International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1309

ISSN 2229-5518



M.Arulmani, B.E. (Engineer)

V.R.Hema Latha, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. (Biologist)


The scientific based research in this article focus that the etymology of English word “J” might be originated from “Prehistoric Tamil”. The first human originated shall be called as “AL-J”. In other words “J” shall be considered as acronym of name called in short. J – Populations shall be considered as species to “AL-J” human origin.
It is speculated that the Prehistoric human originated spontaneously from star dust particles. The star dust particles shall also be called as God Particles. The “J” population shall be considered as living in MARS planet even much before origin of ADAM and EVE population. The “J” population shall also be called as DEVAS, ANGELS within the scope of Biblical translation. It is focused that ADAM and EVE
population shall be considered as species to “J” population.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1310

ISSN 2229-5518

The “J” populations shall be considered as great astronomers, Expert in Astro

Physics, and communicated with high level language in Code Form called Akkie Code.

The “Akkie Code” shall be considered as system of “electro magnetic pulse” sent for remote controlling of various “Planets” when “J” populations lived in MARS Planet in Prehistoric time. It is speculated that the philosophy of Morse Code, Mayan Code, Binary Code might be derived from philosophy of Prehistoric Akkie Code of “J” Populations. “J” shall mean supreme and Godly. The objective of this article provide solution to the current biological mysteries about human ancestor, missing link.




Philosophy of “AL”


(ii) Stardust

(iv) Akkie Code



Imaginary numbers

Amulet technology

(vi) Julian Year Calender

(viii) Mayan “J” - building



Neutrino Matter?

Trinity Nauture

(x) Human Life Code (J-Code)

(xii) Philosophy of Spirit


Origin of life, first language and phonetics, is a global level research still going on. English is the world wide language believed to have been derived from Ancient Greek, Latin origin. Current Anthropological evidence shows that the language spoken in “Indus-valley” culture might be the earliest language dated back to 3000 B.C. It is speculated that even “Proto Indo-European” language and Indus-valley alphabets might
be originated from Pre-historic three tiny dot Akkie Code.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1311

ISSN 2229-5518


The philosophy of origin of first human, fundamental neutrinos, cosmo Universe, Akkie code already published in various International Journals cited in the reference. This research article shall be considered as “extended version” of previous publications with further new case studies in this article.


The Prehistoric human “AL-J” had only three chromosome on origin derived each one from fundamental star dust particles. “AL-J” lived in MARS planet with different genetic structure in different environment condition before Modern human populations started living on EARTH Planet. They also shall be considered as Godly

Person, Star Human.

“AL - J” shall mean Human ancestor, Missing Link - Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1312

ISSN 2229-5518


1) The word “J” shall mean fundamental neutrino.
2) The word “J” shall mean Star of universe.
3) The word “J” shall mean Julian Calendar of Prehistoric Astronomy.

4) The Cosmo universe is believed to have been evolved from “Stardust” and fundamental “Neutrinos”. In Prehistoric language “AL” shall mean Star dust; “AL – J” shall mean the first human evolved of fundamental three Neutrinos Particles Photon, Electron, Proton.




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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1313

ISSN 2229-5518


It is focused that the Philosophy of “AL”, “AKKIE”, “J” shall be indicated in Prehistoric Scientific Code Language as below. “AL” shall mean Star dust, “AKKIE” shall mean Neutrino radiation. The neutrino radiation shall be considered as different from electromagnetic radiation (EMR). EMR shall be considered as species to neutrino radiation. “J” shall be considered as functional unit of AKKIE.



In quantum physics there is no definite theory about stipulation of fundamental Neutrino Particles which are responsible for Neutrino Radiation. It is focused that the “star dust” contains three fundamental Neutrino Particles Photon, Electron, Proton. These three fundamental particles shall also be called as “Godly particles. These godly particles have no mass but having charge properties and capable of travel “faster” than
speed of light. The EMR shall be considered as composed of three species neutrino

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1314

ISSN 2229-5518

particles PHOTON, ELECTRON, PROTON having definite mass and travels not faster than speed of light.

The right dot shall be considered as Proton responsible for functional part of universe, the left dot shall be considered as Electron responsible for structural part of Universe, the Centre dot shall be considered as Photon responsible for law part of Universe. These three fundamental neutrinos shall be considered as the TAMIL NEUTRINOS existing as eternal in the Cosmo Universe even before origin of SUN, EARTH, MOON. MARS shall be considered as natural planet evolved in the Universe and SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as species planets to MARS planet.
The three fundamental neutrino particles having different physical, chemical, mathematical property, charge property shall be distinguished with different name in line with “Astro Physics” as indicated below:

(i) “J” – Proton (+ve) (ii) “K” – Electron (-ve) (iii) “A” – Photon (Neutral)

“J” shall be considered as “Proton”, responsible for functional part of Universe. “AL-J” shall

mean origin. “J” shall mean mind.
- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1315

ISSN 2229-5518

In medical term J, K, A neutrinos shall be considered equivalent as follows. (i) J – DNA
(ii) K – Hormone
(iii) A - RNA
Further the three fundamental Neutrino Particles shall be symmetrically displaced by 120°. All other Neutrinos having definite Mass shall be considered as Species Neutrinos to the fundamental Neutrinos.



