International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2011 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Character Localization From Natural Images
Using Nearest Neighbours Approach
Shaila Chugh, Yogendra Kumar Jain
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EXT detection and localization from natural scene is an active research area in computer vision field. Scene text appear as a part of scene, such as text in vehicle number
plates, hoardings, books, CD covers, etc.
Various font sizes and styles, orientations, alignment, ef-
fects of uncontrolled illumination, reflections, shadows, the
distortion due to perspective projection as well as the com- plexity of image backgrounds, makes automatic text localiza-
tion and extraction scene a challenging problem. Localization of characters in images is used in many applications. Text de- tection can be used in the applications of page segmentation, document retrieving, address block location, etc. For extrac- tion of text, different approaches have been suggested, based on the text characteristics.
The method proposed by Xiaoqing Liu et al. [2] is based on the fact that edges are a reliable feature of text, regardless of color/intensity, layout, orientations, etc. Edge strength, density and the orientation variance are three distinguishing characteristics of text embedded in images, which can be used as main features for detecting scene text. Their proposed me- thod consists of three stages: target text area detection, text area localization and character extraction.
Wang et al. [3] proposed a connected-component based
method which combines color clustering, a black adjacency
graph (BAG), an aligning-and-merging-analysis scheme and a set of heuristic rules together to detect text in the application
of sign recognition such as street indicators and billboards. Author has mentioned that uneven reflections have resulted in incomplete character segmentation that increased the false alarm rate. Kim et al. [4] implemented a hierarchical feature combination method to implement text detection in real scenes. However, authors admit that their proposed method could not handle large text very well due to the use of local features that represents only local variations of image blocks. Gao et al. [5] developed a three layer hierarchical adaptive text detection algorithm for natural scenes. It has been applied in prototype Chinese sign translation system which mostly has a horizontal and/or vertical alignment.
Cai et al. [7] have proposed a method that detects both low and high contrast texts without being affected by language
and font-size. Their algorithm first converts the video image into an edge map using color edge detector [9] and uses a low global threshold to filter out definitely non-edge points. Then, a selective local thresholding is performed to simplify the complex background, then the edge-strength smoothing oper- ator and an edge-clustering power operator highlights those areas with high edge strength or edge density, i.e. text candi- dates.
Garcia et al. [10] proposed a connected component based method in which potential areas of text are detected by en- hancement and clustering processes, considering most of the constraints related to the texture of words. Then, classification and binarization of potential text areas are achieved in a single scheme performing color quantization and characters peri- odicity analysis. Lienhart et al. [11] and Agnihotri et al. [8] are also proposed connected component based approaches. Alain Trémeau et al. [14] have proposed a method for detection and segmentation of text layers in complex images, which uses a geodesic transform based on a morphological reconstruction technique to remove dark/light structures connected to the borders of the image and to emphasize on objects in center of the image and used a method based on difference of gamma functions approximated by the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (GEVD) to find a correct threshold for binariza- tion. Jianqiang Yan et al. [15] have used Gabor filters with scale and direction varied to describe the strokes of Chinese characters for target text area extraction and by establishing four sub-neural networks to learn the texture of text area, the learnt classifiers are used to detect target text areas.
Existing methods experience difficulties in handling texts with various contrasts or inserted in a complex background. In this paper, we propose a connected component based text extraction algorithm, a general-purpose method, which can quickly and effectively localize and extract text from both document and indoor/ outdoor scene image.
In our proposed method we consider that text present in im- ages is in the horizontal direction with uniform spacing be-
IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2011 2
ISSN 2229-5518
tween words. The proposed method of text extraction and localization consists of four stages :
1. Color Processing
2. Detection of Edges
3. Text Area Localization
4. Gap Filling and Enhancement.
Pre-processing of image is done to facilitate easier detection of desired areas. The image is converted to the YUV color space and then, the luminance (Y) is used for further processing. The YUV color format describes a color by using the color compo- nents luminance and chrominance. The luminance component (Y) represents the brightness information of a color, the chro- minance components (U and V) contain the color differences o taking
ndwidth enabling ore effi- "direct"
e output its color
Procedure 1
Input : gray image
Output : edge image
Step I : initialize all pixel value of edge image
EdgeImagexy to zero.
