International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Detection and Prevention of Malicious Activities on
RDBMS Relational Database Management
Arafat Mohammed Rashad Al-dhaqm, Md.Asri Nagdi Associate Prof. DR. Malaysia
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Information is one of the main assets of any organization which is essential to its continuity. Therefore, information security is very important to protect the confidentiality, integ- rity and availability of the information. Many systems and tools are used to achieve the requirements of the information security and to prevent information systems from any possible incident. Access control systems, authentication systems, anti- virus software and firewalls are examples of such systems.
According to [1] despite different protection mechanism, it is nearly impossible to have a completely secured system. Alt- hough sophisticated security systems can be used to achieve the information security requirements, those systems may be under threat due to vulnerabilities or misconfiguration of those systems. As a result, those vulnerabilities or misconfig- uration may be exploited by intruders or implement their at- tacks. Therefore, Detection of Misuse Activities in Database Systems is considered as the last defence layer of the database security systems of any organization.
The insider attack forms the biggest threaten on the database systems due to it has authorized access to the database sys-
tems [2].
2 Problem background
There are many types of insider attack that try to abuse the access rights and do malicious activities for example, employ- ees, masquerading and the malicious activities such as updat- ed and deleted approved records. A malicious activity is de- fined as a group of actions that attempts to harm the Integrity, confidentiality of database system, [3]. DEMIDS is a mecha- nism designed to detect and prevent the malicious activities such as malicious transactions on the database systems [4].
There are many insider attacks that may hurt the confidentiali- ty, integrity and availability of database systems. According to [5] the database security attacks classified into two types of attack such as: outsider attacks and insider attacks. The out- sider attack can defined as malicious actions that cause many problems such as delay or bugs. However, the insider attacks categorized into legitimate and illegitimate access. Legitimate access can abuse his privilege to do malicious actions, and on the other hand, the illegitimate accesses try to exploit the vul- nerabilities of the system to do malicious actions.
Many researchers have been conducted to investigate the in- sider attacks [6]. According to [2] the insider attacker’s forms the biggest threat on the database security level than the out- sider attacker, because two reasons, their knowledge about systems and their granted privileges. [7] Indicates that the in- sider attacks can forms the extremely dangerous on database systems. Furthermore, insider attacks use their rights to achieve the malicious action.
IJSER © 2012
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 2
ISSN 2229-5518
Malicious transaction is one of the inside attacks which harm the integrity and availability of the database [5]. There are many causes of malicious activities [5] such as bad configura- tion, low experiences of the Database administrator (DBA), hidden flaw and weakness of database implementation.
[8] Stated that the mechanisms based on auditing log file only detect the malicious commands, and if legitimate commands contain malicious data, it will not be detected. [8] Proposed mechanism to detect the malicious activities in database sys- tem management. The mechanism used data mining ap- proach to determine the dependency among data items. The data dependency indicates to the access relations among data items. These data dependency are generated in a set of rules (pre-written, read, and post-written sets). Therefore, the activi- ties that don’t follow any of rules are signed as malicious ac- tivity. The limitation of this mechanism is limited to user transactions that conform to the read-write patterns assumed by [8]. Also, the system is not able to detect malicious behav- ior in individual read-write commands and the false alarm rate is may be more as well as the same sensitive are given to the each items and there is no concept of attribute sensitivity [6],[3].
[9] Addressed the problem of [8]. The approach adds more
rules to some attributes to become more sensitive to detect malicious modification. The limitation of this approach is identification of suitable support and confidence values, also is not suitable for the role based database access control, as well as it is not support other manipulation commands like insert and delete [11], [6].
[6] Try to address the problem of [8]. This approach use to detect the malicious behavior based on RBAC (Role Based Ac- cess Control). The technique used in this approach working as control unit on the user role profile. If the technique discover that the user use different role than the normal role of user, then the mechanism will raise notification. The approach is suitable for databases that employ role based access control mechanism. The problem of [9] also addressed in this ap- proach. The limitation of this approach is inability to detect transaction level dependency; so some of the database attacks may be undetected [10].
