International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, April-2013

ISSN 2229-5518




Mashal Alqudah, Abdallah Abdulsalam

Abstract— The recent proliferation of technology and continuous advances in educational applications of computer has made it possible to integrate Information Communication Technology in our learning environments today. This paper examines the past and present trends of computer-aided language learning (CALL) research, with major emphasis on the use of animations and audio as an important concept for language learning applications. The participants in this study included English language experts from the English Language Center (ELC) at Linton University College, Malaysia. A discussion on the impact of ICT in language learning is described along with an explanation based upon the procedures used to design such application for the English Language center. This study found animations and audio as an important concept in developing effective computer aided language learning applications particularly for English language learners and that CALL has become a need rather than a want in language learning. However, this study found that there are special requirements of English language tools for beginners following the standard curriculum of the ELC of a specific institution.

Index Terms— Animations, Audio, Computer Aided Language Learning, English Language Center, Educational technology, Joint

Application Development, Multimedia


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he use of technology in language learning is staggering and research for appropriate language learning tools con- tinues to grow. Even with the ever growing understand-
ing of developing language learning tools, there are yet many problems unsolved.
Some researchers argued that Teacher is indispensable in language learning and that Computers cannot provide infor- mation more clearly than teacher and express a motivational feedback or reinforcement [1] [2]. Not surprisingly, this study explored the power of animations and audio in language learning tools and how it can break the barrier of communica- tion between a computer aided language learning tool and the learner. The notion of this study is that; with the use of anima- tions and audio, is it possible to develop language learning tools that will foster language learning at least the same as a typical traditional class?
The core idea within such a perspective is that learning is so- cial [3] to learn one must interact with the world, and to inte- ract with the world one must take an interactional role. To implement these educational learning space principles re- quires a holistic program of institutional development that includes curriculum development, student development, and resource development [4].
The technique that was used to gather information in this study was Joint Application Development (JAD) session with experts in teaching English language from the English lan- guage Center of Linton University College, Malaysia. The in- formation was then analyzed to come out with a conclusion for this study.
Although this project may differ to a great extent with pre- vious literatures in terms of funding, scope, and objectives, they reflect to the same perspective of understanding how computer aided language learning tools can be used to im- prove linguistic learning. Finally, this study appears to be im- portant since it addresses the use of animations and audio in language learning tools to provide a highly interactive and user-friendly learning environment.


The existence of CALL in academic literature has been recog- nizable for about the last thirty years [5]. The earliest concept of educational technology was linked to the use of audio- visual materials, charts, models, maps specimen and concrete materials. With the advent of physical science and consequent- ly the electronic revolution, there came an era of sophisticated hardware and software (gadgets) like projectors, tape record- ers radio and television. With the advent programmed learn- ing and programmed instruction concept, a new dimension of educational technology came into the educational horizon [6]. The expression of 'multimedia' has it’s origin in the domain of Computer Science, but it is now resident in societies’ contem- porary diction [7]. These concepts have therefore been longstanding and their inherent suitability for Computer- aided learning has been examined in numerous researches indicating the suitability of such concept in language learning. Furthermore, there are many researchers who affirm to the fact that animations and audio can support language learning in several ways [8] [22]. The results of an empirical study on multimedia presentation find out that; “The educational value of such simultaneous and amalgamated visual and auditory presentation can be correlated with the fact that research has revealed that people remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, but about 75% of what they see and hear simultaneously” [8]. In view of the current status quo, the manifestation of these concepts has lead to innovation of in- teractive language learning tools. This is to say that, the appli- cation of this concept ensures efficient learning because stu- dents will learn from what they see and hear (which is easier to recall) as found in the Lindstorm research of multimedia presentation.
In spite of the advantages and the promising prospects of these concepts, there are also some challenges too. Some are attributable to the study of Susan 2006, where she found out

