International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, April-2014 1067
ISSN 2229-5518
Develop Framework for Selecting Best Software
Development Methodology
Jyoti Verma, Sunita Bansal, Himanshu Pandey
Abstract- There is many software development methodologies exist that is used to control the process of developing a software system. No exact system was found which could help the software engineers for selection of best software development methodology. This paper present the framework of expert system combined with Likert scale. With the help of Likert scale we create a rule based model and assign some weighted score to each methodology and develop a tool named as ModSet which will help the software engineers to select an appropriate development methodology that may increase the probability of system success.
Keywords:, Expert System, Likert Scale, Mod Set, Rule Based System, Software Development Methodology.
he problem of selecting a suitable software development methodology for the project has been addressed in different way by many researchers but there is no proper framework has
developed. This paper extends prior work by considering the expert
system with the Likert scale to select best software development methodology.
The goal of developing a rule based expert system is to come up with the result that would help to establish which software develoment methodology is particularly suitable for a particular project. In other words obtaining one clear anewer was not the aim, but rather obtaining guidance in choosing from a known set of methodologies. The model selected should suit the characteristics of the given project should correspond to the criteria set out in the selection of methodology, the criteria should be stored in the knowledge base of the system. Then to obtain information about a suitable methodology, the user of such a program would have to determine the characteristics of their project by answering the set of questions asked by the system.
A software development methodology describes a environment that is used to organize, plan and direct the process of developing a software system. There are many software development methodologies and these methodologies contain some basic stages of software development life cycle. These stages are planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. In this paper we compare 3 software development methodologies. These are waterfall, spiral and prototype methodology
The waterfall methodology is the linear approach in which development is seen as flowing continuously downwards with the phases named as requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration and maintenance. Each phase of this model has well defined starting and ending criteria.
Waterfall methodology is most appropriate when-
• Requirements are well documented,clear and fixed from the star ting stage.
• End product is stable.
• Technology is understood and static.
• The project is short.
• Not good methodology for complex and object oriented project.
• Difficulty in accommodating changes after project development.
The spiral methodology is a risk-driven process model generator for software projects.
Spiral methodology is most appropriate when-
• Risk evaluation is important.
• Customer is not sure of their requirements.
• Requirements are complex and need clarity.
• It can work well with the changing user requirements.
• This methodology is mainly used for large projects.
• Budget is high.
• Little documentation is required as compared to waterfall methodology.
In Prototype development methodology firstly the working prototype is developed instead of developing the actual software. In this methodology to understand the requirement a prototype is built before design and coding is begin.
Prototype methodology is most appropriate when-
• Prototyping is an basic idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help determining the requirements.
• This methodology is used when it is difficult to collect all the requirements of customer.
Expert system can be used in various fields [8]. In this paper we extend the prior work by considering the expert system in the field of software development model. The expert system is a computer program that imitates the decision making ability of the human
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, April-2014 1068
ISSN 2229-5518
experts. There are three components of expert system i.e. user
interface, knowledge base and inference engine.
The knowledge base contains all the knowledge and rules about a particular problem and provides it to the inference engine when they needed.
The inference engine is the program that analyzes the problem and derive conclusion by applying logical processing.
The user interface works as an interface between a user and the expert systems.
Literature study illustrate that many work has been taken on different aspects of software development methodologies but there is no proper framework and tool being developed for the selection of best software development methodologies. In 2005 M. AYMAN AL AHMAR[1] present a prototype expert system supported with object oriented modeling that helps in software development methodology selection process. Abdur Rashid khan, Zia Ur Rehman and Hafeez Ullah Amin[2] focused some technologies like fuzzy logic, certainty factors and analytical hierarchy factors to develop expert system and the developed expert system named as ESPMS (expert system process model selection). This system was developed using expert system for text animation as a development tool. Much work has been done in the area of software development methodologies but most of these works are the comparative study between these methodologies[3][10]. In 2010 Nabil Mohammed Ali Munauar and A Govardhan[4] made a comparison between five different methodologies and show the features and defects of each methodology. When the software engineers select a development model, risk is an important factor which affects the selection process of software development methodology. Haneen Hijazi and Thair Khdour[5] investigate the risk that exist in the development methodologies and define risk management. In this paper we use rule based expert system as a major component to differentiate between methodologies. Literature study reveals that expert system can be used in various fields and knowledge base is a component of expert system which stores knowledge about a particular problem area. Manuj Darbari, N. Dhanda[7] presents the model driven knowledge representation framework. Sunita Bansal and Manuj Darbari[6,14] defines a knowledge base expert system for handling business dynsmics. In 2012 Sudhakar Tripathi, Arvind kumar Tiwari and R.B.Mishra[11] create a rule base model for clustering gene expression data. In 2009 M.S.Josephine, Dr. K.Sankara Subramanian[13] used an expert system for software error detection and correction. In this paper a rule based expert system is created to combine with Likert scale measurement that guides in the selection process of the software development[9] methodology.
