Author:Dr Shilpa Desai

Dr Shilpa Desai

Fine arts

Program of Masters & PhD in Fine arts
Faculty of Engineering
Shri Jagdish prashad jhabarmal tiberewala University



•••Psycho - physiological aspects & effect on resporatory system through Naturopathy on children age group 5-12 yrs

PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECT AND ITS EFFECT ON RESPIRATORY SYSTEM THROUGH NATUROPATHY ON CHILDERN AGE GROUP 5-12 YRS – POSITIVELY LINK TO GLOBAL WARMING   TITLE OF THE THESIS PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECT AND ITS EFFECT ON RESPIRATORY SYSTEM THROUGH NATUROPATHY ON CHILDERN AGE GROUP 5-12 YRS – POSITIVELY LINK TO GLOBAL WARMING A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD JHABARMAL TIBREWALA UNIVERSITY, VIDYANAGARI, JHUNJHUNU, RAJASTHAN. FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN (INTERDISCIPLINARY) SHILPA N. DESAI REG.NO. - 20114552 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. NARENDRA V. DESHMUKH DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD JHABARMAL TIBREWALA UNIVERSITY, VIDYANAGARI, JHUNJHUNU, RAJASTHAN – 333001 Year 2013 SUMMARY IN BRIEF: Introduction The present study’s aim is at finding out the effect of ‘Naturopathy’ on Physiological and Psychological factor on Respiratory system of children in age group 5 – 12 years, when environmental conditions are unfavourable and averse to healthy living. The Physiological aspect has been measured by Body parameter like Age, Height, Weight, BMR, BMI. Vital parameter being measured by using laboratory instrument; Oxymeter test (O2), Fingertip Begin 2B FDA 510(k), Spirometer test (EFEV), Hudson cc/sec, Peak flow meter test (PFEV) Personal Best Full range peak flow meter(60-810 L/min), Psychological parameter is tested by selecting tool constructed by Jadgish and A K Srivastava, i.e. Mental health inventory, which integrate the personality, autonomy group oriented attitudes and environmental mastery. For the statistical analysis, appropriate statistics for pre-post experimental co-relation the comparison paired 2 - tailed t test have been used for data analysis. The summary of the thesis is presented in chapter-wise format. Statement of Research Problem. Researcher proposes the problem which is related to psycho-physiological aspects and its effects on respiratory system among children through Naturopathy. The title of the problem is “Psycho-Physiological aspect and its effect on respiratory system through naturopathy on children age group 5 – 12 years positively link to Global warming”. Chapter 1 : Introduction. Respiration is key factor for an individual to live. O2 and CO2 are two keys, which allow individuals to breathe, when present in environment, and since the quality of environment is depleting, researcher can say that lifestyle of humans is deteriorating and our present generation is affected the most, as they have to acquire fitness and immunity by working on vitality. The present study therefore is an attempt to explore the efficiency of ‘Naturopathy’ as therapy in intervention for children in age group 5 – 12 years. Researcher has tried to answer question on sustainability of life when all other researchers are working to save earth. Are we trying enough for our children to live healthily and happily? There still are favourable conditions and systems to merge children’s bodily functions with future climatic conditions. What is the best lifestyle and why we are not implementing it during their developmental stage? When we talk about vitality then nature is the only option we have, i.e. preventive measures taken by Nature cure. For decades, medication has helped to treat and reduce the symptoms of diseases. Though medical treatment seems to offer a quick fix, it is only a short term limited solution to a complex multifaceted problem. Medication only covers, some symptoms and does not actually get to the root of the problem. After the drug is discontinued the symptoms tend to reappear and vitality is well deteriorated. Drug therapy is effective over prolonged use, however this comes with its share of side effects. There has been an incessant search for progressively more effective remedies for physical and psychological ailments and the world of remedies is seeking reprieve in alternative systems of therapy. This chapter elaborates on physiological and psychological aspect of respiratory system and