The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey on Data Mining using Clustering Techniques 1
ISSN 2229-5518
T.Revathi, Dr.P.Sumathi
Abstract-Data mining is the practice of automatically searching large stores of data to discover patterns and trends that go beyond simple analysis. Data mining uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms to segment the data and evaluate the probability of future events. Data min ing is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD).Basically there are different types related to data mining like Text Mining, W eb Mining, Multimedia Mining, Spatial Mining, Object Mining etc. Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of assigning a set of objects into groups (called clusters) so that the objects in the same cluster are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other clusters. Data mining is evolve d in a multidisciplinary field, including database technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural network, information retrieval, and so on. In principle data mining should be applicable to the different kind of data and databases used in many different applications, including relational databases, transactional databases, data warehouses, object- oriented databases, and special application- oriented databases such as spatial databases, temporal databases, multimedia databases, and time- series databases. Spatial data mining, also called Spatial mining, is data mining as applied to t he spatial data or spatial databases. Spatial data are the data that have spatial or location component, and they show the information, which is more complex than classical data. A spatial database stores spatial data represents by spatial data types and spatial relationships and among data. Spatial data mining encompasses various tasks. These include spatial classification, spatial association rule mining, spatial clustering, characteristic rules, discriminant rules, trend detection. This paper presents how spatial data mining is achieved using clustering.
Keywords - Clustering, Data mining, Spatial data, Text Mining, Web Mining, Multimedia Mining, Object Mining.
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Data mining techniques are used in a many research areas, including mathematics, cybernetics, genetics and marketing. Data mining is sorting through data to identify patterns and establish relationships. Large amounts of data has been collected and stored in large data bases by database technologies and data collection techniques. For some applications only a small amount of the data in the databases is needed. This data is called knowledge or information. Data mining is the process of extracting knowledge from these large databases. Data mining is also called knowledge discovery in databases or KDD process. Although there have been many studies of data mining in relational and transaction databases .
Data mining is in great demand in other applicative databases, including spatial databases, temporal databases, object-oriented databases, multimedia databases, etc. The aim of this paper is on spatial data mining. Spatial data mining is the process of extracting interesting knowledge from spatial databases. The spatial databases contain objects that represent space. The spatial data represents topological and distance information. This spatial objects is organized by spatial indexing structures. Spatial data mining, or knowledge discovery in spatial database, refers to the extraction of implicit knowledge, spatial relocations, or other patterns not explicitly stored in spatial databases.
Spatial data mining methods can he applied to extract interesting and regular knowledge from large spatial
T.Revathi is currently pursuing Ph.D in Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University,Tirunelveli. E-mail:
Dr.P.Sumathi,Asst.Prof, PG & Research Department of Computer
Science,Govt.Arts College,Coimbatore.
databases. This knowledge can be used for understanding spatial and non spatial data and their relationships. This knowledge is very useful in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), image processing, remote sensing and so on. Knowledge discovered from spatial data can be of various forms, like characteristic and discriminant rules, extraction and description of prominent structures or clusters, spatial associations, and others. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overall picture of the spatial data mining, and how spatial data mining is achieved through clustering process.
Basically there are different types related to data mining mainly
A Text Mining
mining, roughly equivalent to text analytics, refers to the
process of deriving high-quality information from text. The
discovery by computer of new, previously unknown
information, by automatically extracting information from a
usually large amount of different unstructured textual
B.Web Mining
Web mining, a type of data mining used in customer
relationship management (CRM), takes advantage of the huge amount of information gathered by a Web site to look for patterns in user behavior.
C.Multimedia Mining
Multimedia Mining is discovering knowledge from large
amounts of different types of multimedia data. It involves
the extraction of implicit knowledge, multimedia data
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey on Data Mining using Clustering Techniques 2
ISSN 2229-5518
relationships, or other patterns not explicitly stored in multimedia databases.
