International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2221

ISSN 2229-5518

Fast and Area Efficient RSA Cryptosystem Design Using Modified Montgomery Multiplication for FPGA Applications

Desiree Juby Vincent

Abstract— RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is one of the most widely used public key cryptosystem.The importance of high security and faster implementations paved the way for RSA crypto-accelerators, hardware implementations of the RSA algorithm.The whole RSA includes three parts: key generation, encryption and decryption process. The RSA operation is a modular exponentiation, and its security lies in its inability to efficiently factorize large integers. Basically, the modular exponentiation with a large modulus is usually accomplished by performing repeated modular multiplications, which is considerably time-consuming. As a result, the throughput rate of RSA cryptosystem will entirely dependent on the speed of modular multiplication and the number of performed modular multiplications. To speed up the process of modular multiplication, Montgomery’s algorithm is recognized as a very efficient solution, in which it replaces the trial division with a series of additions and division by a power of two. Therefore, it is well suited to hardware implementation and consumes less power and uses smaller amount of space in the FPGA compared to other multiply and reduce methods. This work describes the design of an efficient RSA cryptosystem that uses a modified Montgomery algorithm to increase the speed of modular multiplication and a very fast parallel prefix adder ( Kogge- Stone Adder) is employed to reduce the critical path .The design architecture is coded in VHDL, synthesized using Xilinx ISE 12.1 and simulated using Modelsim. Experimental results shows that the modified design obtain the best delay performance compared with the standard design.

Index Terms— FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) Kogge- Stone Adder Modular exponentiation Modular multiplication Montgomery algorithm RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) VHDL(VHSIC hardware description language)

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T is widely recognized that security issues play a crucial role in the majority of today’s and the future’s computer and communication systems. The explosive growth of data communications has made cryptographic algorithms and their implementations a crucial research topic to provide the need of confidentiality, authentication, data integrity, and/or non- repudiation. In order to run successfully, electronic businesses require secure payment channels and digital valid signatures. Cryptography provides a solution to all these problems. Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) ,is the most widely used pub- lic-key cryptosystem, based on the idea originally presented by Diffie and Hellman in 1976. The importance of high security and faster implementations paved the way for RSA crypto-accelerators, hardware implementations of the RSA
The RSA operation is a modular exponentiation, and its se-
curity lies in its inability to efficiently factorize large inte-
gers.Traditional application-specified integrated circuit (ASIC)
solutions, however, have the well-known drawback of re-
duced flexibility and high nonrecurring cost compared with
software solutions .The solution, which combines high flexibil-
ity with speed and physical security of traditional hardware, is
the implementation of cryptographic algorithms on reconfigu-
rable devices as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).
• Desiree Juby Vincent is currently pursuing masters
degree program in VLSI and Embedded Systems in T.K.M
Institute of Technology under CUSAT,Kerala,India.
Although computation power has increased with Moore’s law, the large increase in computation costs associated with public key cryptosystems has put a significant strain on availa- ble computing resources. Thus, there is a growing need for hardware acceleration of public key cryptosystems to reduce the burden of using them. Crypto-accelerators are very promis- ing as they typically achieve better performance and better power efficiency than a software implementation on a generic processor .This project intends to design arithmetic architec- tures for RSA Cryptosystems which are optimized for modern FPGAs and ASIC technologies. This architecture uses Mont- gomery algorithm to increase the speed of modular multiplica- tion and the kogge-stone addition (KSA) is employed to reduce the critical path. This Multiplication makes the processing time faster and use comparatively smaller amount of space in the FPGA.


The whole RSA implementation includes three parts: key generation, encryption and decryption process. The key gen- eration stage aims to generate a pair of public key and private key. The cipher text can be decrypted at receiver side by RSA secret key.
A public key encryption scheme has six ingredients:
1.Plaintext: This is the readable message or data that is fed into
the algorithm as input.
2.Encryption algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs
various transformations on the plaintext.
3.Public and private key: This is a pair of keys that have been

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Int July-2013 2222


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Fig.1 The RSA algorithm
The system architecture for key generation is shown in Fig.2. A random number generator generates 16-bit pseudo random numbers and the primality tester takes a random number as input and tests if it is a prime .Confirmed primes component pulls out two primes, and calculates n and Φ(n) . N is stored in a register .Φ(n) is sent to the Greatest Common Divider (GCD),where public exponent e is selected such that gcd [Φ(n) ,e] = 1, and private exponent d is obtained by invert- ing e modulo Φ(n). E and d are also stored in registers. Once n,d, and e are generated, RSA encryption/decryption is simp- ly a modular exponentiation operation. Fig.3 shows the RSA encryption/decryption structure in hardware implementation.

Fig.3 The RSA encryption/decryption structure
The core of the RSA implementation is how efficient the modular arithmetic operations are, which include modular addition, modular subtraction, modular multiplication and modular exponentiation.