The proposed framework is shown below:
making SDM
Recommende d SDM
Likert scale is a type of rating scales which is used to measure the performance directly. Likert Scale is a five (or seven) point rating scale which allows the user to express their thoughts means how much they agree or disagree with a problem statement. User gives their responses by choosing a Likert items. A Likert item is a word or statement which the user is asked to evaluate according to the given criteria. Likert items are used to measure the degree of agreement or disagreement. We use 5 Likert items i.e. poor, fair, average, good and excellent.
Features | Poor | Fair | Average | Good | excellent |
Req. specificatio n | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Complexity of system | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Time schedule | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Cost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Documenta tion | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Project size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Change incorporate d | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
No one methodology is ideal so we design a framework for selecting a methodology which depends on many factors and project features and selection parameters. These selection parameters[11] are:
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, April-2014 1069
ISSN 2229-5518
requirement specification, complexity of system, time schedule, cost,
documentation, project size, and change incorporated.
Features | Waterfall | Spiral | Prototype |
Req. specification | Beginning | Frequently changed | Beginning |
Complexity of system | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
Time schedule | Very low | Long | Long |
Cost | Low or almost as estimated | High or above budget | Expensive |
Documentation | Necessary | Yes but not much | Yes |
Project size | Large scale | Low to medium scale | Large scale and complex |
Change incorporate | Difficult | Easy | Easy |
Rule based model have been generated with the help of Likert scale measurement.
IF Requirement specification <= 1 and
Complexity of system <= 2 and
Time schedule <= 5 and Cost <= 2 and Documentation <= 5 and Project size <= 4 and
Change incorporated <= 1 and
THEN Waterfall Model (Score <= 20)
IF Requirement specification <= 4 and
Complexity of system <= 3 and
Time schedule <= 4 and Cost <= 4 and Documentation <= 3 and Project size <= 3 and
Change incorporated <= 4 and
THEN Spiral Model (Score <= 25)
IF Requirement specification <= 2 and
Complexity of system <= 5 and
Time schedule <= 4 and Cost <= 5 and Documentation <= 4 and Project size <= 5 and
Change incorporated <= 4 and
THEN Prototype Model (Score <= 29)
The decision for selecting particular software development methodology depends on the selection parameters and final score assigning to the methodologies. The prioritization and policy for selecting the development methodology might be refined; the important consideration is that the decision is made explicitly as shown below:
Constraints priority
Constraints | Priority |
C1: If documentation is necessary and requirements are stable or unchanging then it should automatically select the waterfall methodology. | 5 |
C2: If project risk is high then it should automatically select the spiral methodology. | 7 |
C3: If the requirement are undefined then it should automatically select the prototype methodology | 8 |
In order to stimulate the methodology selection rule we have implemented a tool provide automated support for decision of development methodology selection. We have implemented a tool called “ModSet” selector shown in figure. A tool consists of 5 basic selections with check boxes and conditions.
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, April-2014 1070
ISSN 2229-5518
The first block represents the software development methodologies. The next block represents selection criteria, final score, dynamic priority allocation and results. Expect the result block all the blocks have check boxes and the priorities can be assigned between 0 and 10. After making the entire selections “Decide” button is pressed and the result is displayed in the result text box giving the model selected. “View Heuristic Report” button gives the entire report with situational analysis.
This study proposed a rule base expert system combined with Likert scale measurement that will become a base for the software engineers in the selection of best software development methodology for the project. In this paper, we provide a tool that will help in the selection process of development methodology. The future work will include more software development methodologies and more selection parameters.
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