International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 1812
ISSN 2229-5518
Improve Energy Efficiency in AODV
Ram Narayan Shukla, Rajesh Kumar Shukla
Abstract— To establish route between nodes, an efficient routing protocol is required to discover routes in a mobile adhoc network. Node energy is one of the important design criteria for adhoc networks due to dynamic topology of Ad Hoc Network. Mobile nodes have limited energy in their batteries. Power failure of a mobile node affects the node itself as well as decreases network performance also due to link failure. Much research efforts have been devoted to develop energy aware routing protocols. In this paper we propose an energy efficient routing algorithm that takes care about stability of network. A new route discovery process proposed in this paper that takes into account the distance between nodes and node battery power to improve energy efficiency in AODV. This will maximize the network lifetime by minimizing the power consumption and decrease the routing overhead. We will implement our proposed algorithm in AODV and performance will evaluate against the original AODV, finally we will study it through NS-2 simulator.
Keywords— Ad-hoc Network, AODV, Energy Efficiency, Link Failure, NS-2 Simulator, Routing, Stable Path.
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he networks are classified mainly in two types based on connectivity, wired and wireless networks. A wireless network provides have capability of bending easily without breaking over standard wired networks. With the help of wireless networks, the users can retrieve information
Hoc wireless network), there are no fixed base stations and all the nodes in the network act as hosts and routers [7]. The mo- bile node can roam while communicating in the Ad Hoc net- work dynamically establishes routing among them to form their own network ‘on the fly’. Ad hoc network can be shown
and get services even when they move from one place to an-
There are two types of wireless networks:
(a). Infrastructure based Network: In Infrastructure based
(or infrastructure less) wireless networks[7], the mobile node
can move in range of a base station. If node goes out of the
range of a base station it gets into the range of another base
station while communicating, the base stations are fixed as
shown in the figure 1.
as in figure 2.
Figure 2: Ad hoc Network
Figure 1: Infrastructure Based Network
(b). Infrastructure Less Network: In Infrastructure Less (Ad
(This information is optional; change it according to your need.)
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are self-configuring self- organizing, multi hop and infrastructure less networks [2]. Mobile nodes are connected by wireless links. These networks are suitable for virtual classrooms, rescue operations, battle field etc. in remote areas. Each node serves as an intermediate node to transmit data packets between a pair of nodes. The topology of ad hoc network depends on the node mobility so this can change rapidly. Routing is the main challenge in ad hoc networks. MANETs uses dynamic topology i.e. suddenly and rapidly change due to nodes move out. Link failure of these nodes may result in loss the connection among com- municating nodes that causes unnecessary power depletion.
The MANETs performance is highly dependent on routing protocols. Routing protocol is responsible for path establish- ment from source to destination for packet transmission with- in the range. These packets are transmitted through number of intermediate nodes if there is not any direct link from source to destination. For successful delivery of packets to its destina-
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 1813
ISSN 2229-5518
tion depends on the battery power of each node. Energy effi- cient based routing protocol is required for stable network. A stable network consists stable nodes in the network which being used by transmitting nodes. The natures of ad hoc net- works are mobility, infrastructure less, energy constraint so link failure occurs frequently [1].
Many researchers worked on the different areas in MA- NET, some of them are [3]:
• Limited Wireless Communication Range
• Energy Conserving
• Dynamic Topology
• Battery Power Constraints
• Limited Power Supply
• Security
When a node wants to establish a connection to its destina- tion for send data packets, is starts route discovery process for finding the path from source to destination. Due to limited battery power and mobility nature of nodes, a node may ex- haust its power without giving any prior information to neighbor nodes. This degrades the performance of routing protocol as well as network. In MANETs, two main reasons
Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network [5]. The pro- posed work minimize the regular period of HELLO messages generated by the AODV protocol used for the search, devel- opment and maintenance of routes. This information is useful to have an idea about battery power levels of nodes. After storing this information, the nodes select the shortest and saf- est path in terms of energy.