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 4, April -2013

ISSN 2229-5518


that “Audio resources relies on sense of hearing, some form may be expensive”[9] and limited interaction between lectur- ers and students which she refers to as “Lack of opportunity for interaction between instructor and learner”. In this regard, Zepp 2005 shares the same view with Susan (2006) and con- cured the value of teacher within the learning environment and articulates the following responses in this regard:
1) Computers cannot give information more clearly than teacher. However, with the help of animation and audio, this research found that animations and audio can at least provide information as the teacher.
2) In order to transmit information or skills effectively, we
need people to do so.
3) Computers cannot express a motivational feedback or rein-
forcement. In this research, one of the important features of
the system is meant to provide motivational feedback using
audio-visual capabilities.
4) Teachers know how to teach specific information to learner.
Nothing can transmit any information or skill more effec-
tively than teachers, who can organize, motivate, show
warmth, humour, and flexibility. The most critical variable
that contributed to student outcome was the learner-instructor
interaction [8] [10]. Thus, the role of people (teachers) becomes
an important factor that must be considered in any successful
learning approach. Hence, appropriate language tools should
consist of materials that will allow the teachers to deliver les-
sons at least with the same content of a typical traditional
However, the rapid development of educational applica-
tions of computer is certainly a testament to the growing ma-
terial for teaching languages. This study intends to carry along
the work of other researchers in an attempt to find out how
animations and audio can improve the use of computer aided
language tools for English language.


Implemention of a basic computer aided language learning tool for any institution must consider major language areas and skills which are reading, writing, speaking and listening [11]. However, different institutions have different require- ments or standard curriculum in teaching English language for beginners [12]. Therefore, the scope of this study will en- compass the application of computer software using audio and visual aids to learn English language. The core initiative within this idea is to incorporate traditional and ICT approach in learning to make maximum use of available infrastructure and or learning resources.
When examining any context in which Computer Aided Lan- guage Learning (CALL) might be used, it becomes immediate- ly obvious that there is diversity at a range of different levels that go beyond simply what happens within a single class or course. This diversity may be seen at the individual level, the institutional level or societal level, each of which comes to- gether in a way that impacts how Computer Aided Language Learning can be implemented and used [13].
Technology fundamentally changes both content and the way
(learning) material is presented, use of an automated learning
environment may require extensive changes in course content or even a broader redesign of an entire curriculum and there are four (4) factors that have recently revived interest in inter- active instruction (learning) tools and why it should be used as learning tools [14] These factors include;
1) The rapid declining costs of computers and the advent of
the desktop computer
2) The escalating labor-intensive costs of traditional schooling
3) The development of alternative mechanisms that link the
computer with other technologies, such as video disk and in-
teractive cable, and
4) An improved understanding to create instructional pack-
While computer aided language learning is proving to be
effective, the costs of computers is rapidly declining thus mak-
ing it possible to adopt in teaching-learning systems. This is to
say that, as Damodar, 2001 stated, “PCs have become the at-
tractive teaching aids of English and the most convenient tools
in the hands of teachers and researchers of language studies”
Notwithstanding the enormous differences of curriculum
requirements, it provides advantages for both students and
teachers alike in order to achieve specific learning outcomes.
When teachers effectively integrate technology into the curri-
culum, English Language Learners receive direct benefits.
Emerging technologies and Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL) used with English Language Learners are
“ideal for fostering reading and writing skills in the target
language” [15]. Use of technology with English Language
Learner can develop language, literacy, and technological lite-

racy skills [16].

Fig. 1. Concept of Educational Technology [17]

The figure above shows the strategic design of incorporating Information communication technology in learning. This study implies the concept of multimedia (animations and au- dio) as a medium of instruction which is linked to the effec- tiveness and efficiency of teaching English language. In the context of this study, Computers will be used as hardware while the application will be used as software. Consequently, Major emphases are placed on the needs of learner’s satisfac- tion, designing curriculum and lastly evaluating the progress of students.
The uniqueness of applying animations and audio in Basic English language tools is its ability to interact with students. In contrast, a Book can tell students how to do a particular task, but it cannot identify specific errors done by the students nor provide friendly feedback on how to understand and cor- rect such errors. As a result of this unique combination of in-

