International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1669
ISSN 2229-5518
GIS Involved Automation of Agriculture Land, Punjab Province, Pakistan
S. M.Mehdi1, A. Ashraf2, S.Butt1, A. A. Sheikh1, M. I. Ashraf1, O. Jamil1, Z. A. Ali1 and A. A. Rahi2
1. Directorate of Soil Fertility research Institute Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
2. GIS Center, Punjab University and College of Informition Technology, Pakistan
3. EE student at GIKIEST, KPK, Pakistan
Agriculture for centuries is the mainstay of many countries especially in South Asia region. But with the passage of time, efficiency of soil decreases, resulting in the low production of crop or diminution of quality exceedingly. Spatial distribution and variation characteristics of soil fertility by application of geographical information systems (GIS) provide the better understanding about the soil through visualization. In developing countries like Pakistan population is increasing as stone rolling from a steep hill, the major task of recent era is to feed them. It is the hour of need to add latest technologies and techniques to estimate and enhance the power of yield. So, current scenario involves information technology to resolve our issues and better decision making on higher and farmer level. This paper represents the revolutionary step taken by the government of Punjab, Pakistan under the organization SFRI (Soil Fertility Research Institute) through a project named as “DDPLA" (Development of Digitized Profile of Land for Agriculture in the Punjab Province) which includes the soil surveying, sampling techniques and spatial database development for Punjab Province Pakistan. Efforts are made to computerized legacy system data to ensure durability and long lasting results of soil analysis to benefit particularly farmers and also educational institutes, government departments, Agriculture Organizations, researchers and any other personnel who is interested in agriculture. Chief tasks of the paper are spatially identification of focused area (Punjab Province, Pakistan) at tehsil level, collection of soil samples, their laboratory analysis, and analytical process on the resultant data and finally the storage of gathered data in well designed spatial database for Web Application. Three by three square kilometer grid is formed for the collection of soil samples all over the Punjab at tehsil level and at least four samples were collected from each grid for the interpretation of soil physical and chemical properties. Database development is the hub for all agriculture stakeholders, decision makers and scientists for improvement of agriculture yield. Without proper data stored in compatible database one cannot prepare a sustainable desktop or Web application. Hence special attention is given to spatial database which will lead to successful data fetching on web.
Key words Agriculture, Land, Automation, Centralized data, DDPLA, Sampling, Spatial database surveying, Web Visualization.
Since early era, human beings are using land for two Major purposes. Food and water are primary resources which we need for our lives, and are our utmost con- cerns when we are building a sustainable community specially to fulfill the needs of people which inhabit the society. Agriculture is on of the historical ways used by humans for the provision of food. Agricultural improvement and increase in annual yield is an im- portant concern. Irrespective of the food source
whether it is farming, fishing, or dairy, everything should be managed in a balanced way. Specific crops should be grown in the area where they can produce at its peak, and for crop’s maximum output, the soil in which seed is sowed needs special care and balanced amount of nutrients so it can produce best crop. People have used farming, hunting and fishing in a sustaina- ble way. Presently the problem of hunger is becoming larger as the population increases and with that food
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1670
ISSN 2229-5518
input increases.
To keep the food sources balanced with the population growth we should be extra careful, so that the same bounty enjoy in our lifetime will be available to our Shelter: Shelter is imperative for human beings sur- vival. Human as well as animals need a place where they can rest, but which can also protect them from the sun, severity of weather and storms[1]. But our con- cern here is agriculture land.Provision of the database
is very crucial in decision making and policy making to the stakeholders. In this age of Information Tech- nology the development of database through the appli- cation of modern techniques is need of time. First time in Pakistan history, Punjab agriculture department- brought together all obtainable resources in the devel- opment of authenticated and reliable database.
Through this project accessibility to Web-GIS applica-
tion has arranged and an intelligent system to identify difference between actual and potential crop yield is produced and a mechanism to create an automatic rec- ommendation for controllable factors was also devel- oped. Agriculture plays the role of pillar in Pakistan’s economy. Almost 21% of Pakistan’s GDP[2]depends upon the production of various crops. Pakistan earns about 80% from the export of crops[2], for this it is essential to enhance the quality and annual yield of crops. That’s why with time various steps are taken for the betterment of agriculture field. For this farmer
must be familiar with his land which he cultivates and
put his life into. He must be aware of the deficiencies in his land soil due to which his crop fails to produce maximum yield.
