International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 745

ISSN 2229-5518

Cloud Computing: Attacks and Defenses

Omaji Samuel, Munan Ali Shah, Amir Hayat

AbstractCloud computing is described and considered to be a fast improving information technology which brought a new change and opportunity to the information technology world and in the field of human endeavor by providing environment for information and resources sharing that are delivered as a service to the final consumer over the World W ide Web on request. This could enable consumers to access and utilize their data at any point in time and also have beneficial online storage services. As a result of its numerous advantages, cloud computing is face with serious security risks. This paper reviews the research carried out in 2010-2014 and presents the classes of vulnerabilities of attacks in the cloud deployment models, their preventive measures and the performance evaluation on the types of deployment models.We also discovered a new attack surfaces on selected two deployment models describes in the section 6.3, which we recommended for future research work.

Index TermsCloud, Computing, Security Deployment, Model Architecture, Virtualization, Attacks and Defenses.



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HIS acceptance of cloud-based computing gives no result of retarding. In fact, the services of cloud are increasing at a geometrical rate touching all areas of the economy, with
its sale for public cloud services was esti-mated to rise in the next decade. And there is no doubt that the cloud adaption is a convincing over for businesses and public organizations with similar interest, providing exible access to shared, and simpli- fy allocation of computing resources. The cloud model re- duced the capital expenditures and minimizes the overhead costs of implementing a network, giving right for enterprise to concentrate more on their daily transaction instead on the IT provided by the cloud model. Conversely, the aim of cloud computing is to attract businesses in the aspect of resource sharing which provides an achieved economy of scale that can make the cloud model vulnerable to threat and attacks by the adversary [4].
The goal of cloud computing is to allow users to make tre- mendous use all of its technologies, without the need for deeper understanding about the technique embedded in them. Various organization rendering cloud computing products and services do not considered the implications of actually processing, storing and retrieval data in a common virtualized format. In reality, numerous designers of cloud-based applica- tions manage to add protection, still as an addendum. In other cases, developers simply cannot provide tangible protection with recent reasonable technical strength.


Mr. Omaji Samuel is currently pursuing masters’ degree program in In- formation Security in Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islam- abad Pakistan.

National Mathematical Centre, Kwali, Abuje, Nigeria.


• Dr. Munah Ali Shah is a lecturer at Comsats Institute of Information

Technology, Islamabad Pakistan.

• Dr Amir Hayat is also a lecturer at Comsats Institute of Information

Technology, Islamabad Pakistan. Email:

(This information is optional; change it according to your need.)

Let's give a conceptual understanding of the research title, and to begin with the concept of cloud computing security, let simply say cloud safety; is a growing part of computer securi- ty; network security and diversely from information security, It has a wider scope of policies, technologies, and controls as- signed to protect data, applications, and the a liated infrastruc- ture of cloud computing. Conversely, attacks can be view from the perspectives of an unauthorized access to a cloud environ- ment, system or data and intentionally breaching the confiden- tiality, privacy, integrity, or availability of the cloud computing information system. Digesting the understanding of attacks, it is necessary to understand the defenses associated with this at- tacks, defenses is a way of preventing, suppressing intelligently the activity of an adversary with technical mechanism that will avert and restored the con dentiality, privacy, integrity of cloud computing world.
Having a written plan about what the cloud provider will do in a security event, such as a violation, is required by many reg- ulatory standards. At the same time, many solution providers helping a client move to a cloud solution fail to spend enough time and effort to substantiate the offering's security. This may be because the client's primary reason for moving to the cloud is to reduce costs. Therefore, there may be little profit for the solu- tion provider in the cloud relationship. These factors and the reality that cloud providers often silence clients into believing there's little reason to worry about security, make the role as a security solution provider even more difficult.
The ever-present use of cloud is so new that the National In- stitute for Standards in Technology (NIST), which is tasked with writing guidelines for proper use of technology, is only at the draft release stage with its cloud computing regulation. In a draft guiding principle on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Comput-ing (800-144), released May 16, 2011, it is clear that even NIST members are rightfully concerned and cau-tious about the rapid and seemingly gratis move to cloud computing. As the document points out, "Many of the features that make cloud computing attractive, however, can also be at odds with traditional secu-rity models and controls" [6]. Still if one could show a degree of short-term cost savings in public cloud [7] versus client basis architectures, the risks considerably confront

