International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 462
ISSN 2229-5518
A Novel Model to Calculate Global Tilted Irradiation (GTI) from Solar Variables Using Netcdf and Rstudio
M M Shourov Akter, Md. Asaduzzaman Shoeb
Abstract— Currently the world power consumption is around 10TW per year and it is projected to be about 30TW by 2050. So our big challenge is to produce additional 20TW of non-CO2 energy to reduce GHG emission in the atmosphere by mid-century. The simplest and easiest way to reduce CO2 emission is the use of alternative clean energy sources. Among all the renewable energy sources, solar energy is one of the most abundant and the cleanest energy source. It can contribute a total amount of 10TW and the rest amount will be managed by hydrogen for transportation and fossil fuels for residential and industrial heating. This paper represents the European scenario of solar PV potential. A model is developed to calculate the global tilted irradiation and applied for several location of France. The result is compared with available realistic values in quest of verification.
Index Terms—solar PV, renewable energy, sustainable energy, alternative energy, energy management, energy generation, mathmetical model, NetCDF, R
At present, the energy demand is fulfilled normally by fosil fuels. Globally, the combustion of fossil fuel has a bad impact on the environment. Fossil fuel combustion is the main reason for acid rain, ozone layerdepletion and global climate change. It is known as global worming and it seems a critical problem that theenvironment may face within next fifty years. One of the most important factors of global energy productionsystem is GHG emission from the power plants around the world and it is considered the main culprit forclimate change.
To overcome this situation, we need clean, safe and sustaina- ble energy sources that can satisfy the energydemand for the upcoming future. It also needs to increase the use of alternative energy sources to traditionalfossil fuel. Both nuclear and re- newable energy are believed to be able to provide partly solu- tion for climatechange.
From the sustainable and safety point of view, Renewable Energy Sources will be the most effectivesolution as it contrib- utes to the reduction of high dependence on imported energy and provides significantbenefit with regards to GHG emission. Several types of RES technologies such as solar power, bio- massand wind energy have known worldwide. Solar energy can play a vital role for green energy production. Scientists are working on solar PV technologies to increase the efficiency with a reduced cost. Although
PV installations have low energy density with high produc- tion cost and in most countries a favourable legalframework exists, such as feed in tariffs.
The large-scale integration of solar power generation system presents significant challenges to the systemoperator due to the unpredictable and variable weather. Reserves quantisation de- pends on many variablessuch as the penetration of renewable, the system stability, the interconnections, and the forecasting accuracy of load and generation and the control requirements imposed bythe system operator.
The impact of fluctuations on the network involves forecast errors inthe short term and it needs the research on predicting
time series of PV production, short-term forecastand forecasting errors of these models.
Photovoltaic is a technology/method to create electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current using semi- conductors as they are illuminated by photons. As long as there is solar radiation of light shining on solar cell/panel, it will produce electrical power.List of pros and cons of solar PV including technical and non technical issues are given below. Advantages of solar PV-
• PV fuel source is widely accessible and infinite
• No GHG emission, not harmful for climate change and
free from water pollution.
• No fuel cost, needs only maintenance cost
• Theoretically long lasting
• Operated on ambient temperature; No high tempera- ture corrosion.
• High reliability for modules; Manufacturers give long term guarantees, between20 to 30 years
• Predictable annual output; helpful for forecasting and reserve determination
• Different size of modules
• Can be integrated with buildings
Disadvantages of solar PV-
• High installation cost
• Climate or weather dependent
• Unpredictable time series output (daily or hourly)
• Lack of efficient energy storage which is economically viable
As this work represent the solar system, physical model of solar cell including the semiconductor material, band gap the- ory is not discussed here. Only a schematic of solar cell is shown in Fig. 1. Electrons are pumped by photon from val-
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 463
ISSN 2229-5518
ance band to conduction band. There, they are extracted by a contact selective to the conduction band (an n-doped sem-
Fig.1.Schematic of a solar cell
-conductor) at a higher (free) energy and delivered to the out- side world via wires where they do some useful work, then are returned to the valance band at a lower (free) energy by a contact selective to the valance band (a p-type semiconductor).
