Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
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Database And File Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Mihir S. Thuse, Sayali P. Joshi, Pranav S. ParanjpeThe need for secure storage of data has become a necessity of our time. Medical records, financial records and legal information are all in need of secure storage. In the era of globalization and dynamic world economies, data outsourcing is inevitable. Security is ma major concern in data outsourcing environment, since data is under the custody of third party web servers. In present systems, third party can access and view data even though they are not authorized to do so, so allowing the employee of the organization to update the database. This may lead to serious data theft, tampering or data leakages causes severe business loss to data owner. In this project we have proposed a novel solution to detect database intrusion using Log Mining approach. Log files are unalterable files at runtime, automatically created by Web servers to have trace of transactions performed on any web applications. Considering purchaser database at server-side and by comparing this with the transactions traced from the log files, we can detect database tampering for any indifference found. Finally by using dynamic management view of SQL, we can find who altered what data field and when. Our project thus provides hassle-free solution for server-side database intrusion.
Quad Squares Center Circular Slotted Microstrip RFID Applications Antenna[Full-Text ] Akash Porwal, Dr. Neelam SrivastavaQuad squares center circular slotted, orthogonal slits and corner truncated novel patch structure are proposed for circularly polarized (CP) Ultra High frequency (UHF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications. The structure constitutes 0.27λ x 0.27λ x 0.0137λ at 900 MHz ground plane and FR-4 Epoxy substrate. The proposed antenna provides the Return loss S11 (dB) of -39.11 dB with 887 MHz - 932 MHz Bandwidth range typically 45 MHZ covering wide Ultra High Frequency (UHF) range, minimum Axial Ratio of 0.7741 dB at 910.7 MHZ and VSWR < 2 is simulated using Electromagnetic High Frequency structure simulator (HFSS). The single coaxial feeded patch Gain and Bandwidth is tuned via electromagnetically coupled parasitic patch with peak gain of about 4dB. The slits and truncated corners reduce the antenna size with circularly polarized (CP) radiation over low cost FR-4 Epoxy substrate.
Evaluation of Chezy Coefficient on Concrete Trapezoidal Channel Strengthened By CFRP Sheets[Full-Text ] Dr. Hayder T. N. Al-Khazaali, Ruaa R. Rahmman Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) were widely used in strengthening reinforced concrete members in the last few years due to advantageous properties such as light weight, corrosion resistance, and smooth surface and high strength. This study is to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete trapezoidal channels strengthened with CFRP sheets inside the channel, and evaluate the effect of CFRP sheets on the flow, especially on Chezy coefficient with different discharges. The research is conducted using four specimens of trapezoidal channels. It is 45 cm bottom wide, 40cm depth, 60° side slope and the length is 160 cm depending on the best hydraulic section for trapezoidal channel. the channels are linked together to be flume with length (6.4m) and then three different cases of channels are investigated with five different discharges to find the Chezy coefficient for each case. From experimental data and curvatures found that Chezy coefficient (c) is increased with increasing ratio of CFRP sheets to concrete. Finally, a series of flexural tests were conducted on reinforced concrete channels. One is controlled channel and other three channels were strengthened. We found that the externally bonded CFRP sheets have increased the stiffness and maximum load of the channels and the cracks and the deflections have decreased for strengthened channels.
Data mining using RFM Analysis[Full-Text ] Divya D. NimbalkarThe competitive world of today demands for having good marketing policies to attract the customers as well as retain the old customers .Organizations hence use strategies that would give the best customer satisfaction and which will return all their investments in their products with profit . It therefore becomes necessary to classify different segments of customers so that one can provide them with a personalized service . This paper serves this purpose of managing customer relationship by performing customer segmentation using RFM analysis then performing clustering on the values obtained from this analysis and then classification to get the applicable rules for each customer segment obtained after clustering.