its effect on children in age group 5 – 12 years. It describes its symptomatology, etiologic, physiology and psychological disorder associated with respiratory function and their efficacy with present climate and suggested lifestyle for children as preventive measure which can be described as psycho-physiological aspect . A Physiological aspect has been measured by Body parameter like Age, Height, Weight, BMR, BMI. Vital parameter being measured by using laboratory instrument; Oxymeter test (O2), Fingertip Begin 2B FDA 510(k),Spirometer test (EFEV), Hudson cc/sec, Peak flow meter test (PFEV) Personal Best Full range peak flow meter(60-810 L/min) ,Psychological parameter is tested by selecting tool constructed by Dr.Jadgish and A K Srivastava, i.e. Mental health inventory, which integrate the personality, autonomy group oriented attitudes and environmental mastery. This study is to provide reliable information on pulmonary function which would aid the diagnostic process and students follow up. The researcher’s motive is to introduce preventive strategy to reduce the impact of global climate change on children’s health. The intervention methods employed in the study are also outlived in brief. The discussion is ensured by the statement of the problem, the significance of the present research and the hypothesis which have been derived from the objectives of the study. Chapter 2. Naturopathy as intervention on physiological and psychological inter-relation : Theoretical Underpinning. This chapter will explain various dimensions of the physiological and psychological aspect and its effect on respiratory system through naturopathy on early childhood, later childhood and puberty. This stage is regarded as the stage of rapid physical and mental development. This chapter is structured with view that it will shape the understanding and the need of inculcating naturopathic lifestyle as a preventive measure. The nutritional status of children does not directly reflect the socio economic status of the family and social well being of the community but also the efficiency of the health care system and the influence of the surrounding environment. In UNESCO it is recorded that in India one fifth of the population consist of children between 5 and 14 years, which includes the primary and secondary school age. School age is considered as a dynamic period of growth and development because children undergo physical, mental, emotional and social changes. In other words the foundation of good health and sound mind are laid during the school age period. Hence, the present study was formulated with the objective to assess and find the major socio – economical co-relations of nutritional statistics and lifestyle in school age children. How all these factors are related and links to each other: (description): Factor selected by researcher, is with complete concept to reach to complete goal of well being of children. Selected factor are children in age group 5 -12 years with three major factors, i.e. Physio-psychological parameter, nutritional and environmental factor. Humans carry genes and take birth with default mechanism, but development stage allows them to bring changes and improve health. Height, weight, BMI, BMR., this are the basic development keys to analyse and design further investigation. For developmental growth, children between age 5 – 12 years require amount of energy as per their expenditure, so body composition is directly connected to nutrition. To achieve complete health only body or mind cannot be worked and left alone, another physical parameter BMI, BMR, i.e. body composition is very crucial factor for children to pass as a healthy child. Body composition is interrelated or directly related to stimulant of brain and nutrition intake. The preamble of WHO’s charter define health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Thus health is a broader concept including physical, social and mental health. Childhood seen as foundation for individual development both physiologically and psychologically and is taken to define life time. Childhood is an, milestone for physical vitality and personality along with mental growth. The eminent evolutionary biologist and theorist E. O. Wilson, in the Prologue of his book, he defines, Biophilia as “the inhale tendency” to focus on life and life like process. So life of any living thing is