It is thought that the tilt angle is really important for calculat- ing solar PV output. It is so but not that much as it is taken care of. The tilt angle to optimize yearly production for fixed non-tracking arrays is usually some few degrees below the local latitude. It is true that yearly output PV production weakly dependent on the tilted angle, hence the slope of the roof. In fact, nearly a reasonable tilted angle is good for cap- turing solar irradiation. For example, at mid-latitudes loca- tions, the difference in annual averaged effective hours varies just by 10% as the tilt angle of the modules varies from hori- zontal (00) to latitude tilt.It’s surprising but true.
Regarding the orientation, if we install solar panel in north- ern hemisphere, the optimum orientation for fixed panel should be due south. But again, it is not that sensitive to minor deviation. Normally a PV array whose orientation is due south will get all the sunlight in the morning and get less in the af- ternoon. So for an array installed at 400 N latitude with 400 tilt and oriented from 450 east or west of true south, the annual output will be only 6% less compared to the optimum true south orientation. For my model 1800 solar azimuth with 00 surface azimuths is considered in order to calculate annual solar PV production.
Tracking system can also be implemented to get more irradia- tion. Solar trackers that track from E to W oriented in long N-S linear arrays are known as single axis trackers. Trackers which are installed on special mounts that track the sun both its daily E-W motion across the sky and its daily and seasonal variation in vertical height is called double axis tracker. Single axis tracker can collect the sunlight 15-20% more where as double axis tracker can collect 25-40% more sunlight compared with fixed non tracking solar PV modules. Those tracking system is employed in large scale ground mounted arrays and the cost is comparatively higher than the fixed mount arrays. For
smartresere, no tracking system is considered.
Avoiding shadow is an important factor for solar PV mod-
ule. The PV array must not have much shadowing on it atleast
not during the peak production hours from 9am to 3pm (solar
time). The thing is that the shadowing part produce negligible
energy as PVs can operate with diffuse light. But there are
other effects that are more dangerous. Even a slight shadow from a thin pole or from a tree leaf on a corner or edge of a module could dramatically reduce the output from the shad- owed module and also from the entire array. The reason be-
hind it is due to the series connection off all arrays. If the cur- rent flow in one cell get restricted, then it restrict the output of all other cells in that modules and that is why total output- power/energy will fall down [2]. To reduce this type of losses, bypass diodes in series connection are used. Shadowing may present a significant limit in cities or towns with lots of trees or high-rise buildings. Shading analysis should be done before installing PV arrays both for buildings and ground mounted PV system [3].
Solar efficiency [4] represents the percentage of the solar ener- gy shining on a photovoltaic device that is converted into elec- trical energy or electricity. Solar efficiency can be described in two ways.
Solar cell efficiency is the amount of light that dump on the individual solar cell and converts to electricity. Solar panel efficiency is also calculated in the same way. It refers to the amount of light that the entire not only a single cell but in the total module and then convert to electricity. Solar cells are placed next and top to each other and then they are covered by glass to make up a solar panel. Solar PV efficiency is also represented by its area. If a panel can produce 260W peak power and if the size of the module is 1.6m2, the panel is said to have 16.25% of efficiency. Normally, solar panel’s efficiency is less than solar cell’s efficiency. This is due to the spacing between cells and also for the glass covering which reflects away a portion of solar irradiation. So if the area is small, then panel with highest efficiency should be used for roof top PV installation. But for panels with higher efficiency will cost more.
If we consider the efficiency of solar module produced by dif- ferent companies, according to the article [5], Yingli solar (monocrystalline) holds the highest efficiency (16.2%) record in the market. But according to SRoeCo Solar [6] website data, Sanyo Electric of Panasonic Group has the efficiency more than 17% in industrial level. Different manufacturers are using different technologies to produce different types of solar pan- els in commercial level.
