International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 12, December-2012
Analysis of Software Quality Attributes Through
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Garima Soni, Pradeep Tomar, Amrita Upadhyay
Abstract – Design and development of software is difficult task due to the changing requirements of usres. To develop good quality soft- ware, our main focus is on analysis of quality attributes according to the users’ requirement, but it increases the complexity. So it’s a com- plex task to establish a relationship between users’ requirements and quality attributes due to the frequent change in requirements. Howev- er, we do not have systematic approaches to design software considering quality attributes and requirements. Throughout the history of software development, new development approches were developed to deal with the chaninging requiremens and ever-growing complexity of software. The object-oriented paradigm approach allows programmers to decompose high level requirements into a set of functional modules. The problem is that Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) does not offer a systematic and elegant way to recompose those mod- ules to maintain the the quality by ensuring the modular continuity. This problem of OOP gave birth to a new paradigm: the Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). AOP approach is used to modularize the crosscutting concern and provide better analysis of quality attributes like per- formance, reliability, availability, reusability, testability modularization and maintainability as compare to OOP in the form of aspects. This paper presents modified analysis process in which designer and developer can separate the aspects related to quality attributes by using AOP and get feedbacks to improve the quality attributes by providing a modularization way to separate crosscutting concerns from non- crosscutting ones. This helps in developing software product more efficiently.
Index Terms – Object, aspect, analysis, quality attributes, aspect-oriented programming, class, concern, analysis process.
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oftware development requires various quality attributes like performance, reliability, availability, maintainability as well as required functions that have to be taken into considera-
tions. Considering quality attributes along with functions makes the software design problem more complex. According to re- searchers and practitioners many quality models and processes are introduced to maintain the quality of the software, for exam- ple McCall’s Model helps in measuring the software quality, in which many other quality attributes associated with each attribute. For each quality attribute there exist some software properties, which we have to examine while designing the quality attribute during the design phase. Researchers and practitioners call these properties as an aspect. Natsuko Noda et al. [1] have examined a design technique in which they consider the problem of each aspect individually and then integrate with the final de- sign output. So, it is better to identify aspects which need to be modularized, in designing phase rather than implementation or programming phase, if developers are developing software from the scratch. But many issues and problems occur while incorpo- rating these quality attributes in designing. AOP solve these is- sues and problems by allowing the separation of concerns as ap- propriate for a host language and provides a mechanism for the description of concerns that crosscut other quality attributes of components. AOP isn’t meant to replace OOP or other object- based methodologies. Instead, it supports the separation of com- ponents, typically using classes, and provides a way to separate aspects from the components. AOP is designed to support the
separation of concerns and to allow both a Logger and a Product class; it also handles the crosscutting that occurs when logging is required in the components supporting another concern.[2] AOP can be implemented in design phase to get a better approach of a system to be developed. It is always good to analyze the quality attributes as early as possible so that we can implement it in a separate way which provides better performance, reliability, availability, reusability, testability modularization and maintaina- bility.
