International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1771
ISSN 2229-5518
Sunny Bhavan Sall
(Department of Computer Engineer- ing)
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Polytechnic, Mumbai,India
Dr. Rekha Sharma
Deputy HOD
Department of Computer Engineering Thakur College of Engineering & Technology
Mumbai ,India
Dr. R R Shedamkar
Dean Academicsand and HOD Department of Computer Engineering Thakur College of Engineering & Technology
Mumbai ,India
Machine translation (MT) research has come a long way since the idea to use computer to automate the translation process and the major approach is Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). An alternative to SMT is Example-based machine translation (EBMT). Among machine translation systems, traditional transformational methods are somewhat difficult to construct, as they basically involve hard coding the idiosyncrasies of both languages Natural Language Processing deals with the processing of natural language. The language spoken by the human beings in day to day life is nothing but the natural language. There are many different applications under NLP among which Machine Translation is one of the applications. In this paper, we describe the Example Based Machine Translation using Natural Language Processing. The proposed EBMT framework can be used for automatic translation of text by reusing the examples of previous translations. This framework comprises of three phases, matching, alignment and recombination.
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Example based machine translation (EBMT) is one such re- sponse against traditional models of translation. Like Statisti- cal MT, it relies on large corpora and tries somewhat to reject traditional linguistic notions (although this does not restrict them entirely from using the said notions to improve their output). EBMT systems are attractive in that they require a minimum of prior knowledge and are therefore quickly adaptable to many language pairs. We ask that authors follow some simple guidelines. In essence, we ask you to make your paper look exactly like this document. The easiest way to do this is simply to download the template, and replace the con- tent with your own material. Machine translation (MT) re- search has come a long way since the idea to use computer to automate the translation process and the major approach is Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). An alternative to SMT is Example-based machine translation (EBMT) [1]. The most im- portant common feature between SMT and EBMT is to use a bilingual corpus (translation examples) for the translation of new inputs. Both methods exploit translation knowledge im- plicitly embedded in translation examples, and make MT sys- tem maintenance and improvement much easier compared with Rule-Based Machine Translation.
On the other hand, EBMT is different from SMT in that SMT hesitates to exploit rich linguistic resources such as a bilingual lexicon and parsers. EBMT does not consider such a constraint. SMT basically combines words or phrases (relative- ly small pieces) with high probability [2]; EBMT tries to use larger translation examples. When EBMT tries to use larger examples, it can better handle examples which are discontinu- ous as a word-string, but continuous structurally. Accordingly, though it is not inevitable, EBMT can quite naturally handle syntactic information. Besides that, the difference in between EBMT and SMT, EBMT is not the replacement for SMT. SMT is a natural approach when linguistic resources such as parsers and a bilingual lexicon are not available. On the other hand, in case that such linguistic resources are available, it is also natu- ral to see how accurate MT can be achieved using all the avail- able resources. EBMT is a more realistic, transparent, scalable and efficient approach in such cases. The language spoken by the human beings in day to day life is nothing but the natural language. There are many different applications under NLP among which Machine Translation is one of the applications. The work on machine translation began in late 1947. Machine translation deals with translating one natural language to an-
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1772
ISSN 2229-5518
The ideal aim of Machine Translation system is to give the
possible correct output without human assistance. The exam-
ple based machine translation use the former examples as the based for translating source language to target language. The database for the two languages is considered for translation. Example based machine translation is bilingual translation. Example based machine translation use the corpus of two lan- guages, the target language and the source language. We are proposing the design and development of an EBMT system. In this system, the English text entered by the user in the box is to be converted to Hindi without any divergence. The sen- tence i.e. text entered at the source side will be fragmented and the fragmented text will be matched into the correspond- ing target text. This will be done by using the data mining and the tree formation of the source text. The output then obtained will be aligned and the sentence having proper structure and the meaning will be generated using the corpus. The Example based machine translation is one of the approaches in machine translation. The concept uses the corpus of two languages and then translates the input text to desired target text by proper matching. The different languages have different language structure of the subject-object-verb (SOV) alignment. The matching is then arranged to give proper meaning in target text language and to form proper structure.
modify the header or footer on subsequent pages.
All The task of translation is needed in day to day life. Hu- mans can also do the task of translation; but now-a-days there is too much data to be coped with. So the job becomes tedious; therefore there is need for a translator which gives proper re- sults for a text without any human assistance. The text should be translated properly without any divergence in the transla- tion; i.e. the output for translation should be proper and no meaningless translation should be done. The speed of transla- tion can also be increased.