interrelated as per this theory. Researcher has connected physiological psychological and interrelated with environment and how our natural love for life helps sustain life. Life Process starts with birth. Birth of a human respire to live and respiration i.e. breath is directly connected to environment, i.e. O2 and CO2. Researcher has taken up present condition and its effect on children as they grow, if their physical parameter is not as per development then their mental growth also gets affected and this way researcher has connected life process which researcher has described through diagram. Chapter 3 Survey Of Litreture : The second chapter, review of literature, helps the researcher in deciding the direction of the research. A collective body of works done by earlier scientists is technically called the literature (A K Singh 2004). Researcher thought that any scientific investigations starts with a review of literature. It is primary stage towards research. The researcher attempts a close or an in-depth revealing of the review of literature. The research is mostly problem oriented whether it is Psychological, Sociological or Philosophical. Not merely the research, but the review of literature is also the major source to alter, include and exclude which and what form of research done earlier in the same area. Awareness for knowledge of such research prevents unnecessary repetition of documentation of the same thing. Likewise, constantly flourishing developing research also revises and remoulds the documentation according to the demand of time. In this way, review of literature is helpful in identifying variable relevant for research and avoiding of repetition. Synthesis of prior work, determining meaning differences and relationship between Physiological and Psychological variable keeping this view in mind researcher has carefully studied the literature and review of researchers related to the urban students an conducted intervention onstudents of M. K. E. S. English School, Mumbai. 2.1 Naturopathy and Nutrition: Anurag Srivastava, Syed E Mahmood (2012), Catherine E. Ulbricht, Dawn Costa, (2012),Sheila A Skeaff ,Christine D Thomson ,Noela ,Winsome R Parnell by Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (2012). As Lohff B, Schaefer J, Nierhaus KH, Peters T, Schaefer T, Vos R. (1998), Laxshmi Raman ( 2011), Winston J Craig (1990),de Andrea et al (1990) ,Cantwell (1974) ,Harunobu Amagase, 2 Brenda L. Petesch, Hiromichi Matsuura, Shigeo Kasuga.Diego G Peroni , Beatrice Bonomo , (2012) ,.UNICEF-(2012). 2.2 Physiological aspects andeffects : Manfred James Mu ¨ller, Inga Koertzinger, Mareike Mast, Kristina Langna (1999),. Burdette, Hillary L ( 2005) , FB Ortega, JR Ruiz, MJ Castillo and M Sjo (2010) , Sasi Kumar, Sivapriya, Shyamala Thirumeni Tutor,(2011), Caroline et al(2007) ,Harinath et al ( 2004) ,Florence et al., (2005). Upadhyay et al., (2008), Hadi, (2007) ,Shirley Telles and T. Desiraju (1991) , Baljinder Singh Bal (2010), , Timothy D. Nelson, Eric R. Benson, and chad D. Hensen, Universiyt of Kansas clinical Child Psychology Program.. Delphine delample,Meritxell sabate, christianprefaut and Fabiennie Durand (2008) ,Jack M. Gorman, Justine Kent ,et .al ( ) .young Hee Kim, (2012), Ascedio Jose Rodrigues, Evandro Alencar Scussiatto,, (Pediatric Pulmonology 47:59-62 (2012), Mohammed O Al Ghobain1, Mohamad S Al-Hajjaj (2012), M. Chia, N. K. Virabhak, Y. K. Ng. S. K. Lee, J. M. J. Supramaniam, W. Chan, P. Martin and B. Gandevia, (1972) ,Sudha Chaudhari ,Madhumati Otiv, Anjali Chitale, Mahendra Hoge, Anand Panditand Anjali Mote,(2005) , Ewa Ternstern – Hasseus, Sven Larsson and Eva Millqvist (2011) , Raymond G. Slavin, (2008) ,, Francesco De Blasio1, Johann C Virchow (2011) , Pavilio Piccioni, Alberto Borraccino, (2007),San Francisco, USA Mark D Eisner, Paul D Blanc , (2007), Bianchi C, Baiardi P (2008) ,Iraj Mohammad zadeh, Mohammad Gharagozlou, Meenakshi Sharma, Ram Babu Sharma*, Raghuveer Choudhary (2012) 2.3 Psychological aspects and effects: Gayford, (2009), Girlguiding UK (2010), Ipsos Mori/DEA,( 2008), Nicholls and Lee, (2006), Ofsted,( 2009), vinspired,( 2009), Wilson and Snell,( 2010), Timothy D. Nelson*, PHD, Eric R. Benson, MA, and Chad D. Jensen, MA (2012 ), Astrida Seja angars, PHD, Mary D. Klinnert, PHD, and Bruce G. Bender, 23 PHD (2004) , (Rence D. Goodwin, PLD, MPH, Stephen L. Buka, SCD ( 2008) , Daniel. S. Pine, Jeremy D. Coplan, (1998) de Andrea et al (1990), lozoeff et al (1991 and 2000) ,Lozoeff et al.