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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1316

ISSN 2229-5518

Neutrino Radiation shall be considered as THREE-IN-ONE micro matter and the smallest unit of neutrino matter shall be called “RAY”. Atom shall be considered as species to neutrino matter composed of sub atomic particles having definite mass. The etymology of word neutrino might be derived from the prehistoric Tamil phonetic NUNTHIRI. NUNTHIRI shall

mean THREE-IN-ONE micro matter.

- Author


(i) Philosophy of Infant & Child:
The Infant shall be considered as Natural human having 3 chromosome and child shall be considered as species human having 46 chromosome. Infant shall be considered as God (or) Superhuman.

(1) “AL-J” shall mean “GOD”

(2) “J” shall mean INFANT



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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1317

ISSN 2229-5518


(ii) Philosophy of “J” in Star: It is focused that Sun, Earth, Moon have interdependent characteristics and Star shall be defined as the three-in-one (i.e.) Integral Part of Sun, Earth, Moon shall be considered as “Star” (MAGI). In the star “Moon” shall be considered as species to “J”, Earth shall be considered as species to “K, Sun shall be considered as species to “A”. The SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as having different characteristics which shall be distinguish

a. Moon – J neutrino characteristics b. Earth – K neutrino characteristics c. Sun – A neutrino characteristics

(iii) Philosophy of “J” in “Wingdings font”: The symbol of “J” related to smiley face icon in wingdings font in computer applications. This symbol might be derived from philosophy of “J” – Neutrino characteristics. In three fundamental neutrinos “J” – Neutrino shall be considered as “Smiley face


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1318

ISSN 2229-5518



“J” means smiley face in e-mail - Author

(iv) Philosophy of “J” in Particle Physics: In Particle physics the philosophy

a. “J” symbol related to Joule,

b. “J” symbol related to Impulse Physics

c. “J” symbol related to angular Momentum of Baryons. The philosophy of “J” might be derived from the Philosophy of “J” –

Neutrino characteristics in prehistoric time.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1319

ISSN 2229-5518

(v) Philosophy of “J” in Mathematics: In Mathematical calculations related to space the philosophy of symbol i, j, k for “imaginary” numbers might be derived from the philosophy of J, K, A Neutrinos characteristics. It is hypothesized that the three symbol applicable to indicate the characteristics of each neutrino shall be mentioned as

1) “J” – Neutrino (Proton) – j (+ve)
2) “K” – Neutrino (Electron) – k (-ve)
3) “A” – Neutrino (Photon) – i (Neutral)
Further the philosophy of logogram, natural logarithm symbol (e), Euler’s constant symbol (pie) might be derived from the philosophy of prehistoric three tiny dot


(vi) Philosophy of “J” in Julian Calendar: It is focused that the philosophy of Julian date, Julian Calendar related to Astronomy might be derived from the philosophy of characteristics of “J” – Neutrino cycle in the expanding Universe (space

and time).

(vii) Philosophy of “J” in System Approach: In System Analysis there is no clear theory about distinction between Science, Engineering & Technology. It is focused

that any system shall be considered as “AL-J” composed of three parameters Science,

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1320

ISSN 2229-5518

Engineering & Technology. The three fundamental Neutrinos in system analysis shall be hypothetically distinguished as indicated below.

“J” – Neutrino – Technocrat “K” – Neutrino – Engineer “A” - Neutrino – Scientist

- Author

Further in system organization the philosophy of j, k, a shall be distinguished as
(a) J neutrino – LEADER
(b) K neutrino – MANAGER
(c) A neutrino - PHILOSOPHER

C a s e S t u d y

1. “Technocracy” shall mean “The rule of people made effective through the

Agency of their servants, the Scientists and Engineers.

- William Hendry Smyth

Californian Engineer, 1919.

2. Technocrats are primarily driven by their cognitive “Problem-Solution mind sets” and only in part by particular occupational group interests. Their activities and increasing success of their ideas are thought to be crucial factor behind the modern spread of technology and the largely ideological concept of the “Information Society”. Technocrats may be distinguished from “econocrats”, and Bureaucrats whose problem – Solution mind-sets differ from those of technocrats.

- Gunnar K.A. Njalsson

Administrative Scientist

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1321

ISSN 2229-5518

3. The former Government of Soviet Union from 1917 – 1955 has been referred to as a Technocracy.

4. Several Governments in European parliamentary democracies have been labeled Technocratic based on the participation of “unelected experts” in prominent positions.

5. The term Technocratic has been applied to governments where a cabinet of elected professionals, politicians is led by “Unelected Prime Minister” suchas in the case of current Greek Government.

