International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 7, July-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Implementing Schema Evolution in Data Warehouse through Complex Hierarchy Semantics

Kanika Talwar, Anjana Gosain

AbstractData in a data warehouse is collected from several heterogeneous data sources under a unified format, which aims to provide strategic outcomes to the decision makers and facilitate pattern and trend analysis. These data sources are dynamic in nature, due t o ongoing transactions in an organization and ever changing requirements. This dynamic nature of the data warehouse has to be d ealt with evolution in the data warehouse schema in order to incorporate all the new changes and requirements. In data warehouse system s, the hierarchies play a very important role in processing and monitoring information. So in order to handle complex hierarc hies in case of data warehouse evolution, we have proposed evolution operators and certain constraints that need to be fulfilled for ensuring data integrity and schema correctness. This schema correctness in case of evolution is ensured through triggers. In this paper, we have considered a formal metamodel to model the constructs in data warehouse. Also the constraints and operators are defined using the Uni - level Description Language (ULD) and the Multilevel dictionary definition (MDD) approach. The ULD r epresentation exhibits uniform formulation of data, schema and their interrelationships while the MDD structures provide a way for direct implementation in a relational database system.

Index TermsData warehouse schema evolution, dimension hier archies, multi-dimensional schema, evolution operator, constraints, uni- level description, multilevel dictionary definition.


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A data warehouse is a collection of an enterprise‘s electroni- cally stored records. It is an integrated, subject-oriented, time- variant and non-volatile compilation of information which sup- ports management‘s decision making process [1].
Data in the data warehouse is integrated from several auto- nomous information sources which change or evolve with re- spect to their data and structure, as a result, data warehouse must also evolve to be preserved in the most up-to-date state. It is however really crucial to consider DW evolution for various reasons.
1. The environment of the data warehouse is dynamic; i.e. ever
changing user needs resulting in evolution.
2. Confusing or inadequate requirements during the development
phase [2].
3. Periodical revisions done for the removal of bugs & redundan-
cies [3].
4. Change in the information source resulting in new DW design.
5. For the incorporation of new user or requirement in the system
or creating new versions [4].
The data warehouse‘s structure is normally represented with the aid of the multi-dimensional conceptual model. Several examples of which are Star [9], Snowflake [9], Multi-


Kanika Talwar is currently pursuing in Computer science & engi- neering in USICT, Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University, Delhi, India, E-mail:

Dr. Anjana Gosain is currently working as reader in CSE/IT department in USICT, Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University, Delhi, India. E-mail:

dimensional/ER model [8] and DFM [7]. All these models formulate information as facts and dimensions. A Fact is a numeric value of a normally additive nature which contains measures that are aggregated over dimensions [5]. A dimen- sion comprises of levels and a hierarchy defines a relationship between the levels. This relationship allows data to be viewed at different levels of granularity. Therefore a multidimension- al model constitutes facts, dimensions, measures, levels, and hierarchies which exhibit subsequent features:
1. Facts and dimensions having a many-to-one relationship i.e. a dimension instance corresponds to many fact instances.
2. Different levels of a dimension having a many-to-one roll-
up relationship.
3. Hierarchies in a dimension having one-to-many drill-down
relationship i.e. one parent and many child.
Banerjee [6] referred these constraints as the core features of
DW conceptual model.
Several authors such as Tsois [10], Pedersen [11] and Hummer [12] have discussed about the different problems that arise in real world business application domains and the inadequacy of different traditional conceptual models to han- dle them. Banerjee and Davis [6] handled some of those prob- lems like multiple hierarchies, Non-onto (missing data), Non- covering hierarchies and Non-strict hierarchy (many-to-many relation between parent and child level) with the help of a new formal metamodel accompanying ULD [14, 15,16] and MDD approach [13]. But some important extended hierarchies are not covered by [6]. In our work we have considered the fol- lowing complex extended hierarchies [17] (given in table 1):