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 4, April -2013

ISSN 2229-5518


teractive audio-visual capabilities, the software will allow stu- dents to learn on their own pace and also allow lecturers to deal with larger classes effectively.
In a typical traditional learning environment, Learning ma- terials are limited for the students. Traditional teaching me- thods such as the talk and chalk technique, and classroom lec- ture, might only allow limited amount of information to flow from lecturers to students depending on the amount of know- ledge acquired by lecturers” [18]. Rashty 2010 has different opinion in his research titled “Traditional Learning Vs E- Learning” stating “Other models are always considered to be inferior or less efficient (than traditional learning). However, there is no finding to support this argument, and research shows that technology-supported models are at least as good as traditional learning”[19]. The figure below shows clearly, the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and e- learning approaches as presented in the research of Bencheva


Fig. 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional and E- Learning Approach [20]

create a friendly environment. It can support learning. Com- munity is not simply an add-on. Rather, it can be an integral and powerful force in learning [21]. Traditional learning pro- vides a social learning environment and it fosters social com- munism amongst students. One way of achieving this is through course work or assignments which promotes com- munication and collaboration.
Traditional Learning approach provides a face-to-face inte- raction as opposed to technology-mediated interaction of modern learning approach. Therefore, it may be advantageous for students to get constant reassurance of what they do and understand if they are going on the right direction by asking or getting assistance from their instructor or teacher.
The basic concepts and spectrums of this study are “Anima- tions and Audio”. These concepts are generally referred to by many researchers as “Multimedia” [7] [8]. Brennan (2009) ex- plicitly explained about this concept in his research titled “Realizing the Benefits of Computer Assisted Language Learn- ing (CALL) in English Language Learning Classrooms” stat- ing, “Multimedia describes an enriched media presentation
format which is concerned with the computer‐controlled inte-
gration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images
(video), animation, audio (music or sound), and any other au-
dio‐visual media” [7]. The application of this concept as an
integral part of the Basic English Language tools for beginners
may provide a richer linguistic environment that accommo-
dates the needs of the students by providing animations and
graphics to demonstrate different concepts, as well as clear
audio materials to model proper pronunciation of sounds and
words with the possibility of repeating the same thing for stu-
dents to get proper understanding of the language. Audio-
visual aids are additional means to particular ends and at
times contribute valuable aids to learning situation [22]. As
pointed out earlier, application of this concept ensures effi-
cient learning because students will learn from what they see
and hear (which is easier to recall) as found in the Lindstorm’
research of multimedia presentation. The use of animations
and audio will provide students with potentially more engag-
ing, interactive and interesting learning tool. The general con-
cept of the Basic English Language Tools for this study is
shown in the figure below;
Immediate Feedback is one of the major advantages of tra- ditional learning because students can interact with the teach- er or colleagues. It is even more important for students who learn better through group work or the opportunity of asking questions and receiving immediate feedback. This was further ascertained in the research of Thurmond (2003) which found out that “The most critical variable that contributed to student outcome was the learner-instructor interaction”[10]. Thus, this becomes an important factor that must be considered in any successful learning approach. The idea that social community helps improve learning has been longstanding, as shown by several researchers of traditional and modern learning ap- proach. Some are attributable to Anastasia (2008), who was alleged to have said: The notion of community is a conceptual- ly appealing one because it suggests a comfortable, socially supportive context. Yet community can do so much more than

Fig. 1.2 Basic English Language System Processes

The above serves to be the major concept behind the Basic
English Language Tools. This shows that the system as a

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 4, April -2013

ISSN 2229-5518


whole consists of multimedia concepts (animations and audio) and in practical terms, all sophisticated functions will be per- formed in a manner that is related to the concepts above. Since the importance of using this concept in language learning has been proven in numerous researches [7] [8] [13], it is conceiva- ble that when animations and audio is applied in the Basic English language tool, it will undoubtedly enrich and enhance English Language learning process.

