Author:Dr. Sani Balarabe Auwalu

Dr. Sani Balarabe Auwalu

Oral Health & Development Department
United Kingdom

Program of Masters & PhD in Dentistry
Faculty of Engineering
University of Sheffield
United Kingdom



•••Globalisation and Oral Health in Nigeria

This study is about the issue of Globalisation, its impact on oral health in Nigeria. Globalisation, oral health and foreign policy are themes for consideration in Nigeria as a whole. Globalisation can, at its core be defined as a process of change affecting the nature of human interaction in every aspect of life as boundaries become eroded globally. Possible reasons for the current popularity of the concept of globalisation, are, the magnitude and pace with which it is occurring and the way technology is changing the world rapidly. Secondly, it is now commonly accepted that globalisation is not just the most recent economic craze but that the international environment is changing in profound ways, consequently impacting on developing countries. Globalisation influences Nigeria’s economic and trade policies, it has consequences for the sale and consumption of beverages like Coca Cola with subsequent implications for impacts on oral health. The world is indeed becoming a global village. There is increasing awareness of the consequences of our growing interactions in this global village and the importance of extending the appreciation of oral health issues amongst policy makers in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. Given Nigeria’s differences in health, infrastructural development, education, political and economic stability in comparison to other developing countries, the benefits of globalization are not likely to be the same for all. The major processes of globalisation in Africa would give an insight to how globalisation has probably become the new tool of exploitation in a modern form of colonialism.


TITLE - Globalisation and Oral Health in Nigeria
AUTHOR - Dr. Sani Balarabe Auwalu
••••••IJSER Edition - December 2016

UNIVERSITY - University of Sheffield
Dr. Barry Gibson