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 746

ISSN 2229-5518

the prospective gains. There are considerable obstacles to secur- ing data housed and controlled by an entity other than its own- er, and this is improved with a public cloud, where communica- tions, computing and storage resources are shared and data is often co-mingled [8].
In line with this development, we closely view cloud compu- ting security on a very significant level, paying primary atten- tion on attacks and hacking which are related to cloud compu- ting providers and the systems [2]. Cloud computing are vul- nerable to many attacks which has been an issue both in the past and in our comteporary time, many research work have being conducted to address the various attacks. This paper, is anticipating the classes of susceptibilities that is derived from cloud computing model; it shall provide preface attacks no- menclature for these, based on the understanding of cloud deployment components of the cloud. Security and Privacy should be given high priority and there is a need for high as- surance and trust in order to create enabling arena of ac- ceptance in the clouds ability to provide honest and consistent structure.
In Figure1. The deployment model architecture illustrate the layer of cloud service deployment, where the private cloud[9,10] gives a single cloud consumer's enterprise the ex- clusive privilege to the usage of infras-tructure and its compu- tational resources, the public cloud[11], the cloud infrastruc- ture and computing resources are made available to the gen- eral public over a public network and serves diverse pool of clients, the community cloud serve a group of cloud customers which have shared concerns such as mission objectives[12], security, privacy and compliance policy, rather than serving a single organization and it is implemented on the customer premises, lastly the hybrid cloud is the composition of two or more clouds(private on-site, community, off-site private[6], onsite community or public) that remain distinct entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability[6,13,14] .Thus, each deployment model is vulnerable to different threats.
The rest of this paper will proceed as follow. Section 2 gives briefly the related work. Section 3 gives the different cloud models. Section 4 Recent work based on surface layer taxono- my vulnerability. Section 5 Review other surface attacks. Sec- tion 6 gives the cloud deployment taxonomy for cloud compu- ting and its vulnerabilities of attack. Subsection of 6 shows the performance evaluation of deployment model and a table in- cluding surface attack on two cloud deployment models and finally Section 7 gives the conclusion.


2.1 Cloud Computing Attacks

In cloud computing, three major features such as confidentiali- ty, integrity and availability (CIA) should not be breached. If the CIA is breached, the said cloud environment is susceptible to any form of attacks. When a cloud computing transmission or communication service has be compromise or modified in transit, then we say the cloud transmission has lost its integri- ty, similarly, when there is unauthorized destruction of data, and then we say that there is a breach of availability. Con- versely, the unauthorized read of data can result to the breach
of confidentiality. For synchronous transmission of infor- mation between the cloud service and the cloud client, a ex- ceptional feature that require risk evaluation in areas such as integrity, privacy, recovery and evaluation of legal issues such as electronic discovery, regulatory compliance and auditing. We shall look at some potential cloud computing attack vec- tors which include [9]

Fig.1. Gives the type Cloud Deployment Model embedded to form a hybrid cloud. The S-represent the cloud service pro- vider, while x, y and z represents the various cloud deploy- ments.

2.2 Network Issues in Cloud Computing

Recent studies now shows that most cloud computing trans- mission compromise is attribute to the denial of service. The cloud service server and its operating system notices the high work load on the flooded service, it will start to provide more computation power that is high service instances is needed to handle with the extra work load [6]. The hackers overflow the network server with recurrent demand of services to sabotage the network. The network server cannot legitimately grant the client regular requests [9]. For instance, the cyber criminals send thousands of requests to the cloud network server, there- by increasing its workload and this halt the functionality of the server from providing services to the legitimate clients. Providing a reduce privilege of client that connect to a server can reduce the DoS [15] attack. Other network security attacks are the meet in the middle attacks this is the kind of attacks where the secure socket layer (SSL) of a network is not con gure properly; communication link between two parties can be hijack by the middle or third party. Similarly, in network sniffing, this type of attack, here the data is not encrypted, thereby making it easy for attackers to compromise the data during communication. Port scanning; most internet port such as Port 80 (HTTP) is frequently available for web services to the client. Therefore port needed be secure by encrypting and ensure that the server software are con gure appropriately. Structural query language (SQL) injection and Cross Site channel is another type of cloud network attacks, unique char-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 747

ISSN 2229-5518

acters to return the data for SQL scripting the request end up with a clause that might be change by inserting more infor- mation to it. The latter for which the user query a right univer- sal resource location (URL) of a website and gain unauthor- ized access on other site to redirect the user to its own website and hacks its credentials [9].