Shayesteh Tabatabaei proposed Power-Efficient Relia- ble Routing Protocol to Increase Throughput in Ad Hoc Net- works [6]. In PEAODV, authors used a new cost function to select the optimum path that considering the minimum resid- ual energy of the nodes in route, and the route stability in ac- cordance with the rate mobility of node and available band- width and radio frequency.
R. Rajesh Kanna et. al. proposed an Energy Efficient En- hanced AODV Routing Protocol for maximize the lifetime of Mobile Ad hoc Networks [7]. The authors used energy optimal routes to reduce the energy consumption of nodes. Authors used HELLO massages of AODV to calculate the difference between transmitting power and receiving power and which gives the value of propagation loss. Low battery alert mecha- nism to overcome the overuse of the firstly established route.
that cause link breakages aIre: (a) JNodes MobSility, (b) Node ER
This paper is organized as follows: Introduction is present- ed in current section. Section 2 provides the related work, re- searches in energy efficient routing and need for energy effi- ciency. Section 3 presents the algorithm of proposed work, section 4 presents simulation parameters and, Section 5 pre- sents conclusion and future enhancement.
Many researches have been addressed power conservation and efficiency issues at different layers of the network proto- col stack. However, most such researched have been targeted the network layer. We will discuss some of the Power Aware Routing protocols which were implemented at the network layer.
Rupali Mahajan et. al. proposed an Energy Efficient Rout- ing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks [4]. In this paper, the authors proposed an energy efficient route discovery pro- cess for AODV based on ERS. In this approach energy saving of the nodes is done by avoiding the redundant rebroadcast- ing of the RREQ packets. The relaying status of the node is decided based on the broadcasting of its RREQ packets by its neighbors. Thus it helps in reducing routing overhead in- curred during the route discovery process. Simulations are performed by using Global Mobile Simulator.
Maher Heni et. al. proposed Power Control in Reactive
Yonghui Chen et. al. proposed an Energy Efficient Routing
Protocol Based on energy of node and Stability of Topology
[8]. During route discovery, the source node not only takes the
residual energy of the intermediate nodes and hops, but also
considerd the influence of motivation of those nodes imposed
on the topology of network. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol achieves better network service perfor- mance compared to current protocols.
T. Poongkuzhali proposed An Optimized Power Reac- tive Routing based on AODV Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Network[9]. Authors used a technique called Optimized Pow- er Reactive Routing (OPRR). An OPRR Protocol described the concept of cognitive function and AODV protocol. Authors ensured that the data packet is transferred in the shortest path and also in reliable mode. It will improve the data transmis- sion with an energy efficient manner. It gives the performanc- es of PAR protocol which has POWER field in RREQ message along with relative mobility field.
Why Need Energy Efficiency
Nodes are independent to other nodes and can move fre- quently in MANETs. This mobility of nodes degrades the overall performance of the network. A single link breakage in network leads a route to become as an invalid route for further transmission of data packets. Then route discovery process starts again and causes more control packet flooding through- out the network. This process of route re-discovery consumes the battery energy at mobile nodes also drops a lot of data
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 1814
ISSN 2229-5518
packets. Thus, overhead increases and efficiency of also de- creases in the network. Choosing a shortest path always in- creases link breaks probability [10].
We proposed a new technique to overcome these previ- ously defined problems facing in MANETs. To improve the energy efficiency in AODV we firstly find out the stable route between source to destination for sending and receiving data packets. When network is highly mobile many data packets get lost because of collision. Our main aim is to implement a stable AODV to achieve high performance in the highly mo- bile environment. For this, we tried to measure distance be- tween nodes in a periodic manner so that we can find out the most stable neighbor of node. If every node can store the knowledge about stable neighbor, the stable path from source node to destination node can be easily discovered. Here we can also add an information field that tells about current ener- gy status of node and a destination field that tells about the distance between two nodes, so high battery power and more stable node must be selected.
When a source begins a RREQ packet it simply broadcasts
routing table as two entries n_Hop x and n_Hop y.