6. In 2013, the Government of Tunisia failed to install a Technocratic



In Tamil Language the 13th Vowel is indicated as three tiny dot form generally pronounced as Akkanna. This alphabet is called as Silent Word, Glitter Word. This three tiny dot alphabet also in usage in other ancient language such as Hebrews, Persian,

Arabic, Sanskrit, Indus Valley Civilisation.

What is the philosophy of this Tiny dot


The three “tiny dot” alphabet shall be considered as the Prehistoric “Scientific Code” called Akkie Code. It is focused that the “J” populations when lived in MARS planet were expert in Astronomy, Astrophysics. They were expert in high level language through “electromagnetic communication” for controlling the movement of various planets. They might have designed electromagnetic communication codederiving energy
from three fundamental Neutrinos Protons, Electron, Photon. “AKKIE” shall mean

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1322

ISSN 2229-5518

prehistoric “Triphthong” Phonetics meaning Neutrino radiation. Akkie code shall mean
Prehistoric Electromagnetic code.

There is no current theory about existence of this three tiny dot alphabet. It is hypothesized by the Author that this “Three-in-one” tiny dot shall be considered as a Unique Triphthong Word” word used by “J” populations when lived in MARS Planet. The triphthong alphabet shall also be called as prehistoric “J – code” (Biblical reference
Jn 1:1).

The configuration of “J” alphabet might have been derived from the configuration
of three tiny dots.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1323

ISSN 2229-5518

It is further hypothesized “J” Population Expert in Astronomy and have formulated the relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON in prehistoric time with three tiny dot.

The Sun, Earth, Moon shall also be considered as “Mega Star” of the Universe (MAGI). The Sun, Earth, Moon shall be considered as having different Neutrino Characteristics shall be distinguished as below. Sun, Earth, Moon shall be considered rotating by deriving energy from Neutrino radiation.

(i) “MOON” - “J” Neutrino Characteristics (ii) “EARTH” - “K” Neutrino Characteristics (iii) “SUN” - “A” Neutrino Characteristics


(1) The philosophy of three tiny dot alphabet usage in Hebrew, Persion, Arabic, Sanskrit, Indus Valley Civilisation shall be considered as derived from the philosophy of Prehistoric Akkie Code (J – Code)

(2) The philosophy of word “Akkaram” used by Godly Poet Thiruvalluvar in

Thirukkural” might be derived from the philosophy of “J” Code. Further the

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1324

ISSN 2229-5518

Human Ethics distinguished under three disciplines might be derived from the philosophy of distinguished Neutrino characteristics of “Nature”.

(a) PORUL - “J”- Neutrino Characteristics (b) INBUM - “K”- Neutrino Characteristics (c) ARRAM -“A”- Neutrino Characteristics

(3) The philosophy of “Muthamil”, “Mukkani” culture in Senthamil might be derived from the philosophy of three distinguished characteristics of Neutrinos.
(4) The philosophy of “J” Code shall be considered as the Law of Universe. The Trinity Nature of existence of universe, matters, etc shall be considered as derived from the philosophy of three fundamental characteristics of Neutrinos.


What does mean Soul?... In many mythological, religious conceptious “Soul” is considered as Immortal and of “Divine Nature”. Some time the word “Soul” and “Spirit” are used interchangeably.
There are so many philosophical, Scientific theories exist to describe what is soul?”….. Still research is going on to define more reality about “Soul”.
It is the hypothesis of the author that the word “Soul” shall be considered closely associated with “Neutrino radiation”. All life, matters in the “Universe” shall be considered as existing under “equilibrium State” due to impact of fundamental “Neutrino Oscillation”.
It is focused that the “J” Populations while lied in MARS plant were expert in

ASTROPHYICS” have formulated the philosophy of Soul with three tiny dot called

Akkie Code.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1325

ISSN 2229-5518

Soul” shall be considered as three-in-one “Micro matter” composed of three fundamental Neutrinos. The philosophy of Soul shall be described in line with Medical Term as below:

(a) Right dot - DNA (“J”- Neutrino)

(b) Left dot - HORMONE (“K” - Neutrino) (c) Centre dot- RNA (“A” - Neutrino)

- Author

It is hypothesized by the author that every human shall be considered three dot in-built code and electromagnetically linked to fundamental Neutrinos Oscillation. The philosophy of electromagnetic link shall be apparently undserstood from the theory of “SCHUMANN RESONANCE”. From Schumann resonance focus that “human mind is closely associated with resonance frequency i.e. natural frequency of oscillation of particles in ionosphere.
It is hypothesized that the heart beat of human is closely tuned with fundamental Neutro Oscillation and any harmonics developed in the material universe shall seriously affect the normal heart beat of Human and thereby human shall be liable for death. The philosophy of “ALPHA MIND” in Schumann Resonance Theory might be
derived from the philosophy of characteristics of “J” – Neutrino.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1326