( 2000),Patrıcia Leaoda Silva,Marco Tulio de Mello, (2012) , Ghosh, S N and Taruna Sharma (2010),Xu Z, Etzel RA, Su H, Huang C,, (2012) , Eileen Wollburg, Walton T. Roth, (2011),Renee D. Goodwin, Stephen L. Buka, (2008) 2.4 Climatic effect on health and global warming: .Supinda buniyavanich, , Christopher p, , (2003), Lieberman, Gerald A, and Linda L. Hoody, Poway,( 2005), Ewa Ternesten-Hasséus, (2011),Rebecca A Hill, Sinead Brophy , (2011), Mrs. G. Indra, (2003) , Ministry of Health (2003) , Perry E. Sheffield and Philip J. Landrigan (2011) , WHO (2008), Prüss-Üstün and Corvalan (2007), WHO (2008) ,Campbell-Lendrum and Woodruff( 2006),Black et al. 2008,McMichael 2001b, Bhutta et al. 2008,Kovats et al. 2005, Zhang et al. (2007),WHO (2008), Zhang et al. (2007),WHO( 2002a, 2008),Tord Kjellstrom, Ainslie J. Butler (2010) , Chapter 4 Objective and research methodology of the study : 1 Research type - Experimental research This section describes the method used to study the variables and test the hypothesis. Thus, it is a description of the sample selected, the tools used, the procedure employed. Sample : The sample for the study consist of 575 children, from Mumbai citys, M.K.E.S English School located in Malad West, the participants were from age group 5-12 Years. Table 139. Participant student’s total data Age - Gender wise. Section Class Age Total no. Of Student Male Female Primary Sr. Kg 5years 76 42 34 Std. 1 6-7years 81 42 39 Std. 2 7-8years 72 43 29 Std. 3 8-9years 64 40 24 Std. 4 9-10years 58 32 26 Secondary Std. 5 10-11years 73 45 28 Std. 6 11-12years 72 41 31 Std. 7 12-13years 79 52 29 TOTAL 575 335 240 TOTAL NO OF SUBJECT: 575 NO OF FEMALE PARTICIPANT: 240 NO OF MALE PARTICIPANT: 335 3.2 Objectives of research: 1. To study the mental health and body quotient of children in age group 5-12 years and to enhance their vital capacity. 2. To compare the present environmental effects with prescribed lifestyle among children between 5-12 years. 3. To study the environmental element CO2 and O2 affects mental health and BQ of children 5-12years age group suffering from respiratory system. 4. To study especially with children in age group 5-12,years the human body in balance with the natural environment by controlling the bodily environment through the complete process of naturopathy which deals with body and mind. 5. To compare natural environment and bodily environment and individuals merging capacity, in children of age group 5-12 years. 6. To compare haemoglobin level and oxygen level of children in age group 5-12 years with their respiratory function. 7. To study haemoglobin levels and oxygen levels in the body and parameter of children in age group 5-12 years. 8. To study pre and post effects of natural remedies and conduct counselling of children in age group between 5-12 years. 3.3 Hypotheses: 1. Oxygen level of body would depend on the haemoglobin level of an individual. 2. Individual physical growth would improve their haemoglobin in the body and will positively affect immunity of an individual. 3. Haemoglobin level in an individual would be a parameter of an individual life style. 4. Every individual would have own pattern related to environment. 5. Right pattern of diet would be related to increased haemoglobin level in body. 6. Haemoglobin level of the body would be related to a child’s copying up capacity with an environment and related effect. 7. Positive stimulation of mind would show elevated effect on total health of the body. 8. Recommended life style would work as a future remedial measure. 9. Exercise and appropriate diet would positively improve children’s total health. 3.4 Variables: IV -Independent Variable: 1 Body Parameter: Age, Wt, Ht, BMR, BMI 2 Diet Parameter: Herbal therapy, Diet therapy 3 Respiratory Parameter: Oximetry test (SPO2) Spirometry test Peak flow meter test 4 CBC (Complete Blood Count): Hemoglobin (Oxygen Carrier) DV -Dependant variable: Psychological and Physiological factor 1. Genetic factor 2. Adjustment 3. Personality 4. Home environment 5. Climate Research Design (Pre and post) : Group Test Treatment Test Experiment Pre Yes Post Experimental design X1 O X2 Treatment given Pre-test -intervention - Post test Pair‘t‘statistics - with description for gain score treatment. Research tools: 1) Mental health inventory (MHI) constructed by Jagdish and A K Srivastava, mental health-For the present purpose of developing the inventory, mental health is defined as person's ability to make positive self-evaluation, to perceive the reality, to integrate the personality, autonomy group oriented attitudes and environmental mastery. 