International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 639
ISSN 2229-5518
Design and Evaluation of classification algorithm on GPU
Kinjal Shah, Prashant Chauhan, Dr. M. B. Potdar
Abstract— Recent developments in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have enabled inexpensive high performance computing for general-purpose applications. Due to GPU's tremendous computing capability, it has emerged as the co-processor of CPU to achieve a high overall throughput. CUDA programming model provides the programmers adequate C language like APIs to better exploit the parallel power of the GPU. K-nearest neighbor (KNN) is a widely used classification technique and has significant applications in various domains. The computational-intensive nature of KNN requires a high performance implementation. In this paper, we propose GPU based parallel implementation of KNN. We evaluate our implementation by using different size of images. Our parallel implementation gives us 1.68X speed up, while working with GPU gives us 8.413Xspeedup.
Index Terms— data mining, classification, decision tress, KNN, MPI, CUDA, CPU, OPEN MP
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The size of datasets are increasing tremendously as there is a large speed up in processing and communication have im- proved the capability of data generation and collection in are- as such as scientific experimentation, business and govern- ment transaction, as well as internet. The current system can not handle current data sets because of the large size of data. Now a days new technique that automatically handles this large size of data into meaningful information is required. Data mining, process of analysing data for different perspec- tive and summarising into useful information. Data mining is used in fields like crediting, banking, research areas, market- ing, transportation, insurance, WWW, scientific simulation etc.
Classification is a data mining technique that assigns items in order to target class. Main goal of classification is to accu- rately predict the target class for each case of data. For exam- ple, a classification model could be used to identify loan appli- cation such as low, medium or high credit risk. The task of classification begins with the data set for which the classes are known. As the classifications are discrete so they do not imply order.
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) is one of the most widely used classification algorithms. For each unknown query object, KNN scans all the objects in the reference dataset. Assume that num- ber of reference object is m and number of query object is n then total time taken for computing is O(nm) , which is computa- tionally intensive. Therefore serial program handling large data set will take a lot of timing, hence parallelisation is needed.
• Kinjal Shah is currently pursuing masters degree program in computer engineering in NIRMA University, India, . E-mail:
• Prashant chauhan is working as project scientist at Bhaskaracharya Insti- tute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics, Gandhinagar.
• Dr. M. B. Potdar is working as project director at BISAG, Gandhinagar.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pre- sents the background knowledge of this parallelism. Section 3 overviews the CUDA related work. In section 4, we present CUKNN. Experimental results are presented in section 5 and we summarize our work in section 6.
Many scientific and computer related and large problems can be bettlerly solved using parallel programming. The memory limits faced by serial classifiers and need of classify- ing larger data set in shorter time, make classification algo- rithm to solve the task using parallel approach. The parallel formulation, must address issue of efficiency and scalability both in terms of memory requirements and parallel run time. Data mining can be executed in a highly parallel environment over multiple processors [6].
Modern programming languages are also structured so as to efficiently utilize novel architectures. There exist dedicated parallel programming paradigms for parallelizing the algo- rithms over multiprocessor and networked systems. OPENMP and MPI are used to achieve shared and distributed memory parallelization. CUDA is a programming language that is de- signed for parallel programming on NVIDIA GPU [7]. In CUDA, thread access different memories of GPU. CUDA of- fers a data parallel programming model.
General purpose programming can also be done on the GPU where multi cores can be used for highly parallel pro- cessing. Many data mining algorithms have been specifically designed in CUDA and they show drastic improvement in performance. Parallel programming is incomplete without discussing the most recent approach called MAP Reduce. It can process large sized data in highly parallel manner [8]. Map Reduce was introduced by Google in 2004. Map Reduce has
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 640
ISSN 2229-5518
become the most popular framework for mining-large scale datasets in parallel as well as distributed environment. Differ- ent computing environments’ require different programming paradigms depending upon the problem type. As data mining techniques are data and compute intensive both, it can be ex-
ploited better by using any one or combination of parallel programming approaches given in the table [9].
GPUs have a parallel architecture with massively parallel processors. The graphics pipeline is well suited to rendering process because it allows the GPU to function as a stream pro- cessor. NVIDIA's GPU with the CUDA programming model provides an adequate API for non-graphics applications. The CPU treats a CUDA device as a many-core co-processor.
At the hardware level, CUDA-enabled GPU is a set of SIMD stream multiprocessors (SMs) with 8 stream processors (SPs) each. Each SM contains a fast shared memory, which is shared by all its processors as shown in Figure. A set of local
32-bit registers is available for each SP. The SMs communicate through the global/device memory. The global memory can be read from or written to by the host, and are persistent across the kernel launches of the same application, however, it is much slower than shared memory. Shared memory is man- aged explicitly by the programmers. Compared to the CPU, the peak floating-point capability of the GPU is an order of magnitude higher, as well as the memory bandwidth.