ISSN 2229-5518

(a) Right Dot - “Right Nipple” (b) Left Dot - “Left Nipple”

(c) Centre dot- “NAVEL” (Umblical Chord)

- Author

The right dot shall be considered as responsible for functional part of human controlled by “J-Neutrino” the left dot shall be considered as responsible for structural part of human controlled by “K-Neutrino”, the centre dot shall be considered as responsible for law part of human (Genome) controlled by “A-Neutrino”. It is speculated that in prehistoric time the normal heart beat of human might be 60 pulse/minute. During the course of expanding universe and asymmetry state of material universe the normal heart beat of human gradually varies and might have reached 90 pulse/minute in Modern time. The asymmetry state of universe may be due to gradual shift of Moon from its axis of Earth & Sun. This technical aspect of asymmetry was well narrated in Previous Published article “Sciper Scientist of climate control” published in IJSER, May issue, 2013.

“J” – Neutrino shall be considered as the functional part of “Soul”. Soul is a electromagnetic link to Neutrino radiation energy for

functioning of Human Heart..

- Author.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1327

ISSN 2229-5518

The etymology of word “Soul” might be originated from Prehistoric Tamil Word

AKKIE (Chule). Akkie (Chule) shall mean “Neutrino radiation”.


1) Human “Souls” are immortal. - Thomas Aquinas Catholic Theologian.
2) All biological organisms have “souls”.- All Regions.
3) “Soul” has an affinity for negative thoughts and images whereas “Spirit” seeks to rise above the entanglements of life and death. - James Hillman, Psychologist.
4) “Soul” had no life when it departed from the body and retired into HADES with no hope of returning to body. - Pre-Pythagorean belief.
5) Soul comprises of three parts
(i) Logos (mind), (ii) Thymos (emotion), & (iii) eros (desire) - Plato (424 – 348 BC)
6) Human active intellect is immortal. - Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

7) Spirit is a command from Allah (God). - Quran


It is hypothesised by the Author that “AL-J” shall be considered as the first human “originated” spontaneously from “Star Dust”. “J” shall be considered as the “HEART” of “AL-J” with full of neutrino radiation. The first human had three chromosome each one from three fundamental Neutrinos Proton, Electron, Photon.
It is hypothesized that in the origin and expanding universe, “AL-J” shall be considered as the first life originated and “AL-J” shall be considered as ancestor to all living organisms. Further the “AL-J” shall be considered as evolved at sixth stage in the expanding universe within the scope of Biblical narration.
Stage 1 - Eternal existence of Dark Flame. Stage 2 - Evolution of Anti-Neutrino radiation. Stage 3 - Evolution of Star Dust Particles.
Stage 4 - Evolution of Neutrino radiation.
Stage 5 - Evolution of Natural Planets (Mars, Sun, Earth & Moon)

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1328

ISSN 2229-5518

Stage 6 - Evolution of Ist Life “AL-J”.
Further the “J” population shall also be called as Devas, Angels lived in “MARS Planet” even much before origin of “ADAM” populations. The “J” populations shall be considered as having different genetic characteristics compared to ADAM populations. It is speculated that “AL-J” shall be considered as state of Human before eating FORBIDDEN FRUIT and “ADAM” shall be considered as state of human after eating FORBIDDEN FRUIT. “AL-J” shall be considered as SON OF GOD, Adam shall be considered as SON OF MAN within the scope of Biblical understanding.
It is speculated that the Prehistoric populations (Devas, Angels) might have been totally extinct at one stage before new generations populations (so called modern human) started living on Earth planet. The prehistoric “J” populations shall be considered as more wise compared to Modern human and effectively controlled the movement of various planets in Prehistoric climate change condition. Hence they lived for Long span of life.
It is speculated that the chromosome level of organism is closely associated with “lineage of organism” (i.e.) more chromosome means, latter be in the lineage of evolution.
It is focused that the Prehistoric human “AL-J” having three chromosome on origin shall be considered much senior to mosquito and ameaba having higher chromosome level 6, 12 respectively.
Further it is hypothesized that the occurance of “TRISOMY CHROMOSOME” in modern time shall not be considered as Down syndrome but it shall be considered as genetic reflection of Trisomy Chromosome of “AL-J”. The philosophy of “ALLELE” in medical term shall be considered as genetic reflection of Trisomy


IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1329

ISSN 2229-5518

“AL-J” shall mean Human Ancestor, Missing Link.