2.1 Research Method

In this study, a qualitative research methodology was used to examine the unique elements of basic English language tools including the analysis, findings, and conclusion for the study. Qualitative research is a set of complex interpretive practices [23]. Others researchers such as Catherine (2010) go with the same opinion with Norman about the interpretive aspect of qualitative analysis saying; Qualitative research is pragmatic and interpretive and grounded in the lived experiences of people [24].
Qualitative research was conducted to demonstrate the ap- propriate interfaces including specific features of Basic English Language Tools for Beginners, Using Animations and Audio. The user interfaces were developed based on an empirical case study of a Basic English language Tools for Beginners follow- ing the requirement of English Language Centers’ (ELC) lec- turers.
Open-ended interviews were used to investigate the require-
ments, features and contents from 7 lecturers which included
almost half of the lecturers of ELC at Linton University Col-
lege. All the interviews were tape-recorded and accordingly
transcribed. For the data analysis ATLAS.ti software tool was
used. Supplementing the interview data was done by analyz-
ing all the documents and the exercises that ELC lecturers are
using when delivering their classes. Collecting the data, cod-
ing of the data, and analyzing the data were guided based on
two awarded systems and based on specific features that ELC
lecturers suggested. New requirements, features and contents
were suggested by the lecturers which were specifically for
their basic level students. Moreover, the data was particularly
analyzed considering different level of students with a specific
requirements and features for each level. In Addition, based
on the available requirements and features of the available
system, probing questions were asked to confirm whether the
lecturers are aware of what is available as well as clarifying
unclear issues. Probing questions lend a hand to understand
the features of unclear and complex functions.
Developing the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) was pro-
vided by adapting Throwaway prototyping as shown in Fig
1.3. This methodology was adapted since it is the most appro-
priate in the project-acqusition phase [25]. The analysis phase
following this methodology aimed to explore whether the
available systems are suitable for the end-users by allowing
them to interact with the systems. Accepted and new sug-
gested functions from the end-users were demonstrated in the
use case diagram (Fig 1.4).

Fig. 1.3 Adapting Throw-away Prototyping Methodology [25]

2.2 Graphical User Interfaces and Acceptance testing

The main aim of this research was to provide working Basic English Language software. However, since the lecturers of ELC were not satisfied with the available software that has been used to assist them in teaching as well as increasing the students’ efficiency and effectiveness, the researchers chose to design the interfaces to be evaluated at the early stage of the development.
First demonstration of the GUIs was provided after one week
of analyzing the interviews, based on the feedback that was
provided by three lecturers who were able to attend the Joint
Application Development (JAD) session, Some of the GUIs
were amended in their presence while the remaining interfac-
es were provided after 2 days since the participants were not
able to attend more than 1 hour. Additional feedbacks were
provided, so another JAD session was conducted, two lectur-
ers attended and provided other feedbacks to come out with
appropriate interfaces following the standard of the students
levels (Basic levels). This cycle was repeated 4 times until the
researchers made sure that all the lecturers were satisfied with
what the system must have and how it will work. Considering
the requirements that were found from the literatures and the
available systems, many of them were omitted or amended
following the features that ELC lecturers requested based on
their experience with students. Almost all the requirements for
first level were amended and new requirements were added
as shown the fig 1.4 (The use case diagram). During the testing
of the interfaces, the developer just listened and wrote notes
without participations. However, some technical suggestions
were provided to ensure better understandability of the GUIs
when implementing the system.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 4, April -2013

ISSN 2229-5518


Unregistered Student

Make Regisration

View Lessons


Select Lesson


Start Exercise

Extended Usecase: Start Exercise

UseCase Description: This will allow the student to start an

exercise which he/she selects relating to the previous 2 use-
cases. Here, all the excercises are time constrained and once
the student clicks on the “Start” button, the timer will start
and for any occurring event within this usecase such as but-
ton click, keypress, textchanged, mouse hover, mouse leave



Upload File

etc. the system will react by providing information related

Registered Student

View Dictionary

Edit Application Settings

Search Word

Log In

Check Pronounciation

View Progress Report


to what the student is trying to do. For example, if the the student provides a wrong answer for a particular question, the system will notify him/her by changing the color of the textbox and showing an error pop up.

