International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 776

ISSN 2229-5518

Ethernet Boot loader for ARM Processor

Sayali A. Kulkarni, Charudatta V. Kulkarni, Rakesh Mehta

Abstract—The Ethernet boot loader is used in the Arm processor to boot the ARM from the external flash/ memory. The internal boot loader is programmed such that the program counter (PC) starts execution from the address of the external flash device. The Ethernet and UART have been used to program the external and internal memory respectively. All the utilities and the tools used are either evaluation versions or free softwares. Hence, the use of expensive boot loaders or boot loading devices is reduced making the module cost effective. The module uses a flash of 4Mb as the external memory and an internal flash of 512Kb. The Ethernet boot loader can be effectively used for any processor with modifications as applicable. The TFTP has been implemented for the file transfer.

Index Terms—ARM, Boot loader, Ethernet, External Boot loader, TFTP, Processor Bootloader, ARM7

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HE Ethernet boot loader has been designed for LPC2478 (ARM7) microcontroller having an on-chip Ethernet controller and on-chip external memory
controller (EMC) interfaced with an external flash.
The boot loader is designed to download application
code (in form of a binary “.bin” file) from a Server using
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) and program it into
the external flash. It then jumps to the external flash start
address and starts executing the application code from
external flash.
The literature survey for the same is done by referring the
[1] – [7] references in the reference section.


2.1 What is a boot loader?

The code that runs before any operating system is called the boot loader. Operating systems have their specific set of boot loader. Boot loader may be used in several ways to boot the OS kernel. The boot loader also consists of commands for debugging and/or modifying the kernel environment. The boot loader is a highly processor and board specific software or firmware which runs at every power-up or reset.


Sayali Kulkarni is currently pursuing masters degree program in VLSI and Embedded Systems from Pune University, India, PH-09657710122. E-mail:

Charudatta V. Kulkarni is currently working as a Professor in MIT College of Engineering, Pune,India


Rakesh Mehta is currently working as the CEO of Bitmapper Integration

Technologies Pvt. Ltd. , Pune, India


(This information is optional; change it according to your need.)

2.2 Board and Processor Specific

Boot loader commences before any other software starts in the OS. Hence, the boot loader needs to be highly processor specific and board specific. The necessary initializations to prepare the system for booting the Operating system are performed by the boot loader. The OS is more generic and usually is associated to minimum board or processor specific code.

2.3 Execution

a) Starts from ROM (Flash)
When a CPU is in power-up or reset, the memory has certain preset values in its registers. The CPU is unaware of the on-board memory and its details. It expects to find program code at a specific address. The address is the one which points to ROM or Flash, this is the commencement of the boot loader firmware.
• The primary task of the boot loader is to map the RAM to predefined addresses.
• After RAM is mapped, the Stack pointer (SP)
is setup.
This is the minimal setup required, after that the boot
loader starts work.
b) Moves itself to RAM for actual work
The RAM and Stack pointer are set and ready.
• The boot loader code is moved to the RAM
memory for actual execution.
• The Flash memory is not used for this purpose because of its slow execution and scarce availability.
• The Flash memory is most of the times located in the address space that is non-executable.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 777

ISSN 2229-5518

Example: A serial flash that can be accessed by reading repetitively from one address.
Sometimes, the actual boot loader software code is compressed, and hence must be uncompressed first, before writing into the RAM.
c) Peripheral initialization
external UART is a requirement as most processors cannot satisfy this demand.
4) Flash Memory: The external ROM is required to store the application code (firmware) if the internal memory is insufficient. Also the system has to boot up from this external memory.
The boot loader needs to initialize peripherals required for the operation. Hence, minimum peripheral initializations are done.
In embedded systems a terminal is required. A network connection may also be required if booting is done over the network, hence Ethernet card needs to be initialized.
Initializations done are limited for the boot loader

4 UART channels





8 Port UART (XR16L788)


4 UART channels




DTR /RTS for Programming

ARM through Serial Port



only. They are not performed for the entire system.



12V Power In


The OS either over rides these initializations or discards them.


