International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 418
ISSN 2229-5518
Seethal Lal. S.*, Jaya D.S. and Sherly Williams E
Fish faunal studies were undertaken during the period from October -2012 to August-2013 in the Vattakkayal, Sakthikulangara panchayath, Kollam district. The major objective of this study was to find out the variety and abundance of fishes in Vattakkayal of Kollam district, South India. Fishes were collected from the study area and the Meristic and Morphometric characters were measured and fishes were identified up to the species level, with the help of standard keys given by Day (1967), Jayaram (1999), Talwar and Jhingran (1991). The results of present investigation revealed the occurrence of 22 fish species belonging to 10 orders and 17 families.Out of 22 species recorded, the order Perciformes was found dominant and represended by 9 species,with 40.90 % contribution of the total species followed by siluriformes, with 4 (18.18 %) species, Cyprinodontiformes with 2 (9.09%) species, Beloniformes, anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Cypriniformes each with 1(4.54 %) species. Out of 18 families recorded, order Perciformes contributed 7 (38.88 %) families, followed by Siluriformes with 3 (16.66 %), Cyprinodontiformes, Beloniformes, Anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes , Elopiformes , Cypriniformes each with 1 (5.55%) families. Out of 19 genera recorded, order Perciformes contributed 8 (44.44 %) genera followed by Siluriformes with 3 (15.78 %) genera Cyprinodontiformes, Beloniformes, Anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Cypriniformes each with 1 (5.26%) genera. Perciformes with 9 species was the dominant group in the assemblage composed of Pseudosphromenus cupanus, Channa striata, Anabas testudineus, Awaous grammepomus, Oreochromis mossambicus, Etroplus surantensis, Etroplus maculatus, Parambassis thomassi and Terapon jarbua. W hich was followed by Siluriformes comprises Heteropneustes fossilis, Clarias batrachus, Mystus gulio, Mystus vittatus, Cyprinodontiformes fishes like Aplocheilus lineatus, Aplocheilus panchax. The orders Beloniformes, Anguilliformes, Gonorhynchiformes, Clupeiformes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Cypriniformes were represented by single species like Hyporhamphus xanthopterus, Anguilla bengalensis, Chanos chanos, Dayella malabarica , Mugil cephalus, Megalops cyprinoides, Puntius sarana subnasutus respectively This is a pioneer study on the fish diversity of Vattakkayal, a part of Ashtamudi lake and would help in adding some additional species to the previous diversity studies conducted on the diversity of fishes in the water bodies of Kollam district,South India.
Key words: Ichthyofauna, Fish diversity, Vattakkayal, Biodiversity, Conservation status,.
Fish constitutes half of the total number of vertebrates in the world. They live in almost all conceivable aquatic habitats; 21,723 living species of fish have been recorded out of 39,900 species of vertebrates out of these 8,411 are freshwater species and 11,650 are marine. India is one of the mega biodiversity countries in the world and occupies the ninth position in terms of freshwater mega biodiversity [Mittermeier and Mitemeir, 1997]. In India there are
2,500 species of fishes of which 930 live in freshwater and 1,570 are marine [Kar et al., 2003]. In spite of being a renewable resource, indiscriminate harvesting of fishes from the natural water bodies is likely to cause serious depletion, particularly of those species which are already under the threat of extinction or endangerment. Present investigation was undertaken to study the fish diversity from Vattakkayal, A part of Ashtamudi Lake, Kollam district, Kerala,South India is the first effort in this direction. Various indigenous and commercial fishes of importance were identified in this
area. Perciformes fishes are one of the most important
groups of vertebrates for man and influencing his life in various ways. Considering the importance, in the present study an attempt has been made with the major objectives to bring out the richness of fish diversity
Study area
Vattakkayal, a part of Ashtamudi Lake in Kollam district is selected as the study area. Vattakkayal is located at 8°55'3" North latitude and 76°32'57" East longitude, and is about 9 km away from Kollam Railway Station and 8 km from Chinnakada Junction, nearby Maruthady area in Sakthikulangara panchayant. Vattakkayal occupies more or less a central position with respect to Neendakkara, Kavanadu and Maruthady area. The depth of the lake varies from 0 to 4 meters. The Kattakkal kayal on the western side is located very close to the Vattakkayal and it is connected by a channel of 6m width. Kattakkal kayal is connected with sea by another outlet and so
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 419
ISSN 2229-5518
Vattakkayal is interconnected with the sea by the Asthamudi Lake. The existing land use of the area consists of water bodies surrounded by marshy vacant land. Previously this low lying vacant land was used for paddy cultivation and the water body is enriched with fish and aquatic life in abundance. At present this kayal is with weeds like water hyacinth as the water body receives domestic wastes, domestic drainages, wastes from nearby factories etc. and is also subjected to many ecological problems. The Vattakkayal also indirectly receives waste water through Kattakkalkayal because it receives waste water discharged from neighboring fish processing unit, ice plant and freezing plants.