In 2001, around 75% of PV was used off-grid but in 2009, it became totally opposite and with 75% of PVnow destined for on-grid applications [6]. Off grid applications such as roof top solar PV are still growingrapidly. Off grid system is economic without the subsidies. It cost a lot to integrate solar PV with grid inrural areas. This is true both for remote places and de- veloping countries as the utility grid infrastructure isrelatively exiguous.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 464
ISSN 2229-5518
Off grid and on grid photovoltaic system can use the same type of modules in same weather conditionand will deliver same amount of energy (AC) output to the consumers. Con- sidering the cost scenerio, ongrid solar PV will be less expen- sive per kW to install and maintain because it will operate more efficientlythan that of off grid PV system. But if there is no grid, it will then become very expensive to extend gridser- vice into a remote place. In that case, off grid PV system is the better. There are several types of PVsystems which are de- scribed as follows.
plying electricity of single homeor small loads. When several
remote houses form a community, to supply electricity gener-
ated byPV system to those houses, micro grid concept comes
for that. With a centralized PV plant, it canbe done and it will
be economic compared with single housing PV system. Micro
grid has a capacityupto 100kW. For micro grid, unique meter-
ing technology and responsibility of managing it properly,
paying bills jointly, need to be organized and developed nicely
plain what the exact meaning of smart grid is. In general, smart grid [9] is a new approach to the integration of power generation, transmission systems, distribution networks, and consumption. It should have been adaptive, predictive, inter-
active, integrative and also optimized. Using the latest tech- nology and informations, improvementof efficiency and prop- er management of load flow are the main goals of smart grid. Beside this renewableenergy integration such as solar PV and wind is also a part of it as reduction ov CO2is the key main- demand for the climate. Improvement of the quality, security, reliability and affordability of powersupply are also the key factors in smart grid. Bi directional flow of electricity is the main constrainfor distribution networks as it need to supply electricity in both utility grid to the consumers whohave grid connected solar PV. They need to send excess electricity of their solar PV system when theirdemand is less than genera- tion. On the other hand, when the demand is more, they need
to drainenergy from the utility grid. Now it is one of the key- concern for solar PV integration with the grid.
NetCDF, a network common data access method to store regu- lar information and data, ground observation data, weather data with high-altitude and other meteorological data has been used in this work. NetCDF files have two advantages which are flexibility and quick dispatch [10]. Flexibility means netCDFfile uses a number of variables and many users can use it by following their own use agreement. For example, ArcGIS and Panoply have the accessibility to read netCDF files. Quick dispatch means netCDF file is based on ASCII format and has a high data compression ratio. So for visualization purpose, it executes faster than matlab.
In this paper a netCDF file (.nc) is created using different solar irradiance variables (Top of atmosphere- TOA, Global horizontal irradiation- GHI, Diffuse horizontal irradiation- DHI, Gamma, Alpha) in different latitude-longitude at hourly time steps (based on SoDa Data, 2008). This file is created us- ing MATLAB coding to get the solar tilted irradiance (Global irradiation on tilt surface [GTI]- Gt , Beam tiltedirrediation- Bt
, Reflected tildirradiation- Rt) to calculate solar photovoltaic energy output from those variables. Then a netCDF viewer, PANOPLY (a software from NASA), is used for visualizing the plots of weather variables on lat-long platform to see its density changes when time shifts. It is good software where we can define the dimensions, variable and attributes for bet- ter observation.
NetCDF file is a blessing for extracting the data. Data from a netCDF file can be extracted in two ways.
• Data extraction for all latitude-longitude points for ras- ter plot on map (selected hours).
• Time series data extraction (for all hours) at a fixed lati- tude-longitude point.