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To model the above extended hierarchies we have merged some examples from the literature and formed a schema shown in Figure 1.We have used modified DFM [7] notation; where the first level in each dimension is same as the dimen- sion name. Also the finer-granule level like Brand rolls up to the coarser-granule level, i.e. Corporation in the Product di- mension. In the example schema (Fig 1), the Sales fact table is taken from Golfarelli [18] paper having measures Quantity Sold, Revenue, and No. of Customers. The second example is presented by Hurtado [19] i.e. Product dimension which exhi- bits multiple alternative hierarchies as the level Corporation drills-down to Company or Category. The two paths of the dimension that portrays the roll-up from the lowest to the highest hierarchy level are Category, Corporation and Brand, Company, Corporation. Both the paths converge at same level. The next example i.e. Store dimension is presented by Mali- nowski [17] which exhibits Parallel Dependent hierarchy.

Fig. 1. Sales Schema

There are two different analysis criterions; 1) city, county, state and country and 2) sales district, state and sales region in Store dimension. Both the paths share a common level i.e. State. The Customer dimension exhibits parallel independent hierarchy where it can be analysed by two different analysis criterion; Company (type and sector) and Person (profession and class).
In the literature, several authors have proposed operators to handle schema evolution at different levels focusing on core as well as extended data warehouse features. Bouzeghoub [21] and Quix [22] focus on addition/deletion of views. Blaschka [20] presents a formal model conceptually similar to the me- tamodel [6] used by us and use algebra to define fact and di- mension evolution. Hurtado [19] focus on changes to dimen- sions only. Golfarelli [23] focuses on evolution of hierarchies within a dimension. Chen [24] has operators for adding, delet- ing, and renaming tables and attributes. None of the above DW schema evolution papers propose a tool for implementing changes as done by Banerjee [6]. The schema evolution opera- tors defined by [6], focuses on schema correctness. The tool creates the data warehouse schema rapidly and checks the validity of schema evolution operations thereby guarantying schema correctness. It has also considered some additional features like multiple, non-strict hierarchies, non-covering hierarchies etc. But it has not distinguished between various variations of multiple hierarchies like multiple alternative, parallel dependent hierarchies etc. In this paper, in addition to basic structural constructs of data warehouse model, we are also going to define constraints separately for above hierar- chies and propose evolution operator on them. The constraints must be satisfied for schema correctness, which is enforced by triggers.
Here we are using ULD definition along with multilevel dic- tionary definition approach [13] as a tool to express our model and evolution operators for the schema. ULD definition exhi- bits formal semantics and uniform representation of schema data, metamodel layers and their inter-dependencies, thereby making modeling easier. While the MDD structures allow di- rect implementation in a relational database system, thereby giving a basis for ensuring schema correctness.
In Section 2, we discuss about the formal metamodel con-
structs and constraints for extended hierarchy semantics. In
Section 3, we demonstrate the multilevel dictionary imple-
mentation of the model and use the Sales schema of Figure 1
to exhibit schema evolution operations. Finally, Section 4 gives
conclusion and future perspectives.


Bowers and Delcambre presented the Uni-Level Description language [14,15,16] which provides a formal framework for representing a wide range of data models such as ER, XML and RDF. It is considered as a generic representing language capable of enabling powerful transformation rules as well as simple generic browsing capability over the information that is originated within various data models and representation

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schemes. The main advantage of using ULD in describing formal metamodel (set of constructs) is that, it supports data model interoperability which facilitates easy and universal information access in case of multiple heterogeneous data sources. It is termed as the uni-level representation language because it completely describes the data model, its sources, the schemas present and all the instance data in a single flat repre- sentation [16].
In this paper, we also bring into use Multilevel Dictionary De- finition (MDD) approach [13] along with ULD to represent the model [6] into schema constructs and define schema operators for data warehouse evolution. MDD allows direct implemen- tation of data model constructs in the form of tables which makes it easy to understand. The constructs are implemented in a relational database system. We use triggers for the im- plementation of constraints and written an algorithm for evo- lution operator which thereby enforce semantics. To make changes in any of the schema construct, we require constraints to ensure correctness of the model. This change (add/delete) is done with the help of evolution operators. The very first step is to define the schema constructs along with semantics using ULD, followed by representation of constructs in MDD and at last, implementing the constructs, constraints and operators in relational databases by means of triggers.
Here, we are using two of the ULD construct types i.e. setct and structct [16], where setct corresponds to a set of objects and structct stands for a structured object with subcompo- nents. The construct type structct is denoted as ―construct c := [a => b]‖, where ―a => b‖ denotes a component of the con- struct c, a is termed as the component selector and b is the type of the component. The setct construct type is expressed as set-of. For instance, a DimensionSet is represented as a set-of Dimension, where a Dimension is a structct construct having subcomponents as Dname, Dlevel, DPkey, and Dhierarchy and Dpath fields [6]. A Dpath construct is of the type PathSet, which defines a set of paths in a dimension.
So here now, we define a new schema construct called the
Path’ construct which is a set-of PathLevels in a dimension
(given in fig. 2), instead of PathHierarchies as defined by Ba-
nerjee [6]. The rest of the schema constructs are same as stated