Step II : repeat until all pixelxy € gray image
are processed through Step III . Step III : pixelxy gray Image
EdgeImagexy : max[(diff(pixelx,y,pixelx-1,y), (diff(pixelx,y,pixelx+1,y),
Step IV : improve contrast by using appropriate convolution filter on edge image.
Figure 1
d, to en- he edges filter on ge.
Aim is to concentrate on regions where text is plausible. In this process, simply the gray-level image is converted into an edge image. The connected-component method is used to highlight possible text areas more as compared to the non-text areas.
Here all pixels are given gray-levels in accordance with their neighbors. The largest value between the pixel and its upper-right, upper and left direction neighbors is assigned as weight here.
In the algorithm, to generate the edge image (EdgeImagexy)
from gray scale image (gray Image), each pixel (pixelxy) of
grayscale image is processed, to assign the intensity, which is
the largest difference among their left (pixelx-1), right (pix-
elx+1 , y) and upper right (pixelx+1 , y-1) pixels. The edge im-
age initially included all black pixels. Figure 3 shows the edge image, generated through the gray scale image of figure 1.
Figure 4
IJSER © 2011
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 12,
ISSN 2229-5518
In this stage, height-wise and width-wise analysis is done through the horizontal and vertical histogram for the target text areas. For developing histogram with white text area against dark background, the sharpened image is taken as the input intensity image.
Procedure 2
Input : edge image
Output : generate an array of four coordinates (x0, y0, x1, y1) of text areas.
Step1: generate graph H1 for height wise analysis, and H2 for width wise
Step2: calculate minimum threshold min (T1) in H1 and maximum thre- shold max (T2) in H2.
Step 3: pixel value comes under these two threshold value are considered
for text area and suppress all pixel those values is less than min(H1) and greater than max(H2)
Step 4: calculate x0, y0, x1, y1 coor- dinates which belongs to the text
Figure 5. Procedure for localization of text area
The width-wise histogram represents aggregate of pixels in all columns and height-wise histogram represents aggregate of ms where
resent in wo thre- in(T1) =
0. Areas t. Figure d height
Figure 7
To remove the probable areas which are not text, the geome- tric proportion between length and breadth of the text is con- sidered. This geometric proportion is taken after experiment- ing on various kind of images to get mean values. Here areas with vertical to horizontal axis proportion lower than ten are taken as target text areas. A gap image will be formed. It will be used as a basis to filter the localization of distinguished text areas. All pixels of the binary processed image, which are en- closed by background pixels in diagonal x and y directions, are replaced by the background intensity.
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we used 25 test images with variable font sizes, perspective and alignment under different lighting conditions. Figure 8 shows some of the results, from which we can see that our proposed method can extract text with various font sizes, perspective, alignment, any number of characters in a text string under different lighting conditions. Although there is no generally accepted method that can be used to evaluate the performance of the text localization and extraction method, we use several metrics used by others to facilitate a meaningful comparison. In our proposed number of correctly located cha- racters, which are regarded as ground-truth. precision rate and recall rate, quantified to evaluate the performance are giv- en by (1) and (2). The area in the image which is not text but is recognized as text, by mistake, by the proposed method, is defined as false positive. The area in the image which is text but could not be recognized by the method is defined as false
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me 2, Issue 12, December-2011 4
n of our roposed hod.
Precision Rate = Correctly Located 100% (1)
Correctly Located + False Positive
Recall Rate =
Correctly Located
Correctly Located + False Negative
100% (2)
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Figure 8. Images with variable font sizes, angles, perspective distortion, colors, scaling and resolutions (a) Original images (b) Extracted text by edge based text detection method [2] (c) Extracted text by proposed method.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 12, December-2011 6
ISSN 2229-5518
In this paper, nearest-neighbors based approach for localizing text from images is proposed. Results shows that the pro- posed method is effective in localizing the text areas from nat- ural scenes. Proposed algorithm is robust with respect to as- pect to font sizes and styles, orientations, alignment, uneven illumination, and reflection effects. Binary output can be di- rectly be used as an input to an existing OCR engine for cha- racter recognition without any further processing. This me- thod distinguishes text areas from texture-like areas, such as window frames, wall patterns, etc., by using the histogram thresholds. Here we used MATLAB for implementation pur- pose. To reduce the false positive rate, morphological opera- tions can be used. This could increase precision rate also.
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