Manifestly the world is affluent with soil data due
to the efforts of soil surveyor's past generations[3], and greater part of this data is mostly unused [3]. Leg- acy soil data often come in the form of soil maps, Topographic sheets, soil profile descriptions, soil sur- vey reports or in obsolete “card catalogue”.
offsprings. We must treat soil in such a way which should enhance its fertility and must not leave the soil barren or with salinity.
In this Modern Era of Technology we are still de-
pendent on file based system (legacy system), espe- cially developing countries like Pakistan. Legacy Sys- tem has lot of draw backs like data loss, data redun- dancy, poor data management, Data Security, de- centralized data and absence of sufficient data in need of time.
With recent advances in computer technology, the ability for storing, manipulating, analyzing, and pre- senting spatial data has been greatly enhanced. It is now possible to handle vast amounts of spatial data in digital form. Digital soil data are stored in the form of soil mapping units with attached attributes [4].Main focus of this paper is agricultural land soil and its properties. Soil is a central natural resource of a coun- try and socio-economic development of its people de- pends upon it. Thus, soil is getting more and more at- tention due to rapidly declining land area for agricul- ture, declining soil fertility, increasing soil degrada- tion, defective land use policy and irrational and im- balanced use of fertilizers [5].
The major objective of the paper is as under:
Data Acquisition and Development of Spatial
Database for soil-climate suitability for Crops, vegetables and fruits.
Quality of soil can be improved by putting special ef- forts in the enhancement of physical as well as chemi-
cal properties of soil. Several studies have discussed that soil properties vary across farm fields which caus-
es spatial inconsistency in crop yields[6]. Precision farming management is aimed at controlling soil spa-
tial variability by adding inputs in accordance with the site requirements of a specific soil and crop [6]. Major
steps followed in project are described in Fig. 1.
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1671
ISSN 2229-5518
In agriculture production throughout the world GIS is playing a very helpful role by providing most suitable solutions for farmers to increase productionof crops, reduce costs by apllying fertilizers in a balanced ratio, and manage their land more effectively[7].
All sectors of the agriculture industry use ESRI’s geo-
graphic information system (GIS) technology to share data, increase yields, predict outcomes, and improve business practices. By applying GIS technology to their operations, agricultural operations are able to manage resources and responsibilities more efficiently, devise data portals that disseminate vast amounts of agricultural data and interactive maps, and support farming communities. One Layer in a map of an agri- cultural area, might represent the boundaries of a piece of land whereas a second layer, soil types and third , the crop yield or a specific soil management[8].
In this era of Information and Computer Technology
it is very important to bring agricultural management to new heights. In developed countries due to infor- mation technology solution of every problem is just one click away because of internet facility. For a long time, GIS is providing spatial solutions as well as sug- gestions for different agricultural problems by Remote sensing, statistical analysis on spatial data and by de- marcation of sustainable agricultural area etc. With the help of Web-GIS every aspect of agricultural issue of any region is being solved with Maps, Graphs and user interactive functionalities at any time. So the farmer can complete his work more efficiently without wast- ing time and money. In Underdeveloped countries IT is and emerging platform through which relative in- formation can be delivered to farmers, educational in- stitutes, researchers and any other interested person.
In Pakistan Punjab Province contributes about
69%[2] in agriculture that's why always special im-
portance is given for the enhancement of this field whether it's in tractor scheme, easy loan schemes for small area farmers or the availability of seed on rea- sonable prices and so on. From these efforts the most effective one is to automate agriculture data with the help of GIS facility on top of Internet period provide this information to general public.
Data acquisition and preparation holds major share of any project, Hence most reliable and secured tech- nique should be selected for data gathering. Different data acquisition techniques are used like Aerial Sur- veying, Terrestrial surveying, Satellite imagery, Topo- graphic sheets, global positioning system(GPS).In this project as primary source terrestrial survey and topo- graphic sheets are used to gather data.
In 1896 soil surveys were first approved in the United States. Although L.J.M. Columella published broad writings on husbandry in the first century A.D. in the nineteenth century practical experience was the teach- er of most farmers until the beginning of agricultural chemistry [9].