1) Modular Multiplication : Modular multiplication can be performed using shift-add multiplication algorithm. Let A and B are two k-bit positive integers, respectively. Let Ai and Bi are the ith bit of A and B, respectively. The algorithm is stated as follows:
Input: A, B, n
Output: M = A*B mod n
P <= A;
M <= 0;
for i = 0 to k-1
if Bi = 1
M <= (M + P) mod n;
end if
P <= 2*P mod n;
end for
return M;
2)Modular Exponentiation: The modular exponen-
tiation operation is simply an exponentiation operation where modular multiplication is intensively performed. Modular exponentiation components can be implemented using LR binary method, where LR stands for the left-to-right scanning
direction of the exponent.

Fig.2 The system architecture for key generation
The following pseudo code describes the LR binary algo- rithm. Input: A, B, n
Output: E = AB mod n
E <= 1;

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2223

ISSN 2229-5518

for i = k-1 to 0 if Bi = 1
E <= A*E mod n;
end if
if i ≠ 0
E <= E*E mod n;
end if
end for
return E;


One of the widely used algorithms for efficient mod- ular multiplication is the Montgomery’s algorithm [4]. This algorithm computes the product of two integers modulo a third one without performing division by M. It yields the re- duced product using a series of additions.
Let A, B and M be the multiplicand and multiplier and the modulus respectively and let n be the number of digit in their binary representation, i.e. the radix is 2.
The pre-conditions of the Montgomery algorithm are as follows:
The modulus M needs to be relatively prime to the radix, i.e. there exists no common divisor for M and the radix; The multiplicand and the multiplier need to be smaller than M.
The Montgomery algorithm uses the least significant digit of the accumulating modular partial product to deter- mine the multiple of M to substract. If R is the current modu- lar partial product, then q is chosen so that R+q×M is a multi- ple of the radix r, and this is right-shifted by r positions, i.e. divided by r for use in the next iteration. So, after n iterations, the result obtained is R=A×B×r- n mod M. A modified version of Montgomery algorithm is given below.
Algorithm Montgomery (A, B, M)
Int R = 0;
1: for i= 0 to n-1
2: R = R + ai×B;
3: if r0 = 0 then
4: R = R div 2
5: else
6: R = (R + M) div 2;
return R;
end Montgomery.
Fig 4: Montgomery modular algorithm.
In order to yield the right result, we need an extra Montgomery modular multiplication by the constant r2n mod M. As binary representation of numbers is used, the final re- sult is computed using the following algorithm as given in fig
Algorithm Modular Mult(A, B, M, n) Const C := 22n mod M;
Int R := 0;
R := Montgomery(A, B, M);
Return Montgomery(R, C, M);
End Modular Mult.
Fig 5: Modular multiplication algorithm
1) Iterative Montgomery Architecture: The interface of the Montgomery modular multiplier is given in Fig 6. It expects the operands A, B and M and it computes R
= (A×B×2-n) mod M.

Fig 6: Montgomery multiplier interface

The detailed architecture of the Montgomery modular multiplier is given in Fig 7. It uses two multiplexers, two ad- ders, two shift registers, three registers and a controller .The first multiplexer of the proposed architecture, i.e. MUX21 passes 0 or the content of register B depending on whether bit a0 indicates 0 or 1 respectively. The second multiplexer, i.e. MUX22 passes 0 or the content of register M depending on whether bit r0 indicates 0 or 1 respectively. The first adder, i.e. ADDER1, delivers the sum R + ai× B (line 2 of algorithm of Fig. 4), and the second adder, i.e. ADDER2, yields the sum R + M (line 6 of the same algorithm). The shift register SHIFT REGISTER1 provides the bit ai. In each iteration i of the multi- plier, this shift register is right-shifted once so that a0 contains ai.
Fig 7: Montgomery multiplier architecture
The role of the controller consists of synchronizing the shifting and loading operations of the SHIFTREGISTER1 and SHIFT REGISTER2. It also controls the number of iterations that have to be performed by the multiplier. For this end, the controller uses a simple down counter. The counter is inherent to the controller. The interface of the controller is given in Fig

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2224

ISSN 2229-5518

Fig 8: Interface of the Montgomery controller
In order to synchronize the work of the components of the architecture, the controller consists of a state machine, which has 6 states defined as follows:
• S0: Initialize of the state machine; Go to S1;
• S1: Load multiplicand and modulus into the correspond-
registers; Load multiplier into shift register1;Go to S2;
• S2: Wait for ADDER1;Wait for ADDER2;Load multiplier
into shift register2;Increment counter; Go to S3;
• S3: Enable shift register2;Enable shift register1;
• S4: Check the counter; If 0 then go to S5 else go to S2;
• S5: Halt;
2) Modular Multiplier Architecture: The modular mul- tiplier yields the actual value of A×B mod M. It first com- putes R = A×B×2−n mod M using the Montgomery modular multiplier. Then, it computes R × C mod M, where C = 22n mod M.

