The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Business Rules Discovery from Existing Software Systems 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Business Rules Discovery from Existing Software
Kestutis Normantas, Olegas Vasilecas
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CCORDING to the definition of IEEE [[1]], software maintenance is the process of modifying a software sys-
tem or component after delivery to correct faults, improve performances or other attributes, or adapt to a changed envi- ronment. Software maintenance consumes a large amount of its total life cycle costs. Canfora and Cimitile [[18]] reveal that the cost of maintenance consumes 60% to 80% of the total life cycle costs while Seacord et al. [[13]] observes that the relative cost for maintaining and evolving the software has been stead- ily increasing and reached more than 90 percent of the total cost.
Recently, the Object Management Group (OMG) within the Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) Task Force initia- tive [[8]] provides a number of standards [[10]] for representa- tion and analysis of existing software systems in order to sup- port modernization, including the maintenance, activities. The Knowledge Discovery Meta-model (KDM) [[9]] is the funda- mental meta-model in this set of representations as it defines representation of all aspects of the software system and ena- bles interoperability for tools that captures and analysis in- formation about the existing system. A number of moderniza- tion projects [[15]] report significant cost savings by applying architecture-driven approaches in the modernization of large scale information systems.
Motivated by cost-effective modernization projects, we be- lieve that by employing modern architecture-driven technolo- gies with source code analysis techniques and a business rules (BR) approach, the costs of maintenance and evolution of in- formation systems may be reduced significantly. In this paper we address related issues and propose an approach for the discovery of BR from the existing software systems. Our con- tributions are as follows. We describe reverse engineering ac- tivities that must be involved to build KDM representation of discovered knowledge about the software system. We define how various kinds of business rules may be implemented in the system, and analyze what source code analysis techniques
could be applied to abstract the business logic from KDM rep- resentation.
The paper is structured as follows. We first of all, introduce an example software system that will be considered in the dis- cussion of the approach. Then, we overview related work of BR extraction from the source code. After, we explain our ap- proach by presenting the process of BR discovery. Finally, we provide conclusions and discuss further research.
In order to present general ideas of the approach for busi- ness rules discovery, we refer to example enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The ERP system is designed using multi-tiered Client/Server architecture (figure 1).
Fig. 1. Architecture of example Enterprise Resource Plan- ning System
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The system acts as a platform for development of business specific solutions: it provides customization capabilities by enabling to define specific data objects (over data definitions); using data definitions create forms and reports; specify work- flows that may be assigned to data objects. It also provides application programming interface (API) allowing automation of particular system events using a dialect of the Visual Basic for Application (VBA) language and integration with other software systems using the Component Object Model (COM) interface. Internally the system may be considered as a black- box – the logic behind the interface may be understood only from software technical documentation, or from experience
they usually tend to be not fully tested. Maintenance and up- grade costs often exceed the cost to initially adapt the software sys- tem; therefore, the approach for automated comprehension of the business logic implemented in the software system is very important to reduce the maintenance costs.
Figure 2 depicts a simplified fragment of example ERP,
emphasizing business rules embedded in the source code. The top side of the picture presents user interface: the main appli- cation dialog and the form “Order” opened over menu item “New order”. The bottom side of the picture shows the snip- pet of the form definition (XML) and the fragment of source code (VBA) implementing the business logic – calculation of a
Form definition in XML Automation over events in VB
Fig. 2. Fragment of ERP representing the main application dialog and the form opened over dialog menu (New order). The form is defined within the form definition, the events of form controls are handled by VBA scripts.
gained by using API in the development of business specific solutions.
Such kind of software systems may be easily adapted to the business requirements; however, over time, requirements change and software system must be updated to reflect those changes. It leads to undocumented modifications of the sys- tem, and even worse, because the impact of these modifica- tions to other parts of the system is very difficult to evaluate,
discount value.
Numerous methods and techniques for BR discovery from existing software systems have been contributed in the field of reverse engineering. Chiang [[3]] presents an approach that uses static program slicing [[14]] of control flow graph (CFG)
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Business Rules Discovery from Existing Software Systems 3
ISSN 2229-5518
of a program code to obtain code slices representing BR, and to transform them into the reusable CORBA components. Huang et al. [[5]] define a number of heuristic rules for do- main variables identification, slicing criteria identification, and slicing algorithm selection. Code slices indicate BR imple- mented in the system. Three representations are considered: code-view – rules are represented as code fragments; formula- view –rules are represented as three parts formulae (left hand side for variable, right hand side for expression that modifies variable, and conditions under which modifications are ap- plied); and input-output dependence view (bidirectional data flows between input and output parameters).