“J” shall mean Heart of “AL-J” (Biblical reference Eph 3:9-13)

- Author

(Biblical Reference: Ps 91:4, Ps 36:7, Ruth 2:12. Luk 2:10-13, Mal 4:2)

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1330

ISSN 2229-5518

Region I – Perfect vacuum region (Anti-Neutrinos radiation) Region II – Partial vacuum region (Neutrinos radiation) Region III – Observable Vacuum region (EMR radiation)

It is focused that in quantum physics there is no existing theory for clear distinction of dark matter, dark energy, origin of Universe. It is hypothesized that dark flame shall be considered as the origin of Universe and considered as ETERNAL EXISTENCE. The dark flame shall be considered as THREE-IN-ONE matter composed of dark matter, dark energy, dark law (Genome) symmetrically displaced by an angle of 120°. The dark flame shall be considered as source of antineutrino radiation and neutrino radiation.
Further the dark matter shall be considered as responsible for functional part of Universe, the dark energy shall be considered as responsible for structural part of Universe, the dark law shall be considered as law part of Universe. In medical term the dark matter shall be considered equivalent to DNA, the dark energy shall be considered
equivalent to Hormone, The dark law shall be considered equivalent to RNA.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1331

ISSN 2229-5518

The philosophy of “Dark Flame” shall be hypothetically defined within the following scope.
1) Dark Flame shall be considered as the origin of universe (Centromere).
2) Dark Flame shall be considered as the “Eternal Existence” and Creative


3) Dark Flame shall be considered as “Eternal Seed” composed of “Three-in-one”
element DNA, HORMONE, RNA.
4) Dark Flame shall be considered as source of Dark radiation, the smallest unit of radiation shall be called as “DARK RAY”.
5) Dark flame shall be considered as composed of threefundamental Anti-Neutrinos, i.e. Anti-Proton, Anti-electron, Anti-photon. The Anti-neutrinos shall be considered as having characteristics directly opposite to the characteristics of fundamental Neutrinos Proton, Electron, Photon.


In quantum physics Atom is defined as the smallest unit of matter which is composed of three sub-atomic particles Proton, Neutron, Electron. If so, what is Radiation?.... Radiation is Matter (or) not?....

It is hypothesized by the author that the state of Radiation also shall be considered as “Micro Matter”. It is focused that the existence of Anti-neutrino

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1332

ISSN 2229-5518

Radiation, Neutrino Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation, Vapour, shall be considered as different matter existing in the universe.
The philosophy of Anti-Neutrino Radiation, Neutrino radiation, Electromagnetic radiation, Vapur, shall be defined within the following scope.
1) Anti-Neutrino radiation shall be defined as the form of matter exist millions of emanating rays called Dark Radiation. The smallest unit of Dark radiation shall be considered as Dark Ray. Every dark ray shall be considered composed of “Three-in-one” fundamental Anti-Neutrinos having negative mass. The speed of each neutrino ray shall be considered traveling much more than the speed of Light.
2) Neutrno radiation shall be defined as the form of matter exist as millions of emanating rays called Dark Radiation. The smallest unit of Dark Radiation shall be considered as Dark Ray. Every Dark Ray shall be considered composed of “three-in-one” fundamental Neutrinos having “Zero Mass”.
Each Neutrino ray shall be considered traveling much more that the speed of Light but not exceeding the speed of Anti-Neutrino Ray.
3) Electromagnetic radiation shall be considered as exist in the form of matter emanating millions of white rays. The smallest unit shall be considered as ”White Ray” composed by there-in-one fundamental Neutrinos Proton, Electron, Photon having “definite positive mass”. Each white ray shall be considered traveling little more than the speed of Light.
4) Light shall be considered and species to electromagnetic radiation capable of traveling as the speed of 3 x 108 meter/sec. as defined by Einstein.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1333

ISSN 2229-5518

Case Study

(i) Einstein was wrong: Aether exists - Nikhola Tesla

(ii) Einstein’s theory have fooled the world for almost 100 years - Ozo

(iii) Neutrinos travel one nanosecond faster than speed of Light. - OPERA experiment

(iv) The laws of physics wouldn’t change; only the universal constants. - Grossman

(v) Einstein may not be wrong; He probably began his experiment

in Region-III vacuum; But Aether exists. - Author


It is hypothesized by the author that Anti-Neutrino radiation emanated from “Dark Flame” shall be considered as Eternal Radiation and Neutrino radiation, Electromagnetic radiation shall be considered as “Species Radiation” to Anti- neutrino radiation. It is hypothesized that the term Holy Spirit, Sprit shall be distinguished within the scope of Biblical Narration.

(i) Neutrino Radiation – “Holy Spirit”.

(ii) Electromagnetic Radiation – “Spirit”

- Author

(xiii) “Sprit” is different from “Soul”?

It is hypothesized that SOUL and Spirit shall be distinguished having different meaning. Soul shall be considered as equivalent to “Neutrino Radiation and Spirit shall be considered as equivalent to “Electromagnetic radiation”. Spirit shall be considered derived from Soul. Hence Sprit shall be considered Species to Soul. The word Soul shall also be considered as equivalent to “Aether”, Black box energy” as defined by “TESLA” in his experiment.

“Soul” shall be considered having Zero Mass and travel faster than the speed of light. Spirit is considered having definite mass and capable of traveling not more than the speed of light. Spirit shall be considered species to light.