5 LEDs

Ethernet Phy




Audio Amp. TDA7056AT




d) Decide which OS image to start
Boot loaders can choose to load one of several



VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent


12MHz A

25MHz B

14.78MHz C

kernel images that are known to the boot loader.
This is used in embedded systems to make sure that a kernel upgrade can be done without fear of power loss during the upgrade. Also the backup of the kernel to be loaded needs to be present.
The boot loaders accept kernel image to be loaded from a known location. It provides several ways to load the kernel.

Load kernel image from memory

Load kernel image from file

Load kernel image from network

Load kernel image to memory using TFTP


The objective of the project is to develop a low power, efficient flexible and low cost hardware which can implement and be used as a User interface for the system and can be effectively used in applications related to vehicle automation.
The system has the following architecture:
1) Processor: The processor is an advanced fast
processor which can meet the requirements like
Ethernet, sufficient internal memory, inbuilt
display driver, etc. ARM processor.
2) Ethernet: The system must have an Ethernet chip
which can enable it to be controlled over the
3) External UART: It needs to have at-least 8 UART
(serial) channels for communication, hence and

Fig.1. Block Diagram of the system

The other interfaces and peripherals have been designed and the firmware for their interfacing is done with the information from reference [8]-[14].


The Ethernet boot loader is programmed in the internal flash of ARM controller through serial port using “Flash Magic”. After power on reset the Ethernet boot loader starts running. It initializes the ARM Ethernet controller for UDP communication and EMC (External Memory Controller) for accessing the external flash. It then sends an ARP request to PC (whose IP address is hard-coded in the boot loader) to obtain its MAC address. On receiving an ARP reply the boot loader sends a read request to a TFTP server for downloading the binary image of the application code. A TFTP Server application (as in [15] PumpKIN or [16] tftpd32) runs on PC and keeps listening for incoming TFTP requests on UDP port 69. On receiving a read request, the TFTP server prompts the user whether to grant access to the file or not. If permission is granted the TFTP server starts sending the binary file in blocks of
512 bytes to the boot loader. The boot loader accepts the data blocks and after receiving 4096 bytes programs one sector of external flash. This process continues till the entire binary file has been transferred to the external flash.
To verify that the programming of external flash has been successful the boot loader reads the external flash and uploads it as a binary file to the TFTP server. For this it sends a write request to the TFTP server. The TFTP server prompts the user whether to accept the file or not. If permission is granted the TFTP server starts accepting
IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 778

ISSN 2229-5518

data from the boot loader and stores it in a binary file. Once the uploading is complete, the received file can be compared manually with the original application code binary file using a hex editor (as in [17] HxD). The file compare must show the two files to be completely identical.
The boot loader keeps sending requests to the TFTP server for a predefined timeout period. If there is no reply from server within this period the boot loader times out and jumps to the external flash start address and starts executing the application code already present in flash. Also, if the user denies access for downloading/uploading the binary file when the TFTP server asks for permission, the TFTP server sends an error message to the boot loader. On receiving an error message the boot loader stops sending requests and jumps to the external flash start address and starts executing the application code.


TFTP is a simple protocol to transfer files, and therefore was named the Trivial File Transfer Protocol or TFTP. It has been implemented on top of the Internet User Datagram Protocol (UDP) so it may be used to move files between machines on different networks implementing UDP. It is designed to be small and easy to implement. It can read and write files from/to a remote server. (As in [4] rfc1350 and [5] rfc2347 for detailed explanation of TFTP protocol.)

Installing and configuring the TFTP server:

The Ethernet boot loader was tested using “PumpKIN” (as in [1]) TFTP server. The procedure for installing and configuring “PumpKIN” on PC is as follows:
1. Run the executable “pumpkin-2.7.3.exe”.
2. Launch “PumpKIN.exe
3. The “PumpKIN” TFTP Server window opens as
shown in Fig. 2.
4. To properly configure the “PumpKIN” TFTP
server click on “Options” button. The “Options”
window opens as shown in Fig. 3.
5. In the “Server” tab enter the path for the TFTP root
directory using the browse button. This is the
folder where the TFTP server searches/stores the
binary file requested by the boot loader for
downloading/uploading. The user has to create a
binary “.bin” file of the application code to be
downloaded into the external flash and place it in
this root directory. The flash image uploaded by
the boot loader for verification is also stored by the
Server in this root directory. The procedure for
generating the binary file of the application code
in “Keil

Active transfers window

Fig.2. PumpKIN Software window

6. In the “Read Request Behavior” and “Write Request Behavior” in the “Server” tab select “Prompt before giving file” and “Always prompt before accepting file” respectively. On using these settings the Server will ask for permission before giving or accepting a file. If this is not desired other options can be selected as convenient.