by [6].

Fig. 2. Path Construct in Uni-Level Description Language

The correctness and consistency of the schema constructs in
the model are sustained by inserting certain addition/deletion constraints. So here now we introduce addition constraints for the path construct considering various hierarchies discussed in table 1. Constraints C.1 C.2 and C.3 (given below) enforce the semantics for new paths to be added in the path construct of respective hierarchies. For instance, constraint C.1 can be explained in other words as: Multiple alternative hierarchies consist of several non-exclusive paths sharing some levels. It is required that the two paths converge at same level i.e. they should share a level which is the most coarser-grained level (having no parent) E.g. Corporation in figure 1.

1. Multiple Alternative hierarchy

C.1 A new path added to the dimension construct should converge at the same level as of the previous path in the same dimension.

2. Parellel Dependent hierarchy

C.2 A new path added to the dimension construct should have at least one level in common to previous path in the same dimension.

3. Parallel Independent hierarchy

C.3 A new path added to the dimension construct should not have any common level to previous path in the same dimen- sion.

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The following section demonstrates the implementation of the schema evolution using multilevel dictionary definition ap- proach along with an example.


The Multilevel Definition dictionary approach proposed by Atzeni et. al. [13] is referenced here to represent the model constructs in the form of tables. An example to demonstrate schema evolution with MDD approach is explained below considering the three dimensions i.e. product, location and customer of figure 1. The tabular format of constructs Dimen- sion, Level, Hierarchy and Path are given in table 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.







Evolving the schema means making changes in the table records. These changes are done with the help of operators. An example schema evolution operator is represented by an algorithm given in figure 3. These updations of records there- by invoke the triggers to be applied on the tables which in case enforce semantics. A trigger on a database can be defined as a procedural code which is invoked on its own, in case of any modification in a table of the database. For instance, if a new path is added to the dimension construct of the multiple alter- native hierarchy, then the coarser granular level should be the shared level between the new and the old path of the same dimension. A sample trigger based on the addition constraint C.2 (defined in section 2) is given in figure 4.This trigger is created over the path construct. If a new path is added to the

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dimension using AddPath_PD operator, then if there is no common level between the new path and the existing paths; the transaction is rolled back.

Fig. 3. Algorithm for AddPath Evolution Operator

Fig. 4. A Sample trigger on path construct

Here we defined a data warehouse schema and applied con- straints on it for correct evolution. We used the SQL Server environment to implement the constraints. The evolution op- erators are applied to evolve a schema by altering its tables and triggers help in keeping the consistency intact. Moreover the use of ULD and MDD approach together made it possible to model the schema evolution using extended hierarchies.


The main focus of the paper is to handle the schema evolution in the data warehouse caused due to ever changing requirements and therby improving the analysis process in the data warehouse. In order to
handle schema evolution of certain extended hierarchies prevailing in the data warehouse, we take into account three hierarchies namely Multiple alternative, Parallel dependent and Parellel independent hierarchies and defined constraints (C.1, C.2, C.3) for it that need to be satisfied for enforcing semantics and schema correctness. We also proposed an algorithm for the evolution operator for Parellel depen- dent hierarchy. Our future work includes handling of generalized hierarchies in schema evolution. Also we aim to support cross- ver- sion quering in the used model.


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