Figure 9: The modular multiplier architecture
The modular multiplier uses a 4-to-1 multiplexer MUX4
and a register REGISTER.
• Step 0: Multiplexer MUX4 passes 0 or B. MUX2 passes A.
It yields R1 = A×B×2−n mod M. The register denoted by REG-
ISTER contains 0.
• Step 1: Multiplexer MUX4 passes 0 or R. MUX2 passes C.
It yields R = R1×C mod M. The register denoted by REGISTER
contains the result of the first step computation, i.e. R =
A×B×2−n mod M.
The modular multiplier controller does all the control that
the Montgomery modular multiplier needs as described in the
previous section. Furthermore, it controls the changing from
step 0 to step 1, the loading of the register denoted by REGIS-

2.3 The Modified Montgomery Algorithm

A modified version of Montgomery multiplication can be obtained using the following algorithm.
For i in 0 to k-1 loop
q(i):=(p(0)+x(i)*y(0))mod 2;
end loop;
if p>=m then z:=p-m; else z:=p; end if;
In the above algorithm the critical path includes q(i) and
p computation. An alternative algorithm which precomputes
q(i+1);ie, q for the next iteration is given below.Its advantage
in hardware implementation is that p and q(i) can be comput-
ed in parallel.
P:=0; q(0):=x(0)*y(0); For i in 0 to k-1 loop q(i+1):=((p(1:0)+x(i)*y(1:0) + q(i)*m(1:0))/2
+ x(i+1)*y(0))mod 2; p:=(p+x(i)*y+q(i)*m)/2; end loop;
if p>=m then z:=p-m; else z:=p; end if;
The carry propagation delay in the above algorithm can be reduced using kogge-stone adder. KSA is a parallel prefix form carry look ahead adder. It generates carry in O (logn) time. In KSA, carries are computed fast by computing them in parallel.
The complete functioning of KSA can be easily compre- hended by analyzing it in terms of three distinct parts :
1. Pre processing
This step involves computation of generate and propagate
signals corresponding to each pair of bits in A and B. These
signals are given by the logic equations below:
pi = Ai xor Bi
gi = Ai and Bi
2. Carry look ahead network
This block differentiates KSA from other adders and is the
main force behind its high performance. This step involves
computation of carries corresponding to each bit. It uses group
propagate and generate as intermediate signals which are given by the logic equations below:

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2225

ISSN 2229-5518

Pi = P i and P iprev
Gi = Gi or (Pi and Giprev )
3. Post processing
This is the final step and is common to all adders of this
family (carry look ahead). It involves computation of sum bits.
Sum bits are computed by the logic given below:
Si = Pi xor Ci-1

Fig10.illustration of kogge-stone adder


The modules are modeled using VHDL in Xilinx ISE De- sign Suite 12.1 and the simulation of the design is performed using Modelsim SE 6.2c to verify the functionality of the de- sign.
A. RSA key generation

Fig11.1 Simulation result of RSA key generation
RSA key generation obtains the value of public key e and private key d. The value of prime numbers are obtained from LFSR. Then values of n and Φ(n) is calculated. Value of e is calculated such that gcd (e,Φ(n)) is 1.The value of p and q is
obtained as 133 and 23 respectively. N=p*q=133*23=3059,Φ=132*22=2904.The value of e is selected as 5.The value of d is obtained as 581.
B. Encryption
A 32 bit data is given as message input.Then e and n values
are given as inputs. Inputs given are indata=73,inexp=5 and
inmod=3059.Output cypher =2588.

Fig 11.2 Simulation result of encryption
C. RSA block

Fig 11.3 Simulation result of RSA block
It takes a message value as input and calculates the value of cipher text. Then message value is decrypted.using the RSA decryption equation, M=Cd(mod n).
D. Montgomery multiplier

Fig 11.4: The modular multiplier behavior during the first multiplication: Montgomery(15, 26, 47) = 34

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2226

ISSN 2229-5518

Montgomery method device utilization is also less.
Fig 11.5: The modular multiplier behavior during the se- cond multiplication: Montgomery(7,34,47) = 14
The Montgomery modular multiplier prototype for op- erands A = 15,B = 26, M = 47 and so the constant C = 22x6 mod
47,which is C = 7,is simulated.






Add and





Add and





Add and






















Operand size

No.of Slices used

Percentage utilization

Add and





Add and





Add and




















Implementation results of add and shift architecture and Montgomery architecture,which were implemented on a Xil- inx FPGA XC3S500E-4FG320,are shown in the following ta- bles. Table 1 compares the timing operation, showing the max- imum workable frequencies and minimum workable periods; Table 2 compares the device utilization by the number of used FPGA configurable logic block slices and its representative percentage.These results shows that operating frequency of modified Montgomery multiplication in fast compared to add and shift method.Critical path is reduced using KSA.For


This project introduces the design of an efficient RSA cryp- tosystem that uses Montgomery algorithm for modular multi- plication.This architecture speed up modular multiplication and also eliminates the need for memories by checking for primality and selects two prime numbers simultaneously while the ran- dom numbers were being generated.RSA key generation, en- cryption and decryption using shift and add modular multipli- cation method and Montgomery multiplication has been de- signed using VHDL and simulated using modelsim. Montgom- ery replaces the division by adding a shift and modulate, which is much faster than multiply and reduce method .The use of modified Montgomery and kogge-stone adder reduces the criti- cal path and response time.A comparative study in terms of area and speed of Montgomery multiplication and add and shift multiplication is also done.


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ISSN 2229-5518


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