- Author

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013

ISSN 2229-5518



The case study on chromosome level of various organisms is indicated below:

Order Na me Total Chrom osome


First human origin

3 (100 million years ago)


" ' aimanu Bird

3 (65 million years ago)





Fruit fly












Dog fish






Zebra Fish






Earth worm



Star Fish



Empe ror Penguin



Auk (Penguin)
















41 (82 *)










(24) Modern Huma n (1st species) 46

(25) Chimpa nzee 48 (26) Gorilla 48 (27) Sheep 54 (28) Elephant 56 (29) Goat 60 (30) Cow 60 (31) Giraffe 62 (32) Wolf 78 (33) Dove 78 (34) Chicken 78

Note: The total chromosome of shark is assumed as 41.

I£ER 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1335

ISSN 2229-5518

(xiv) Philosophy of “TRINITY NATURE”?

It is hypothesized by the author that the philosophy of “Trinity Nature” might be
derived from the philosophy of three fundamental Neutrinos. Trinity shall mean three- in-one Nature. The Philosophy of English work “Cosmo Universe” shall be considered derived from Prehistoric Tamil work “AKKILEM”. Akkilam shall mean Cosmo
Universe. “Akkilan” shall mean Prehistoric human.

a) “Cosmo” shall mean “AKKIE”

b) “Universe” shall mean “EZHEM”

c) Cosmo Universe shall mean AKKILEM.

- Author

“Akkie” shall mean Dark radiation” considered as composed of three fundamental Neutrinos Photon, Electron, Proton. “Ezhem” shall mean Three-in-one. Integrated regions of Universe composed of three different Radiations Anti-Neutrino radiation, Neutrino radiation, Electromagenetic radiation. The three radiations of the Universe shall be considered as the three fundamental forces of universe.

a) Anti-Neutrino radiation - “GRAVITY” force b) Neutrino radiation - “WEAK” Force
c) Electromagnetic radiation – “STRONG” Force

(xv) Philosophy of “Real” and “Image”?

It is focused that the philosophy of REAL and IMAGE shall be considered as directly opposite in characteristics. SATAN shall be considered as Real and ADAM shall be considered as Image of Satan.


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1336

ISSN 2229-5518


Within the scope of Biblical translation It is hypothesized by the author that the word ADAM and RAM shall be closely related (Bible reference Gen 22:13). ADAM, RAM shall be considered as human whereas SATAN shall be considered as SUPER HUMAN.

(xvi) Philosophy of English word LORD AND GOD

The English word God is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word Good and therefore it is believed that the name God refers to the divine goodness. Further the word God goes back down to Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant invoked one. The word God, Lord normally means supreme being. There are so many theories about etymology of word lord and god.
It is hypothesized by the author that the word LORD and GOD might have been derived from the prehistoric Tamil phonetic.
(i) The word lord might be derived from the Tamil phonetic EZHEM, ESEN. Ezhem, Esen shall mean dark flame. The philosophy of dark flame might be derived from the prehistoric Tamil phonetic KARITHIRI. Karithiri shall mean dark flame or dark radiation.
(ii) The word GOD might be derived from the prehistoric Tamil phonetic

KODU, KODAI. Kodu, Kodai shall mean YIELD.

(iii) The word GOD might be derived from the philosophy of LORD. Lord shall mean supreme to God.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1337

ISSN 2229-5518

Further the distinction between Lord, God, Human shall be apparently focused within the scope of Biblical translation. Lord shall mean DARK FLAME; God shall mean AL-J; Human shall mean ADAM.
The philosophy of LORD, GOD, JESUS shall be distinguished and considered equivalent to three different regions of “Cosmo radiations” within the scope of Biblical narration.

(xvii) Human has species?

It is hypothesized that Human had three species to “AL-J”. “AL-J” shall be considered as Human Ancestor, Missing Link, within the scope of Biblical Narration.


a) Centre dot (1st Species) - “ADAM” population (Devas Angels)
b) Left dot (2nd species) - “NOAH”populations (Dravidian origin)
c) Right dot (3rd species) - “CHRIST” population (Aryan origin)

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1338

ISSN 2229-5518

“AL-J” shall be considered as Three-in-one “SEED” (TRIPHTHONG Word) of

“LIFE” (Biblical reference Jn 1:1).

“J” – Populations shall be considered as “Godly” persons lived before ”ADAM” populations within the scope of Biblical narration. ADAM Population shall be considered as “TRANSFORMED” status and become “1st human species”.

(xviii) ADAM Sons married Angels?

It is hypothesized that ADAM Sons Coin, Seith might have married Angels
(Gen) and Adam populations might be multiplexed thereafter. (Gen 4:17)
The ANGELS shall be defined within the following scope.
(i) Angles shall be considered as Proto-Adam populations.
(ii) Angles shall be considered as having “Winged Personality”.
(iii) Angles shall be considered as having only “Three chromosome” on origin.
(iv) Angles shall be considered as “Thirde Genger” persons (i.e.) Integral form of both”Male” and “Female”.
(v) Angles shall be considered as Mars population (i.e.) lived in MARS Planet in Prehistoric time.
(vi) Angles shall be considered “Transcendence Status” between “AL-J”
population and Adam populations within the scope of Biblical Narration.

