/s, we get u=0 b. take u’=-200000km/s, v=200000km/s, we get u=0
300000km/s, v=300000km/s is zero” the theory will be true.
So relative motion between A and C is zero at all situations, that is, there is no relative motion between A and C.
That is:
At all instants, Relative velocity of frame B with respect to frame A should be should be exactly equal to
relative velocity of frame C with respect to frame B, then the relative velocity of frame C with respect to frame A will be zero.----------------------------------------------
Taking into consideration Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, i.e. time dilation, from the conclusion (6), we can derive the following cases:
Case 1:
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 4
ISSN 2229-5518
The velocity of Time in frame B with respect to the frame A tends to zero.
Note: The velocity of frame B with respect to frame A should be exactly similar to the velocity of frame C with respect to frame B at all situations.
Consider triplet brothers A, B and C of age 30. Brother
The velocity of Time in frame C with respect to the frame A is normal (same as that of A).
Case 2:
The velocity of time in frame A with respect to frame B
tends to infinity
The velocity of time in frame C with respect to frame B
tends to zero
VBC(t)=> 0
---------------------------------------------------(iv) Case 3:
The velocity of time in frame B with respect to frame C
tends to infinity
The velocity of time in frame A with respect to frame C
is normal
VCA(t)= N
A is in the frame A, Brother B is in the frame B, and
Brother C is in the frame C.
According to (ii) and (vi), brothers A and C will see
each other aging at the same rate, but according to (iii) and (iv), brother B will see brother A’s aging rate tending to infinity while brother C’s aging rate tending
to zero. So the alternate versions of realities or universes created are:
1. one in which brother A and brother C have the same aging rate,
2. other in which brother A and brother C have different aging rate.
So it is clearly proved that a point in space can have any number of points in time.
Taking the inverse of the above theory,
A point in time can have any number of points in space.
So alternate versions of realities or universes exist.
Taking into consideration cases (iii) and (iv); Viewed from frame B:
In frame A, velocity of time tends to infinity
In frame C, velocity of time tends to zero
Taking into consideration cases (i) and (ii);
Viewed from frame A:
In frame C, velocity of time is at a normal rate
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 5
ISSN 2229-5518
(i) When brother A, who is now 40 years of age, meets brothers B and C, brother B will be approximately 30 years of age and brother C will be 40 years of age.
i) When brother B, who is now approximately 30 years of age, meets brothers B and C, brother A will be years of
age 40 years and brother C will be 30 years of age.
ii) When brother C, who is now 40 years of age, meets brothers B and C, brother A will be 40 years of age and brother B will be infinite years of age.
That is, brothers A, B and C will enter three different realities or universes.
In frame B, velocity of time tends to zero
Taking into consideration cases (v) and (vi); Viewed from frame C:
In frame B, velocity of time tends to infinity
In frame A, velocity of time is at a normal rate
Consider that, at time t=10 years in frame A, the frame B decelerates with respect to frame A and the frame C decelerates with respect to frame B. The rate of change of speed of frame B with respect to frame A and the rate of change of speed of frame C with respect to frame B are equal at all situations. That is, the relative velocity between the frame A and the
frame C must always remain zero. Finally, the velocity of frame B with respect to frame A and frame C with respect to frame B becomes zero.
At a situation when Frames A, B and C are static with respect to each other:
KIRAN EFFECT states that when three frames of reference A, B and C are considered in such a way that the reference frame C is inside the frame B and B is inside the frame A and the three frames are moving at relativistic velocities (velocity tends to speed of light) with respect to adjacent ones but the relative velocity between frame A and frame C is maintained zero, then the three frames will enter three different versions of reality.
This theory serves as a bridge between Albert Einstein's Relativity and Quantum physics. According to Quantum physics, formation of alternate versions of reality depends on observation. "Theory of Simultaneity", which is derived from "Relativity", is a complete proof that formation of reality
depends upon observation (Frames of reference). According
IJSER © 2013
International Joumal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 6
ISSN 2229-5518
to me, "KIRAN EFFECT" will help the modern physics in its 1. A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, by Stephen Hawking great advancement towards the goal of the "GREAT 2. A TEXT BOOK OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS, by T.A UNIFICATION" theory. Hassan, G. Balakrishnan, I. Domini, A. Nahari
3. THE GREAT UNIVERSE, by G.K.Sasidharan
4. THE EMPEROR'S NEW MIND, by Roger Penrose
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