An extension to Huang et al. [[5]] solution is proposed by Wang et al. [[16]]. The approach proposed by them consists of five steps as follows. First, the program is sliced into multiple slices in order to be understandable for the further analysis. Then, two types of domain variables are identified: pure do- main variables that represent system’s input and output; and derived domain variables that depend on pure domain varia- bles. Dependency is established by applying information-flow relations computing algorithm proposed by Bergeretti and Carre [[2]]. Having extracted domain variables and their de- pendencies, the next step, called data analysis, identifies busi- ness items that are actually implemented in the selected slice. According to the obtained information, a set of business rules is extracted and represented using multiple views in order to be validated with stakeholders. Another improvement of Wang et al. work is proposed by Gang [[4]]. The approach constructs a program dependence graph and after identifica- tion of data dependences, it augments the graph with edges that represent dependencies among program statements. The backward traverse is applied to the dependence graph and a resulting dependence-cache slice is a collection of all reachable nodes by this traverse. Resulting slices are presented for vali- dation with stakeholders as code fragments.
However, code views requires deep understanding of tech- nological aspects of the software system, therefore they are difficult to be validated with stakeholders. Putrycz and Kark [[12]] emphasize the fact that business analysts require more than just code snippets referring the business rules. For this reason, they propose an approach that use document (in HTML format) content extraction and key phrase analysis to link the source code implementing business rules with tech- nical and other related documentation. To separate business processing logic from infrastructure related, they focus on sin- gle program statements that carry a business meaning, such as calculation and branching since they most often represents high level processing. Resulting production rules in the form of <Condition><Action> are represented using business vo- cabulary and business rules (SBVR).
In contrast to related works, our research concentrates on software systems that are built using heterogeneous technolo- gies, and aims to gather any kind of information about the software system to facilitate the comprehension of business logic implemented in the system. We therefore rely on the KDM standard to represent the knowledge about the software
system and apply source code analysis to abstract the business logic.
The approach for business rules discovery in existing en- terprise software systems is based on reverse engineering pro- cess that obtains intermediate representation of different as- pects of the software system using the Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM). The process consists of the following phases: preliminary study, knowledge extraction, and busi- ness logic abstraction. In this section we will give an overview of each of these phases.
The first phase of business rules discovery process involves preliminary study of the existing software system. It aims to define the scope and costs of such kind of modernization pro- ject. This phase involves the following two steps: gather initial information and define the strategy for knowledge extraction and representation within KDM. During the first step, the pre- sent architecture of software system is reviewed, the architec- tural components are identified, and the high-level dependen- cies between them are established. Based on the acquired ini- tial knowledge about the software system, a strategy for ob- taining the representation within KDM is defined. The strate- gy establishes the list of software artifacts that will be pro- cessed, the ways they will be processed, and the time expected for delivery of each representation.
This phase involves several steps whose purpose is to build knowledge base used as the main source for business logic abstraction. The knowledge base consists of a set of KDM models that represent software system (referred thereafter as KDM representation), the data base of indexed software doc- umentation, and the data base of classifiers (i.e. lookup table values) used within the software system. It should be men- tioned that depending on concrete project, the knowledge base may include other existing knowledge resources, for example, system log information to provide more clarity on software resources usage.
The KDM representation of the software system is built by discovering its inventory at the first step. This step produces the KDM Inventory model representing system as it is de- ployed: model elements represent containers, folders, files and their types. Having discovered software inventory, the content of identified software resource definitions and configurations may be extracted and represented within KDM runtime re- source models. Typically runtime resources are structured files such as form definition, data definition, report definition, workflow definition files, etc. These artifacts are processed by
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Fig. 3. Logical view of KDM representation of fragment of example ERP (see Fig.
2). Representation involves several layers of abstraction: runtime resource layer includes model elements representing user interface components; program ele- ments layer include model elements representing instances of runtime resources (relationship implementation) and model elements representing the source code part that is invoked by them (flow relationship Calls).
software platform to create runtime objects (e.g. form instanc- es), which may be manipulated by the platform or application code that uses software platform API to access them. There-
and considering MicroKDM [[9]] semantics. The latter allows obtain KDM representation at the sufficiently low level of granularity – statements and expressions of given programming language are represented us- ing different kinds of KDM ActionElements.