Fig.2. Hourly changes of azimuth angle on different latitude-longitude
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 465
ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 2 represents the changes of azimuth angle () on different latitude and longitude with timechanges. Using ncdf package in R, netCDF file can be executed. As the netCDF file contains a 3D array (56×103×8784), there are a total of 8784 hours rep- resented by each column and it starts from V1 till V8784 as indicated in table 1 and a total number of 5768 latitude- longitude points which is shown by each rows. Using the netCDF file and R code, the value for GTI is executed from different parameter. In table 1 red box shows the value of GTI for each and every latitude-longitude point at a particular hour (V9= 9th hour of year 2008). Blue box represents the time series GTI values for each and every hour at a fixed latitude- longitude point. Thanks to netCDF package for making the execution easier.
Using RstudiosimulationTwo types of data extraction can be done from this netCDF file shown in table 1. Horizontal data extertion (blue marked row) represent the hourly change of global horizontal irradiation at a fixed latitude longitude point where as vertical data exterstion (red marked column) represents the change of global horizontal irradiation at differ- ent latitude longitude point at a fixed time.
Solar radiation is ultraviolet and infrared energy in the wave- length range approximately from 300 to 3000 nanometers (10-9 m). It has three components. The global horizontal irradiance (GHI) falling onto the Earth’s surface consists of the diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) from the sky and the direct nor- mal irradiance (DNI) from the sun.
𝐺𝐺𝐺 = 𝐷𝐺𝐺 + 𝐷𝐷𝐺 sin 𝜃 (1)
Where θ is the solar zenith angle (vertically above the loca-
tion is 00, horizontal is 900).
Fig.3 represents the mean annual global horizontal irradia- tion in Europe for 2008 which is executed according to the
netCDF file using Rstudio platform. It if found that our simu- lated annual global horizontal irradiation is similar to the So- largis raster plot shown in Fig.4
From both plots, it is obvious that yearly horizontal irradia- tion found different at different locations and the maximum is counted more than 1,900kWh/m2. So it can be said that the radiation in Europe less compared with Africa and Middle East. But still, Spain, Portugal, Italy and southern France have good irradiation value than the northern part of Europe.
Fig.3 Annual global horizontal irradiation (kW h/m2)
Fig.4 Yearly global horizontal irradiation (kW h/m2), Solargis
Global horizontal irradiation is the most important parameter for evaluation of solar energy potential of a particular region and the most basic value for PV simulations. Global solar irra- diance is a measure of the rate of total incoming solar energy (both direct and diffuse) on a horizontal plane at the Earth’s surface. The most accurate measurements are obtained by summing the diffuse and horizontal component of the direct irradiance.
The differences in solar horizontal irradiation in France are essentially due to the climatic conditions influencing the num- ber of sunshine hours. While the southern area is most favour- able, especially the Coted’Azure, an installation of photovolta- ic solar panels is not only profitable in the South but also yield the highest output. The variation in the periods of sunshine
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 466
ISSN 2229-5518
between the South and the North of France will only deter- mine what kind of sensor surfaces will be set up. As proof, Germany, where the climatic conditions are even less favoura- ble than those in the North of France, is the European leader in the solar energy.
Fig. 5 Yearly global horizontal irradiation (kW h/m2) in France by ADEME
Fig. 6 Yearly global horizontal irradiation (kW h/m2) in France by Solargis
In Fig. 5, a map has been published by the "Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Énergie" (ADEME), France. The measuring unit is kWh/m2. From another source (Solargis) as showed in Fig. 6, it is obvious that the period of sunshine is more favourable in the southern part of France than in the north of France. We can also say more preciously that the Cote D’Azur province is blessed with solar irradiation throughout the whole year.
Similarly, in Fig. 7, a raster plot is performed based on data provided from SoDa and found the global horizontal irradia- tion for France is similar as Solargis and ADEME data source.
Fig.7(a) Global horizontal irradiance in France (ggplot)
Fig.7(b) Global horizontal irradiance in France(spplot/pointplot)
To find the global horizontal irradiation at different lat-lon points, a spatial point plot (spplot) is performed. For France, a total of 319 latitude-longitude points are extracted from netCDF file. Using "map where" library, names of the location are also extracted for different lat-lon points.