[10] Addressed the problem of [6] by extracts the correlation among queries of the transaction. The proposed mechanisms called DIDS (Database Intrusion Detection System) generate the transaction profiles mechanism automatically. This mech- anism has two phases: learning phase and intrusion detection phase. The learning phase generates authorized transactions profile automatically. The detection phase will check the be- havior of executable transactions by compare it with author- ized transaction profile. The limitation of this approach that
address by this study is difficult to capture the malicious data
on authorized commands. Figure 2.2 shows the architecture of the proposed mechanism.
[12] Developed mechanism to detect the malicious transaction based on predefined profile transactions called Database Mali- cious Transaction Detection (DBMTD). Therefore, if the enter transaction is not matching with predefined transaction in the profile will detect as misuse or malicious transaction. The limi- tation of this approach is limited transactions and manual generating of the predefined profile transactions and this cause consuming time as well as difficult to achieve in real and complex database installations [13], [10].
The problem of the [12] has been solved by [10] which gener- ate the transaction profiles mechanism automatically. This approach used detection mechanism to detect the misuse ac- tivities. The limitation of this approach is inability to detect the authorized malicious activities like delete or update on ap- proved records will address in this study by the author. The previous studies try to solve the problems of malicious activi- ties on the relation database management system. However, the malicious data on the authorized commands can pass to the database. This study tries to address this kind of prob- lems.
One of the database security problems is inside malicious ac- tivities. Among them are: updating of approved records with malicious data, and deleting approved records. This study hypothesize that dependency relationship among items can be used to detect and prevent the aforementioned malicious ac- tivities. To test this hypothesis, the following questions needs to be answered:
i- How to represent the dependency relationship to detect and prevent malicious activities?
ii- How to use the dependency relationship to detect and
prevent the malicious activities?
The aim of this project is to develop misuse detection mecha- nism using dependency relationship among items to detect and prevent the misuse activities in RDBMS relational data- base management systems.
The objectives of this project are:
1- To design a database mechanism to detect and pre-
vent the misused activities on the approved database records using dependency relationship among items.
IJSER © 2012
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 3
ISSN 2229-5518
2- To develop the proposed detection and prevention
3- To evaluate the proposed mechanism with existing mechanism.
The scope of this project is limited on:
1- The proposed mechanism limited only on the rela- tional database management systems.
2- The dataset used is constructed by this study.
3- The platform is limited on windows environment on-
4- The proposed mechanism will be developed by oracle database, (PL/SQL) language and developer 2000 on- ly.
The insider threats are considered the most dangerous threats that threaten the confidentiality, integrity and availability. The misuse activity is one of the insider threats and considers the most dangerous that focus to damage the critical and sensitive data. Many approaches have been developed to detect and prevent the malicious and anomaly activities. This project concentrates specifically on malicious activities like delete or update approved records.
This chapter establishes a background for the study and will begin by reviewing insider attacks overview, malicious activi- ties. After that focus more into the relational database model, dependency relationship and detection mechanisms that uti- lize to detect and prevent the malicious activities on database systems. Finally, it will conclude on the research gap and what is missing in this area to proceed for further research.
Almost of the organization have been sufferings of the insider attacks. The insider attack formed one of the most important threats on the database security systems. Therefore, the data- base integrity, confidentiality and availability still more vul- nerable towards the insider attacks, and this, lead to believe that the countermeasures is not enough quite.
According to [14] most insider threats on the financial organi-
zation were coming from human errors and insider attacks. Therefore, the lack of countermeasures and detection tools on database still not more efficient. Insider attacks can be classi- fied into two types of attacks, intended attack and unintended attack. Intended attack may implement by a malicious user who have or have not authorized access on database level. On the other hand, the unintended attack may happened by au- thorized user who make effects on database level using SQL
commands (insert, update, delete) in wrong way. Moreover,
each of which of them may harm the confidentiality, integrity and availably of database. Many tools and mechanisms have been developed to detect and prevent the insider attacks on database level and application level. However, these mecha- nisms still under developing owing to, there are no one enough efficient security to protect the database [5].