D.Object Mining
Object Mining is meant to focus on the use of data/text
mining and knowledge discovery to produce software
Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of assigning a set of objects into groups (called clusters) so that the objects in the same cluster are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other clusters. Clustering is a main task of explorative data mining, and a common technique for statistical data analysis used in many fields, including machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, information retrieval, and bioinformatics. Finding groups of objects such that the objects in a group will be similar (or related) to one another and different from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups.
A.Basic Types of Clustering
A division data objects into non-overlapping subsets
(clusters) such that each data object is in exactly one subset
A set of nested clusters organized as a hierarchical tree.
B.Clustering Algorithms
A.K-means algorithm:It is an iterative clustering algorithms
in which items are moved among the sets of cluster until
the desire set is reached.
B.PAM(Partitioning Around Medoids): It is also called the k-
medoids algorithm represents a cluster by a medoid.
A.Agglomerative Algorithm : It start with each individual items in its own cluster and iteratively merge cluster until all items belong in one cluster.
B.Divisive Cluster Algorithm: With divisive clustering, all
items are initially placed in one cluster and cluster are
repeatedly split in two until all items are in their own
Spatial data mining (SDM) consists of extracting knowledge, spatial relationships and any other properties which are not explicitly stored in the database. SDM is used to find implicit regularities, relations between spatial data and/or non-spatial data. The specificity of SDM lies in its interaction in space. In effect, a geographical database constitutes a spatio-temporal continuum in which properties concerning a particular place are generally linked and explained in terms of the properties of its neighborhood. We can thus see the great importance of spatial relationships in the analysis process. Temporal aspects for spatial data are also a central point but are rarely taken into account.
Basic tasks of spatial data mining are:
A. Classification
An object can be classified using its attributes. Each
classified object is assigned a class.Classification is the
process of finding a set of rules to determine the class of an
B. Association Rules
Find (spatially related) rules from the database. An
association rule has the following form: A ->B(s%; c%), where s is the support of the rule (the probability, that A and B hold together in all the possible cases) and c is the confidence (the conditional probability that B is true under the condition of A e. g. ”if the city is large, it is near the river (with probability 80%)” or ”if the neighboring pixels are classified as water, then central pixel is water (probability 80%).”
C. Characteristic Rules
The characterization of a selected part of the database has
been defined in as the description ofproperties that are
typical for the part in question but not for the whole
database. In the case of a spatial database, it takes account not only of the properties of objects, but also of the properties of their neighborhood up to a given level.
D. Discriminant Rules
Describe differences between two parts of database e. g.
find differences between cities with high and low
unemployment rate.
E. Clustering
Clustering means it is the process of grouping the database
items in to clusters. All the members of the cluster has
similar features. Members belong to different clusters has
dissimilar features.
F. Trend Detection
Finds trends in database. A trend is a temporal pattern in
some time series data. Spatial trend is defined as follows:
consider a non spatial attribute which is the neighbor of a
spatial data object. The pattern of changes in this attribute
is called spatial trend.
A.Partitioning Around Medoids(PAM)
The PAM k-medoids clustering algorithm, for example,
evaluates a set of k objects considered to be representative objects (medoids) of k clusters within T objects such that the non-selected objects are clustered with the medoid to which it is the most similar (i.e. closest in terms of the
provided distance metric).The process operates by swapping one of the medoids with one of the objects iteratively such that the total distance between non-selected objects and their medoid is reduced.
The algorithm can be depicted as follows:
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey on Data Mining using Clustering Techniques 3
ISSN 2229-5518
Step 1: Initialization - choose k medoids from T objects randomly
Step 2: Evaluation - calculate the cost D′t − Dt for each swap of onemedoid with one object, where Dt is the total distance before the swap and D′t is the total distance after the
the cost is negative, go to step 2; otherwise record the
medoids and terminate the program.
The computational complexity of the PAM algorithm is O((1 + β)k(T − k)2) which is based on the number of partitions per object, where β is the number of successful swaps. It can also be expressed as O′((1 + β)k2(T − k)2) based on the number of distance calculations, i.e., one partition per object is equivalent to k distances calculations. Clearly, this is time consuming even for the moderate number of objects and a small number of medoids.