(xix) Philosophy of “Third Gender”?

It is hypothesized that the Prehistoric “AL-J” populations are expert in Astro Physics, Biilogical Science. It is focused that they formulated the “Three Chromosome” life as mentioned below. The “AL-J” human shall also be called as
TRISOMY” human in prehistoric time.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1339

ISSN 2229-5518

In the Genetic Structure of above three chromosome the centre dot shall be considered as “Sex Chromosome”, the bottom two chromosome (both Left and Right Dot) shall be considered as “Autosomes”. It is speculated that during origin of Adam populations the “third gender” might have transformed into independent Male and Female gender populations.
a) Centre dot - both “Male & Female” gender. b) Left dot - “Female” gender
c) Right dot - “Male” gender

(xx) What is blood “AL-J”?

Modern human has Four main types of blood group (i.e.) A, B, AB, O. If so what was the first type originated?... There is no current theory that which blood type was originated.
It is hypothesized that the blood type of “AL-J” might be single type “AB”.
How human blood, cells are formed?...
It is hypothesized than human blood, human cells shall be considered as the “Product of Neutrino radiation”. Further it is focused that the colour of blood of “AL- J” might be “dark” as it was evolved of “Dark radiation”. It is further speculated that the four blood constituents PLASMA, PLATELETS, RED CORPSULES, WHITE

CORPSULES might have been originated in different stages due to impact of different

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1340

ISSN 2229-5518

“Cosmo radiations” Anti-Neutrino radiation, Neutrino radiation, Electromagenetic radiation during the course of time.



It is focused that “AB” type shall be considered as the Blood Origin and other types A, B, O shall be considered as Species blood type to fundamental AB type (Universal Acceptor).
The “Three Species” type blood shall be narrated as below.
a) Centre dot (1st Species) - “AB” (Anti-Neutrino radiation)
b) Left dot (2nd species) - “AB, A, B (Neutrino radiation)
c) Right dot (3rd species) - “AB, A, B, O (Electromagnetic radiation)
It is further hypothesized that the three fundamental neutrinos responsible for formation of four blood constitunents shall be indicated as below.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1341

ISSN 2229-5518

a) “Plasma” - STAR DUST Origin
b) “Platelets”- Photon Neutrino (“A”)
c) “Red Corpsules” – Electron Neutrino (“K”)
d) “White Corpsules” – Proton Neutrino (“J”)
The different Magnetic properties of blood shall also be considered existing due to impact of three fundamental Neutrinos.
a) Ferromagnetic effect - Photon Neutrino (“A”) b) Diamagnetic effect - Electron Neutrino (“K”) c) Paramagnetic effect - Proton Neutrino (“J”)

(xxi) The philosophy word “TRIBE”?

The word Tribe normally used to represent the group of people or society having similar custom, culture. In human anthropological science there are so many classified Tribes.
It is hypothesized that the word Tribe shall be considered to be closely associated With “Electromagnetic Spectrum” rather than human races. It is focused that every human in the universe shall be considered as a “RAY” in the spectrum of radiation. It is speculated that Billions of human in the world shall be covered under three regions of electromagnetic spectrum (i.e.) UV Region, Visible Region, IR Region. In prehistoric time the regions of spectrum might have been formulated with three tiny dot as follows.
In prehistoric time the electromagnetic spectrum might be called as “AKKIE”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1342

ISSN 2229-5518

a) Centre dot - UV Region
b) Left dot - Visible Region c) Right dot - IR Region
It is further focused that the human populations living under different regions of spectrum shall be considered Genetically variant such different human structures, different hair colour, different skin colour, different eye Iris colour.
It is focused that BLUE, GREEN, RED shall be considered as the three fundamental colours. Billions of other colours shall be considered as Species Colour to the three fundamental colour. It is focused that BLACK, BROWN, WHITE shall not be considered as “Colour” and it shall be considered as sources of different radiation.

a) BLACK - Photon Neutrino (“A”) b) GREEN - Electron Neutrino (“K”) e) RED - Proton Neutrion (“J”)

“RAY” BECOME “RACE” in human Anthropology.

- Author







Composition of particles




Eternal origin



Anti-Neutrino radiation (Dark


Anti-Photon , Anti-Electron,

Anti-Proton with –ve mass



Neutrino radiation (Black


Photon, Electron, Proton with

zero mass.