8.2.1 Definition of Insider Attacks
There are many definitions about the insider attacks, the re- searchers puts these definition of their point of view and ac- cording to their knowledge. However, all these definitions have same concept (destroy the confidentiality, integrity and availability) of databases. According to [5] the insider attack is a person who can access through the insider system. [15] Said the insider attack is an individual who has the knowledge of the organizations information system structure to which entity has authorized access. The insider is a person who has privi- leges to access the underlying system [16]. Threats that gener- ated from person who have been given access rights to an in- formation system and misuse their privileges, thus violating the information system security policy of the organization [17].
The malicious transaction is one of the insider attacks, the par- agraphs below will focus on the overview of the malicious transactions, definitions and reasons of the malicious transac- tions. According to [5] the malicious transactions consider one of the violent insider attacks that harm the integrity and avail- ability of the database. Many mechanisms have been devel- oped to detect and prevent insider attacks specially detect the malicious command but still there are many weakness in these mechanism which the malicious transactions or data can pass through it, so it is so difficult to detect these kinds of attacks [7]. Malicious transaction is coming in many definitions ac- cording to authors, for instance [3] mentioned the malicious transaction is one of the biggest threaten on the database. It is corrupted data that harm the integrity of the database and spread across it. [2] Said the malicious transactions are one of the insider attacks which damage the data by find vulnerabili- ties in system easily. Malicious transactions are a group of authorized or unauthorized activities, which harm the integri- ty of database. According to [5] the bad configuration, low DBA (Database Administrator) experiences and absent of se- curity mechanisms as well as hidden flaw and weakness in database implementation can lead malicious transaction or misuses activities. Moreover, the unauthorized and author- ized users can cause the malicious transactions.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 4
ISSN 2229-5518
According to [18] database model is the method that repre- sents stored and processed data and their relationships. All database systems stored data in string and numeric data forms, which related together by relations. There are three models to represent the databases such as Network, Hierar- chical, and Relational model. This project will utilize the rela- tional database; therefore, the next paragraph will concentrate on the definitions, goals, and types of the relational database model. Almost of the organizations have used the relational database model to process and stored their data. [19] Has been developed this type of database modeling. The relational model is a logical data model that manages and organizes da- tabase using relations which make dealing with data is very clear, coherent and easy to work. According to [19] the rela- tion is a group of rows (Tuples) and attributes (columns) that form the table (entity). Table is collection of rows and col- umns, therefore the relation equal table and the vice versa. The goal of a relational model is to prepare the data to be in consistent form and protect data from some anomaly activates like duplicating or losing, as well as, it supports operations for data manipulation such as insert, update, delete and select.
The next paragraphs show three types of database relations.
One-to-one relationship is a relation that has two direction relationships, which means that there is one value in both di- rections [19].
One-to-Many relationship defines as one entity has many val- ue relationships with another entity [19].
Many-to-Many relationship is a relationship that is more than one value in both directions [19].
The information above has given a clear meaning about rela- tionships among data items and kinds of these relations. Ac- cording to [19] dependency relationship represent as pointers of the resources. The pointer denotes to that resource only. The dependency concept in database represent data stored in same table as uniquely form. These data denote to other data in same table or in other table. The dependency can define as a relationship among the attributes that determine the groups of attributes values by one attribute value. For example, the passport number, refer to other information (name, family, nationality, issue date, and other information in passport), so all these information dependent on the passport number. By
other words, the dependency relationship is like a tree family,
son dependent father, father dependent grandfather and thus. Therefore, this study use this concept to protect database from misuse activities by know the dependent data in whole data- base tables.
The measures that will be used in this study to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed mechanism are: detection rate, false positive rate and false negative rate. Detection rate refers to the percentage of detected intrusion events, namely detection rate is equal to the product of the quotient of dividing the number of detected intrusion events by the total of intrusion events and 100%. The false positive refers to the probability that correct events are falsely detected as abnormal events, namely Rate of false positive is equal to the product of the quotient of dividing the number of events which are falsely detected as abnormal events by the total of events and 100%. The false negative represent the abnormal or harmful activities which are classified wrongly by detection mechanism as nor- mal activities, namely Rate of false negative is equal to the product of the quotient of dividing the number of events which are falsely detected as normal events by the total of events and 100%.