In table 2, 15 points is shown according to the maximum so- lar horizontal irradiation. Most of the points are situated in the region of Cote D’Azur.
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 467
ISSN 2229-5518
Though Italy, Portugal and Spain have more possibilities to generate more power using solar PV, still if we just consider southern part of France, it has also a great potential too.
PV panels have a wide field of view and must be positioned to receive the maximum amount of solar radiation throughout the year. For cost-benefit reasons, panels are often installed at a fixed angle, instead of following the sun’s movement in the sky. In this case, solar panel should be installed at the ideal angle to measure the irradiance on tilted surface.
PV modules are installed on different mounting systems, such as fixed tilted construction, single axis tracking, double axis tracking and their variations. For each particular mounting system, tilted irradiation is calculated individually. Fixed tilt construction without any tracking has been considered in this work.
The global solar irradiation on a tilt surface(Gt ) [11], can be divided into three parts: (i)Beam tilt irradiance, Bt , (ii) Dif- fused tilt irradiance, Dt , (iii) Reflective tilt irradiance, Rt .
𝐺𝑡 = 𝐵𝑡 + 𝑅𝑡 + 𝐷𝑡 (2)
Beam tilt irradiation (Bt ) is the radiation that is neither reflect-
ed nor scattered but reaches the surface directly in the line from the solar panel. The equation for calculating Bt is
B t =B N cosθi =(B h /cosθz )cosθi (3)
Where BN is the direct beam irradiation and Bh is the beam horizontal irradiation. θi and θ z are inclined angle of the beam radiation on tilt surface and zenith angle respectively. rb is the ratio of θi and θz whose maximum value is 0. The value of θi can be calculated using the following equation-
Fig.8 Effects of solar radiation incident and normal lines
cos 𝜃𝑖 = sin 𝛿 sin ∅ cos 𝛽 − sin 𝛿 cos ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛼
+ cos 𝛿 cos ∅ cos 𝛽 cos 𝜔
+ cos 𝛿 sin ∅ sin 𝛽 cos 𝛼 cos 𝜔
+ cos 𝛿 sin 𝛽 sin 𝛼 sin 𝜔
Where , Ø, ω, β and represent the solar declination angle,
the latitude of the location, hour angle, tilt angle and azimuth
angle respectively.
When the surface is not purlely horizontal, a bit tiled to-
wards the equator facing the north hemisphere, the value of θi
can describe by following equation:
cos 𝜃𝑖 = cos 𝛿 cos(∅ − 𝛽) cos 𝜔 + sin 𝛿 sin(∅ − 𝛽) (4)
On the other hand, if the surface is horizontal (β=0) then the
equation for θi is equal to θz. So, solar zenith angle (θz) can
also be calculated by the same equation.
cos 𝜃𝑖 = cos 𝛿 cos ∅ cos 𝜔 + sin 𝛿 sin ∅ (5)
To do the modelling of the reflected tilt irradiation (Rt), as-
sume the reflected rays are diffused and also the coefficients of the reflected beam and diffuse radiation are identical. As the irradiation reflected from the ground is small, a simple iso- tropic model is enough to get the value [12].
𝑅𝑡 = 𝜌𝑅𝑟 𝐺ℎ (6) Where, 𝜌is the albedo? The ground reflected diffuse irradi-
ance depends on ground reflection of transposition factor (Rr)
which can be denoted by the following equation-
𝑅𝑟 = (1 − cos 𝛽)/2 (7)
The diffuse tilt irradiation is calculated based on isotropic
and anisotropic models. In the isotropic models, it is assumed
that the intensity of diffuse sky radiation is uniform over the
sky dome. But in the anisotropic models, it is different and it is assumed that the anisotropy of the diffuse sky radiation in the circumsolar region (sky near the solar disk) and isotropically distributed diffuse component from the rest of the sky dome.
In this model, Hay’s sky-clarity factor, an anisotropic model is used to calculate diffuse radiation on a tilted surface [13].
