International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 430
ISSN 2229-5518
Estimation of Moisture Content of Household Solid
Waste in Some Selected Areas of Jimeta Town
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria
2Department of Physics, Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State P.M.B. 2076, Yola Adamawa State Nigeria
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria
management has remained stagnant or even declined from
Jimeta town falls within the north guinea savannah region and it is both the political and administrative capital of Adamawa State. It is the largest and most populated of the 21 urban centers in the state with an estimated population of 159,779 persons in 1991 to 234,472 in 2006 indicating an annual growth rate of 3.2% [1]. The study area is delimited on the north by latitude 9.2833oN and in the east by 12.4667oE and was classified into three waste area types according to high, medium and low income waste Areas called Area A, Area B and Area C respectively on the assumption that there is a significant positive correlation between per capita waste generation and income levels of residents [2]. Waste area A comprised of 80 unit housing estate, Dougirei housing estate, and Government Reserve Area (GRA). Waste area B comprised State Low Cost housing, Nasarawo, and Demsawo quarters. Waste area C comprised of luggere, Yelwa and Rumde quarters.
Municipal solid waste (MSW) refers to household waste combined with a minor portion of commercial waste collected together [3].
The total solid waste generation in Jimeta-Yola metropolis has been on the steady increase over the years due to rapid increase in population. However, waste collection
2004 to 2008 [4]. The respective composition of solid waste in Jimeta (Yola North) has been found to include paper/cardboard (10%), plastics/nylon/polythene (24.5%), organic materials (35%), metals (8%), Rags (4%), others (18%) [5].
The Adamawa State Environmental and protection Agency (ASEPA) is responsible for waste collection and disposal in Yola. Dumpsters were provided by the authority at strategic locations along the streets of Jimeta metropolis wherein waste that is generated from households, commercial businesses, public buildings, and recreational areas was directly dumped by members of the general public. The waste was then collected at established intervals or as the situation may demand and transported to approve dumpsites.
This study involved characterization and calculation of generation rate of the waste in Jimeta town. Samples of the solid wastes were collected for moisture and waste composition analysis.
To determine the waste composition, hand sorting of the waste samples was used. After collection of the waste samples according to the National guidelines on Environmental Health Practice in Nigeria, (NEHP) [6], from the households in the classified waste areas for 10 days, the
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 431
ISSN 2229-5518
samples were then pooled together to form a huge waste composite sample.
The composite sample was then placed on a clear polyethylene sheets that were spread on the floor and then sorted by hand according to the following categories: - Paper, Plastics, Rubber, Textiles, Leather, Glass, Metals, and Organic/others. Then, each category was placed in its appropriate container and weighed. The various weights of the wastes categories were recorded in a data sheet.
Waste subsamples, each weighing between 2 - 5kg was extracted from the representative composite sample in each waste area to determine the moisture content. The subsamples were weighed as collected (wet weight). The samples were then spread on the floor and allowed to stand under the sun for 24hrs until it was air – dried.
1kg of the partially dried samples was again extracted and
placed into a preheated (hot-air) oven set at 105℃ for 2hrs.
The heated or dried sample was then removed from the oven
using metal tongs and placed into a desicator for cooling and then weighed (dry weight). The weight and dry weights were then recorded. The percentage moisture content for each waste area was then obtained through the following formula [7]:
Location: Area C
Moisture content, M
(%) = WW
− WD ×100% (1)
Tables 1 to 3 shows the records of the various weights of
C the wastes categories generated in Jimeta metropolis.
Location: Area A
Paper 4.6 0.9 1.3
Plastics/Rubber 1.8 0.3 0.8
Textiles 4.6 1.7 1.2
Leather 6.5 5.7 3.8
Glass 2.8 2.3 0.8
Metals/Cans 0.2 0.3 0.4
Organic/Others 79.5 88.8 91.7
Location: Area B
Table 4 shows the variations in the average percentage weight of the various waste components from the waste areas under study. The table clearly indicated that organic wastes constitute the major constituent of the waste in all the waste areas under the study with 79.50%, 88.8%, and 91.7% in areas A, B, and C respectively. This indicates that the low income area produced waste of more organic content.
Da Waste Components (kg)
y Paper Plastics
/Rubbe r
Texti les
Leat her
Gla ss
Meta ls
Organic Material s
1 3.8 0.2 0.3 2.0 0.6 0.2 22.5
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 432
ISSN 2229-5518
area C has the highest percentage of metals (0.4%), and
Organic materials (91.7%).
The moisture content was determined using equation (1)
after the weighing and drying processes.
The results of the moisture content of the wastes in the various waste areas were shown in fig. 4.
From Fig. 8, the highest percentage of the moisture content is 68.0% for waste area C followed by 60.50% for waste area A. Waste area B has the lowest percentage of moisture content (55.0%). The values obtained are high and indicate that the waste in the study area is very wet. The high values of the moisture content might be due to the large quantity of wet basis materials such as the organic components in the waste stream. The average of moisture content analysis for the study waste area is 61.33%. This suggests that the moisture content of the municipal solid waste of Jimeta metropolis is high probably due to the high content of organic materials present in the waste.
Figures 1, 2, and 3, show the percentage waste composition of the different waste component in each waste area. It is shown from these figures that waste area A has the highest percentage of paper (4.6%), plastics/rubber (1.8%), textiles (4.6%), leather (6.5%) and whereas waste
The largest portion of municipal solid waste in Jimeta metropolis as found by this study consists of organic materials or easily degradable components. The organic materials were estimated to be 79-90% by weight of the total waste generated. The various waste components found in the waste stream of Jimeta metropolis include paper,
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 433
ISSN 2229-5518
plastics/rubber, textiles, leather, glass, metals/can, and organic materials. The organic wastes constitute the major constituent of the waste in all the waste areas under the study with 79.50%, 88.8%, and 91.7% for areas A, B, and C respectively. The moisture contents of the wastes in the various waste areas under study were found to be 60.50%,
55.00%, and 68.00% for areas A, B, and C respectively. The average of moisture content analysis of the waste in the study area was found to be 61.33%. This value indicates that the moisture content of Jimeta metropolis is high and this will affect the efficiency of waste processing equipment and also reduces the calorific value of the waste. Therefore, this study concludes that the municipal solid waste of Jimeta metropolis may not be suitable for energy production due to the high moisture content of the waste but could be used for composting.
[1] Hassan, I. T., Mohammad, R. M., and Adnan, R. (2011). Solid Waste Management in Jimeta-Yola, Nigeria A Glance at the World/Waste Management 31: 2647-2651
[2] Kreith F. (1994), Handbook of Solid Waste
Management, Mc Graw-Hill Inc. U.S.A.
[3] Changkook R. (2010), Potential of Municipal Solid
Waste for Renewable Energy Production and Reduction of
currently about completing his M. Eng. in Energy
Engineering at Bayero University Kano, Nigeria.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Korea, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association 60: 176-183.
[4] Adamawa State Urban Planning and Development (2011), Environmental and Health Services Unit, ASUPDA Report 2011
[5] Adamawa State Ministry of Environment Report, (2007).
[6] National Guidelines on Environmental Health Practice in Nigeria (NEHPN) (2007), Issued by EHORECON, Federal Ministry of Environment Abuja, Nigeria.
[7] Ogwueleka T. C. (2009), Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Management in Nigeria, Iran Journal of Environment & Health Science Engineering 6: 173-180.
Obtained his B.Eng. from University of Maiduguri and
currently undergoing his M. Eng. programme in Energy Engineering at Bayero University Kano, Nigeria. He is currently a lecturer at the Federal Polytechnic Mubi.
IJSER © 2014