Many mechanisms have been developed to prevent and detect the malicious activities in database systems. However, a lot of them based on a predefined data profile generated from data- base log file and a few used a dependency relationship among the data items. So, this part will explained these mechanisms. [8] Stated that the mechanisms based on auditing only detect the malicious commands, and if legitimate commands contain malicious data, it will not be detected. [8] Proposed mecha- nism to detect and prevent the malicious activities in database management systems based on data dependency among items. The mechanism use data mining approach to extract data dependency among data items through classification rules. The classification rules represent three sets (pre- written, read, and post-written set). These rules working as control unit to detect the malicious modification, for instance: what data item must be read (pre-write) before this data item is updated and what data item must be updated after one data item updated (post-write). So if there is any activity does not matching with these rules will define as malicious activity. The limitation of this mechanism is limited to user transac- tions that conform to the read-write patterns assumed by the authors. Also, the system is not able to detect malicious be- havior in individual read-write commands and the false alarm rate is may be more as well as the same sensitive are given to the each attributes and there is no concept of attribute sensitiv- ity, [9], [3] ,[6].
[9] Has solved the attributes sensitivity problem in [8]. The
proposed mechanism to detect malicious activities in the da-
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 5
ISSN 2229-5518
tabase management system add more rules to compare the
sensitive attributes than the rules in approach presented in [8]. The sensitive attributes become more sensitive to mali- cious modification than other attributes, for instance the im- portant attributes like the verification attributes (columns) must given more sensitive than other attributes. So if there is any modification on these attributes the alarm raise notifica- tion. Therefore, if there are any transaction does not follow these dependency rules will identified as malicious transac- tion. The limitation of this approach is limited to detect the malicious modification data only; it does not include the oth- ers command like inserting or deleting data as well as the identification of suitable support and confidence values, [6], [11].
[6] try to address the problem of [8]. Also Part of the limita- tion [9] approach already has been solved by [6]. This ap- proach use to detect the malicious behavior based on RBAC (Role Based Access Control). The technique has used in this approach working as control unit on the user role profile. If the technique discover that the user use different role than the normal role of user, then the mechanism will raise notification. The approach is suitable for databases that working on role based access control mechanism. The limitation of this ap- proach is inability to detect transaction level dependency; so some of the database attacks may be undetected [12], [10].
[12] Addressed the detection of malicious activities in DBMS by developed a mechanism called Database Malicious Trans- action Detection (DBMTD). This mechanism tries to solve the problems of [8]. The mechanism based on two different phases called transactions profile phase and detection phase. The au- thors assumed authorized transactions were known already in advance. The DBA (Database Administrator) is responsible for prepared it manually to the detection mechanism, then the detect phase check the user activities with the profile phase, if there is any transaction does not match with the commands in the profile, then the detect phase will raise notification. The limitation of this approach is limited transactions and manual generating of the predefined profile transactions and this cause consuming time as well as difficult to achieve in real and complex database installations,[10],[13]. Figure8.1 displays the mechanism that used in this graph.
The problem of the [12] has been solved by [10]. The proposed
mechanisms called DIDS (Database Intrusion Detection Sys- tem) generate the transaction profiles mechanism automatical- ly. This mechanism has two phases: learning phase and intru- sion detection phase. The learning phase generates authorized transactions profile automatically. The detection phase will check the behavior of executable transactions by compare it with authorized transaction profile. So when the users send queries to database system, the query will pass through the database intrusion detection system (DIDS) and the checks the transaction is authorized for that user or not. If the transaction is authorized then DIDS allows the transaction to commit into the DBMS unless, capture it as malicious activi- ties. The limitation of this approach that address by this study is difficult to capture the malicious data on authorized com- mands.
Through the existing mechanisms, almost of the authors have been used the auditing log file to prepare the profile of the authorized transaction automatically or manually. Therefore, the mechanisms starting to verification previous command (predefined command) with user activities. Therefore, what about authorized commands like delete or update on the ap- proved records. The idea of this project will address this situ- ation, through add detection and prevention layer between the end user and the original database to add more verification on data as well as protect the data from malicious activities before it go to original database. The authors will use the concept of the dependency relationship among items detect and prevent the misuse activities. Chapter 4 will explain more about this idea.