Step 6: The route between source and destination is main-
tained for data transfer.
Step 7: If the route is broken, repeat from step 1.
the RREQ to all its neighbors. We will include distance and battery status field in AODV RREQ packet. Every node ap- pends its own co-ordinates in the packet and forward to its neighbor and neighbor calculates the distance between them by using own coordinates. At the same time every node stores
their battery status also in the packet. Finally, RREQ reaches to destination node, it also do the same. Based on the statistics such as distance between nodes and battery power, destina- tion node decides more stable route. It just sends back the re- ply packet through this most stable path. In this, a short dis- tance node and a node which have sufficient power will be selected to establish a path. This will reduce the routing over- head.
Step 1: When a node needs to transfer data, it generates the Route Request (RREQ) packet and broadcast it to its neighbor with long transmission range.
Step 2: The route reply messages from the intermediate nodes contain two fields, location of the node and battery status of the same node that stores to sending the route reply.
Step 3: In AODV, the path is established for the first RREP received. But in IEEAODV, each node waits to receive all the RREP messages destined for the node.
Step 4: The node then calculates the battery status and dis- tances between the nodes from where the RREP message is received and itself. This is done using own location and the locations of the intermediates nodes.
Step 5: Now, the node with maximum battery status is select- ed, calculated in step 4 and its location is also updated in the
(a) Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR):
The packet delivery ratio is defined as the ratio of number
of data packets received at the destinations over the number of
data packets sent by the sources as given in equation (i). This performance metric is used to determine the efficiency and accuracy of MANET’s routing protocols. Figure 3 show that the proposed IEEAODV gives the better result than origi-
Figure 3: Packet Delivery Ratio
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 1815
ISSN 2229-5518
…. (i)
Network Throughput can be measured as packets per se- cond, bits per second (bps), or packet per time slot. It is re- quired that the throughput must be at high-level in a network. Figure 5 shows IEEAODV have superior performance than
(b) Average End-to-End Delay:
The average end to end delay defined as the time taken in
delivery of data packets from the source node to the destina-
tion node. To calculate the average end-to-end delay, add de-
lay of each successful data packet delivery and divide that
sum by the number of successfully received data packets as
shown in equation (ii). Result shows that IEEAODV have less
average end to end delay than AODV as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: Average End to End Delay
(d) Routing Overhead:
Routing overhead is defined as the number of routing con-
trol packets, including Route Request and Route Reply. The
overhead will increase when high mobility, less battery power
in the network. In this proposed IEEAODV, the algorithm will
reduce the route discovery process as we will reduce the route
failure. So the frequent route discovery process will be avoid-
ed which results reduce the node’s computational and routing
overhead involved in route discovery process. Figure 6 shows
that IEEAODV have less routing overhead than AODV.
(c) Throughput:
…. (ii)
Figure 6: Routing Overhead
(e) Average Energy Consumption:
A throughput of the network is the average rate at which
message is successfully delivered between a receiver and
sender. It is also referred to as the ratio of the sum of data packet received from its sender to the time the last packet reaches its destination.
Figure 5: Throughput
This is the ratio of the average energy consumption in each node to initial energy. The energy consumption is calculated for the entire network. Figure 7 show that the IEEAODV con- sumes less power than AODV.
Figure 7: Average Energy Consumption
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 1816
ISSN 2229-5518
AODV routing protocol. Using this technique we will improve the energy efficiency of AODV.
Average End-to- End Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio, Average Path Length, Network Life Time, Power Consumption
Path length is deter- mined prior network connectivit
Throughput feature is not available
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A frequent change in network, link breakage is a critical prob- lem. This is due to mobility of nodes and energy constrained. Hence degrade the overall performance of network. Our pro- posed work based on AODV protocol. We used distance be- tween nodes and battery status of every node. This helps to find out the best route in the network to utilize the available node energy. Here we will find out after comparing all previ- ously mentioned work that IEEAODV have the more stable neighbor of nodes with high battery power status. This will enhance the performance, reduce the routing overhead of
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