The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Data Visualized Search Engines 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Data Visualized Search Engines
Author: Samuel A.M.
Abstract: This paper explores the data visualized approach of search engines. Providing detailing to the data informatics search.. And providing Nth Dimensional view and regional focused search.
Data visualization is the study of the visual representation of data, meaning "information which has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information".
Data visualization is closely related to Information graphics, Information visualization, Scientific visualization and Statistical graphics.
IJSER © 2012
The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Data Visualized Search Engines 2
ISSN 2229-5518
Search in 3 Dimensional Way:
Now in 3D search engines , we can rotate the picture like in space and click on the city then search textbox appears and we can give a more focused search and regional search.
Here I have considered the case of MAP or location information and tried to represent a system in Nth Dimension and a search module for better targeted search to get the right content at
the first search result. Not to review billions of records. Most of the time people review at most
first 30 search results and the rest billion query computation goes wasted. Thus waste of energy
, time and money.
IJSER © 2012