We used terrestrial survey for data Acquisition, alt- hough this method is labor intensive and expensive but its results are most reliable and precise. Soil survey includes characterizing soils of the area under study by classification of soil, describing soil profile, sampling of horizons, soil mapping and then interpreting soils for making recommendations about latent and suitabil- ity of soils for desired use of land (Soil Survey Staff,
1993). The information collected in a soil survey helps in the making of land-use plans, evaluates and predicts the effects of land use on the surroundings.
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite navi-
gation system which provides location alongwith time information of an object in every weather condition, irrespective to the location of object on or near the Earth where an unhindered line of sight to atleast four GPS satellites is available. GPS was used to obtain geographical coordinates of observed field for collect- ing geographical location of soil samples. Lat/Long projection system used with WGS84 datum and accu- racy of the GPS was usually 5m.
Careful soil sampling is necessary for exact fertilizer recommendation. A sample must be the mirror of overall or average fertility of an area so analyses, rec- ommendations and interpretations truly signify the nu- trient or mineral condition of the soil. An exact evalua-
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1672
ISSN 2229-5518
tion will result in supplementary fertilizer use, which can raise yields, trim down costs and potentially re-
duce ecological pollution.
Sampling is a procedure used for analyzing whole population.In quantitative studies we usually required a statistical representative sample. It is often not the case with qualitative analysis where we need a de- pendant sample with variations according to inde- pendent variables [10].
The main objectives of sample collection and re-
search are to homogenize and acquire a representative soil sample to be used in physical, chemical and spa- tial analyses [11].
Different techniques of Sampling are used like Simple Random Sampling, Cluster sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Grid sampling and many more.
We Choose the Combination of Grid Sampling And
Stratified Sampling for our data as the area of interest
& number of samples are pre defined, we plan the strategy to choose minimum 4 soil samples from a of the sub-sets are known, the results generate by it are more representative of the whole population, for many geographical enquiries it is very applicable and flexi- ble. Correlations and comparisons can be easily made To assess levels of temporal variation in population genetic structure and to infer historical changes in the levels of inbreeding and relative gene flow in America
Edelman soil auger (1.5m) was used to collect soil samples of surface and subsurface layers up to 6 inch deep. Location of each soil sample was recorded in GPS which were later digitized. Samples were sent to the laboratories for analysis of their chemical & physi- cal properties and values of these analysis were rec- orded against each sample’s East, North earlier saved
square grid of 3*3 kilometer, Stratified Sampling As there is heterogeneity in our data so we need to Re- duce Standard error and control variation for the pur- pose of interpolation.
Grid sampling is a systematic technique used to re-
veal fertility patterns and assumes no logical reason for these patterns to vary within the field. In grid sam- pling, the field is divided into small areas or blocks. Uniform grids are susceptible to systematic errors and can result in both under and over sampling if soil re- gions vary in size. Cell sampling is a method in which samples are gathered randomly from the grid.
Grid sampling was first introduced, take 4.5-acre (≈
1.8 ha) grid cell was frequently applied, but more re- cently the 2- to 3-acre grid representing 300- to 360-ft grid, respectively[11]
Stratified Sampling can be used with systematic or
random sampling with point, line and area techniques, If the proportions
between sub-sets, Best fit for reducing Standard Error in data and control Variation and generates compara- tively better results.
at 2001 stratified sampling was used by the soil seed bank ofPyne's ground plum[12].
in computer.
Areas such as those where manure is recently applied, saline and Highly Saline Areas, water logged Areas or lime has spilled are excluded as it hinders the true rep- resentation of soil properties.
Consider these before obtaining a soil sample: field area (Kilometers) per sample, sampling process, when to sample, sample depth, sampling tools and sample management.
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Fig. 2.Crop Field Fig. 3.Sample taken by Soil auger
After the collection samples were sent to the laborato- ries and analyzed for their physical and chemical properties, soil electric conductivity (dS/m), pH level, organic meter (%), texture (%), potassium (ppm) and phosphorus (ppm).
An indirect capacity that correlates just fine with nu- merous soil chemical and physical properties is called Soil electrical conductivity [13]. EC measurements are expressed in DeciSiemens per meter (dS/m). Variation in electrical conductivity of soil depends on the amount of moisture contain by soil particles. Low conductivity Sand particle has, silts have medium conductivity, and clays have high conductivity. As a result, EC strongly correlates to size of soil particle and texture [14It’s an effective approach to map tex- ture of soil because smaller soil particles like clay car- ry out more current than larger sand and silt particles. Measurements of soil EC have been used since the early 1900’s [15].