In the present ichthyo-faunal diversity study, fishes of
22 species belonging to 17 families and 10 orders were identified from the Vattakkayal in number of catches carried out during the study period, October -2012 to August-2013 and was given in Table 1. The results of present investigation revealed the occurrence of 22 fish species belonging to 10 orders and 17 families. The order Perciformes found dominant with 9 species, followed by Siluriformes with 4 species, Cyprinidontiformes with 2 species and Anguilliformes, Belongiformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Gonorhynchiformes, Cypriniformes with one species each. Perciformes with 9 species was the dominant group in the assemblage composed of Pseudosphromenus cupanus, Channa striata, Anabas testudineus, Awaous grammepomus, Oreochromis mossambicus, Etroplus surantensis, Etroplus maculatus, Parambassis thomassi and Terapon jarbua. Which was followed by Siluriformes comprises Heteropneustes fossilis, Clarias batrachus, Mystus gulio, Mystus vittatus,
Cyprinodontiformes fishes like Aplocheilus lineatus,
Aplocheilus panchax. The orders Beloniformes, Anguilliformes, Gonorhynchiformes, Clupeiformes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Cypriniformes were represented by single species like Hyporhamphus xanthopterus ,Anguilla bengalensis, Chanos chanos, Dayella malabarica, Mugil cephalus, Megalops cyprinoides, Puntius sarana subnasutus respectively.
Number and percentage composition of families, genera and species under different orders are shown in Table 2 and Figs 1 – 4. Order Perciformes was found to be the dominant group represented by 9 species with 40.90 % contribution of the total species
Collection and Identification of Fishes:
Fishes were collected from Vattakkayal with the help of local fishermen using different type of nets namely gill nets, cast nets, and dragnets. Fishes brought to laboratory were preserved in 10% formalin solution in separate specimen jar according to the size of species. Small fishes were directly placed in the 10% formalin solution. While large fishes were given an incision in their abdomen and preserved. Fishes were collected from the study area and the Meristic and Morphometric characters were measured and fishes were identified up to the species level, with the help of standard keys given by Day (1967), Jayaram (1999), Talwar and Jhingran (1991).
followed by Siluriformes with 4 (18.18 %) species, Cyprinodontiformes with 2 (9.09 %) species, Beloniformes, Anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes, Elopiformes, Cypriniformes each with
1(4.54 %) species. Out of 18 families recorded, order
Perciformes contributed 7 (38.88 %) families followed by Siluriformes with 3 (16.66 %), Cyprinodontiformes, Beloniformes, anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes , Elopiformes , Cypriniformes each with
1 (5.55%) families. Out of 19 genera reported, order
Perciformes contributed 8 (44.44 %) genera followed by Siluriformes with 3 (15.78 %), Cyprinodontiformes, Beloniformes, anguilliformes, Clupeifomes, Mugiliformes , Elopiformes , Cypriniformes each with
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 420
ISSN 2229-5518
1 (5.26%) genera.The highest abundance was noted during post monsoon season and the lowest during the
monsoon. Oreochromis mossambicus was the most abundant fish in all the seasons.