The algorithm proceeds in two steps:
1.BUILD-step: This step sequentially selects k
"centrally located" objects, to be used as initial
SWAP-step: Swap a selected object and unselected
object. This is done if this process can decrease the
objective function .
B.Clustering LARgeApplications(CLARA)
Compared to PAM, CLARA can deal with much larger data
sets. Like PAM CLARA also finds objects that are centrally
located in the clusters. The main problem with PAM that it
finds the entire dissimilarity matrix at a time. So for n
objects, the space complexity of PAM becomes O(n2). But
CLARA avoid this problem.
CLARA accepts only the actual measurements (i.e,. n ´ p
data matrix). CLARA (Clustering LARge Applications)
(Kaufman & Rousseeuw 1990) shown in Figure 1 reduces
the computational complexity by drawing multiple samples
of the objects and applying the PAM algorithm on each
sample. The final medoids are obtained from the best result of these multiple passes as below of these multiple passes as in figure 1.
Figure 1CLARA Algorithm The algorithm can be depicted as follows: Repeat the following steps q times
Step 1: Call the PAM algorithm with a random sample, s objects from the original set of T objects.
Step 2: Partition the T objects based on the k medoids obtained from previous step. Update the better medoids based on the average distance of the partition.
The computational complexity of the CLARA algorithm is O(q(ks2 + (T −k)) + βks2) based on the number of partitions per object or O′(q(k2s2 + k(T −k)) + βk2s2) based on the number of distance calculations, where q, s, k, β and T are the number of samples, object size per sample, number of medoids,the number of successful swaps for all samples tested and the total number of objects, respectively. Clearly, the CLARA algorithm can deal with a larger number objects than can PAM algorithm if s << T.
If the sample size s is not large enough, the effectiveness (ie. the average distance) of the CLARA algorithm is reduced. However, the efficiency (in termsof computation time) is impaired if the sample size is too large. There is tradeoff between the effectiveness and efficiency in CLARA algorithm. The best clustering cannot be obtained in CLARA if one of the best medoids is not included in the sample objects. In order to achieve both efficiency and acceptable performance (in terms of average distance per object) the CLARANS (Clustering Large Applications based on RANdomized Search) algorithm (Ng & Han 2002) was proposed.
CLARA assigns objects to clusters in the following way:
Step 1:BUILD-step: Select k “centrally located” objects,
to be used as initial medoids. Now the smallest
possible average distance between the objects to their
mediods are selected, that forms clusters.
Step 2: SWAP-step: Try to decerase the average
distance between the objects and the mediods. This is
done by replacing representative objects. Now an
object that does not belong to the sample is assigned to
the nearest mediod.
C. Clustering large Applications based upon RANdomized
CLARANS algorithm mix both PAM and CLARA by searching only the subset of the dataset and it does not confine itself to any sample at any given time. One key difference between CLARANS and PAM is that the former only checks a sample of the neighbors of a node. But, unlike CLARA, each sample is drawn dynamically in the sense
that no nodes corresponding to particular objects are eliminated outright. In other words, while CLARA draws a sample of nodes at the beginning of a search, CLARANS draws a sample of neighbors in each step of a search. This has the benefit of not confining a search to a localized area. The clustering process in CLARANS (Ng & Han 2002) is formalized as searching through a certain graph where each node is represented by a set of k medoids in which two nodes are neighbors if they differ by one medoid. Each node has k(T – k) neighbors, where T is the total number of objects. CLARANS starts with a randomly selected node. It moves to a 3etermin node if a test for the maxneighbour number of neighbours is successful; otherwise it records the current node as a local minimum. If the node is found to be a local minimum, it restarts with new randomly selected
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey on Data Mining using Clustering Techniques 4
ISSN 2229-5518
node and repeats the search for a new local minimum.The procedure continues until some threshold numlocal of local minima have been found a returns the best node. As shown in Figure 2
Figure 2CLARANS algorithm
• Select a neighbor node randomly and calculate the
average distance of this node. If the average distance is
lower, set current node to be the 4neighbour node.