2) Physiological Test: CBC (Complete Blood Count) – Hb-transport oxygen from lungs to tissue. Incentive Spirometry (SPO2) – spirometer directly measures flow and volume of air. Peak Flow Meter (PFEV) : To measure expiratory lung capacity. Oximetry test – pulse oximetry may be substituted for arterial blood gases in children under 12 years of age. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) : To measure amount of calories per day your body burn. BMI (Body Mass Index): Is a relationship between height and weight that is associated with body fat and health risk. Ht (Height) : To measure growth of subject relative age. Wt (Weight) : To measure body’s relative mass . Chapter 5 Data Analysis , Finding And Discussion ,conclusion : Hypothesis 1: Oxygen Level Of Body Would Depend On The Haemoglobin Level Of An Individual. Accepted Hypothesis 2: Individual Physical Growth Would Improvise Their Haemoglobin In The Body And Positively Affect Immunity Of An Individual. Accepted Hypothesis 3: Haemoglobin Level In An Individual Would Be A Parameter Of An Individual Lifestyle. Accepted Hypothesis 4; Individual Physical Growth Would Improvise Their Haemoglobin In The Body And Positively Affect Immunity Of An Individual. Accepted Hypothesis 5: Right Pattern Of Diet Would Relate To Increased Haemoglobin Level In The Body. Accepted Hypothesis 6: Haemoglobin Level Of The Body Would Be Related To Childs Coping Up Capacity With Environment And Related Respiratory Efficacy. Accepted Hypothesis 7: Positive Stimulation Of Mind Would Show Elevated Effect On Total Health Of The Body. Accepted Hypothesis 8: Recommended Naturopathic Lifestyle Would Work As A Future Remedial Measure. Accepted Hypothesis9: Exercise And Appropriate Diet Would Positively Improve Child’s Health. Accepted 5.2 Limitations of study: This study has been limited to:- 1. The sample was restricted to only 5 – 12 years old students, hence no comparison or generalization, in terms of age is possible. However, further research using 2 – 5 years subject is requisite. 2. The effect of the therapist, variable could be studied, as there was only one therapist, who worked with both the intervention groups. It would be interesting to study with different therapist of other gender to have yielded varying results. 3. There were limitation for obtaining CBC report, as obtaining report was on parents willingness and child’s readiness. 4. Area of study has been restricted to Mumbai city only. 5. There was the limitation regarding the size of the sample. The sample size was limited. So the finding of this research cannot be generalized. 6. Medium socio-economic status background of the subject was taken. 5.3 Suggestion for future research:- 1 .This research can become a guideline for future researcher by changing variable and parameter. 2. This study has shown an effective way of getting healthy by introducing complete concept of health in school children in mass number get motivation and understand importance of health in today’s unpredictable modernization. 3. Researchers study shows that lower vital capacity of children are at a higher risk of psychological disturbance which may influence the development of respiratory diseases. 4. Researcher could open up promising evidence that in infancy to late middle childhood with asthma stressful events, can exacerbate and can worsen airway inflammation. 5. Researcher’s depth of study will improvise lifestyle, which otherwise asthma stressful events can exacerbate and can enhance airway inflammation in infants to children in late middle childhood. 6. Climate scientist Roger Pielke sr. at the University of Colorado. He has mentioned that the role of added carbon dioxide as a major contributor to climate change has been firmly established. As per this prediction researchers' research would be playing a great role of awareness about their lifestyle patterns. 7. Researchers research has introduced a better lifestyle that could bring the accomplished relationship between a child and parent, so if such health programs are taken up by schools, a positive result can be achieved. 