Efficacy of Peer Tutoring and Gender on Students’ Achievement in Biology[Full-Text ] S.U. Ezenwosu, and Dr. Loretta, N. NworguThe study was designed to investigate the efficacy of peer tutoring and gender on students’ achievement in biology in Aguata Education zone of Anambra state, Nigeria. Two research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted Quasi-experimental design. Specifically the design is a pretest-posttest non equivalent control group design. The instrument used is Biology Achievement test (BAT). The population of the study comprised 1731 SS11 students. The sample size for this study was 228 SS11 students from two co-educational secondary schools in the zone. Mean and standard deviation was used to analyze the research questions while the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results among others showed that students taught biology using peer tutoring performed significantly higher in BAT than those taught biology using the conventional lecture method. The result further revealed that male students slightly performed better than female students. Based on these, the researchers made some recommendations.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF MULTIPASS WELDING ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AISI 304 STAINLESS STEEL SMAW JOINTS[Full-Text ] Taljeet Singh, Dr. A.S. Shahi, Mandeep kaurIn view of the challenges encountered during welding of thick plates of AISI 304 SS grade it was decided to undertake the present work where the effect of multipass welding on various mechanical properties of 16mm thick plates have been studied. The main objective of this work was to investigate how different levels of welding arc energy affect the microstructure of the weld metal and the HAZ under different welding conditions and consequently, how the mechanical properties viz. transverse tensile strength, ductility and impact toughness of the weld joints were affected. The fabricated joints were subjected to radiographic testing so as to make a fair assessment about the quality of the joints.
Multivariate Polynomial Regression in Data Mining: Methodology, Problems and Solutions[Full-Text ] Priyanka SinhaData Mining is the process of extracting some unknown useful information from a given set of data. There are two forms of data mining – predictive data mining, descriptive data mining. Predictive data mining is the process of estimation of the values based on the given data set. This can be achieved by regression analysis on the given data set. In this paper, we are specifying the various methods that can be used typically Polynomial Regression Technique, the various forms of implementing analysis, problems and possible solutions.
Information Technology Risk Assessment Methodologies: Current Status and Future Directions[Full-Text ] Monzer Moh’d QasemThe spread of information technology was the foundation that led to the construction and the design and use of information systems, which can be defined as the set of elements trained human elements necessary mechanism for the collection and operation of the data for the purpose of conversion to information that will help in the decision-making This system consists of input and conversion processes and outputs and is designed information system to disclosure of the information compiled and analyzed and prepared according to the needs of the various work centers institution or company and the information system works on the circulation of information and renewed on an almost daily basis and retrieved when needed, but there are a lot of threats and vulnerabilities in formation system and IT stuff should evaluate the relative risk for each of the vulnerabilities. This process is called risk assessment. Risk assessment is a process of evaluating the relative risk for each of the vulnerabilities in the information systems at the organizations. Because of there are a various information security risk assessment methods that can be implemented by the organizations and each has different approaches to assess the information security risks. Therefore organizations find it difficult to select an appropriate information security risk assessment method. Therefore, there is a need for a critical review of existing risk assessment methodologies to help IT staff to select the best risk assessment methodology based on the specific needs of the organization. This paper presents a comparative study between the top risk assessment methodologies like CORAS, COBRA, OCTAVE , CRAMM, NIST Guide , and SOMAP, along with its strengths and weakness.
Creating a Secured Cloud Based Data Center Using Billboard Manager (BM) and Secuare Co-Processor[Full-Text ] Debabrata Sarddar, Rajesh BoseCloud computing is fast becoming a reality, combining IT on-demand with pay-per-use flexibility. But cloud computing not only cuts costs – it also provides increased resilience for critical applications. Cloud computing has become one of the most significant issues in recently. Those associative applications and services based on cloud computing are dramatically emerging. However, in order to enjoy the widely utilization of cloud computing through wired/wireless networking, providing sufficient assurance of information security such as confidentiality, authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity is the critical factor of success . As in most other streams of computers, security is a major obstacle for cloud computing. In this paper, we proposed secure cloud data center architecture. We discuss a secure cloud data center architecture where end users can connect over a secure channel and store their encrypted data in suitable storage area with the help of secure co-processor and Billboard Manager. Billboard Manager [21] helps to choose the appropriate location of storage.