The computational complexity is O((β + numlocal)(T – k))
based on the number of partitions per object or O′((β +
numlocal)k(T – k)) based on the number of distance
calculations, where β is the number of test moves between
D. Spatial dominant approach SD (CLARANS)
In SDCLARANS, all the data containing spatial
components are collected. After that clustering is used
based on CLARANS. It should be mentioned that
CLARANS is used to find the most natural number, of knat,
clusters. One may ask, how is knat determined in the first place. It is indeed a very difficult and open question. The
authors however, adopt a heuristic of 4etermining knat, which uses silhoutee coefflients , introduced by Kaufman and Rousseau .Each of the clusters thus obtained is processed by generalizing its nonspatial components using DBLEARN. Note that this algorithm differs from the spatial dominant generalization algorithm (without clustering), in that the latter requires the user to provide the spatial concept hierarchies. However, in this case, it can be said that SD(CLARANS) computes spatial hierarchy
dynamically. The hierarchy thus found is more “data oriented” rather than “human oriented”.
Step1 : Given a learning request, find the initial set of relevant tuples by the appropriate SQL queries.
Step 2: Apply CLARANS to the spatial attributes and find the most natural number knelt of clusters.
Step 3: For each of the k,,,,t clusters obtained above,
collect the non-spatial components of the tuples
included in the current cluster, and
apply DBLEARN to this collection of the non-
spatial components.
E. Non-spatial dominant approach NSD (CLARANS)
This nonspatial dominant approach first applies nonspatial
generalizations and spatial clustering afterwards.
DBLEARN is used to perform attribute-oriented
generalizations of the nonspatial attributes and produce a
number of generalized tuples. Then, for each such
4eneralized tuple, all the spatial components are collected
and clustered using CLARANS to find knat clusters. In the final step, the clusters thus obtained are checked to see if
they overlap with eachother. If so, then the clusters are merged, and the corresponding generalized tuples are merged as well. If the rules to find are nonspatial characterizations of spatial attributes, then SD(CLARANS) has an edge. This is because NSD(CLARANS) separates the objects into different groups before clustering which may weaken the inter object similarity, or cluster tightness. On the other hand, NSD(CLARANS) is suitable if the spatial clusters within groups of data that has been generalized nonspatially is sought. However, both algorithms arrive at the same result (or rules).
Step 1:Given a learning request, find the initial set of relevant tuples by the appropriate SQL queries.
Step 2: Apply DBLEARN to the non-spatial attributes, until the final number of generalized tuples fall below a certain threshold.
Step 3:For each generalized tuple obtained above,
Collect the spatial components of the tuples
represented by the current generalized tuple, and
Apply CLARANS and the heuristics presented above
to find the most natural number knot of clusters.
Step 4: For all the clusters obtained above, check if there are
clusters that intersect or overlap. If exist, such clusters can
be merged. This in turn causes the corresponding
generalized tuples to be combined.
The main objective of the spatial data mining is to discover
hidden complex knowledge from spatial and not spatial
data despite of their huge amount and the complexity of
spatial relationships computing. However, the spatial data
mining methods are still an extension of those used in
conventional data mining. Spatial data is a highly
demanding field because huge amounts of spatial data
have been collected in various applications, ranging from
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey on Data Mining using Clustering Techniques 5
ISSN 2229-5518
remote sensing, to geographical information systems (GIS), computer cartography, environmental assessment and planning, etc. Spatial data mining tasks include: spatial classification, spatial association rule mining, spatial clustering, characteristic rules, discriminant rules, trend detection. Clustering is a main task of explorative data mining, and a common technique for statistical data analysis used in many fields, including machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, information retrieval, and bioinformatics. Cluster analysis groups objects (observations, events) based on the information found in the data describing the objects or their relationships. All the members of the cluster has similar features. Members belong to different clusters has dissimilar features. Several clustering methods for spatial data mining include; PAM, CLARA, CLARANS,SD(CLARANS), NSD(CLARANS).
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