EC is categorized into classes shown in Table 1.
The soil pH determines the basicity or acidity in soil. Soil pH directly effects the growth of plants, because it affects the availability of all plants nutrients by con- trolling the chemical forms of them [16].pH controls many chemical processes so it is considered a master variable in soil. The response of soil pH change to the addition of organic matter depended on the type of plant materials and starting pH[17].
pH is categorized into classes shown in Table 2.
In nutrient management soil texture (%) is playing vi- tal role because it influences nutrient preservation. For instance, to store soil nutrients finer textured soils have greater ability [18].
Soil texture is a term commonly used to allocate the proportionate supply of the different sizes of mineral particles in a soil. Organic matter does not include in it [19].
Soil texture is observed and classified as
Texture is categorized into classes shown in Table 3.
OM (%) exerts several positive effects on soil physical and chemical properties, as well as the soil’s capacity to provide regulatory Ecosystem services. Even low quantity of organic matter survives temperatures, pres- sures and disturbance involved with geologic process- es. Once a plant begins to grow as parent materi- al comes to rest, organic matter starts to put in [20]. OM is categorized into classes shown in Table 4.
For plant growth potassium (ppm) is necessary nutri- ent. Because huge amounts are absorbed from the root zone in the production of most agronomic crops, If K is not supplied in sufficient amounts or deficient, growth is diminutive and yields are condensed [21]. Potassium is categorized into classes shown in Table
Phosphorus is a module of the complex nucleic acid formation of plants, which regulates protein fusion. Phosphorus is, therefore, significant in development of new tissue and cell division. Phosphorus is also linked with difficult energy transformations in the plant. Phosphorus deficiency stunted the growth of plants and often has an abnormal dark-green color affect to plant. [22].
Phosphorus is categorized into classes shown in Table
After observing, all above physical and chemical properties of soil sample data is finally able to help recommend the fertilizers and suitable crop to increase the yield or production of land.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1674
ISSN 2229-5518
Classes | Remarks |
≤ 0.86 | Poor |
0.86 – 1.29 | Satisfactory |
>1.29 | Adequate |
Classes | Remarks |
≤ 40 | Very Low |
41 -80 | Low |
81 – 180 | Satisfactory |
>180 | Adequate |
Classes | Remarks |
≤ 7 | Low |
7 -14 | Medium |
14 – 21 | Satisfactory |
>21 | Adequate |
For the better management, whole Punjab is divided into grids of 3*3 km by using spatial techniques and analysis, as it was our strategy that samples must be uniformly distributed and cover maximum area of in- terest, so to fulfill this need Punjab is partitioned into the square grids having distance of 3*3 kilometer as
shown in Fig. 4.and each grid has assigned unique code for their sole identity.
Naming convention is made in such hierarchy division
name, district name, tehsil name, row number and col- umn number respectively.
Punjab has 8 Divisions, 34 districts and 114 tehsils, each division, district and tehsil was given distinguish
code so each become identical.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013
ISSN 2229-5518
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1676
ISSN 2229-5518
A database is a collection of data gathered about a particular subject or purpose. A database management system(DBMS) is a system that is used to store as well as retrieve information from a database. Itmanage data according to a particular subject, in such a way so that it becomes easy to track ,verify, delete, add, update data, and information could be stored about the rela- tionship of different subjects which makes it easy to bring scattered, unmanageable and large related data together.
In early 1960’s database approach came into exist- ence due to the restricted access of file processing sys- tem. As a result of database approach, the data is stored at one centralized location and is shared be- tween multiple users, making centralized data man- agement the main advantage of DBMS. Centralized nature of database system grants several advantages like reduced data redundancy (The redundancy in the database cannot be completely eliminated as there are some performance and technical reasons to retain some amount of redundancy), data sharing, enforcing data integrity, ease of application development, multi- ple user interfaces, backup and recovery, data security, data abstraction, program- data independence, and supports multiple views of the data [23].
The word “spatial database system” has become re-
nown during the last few years, somewhat through the series of conferences “Symposium on Large Spatial Databases (SSD)” held twice a year since
1989represents that a database have sets of objects in
real worldinstead of pictures of space [24].