REVIEW: SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS OF CLOUD COMPUTING[Full-Text ] Ms. Vaishali R. Wadhe, Dr. Vinayak A. BharadiThe rapid growth in the internet technology and infrastructure has improved the way to develop and access the application. Cloud computing offers many benefits to organizations. It is very popular and IT giants as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM have started cloud computing infrastructure. Also, many applications are moving to the interactive web-based development. Cloud computing setting provides a good flexibility and availability of computing resources at a lower price. This emerging technology opens a brand new era of e-services in numerous disciplines.
Investigation on Performance and Emission of a Spark Ignition Engine Using Methanol as Fuel Additive.[Full-Text ] Biswajit H, Nirmal KS, Dr. S. ThirumaliniVehicles which had gone vintage suffer a lot of emission and performance related issues. At present these issues can only be compromised by replacing the whole vehicle or retrofitting the engine. Here we have established a low cost method to improve emission and performance characteristics of the engine using methanol blended gasoline as a working fluid. An experimental investigation is carried out to analyze the variation in performance and exhaust emission on a four cylinder, four stroke, spark ignition engine by adding methanol in the rations of 5%, 10%, 15% and benchmarked it against that of using pure gasoline (0% Methanol). The performance characteristics of M10 (10% Methanol) was found satisfactory, which gave maximum performance among all blends. A maximum reduction of 65.13% in HC emission during cold start was observed when 15% Methnol blend was used. And a significant 97.88% reduction in CO was observed at the maximum load. It is also observed that the exhaust temperature has reduced significantly with the addition of methanol thus indicating a possible increase in life of the engine on long run.
Design and Simulation of Microstrip patch array antenna for C Band Application at IMT (4400-4900 MHz) advanced spectrum with Series feed and parallel feed[Full-Text ] Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Dr. S.C. GuptaMicro strip patch array antenna has proved importance of itself in wireless application fields. In current worldwide society, communication systems are rapidly switching from wired to wireless networks. Wireless technology provides less expansive equipments and a flexible way for communication systems. Patch array antenna provides various important applications, such as satellite communication, Radar systems, Global positioning system, WIMAX (worldwide interoperability for microwave access), RFID (Radio frequency identification) and wireless telecommunication systems. In this article 2x1 and 4x1 patch array antenna with series feed and parallel feed arrangement has been designed and simulated on HFSS (High frequency structure simulator) simulation tool. Proposed patch array antenna with parallel feed arrangement, uses 50 ohm and 100ohm line with suitable width and length for feeding of the patch elements. In the series fed patch array, straight feeding micro strip line and rectangular patch (as radiating element) element are connected directly at corners without power dividers and impedance transformers. Series feeding arrangement avoids feeding line loss in comparison to parallel feeding arrangement. Here proposed patch array antenna at 4.55 GHz resonance frequency, provides it’s suitability in C Band applications (4-8 GHz) like satellite communication and long distance radio telecommunications. IMT (International mobile telecommunication) [4400-4900 MHz] Band supports cooperative communication in 3GPP LTE advanced standard. Antenna parameters like return loss, Bandwidth and Gain, obtained after simulation has been discussed and compared for all simulated (parallel fed and series fed) patch array.
Power Electronic Modules in Future Vehicles[Full-Text ] Vinay DivakarThe paper describes the different commercially available power electronic modules, storage methods and drives used for hybrid electric vehicles and the operating issues and solutions regarding few problems faced during the development of a power electronic module. And some of the future developments and modifications with respect to the design of the present hybrid electric vehicles have been suggested and discussed.
FUNCTION PROJECTIVE SYNCHRONIZATION OF A NEW HYPER CHAOTIC SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ayub Khan and Priyamvada TripathiIn this article a function projective synchronization (FPS) of two identical new hyper chaotic systems is defined and scheme of FPS is developed by using Open-Plus-Closed-Looping (OPCL) coupling method. A new hyper chaotic system has been constructed and then response system with parameters perturbation and without perturbation. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness of this scheme, which has been performed by mathematica.