2.3 Other Related Issues in Cloud Computing

The most vital features of cloud system are to improvise vig- orous scalable resources. Cloud system continuously increas- ing in size when there is an additional requests from clients, cloud system initialize new service request in order to con- stantly meet the client requirements. Flooding attacks is main- ly distributing a larger amount of twaddle requests to a par- ticular service. When enormous amount of request is made, more resources cloud system will attempt to fight against the demand, and then the attackers attack the cloud server service. A prominence attack for web service is the XML signiture [15], it uses depend on a component name, attribute and value from illegal party but unable to protect the position in the documents. The attacker targets the component by running the SOAP [16] message and putting what he likes. Browser security is another attack; it is a situation where the requests to the server by web browser have to make use of secure shell layer (SSL) to encrypt the credentials to authen-ticate the user. If there is a middle party, the party can be able to decapsulate the data. If the hacker can runs a sniffing package on the tar- geted host, the hacker may obtain the credentials of the host and make use of these credentials in the cloud system as a le- gitimate user. The cloud malware injection [16] attack is an- other attack which aim is to damage a service, applications or virtual machine. An intruder is oblige to generate his personal nasty applications, service or virtual machine request and put it into the cloud system [9].


Different cloud models have been designed to identified the major facets, their activities and function in the cloud compu- ting. The cloud computing reference model gives the generic view of all the facets of the cloud computing components [6]. Each facet is an entity that participates in the dealing or pro- cessing and carry out tasks in cloud computing.

3.1. The deployment model

A cloud computing system can be implemented privately, or hosted on the premises of a cloud customer which may be shared among a few number of agreed partners. Likewise, may be housed by a third party or may be made publicly for the general accessibility of services. Depends on the various cloud deployment used, customers may monitor their re- sources, provide scalabilities, cost and availability [14].

3.2. Cloud Service

The cloud can a ord access to software applications such as
email, office productivity tools (Software as a Service, (SaaS) service model), or can provide an enabling environment for clients to implement and operate their own software (Platform as a Service, (PaaS), service model) or can lease network access to conventional computing resources such as a processing power and storage (Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), service model). The various service models satisfies customer accord- ing their various business objectives [14].


Fig.2. the diagram above illustrates the cloud surface at- tacks. The arrows describe the pattern of interactions among the attack surfaces, resulting into the six attacks surfaces ex- plained below.
In many cloud computing scenarios, various models using three classification of layer: the service users, the service in- stances and the cloud provider. This scenarios form a circular relationship of the classes of surface attack.[2]. In this paper we shall briefly explained the six surface attack taxonomy which are;( a) service-to-user, all attacks are possible in this surface, since it exhibit the client-service infrastructures this include attacks like buffer overflow, SQL injection or privilege escalation (b) User-to- service; here the client program uses a server such as browser which has related attacks for the hy- pertext markup language(HTML) based services like secure shell (SSL) certificate spoofing, attacks on browser cache or phishing attacks on mail clients are the common attacks on the user-to-server surface attacks. (c) Cloud-to- service; the part- ing of service instances and cloud provider can be risky, cloud attack surface to the service instances can run in aligned with it host on the cloud system. Attacks include the exhaustion attacks, triggering the cloud provider more resources or end up in a denial of service or attack on the cloud system hyper- visor. (d) Service-to-cloud; it incorporate all virtually all forms of attacks that a cloud provider can perform against a service running on it. Privacy related attacks, malicious interference; this is the most crucial attacks surface compare to other sur- faces. (e) Cloud-to- user; these usually do not have real touch-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 748

ISSN 2229-5518

ing points. And lastly the (f) user-to-cloud surface, here at- tacks involves phishing like activities that activate a client into manipulating it cloud provided services and involves every kinds of attacks that target users and originate at the cloud system.


Attacks surface exposed by your environment can cause vul- nerability for an adversary to launch an attack. some of the surface seem hard to implement especially the Virtual ma- chine (Hypervisor Manager attacks) which could result to es- cape the virtual machine (VM) attack or Virtual switch (vswitch attack) as all known layer 2 attack against switching fabric are migrated by using virtual switches.