Cyprinodontiformes Aplocheilidae Aplocheilus lineatus Panchax minnow Manathukanni
Cyprinodontiformes Aplocheilidae Aplocheilus panchax Striped panchax Poonjan
Perciformes Belongidae Pseudosphromenus cupanus Spike tail paradise fish
Perciformes Channidae Channa striata Striped snake head Varal
Perciformes Anabantidae Anabas testudineus Climbing perch Kaithakkora
Perciformes Gobidae Awaous grammepomus Scribbled goby Cheru poolan
Perciformes Cichlidae Etroplus surantensis Pearl spot Karimeen
Perciformes Cichlidae Oreochromis mossambicus Mossambique tilapia Sillopy
Perciformes Cichlidae Etroplus maculatus Orenge chromidae Pallathi
Perciformes Chandidae Parambassis thomassi Poonandan Nandal
Perciformes Teapontidae Terapon jarbua Tigerperch Keeli
Beloniformes Hermirhamphidae Hyporhamphus xanthopterus Gost half beak Mural
Anguiliformes Anguillidae Anguilla bicolar Karutha malinjil Blang
Gonorhynchiformes Chanidae Chanos chanos Milk fish Poomen
Clupeifomes Clupeidae Dayella malabarica Day's round herring Chooda
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 421
ISSN 2229-5518
Mugiliformes Mugalidae Mugil cephalus Striped mullet Kanambu
Elopiformes Megalopidae Megalop cyprinoids Tarpon Chavatta
Siluriformes Claridae Clarias batrachus Walking catfish Mushi
Siluriforms Heteropneustide Heteropneustes fossilis Stinging cat fish Kari
Siluriformes Bagridae Mysuts gulio Catfish Ootha koori
Siluriformes Bagridae Mystus vittatus Zebra catfish koori
Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Puntius sarana subnasutus Olive barb Kuruva
IJ1 S1
E2 5.55 R5.26 9.09
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 422
ISSN 2229-5518
25 Family
10 Genera
0 Species
5.5 % 5.5 %
5.5 %
Cyprinidontiformes Belongiformes Siluriformes Anguiliformes
5.5 %
16.6 %
5.5 %
5.5 %
5.5 %
5.26% 5.26%5.26% 5.26 % 5.26%
15.78 %
Siluriformes Anguiliformes Gonorhinchiformis Clupiformis Perciformis
5.26 %
5.26 %
Mugiliformis Elopiformes Cypriniformes
4.54% 4.54% 4.54% 9.09% 4.54 %.
18.18 % 4.54 %
4.54 %
Cyprinidontiformes Belongiformes Siluriformes Anguiliformes Gonorhinchiformis Clupiformis Perciformis Mugiliformis Elopiformes
40.9 %
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 423
ISSN 2229-5518
Biodiversity is essential for stabilization of ecosystem protection of overall environmental quality for understanding intrinsic worth of all species on the earth (Ehrlich and Wilson, 1991). Fish diversity essentially represents the fish faunal diversity and their abundance. Fishes are the keystone species which determine the distribution and abundance of other organisms in the ecosystem they represent and are good indicators of the water quality and the health of the ecosystem (Moyle & Leidy, 1992). In the present Ichthyofaunal study, 22 species of different 17 families and 10 orders were recorded from the Vattakkayal during the period, October 2012 to August
2013. The general pattern of distribution and abundance has been reported from other lakes also (Stephens et al., 1974; Allen and Horn, 1975; Stephenson and Dredge,1976). The high quantity of fish obtained during the post monsoon season could be attributed to
the breeding pattern of the lake fishes in the tropics
this lake are being threatened due to several anthropogenic activities including introduction of
exotic fish species, habitat degradation, pollution, irrational fishing. Due to different anthropogenic activities the fish diversity of this water body is in declining mode. To conserve this inherent treasure of Ashtamudi lake, the wetland of international importance, a long term management plan should be adopted. Effective implementation on the regulation on mesh size and fishing gear is much needed to prevent over exploitation. Strict management measures with large public awareness would be essential to save the fish germplasm and its time to make proper policies and take necessary actions to improve conservation measures so that the future generations get the fish live on the earth rather than the photographs in the literature. This study would serve as a frame of reference for future initiatives in studying fish biodiversity and conservation management.
.many of the lake fishes bIreed dJuring the mSonsoon ER
season (Mary,1970) and juveniles and sub adult of
these fishes may contributed to the fishery during post monsoon season. While assessing the threat status of these fishes according to the IUCN red list and CAMP status some species are included in the list of Critically endangered, some are vulnerable, some others are lower risk and near threatened, and others in lower risk, data deficient categories. Similar studies were also reported from Chalakkudi river (Raghavan et al., 2008) Periyar tiger reserve (Radhakrishnan and Kurup, 2010) and by Ali et al. (2011). The informations collected from the fisherman and local people also show that the number and species of fishes in Vattakayal is decreasing year after year. This may be due to the pollution of the water body with domestic wastes and waste water. Previous studies on the fresh water fish fauna of Kerala are those of Kurup (1994), Easa and Shaji(1995), Biju et al. (2008), Radhakrishnan and Kurup (2010) and Ali et al. Various biodiversity threats for fresh water fish fauna were also reported by many workers (Zacharias et al., 1996; Kurup, 2001 & 2002).
The present study shows that the Vattakkayal hosts a number of freshwater fish species. But the fish fauna of
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*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
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ISSN 2229-5518
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*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013
ISSN 2229-5518
*Curresponding author : Seethal Lal. S. E mail:
Department ofEnvironmental Sciences, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram- 695581, Kerala, India.