In conclusion, as a result of the lack of providing good mecha- nism to detect and prevent the misuse activities on relational database systems, the authors will used the dependency rela- tionship among items. The dependency relationship among items will detect and prevent the missus activities among items.
This chapter discusses the methodology used to design and develop the detection and prevention mecha nism to detect the malicious activities that harm the integrity of database. Scientific research is the research which relies on the applica- tion of scientific method. So, scientific method can be defined as a set of research principles and methods that helps re- searchers obtain valid results from their research studies by providing a set of clear guidelines for gathering, evaluating, and reporting information in the context of research study [20].
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 6
ISSN 2229-5518
A methodology is required to guide the activities conduc t- ed by the project, in order to make sure that all project a c- tivities are well-organized. However, to gather all the in- formation related to the study, the researcher have to build a methodology or research framework to make sure that all the tasks of the project have been done clearly. Figure 9.1 shows the project research framework.
The first step in achieving this project was the initial pla n- ning phase. First of all, the title of the project was discussed with the supervisor. The objective of the project develo p- ment reviewed and defined according to the problem statement. Besides that, the scope of the project identified to draw the boundary for this project. After that, some re- search on the problem background of the project was done in order to decide on the methodology of the project.
The literature review should give a theoretical base for the research and help to resolve the nature of the r e- search. The purpose from writing the literat ure review is to reveal to the reader what kno wledge and ideas have
been established on a topic by previous studies and how similar are they to this project topic. Thus, the literature review for this study started with overview on info r- mation security in general term. Then the literature re- view focused on the components influencing on info r- mation security, such as insider attack, malicious tran s- action. Moreover, continue the study by talking about importance of dependency relationship in the relational database systems. Finally, the discussion goes through related works on how to detect and prevent the misuses activities on the relational database systems. It has two parts:
This part focus about dependency relationship conce pt, including the purpose of dependency rel ationship and how the dependency relationship among items can use to detect and prevent the malicious activities.
Some of the mechanisms that used to detect and prevent the malicious activities have been mentioned in this part. Also the methods used in these mechanisms such as a u- diting log files, profiling, data mining, and d ependency relationship.
In this phase, the design of the mechanism will be developed which will contain specification on the mechanism compo- nents. The components of the mechanism are three layers: Input layer, detection and prevention layer and database layer as follow:
This layer will used to input data to the mechanism. The source of input data is a dataset that constructed by this study. The dataset contains more than 20,000 records that include malicious and none malicious records.
It considers the most important layer in the mechanism. It will receive the data from the input layer and check if there is ma- licious or not. It is collection of objects such dependency algo- rithm, alerter and events table. The components of this layer are:
The DA dependency algorithm is a set of instructions that used to calculate the total dependency relationship among date items and calculate the data items that related with, to mining the malicious data among items. Chapter 4 will ex- plain more about it.
During the process, the malicious activities like updating or deleting commands will be detected by the mechanism.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 7
ISSN 2229-5518
Therefore, an alert needed to be raised by the alerter and noti-
fy the DBA.
This table used to store the misuse activities events when hap- pened.
The database layer is the original database tables (schema), which store the clean data that coming from the detection and prevention layer. The database layer includes the definition and transaction tables.
1- Definition Tables: These tables store the primary and fix data of the system.
2- Transaction Table: The tables which have the transaction data those changes continuously, for example salaries ta- bles, check tables and so on.
Three software products will used to develop the proposed mechanism:
Procedural language/ structured query language is the best language to develop the logic of the mechanism. It has a good feature such as: flexibility, easy to use, control statement and so on. Pl/SQL will used to connect all components of the mechanism.
The oracle database will used to create target database schema such as: tables, views, triggers, proc edures and functions of the mechanism.
Oracle developer is one of the oracle corporation products. The oracle developer2000 will be used to build the inte r- faces of the mechanism (input layer).
This phase will evaluate the mechanism to verify it meet the project objectives or not. To evaluate the mechanism there are some steps should be executed such as: execute the proposed mechanism, baseline, and evaluation measures and compare the result.
Execute the proposed mechanism to get the results and com- pare it with existing mechanism. The exiting mechanism is DIDS (Database Intrusion Detection system), [10].