Fig.3. PumpKIN Software – Options Tab - Server

7. The duration for which the Server waits for a reply from the boot loader can be adjusted using the “Confirmation timeout” slider.
8. In the “Log file” text box enter the directory path and filename of the log file to be created. The log file logs all download/upload requests received by Server. The log file can be viewed in any text editor like “notepad” etc.
9. Click on the “Network” tab. The “Network” tab opens as shown in Fig. 4.
10. In the “UDP Ports” section set the incoming and outgoing ports to 69 (standard TFTP port).
11. Enter the IP address of your PC in the “ip address”
IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 779

ISSN 2229-5518

10.The files “firmware.bin” and “flashIMG.bin” can be compared using a hex editor (as in [17]HxD) to verify that they are identical (Fig. 11).

The results of the files transferred can be viewed on the hyper terminal. The result will be as follows:

Fig.4. PumpKIN Software – Options Tab - Network

12. Set the “Default connection timeout” to 30 seconds.
13. Set the “Default block size” to 512 bytes.
14. Click on “OK” button. The TFTP Server is now
configured to start listening for incoming requests.
1. Generate the application code binary file (explained in next section), name it as “firmware.bin” and copy it into the “PumpKIN” TFTP server root directory.
2. Connect the board to an Ethernet port in the network using a LAN cable.
3. The boot loading progress is displayed on the
“HyperTerminal” (Fig. 5).
4. When “PumpKIN” receives a read request from
the boot loader it prompts the user for
permission. It displays the IP address from which
the request is received and the filename that is
requested (Fig. 6).
5. On granting access the Server starts transferring
the binary file to the boot loader. The connection
status and the activity log are displayed in their
respective windows (Fig. 7).
6. Similarly when “PumpKIN” receives a write
request from the boot loader it prompts the user
for permission. It displays the IP address from
which the request is received and the filename
that will be copied to the root directory (Fig. 8).
7. On granting access the Server starts accepting the
binary file from the boot loader. The connection
status and the activity log are displayed in the
respective windows.
8. After uploading the Flash image to the
“PumpKIN” TFTP Server, the boot loader jumps
to the external flash start sector address and starts
executing the application code. The boot loading
progress is displayed in “HyperTerminal” (Fig.
9. If there is no reply from Server the boot loader
times out and jumps to the user code previously
loaded in the external flash as shown in (Fig. 10).

Fig.5. Hyperterminal - UART0 Initialisation

Fig.6. PumpKIN Window – Read Request Confirmation

Fig.7. PumpKIN Window – Transfer Begins

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ISSN 2229-5518

Fig.8. PumpKIN Window – Write Request Confirmation

Fig.11. HDK Software - Identical files: 1.External Flash

2.Created by User

The part of the code for the impelementation of UDP for
TFTP is given below:
void UDPLowLevelInit(void)
Init_EMAC(); TransmitControl = 0;

Fig.9. Hyperterminal – Report of Flash Write

print ("\nEMAC Initialized. \n");
print ("\nOur IP : \n");
print ("\nOur MAC : 00:30:6C:00:00:02 \n");
print ("\nTFTP Server IP(Port) : \n ");

/* This function reads the length of the received ethernet frame and checks if the destination address is a broadcast message or not */
unsigned int IsBroadcast(void) {
unsigned short RecdDestMAC[3];
// 48-bit MAC Address
RecdFrameLength = StartReadFrame();

Fig.10. Hyperterminal - No Reply from Server

CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdDestMAC, 6);
// Receive DA to see if it was a broadcast
CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdFrameMAC, 6);
// Store SA (for our answer)
if ((RecdDestMAC[0] == 0xFFFF) &&
// Check if destination address is broadcast
(RecdDestMAC[1] == 0xFFFF) &&
(RecdDestMAC[2] == 0xFFFF)) {
} else {
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 781