FPGA Implementation of a Self Healing Strategy for Interconnect Faults in Digital Measurement Circuits[Full-Text ] S. Meyyappan, V. Alamelumangai, M. RamasamyThe paper attempts to evolve a design mechanism with a view to address the predictive occurrence of interconnect faults in digital measurements acquired through combinational circuits. The system inherits a facility to analyse the flow of signal at all intermediate levels to ensure the comprehensive fault tolerant status. The procedure avails the role of a standard decoder circuit to explore the strength of the methodology and establish its feasibility in a FPGA environment. The generation of test patterns skim the nuances of the existing schemes to arrive at the timing diagrams to suit both stuck at zero and stuck at one faults. The methodology attaches a self healing nature and ventures to carry through the signal in accordance with the attributes of specific application requirements. The FPGA based experimental results obtained validate the simulation exercises in the Modelsim platform and reopen a paradigm shift in the scope of digital circuits.
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Optical Properties of Spin Coated CdS/PVA Thin Films[Full-Text ] Mustafa Kh. Mustafa, Manal M. Abdullah, Zaidoon T. Mohammad Noori, Mustafa A. JumaahCdS thin films have been prepared using cadmium nitrate (mw=308.47and 0.6 M) as cadmium source and thiourea (mw=76.12 and 1 M) as sulfur source. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a matrix. Thin films are deposition on glass substrate using spin coating technique. The sample thickness measured is 67.7 µm. The effect of annealing temperatures (100, 150, 200oC )on the structural and optical properties of CdS thin films is investigated. The surface morphology is tested by AFM, also X-ray study is represented. The results show that the Grain size of the sample increased with increasing of annealing temperatures. The Absorption coefficient, Refractive Index, Extinction coefficient and dielectric constant increased with increasing of annealing temperature. while the transmission and energy gap decreased with increasing of annealing temperature.
Interionic interactions of some polymer blends of poly(metha acrylic acids)/poly vinyl pyrrolidone in DMSO solution at 308.15K[Full-Text ] Dr.C. Nagamani, Meghana Dravida Seetharam, Dr.C.Saraswathi DeviUltrasonic velocity (U), and viscosity (?) have been measured for Poly(metha acrylic acid) and poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) in DMSO have been measured over a widw range of compositions and concentrations at 308.15K.The experimental Ultrasonic velocity values are used to calculate the adiabatic compressibility (ß), molar compressibility ( ??)Relaxation strength were calculated. The results of the parameters have been discussed in terms of compatibility of the polymer blend at different concentrations.
Rare Earth doped LaPO4 Phosphor Synthesis and Characterization[Full-Text ] S. Kondala Rao, P.Indira and K. V. R. MurthyThe present paper reports the Synthesis and Photoluminescence (PL) studies of the LaPO4 phosphor doped with Eu (0.5), Tb (1.0) and Ce with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mole percentages respectively. The phosphor was synthesized using the standard solid state diffusion reaction technique. The mixture was fired at 1200oC for 3 hours with heating rate of 5oC/min in a muffle furnace and the received cake is ground using mortar and pestle. The powder phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction, FTIR and scanning electron microscopy. The crystallinity and phase purity of the phosphor was confirmed by XRD studies. The Infrared spectra for the prepared solid nano powders were recorded in the range between 400 and 4000 cm-1 on a Fourier transform spectrometer. The particle morphology of the phosphor was characterized by SEM. The Photoluminescence properties of the materials were studied using Spectrofluorophotometer at room temperature. The Photoluminescence (PL) excitation spectra were recorded for different excitation wavelengths at 254 nm, 264 nm and 275 nm monitoring at 614 and 545nm. The PL emission of Eu(0.5),Tb(1.0) and Ce(0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0 and 5.0 mol%) doped LaPO4 phosphor was recorded for different excitation wavelengths. The PL emission peaks are found at 364, 381, 415, 438, 470, 488, 545, 589, 594, 614 and 622nm with good intensity.