6.1 Spatial database and GIS
Advances in computing technology in the late
1950s and 1960s were making forms of automated cartography possible which would in upcoming years lead to the development of GIS. The advancement of geographic information[25] [26]is indebted to spatial data analysis and GIS developments. Researach in GIS has developed technical ability to work on spatially referenced data. Relationshio between perception and geographic reality representation in digital form like points, lines and areas in 2D space has been stimulat-
ed. Spatial data analysis is related with that branch of data analysis where the geographical relationship of objects has important information.
In the early 1980s the relational database manage-
ment systems (RDBMS) was introduced provided an exceptional solution to a burning problem, the need to split GIS software from database management, but the solution was only fractional. In the hybrid systems that flourished from 1980 to 1995 the attributes of features were stored in the RDBMS, butto store the locations and shapes of features, we need a separate, custom built database that was unable to make use of standard database-management software. The reason was very simple: by an RDBMS the shapes of features could not be defined in the simple tabular structure.[27].
Database used in this project is a spatial database to
store the spatial data,in which point represebts the city or towns of Punjab and polygon represents the bound- aries of tehsils, districts and province as well as inter- polated surfaces of soil and water sample parameters.
6.2 Conceptual Diagram
Conceptual modeling or semantic modeling is used to prepare and graphically represent the structure of in- formation enclosed in a database. It outlines the par- ticular entities in the system, together with their attrib- utes, and the relationships between assorted entities. The function of a conceptual schema is to grant a higher-level order to a computing system. Computer systems in some organizations are so complex that they have need of this type of macro-management to
keep them functioning accurately and proficiently Fig.
A predefined Performa contains basic, location and analytical information, sent to all divisional labs. they fill the sheet with the analytical results after analyzing each soil sample, After that, received sheet is made compatible for software by removing extra fields and typing errors.
As shown in Fig. 6. (a) & Fig. 6. (b)
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1677
ISSN 2229-5518
Major error observed during processing in received sheet is that samples are dislocated as they are often found beyond tehsil boundary as shown in Fig. 7 (a); hence it is crucial to verify the location of collected samples of respective tehsil. Mostly the values of lati- tude(N) and longitude(E) are filled without decimal, erroneously placed or interchanged by each other, as a result samples goes beyond the visible extent and could not be displayed.
To remove the discussed errors, samples were geo- graphically verified by adding and displaying them in software. They were counterchecked with the bounda- ry of respected tehsil as represented in Fig. 7 (b).
This table is designed to preserve the shape and loca- tion of each soil sample (Fig. 8); each sample has as- signed unique ID (SL_ID) (Table 7) to make it distin- guish.
Parameter values of samples taken from all tehsils,
visualized on web are spatially associated with this
table. Hence the desired results against the query of user are displayed.
This table was designed to store all analysis results in such a way that user can retrieve exclusive parameter values against the queried soil sample. Each soil pa- rameter has unique soil parameter ID (SP_ID) and as we discussed that each parameter is further catego- rized into classes (Table 1,2,3,4,5, and 6), which were approved by the department according to available data range. Each sub class has assigned unique soil parameter class ID (SPC_ID) (Table 8 (a) & Table 8 (b)).