The baseline of this project is used DIDS (Database Intrusion Detection System), [10]. The DIDS is one of the mechanisms that used to detect and prevent the malicious activities in da- tabase.
The measures that will be used in this study to evaluation the accuracy of the proposed mechanism are: detection rate, false negative and false positive rates measures.
Detection rate refers to the percentage of detected malicious events, namely detection rate is equal to the product of the quotient of dividing the number of detected intrusion events by the total of malicious events and 100%.
Rate of false negative refers to the probability that correct events are falsely detected as abnormal events, namely rate of false positive is equal to the product of the quotient of divid- ing the number of events which are falsely detected as abnor- mal events by the total of events and 100%.
Rate of the false negative represent the abnormal or harmful activities which are classified wrongly by detection mecha- nism as normal activities, namely Rate of false negative is equal to the product of the quotient of dividing the number of events which are falsely detected as normal events by the total of events and 100%.
The results that have gotten will be compared with the results in the existing mechanism. These results will compare the ac- curacy of the proposed mechanism with accuracy in the exist- ing mechanism.
This project needs the hardware and software requirements to achieve the mission.
1- One PC with this descriptions:-
- At least (2000) megahertz (MHZ) Pentium pro-
- At least 250 megabytes (MB).
- At least 5 GB available on hard disk.
2- Windows XP with SP2 or windows Vista.
3- Oracle10G or 9i
4- Oracle developer 2000
Scientific research is that type of research which applies a set of principles and rules which ensure the validity of re- sult obtained by the researcher. In this chapter, the differ- ent phases of this project, misuse activities problem identi- fication, literature review, mechanism design, develop- ment and testing are discussed. Each phase plays an im- portant role in accomplishing the aim of this project. The next chapters will cover the remaining phases of this pro- ject, which are mechanism design, development and evo- lution mechanism.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 8
ISSN 2229-5518
In this chapter, the initial finding of the study will be discussed. The content of this chapter will give a general view of the future results of this project.
The initial results that have gets from this study are initial design of the mechanism, and the flowchart of the mech a- nism working. Figure 10-1: show the architecture design for the mechanism and the relations among the c ompo- nents of mechanism. Figure 10 -2 shows the mechanism flow processes of the mechanism.
The Figure 10-2 below show more details of the mechanism working.
According to the proposed dependency algorithm among
items the calculate relations among items and data items that related with these relations will be accrue. For example, if the total number of relationship among items is greater than or equal three relations then the attribute is more used and high important. After, that checks the data in the items. If the data has been written already in more than one item, then this item is used in other places by other users and the update or delete is prohibited and classified as malicious. On the other hand, if the total relations among items equal 2 (low important), and the two data items have been used already. So, if there is up- dated or deleted command on only one data item without oth- er item, it will determine as malicious command. However, if there is updating or deleting in parallel on these two data items, it will be determine as malicious but it will be pass and committed in database. The proposed dependency algorithm working as:
When the authorized user send a command to the database, the algorithm checks the command type, if insert then will move directly to database. However, if the command update or delete then, the algorithm will check first the total number of the dependency relationship among items(TR) and then check the total number of data items(TD) that related by the relation dependency. Therefore, if the TR greater than or equal three relations, then check the relevant data items if the data has been written already to more than one item , then the mechanism will detect the activity as malicious and prevent it and notify the DBA as well as write the events to the events
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 9
ISSN 2229-5518
table. On the other hand, if the TR equal two relations then
check the TD if written in more than one item, then check the activity on two data items, if parallel activity then detect as malicious but can pass to the database, owing to the data may be correct or not, but if the activity is only on the one data item, then detect as malicious activity and prevent it, and also notify the DBA and write the event in events table. Algorithm
10.3 will explain the proposed dependency algorithm among items.
TD= data item * total target tables; TR=TD +1;
Check TR>=3 then
High Important item; Get active data item; Check active data>1 then
Detect and prevent Malicious da- ta;
Write events Check TR=2 then Low importance;
Get active data item;
Check active data>1 then Check parallel activity then Malicious;
Database commit; Check TR=1 then Normal;
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IJSER !b) 2012