OOP has been presented as a technology that can fundamentally aid software engineering, because the underlying object model provides a better fit with real domain problems. But researches have found many programming problems where OOP techniques are not sufficient to clearly capture all the important design deci- sions regarding quality attributes. Instead, it seems that there are some programming problems that fit neither the OOP approach nor the procedural approach it replaces. [3] In object-oriented technology, the object is an instantiation of a class. The class is an abstract data-type used to model the objects in a system. A class is built based on a requirement extracted through an analy- sis phase. The class might be built on the fly during coding of a solution, with the requirement written in the comments of the class. These requirements and classes can be linked by a concern. A concern is some functionality or requirement necessary in a system, which has been implemented in a code structure. This definition allows a concern to not be limited to object-oriented systems - a structured system can also have concerns. In a typical system, a large number of concerns need to be addressed in order for the system to accomplish its goals. A system designer is faced with building a system that uses the concerns but doesn’t violate the rules of the methodologies being used. When all the concerns have been implemented with system code as well as related func- tional tests, the system is complete to maintain and improve the
IJSER © 2012
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012
ISSN 2229-5518
quality attributes. [2] To analyse the implementation of quality attributes according to the users’ requirements we face few prob- lems. Quality attributes can be divided into two categories: one is concerned with runtime system attributes such as performance, security, functionality, availability and another is not concerned with run time behaviour such as modifiability, reusability, testa- bility etc. First problem is difficulties in the implementation of these quality attributes occur because of lack of systematic design methods. There should be no systematic way for designing be- cause change of requirements may changes the architecture de- sign that may involve a great amount of time and cost which are most important factors associated with any software product de- velopment. Another problem is related to the solution catalogue, there should be a catalogue of solutions for each problem so that it could be solved with any of the provided solutions. For exam- ple, a catalogue of design patterns in which some focus on func- tionality, performance while some are concerned with reusability, integrability. So to improve the quality attributes problem this paper tries to present the analysis of these problem through the modified analysis process during the design phases.
Design and development of software is difficult task due to the changing requirements of usres. To develop good quality soft- ware, our main focus is on analysis of quality attributes according to the users’ requirement, but is increase the complexity. So it’s a complex task to establish a relationship between users’ require- ments and quality attributes due to the frequent change in re- quirements. However, we do not have systematic approaches to design software considering quality attributes and requirements. Throughout the history of software development, new develop- ment approches were developed to deal with the chaninging re- quiremens and ever-growing complexity of software. [4] The object-oriented paradigm approach allows programmers to de- compose high level requirements into a set of functional modules. The problem is that Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) does not offer a systematic and elegant way to recompose those mod- ules to maintain the the quality by ensuring the modular continui- ty. This problem of OOP gave birth to a new paradigm: the As- pect-Oriented Programming (AOP). AOP approach is used to modularize the crosscutting concern and provide better analysis of quality attributes like performance, reliability, availability, reusability, testability modularization and maintainability as compare to OOP in the form of aspects. Natsuko Noda et al. [1] have observed some nature of attributes which might solve the above mentioned problem. There are many factors which affect the quality attribute and it’s not possible to identify each of them and find out the relationship between them and quality attributes, but researchers and practitioners can find out primary factors which affect software quality and determine the general relation- ship between those factors and quality attributes. One design de- cision may affect multiple attributes simultaneously. So it’s im- portant for designers to focus on different attributes as well as relationship between them. They should also focus on impact of one on another and how one design affects multiple attributes. Designers should also keep in mind that the design decision is made under some assumption and underlying technology.
If we perform the quality analysis during design phase of the software development then it can save much more time and cost rather than performing it after implementation phase. Almost all the already existing techniques inter-mingle the functionality concern and quality concern in the design phase and also make maintenance more complicated. Daesung Park et al. [5], have pro- posed a simulation based design phase analysis method based on AOP. In their proposed method they have kept quality and func- tionality aspect separate from each other in the design model and the implementation code for simulation is automatically obtained by injecting quality requirements into the skeleton code generated from the design level functionality model. Authors have used an approach to model a system in the aspect-oriented way which implements an executable program for simulation. To develop the simulation model, quality analysis model is required besides the model which exhibits functionality. All the functionality concerns are gathered in design model and all the concerns related to quali- ty will form quality model. In design phase, whole system is di- vided into two parts, first part is a bunch of core concerns which form a functionality model and rest all the aspects for quality are used in quality analysis model.
But we modify the analysis process of DaesungPark et al. with the following steps:
• Requirements Analysis
• Analysis of Quality Attributes
• Modelling through Functionality Model,
• Modelling Quality Attributes through Quality Analysis
• Analysis of Quality Attributes through code concerning core funcationality,
• Simulation with Java Executables
• Feedback.