At the software level, CUDA model is a collection of
threads running in parallel. The unit of work issued by the host computer to the GPU is called a kernel. CUDA program is running in a data-parallel fashion. Computation is orga- nized as a grid of thread blocks. Each SM executes one or more thread blocks concurrently. A block is a batch of SIMD-parallel
threads that runs on the same SM at a given moment. For a given thread, its index determines the portion of data to be processed. Threads in a common block communicate through the shared memory.
CUDA consists of a set of C language extensions and a runtime library that provides APIs to control the GPU. Thus, CUDA programming model allows the programmers to better exploit the parallel power of the GPU for general-purpose computing.
KNN algorithm is a method for classifying an object based on the closest reference object. KNN is a lazy leaner. Here a query object is classified by a majority vote of its k nearest neighbors in the reference objects. Given an unknown object p, a KNN classifier searches the reference dataset for the k objects that are closest to p, and then, p is assigned to the majority class among the k-nearest neighbors. “Closeness” is usually defined as a distance metric, such as Euclidian distance, Cosine dis- tance etc. The most time consuming part of KNN is distance calculation component and sorting component. Therefore, the work focuses on accelerating these two components:
1.) Distance Calculation Kernel
The computation of the distance can be fully parallelized
since the distances between pair of tuples are independent.
This property makes KNN suitable for a GPU parallel imple-
mentation. After transferring the data from CPU to GPU, each
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 641
ISSN 2229-5518
thread performs the distance calculation between the query object and a reference object. Threads in a common block share the reference objects with others. Since the number of objects is large, a large number of threads and blocks are launched in this kernel. In distance calculation kernel, both reference data and query data are loaded from global memory into shared memory. Each Stream Processor in a block fetches data from shared memory [4].
Figure 1: k-nearest neighbor. n is a new case. It would be as- signed to the class x because the seven x’s within the ellipse out- number the two y’s
shortest one from the m local-k neighbors. Multiple times this step is repeated until k global nearest neighbors of p are select- ed. This is shown in the figure. Once the global-k nearest neighbors is obtained, it is easy to figure out the class label of p.
Figure 3: Global- KNN from m local –KNN [9]
The number of query objects to be classified is usually more than one in real application. The performance of per- forming classification for multiple query objects in a parallel manner is definitely superior to the sequential manner. Meth- od is as follows:
Shared memory
Query object
Distance calcu- lation
Sorting kernel. For a given query object, the sorting process is applied. Assume q query objects to be classified, q threads are used to generate the global-k nearest neighbors with one query per thread. In this way, the sorting process of the q query ob- jects is performed in parallel. Notice that all the operations are performed in shared memory, which is highly efficient.
Figure 2: Parallel Approach for KNN
2.) Sorting Kernel
After calculating distance between query object, p, and
reference object, sorting is performed to find KNN of p. The
distances calculated by threads in common block are stored in
shared memory. Threads ti takes care of one distance di. By
comparing distance calculated by other threads, ti obtains the
rank of di. All the threads in common block generate such task
simultaneously, called local-k nearest neighbours of p. We use
only one thread t to find the global-k nearest neighbors across
all the blocks from the local-k neighbors on each block. We launch m blocks and each block stores k shortest distance in ascending order. In first iteration, thread t selects the global
The following shows the flow chart of KNN algorithm.
The device used in our experiment is NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX
70 ti with 2 GB of device memory. CUDA v5.5. We implemented
KNN algorithm using matlab and gpu. Initially we trained 100
images of different sizes and then tested for 2 images using KNN
algorithm. The following table shows the performance compari- son while working with 10, 50, 100, 150 images. This gives us
8.413Xspeed up.
The following two graphs show the comparison performance of while working with sequential algorithm to parallel algorithm and while working with GPU.
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 642
ISSN 2229-5518
Flowchart for KNN algorithm
Training dataset
Initialization, define k
Compute distance between input sample and training samples
Sort distance
Take k nearest neighbors
Perform testing using knn algo- rithm
Create prediction matrix
Create confusion matrix
Print Error
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 643
ISSN 2229-5518
Table 2: Experimental time
Figure 5: Performance comparison of sequen- tial timing with GPU timing
In this paper, we presented a parallel implementation of KNN. It is hybrid implementation of CPU and GPU. We created an array on GPU which reads number of images and process on it. Experiment showed good scalability on image data. KNN pre- sented up to 8.413X speedup. The result shows that KNN is suit- able for large scale dataset.
Figure 4: performance comparison with sequential timing with parallel timing
This paper is carried out with the full support from Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo- informatics and the director of institute Mr T. P. Singh. I am also thankful to all the members of the institute for supplying the precious data and resources.
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