ISSN 2229-5518

return (0);
For Flash:
print("\nReading External Flash ID....\n");
if ( FLASHCheckID() == FALSE )
print ("\nFlash External ID Invalid.\n");
print ("\nExternal Flash ID verified. Flash: SST39VF1602
(Microchip Inc.)\n"); .
Main DataTransfer Code (part): FLASHInit();
/* Initialize EMC for accessing External Flash */
/* Intialize Remote IP */
*(unsigned char *)RemoteIP = 192;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 1) = 168;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 2) = 0;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 3) = 38;
/* Intialize Remote MAC */
*(unsigned char *)RemoteMAC = 0x3C;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteMAC + 1) = 0x4A;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteMAC + 2) = 0x92;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteMAC + 3) = 0xD5;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteMAC + 4) = 0x29;
*((unsigned char *)RemoteMAC + 5) = 0x84;
UDPLowLevelInit(); /* Initialize EMAC for UDP */ UDPLocalPort = 1200; /* Set port we want to listen to
UDPRemotePort = 1024; /* Set port we want to Send to
while (1)
if (Arp_reply == 0)
/* If ARP reply not received yet */
/* Send ARP request to Server to obtain its MAC address
/* Print on Hyperterminal */
print ("\nSending ARP Request to \n");


Using the above procedure the external memory of the system can be used as the internal memory for booting up. The flash memory in this case contains the firmware for the system, which was supposed to be programmed in the internal flash. Hence, due to the wide space available for the firmware, firm wares of up to 4GB can be programmed in the external flash for execution.
The procedure uses all the free and evaluation version soft-wares. The process is hence cost effective and does not provide any overhead to the system with respect to finances. The results show that the data corruption check is also performed which confirms the programming of the correct firmware in the external memory.
The process can be modified and used according to the requirements for various processors and embedded systems. The paper describes important parts of the process for the use of external memory as the booting memory. Some code parts have been provided for quick references.
The TFTP and UDP are the common protocols used widely; hence they have been used to give a good scope for using the process to be used.
The prime benefit of this procedure is its cost effectiveness. The use of chips such as Smart Fusion cSoC by Micro Semi (as in [1]), JTAG connectors for programming is hence not necessary.
The paper provides an overlook on, an option for the secondary / external boot loader to be implemented in an easy, convenient and cost effective way.


[1] Micro Semi Corporation , Application Note AC346, “SmartFusion cSoC: Loading and Booting from External Memories”, pp. 11, Feb 2012

[2] Mohit Arora, and Varun Jain, “Understanding embedded-system-boot techniques”, Freescale Semiconductors, Feb 2011. site: design/4363984/Understanding-embedded-system-boot-techniques-


[3] Texas Instruments Incorporated, “Creating a Second-Level Bootloader for

FLASH Bootloading on TMS320C6000 Platform with Code Composer

Studio”,Texas Instruments, May 2006.

[4] Zhang guolong, Xu xiaosu, “Implemention of Secondary Bootloader for

Large-scale Embedded System”, Computer Engineering, vol. 36, No.13, , pp

219-221, July 2010.

[5] Chen daiyuan, “External FLASH Memory’s Bootloader System for C6000,”

Telecommunication Engineering, vol.49, No5, pp. 86-88, May, 2009.

[6] Daniel Allred, and Gaurav Agarwal, “Software and hardware design

Challenges due to the dynamic raw NAND market”, Texas Instruments,

Apr 2011.

[7] Odd Jostein Svendsli, “Atmel’s Self-Programming Flash Microcontrollers” ,

Atmel, March 2010.

[8] John Peatman, “Microcomputer based Design”, published by Tata

McGraw Hill, 2005 edition,pg. 365.

[9] Michael Barr, “Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++”, Oreilly

Publication, edition January 1999.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 782

ISSN 2229-5518

[10] Byte Craft, “First Steps with Embedded Systems”, ByteCraft Limited, first edition.

[11] Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright “ARM System Developers Guide – Designing and Optimizing System Software” , published by ELSEVIER, 2009.

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[14] David Katz and Rick Gentile, “Fundamentals of Booting for Embedded

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[15] NXP, “User Manual for ARM 7”, NXP website.

[16] Website for PumpKIN:

[17] Website for TFTP :

[18] Website for HXD software:

[19] Website for Remote Server:

[20] Website for Remote Server:

[21] Website for Flash Magic:

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