Electromagnetic radition (white


Photo, Electron, Proton with

definite mass

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1343

ISSN 2229-5518

a) “AL” shall mean “DARK CELL” (Soul)
b) “ATHI” shall mean “DARK RADIATION”
c) “AKKIE” shall mean “BLACK RADIATION”
d) “ETHI” shall mean “WHITE RADIATION”

- Author

(xxii) Philosophy “J” in Mayan Civilisation: In Ancient time the Mayan civilization shall be considered as advanced civilization. Mayan Practice of Astronomy shall be considered as wise who studies “Heaven”. The Mayan Priest – Astronomers had a great amount of power, the knowledge of the patterns of the Sky and of Mathematics that solve more complex patterns, led them to an exalted position of Mayan Society. They had knowledge about the sky in order to know the Hour and to predict when the “Sun would rise again”.

The prime example of Mayan buildings and Temple Cultures is the astronomical orientation of the building called “J – BUILDING at Monte Alban which was built around 275 B.C.E. The building was constructed in arrow shape, and Aveni found that five of the brightest stars in the sky would at that time set approximately at the point of the arrow. Similarly Mayan cities all shows signs of astronomical orientation in construction of buildings. Each window is aligned with corresponding to celestrial event.

“AL-J” Technology and culture shall be considered as more superior to ancient Mayan culture. Mayan is Tamil based Indian?!.... Probably “Mayandi” might have changed his

name as Mayan for numerological reason.
- Author.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1344

ISSN 2229-5518

(xxiii) Philosophy of “J” in Amulet Technology: It is focused that the philosophy of Amulet Technology in Computer HTML Programming with GUI (Graphical user Interface) design software might be derived from the philosophy of prehistoric electromagnetic communication technology. The etymology of word “Amulet” might be derived from the Prehistoric Tamil Phonetics “AMMU”. Ammu

shall mean “MOTHER SUPREME”. “J” shall mean Godly Child.
The philosophy of “AMMU” shall alternatively mean “J”.

– Author.


Some case studies and the origin of words from “Tamil Phonetics Root” are
indicated below.


English Word

Tamil Root

English Mean



“ATHI”, akkie

Origin, peace




Ammu, Appu








Perfect man




Lullaby, Sweet Sleeping Song




Smile, laugh




Do it today




Name of Tamil year.




Prehistoric Tamil Seed




Holy Land


English Word

Tamil Root

English Mean




Base, Grammer




Universe, Eternal existence




Existence, Nature




Electromagnetic alphabet




Three-in-one Alphabet





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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1345

ISSN 2229-5518


In language and Anthropoligical history it is focused that the English Word “J” might be derived from Prehistoric Tamil Phonetics, “CHEI”, “CHEYA” rather than Sanskrit, Indo-Europe origin.
(2) “AL-J” shall mean Prehistoric Tamil based Indian lived in MARS planet. (3) “AL-J shall mean cosmo super star.
(4) “AL-J” shall mean super scientist.
(5) “AL-J” shall mean Human Ancestor. (6) “AL-J” shall mean Missing Link.

Hypothetical blood diversity

It is hypothesized by the author that from prehistoric time to modern time there may be three states of blood group might have been evolved due to impact of electromagnetic radiation. ‘O’ type blood (universal donor) might be evolved during modern period.
i. Stage i – AB type only (MARS TRIBE)
ii. Stage ii – AB, A, B (DRAVIDIAN ORIGIN)
iii. Stage iii – AB, A, B, O (ARYAN ORIGIN)
It is focused that in the lineage of evolution all the four type of blood might not have been evolved at one stretch and might be evolved in phased manner. It is speculated that the origin of Dravidian population shall be considered much earlier to the origin of Aryan population.

ABORIGINAL shall mean AB+ORIGINAL i.e. AB type blood shall be considered as evolved on origin. It is focused that the blood type of prehistoric human shall be considered as AB type (Universal Acceptor).

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1346

ISSN 2229-5518


1) Internet Study “e-book”, Google Search, 2013.
2) King James Version “Holy Bible”.
3) English Dictionary “Oxford Publication”, 2010.
4) Tamil to English Dictionary “Suravin Publication” 2009.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 1347

ISSN 2229-5518

5) Dr. M. Karunanithi, “Thirukkural Translation”, 2010.
6) Sho. Devaneya Pavanar, “Tamil first mother language”, 2009.
7) M. Arulmani, “Tamil the Law of Universe”, Annai Publications, 2012.
8) M. Arulmani, “Cosmo Super Star”, IJSRP, April, 2013.
9) M. Arulmani, “Super Scientist of climate control”, IJSER, May, 2013.
10) M. Arulmani, “Akkie Mars Code” IJSER, June, 2013.
11) M. Arulmani, “Mars Mathematics”, IJERD, June, 2013.
12) M. Arulmani, “Origin of first language”, IJIRD, June, 2013.
13) M. Arulmani, “Prehistoric Triphthong Alphabet”, IJIRD, July, 2013.
14) M. Arulmani, “Prehistoric Akkie Music”, IJST, July 2013.
15) M. Arulmani, “Barack Obama is Tamil based Indian?”, IJSER, August, 2013.

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