Creating the database of software documentation consists of the following steps: the digital documents are parsed using specialized document parsing librar- ies to retrieve trees representing logical structure of document content (document, chapter, section, sub- section, and body), considering a set of rules estab- lished regarding the properties of physical content (i.e. blocks) of document; retrieved information is fur- ther tokenized, supplemented with corresponding attributes and indexed with full-text index engine to be available for linking with elements of KDM repre- sentation in order to facilitate comprehension of the software system artifacts.
A database of classifiers is built by reviewing known lookup tables and files containing classifying data definitions. For each resource, a local copy of data is created and stored in the database to be avail- able for further analysis. The data in this database is later used to define base facts from the established business terms.
fore, the representation of these definitions within the KDM is considered in several levels of abstraction, as it is illustrated in figure 3.
The content of resource definition files is structured accord- ing to particular schema definition. However, the definition of schema not always may be available to the maintainer. In such cases, it may be reverse engineered automatically from the content [[7]] or defined manually by considering only relevant parts of the content. Then, according to the predefined set of mapping rules between the schema elements and elements of particular KDM model, the content of resource definitions is parsed and corresponding KDM representation is created.
Configuration files consist of parameters of software plat- form resources. While discovering their content, it is possible to determine platform resources other than previously identi- fied. It should be noticed that such information does not nec- essary mean that they are actual, because the configuration data may be obsolete, written by resources that are changed or removed in time.
Representation of the software’s source code is obtained by transforming its abstract syntax trees (AST) to corresponding KDM models. An AST is generated by a parser that is built from a grammar defined according to specialized AST meta- model (ASTM, [[11]]). The grammar is supplemented with the software API definition in order to discover which identifiers in the source code represent properties or methods of software system interfaces (i.e. API). Transformation rules are defined according to ASTM-to-KDM mapping rules specified in [[11]]
Having extracted all the available and relevant knowledge
about the software system into the KDM representation, the next phase of the recovery process involves activities to sepa- rate KDM model parts that represent business logic imple- mentation from the infrastructure related ones. To categorize business rules we refer to the BR formalization provided by the GUIDE Business Rules Project [[17]]. The GUIDE classifies BR into the following four categories: business terms, facts, constraints (action assertions), and derivations. After a brief introduction into preparation activities, we will discuss the approach for separation that kind of rules.
BR implemented in the system may cover different system resources. Therefore, we first of all establish dependencies between inter-related elements of representation. The main aim of this step is to build a system control flow graph (CFG) from the KDM representation in order to be able to apply data flow analysis techniques, such as variable reachability and liveness analysis [[6]], and extract the business processing log- ic. We therefore construct a code-level CFG, and supplement it with higher abstraction level, i.e. runtime resources, depend- encies. The CFG, obtained from the code model of example introduced in the previous section is given in the picture be- low.
Dependencies between runtime resources and source code are established considering runtime resources that produce events and procedures that handle these events. The example of such kind of dependency has been shown in figure 3.
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Having established dependences, initial set of term units and fact units (in the GUIDE classification referred as struc- tural assertions) is derived by primarily considering the repre-
collection is further supplemented with references to elements that bind with UI elements (i.e. data definition fields upon which form and report fields are built). Then, the set of Ter-
3: CallableUnit
4: AE.Assign
3: Signature
EntryFlow or
(Form.Loyal, Form.Balance
ParameterUnit or StorableUnit
External Model Element
7: CallableUnit
7: Signature
<if balance > 2000.00>
7 :PU.byReference
<loyal As Long>
7 :PU.byReference
<balance As Long>
7 :PU.return
<ret As Integer>
<if t2 then>
<return GetDiscount(“B”)>
<return t>
9 :AE.Condition
<if loyal then>
10 :AE.Compound
<return GetDiscount(“G”)>
<t> Flow
<return t>
12 :AE.Compound
<return GetDiscount(“S”)>
124 :AE.Return
<return t>
19: CallableUnit
191: Signature
<t> Flow
<loyal As Long>
<ret As Integer>
20 :AE.Compound
<return DBConn.GetDiscountByLevel(“G”)>
202:SU.register Reads
<return t>
Fig. 4 The CFG of source code module within KDM
sentation of structural elements of runtime resources. We first refer to UI models, because they contain elements that convey business terms explicitly and therefore may be merely under- stood by the maintainer. Thus, for each KDMEntity which is an instance of specific type of AbstractUIElement a TermUnit is created and added to ConceptualModel . A reference to that entity is added to the collection of elements representing im- plementation of TermUnit (property “implementation”). The
mUnit elements is augmented with elements that correspond to instances of specific types of AbstractPlatformElement (ex- tracted from the configuration files).