3.1. Virual Level Attack

Vulnerability attacks in hypervisor VM is used by cloud ven- dors which are a potential in multi-tenant setting. When pro- vided with computing resources from the cloud in the form of VMs, subscribers should make ensure that the cloud provider has mechanism to protect against VM attacks on the same physical host, or the physical host itself [14]. The possibilities of attacks surface are Denial of Service (DoS) [9], this occur as a result where VMs is overload with processes from the multi- tenants.
Client-client attacks, occur when a spiteful VM could in- fect all VMs that exist in the physical server [13]. An attack on a single client VM can escalate to other VM's that is housed by the same physical host; this is the worst security risk in virtu- alized environment [16]. The attacker gets the administrator right on the infrastructural [17] level or virtualization envi- ronment and then can own all data transmitting between VM and Hyper-visor and can perform Spoofing Attacks [18]. A distinctive attacks discovery and preventive mechanism in- cludes virtual firewalls. Virtual intrusion detection scheme and the intrusion prevention technique IDS/IPs, and some network segmentation techniques such as Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)[6] should be implemented. From the table 1 below in the next subsection, this paper describes some other possible surface attacks in cloud computing.


Cloud deployment is one the key component of cloud compu- ting. There are number of methodologies and ways to defined component of a cloud. There is no clearly definition or stand- ard [4]. Therefore, there is several understanding of deploy- ment models with no one being better defined than another. Deployment can be described as process of providing availa- bility of resources, be it software. Deployment model in cloud computing are the private cloud, public cloud, community cloud and the hybrid cloud [6]. Depending on the types of computing being considered, an organization might use either a public or private cloud space as attest bed to gain experience and capability before moving around. Clients need to do and
thoroughly study of the providers with regard to security, government, risk and compliance. Choosing the right models involves a swapping between the perceived benefits and the perceived risks. Risks of multi-leasing, the workload of varie- gated users may reside concurrently on the same system and local network separate only by access policies implemented by a cloud provider and operation policies and procedures could compromise the security of the consumers.
The security threats in on-premises in the deployment model can be applicable to all the types of cloud deployment model used the protection of cloud resources using strong security perimeters [6] against internal and external threats, for low impact data and processing the security perimeters rewalls, set virtual private network (VPN).[13] For higher im- pact data the more restrictive firewall policies, multifactor au- thentication, encryption, instruction detection and prevention and even physical isolation[14]. The security threats in on premises, the security perimeters needs to be implemented on both consumer's premises and the provider's premises and the communication channels is required to be secured. The vul- nerabilities of the two cloud deployment model as follows: Public cloud surface attacks which involves; cloud provider, co-tenants and users. The private cloud surface attack in- volves; Cloud provider (if managed) and users.

6.1 Deployment Model Surface Attack

The public cloud surface attacks are the types of surface at- tacks that follow the scenario of the surface attack taxonomy. Here the adversaries uses the vulnerability of the cloud provid- er, co-tenants and the user surface to lunch all the six surface attacks. The counter measures are to ensure that the surfaces are difficult for the attacker to attack. We use [2] counter measures against any surface attacks. The possible vulnerability of at- tacks in the co-tenants surface is likely to be the denial of service (DoS); the counter measure is to restrict the privileges of large number of request to the cloud server. Others include man-in- the middle attacks, side channel, their possible measures in- clude the possibility of com-munication path interception should be highly secure using the Secure shell layer (SSL) should be properly run and checked prior to communicating with the legitimate parties. Conversely, the universal resource lo-cator (URL) of the website should be encrypt and its creden- tial hidden from any adversary. The user's surface is also vul- nerable to the following network attacks as illustrated in subsec- tion 2.2. Counter measures includes, properly install rewall to prevent port attacks, ensured encrypted method of securing data against network sniffing attacks on data. The intrusion detection system is needed to sieve the malicious request by in- stalling rewall to prevent flooding attacks, authenticity check for received messages using the hash function mechanism for all upcoming requests to prevent the cloud malware injection attacks.
Similarly the private cloud deployment has the following surfaces; cloud provider if not properly managed and the user. Here the co-tenants in excluded because the private cloud in managed by organization or individual and does not required the utilization of the general public, hence the co-tenants surface

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 749

ISSN 2229-5518

attacks is not applicable to the private cloud. The various pre- ventive measure discussed in the public cloud attack surface can be applied to the private cloud exception of the co-tenant susceptible attacks. You can infer from the appendix 8 in the last page of this paper that the interaction of the two deployment
model consider in section 4 of this paper which depict the idea obtained in the above section.

Table 1 Other Cloud Surface Attack





Tenant Portal

Cloud Service[6,36]

All network attacks[9,28]

Install,Firewalls[9],Accountability check[25]


Cloud Provider[6,2,36]

Insider Attacks[31]

(a) Encryption of data to prevent rogue

Administrator [31].

(b) Data authentication against cloud exploits.[31]

(c) Install rewall proxies against those using cloud against you.[31]


Cloud Service

Network,other security

issues[9,14] and computer viruses

Install rewalls,Intrusion detection system,digital

Certificate and encryption [28, 9], Install antivirus.