In Hay’s model, diffuse radiation is composed of an is- entropic component along with a cumsolar one. It doesn’t con- sider horizontal brightening.
𝐷𝑡 = 𝐷ℎ 𝑅𝑑 (8)
Where Dh is the diffused horizontal irradiation and Rd is
the ratio of diffuse radiation on a tilted surface to that of a hor-
izontal [14].
𝑅𝑑 = 𝐹𝐻𝑎𝑦 𝐵ℎ + �1 − 𝐹𝐻𝑎𝑦 �(1 + cos 𝛽)/2 (9)
An anisotropy index (FHay ) is used in Hay’s model which is
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February-2015 468
ISSN 2229-5518
known as Hay’s sky-clarity factor. It is the ratio between direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface (Bh) and extraterrestrial solar radiation on a horizontal surface (Gext).
𝐹𝐻𝑎𝑦 = 𝐵ℎ /𝐺𝑒𝑥𝑡 (10)
If the value of Hay’s sky-clarity factor (FHay) is 0, this
model can be reduced to the Liu-Jordan model.
𝑅𝑑 = (1 + cos 𝛽)/2 (11)
So, just in one equation, global tilt irradiation (Gt) is as fol-
𝐺𝑡 = (𝐵ℎ / cos 𝜃𝑧 ) cos 𝜃𝑖 + 𝜌𝐺ℎ (1 − cos 𝛽)/2 + 𝐷ℎ �𝐹𝐻𝑎𝑦 𝐵ℎ +
�1 − 𝐹𝐻𝑎𝑦 �(1 + cos 𝛽)/2� (12)
The ideal installation of solar panels depends on the azimuth, the type of panel, latitude, climate, and so on. No matter the type of solar panels, it is best to get them as close to south- facing as possible. An ideal system would be positioned at
1800, due south. The formula for optimum tilt angle is consid- ered same as local latitude. But to get the maximum irradia- tion, inclination should be a few degrees less than the local latitude.
daily irradiation of 5.64 kWh/m2 whereas Ardennes has the minimum daily irradiance with 3.13 kWh/m2
Fig.9 Raster plot of GTI (kW h/m2/day) in France
French latitudes lie in between 430 to 510 (approximately). For getting a optimized plot, 400 inclination (optimum) [15] with 1800 azimuth and 0.2 albedo are considered in order to calculate GTI from SoDa data (i.e. beam horizontal irradiation, diffused horizontal irradiation, global horizontal irradiation, top of atmosphere, solar azimuth angle, solar elevation angle). Thanks to R. ncdf package which allow doing all simulation nicely and giving the desired output.
As 2008 was a leap year, it consists of 366 days (8784 hours) instead of 365 (8760 hours). Annual global irradiation on tilted surface is calculated based on those values and in order to make things easier, mean hourly and daily irradiance (kWh/m2) on tilted surface is shown in table 3 which just only represent top twenty locations whose GTI have the maximum value. A raster plot is also shown in Fig. 9 which represent different french locations with different irradiation on tilted surface. It is found that HautesAlpes has the maximum mean
This paper describes the development of a mathematicalmodel to calculate global tilted irradiation for Europe (especially for France). AnetCDF file with different solar irradiance parameters is developed to visualise the parameters changes along with the change of latitude and longitude in Panoply software. A simula- tion based coding is developed in Rstudio to calculate Global tilt- ed irradiation. Raster plots are made to find out suitable locations with potential solar irradiance. In our next publication we will discuss on a mathematical model for calculating annual solar pho- tovoltaic energy production using global tilted irradiation and some other coefficients. Thus we can locate suitable places for installing solar PV.
We express our sincere thanks to Mr. Robin Girard & Mr. Bernard Drevillon for their efforts, suggestions, critics and guiding for this work. We would also like to thank KIC InnoEnergy & Mines ParisTech ARMINS for giving us the opportunity to work on this topic and provide funding for that project.
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