On the basis of parameter classes, data is interpolat- ed for those areas where samples were not taken so we have a general trend of soil parameter in that area, shown in Fig. 9. After interpolation each Soil parame- ter class has a surface and that surface is assigned a unique Surface ID (SWS_ID) (Table 8 (c))
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1678
ISSN 2229-5518
Basic Information | GPS | Analytical Information | ||||||||||||
Basic Information | Location Information | Analytical Information | ||||||||||||
Sr. No. | Grid No. | Sampling date | Village | Tehsil | N | E | Analyses date | EC (dS/ m) | pH | Saturation Percentage | Texture | O.M (%) | Av. P (mg / kg) | Av. K (mg / kg) |
1 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 254 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.66393 | 30.89182 | 20/6/12 | 3.93 | 8.3 | 34 | Loam | 1.09 | 13.70 | 300 |
2 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 254 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.64259 | 30.88614 | 20/6/12 | 3.74 | 8.2 | 38 | Loam | 1.03 | 17.50 | 210 |
3 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 255 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.65044 | 30.87854 | 20/6/12 | 3.25 | 8.1 | 36 | Loam | 0.88 | 14.50 | 180 |
4 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 255 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.65915 | 30.88017 | 20/6/12 | 3.10 | 8.1 | 34 | Loam | 0.98 | 3.10 | 230 |
5 | 78 | 21/3/12 | 256 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.63050 | 30.89287 | 20/6/12 | 2.93 | 8.0 | 38 | loam | 0.93 | 3.50 | 190 |
Basic Information | GPS | Analytical Information | ||||||||||||
Basic Information | Location Information | Analytical Information | ||||||||||||
Sr. No. | Grid No. | Sampling date | Village | Tehsil | N | E | Analyses date | EC (dS/ m) | pH | Saturation Percentage | Texture | O.M (%) | Av. P (mg / kg) | Av. K (mg / kg) |
1 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 254 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.66393 | 30.89182 | 20/6/12 | 3.93 | 8.3 | 34 | Loam | 1.09 | 13.70 | 300 |
2 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 254 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.64259 | 30.88614 | 20/6/12 | 3.74 | 8.2 | 38 | Loam | 1.03 | 17.50 | 210 |
3 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 255 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.65044 | 30.87854 | 20/6/12 | 3.25 | 8.1 | 36 | Loam | 0.88 | 14.50 | 180 |
4 | 79 | 21/3/12 | 255 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.65915 | 30.88017 | 20/6/12 | 3.10 | 8.1 | 34 | Loam | 0.98 | 3.10 | 230 |
5 | 78 | 21/3/12 | 256 GB | T.T. Singh | 72.63050 | 30.89287 | 20/6/12 | 2.93 | 8.0 | 38 | loam | 0.93 | 3.50 | 190 |
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ISSN 2229-5518
SL_ID (PK) | Shape | E | N |
SL_231474 | Point | 71.91886 | 31.02813 |
SL_231475 | Point | 71.94030 | 31.03284 |
SL_231476 | Point | 71.97365 | 31.02921 |
SL_231477 | Point | 71.96315 | 31.03047 |
SL_231478 | Point | 71.00648 | 31.02713 |
Fig. 8. Sample Location
TABLE 8 (a)
PK | Sample value | SP_ID | SPC_ID | SWS_ID | SL_ID | The_ID | Grid_Code |
S_ID | Sample value | SP_ID | SPC_ID | SWS_ID | SL_ID | The_ID | Grid_Code |
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1680
ISSN 2229-5518
TABLE 8 (b)
1 | EC |
2 | PH |
4 | O.M. |
5 | AV.P |
6 | AV.K |
TABLE 8 (c )
1 | 1 | 0 | 4 | SW_36 |
1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | SW_37 |
1 | 3 | 8 | 16 | SW_38 |
1 | 4 | 16 | INFINITY | SW_39 |
Fig. 9. Interpolated Map of Soil Parameter
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1681
ISSN 2229-5518
After the success of desktop GIS further attention is given to the development of GIS functionality on
Worldwide Web, in the Internet and private intranets and is called Web GIS. Web GIS have the facility to
make dispersed geographic informationreachable to huge over the world users. Internet users are able to
approach GIS applications from any place through any browserwithout buyingaccredited or expensive GIS
software. Web GIS made it achievable, to attach GIS functionality in a wide range of internet based applica- tions in education as well as business and government sectors. Most of these applications are running on in- tranets within multinational organizations and gov- ernment agencies (Hazard management, infrastructure facilities provision, prediction) as a means of distrib- uting scattered, out of reach data in one place on low price and using geospatial data[28]
Fig. 10. Three tier structure of Web GIS
province. Sampling and analysis were made on tehsil levels to get maximum accuracy for soil
1. For the increase in yield of crops, file based data is transferred into computerized data with the help of Geographic Information System techniques.
2. Data about soil parameters are gathered with careful
consideration and preplanned schemes by dividing
Punjab Province into grids of 9
3. Then analytical results incorporated with GIS facilety of interpolation draw a picture of spatial variation in soil parameters throughout the
chemical and physical properties.
4. Afterwards interpolated surfaces with their attrib utes like salinity in soil, presence of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium so on is stored in a spatial database to preserve the shape along with characteristics of the area.
5. Database is connected with the final representation
phase which is Web-GIS application to fetch data which user queried through website functionalities.
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