Use of Animations and Audio in the usecases:

- Animations are used to show how exercises are per- formed.

View Assessment Report

Send Email

Get Help <<extend>>

View Profile


Edit Profile

- Constant feedbacks are provided to ensure that the student has appropriate guideline.
- Motivational feedbacks are provided based on the per-
formance of the student in a particular exercise.

2.3 Conclusion

This study has investigated the use of animations and audio in developing basic English language tools. It shows that tech- nology plays an important role in language learning today and that animations and audio can improve the manner of


Delete Profile

presenting information to particular language learners. Since
notion of using animations and audio in language learning
tools has been the major focus in this study. Findings from this

Fig. 1.4 Usecase Diagram of the System

The major usecase or function is the lessons part which con- sists of View Lessons, Select Lesson and Start Lesson. In practical terms, all actions perform within these usecases are presented with an extensive use of animations and audio.

<<extend>> <<extend>> Select Lesson

study with regards to the use of animations and audio in lan- guage learning tools include:

Computers aided language learning tools are important source for learning English language and can be effec- tively used with animations and audio as an apparatus to enhance the motivation of the learners.

Certain technology design features can provide stu-

dents with added benefits such as motivational feed-
backs using audio-visual capabilities.

Effective English language learning tools can be devel-

oped following the standard curriculum of a specific in-

Computers are tools for teachers – Teachers remain an

integral part of language learning.

The use of multimedia (such as animations and audio)

Registered Student

View Lessons

Start Exercise

in language learning tools is an important element of building communication between the learner and com-

Fig. 1.5 Major Usecases of the System

UseCase: View Lesson

UseCase Description: This will allow the student to view

the 4 categories of lessons provided in the application which
consists of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Extended Usecase: Select Lesson

UseCase Description: This will allow the student to select a

lesson based on the category he/she selected simply by
clicking on it. For example, if the student selects reading cat-
egory, he/she will then select the lesson (topic) such as My-
self, Family etc.
Since the benefit and usefulness of the technology has been
systematically proven throughout this study, and the re-
quirements of the system have been defined and modeled
with the use of main Unified Modelling Language (UML)
diagram which is the use case diagram [26], the final design
and implementation may proceed. Finally, animations and
audio has proven to be a valuable element of effective Eng-
lish language learning tools and can be used in conjunction
with standard curriculums, appropriate design features to
accomplish what is typically the outcome of a traditional

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 4, April -2013

ISSN 2229-5518



Since this system needs regular feedback from the end-users (Lecturers & Students) and since the researchers have devel- oped the GUIs successfully, hybrid method (Throwaway with Agile) will be used, with at least two end-users (Pair Custom- er) involved when implementing the system, so they will have the ability to provide feedback on-site and the system will be amended accordingly to make sure that the quality of final product is high following the requirements of the system. On the other hand, the system can be implemented for different students in different institutions, so the result may differ based on the levels of the students.


In the first place, we would like to express our deepest grati- tude to Mrs. Sangeetha Elango from the school of Computer Science and Information Technology for her invaluable guid- ance, continuous encouragement, and invariable support in this research. We would like to express our appreciation to Assist. Prof. Dr. Arif Juwaid for sharing his expertise ideas on computer aided language learning and providing regular feedback to come out with complete requirements, features and contents to be used in implementing the system. We are thankful to Ms. Shamala Chandran and Ms. Suparna Gupta for their help and encouragement throughout this research. Finally, we would like to acknowledge Mrs. Teo Siew for read ing and commenting on drafts and the final manuscript.


Mashal Alqudah is currently pursuing PHD program in Software engi- neering in University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, PH-

0060135857147. E-mail:

Abdallah Abdulsalam is currently pursuing Bachelors degree program in

Software engineering in Linton University College, Malaysia, PH-

0060163565436. E-mail:

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