Cyber-Crime[Full-Text ] Kriti BhatiaThe crimes are increasing day to day ,everyday there is some type of crime taking place in society whether it is stealing , murder or cyber crime.In this we are going to discuss about cyber crime is the crime that hamper us directly or indirectly. Cyber-crime are creating threat to our society .These threats are leading to mental tensions like depression and various other problem .The government has made an initiative from there side by making cyber laws but there is no such benefit of these laws because people are unaware the laws so the need of an hour is there for public awareness about the cyber laws. The cyber -crimes are of different types like some are there which harm us directly and some which harm us indirectly. The cyber crime that harm us directly are malware and computer virus , Malware is a full malicious software which leads to infect the personal computer and turns it into a zombie computer while computer virus are those which replicates the data in computer system by inserting its own copy.This affects the computer hardware, data files badly make that area infected.The cybercrime that affect us indirectly are cyber-stalking, fraud and identity theft and below we will talk about cyber-crime and types of cyber-crime.
HP Company[Full-Text ] Ibrahim WaggadThe company was established in First January, 1939 by David Packard and William Hewlett and, two fresh electrical-engineering alumnae of Stanford University. It was the foremost of many technology companies to profit from the thoughts and hold up of engineering lecturer Frederick Terman, who founded the tough connection among Stanford and what finally emerged as Silicon Valley. The corporation recognized its status as a creator of stylish implementation. During World War II the group urbanized goods for armed appliances that were vital as much as necessary to value Packard sketch exclusion, while Hewlett provided in the Army indicator unit. HP offers excellence executive services and financing substitutes, and other for clients commerce and user consumers in the U. S. through HP Financial Services. It's devoted sales committee and sells its goods and services straight to its clients through telephone and online www.hp.com and clients contains large company, administration, healthcare, and education report, as well as small-to-medium businesses and individual customer's assets which divides its sales and marketing among these groups within geographic areas. United net profits during any of the last three economic years for No particular client accounted for more than 10% of HP's. Its controlled sales and marketing attempts are about the needs customers who are allowing the company to increase and develop its invention and marketing programs for exact customer groups is constant response from its customers.
Synthesis and Spectroscopic studies on Manganese(II), Copper(II), Nickel(II), and Cobalt(II) Complexes derived from L-Valinol and pyridine aldehyde and their Antimicrobial studies [Full-Text ] Netra Pal Singh, Gaurav and Jagvir SinghNovel metal complexes of the type[M(L)2 ]( where M=Mn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II); L= Schiff base derived from L-valinol and pyridine aldehyde) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance , magnetic moments, FTIR,, 1H and 13C NMR and UV-visible techniques. On the basis of spectral studies, octahedral geometry has been assigned for all metal complexes. In vitro antimicrobial activity of ligand and metal complexes were also studied against bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Salmona typhi) and fungi (Candia albicans and Candida parappsilosis) which show antimicrobial activity of ligand and metal complexes. Metal complexes showmore activity against bacteria and fungi as compare to pure ligand
Relationship between share market and foreign Exchange market in India (A brief study)[Full-Text ] Raj KumarStock exchange and interest rate are two crucial factors of economic growth of a country. The impacts of interest rate on stock exchange provide important implications for monitory policy, risk management practices, financial securities valuation and government policy towards financial markets.
Energy Efficient Secure Mulicast Routing Data Transmission In Wireless Mesh Network[Full-Text ] Ms.N.Nanthini, Dr.M.L.ValarmathiMulticast routing for wireless mesh networks has focused on metrics that estimate link quality to maximize throughput. Nodes must collaborate in order to compute the path metric and forward data. In high-throughput multicast protocol in wireless mesh networks we identify novel attacks in wireless mesh networks. The attacks exploit the local estimation and global estimation of metric to allow attackers to attract a large amount of traffic. We show that these attacks are very effective against multicast protocols based on high-throughput metrics.In this paper Energy efficient based secure high-throughput multicast protocol Energy Efficient Secure - On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol(ES-ODMRP) has been implemented. ES-ODMRP ensures the delivery of data from the source to the multicast receivers even in the presence of attackers, as long as the receivers are reachable through non adversarial paths. To achieve this, ES-ODMRP uses a metric that estimate link quality to maximize the throughput and energy efficient based data transmission on network. The combination of authentication and rate limiting techniques avoid attacks against resource consumption. Also packet dropping and mesh structure attacks are avoided using Rate Guard technique.