According to Fig. 1, In first two steps we gather the requirements and on the basis of the requirements we decide, what are the main quality attributes which we are going to analyse during the design phase. In next two steps we decompose the system in to separate aspects and third step is the aspectual composition for analysis of quality attributes through code concerning core funcationality. According to Fig. 1, in the next step we construct a funcational and design model based on functionality of a system. Here we are only considering quality attributes of the system, which can be defined as the ability of a system to perform the function it is intended to. It is easier to generate skeleton program code from class diagrams rather than directly from given requirements. Many UML tools can generate code for class, attribute, signature of operation, and relationship from class diagrams. Sequence diagrams can model object interactions arranged in time sequence and to distribute use case behaviour to classes. As a consequence we get file with .java extension. In the next step we use Quality Model Analysis to analyse the quality attribute. The proposed approach is scenario-based analysis. A scenario is a sequence of
IJSER © 2012
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012
ISSN 2229-5518
component interactions triggered by a specific input stimulus. Here we will use operational profiles for example Musa’s Opera- tional profile for description of scenarios with specified input variables. It takes operational profiles and quality metrics as in- puts. Profiles or metrics differ from quality to quality.
Fig. 1 Modified Analysis Process
After this step we get file with .aj extension. In next step we make a simulation program With AOP, quality analysis aspects can be developed independently. Then AspectJ compiles code files from Step (3 and 5) and code files from Step (4 and 5) to- gether. This compilation process is called weaving in the aspect- oriented terms. This gives files with the extension “.class”. To perform next step we execute the result of Step (6 and 7) and observe the result. Simulation model is based on a number of assumptions about the quality attributes of the real system’s be- haviour. The simulation model can be implemented to produce a simulation program. We can measure values of the quality attri- bures of interest by executing it. Then we get feedback by execut- ing the simulation model. In analysis process, feedback can result in redesign of software or reorganization of resource demands when analysis result does not meet the requirements. So through the feedback process during the design phase in the modified analysis process we can easily check the quality attributes are according to the requirement analysis or not. To develop good quality software, our main focus is on analysis of quality attributes according to the users’ requirement, through the mod- ified analysis process. So this process helps in develpong soft- ware product more efficiently by analsing the quality attributes.
It’s always a difficult task to design software to meet its goal based on quality attributes but there are many factors related to quality attributes and it’s a complex task to establish a relation- ship between those factors and quality attributes. Modified analy- sis process are dicusses above for software quality analysis which shows how factors related to quality attribute can be separated from core concern of a system using AOP in design phase. AOP can be implemented in design phase to get a better approach of a system to be developed. It is always good to analyze the quality parameters as early as possible so that we can implement it in a separate way which provides better performance, reliability, availability, reusability, testability modularization and maintaina- bility. Development becomes much easier than the case in which various concerns for simulation are interwoven with functionali- ty. So with above discussion we can say that factors related to quality attribute can be distinguished from core functionality to provide better modularization and maintainability in design phase using AOP. With modified analysis process, design method dis- cussed above, helps in develpong software product more effi- ciently.
[1] Natsuko Noda & TomojiKishiOn, “Aspect-Oriented Design- An Approach to Designing Quality Attributes”, proceddings of Asia Pacific Software Engineer- ing Conference. (APSEC '99), 1999.
0471431044_01.qxd , 2003.
[3] Gregor Kiczales, John Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina
Videira Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, John Irwin, Aspect-Oriented Programming,
proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP), Finland. Springer-Verlag LNCS 1241. 1997.
[4] Jean-Yves Guyomarc'h and Yann-Gael Gueheneuc, "On the Impact of Aspect- Oriented Programming on Object-Oriented Metrics, http://www- OOP05QAOOSEa.doc.pdf.
[5] Daesung Park, Sungwon Kang and Jihyun Lee. “Design Phase Analysis of Software Qualities Using Aspect-Oriented Programming”, proceedings of the Seventh ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intel- ligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Com puting (SNPD’06) , 2006.
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