The translation done till now is not accurate , to give
results with the divergence in conversion form source lan- guage to target language. There are certain drawbacks which does not give translation without human assistance. There is a genuine requirement of having a machine translation system which can overcome the limitations of existing machine trans- lation systems , and provide the translated content with high relevance and precision. EBMT is trying to minimize the hu- man assistance and still give a better translation.
Recently corpus based approaches to machine transla-
tion have received wide focus. They are namely Example
Based Machine Translation (EBMT) [6] and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) [7]. A combination of statistical and exam- ple-based MT approaches shows some promising perspectives
for overcoming the shortcomings of each approach. Efforts have been made in this direction using the alignments from both the methods to improve the translation [8], to improve
the alignment in the EBMT using the statistical information computed from SMT methods [9] etc. The results obtained have shown improvement in performance. However, these approaches cannot directly be applied to Indian languages due to the small size of the parallel texts available and sparse linguistic resources. Also some of the assumptions made in some of these approaches like marker hypothesis [10], cannot directly be applied to translate from english to Indian lan- guages since word order in the source and target languages is very different and sequential word orderings between source and target sentences do not exist.
Machine translation of Indian Languages has been pursued mostly on the linguistic side. Hand crafted rules were mainly used for translation, [11], [12]. Rule based approaches were combined with EBMT system to build hybrid systems [13], [14] performs interlingua based machine translation. In- put in the source language is converted into UNL, the Univer- sal Networking Language and then converted back from UNL to the target language. Recently, Gangadhariah et al [15] used linguistic rules are used for ordering the output from a gener- alized example based machine translation [16]. While, in gen- eral in the machine translation literature, hybrid approaches have been proposed for EBMT primarily using statistical in- formation most of which have shown improvement in perfor- mance over the pure EBMT system. [17] automatically derived a hierarchical TM from a parallel corpus, comprising a set of transducers encoding a simple grammar. [18] used example- based re-scoring method to validate SMT translation candi- dates. [19] proposed an example based decoding for statistical machine translation which outperformed the beam search based decoder [20]. Kim et al [9] showed improvement in alignment in EBMT using statistical dictionaries and calculat- ing alignment scores bi-directionally. [8], [21] combined the sub-sentential alignments obtained from the EBMT systems with word and phrase alignments from SMT to make ’Exam- ple based Statistical Machine Translation’ and ’Statistical Ex- ample based Machine Translation’.
The EBMT module shares similarities in structure with three
stages : analysis, transfer & generation as shown in the figure
1. The Vauquois Pyramid adapted for EBMT [22].
• Direct
• Transfer
• Interlingual
minimum of prior knowledge and are therefore quickly adaptable to many language pairs. The particular EBMT sys- tem that we are examining works in the following way. Given an extensive corpus of aligned source-language and target-
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1773
ISSN 2229-5518
language sentences, and a source-language sentence to trans- late:
1. It identifies exact substrings of the sentence to be translated within the source-language corpus, thereby returning a se- ries of source-language sentences
2. It takes the corresponding sentences in the target-language corpus as the translations of the source-language corpus (this should be the case!)
3. Then for each pair of sentences:
i. It attempts to align the source- and target-language sen-
ii. It retrieves the portion of the target-language sentence
marked as aligned with the corpus source-language
sentence’s substring and returns it as the translation of the input source-language chunk
The above system is a specialization of generalized EBMT sys-
tems. Other specific systems may operate on parse trees or
only on entire sentences. The system requires the following:
1. Sentence-aligned source and target corpora.
2. Source- to target- dictionary
3. Stemmer
The stemmer is necessary because we will typically find only uninflected forms in dictionaries. While it is consulted in the alignment algorithm, it is not consulted in the matching step—as stated before, those matches must be exact.
The Example based machine translation is one of the approaches in machine translation. The concept uses the cor- pus of two languages and then translates the input text to de- sired target text by proper matching.
The different languages have different language
structure of the subject-object-verb (SOV) alignment. The matching is then arranged to give proper meaning in target text language and to form proper structure. In this paper, we describe the Example Based Machine Translation using Natu- ral Language Processing. The proposed EBMT framework can be used for automatic translation of text by reusing the exam- ples of previous translations. This framework comprises of three phases, matching, alignment and recombination.