8. Pranayama and Suryanamskar with the right diet and habit seem to hold a lot of promise especially for children and those adults who are looking for drugless and painless life without economical pressure. 9. World Health Organization (WHO) 2013, has also taken up children as their future goal and promoting worldwide health programme for children at the current stage this research promises easy economical and complete way of achieving health. 10. When modernization has taken a grip on children’s mind and action , National Institute Of Mental Health (2013) has also reported that they need to establish such programme which could enhance children’s mental health. So, this intervention programme promises positive results by including parents, teachers together serving children in day to day life. 11. This study identified a number of variables important to children’s complete concept based programmes and raises number of questions which would benefit more research and generate promising secured life for our generation. 12. This study is important because it provides new insights into children’s day-to-day routine based importance of health. This study provides overwhelming evidence of the importance of children’s mental and physical health. 5.4 Implications:- It suffices to say at this point that there are many ways and solutions to a problem. Only implication can make concrete positive change and revolution. This intervention could be implied at a national level as a school program for children’s overall growth, as this research is economical and easy, not time-consuming; in return provides mental growth by doing Pranayam and Suryanamaskar and following a healthy diet in daily life. Parents are the main support of children, so the implication of the program in school will reach out not only to children but also their homes, providing grass-root solutions. School is a foundation of children’s life and future. Strategies for implementing researcher’s interventions will be a head start. An initiative that strives to give the opportunity to Socioeconomically vulnerable children through school, with the influence of new technology and resources more and more tools and channels are introduced in school to be more effective in disseminating information and knowledge to the students. However, this is restricted to only a few privileged schools. The need of the hour is to facilitate and support the government schools children with such innovative resources. This intervention is a holistic way of return to nature, by achieving complete health. During this program, the researcher has improvised and inculcated research-based programme and projects at a competitive level, so not only has this intervention worked on health, but also in imparting knowledge and privilege to these children with higher international standard of education. The latest WHO report health behavior of school-aged children (HSBC) 2009-2010. On social determinants of health of young people shows widespread inequalities in children and adolescent health. The report gives policymakers an opportunity to get and serve the health of the next generation. This report has covered 39 countries and collected data from 11, 13 and 15 year olds, on 60 topics related to their health and well-being, social environments and behavior. The key message to take out of the study is that “Addressing the social determinants of health inequalities in childhood and adolescent can enable young people to maximize their health and well-being, ensuring that these inequalities do not extend into adulthood, with all the potential negative consequence for individual and society”. As family affluence – unsurprisingly family affluence is associated with a healthier lifestyle, fruit vegetable intake, breakfast, and healthy tiffin consumption and physical activity. As this research intervention, around the year, has worked as a protective factor, support from family, classmates, and community protect young people from negative influence and help children to remain motivated and focused around the year.


TITLE - Psycho - physiological aspects & effect on resporatory system through Naturopathy on children age group 5-12 yrs
AUTHOR - Dr Shilpa Desai
••••••IJSER Edition - April 2021

UNIVERSITY - Shri Jagdish prashad jhabarmal tiberewala University
Dr Narendra Deshmukh