The Double Weighted Rayleigh Distribution Properties and Estimation[Full-Text ] Nasr Ibrahim RashwanThis paper presents a new weighted distribution which is known as the double weighted rayleigh distribution (DWRD). This distribution is constructed and studied. The statistical properties of this distribution are discussed and obtained, including the mean, variance, coefficient of variation, harmonic mean, moments, mode, coefficient of skewness, coefficient of kurtosis, reliability function, hazard function and the reverse hazard function. Also the parameters of this distribution are estimated by the method of moment and the maximum likelihood estimation method.
Implementation OF Converting Text File to Data Access Table by Using Multi-Keys[Full-Text ] Maitham Ali NajiThe aim of this paper converts encrypted text file to access data table. The system infers the number of fields from the number of semicolon in any line of text file. The program will create the database and its table by Data Access Object (DAO), the key of Decryption will be extracted from the first word in each line. The Caesar method is used to produce plain text to data table.
Design of Square and Multiply and Accumulate(MAC) Unit by using Vedic Multiplication Techniques[Full-Text ] C Ranjit Kumar, G Rahul Ram, N Chandu Reddy, PigiliSuresh This paper proposed the design of Square and Multiply and Accumulate(MAC) Unit using the techniques of Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics that have been modified to improve performance. Digital signal processors (DSPs) are very important in various engineering disciplines. Faster additions and multiplications are of extreme importance in DSP for convolution, discrete Fourier transforms, digital filters,etc. As in all the arithmetic operations, it is the squaring which is most important in finding the transforms or the inverse transforms in signal processing.The speed of MAC depends greatly on the multiplier. Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations based on 16 Sutras. The work has proved the efficiency of Urdhva Triyagbhyam– Vedic method for multiplication which strikes a difference in the actual process of multiplication itself. It enables parallel generation of intermediate products, eliminates unwanted multiplication steps with zeros and scaled to higher bit levels using Karatsuba algorithm with the compatibility to different data types. Multiply-Accumulate is an extensible block using the Vedic multiplier module plays an important role in computing, especially digital signal processing. The coding is done in Verilog HDL and the FPGA synthesis is done using Xilinx Spartan library. The results show that design of MAC unit using Vedic multiplication is efficient in terms of area/speed compared to conventional Multiplication.
ROSETTA STONE IS PREHISTORIC “THAMEE STONE” ?!... (A New theory on Thameen, Thamee Script, Thameezhem)[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaIn the history of human civilization, global languages, Ancient Egyptian culture, language script, is so far considered as very old. Now the discovery of “ROSETTA STONE” near Nile delta of Rosetta (Rashid) in Egypt, which contains same messages inscribed in three languages led the researchers consider as a key used to unlock the mystery of evolution of ancient language scripts in Egypt. Before discovery of rosetta stone there was no understanding about ancient language of Egypt Script.
GROWTH OF SMALL TOWNS IN THE SURROUNDINGS OF GUWAHATI CITY, ASSAM, INDIA[Full-Text ] RINKU MANTA, JNANAHREE BORAH, AND JAYASHREE BORAHUrbanization is an index of transformation from traditional rural economies to modern industrial one. It is a long term process. “Understanding of Urbanisation” (Jha, 2006), the term is related to the core concern of Urban Geography. It stands for the study of Urban Concentration and Urban phenomena. By Urban Concentration what is meant in the different forms of urban setting; and by urban phenomena we mean all those processes that contribute to the development of urban centers and their resultant factors. Thus the scope of the term is certainly comprehensive. (Mallick, 1981). Urbanization carries several important dimensions that collectively and individually produce macro and micro impacts on the society and everyday life. Among these dimensions, Urban Geography and Regional planning are the most expanding sub-disiciplines of Geography to identify and account for the distribution and growth of towns and cities and spatial similarities and contrasts that exists within and between them, and their role in regional and urban development over the last decades both in terms of theoretical concepts and practical applications (McKinney Global Institute 2010).