To facilitate further refinement of derived TermUnit ele-
ments, we reference them with indices from the data base of
software documentation. For each term unit, we construct several types of search queries: the first one limits the search
scope to a title of structural elements of indexed documents
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ISSN 2229-5518
(i.e. chapter, section, subsection); the second one limits search scope to a body of document’s structural element. Search re- sults ranked by relevance are referenced with TermUnit ele- ment by creating annotation element for each matching index.
Derivation represents a particular computation of term unit
– inference or mathematical calculation. Term units that are
defined over complex computations - assignment statements
that involve more actions than a simple assignment - are being
considered as derivations. We do not, however, separate infer-
ence from mathematical calculations, and refer to a derivation as a set of actions taken to obtain the value of given term unit
(i.e. a set of control and data flow dependent source code statements used to compute particular variable). Therefore, a derivation is a slice SDF, a set of ActionElements, computed using backward slicing of CFG with criterion CDF=<DE, AE>, where DE is a set of KDM DataElements representing imple- mentation of particular term units, and AE is a kind of KDM ActionElement representing output of these data elements to user interface, database or other kind of data repository. Con- sidering our example, it would result in a set of control and data flow dependent ActionElements that are represented as colored in grey CFG nodes. From this set, we can further pro- duce the following derivations:
“A discount of Gold member may be applied when the netto price is greater than 2000.00 € and the customer is loyal”
“A discount of Silver member may be applied when the
netto price is greater than 2000.00 €”
“A discount of Bronze member may be applied when the netto price is less than 2000.00 €”
Having extracted derivations, the maintainer becomes able to comprehend the logic of computation of particular business term or a set of terms, and validate it with stakeholders.
According to GUIDE, action assertions may be classified in several ways. The first classification that we use in our ap- proach distinguishes action assertions in to the condition, in- tegrity constraint, and authorization. A condition is an asser- tion that if something is true, another business rule will be applied. We consider this kind of assertion as KDM Ac- tionElement kind of Condition has a direct data flow relation- ship with an element representing implementation of particu- lar term unit from identified set of term units. This kind of business rule helps the maintainer to understand how many and which conditions evaluate particular business term and evaluate the impact of source code modification to computa- tion of this term. Integrity constraints define assertions that must be always true. They are derived considering properties of term units (i.e. they are defined within data definition files as mandatory fields or unique indices; or within form defini- tions as required fields). The authority rules represent the con- figuration and usage of access control lists.
The second classification distinguishes action assertions in- to the action controlling and action influencing assertions. An action controlling assertion describes what must or must not happen. In the systems this kind of action assertions typically appears as error messages (e.g. VBA function MsgBox kind of
critical) after which a control flow terminates. Therefore, we derive it as a slice SAC, a set of ActionElements, computed us- ing backward slicing of CFG with criterion CAC=<DE, AE>, where DE is a kind of DataElement, defined within a set of elements that implement particular term unit, representing error message text or variable used to produce a text are de- fined within a set of term units, and AE is an ActionElement representing raise of error message after which an exit from loop or procedure follows. Action influencing assertion de- scribes what should or should not happen. In the systems they typically appear as warning messages (e.g. VBA function MsgBox kind of warning or question) after which a control flow may continue. We derive it as a slice SAI, a set of Ac- tionElements, computed using backward slicing of CFG with criterion CAI=<DE, AE>, where DE is a DataElement, defined within a set of elements that implement particular term unit, representing error message text or variable used to produce a text, and AE is an ActionElement representing raise of ques- tioning or warning message. Having derived this kind of ac- tion assertions, the maintainer is able to quickly find the re- quired error, warning or questioning messages and examine the trace of control flow that influence raise of the message.
In this paper we have presented the process-centered model- driven approach for business rules discovery from existing software systems. We have shown which of reverse engineering activities must be involved to discover representation of the knowledge about the software system. We also have discussed how the source code analysis techniques can be applied for the representation to abstract the business logic implemented in the system. We have observed that employing standard representation of discovered knowledge about the software system facilitate reverse engineering activities by ena- bling independence from the implementation platform. However, KDM representation is only intermediate format valuable for auto- mated analysis. Seeking to produce more comprehensive representa- tions of views of particular software system aspect, the conversion to static and dynamic UML models must be considered. In order to be able to validate discovered rules with stakeholders, transformations to business specific representations such as SBVR, Decision Tables and Trees, must be considered as well.
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