Input Sentence
Matching | |
Recombina- tion
Searching the source side of the parallel corpus for ‘close’
matches and their translations.
Determining the sub sentential translation links in those re- trieved examples.
Recombining relevant parts of the target translation links to derive the translation.
In order to facilitate the search for sentence substrings, we need to create an inverted index into the source-language corpus. To do this we loop through all the words of the cor- pus, adding the current location (as defined by sentence index in corpus and word index in sentence) into a hash table keyed by the appropriate word. In order to save time in future runs we save this to an index file.
3.2 Chunk searching and subsuming
1. Keep two lists of chunks: current and completed.
2. Looping through all words in the target sentence:
i. See whether locations for the current word extend any
chunks on the current list
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1774
ISSN 2229-5518
ii. If they do, extend the chunk.
iii. Throw away any chunks that are 1-word. These are
iv. Move to the completed list those chunks that were unable to continue
v. Start a new current chunk for each location
3. At the end, dump everything into completed.
4. Then, to prune, run every chunk against every other:
i. If a chunk properly subsumes another, remove the smaller one
ii. If two chunks are equal and we have too many of
them, remove one
3.3 Alignment
The alignment algorithm proceeds as follows:
1. Stem the words of specified source sentence
2. Look up those words in a translation dictionary
3. Stem the words of the specified target sentence
4. Try to match the target words with the source words—
wherever they match, mark the correspondence table.
5. Prune the table to remove unlikely word correspondenc- es.
6. Take only as much target text as is necessary in order to cover all the remaining (unpruned) correspondences for the source language chunk.
The pruning algorithm relies on the fact that single words are not often violently displaced from their original position..
Example Based Machine Translation is based on the idea to reuse the previously done translations as examples. Following are three examples are given. EBMT system tries to translate the given input English Text into Hindi by using these previ- ous translations.
English : Sachin plays well
Hindi : lfpu zvPNk [ksyrk gS
English : Sachin is the best
Hindi : lfpu loZJs”B gS
Table 1 illustrates the comparison of three machine translation techniques, Rule-Based Machine Translation (RBMT), Statisti- cal Machine Translation (SMT) and Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) on the basis of various parameters such as Consistency, predictable quality, Quality of out of domain translation, Use of grammar, robustness, Fluency and perfor- mance.
Table 1. Comparison of various Machine Translation schemes
Parameter | RBMT | SMT | EBMT |
Consisten- cy | High | Low | Medium |
Predictable Quality | Good | Similar | Very well |
Out of Domain Quality | Medium | Low | High |
Use of Grammar | Yes | No | No |
Robust | Yes | No | Yes |
Fluency | Less | Medium | High |
Perfor- mance | Good | Medium | Good |
We have also presented some translation results of some exist- ing machine translation tools and our system in Table 2 .
Table 2. Comparison of translation of text from various Ma- chine Translation tools
English : India won the match. Hindi : Hkkjr us eWp ftrk
English : India is the best
Hindi : Hkkjr loZJs”B gS
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1775
ISSN 2229-5518
Milk is white nq/k gS lQsn nq/k lQsn gS
Based on this model expected result is as following:
The result obtained is with minimal human interface.
Figure 2 The Vauquois Tringle for MT
The work presented in this paper shows the results “Example Based Machine Translation Using Natural language Pro- cessing” as shown in the snap shot figure 3 and figure 4. The paper shows simple translation of English sentences in Hindi sentences.
Figure : 4. Adding English word to the Data Base.
Figure : 3. Translating English sentences to Hindi sentenc- es.
We proposed a new system, which is scalable, transparent and efficient. The entire system will convert the source language text into target language text using natural language pro- cessing. It will use the machine translation technique which is better than the existing tools available in the market
The algorithm is such that, there is dictionary / corpus
/ vocabulary of English and Hindi. The parsing will be proper.
The mapping technique will also be used. All the Literals will be separated using partitioning and stemming techniques. The root word will be identified using artificial intelligence and bilingual translation.
We pursue the study of example based machine trans- lation using natural language processing.
Our thanks to the experts who have contributed towards development of this research work. We are thankful to Prof. R.R.Sedamkar for his constant guidance and support. We also thankful Dr. B.K.Mishra for providing us envi- ronment for research
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1776
ISSN 2229-5518
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