Cloud Service

Network,other security

issues[9,14] and computer viruses

Install rewalls,Intrusion detection system,digital

Certificate and encryption [28, 9], Install antivirus.

Escape the VM

Hypervisor [14,16,31,28]

Denial of service

(DoS)[6],Spoo ng [9]

Virtual Firewall[16], Virtual IDS/IPs, Network

segmentation technique and VLANs[13,6,31]

Vswitch Attacks

Hypervisor [14,16,31,28]

Denial of service

(DoS)[6],Spoo ng [9]

Install antivirus to prevent

Bootsector computer virus.

Storage Attacks

Cloud Service[6,2,36]

E ective storage scheme,


Environment Attacks


Insider[31],Natural disaster and


Provide authentication to

denial access to unauthorized users,

proper security perimeters[10], policies and

Regulatory standard.

The other clouds surface attacks

6.2. Performance Evaluation of Deployment Model

The evaluation and performance of the two cloud deployment model will be considered in the paper. The evaluation ranges from the three fundamental facets in cloud computing which include; the cloud provider, the cloud service and the cloud users. Taking the general look at the performance which in- clude the workload and infrastructure [25],the security is [24,25], with reduced latency in the private cloud environ- ment, this is because transversal of the public internet to the end storage performance in private cloud environment with the use of high performance storage hardware and con- guration of high bandwidth connectivity to these devices. The cost of [24,25] is less in private cloud on a VM per hour (opera- tional expenses) basis compared to a public cloud and storage network cost will most likely reduced significantly. The table 2 below in the next sub-section of the performance evaluation of the deployment model gives you the over view of the neces- sary parameters needed when implementing deployment model in cloud computing.

6.3. Proposed Model

The figure below shows the chain between the two cloud de- ployment models and the cloud service provider. The vulner- abilities of the attacks follows the pattern of the six surface attacks explained in section 4 of this paper.
Fig.3. the cloud computing deployment model surface attacks

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 750

ISSN 2229-5518

for private and public cloud.
Table 2 the Performance Evaluations of the Different Deployment Models, Attacks, and Solutions That Exist In Their Respective










Third Party[6]

Third Par- ty[6]

Off Premis- es[29]

All or un- trusted

a. Cloud Pro-


b. Co-tenant

c. Users

Denial of ser- vices(occur most frequently ) and all other attacks

a. Workload: high

b. Security: Low

c. Latency: High

d. Cost: less ex-


Private cloud


Organiza- tion or third par- ty[10]

On premises or off prem- ises[29]

Organiza- tion[17]

a. Cloud pro-



b. Users

(Insider attacks most likely)[23] occur most fre- quently and all other attacks

a. Workload: re-

duced( High



b. Security: High

c. Latency: Re- duced

d. Cost: very ex- pensive [30]

Com- munity cloud

Organization [17]

Organiza- tion or third par- ty[17]

On premises and off premises



Applicable as with private cloud

Some Attacks as in private cloud

Hybrid cloud

Organization and third party[17]

Organiza- tion and third par- ty[17]

Both on premises and off premises

Both trusted and untrust- ed [17]

Applicable with both private and public cloud

All attacks[13]


Cloud computing helps IT enterprises with various tech- nologies to optimize and secure application performance in a low cost manner. Cloud provider often have several powerful server and resources in order to provide appropriate services for their prospective customers. But cloud is at risk similar to other network based technology. In addendum, the vulnera- bility of attacks can be classified based on the knowledge of the cloud deployment model paradigm. Cloud deployment model surface attacks for public and private cloud and their countermeasures are discussed in this paper. It has several models to prevent it data and resources from an ad-versary and to provide optimum services to the users. The notion of the deployment model surface attack will enable prospective individual or organization that are willing to setup cloud computing technology through the understanding of the clas- ses of vulnerabilities of cloud-based attacks on surface de- ployment model.
In this paper, we have shown the performance evaluation for two cloud deployment model, we do not dis-cuss the de- ployment model for community cloud and hybrid cloud com- puting, it is therefore recommended for further study. Being a
new exploration, our new model in the appendix, we were able to classify the cloud model discussed and recommend for future work and we also associated with it our discovered surface attacks. We continuously collect and classify the sus- ceptibilities of attacks neither to ascertain nor contradict our categorization's applicability and suitability.


The author wish to thank Comsats Institute of technology, Islmabad and National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 751

ISSN 2229-5518


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